Alternative Healing by Romy

Alternative Healing �


A key aspect of this process is practicing self-love and self-compassion. It involves acknowledging one’s worth and embracing the fact that they deserve to be seen, heard, and felt. This may involve affirmations, visualization, and other mindfulness practices to help reprogram the subconscious mind and cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth.

While it’s important to work on reprogramming the subconscious mind, it’s also crucial to recognize that this is an ongoing process. Old programming and conditioning do not disappear overnight, and it takes time and commitment to overwrite these beliefs with ones that empower and uplift.

It’s also important to acknowledge that these subconscious beliefs may continue to impact one’s energy and confidence, even as they work on reprogramming them. It’s essential to be patient and compassionate with oneself, and to continue to nurture and support one’s mental and emotional well-being.


Caption: 🌟 From Tragedy to Triumph 🌟 In 2017, my life took an unexpected turn when excruciating abdominal pain led to a diagnosis of appendicitis. What followed was a whirlwind of complications, with my appendix bursting during surgery, resulting in a severe infection and the need for emergency open surgery. I spent days hooked up to machines, fighting septicemia and relying on the unwavering support of my husband, family and friends.
I felt disconnected from the world for a bit, but a close connection to all animals, and plants, as if they understood me.

But I refused to let this define me. With determination and resilience, I embarked on a long healing journey. Months of treatment, including vacuum therapy, helped me regain my strength and rebuild my body. I never stopped pursuing my passions, continuing my training in Qigong and Taekwon-Do, which played a crucial role in my recovery.

Inspired by my own experiences, I delved into the world of holistic healing, studying the works of Mantak Chia and focusing on the importance of belly and organ health. This newfound knowledge led me to host workshops, sharing my story and helping others on their own healing journeys.

Today, in 2023, I stand as a testament to the power of resilience and self-discovery. What once seemed like a tragedy has become a blessing in disguise. I am grateful for the lessons learned and the strength I have gained. Join me as we embrace the transformative power of healing and holistic well-being. 💪🌿✨


(Verse 1)
When a walks into the room, oh what a sight to see
Their and , fills the air so
And as they look up to you, with eyes so full of
It's important to light up your eyes, and let your gleam

For a child's is and kind
Their joy contagious, it's a precious find
So light your eyes up brightly, let your smile shine
Make them feel welcomed, and their will

(Verse 2)
In a world that can be cold and harsh, a child brings warmth and light
Their laughter and their , can make everything feel right
So when they enter your presence, embrace them with open arms
Light your eyes up brightly, and let your smile work its charms

For a child's heart is pure and kind
Their joy contagious, it's a precious find
So light your eyes up , let your smile shine
Make them feel , and their spirits will align

A child's smile is a treasure, a gift so full of
It has the power to heal, to bring a smile to any face
So cherish these moments, for they won't last forever
Light your eyes up brightly, and let your smile endeavor

For a child's heart is pure and kind
Their joy contagious, it's a precious find
So light your eyes up brightly, let your smile shine
Make them feel welcomed, and their spirits will align

So remember, when a child walks in, let your love and warmth ignite
Light your eyes up brightly, and let your smile be the guiding light
For in their presence, you have the power to make their day
And in return, their joy will brighten your own along the way

Sing along with the song I wrote for healing ❤️


Dear Angels,
divine beings of love and light,
I call upon you in this sacred night.
Open my heart, my mind, my soul,
And guide me towards my highest goal.

In your presence,
I find solace and peace,
A sanctuary where all worries cease.
I recognize my worthiness of your aid,
As I open myself to the blessings you've laid.

You are infinite and omnipresent,
I know,
With the ability to help everyone,
high and low.
My request does not diminish your grace,
For you shower love upon the whole human race.

Beyond time and space, you exist,
Responding to all with love that persists.
With complete unconditional love,
you embrace,
Guiding me through life's challenges and grace.

I humbly ask for your assistance today,
To guide me on my path,
to show me the way.
Illuminate my journey with your divine light,
And fill my heart with love,
pure and bright.

Thank you, dear Angels,
for your presence near,
For hearing my prayers,
and calming my fear.
I surrender to your guidance and love,
And trust in the blessings sent from above.

In gratitude and faith,
I release this plea,
Knowing that you are always with me.
Blessings and love, I send to you,
Thank you, dear Angels, for all that you do.

Amen 🙏


moss, also known as Irish moss, is a type of red algae that grows naturally in the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, and recent research has shown that it may have numerous health benefits.

One of the primary benefits of sea moss is its high content. In fact, it contains 92 out of the 102 minerals that the human body needs to function properly. These minerals include:

1. Calcium
2. Iron
3. Magnesium
4. Phosphorus
5. Potassium
6. Sodium
7. Zinc
8. Copper
9. Iodine
10. Sulfur
11. Boron
12. Chromium
13. Manganese
14. Selenium
15. Vanadium
16. Nickel
17. Silica
18. Cobalt
19. Molybdenum
20. Tin
21. Titanium
22. Germanium
23. Scandium
24. Gallium
25. Rubidium
26. Lanthanum
27. Yttrium
28. Barium
29. Cerium
30. Cesium
31. Hafnium
32. Samarium
33. Terbium
34. Thulium
35. Dysprosium
36. Erbium
37. Gadolinium
38. Holmium
39. Lutetium
40. Neodymium
41. Praseodymium
42. Promethium
43. Europium
44. Thallium
45. Bismuth
46. Lead
47. Gold
48. Silver
49. Aluminum
50. Antimony
51. Arsenic
52. Beryllium
53. Cadmium
54. Carbon
55. Chlorine
56. Fluorine
57. Hydrogen
58. Nitrogen
59. Oxygen
60. Selenium
61. Silicon
62. Strontium
63. Tellurium
64. Tungsten
65. Uranium
66. Ytterbium
67. Zirconium

The minerals that are missing from sea moss include:

1. Chloride
2. Carbonate
3. Fluoride
4. Lithium
5. Oxygen
6. Nitrogen
7. Phosphate
8. Sulfate
9. Carbon

Sea moss is also rich in vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. It is also a good source of dietary fiber and contains small amounts of protein and carbohydrates.


The muscle is a deep-seated that connects the lower spine to the upper thigh bone. It is one of the most important muscles in the body, responsible for a wide range of functions, including hip flexion, stabilization, and overall mobility.

But the psoas muscle is not just a physical muscle; it is also deeply connected to our emotions and health. The psoas muscle is part of the body's fight or flight response, which helps us to respond quickly to danger or stress. When we are under stress, the psoas muscle can become tight and tense, leading to a range of physical symptoms, including back , hip pain, and digestive issues.

But the effects of a tight psoas muscle go beyond just physical symptoms. The psoas muscle is also connected to the body's emotional response, and a psoas muscle can lead to feelings of anxiety, fear, and even depression. This is because the psoas muscle is connected to the nervous system, which controls our body's response to stress and danger.

When the psoas muscle is tight, it can activate the sympathetic nervous system, leading to an increase in heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure. This can cause feelings of anxiety and fear, as well as physical symptoms like sweating and trembling.

On the other hand, when the psoas muscle is relaxed and , it can help to activate the nervous system, which is responsible for rest and relaxation. This can lead to feelings of calm and peace, as well as physical benefits like improved digestion and better .

In summary, the function of the psoas muscle goes beyond just physical movement; it is deeply connected to our emotional and mental health. By keeping the psoas muscle relaxed and supple, we can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, and improve our overall well-being.


Worth as a post on my page.

No more shame, hate or guilt towards my past. Because I have come to accept that I am powerful today because of ALL my experiences.


A little altar for Luna, who was on fire last night 🔥


She was shining so beautiful last night ❤️


While some fear turning into werewolves,
I howl because I am in my element.


Experiencing healing and magic in many disciplines. Online and Cape Town only.


"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness."

"He said to her, 'Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”


When a man chooses a woman who follows her calling, his only chance to maintain the connection is in following her… and above all in creating space for her to follow her own path.
It may happen that he needs to abandon his own neediness, or that he finds a means of healing through their common path – but not in the gentlest manner.

When a man chooses a woman who heals the collective wounds of the women by following her calling, his Yes for her equals a Yes to a bigger purpose far beyond building a house or raising children. Their connection goes beyond fulfilling the classical gender role models.

For this man accepts the job of having the back of this woman, of catching her when she cannot transform the pain of the world anymore. It means for him to welcome a different form of sexuality, since healing on the level of sexuality is one of the most profound issues of the woman who needs to become a healer.

For him this, again, is about welcoming slowness, softness and healing – about holding back or redirecting his own drive… about being present for the whole.

Because when a man chooses a woman who aims for freedom, they can only achieve this together… and by him leaving his narcissistic aspects behind and recognizing the path of the woman as his own path towards freedom.

When a man chooses a woman who is bigger, he cannot dwell in the places of energies of oppression or of playing small. He – if he chooses to take on this mission with her – accepts a task serving the well-being of all men, even though it happens in the background. Within this background he creates space of security, of keeping her safe from an ambush bred by his own old wounds, driving her into submission.

When a man chooses a woman out of his fascination with her radiance and wisdom, it must be obvious to him that he cannot be stuck within his own deficits in a way that makes him want to diminish her radiance… purely out of fear of having to share her with others.

When a man chooses a woman who follows her calling, he cannot fear these words: respect, humility and surrender. He will rather walk the path of divinity – alongside his woman, the healer – with gratitude and an overflowing heart.

For such a woman will choose – if she ever needs to choose – in favour of the well-being of all women …and she will choose walking her path alone instead of leaving it for him. Nevertheless, she is aware of the power that lies in the presence of a man who is beating the drums… for her.~

~Moksha Devi Sunshine

art: Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado


I am convinced I was born to BREAK certain patterns …
Simply to liberate myself and the future of my bloodline.


Another successful training day! Would you like to spoil your feet?
Then let our wonderful therapists give you a 30 minute treatment for only R100,- in the month of June. In SEAPOINT Cape Town! Book your appointment now!


Do you agree?


We are so excited to congratulate our first group of Feet Therapists, who are ready to embark a new journey!
Thank you Simone for all the wonderful knowledge shared and we can’t wait to spoil many feet!

This Thursday 16th of June at 10AM till 12PM and Saturday at 12 till 2PM, we are giving away “almost” free massages R100,- for 30 minutes just for us to get in to the flow of things…

Book your session now!
54 regent road, seapoint CapeTown
Ring bell 1 !

Would you like to join our team?
Send me a private message!

Guided partner massage 09/06/2022

Guided partner massage Sun Jun 12 2022 at 10:00 am, A guided partner massage of 120 how to read your partners energy and body language and assist in releasing and relaxing the experience needed.


I’m so excited about this passion project!
Please forward this to couples that need this and can benefit from this beautiful treatment - it will be this coming Sunday morning at 10 till 12. Book now! (Online as well! )



Todays workshop was all about feet. We can’t wait to share more about our new venture!


How can one boost the immune system by using the voice?

Simply look at how the brain and the body are connected! The voice is a very powerful energy tool, controlled by the brain. And Yes, you connect with the outside world and make your contributions to this world trough expression, but you also boost your immune system by strengthening the lungs and diaphragm and organs trough breath and internal movement!

So it’s kind of a win win situation 😅😂😇


In order to be able to master and heal your voice you have to understand how it works. This is what you learn at .hitchat grace nodoli giselle annie phx


My liver and stomach feel so good today after a CNT treatment from my colleague and friend Marissa Brendel ✨]

A lot of release has been done, old stuff came up but I feel lighter now,
And now I can start building my body again. If you urgently need a especially If I’m not available please contact Marissa Brendel ✨]

Lots of love ❤️


Just as a tree grows, the sun glows, a river flows, the wind blows, and a seed becomes a rose, that is the Tao.

Simply put, the Tao is nature, the way, the flow of nature.

That essence, the energy that is flowing, is the will of God, infinity, or whatever you want to call it. That same essence is inside you.

Once you learn to connect with this essence inside of you, you learn to connect with the essence outside of you.

The Taoists explain in the five-element theory that at this moment you are connecting with your molecular parents and they are embracing you.
Every aspect of nature, of the five elements, is inside your body and your energy vibration:

― The same energy of the trees is in your liver.
― The same energy vibration of your heart is in the sun.
― The same energy vibration of the river is in the kidneys.
― The same energy vibration in the lungs is in the rock or the metal.
― The same energy vibration in the spleen and pancreas is in the earth.

That is why you feel at peace, at ease with yourself, because you are connecting with the Tao, and the Tao is connecting with you. ~ Grandmaster Mantak Chia

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In order to be able to master and heal your voice you have to understand how it works. This is what you learn at @meacad...



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