Transcend Leadership Collective

Transcend Leadership Collective

I help business owners and executives resolve the "people issues" that keep them up at night. Refuse the limits of average leadership.

Discover what really sets world-class leaders apart. *Hint* It's not the systems.


Your messaging around your purpose-driven organization may not be engaging your employees like you were sold it would.

According to a recent HBR article (, the magic actually happens when we take the extra step to connect the organizational purpose to our employee’s individual sense of purpose.

But, how do you do that? Well, you:

Facilitate “purpose discovery” for all in the organization.
Promote “purpose sharing” to enhance collaboration and find mutual goals.
Encourage “purpose integration” by tailoring roles that align individual and company aims.
Implement “purpose reminders” in regular activities.

Our current Lift cohort will be getting deep into the tactical part in the coming weeks. Did you or your employees miss this round? Get on this list for the next. Don't be stuck at the bottom of the hill!

(image credit: Francesco Carta fotografo/Getty Images)


Heads up! New Episode! 🎙️
It’s planning season!!

In this episode, our producer Mary dives into how the Transcend Leadership Collective can help you level up your planning game!

Discover how strategic, quarterly, and annual planning can:

1. Give your goals a clear roadmap 🗺️
2. Keep everyone aligned and on track 🎯
3. Make sure you're always headed in the right direction 🧭
Want to know more? Listen now! 🎧


It’s podcast day once again! We’re still on our strategic planning high horse, and we’ll be on it for the foreseeable future. 🏇If you want to know what it is we even DO with businesses and organizations, stay tuned and we’ll be telling you!


Hey bosses: when your people find out what I do for a living, they often unload on me. Not at me, but on me.

They tell me all of the ways they feel used, abused, and undervalued in the workplace. They share the things they wish their bosses realized they were doing to them. Sometimes they give the benefit of the doubt, most times they don’t.

I always ask “Have you told them these things?” 99% of the time the response is, “They’ve never asked.”.


You need a process that allows your team to regularly give feedback that you may not want to hear, but you need to hear. My coaching 1:1 executive coaching works because I start your experience with a full 360 Evaluation of your leadership and EQ (Emotional Intelligence). I survey and assess not only you, but also your team. We get a solid grasp on how you want to encourage, influence, and motivate people that work for you and how you actually ARE doing those things.

When was the last time you gave your staff an opportunity to evaluate you? If you aren't proud of your answer, let's talk.

Staying Chill When Work Gets Wild | Transcend Leadership 09/30/2024

Free!! In-Person. Wednesday. Yakima. 10am-2pm. 4 spots left. Grab yours now.

Staying Chill When Work Gets Wild | Transcend Leadership A special FREE in-person workshop to learn strategies for equipping your people to engage in healthy conflict and how to use emotional intelligence to turn it into deeper connection, deeper trust, and better communication.


It’s an election year, and after yesterday, boy is it ever! In uncertain times, we are all being careful with how and where we invest our dollars.

So, why invest in Leadership Development and why now?

Investing in leadership development is not just a feel-good initiative; it’s a strategic move with measurable benefits. Studies show that for every dollar spent on quality leadership development, organizations see a SEVEN-dollar return. That’s a 7:1 ROI. But how do you ensure your investment is in “quality” leadership development? Read on and we'll break it down!

Photos from Transcend Leadership Collective's post 09/27/2024

Have you ever felt like your team just isn't getting it?

You've explained it multiple ways. Had a sit down with a couple employees. Even had meetings about getting The Thing moving.

I have good news and bad news. The problem could be YOU. If you don't have a clear, concise vision, you can't get clear, concise results. That's the bad news.

The GOOD news is that if you're the problem, you are also the solution, and lord knows it's easier to tweak something you're doing than tweak something multiple employees are doing. Want to find the shortcut? We'll show you the way!


Do you know how to spot emerging leaders worth investing in?

Let’s start with what most get wrong. The person with great technical skills is likely not going to be the person who excels at leading others. (Sorry, not sorry.) Doing the thing, and encouraging, motivating and inspiring a team to do the thing....are NOT 👏 THE 👏 SAME. 👏

Here’s what to look for instead:

They do their part to make a work environment feel like a place people actually want to be.🫰
They cheer others on, they don’t engage in jealousy, drama, gossip or politics.💅
They look for opportunities to build connection with others. 🤝
People like being around them. 😊

Do you want the shortcut to this and other major wins for your business? Start here:


Podcast Drop: Parijat Deshpande - Leading the Way in Healing Medical Trauma 🩺
CW: This episode discusses pregnancy and birth trauma.

Join us as we chat with the inspiring Parijat Deshpande, of .highriskpregnancy; a pioneer in the field of medical trauma healing, and founder of Ruvelle; a company that focuses exclusively on helping individuals heal from traumatic pregnancies and revolutionize their health moving forward.

In this episode, Parijat shares her journey from personal experience as a NICU mother to becoming a leader in supporting women in having healthier pregnancies. She discusses the challenges she faced and how she overcame them, as well as the importance of creating a supportive community for individuals who have experienced medical trauma.

Listen now to discover:
The power of leadership in healthcare 💪
The reality of operating a business in a “Blue Ocean” space
The importance of empathy and compassion in healing 🩺


Our fearless leader has made Sweatpants Sunday the official Sunday vibe for Transcend. Next Monday, come ready to share with the group everything you didn't do, and what you wore while not doing it! This is gonna be big. Prep the rest of the week so you can CRUSH doing nothing on Sunday. (We won't see you there, of course, since we'll be in our homes in sweats.)


A list of descriptors about your employees and business is not a brand.

Pizza parties aren't workplace culture.

And sales or marketing tactics aren't strategy.

Strategy requires knowing what tactics serve the vision for the company (or for your journey in your career. If you keep trying adding skills and tactics and not getting where you need to go, STOP RIGHT NOW. Let us help you solidify your vision.

If you need help mapping your way forward with your career, join The Lift. Registration ends at midnight tonight.


People don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses. The following post is more true today than when I wrote it 2 years ago:

Gen-X, we really need to pop our heads up and give this the same attention we give when we hear the first few bars of Brass Monkey drop, well, anywhere. (I might cry the first time I hear it overhead in the grocery store.)

If you believe there is no room for feelings in business, you will never hold onto top-shelf team members.

This only continues to prove true. Younger Millennials, and definitely Gen Z, have about zero bandwidth for a workplace that makes them feel like a cog in the machine or worse. They will bounce.

Ask someone why they left a boss and 9 times out of ten the sentence starts with “They made me feel. . .” and finishes with... I didn't there were favorites and I wasn’t one...always stressed I was always annoying a cog in their I never knew what was actually going I could never do the job good enough.

You get the idea. We like to believe us humans are very rational beings. Well, we are not. We are extremely emotionally driven. Just study marketing for 10 seconds if you doubt me.

If you don’t acknowledge and deal with emotions of your team members on the front end, you will be dealing with them on the back end and the back end charges 10x the energy and time.

If you take the time to model and mentor your younger employees around navigating tough conversations and working through conflict and coming out more connected on the other side, you will be providing a benefit they can find very few other places.

The LIFT does exactly this. We're heading up in the next few days. Don't get left at the bottom of the hill. Click the link to save your spot.


There has been so much good stuff happening that we didn't even share this week's podcast with you all yet!

Looking to Live a More Value-Drive Life? 🤔

Join us as we chat with Robert MacPhee, a seasoned leader and expert in values-based living. Robert has worked alongside the legendary Jack Canfield, and in this episode, he shares his invaluable insights on the power of aligning your actions with your core beliefs.

Listen in and discover:

Practical tips for identifying your core values ⚖
The impact of values on leadership and personal growth 🤝
How to live a more fulfilling and authentic life ✨

Don't miss this inspiring conversation! Tune in now on Apple Podcasts! 🎧


Let’s talk ROI of Leadership Development.

$7 back for every $1 invested. (Yes, you read that right!)

BUT...... this only becomes a reality if you are investing in the L&D development that has been proven to actually get results. So, what do we know about the elements of programs proven to actually work?

I'm so glad you asked!

The difference maker is educating not only on the need for Honest Communication, Healthy Conflict, Acceptance, Respect and Trust; but unpacking the brass tacks of HOW to do the above in real-life work settings.

That HHART if you will, is the foundation of everything we do here at Transcend Leadership Collective. Check out our podcast drop today for a deeper look at what makes leadership development opportunities worth investing in.


Many young people in today’s workforce who have zero interest in a formal leadership position.

A few of the reasons why:

❌ Lack of Leadership Development Opportunities:
Some may feel unprepared for leadership due to insufficient training or mentorship. Without clear paths to develop leadership skills, young workers might avoid taking on these roles.

🙀 Fear of Burnout:
With increasing awareness of mental health challenges and burnout, many young professionals are wary of leadership roles, which are often seen as all-consuming and potentially harmful to well-being.

🙄 Disillusionment with Corporate Structures:
Many young workers are skeptical of corporate hierarchies and leadership structures. They may feel that leadership roles are rigid and stifle innovation, or that leadership is too often disconnected from employees' real concerns.

The Lift addresses all of these blocks and facilitates real communication between current leadership and those who you would like to see become the next generation of leadership in your organization. Curious?

Head here:


When your workshop attendees invite you to dinner almost a year later to share the incredible impact the sessions had in not only the business, but their entire lives. . . 🤯🤗🥹

Dawn and Jody met up with Layci and Karelys of Transcend Leadership Collective to talk about all of the things that they have put in to practice after attending the Compass Sessions Leadership Training earlier this year! It is a great program for helping teams to set goals, define company values, and create a company culture that rocks!

Photos from Transcend Leadership Collective's post 09/17/2024

People skills—starting with excellent communication—are in demand more now than ever.

Frameworks for understanding the different ways people tick are a great starting point in sharpening your skills. Here is a peek at one of the many we introduce in The Lift, our program designed specifically for emerging leaders!


Leadership training is an absolute non-negotiable.

Leadership training is a necessity. (via Dean Elkholy)


How to Be a Great Leader, Even When You're Grieving?

August 26th, I lost my Dad. I haven’t gotten it perfect, but I have tried to lean into the following:

💡 Acknowledge Your Emotions:
Embrace your grief and allow yourself to feel it. Being vulnerable can inspire others to be authentic.

🧘 Take Time for Self-Care:
Prioritize your well-being. Your team will understand if you need to recharge. Leading starts with a healthy mindset.

🗣️ Communicate Openly:
Share your situation with your team. Transparency fosters trust and understanding.

👓 Communicate Your Capacity:
Each week for at least a month, make sure you are letting your team know roughly what percent you are operating at. 75%? 25%?

Is your short-term memory shot? Let them know you will need extra support remembering things. Are you fatiguing much more quickly than usual? Let them know and adjust your schedule accordingly.

👥 Delegate Responsibilities:
Let others step up when you're not at full capacity. Empowering your team shows trust and helps you manage the load.

🛑 Set Boundaries:
It's okay to say no or pause certain tasks. Leading during grief doesn’t mean overextending yourself.

🤝 Lean on Your Support System:
Connect with mentors or colleagues who can offer guidance and strength. No one has to lead alone.

Leading through grief is tough, but your authenticity, resilience, and ability to rely on others will strengthen you and your team. 💪


Though it may seem like it, we aren't the only ones out here preaching the value of equipping your employees! Check out this article by John Hall in Forbes outlining the very real benefits.


Want to start fall knowing you are investing in the most valuable skill for every single employee, no matter what position they hold in the company? As organizations come to grasp the full extent of what AI can do, they’re also coming to terms with all that it can’t do — those tasks that require the uniquely human skills that all businesses need.

People skills, starting with excellent communication, are in demand more now than ever. Frameworks for understanding the different ways people tick are a great starting point in sharpening your skills. Here is a peek at one of the many we introduce in The Lift, our program designed specifically for the emerging leaders.

💎 Philosophies of Value 💎
🔧 Pragmatist:
Asks you for the time, and all they want to know is what time it is, right now.

📓 📚 Intellectualist:
Asks you for the time, but to believe you they really want to know how the clock was made and if they can rely on it to tell accurate time.

🚻 🌎 Humanist:
Asks you for the time and they need to know if it is available in digital, analog and multiple time zones to make it accessible to all of the different people who might need to know the time.

None of these are better than the other. They just are. And the faster we can identify ourselves and orient our messaging to appeal to those with other philosophies of value, the better and more effective communicators we will be.

Want more? Check out The Lift. Head to the link to get registered for the next round!


🎙 Podcast Drop: Level Up Your Leadership with The Lift!

Hey there, future leaders! 🤝

Are you ready to take your leadership game the next level? We've got just the thing for you: The Lift! In this episode, Layci and Mary spill the tea on this awesome leadership intensive program designed to help you:

📈 Level up your skills: Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, The Lift has
something for everyone.

👩‍🎤 Build a rockstar team: Learn how to inspire, motivate, and empower your crew.

🧠 Think strategically: Sharpen your decision-making skills and drive your
business forward.

Listen now to discover why The Lift is the ultimate investment in your leadership
journey. Don't miss out!


Have you ever had a fresh hire that you just KNOW is going places? Their curious mindset, great social skills, and ability to learn on the fly is evident from day one. But, do you know how to keep them on your team?

If you're going to start anywhere, start by investing in them. Cultivating leadership skills in your team lets them know that you believe in them. It also means that you can promote from within with full confidence, rather than bumming everyone out by bringing in 'an outsider' and breaking morale.

We are set to begin a new cohort of The Lift, our leadership development program, in only a few weeks. Get on the waitlist to be the first to sign up. Once spots are filled, you'll have to wait until the next session. Don't miss out on this.


Raise your hand if you love hop harvest! 🙋‍♀️

Late summer and early fall is a magical time in the Yakima Valley; hop harvest leads right into apple harvest, and we get to have fresh cider just in time for the crispy days of autumn.

Now, raise your hand if you love the frenetic pace, unexpected challenges, and heightened emotions among coworkers and employees.

.....Yeah, that's never a highlight.

BUT, if your business IS agriculture, you're going to have to handle it one way or another. That's where we come in! The Dr. John Reeves Agribusiness Institute allows us to serve your organization however you may have the need for; from boots on the ground ops, to succession planning for the next phase, we can both equip you with the tools, and train you how to use them.

Curious? Head here:


We love hearing about the goodness our cohort got out of the inaugural round of The Lift! 💖

If you're feeling:

👨‍💻 Stuck in a career rut

😳 Terrified of stepping into a leadership role

😤 Like your boss doesn't have space for your vision
...then listen to how things could feel after The Lift! Emma Fasching wants to share her experience with you.

"The Lift gave me the tools to really dig in deep to myself as a leader. Look at what I was doing and evaluate in an honest way. I loved having the opportunity to dissect and talk through each session as a group. I always walked away feeling empowered and refreshed in my leadership journey. I can’t recommend The Lift enough!"

Thanks Emma! If YOU want to get in on the next round, sign up here:

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Yakima?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Do you know how to spot emerging leaders worth investing in?Let’s start with what most get wrong. The person with great ...
Podcast Drop: Parijat Deshpande - Leading the Way in Healing Medical Trauma 🩺CW: This episode discusses pregnancy and bi...
There has been so much good stuff happening that we didn't even share this week's podcast with you all yet!Looking to Li...
Many young people in today’s workforce who have zero interest in a formal leadership position.A few of the reasons why:❌...
🎙 Podcast Drop: Level Up Your Leadership with The Lift!Hey there, future leaders! 🤝 Are you ready to take your leadershi...
Podcast Drop!! Overcoming Self-Doubt with Laura Aura 🎙️✨Join us as we chat with the incredible LauraAura, an entrepreneu...
Feeling lost? Tired of playing small? 💫 🎧 Join us as we chat with the incredible Becky Plautz ♡ Your Connection Strategi...
We were so delighted to have Kathleen Donaldson as part of our first ever cohort for The Lift! She was kind enough to sh...
🚨  **New Episode Alert!** 🚨 We're excited to share our latest episode featuring Dr. John Reeves, a true leader in the fa...
Unleash the Power of Epigenetics
🚨🚨New Episode Alert! 🚨🚨Join Layci and Mary as they dive deep into the world of visionary leadership in our latest podcas...
In our latest episode, we are honored to have @dtas_llc , a trauma-informed coach for high performers, share her incredi...



Yakima, WA

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Yakima’s First and Only Training Gym for Athletes

Yakima lightning youth baseball team Yakima lightning youth baseball team
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509 Street Legit 509 Street Legit

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Champion Gymnastics and Athletics CGA Champion Gymnastics and Athletics CGA
2200 S 36th Avenue
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Gymnastics classes, extended pre-school, ninja , flag football, field rental, plyometrics and more!

Parker YOUTH Sports Parker YOUTH Sports
6 S 2ND Street STE 1009
Yakima, 98901

Founded by brothers Brian and Edward Toft, LOFFF was born out of a passion for skateboarding and str