Lindri Versekerings Makelaars

We as brokers strife to give honest advise and service to our clients. We try our utter best to give

Photos from Lindri Versekerings Makelaars's post 11/06/2024




The City of Ekurhuleni has issued an alert, warning motorists to be on the lookout for criminal activity at drive-thrus and petrol stations, which are becoming a hotspot for thieves.

The city said that there are many growing hotspots for crime, but its law enforcement agencies have reported a spike in robberies of motorists – particularly females – at fuelling stations.

It said motorists are becoming victims of crimes when sympathising with criminals disguised as distressed individuals, only to be robbed of their belongings.

While female motorists are more likely to sympathise with distressed individuals and end up robbed, male motorists are more likely to be targeted by extortion scams like the ‘school girl scam‘, which is also happening at fuel service stations.

Another growing crime trend is happening at drive-thru facilities.

The city said that criminals have recently adopted a new strategy of barricading a targeted victim’s car while in the queue to place their order and rob them of their personal belongings.

"By law, every private establishment reserves the right of entry, and those who enter do so at their own risk. It is for this reason law enforcers caution motorists to always be aware of their surroundings to avoid being victims of crime," the city said.

Drive-thrus also leave motorists vulnerable to hijackings. Security companies previously warned that hijackers have adapted the “box in” strategy to target victims at drive-thrus.

These hijackings typically happen as patrons get to the front of the queue, and armed suspects from the vehicle in front get out and attempt to hijack the vehicle.

There are usually two cars involved, the vehicle behind the victim, blocks in the car when they try and reverse.

Security experts have offered the following advice to avoid becoming a victim of these crimes:

Petrol stations
• Keep your valuables out of sight, or in the boot
• If you get approached by someone who appears in distress, alert the service station
• Lock your doors and do not engage with anyone that is not an employee of the service station

• Keep your bag in the boot – have your cash and card on hand for quick payment.
• Only use well-frequented drive-thrus and avoid any retail establishments which are dimly lit or isolated at night.
• Try and only order food at peak times when patronage is at its highest.
• Keep all your windows and doors closed while waiting for your order.
• If possible, don’t take children with you to the drive-thru, as they can be distracting.

Credit: BusinessTech

Diewe teiken selfone, beursies | Maroela Media 26/03/2024

Diewe teiken selfone, beursies | Maroela Media Virseker het oor die afgelope paar maande ʼn toename van 14% in eise vir die diefstal van draagbare goedere en ʼn 8%-styging in eise vir diefstal uit voertuie opgemerk.


The benefits of installing Surge Protection Devices
Dr Andrew Dickson an Engineering Executive notes that while Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) may be a grudge purchase, they can limit the high peak voltages that occur when electricity returns after load shedding, diverting the spikes (transients) away from your distribution board. "Plus, they cost a lot less than having to buy a new TV, fridge or gate motor."
He explains that, with load shedding, when the electricity is turned back on at a substation, it can send a voltage pulse of several thousand volts into the network.
"The problem is that the average home runs on 230 volts, so when the lights come on again, all electrical items, including your lights and appliances, may receive an unexpected voltage spike, followed by a power surge from the returning main supply. This only lasts for a microsecond, but it is enough to result in a point of failure within equipment which may cause significant damage."
Describing how SPDs work, Dr Dickson shares, "In the event of a voltage surge, where the voltage is greater than what a home’s appliances can generally handle, these devices clamp the voltage, providing a path to ground where the excess energy is dumped, limiting the excess voltage spreading into the home, and thereby keeping the voltage at an acceptable level. Different SPDs can absorb different amounts of energy. If these levels are exceeded, it could affect the device, which is why all SPDs have an indicator to show the user that it is either operational or at the end of its life."
"You would typically use a Class 2 SPD which is installed within the distribution board by a licensed electrician to prevent the spread of over-voltages within the electrical system and protect whatever is connected to it. For sensitive electronic devices like TVs, routers and home entertainment systems, you might want to supplement this with Class 3 devices at the point of consumption which is typically a plug-in adaptor," he points out.
To ensure that homeowners are protected, Dr Dickson advises that they check the devices after load shedding or a storm to see if the indicator still shows that they are in good working order. "While SPDs are risk mitigation measures, they will eventually fail so need to be checked on a regular basis, especially with Eskom stating that ‘protracted load shedding’ will continue for the foreseeable future. "
"In the face of escalating load shedding, consumers have embraced SPDs deflecting potential damage, safeguarding their homes, and preserving their peace of mind. And I encourage more people to take proactive action in this regard because just like having an insurance policy, they often underestimate the benefit of these devices until after an event has occurred," Dr Dickson concludes.
For more information, go to

Photos from Lindri Versekerings Makelaars's post 01/01/2024


● Roetiene is jou grootste vyand. Hou in gedagte, wanneer iemand beplan om jou te hi-jack of jou te roof word dit dae en selfs weke voor die tyd beplan.
● Jy word dopgehou vooraf. Let op wanneer jy jou huis verlaat, elke keer wanneer jy jou huis verlaat, wees oplettend vir enige vreemde voertuie of persone wat doelloos rondhang. As dit nie vir jou is nie, dalk is jou buurman die target.
● Dieselfde vir wanneer jy terugkom by die huis. Wees oplettend vir enige voorwerpe buite jou erf op die sypaadtjie / gras. Enige iets buiten gewoon.
● Probeer jou roetiene verander so dikwels jy kan. Moenie elke keer van en na jou huis dieselfde paaie ry nie. As jy kan, ry elke keer n ander roete.
● As jy ‘n oprithek het, moenie tot reg voor jou hek ry en hom dan begin oopmaak nie. As jy kan, stop in die pad, wanneer jy kan, ry dan eers in, en maak seker jy wag totdat die hek toemaak agter jou. Hou jou deure gesluit.
● Wanneer die hek agter jou toemaak, blaas n paar keer jou to**er. Derhalwe laat weet jy jou huismense jys tuis hul kan dan ook vir jou uitkyk, en al is niemand by die huis nie, trek jy moontlik die bure se aandag en skrik voornemende booswigte weg.
● Gepraat van voertuie, gaan vind bietjie uit die voertuig waarmee jy ry waar hy le op die hi-jacking lys. Dit sal jou gou ‘n indikasie gee van hoe groot teiken jy nou eintlik is in jou kar, nou kan jy tot die besef kom dat jy moontlik strenger veiligheidsmaatreels moet volg, veral as jy vrou alleen ry.
● Haal maar die paar rand uit en kom oor die taxi storie met getinte vensters. As jy nog nie het nie, laat sit maar smash-n-grab op. Verkieslik, laat die agterste vensters donkerder maak as die voorste. Dit maak dit moeilik om te sien hoeveel persone in jou voertuig is.
● Dames, kry n reflector onderbaadjie en hang dit oor die voorste passasierssitplek van jou voertuig, dit skep die indruk jy kan moontlik self n geregsbode wees.
● Wanner jy terugkom by jou voertuig in n parkeer area, doen die moeite en kyk of daar enige voorwerpe voor of agter jou wiele geplaas is. Maak ook seker vir die eerste paar kilometers soos jy ry, dat jy nie agtervolg word nie.
● Moet nooit te naby aan n voertuig voor jou stop by n stop of verkeerslig nie. Hou jou volgafstand selfs as jy by n stop kom. Let op wie en wat is voor en agter jou soos wat jy na n stop aankom. Let ook op vir enige doellose persone wat net daar staan.
● Moet nooit met jou venster totaal oop ry nie maar ook nie totaal toe nie. Venster wat kan oopmaak, hou hul so sentimeter oop, dit maak dit moeilik om die venster te breek.
● Hou jou woede in vir eendag wanneer jy dit regtig nodig kry. As iemand voor jou inry, gee hom kans sonder om te vloek gil en skree. Niks sal van jou afval nie, jy bly dalk net lewe. Moenie skoor soek op die pad nie, moenie op dodgy plekke ry nie.
● Hou jou deure altyd gesluit. As jou pad versper is, moenie stop en uitklim nie, ry bo oor as jy kan of kom vinnig weg. Indien jy nie kan nie, geen jou aanvallers wat hul soek. Moenie probeer in hul oe kyk nie. Moenie met ander mense wat dalk saam jou is in n taal praat wat jou aanvallers nie kan verstaan nie. Hou jou hande met jou palms na hulle waar hul dit die heeltyd kan sien. Dont try to be a hero.
● Baie kere het die aanvallers reeds binne die huis gewag of daar mense tuis was of nie. Ek kan nie genoeg stres daarop sit dat jy ALTYD oplettend moet wees, leer dit gou aan.
● Let op na jou honde se gedrag wanneer jy by die huis kom. As jy honde het, en hul kom ontmoet jou nie met jou tuiskoms nie, kry hul eers voordat jy n deur oopsluit of binne jou huis gaan.
● As jou oprit hek nie werk nie, bel jou sekuriteit, moenie uit jou voertuig klim nie. Vir geen rede. Ry eerder weg en kry hulp om saam met jou te gaan ondersoek instel. Let op vir enige beweging by enige van die gordyne.
● Hierdie steek my heel in die krop, maar as jy dan nou n bediende moet he, in Vaders Naam moet nooit sleutels of remotes aan haar toevertrou nie.
● Moet nooit van jou huisdeure wat na buite lei se sleutels aan n sleutelhouer oop en bloot laat hang terwyl jou bediende alleen daar is nie. Sleutels en remotes kan "ge-copy" word.
● Met of sonder n bediende, maak elke aand seker alle vensters groot en klein is toe en dat alle deure gesluit is. Elke aand.
● Jy ken mos jou huis, spaar jou krag en skakel alle ligte binne jou huis af wanneer jy gaan slaap. Spandeer eerder geld en los die buiteligte almal aan gedurende die aand.
● As jy kan, kry n alarmstelsel op of om jou grensmure/ heining. Jy wil nie weet wanneer hy reeds in die huis nie, jy wil weet wanneer hy binne jou erf kom.
● Kry n veiligheidshek tussen jou slaapkamers in die res van die huis.
● Maak seker jou radio en tv ens is afgeskakel sodat n geraas / geluid jou sal wakker maak.
● Moet vir geen maar geen geraas uitgaan nie. Nie vir n huilende kind nie, tuinkrane begin nie in middel van die nag vanself te loop nie. Enige iets wat buitengewoon is, bel vir hulp.
● Ons is Boere en ons hou van braai. Dit beteken nie omdat jy slack en n goeie tyd het, jou aanvallers gaan ook nie. Dis juis wanneer dit vir hul die maklikste is. Wees altyd bedag. Veral wanneer jy chill buite by die swembad langs die vuur. Daardie lekker reuk lok die wolwe. Gaan haal jou vuurwapen uit die kluis en hou hom altyd by jou.
● As dit moontlik is, stel ‘n wag of ‘n “brandwag” aan om jou vroeg te waarsku, sou daar rowers opdaag. Het jy al ooit ‘n trop bobbejane suksesvol bekruip? NEE, die brandwag waarsku hulle vroeg genoeg en hulle kom veilig weg!
● Wanneer jy mall toe gaan, kerk toe gaan of wanneer jy braai. Dit maak nie saak wat jy doen of waar jy is nie, jy IS ALTYD n target.
● As jy honde het, laat een ten minste binne jou huis slaap. Dit is steeds die beste alarm wat nie vergiftig kan word nie.
● Bere jou strykyster en groot potte en messe en sulke goed agter slot. Dit klink stupid, maar dit wat hul nie in die hande kry nie, kan hul nie jou mee seermaak nie. Dieselfde geld vir jou tuingereedskap.
● Hierdie reels geld maak nie saak waar jy bly of waarmee jy ry nie.
● Leer jou kinders van so vroeg as moontlik al hierdie dinge. Stel n noodplan op tussen jou huismense, sodat as enige iets gebeur elkeen weet wat om te doen, waar om te gaan en waarvoor om uit te kyk.
● Ek weet van baie mans wat d**k hul spaar hul vrouens en kinders van die negatiewe en deel nie hierdie dinge met hul nie, wat d**k hul beskerm hul geliefdes deur hul nie paraat te maak nie.
● Glo vir my, met paraatheid en voorbereiding vir wat kan moontlik gebeur stel elk persoon in n posisie om in n nood situasie beter koelkop op te tree en dit is wat lewens red.
● Couples, gaan doen n selfverdedingskursus saam en vat die kinders wat al kan, saam dat hul ook leer.

Photos from Lindri Versekerings Makelaars's post 03/11/2023

Dankie Jesus vir die eer om die toekenning te kon ontvang. Uit 4 streke, Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga en Noord-wes stap ons weg met n goud.


Important info regarding powersurge ect from Santam.
Posted on 28 April 2023 by Moonstone Information Refinery — Leave a comment
Santam, the largest short-term insurer in South Africa, is introducing mandatory excesses and exclusions on its power surge cover, saying it needs to protect the sustainability of this cover amid a significant increase in claims.

In addition, Santam is tightening its general exclusion for damage caused by electricity grid failure or interruption, saying “a catastrophic event of this nature can no longer be ruled out”.

The changes apply to existing clients from 1 June and are effective for all quotations for new business from 31 March.

The insurer’s power surge claims have increased by about 50% during the past 12 months, and by more than 200% over the past three years, said Andrew Coutts, the executive head of Santam Broker Solutions.

“The changes being made are to help us ensure the sustainability of this power surge cover going forward and to incentivise our clients to take preventative actions that help avoid such losses,” Coutts said.

Power surge excesses and exclusions
Personal lines clients will pay an excess of R2 500 when claiming for power surge, accidental damage to fixed machinery, mechanical, electrical, or electronic damage covered under the Contents and Buildings sections of their policies.

Commercial lines clients will pay an excess of 10% of the claim, subject to a minimum of R5 000, when claiming for power surge damage.

Power surge cover has been removed from the Accidental Damage section of commercial lines policies and must be explicitly purchased as an extension of cover.

The following exclusions will apply to both personal lines and commercial lines policies:

Power surge damage that occurs because electricity is switched on following loadshedding of more than 12 consecutive hours; and
Power surge damage that occurs because electricity is switched on following electricity grid failure or interruption.
Clients will not be covered for power surge damage if an electricity grid failure occurs during loadshedding, even if the power is restored within 12 hours of when the loadshedding started. Santam said because electricity grid failure or interruption is specifically excluded from power surge cover, clients do not have cover if grid failure overlaps with loadshedding.

Santam emphasised that the minimum excess will apply in all instances, including to clients over the age of 55, and clients will not be able to reduce the excess by paying a higher premium.

In addition, policy wordings that provided for power surge excesses to be waived if the client had a surge protector have been removed. These include bespoke wordings that allowed for different excess terms depending on the presence of surge protectors.

However, Santam said it was testing the effectiveness of different types of surge protectors, “which will inform any future decisions on both excesses and premiums”.

General electricity grid failure or interruption exclusion
Santam’s general electricity grid failure or interruption exclusion applies to all policies.

In the case of commercial policies, the exclusion is under the General section, which means it applies to the entire policy, including the Business Interruption section.

Santam said the elective extensions to other premises, under the Business Interruption section, namely public telecommunications – insured perils and public utilities – insured perils, will respond when:

An insured peril occurs at the premises of a public utility or public telecommunications entity;
The peril causes physical damage at the entity’s premises that results in the loss of supply of its service to an insured who has this extension;
The loss of supply interrupts the insured business; and
The loss of supply from the public utility or public telecommunications entity does not affect an area equal to or greater than the municipality within which any business of the insured is located.
The general exclusion includes power surge damage that occurs because electricity is switched on following loadshedding of more than 12 consecutive hours/following electricity grid failure or interruption.

In the case of personal lines, the general exclusion will also include:

Any damage caused directly or indirectly by electricity grid failure or interruption; and
The spoiling of fridge/freezer contents because of a total or partial interruption, interference, suspension, blackout, failure, of any electricity supply, irrespective of the duration or geographical extent.
What is meant by ‘grid failure or interruption’?
Loadshedding is when an empowered authority suspends or interrupts the supply of electricity as part of a planned schedule to prevent damage to the electricity grid, whereas electricity grid failure or interruption is an unplanned and unforeseen event.

Santam pointed out that loadshedding itself has never been an insured peril. The only cover that may have responded to loadshedding was personal lines cover for the spoiling of fridge/freezer contents where the power interruption lasted longer than 24 hours. This cover has now explicitly been removed.

Electricity grid failure or interruption means a total or partial interruption, interference, suspension, blackout, failure, of any electricity supply affecting the whole of or any area larger than the municipality (local, district or metropolitan) within which any business/insured premises of the policyholder is located.

Where a grid interruption occurs that is not caused by scheduled loadshedding/interruption, as defined (it is not scheduled and not communicated), it forms part of Santam’s electricity grid failure or interruption exclusion.

The grid failure or interruption exclusion mentions “caused directly or indirectly by the electricity grid failure or interruption”. What does this mean?

“If the damage was caused directly or indirectly by the systemic event – in this case, electricity grid failure or interruption – then there is no cover. If the cause of the damage is far enough removed to be considered to be not directly or indirectly linked to the electricity grid failure or interruption, then there is cover. This will be determined at claims stage and in accordance with terms and conditions of our insurance contract,” Santam said.

It provided the following example: a traffic light is not working because of electricity grid failure and a car accident occurs because a driver jumps the intersection. In this case, the cause of the accident is the negligence of the driver. Assuming all other policy conditions are met, the claim will not be impacted by the grid failure exclusion.

How do lightning strikes affect cover?
Santam said lightning strikes affect policyholders’ cover as follows:

If lightning strikes your house and causes power surge damage, you will have cover, irrespective of any power surge extension on the policy, because the proximate cause is lightning.
If lightning strikes an electricity substation and a surge runs through the power lines to your house causing damage, you have cover because the proximate cause is lightning. In this instance, there is no grid interruption or failure, so you have cover.
If lightning strikes an electricity substation and it causes a grid failure or grid interruption, there is no cover.
If there is a power surge when the grid is switched back on, there is no cover because it follows electricity grid failure or interruption.
When cover for loss of fridge/freezer contents applies
Santam said its cover for the loss of fridge/freezer contents remains in place, except for the following exclusions:

Spoiling caused by someone adjusting the temperature control;
Damage to the refrigerator or freezer;
Spoiling as a result of a total or partial interruption, interference, suspension, blackout, failure, of any electricity supply irrespective of the duration thereof or its geographical extent; or
Spoiling as a result of not purchasing or paying for power or any type of fuel.
Examples of when cover is provided:

Your distribution board accidentally trips, which causes your fridge/freezer contents to spoil because there is no electricity.
Accidental damage to the plug socket causes a sudden, unforeseen loss of power supply that goes unnoticed for hours. For example, children playing with a ball that knocks the freezer plug out of the socket.
You unplug the fridge socket to use it for another appliance and forget to plug it in again.
How the exclusion affects fridge/freezer contents cover in a commercial policy
The electricity grid failure or interruption exclusion specifically excludes cover for damage to fridge/freezer contents under the Householders section of a commercial policy, Santam said.

However, if the policy has an extension of cover for fridge/freezer contents, Santam will indemnify the insured following the accidental spoiling of the contents of fridges or freezers (including freezing-rooms and cold stores) inside the insured’s private residence or domestic outbuildings caused by a change in temperature, unless:

Spoiling is a result of a total or partial interruption, interference, suspension, blackout, failure, of any electricity supply, irrespective of the duration thereof or its geographical extent;
Spoiling is caused by someone adjusting the temperature control; or
Spoiling is a result of the power being cut because of non-payment for the power supply or fuel.
The insured amount under this extension is based on a percentage of the Contents insured amount and will increase or decrease with any changes in the Contents insured amount.

Tips to reduce power surge damage
Santam advised policyholders that the following may reduce or eliminate their risk of loss because of a power surge:

Unplug your devices when the power has been switched off. After the power has been restored to your premises, it should be safe to plug them back in again. This is particularly important in the event of an electricity grid failure or interruption.
Surge arrestors or surge protection devices may provide protection, depending on the type of surge experienced. The following should be considered:
The device should have a warranty of at least five years, for which you should receive an installation certificate.
The device should protect against over-voltage, under-voltage, multiple strikes and lightning surge.

Photos from Lindri Versekerings Makelaars's post 24/03/2023

All glory to our Father in heaven!!
Alle eer aan ons God


Ons gebed vir 2023 vir jou is:
Mag Abba Vader jou en jou gesin/familie bonatuurlik toevou met Sy seën en genade.
Mag elke begeerte van jou diepste versugtinge deur God vervul word.
Mag jou trane soos reën druppels verander na vreugde en oor jou spoel.
Mag jy in totale oorgawe vergewe sodat jy nie 'n klip ❤️ sal hê, maar 'n sagte vlees ❤️ soos in Esegiel 36:26 van ons verlang.
Mag elke gebroke verhouding wat gesteel is van jou deur Jesus bonatuurlik herstel word.
Ek verklaar oor jou dat die gees van krankheid nie oor jou siel, gees of liggaam sal manifisteer nie. Dat slegs Jesus se genesende bloed deur jou sal hardloop.
Ek verklaar oor jou dat 'the joy of the Lord' oor jou sal spoel en manifisteer. Mag jy lag dat dit uit jou maag borrel, mag vreugde jou agtervolg. Mag elke gebed van jou verhoor word. Mag elke droom van jou bewaarheid word.
Ek verklaar oor jou wysheid en insig volgens Jakobus 1:5
Mag jy in totale gehoorsaamheid stap met die swaard van die woord.
Mag jou lig helder skyn soos Jesus se liefde vir jou.
Mag jy nooit twyfel aan God se beloftes oor jou skeppingsdoel nie.
Mag jy in 2023 weet jy is geliefd, waardevol,kosbaar, hoog geag, duur gekoop en dat Jesus jou oneindig lief het soos Hy sê in Jes 49:16.
Mag Sy vrede wat alle verstand te bowe gaan jou skaduwee wees, jou vertroueling wees.
Mag jy met oop arms 2023 instap en weet dat Abba Vader altyd daar is vir jou. Eksodus 14:14 wees stil en weet dat Hy is daar vir jou.
Liefde, Kobus & Linn Swanepoel.


20 dinge wat jou inbreker nie vir jou sal vertel nie ...

Inbrekers lyk altyd of hulle 'n tree voor jou is. Dit is omdat hulle jou huis nagaan terwyl jy geen idee het nie. Hulle kyk daarna, leer jou gewoontes aan en maak seker dat hulle kan inkom wanneer jy weg is. Lees hierdie lys tot aan die einde. Jy kan dalk net iets leer wat jou huis sal red van diefstal.

1. Natuurlik lyk ek bekend. Ek was net verlede week hier om jou matte skoon te maak, jou hortjies te verf, of jou nuwe yskas af te lewer.
2. Haai, dankie dat ek die badkamer kon gebruik toe ek verlede week in jou erf gewerk het. Terwyl ek daar was, het ek die agterste venster oopgemaak om my terugkeer 'n bietjie makliker te maak.
3. Hou van daardie blomme. Dit sê vir my jy het smaak... en smaak beteken daar is lekker dinge binne. Daardie tuinspeelgoed wat jou kinders uitlos laat my altyd wonder watter tipe speletjiesisteem hulle het.
4. Ja, ek soek regtig koerante wat op die oprit opgestapel is. En ek sal dalk 'n pizza-pamflet in jou voordeur los om te sien hoe lank dit jou neem om dit te verwyder ...
5. As dekoratiewe glas deel van jou vooringang is, moenie dat jou alarmmaatskappy die beheerblok installeer waar ek kan sien of dit gestel is nie. Dit maak dit te maklik.
6. 'n Goeie sekuriteitsmaatskappy alarmeer die venster oor die wasbak. En die vensters op die tweede verdieping, wat dikwels toegang tot die hoofslaapkamer het - en jou juweliersware. Dit is nie 'n slegte idee om bewegingsverklikkers ook daar te sit nie.
7. Dit reën, jy vroetel met jou sambreel, en jy vergeet om jou deur te sluit – verstaanbaar. Maar verstaan ​​dit: Ek vat nie 'n dag af as gevolg van slegte weer nie.
8. Ek klop altyd eerste. As jy antwoord, sal ek iewers aanwysings vra of aanbied om jou geute skoon te maak. (Moenie my daaraan vat nie.)
9. D**k jy regtig ek sal nie in jou sokkielaai kyk nie? Ek gaan altyd klerekaslaaie, die bedkassie en die medisynekas na.
10. Hier is 'n nuttige wenk: Ek gaan amper nooit in kinderkamers in nie.
11. Jy is reg:
Ek sal nie genoeg tyd hê om by daardie kluis in te breek waar jy jou waardevolle besittings bêre nie. Maar as dit nie vasgebout is nie, sal ek dit saamneem.
12. 'n Harde TV of radio kan 'n beter afskrikmiddel wees as die beste alarmstelsel.
13. Soms dra ek 'n knipbord. Soms trek ek soos 'n grasperkman aan en dra 'n hark. Ek doen my bes om nooit, ooit soos 'n skelm te lyk nie.
14. Die twee dinge wat ek die meeste haat:
Harde honde en nuuskierige bure.
15. Ek sal 'n venster breek om in te kom, al maak dit 'n bietjie geraas. As jou buurman een harde geluid hoor, sal hy ophou waarmee hy besig is en wag om dit weer te hoor. As hy dit nie weer hoor nie, gaan hy maar terug na wat hy gedoen het. Dis die menslike natuur.
16. Ek kla nie, maar hoekom sal jy al daardie geld betaal vir 'n spoggerige alarmstelsel en jou huis verlaat sonder om dit te stel?
17. Ek is mal daaroor om in jou vensters te kyk. Ek soek tekens dat jy tuis is, en vir platskerm-TV's of speletjiestelsels wat ek graag wil hê. Ek sal snags deur jou buurt ry of stap, voor jy die blindings toemaak, net om my teikens te kies.
18. Vermy om jou vakansie op jou Facebook-blad aan te kondig. Dit is makliker as wat jy d**k om jou adres op te soek.
Waarsku jou kinders hieroor. Jy sien dit elke dag.
19. Vir jou is dit 'n manier om 'n bietjie vars lug in te laat om daardie venster deur die dag net 'n kraak oop te laat. Vir my is dit 'n uitnodiging.
Skrywer onbekend
20. As jy nie antwoord as ek klop nie, probeer ek die deur. Kort-kort slaan ek die boerpot en stap dadelik in.


Why insurance premium increases are unavoidable
by Moonstone Information Refinery on 20 October 2022 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Santam’s executive head of commercial and personal intermediated business, Andrew Coutts, has issued a communication to intermediaries setting out the factors that have made premium increases unavoidable.

Coutts said households and businesses have experienced immense economic hardship over the past few years. To help alleviate this hardship, Santam “implemented very low premium increases, provided premium relief and relaxed many underwriting conditions”.

During this period, claims inflation continued to grow at levels much higher than premium increases. The higher costs of individual claims were, however, offset by a lower claims frequency, and the low premium increases effectively passed on the benefit of the lower risk environment to clients.

“But, due to a multitude of drivers, the risk environment and frequency of claims have changed significantly, regrettably resulting in the need to now implement the incremental premium increases,” Coutts said.

Coutts listed climate change and cybercrime as the top two drivers of premium increases.

The frequency of catastrophic events caused by climate change is increasing. South Africa has not been exempted from this trend, with high extreme weather claims at the end of 2021 and in the first quarter of this year, along with the floods in KwaZulu-Natal in April and May.

The cost of catastrophic events is increasing because of economic and population growth and urbanization. The 10-year moving average of insured losses is increasing by between 5% and 7% a year.

When it comes to cybercrime:

Internet users in South Africa are set to increase to 65% of the population by 2030, and the demand for digital channels will increase.
Data will become an individual’s and a business’s greatest asset.
South Africa was the African country most affected by cybercrime in 2021, with 230 million cyber-threat detections.
Local and global economy
Coutts said the challenging local and global economic environment further impacts on the increase in baseline levels of risk. Although economies move in cycles, current economic conditions have created a perfect storm, he said.

In South Africa, the Consumer Price Index (7.8%) and the Producer Price Index (18%) are at 30-year record levels, while the rand has lost more than 20% of its value.

The economy is being hampered by persistent load shedding and disruptions to key supply chains.

The economic problems in South Africa are being exacerbated by global factors, which include the slowdown in global growth, surging inflation driven by food and energy scarcity, and the war in Ukraine.

Claims frequency, severity and cost
“The combined effect of increasing risk and challenging economic conditions has resulted in an unprecedented impact on insurance costs, reflected in substantial shifts in claims frequency, claims severity and average cost of claims,” Coutts said.

The frequency of claims was higher than in 2019 and in 2020/21. This was a result of:

The year-on-year increase in road traffic volumes;
Power surge claims; and
Significantly higher rainfall.
Not only were claims more frequent but they were more severe because of:

The spike in thefts of high-value vehicles;
Vehicle collisions occurring at higher average speeds;
The decline in fire protection services;
The decline in road and rail infrastructure;
Lower compliance with building regulations; and
The decline in storm-water management infrastructure.
The cost of the average claim has surged because of:

Disruptions to supply chains;
The increases in the value of second-hand vehicles;
Extended average car-hire days;
The higher rand cost of imported car parts, electronics, plant and machinery; and
The increase in fraudulent claims (syndicates and the opportunistic inflation of claims).
Cost of reinsurance
While systemic risk is growing, reinsurance capacity is decreasing as reinsurers seek to manage increasing volatility, global and local political uncertainty, inflation and sanctions following the war in Ukraine, Coutts said. Reinsurers were increasing premiums while narrowing their cover.

“The significant increase in the complexity of risk necessitates the need for advice, the effective selection of cover to manage cost, and the management of risk. The purpose and value of insurance have never been more real or more valuable. The substantial challenges presented by an increasing risk environment form the foundation for providing incremental client value and realizing the incremental growth of our intermediated insurance value proposition.”

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