Books by pearl

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sorry guy's I haven't posted for a while.
I'll try squeeze posting and school work.


I drove all the way to nkosi's house and called amanda.
Her: hello.
Me: Amanda phuma sengzofik.
Her: okey ngizophuma manje.
I dropped the call and paid the driver as he dropped outside nkosi's house. I couldn't believe my eyes such a huge house Oh My God. Amanda came out followed by nkosi behind her.
Me: kunjani sbari.
Him: ngyaphila ayanda unjani.
Me: ngyaphila. Asthembe awumoshanga lutho lapho ku sis wam.
Amanda: ai ayanda asihambe.
Him: Cha angimoshanga lutho. I can take you home if ningenankinga nalokho.
Me: Ayikho inkinga you can.
He drove us all the way home with his black jeep and dropped us two houses before our house. I came out the car and thanked him. After two minutes amanda came out . We walked all the way home only to find out aunty is not at home. We went in,i went upstairs to my room took a shower came out and lotioned myself than went back downstairs,made myself a quick sandwich and went to watch some television. After some minutes i heard the door open . Aunty was back and she was carrying shopping plastics. I went to help her but she was asking way to many questions.
Her: niphumaphi?
Me: hawu aunty sishilo nje ukuth besiyaph.
Her: anishongo kodwa kumina ukuthi angeke nibuye.
Me: nathi besingazi misele ukuth angeke sibuye.
Her: uphi u sis wakho?
Me: use kameren lakhe ngyacabanga ukuthi uyageza.
Her: okey qeda lapho ungenzele itiye.
I finished unpacking made her some tea and went straight to my room.



I woke up with a really bad hangover and my head was pounding. Last night I slept at sipho's and yes we had s*x. I woke up from bed sipho was not there and went to the bathroom washed my face and mouth and i heard him calling me.
Sipho: Ayanda!!!
Me: ngingalana ngiyeza.
I came out and a really good english breakfast was waiting for me.
Sipho: i made breakfast come lets eat.
Me: sizodlela lana?
Him: As they say baby breakfast in bed and i really enjoyed what we had last night i still even want more.
Me: ai mangiqeda lana I'm taking a bath and I'm going home. I'm sure u aunty is worried. Let me call u amanda futhi.
I switched on my phone and there were tons of missed calls from aunty and amanda. I called amanda first.
Me: sisiza wami.
Her: ukephi ayanda ade umama ezama ukukufonela iphone awuyibambi nam ade ngizama ukukufonela.
Me: my phone was off . Ngilale ka sipho. And ungabuzi izinto eningi sokhuluma kahle mase sisobabili. Ngyeza lapho in 2 hours ngzoklanda.
Her: uzongiletha ekhaya u nkosi.
Me: Ai amanda kuzomele singene sobabili endlini njengok hamb kwethu sobabili.
Her: awu kodwa.
Me: akukho awu kodwa lana. Ngiyeza lapho in 2 hours . Send me location.
I dropped the call and ate my breakfast.
Sipho: so mina nawe simiphi?
Me: uqonde ukuthini mawuth simiphi. What we had izolo iphelela lapho.
Him: kodwa we both enjoyed it nje.
Me: yes i enjoyed it ngeke ngiku qambele amanga kodwa kuphelela lapho. Kwenzeke kanye angeke kuphinde kwenzeke.
He stood up and walked out and slammed the door behind him.
Me: wee ngeke ngiku ncenge mina.
I stood up and went to the bathroom took a shower came out lotioned my body and worn the same clothes i was wearing took my purse and walked downstairs. He was nowhere to be found. I told the maid to tell him I'm gone. Requested for an uber and walked out


Chapter 2

I was trying to wake up but i couldn't move, i felt something very heavy on top of me. I looked up to see what it was and he was sleeping on top of me. I shook him up.
Me: nkosi!! Nkosi!!
Him: awulale amanda kusasekuseni.
Me: ayikho into esekuseni yona. Uyasinda mahn and ngifun nokye bathroom.
He moved and i made my way to the bathroom. I didn't even want to use it . I just wanted him to move from me. I just washed my face and went back to bed.
Me: nkosi.
Him: yah amanda
Me: bengithi ngizoku buza izolo kodwa ngakhohlwa. Umazi kanjani u sipho?
Him: Mina no sipho sabangani. Sesino 5 years sizwana.
Me: kshuth uyena lo okutshelil ukuth ngiyeza .
Him: ngingakubeka kanjalo.
Me: okey asivuke khona sokwenza into yokudla ngilambile.
Him: let's just order some food ngikhathele.
We ordered food while in bed sat and watched a movie. The food we ordered came while I was eating my phone rang it flashed mommy
Him: ibambe
Me: ngizothini mangibamba?
Him: bamba iphone amanda.
I answered the call.
Me: mama.
Her: nikephi we amanda nino sisi wakho ngob aningi tshelang min ukuthi anibuyi. U ayanda yena ifoni yakhe akayibambi.
Me:siyaxolisa mama asikutshelang ukuthi asibuyi. Silale lana. Besi nqena ukuhamba siphuzile.
Her: ngicela nibuyile namhlanje siyezwana amanda!! Siyezwana na!!!
Me: yebo mama ngiyakuzwa.
She dropped the called and i exhaled the breath i was holding.


He poured some for me and for himself and led me to the dinning room where he played some music. And it was hip hop luckily that's my favourite genre. We than started drinking and having some fun singing along to the songs that were playing. He than came to me started kissing me so slow and passionate he led me to the bedroom and i asked to use the bathroom. I went in did my business, washed my hands as i came out he was fast asleep with clothes on. I took iut his shoes,jeans and T shirt and layed him well on the bed. I took out my clothes and was left with only my panties on. I got into bed and zoned of to lalaland(sleep)


We went to the others and i texted nkosi.
Me:Uayanda uvumile so ngizozwa ngawe mase sihamba.
Him: We will have a few drinks bese siyahamba.
We carried on drinking and some were wasted already. I couldn't see Ayanda anymore and nkosi was also getting a bit to drunk now. He came next to me and whispered in my ear"asihambe". We stood up and made our way to the gate and we heard voices calling nkosi " nkosi nkosi!!" We turned to look back it was sipho, he was carrying a bottle of sky vodka.
Sipho: awusasho boy mase uhamba.
I was a bit confused how nkosi and sipho knew each other but i told myself I'll ask him later.
Nkosi: Bengzoktshela kanjani wena ungabonwa nino ayanda.
He fiddled with his hands and looked down.i knew something was going on between them but i kept my mouth shut.
Sipho: ay boy thatha lana ngelakho.
He gave him the bottle of vodka.
Nkosi: Ngyabonga boy. Ay sengindlela ngzokubon kusasa.
We carried on walking and we went to a black Mercedes-Benz. The way I was so taken i even aksed him if it's his.
Me:aibo nkosi eyakho le moto?
Him: Yes eyami . Ayingifaneli yini?( laughing)
Me:Angikshongo lokho. Ima uwena ozo driver ngath udakiwe?
Him:Makunga drive mina uba ozo drive? Unless ukwazi futhi nawe ngek ngob udakiwe.
We laughed and got inside the car. He drove while i just zoned of the moment the car started moving. After a few minutes i heard someone shaking me maybe we are there. He drove inside this beautiful drive with this huge grey house. Wow he has such a beautiful house. He drove inside while humming something. He parked the car inside the garage and came to my side to open my door. He held my hand and we walked inside.
Him: Welcome home Malang.
Me: Wow umuzi wakho lona Zulu?
Him: yes ngowami ungathuki sekowethu manje. Want something to drink?
Me: kukhonan?
Me: Please give me some vodka and some lemon drink.
Him: I see you a girl of vodka.
Me: Not everyday though.


He whispered "i just want to eat you not f**k you" i was so confused about what he was saying but i just let him do his thing. He kissed me one more time on my lips than he picked up my legs and started playing with my c**t. He went down on me with his tounge after. I could feel a feeling i don't know and these sounds escaping my mouth were getting louder. He sucked and sucked on my bunny(pussy) untill some white juices came out . He licked them with his tounge. Than baby kissed my bunny. I was feeling a bit embarrassed because i don't know what just happened. I covered my face with my hands not knowing what to say.
Nkosi: it's okey don't feel embarrassed. I really enjoyed you. Ngiyakucela asihambe siyekhaya. Ngifuna ukulala eceleni kwakho. Ngiyakucela Malanga.
Me: Ngisazokhuluma no Ayanda kuqala.
Him: Ayikho inkinga vuka khona sohamba siyogeza bese siyakwabanye.
We went to take an innocent bath together,came out lotioned ourselves, dressed up than went outside. Eye's were on us as we sat down.
Ayanda: ngicela ukukhuluma nawe amanda.
We went to a bit quite place.
Me: yes ayanda
Her: Amanda ubukephi and ungangi qambel amanga ngoba seliphelil i hour wena no nkosi ningekho. Ngalinge nje ungitshele ukuthi senilalen amanda!!!!
Me:aibo ayanda akwenzekanga lokho. He just muffed(sucked) me kphela.
Her: iheee aibo we amanda kuphelephi wena nokuth awujoli. Ayy uyamangaza.
Me: ayanda kunento engifuna ukucela yona.
Her: yini leyo? Yeka futhi ukudlal ngenzipho zakho.
I didn't realise i was that nervous.
Me:So unkosi ucele ukugoduka nam. And ayi ukuth khona into esoyenza . Uthe ufun uklal ecelen kwami nje kphela.
Her:Ngithini mina ku aunty amanda?
Me: uzomutshela ukuthi ngilale lana ngine sure uzo understand.
Her: ayi ngizobon amanda hamba kodwa ngicela kusasa ubuye.
I jumped up and down like a lunatic and hugged her.
Me: Ngiyabonga sisiza ngiyabonga.
I was so excited i didn't expect her to say yes


He sucked on my lower lip slowly and passionate,than he moved to the upper lip while i followed his lead as he said. He started grabbing my behind with his hands and squeezing it. I could feel an eclectic shock inside my body. I could feel something moving inside my tummy. I never had this feeling before. I didn't know how to react. He then picked me up as i wrapped my legs around his weist. We didn't break the kiss. We continued while he made his way to a room that looks like it's not used. I guess it's the spareroom. He layed me on top of the bed and started kissing my neck slowly and a sound I'm not familiar with escaped my mouth.He than started un******ng me and i moved a bit from the position i was in.
Him: Ungasabi Malanga angeke ngikwenze lutho.
He than took of my t-shirt, than shorts followed, than my bra. He than went back to kissing me while rubbing his hands on top of my panty.He looked up at me in my eyes then went to my t**s . He sucked on them playing with my ni***es with his tounge while running his hand on the other tit. This sound appeared again. I wonder where this sound comes from. He took off my panties and he was still dressed.


Nkosi: ntokazi unjani?
Me: ngyaphila wena unjan?
Him: ngyaphila . bengak lindel ukuth ngzokbon la.
Me:ay Nam bengak lindel nhlobo.(I started blushing like crazy he even saw it).
Him: bengaz ukuth ngikwaz ukwenza intokazi enhle kanje imoyizele kangaka. ( he smiled)
Me: yaphapha nkosi ngcela ungiyeka .
Nkosi: ngyabuya ngsayo bheka into yokuphuza.
He went to the bar in sipho's house to get something to drink and I received a text from ayanda .
Ayanda: awu bengaz ukuth uhunk wakho uzoba khona naye la.
Me: Nam bengaz . wenzan vele la . uyang stalk or what?
Her: angaz but act normal. Iba uwen nje.
He came back with a drink and sat next to me . I avoided eye contact with him . and the party went on .we were drinking nd talking and people were loud but it was fun . I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom. So I asked sipho where it is and he directed me . I rushed to the toilet and mahn I was drunk. I did my business,washed my hands and came out. Something shocked me when I was opening the door. Nkosi was leaning on the wall .
Me: nkosi ufunan la?
Nkosi: I just wanted to see if you okey.
Me: manje bekzo kwenzekalan kmin nkosi?
Him: okey wangbamb . bengfun skhulume in private .
Me: ufun skhulume ngan?
Him: ngyaz sisanda khlangan . asazani nakahle .kodwa amanda ngyakthanda. The day ngik shayisa ngavel ngakthand same time. Ngyakdinga empilwen yam Amanda . ngdinga wena. Wena wedwa . angfun uze usho something kodwa mina ngyakthanda(he touched my face with the palm of his hands) ngicela ungibuke Amanda . ngyakdinga ngempel.
Me: angek loke ngik qambel amanga nkosi ngithi angikthand . angikaze ngibe nomunt weslisa empilwen yam . kodwa ngingajabula mangase sikunike ithuba sbone ukuth kuyaph.Nam ngyakthand nkosi.
I didnt even finish my sentence. I felt his lips on mine. I felt them so soft even if he didn't move them. He stared moving them I didnt even how to kiss oh god.
Him: relax follow my lead


We requested an uber and we got to sipho's house . It was not full as yet but the music was playing and people were drinking already.
Me: bahle kanje abafana maybe I'll even get myself a man(laughing)
Amanda: ay ayanda you and boys.
Me: let's go have some drinks.
I saw sipho coming towards us .
Sipho: mawele ninjan?
Us: syaphila wena?
Sipho: ngyaphila . wozan ngala sihlel ngakhona.
We went there and took brutal fruit ciders and had a drink .


While we were having drinks a light skinned guy approached me.
Him: Sawbona sisi njani?
Me: ngyaphila unjan?
Him: ngyaphila . yenzan intombi enhle kanje ihlel iphuza yodwa?
Someone said from the behind "akahlel yedwa" I knew that voice. It was familiar. Not it can't be him no it can't be nkosi.
Him: ufika manje ndoda lentokazi ibihlel yodwa so hamb yobhek omunye .
Nkosi: akahlel yedwa ngyaktshel nje so kzok siza ukuth uhambe!!
He swore and just walked away .



I took my bath. Came out and went to my closet decided what to wear. Took out blue shorts and a white T-shirt and white all-star takkies . wore my clothes and went to amanda's room only to find her not dressed as yet still looking for something to wear . I took out white shorts for her and a black laced top and black Nike takkies .
Me: yahlupha kodwa Amanda kmel kuze kfik mina ngzok khiphel into yoku gqoka!!
Amanda: awu sisiza bengaz ngzogqokan .
Me: whatever Amanda gqoka and let's go .
She dressed up and we went downstairs.
Aunt noku: iheee engaze kuyiwaph senigqok niconsa kanje?
Me: aunty siya ka sne uzob ene party .
Aunt noku: why pho mina ngzotshelwa manje . kodwa into ehlangen nawe ayanda iyinkinga .
Me: ay aunt ngikhohliwe ukuktshela .
Aunt noku: uze ungayenzis imkhuba ingane ayanda.
Amanda : ay ma angsiyon ingane Mina.
Me: uzizwele ke aunt uzob ezenzel yena. Bye bye ma antiza.
We rushed out before she could say anything else.



The week seemed to be going really slow. And yes we spoke on whatsapp . faced time. Phone called each other but I still needed to see his face once again.
Aunt noku: Amanda
Me: (silent)
Aunt noku: Amanda!!!!
Me: ( snapped from my thoughts) Ma
Aunt noku: aibo Amanda kwenzenjan ucabangan ngempel . usuyajola Amanda .
Me: cha ma angijoli
Aunt noku: pho yin le ekumoyezelisa njenge slima esanda kqoma? Suqomil Amanda . awu smakade zamitha lengane.
Ayanda: Awu ma elan ihaba kanti umuntu maye jola uyamitha yn?
Aunt noku: yey ngang tshel leyonto wena ayanda . kombe wazi okuningi . yagroova phela wena . engaze ihlo lakwa langa lisa khona yini lapho kuwe?
And yes ayanda is no more a virgin but aunty doesn't know she's just having her suspicions.
Ayanda: yebo lisa khona ay yazin awuth ngikshiye no ma wakho Amanda . utoo much for my liking .
Aunt noku: noma ungabaleka eksalayo iqiniso liyabab . and wena Amanda ungalinge ufane no sis wakho . mase ujola futhi ungitshel.
Me: ngek ngfane no ayanda ma and ngzokwazisa khuleka.

The week went on and on untill it was Friday.


I am Ayanda Langa. 17 years old. I live in Durban with my aunt and twin sister Amanda.Aunt raised us since our mothers death when we were 5 years old. I'm that kind of girl who likes parting and going out owe and yes I'm not a virgin anymore but only Amanda knows that . I lost it to some guy three years back and since then I haven't had a great relationship at all. As I was about to take a bath my phone rang and it flashed sipho.
Me: sawbona sipho
Him: ya ayanda bengfun ukbuza ukuth uyeza epartin yam?
Me: awu ngyeza sipho kanti ufonela lokho.
Him: u Amanda yena uyeza?
Me: uyeza sipho ay ngithi ufonela into e serious mina. Bye bye sipho.
Him: bye bye Yanda .



They really looked identical but I was still attracted to Amanda . and her sister umi kahle nje . I could just f**k her and leave . but ngeke ngenze lezo ngqondo zam Ku sisi ka amanda . I thought she wouldn't call me. I waited and waited for her calling untill I just gave up . Eventually she called me. I asked her out on a lunch date and she accepted. But know I need some ideas from sipho and bonga those are my gents .I called them and we decided they'll come to my apartment.
Door bell rang !!!
Me: ngyeza
Them: ey awushesh ndoda . yn Kant wenzan lengaka .
Me: ay fuseg aningiyeka nina . niryt bafethu .
Them: syaphusha ntwana wena hamban.
Me: ngyaphusha ndoda ukuth nje ngine nkinga encane and ngidinga usizo lwenu.
Sipho: khuluma ndoda sizwe.
Me: So bafethu namhlanje ntambam ngishayise enye ntombazane kanti kuzowa incwadi zayo zamanza njengob beli netha nje.
Bonga: manje pho?
Me: awuthule mahn bonga angakaqed khuluma. Aii so sakhuluma and ngazithol sengisemathandwen bafethu into engakaze yenzek kmina. Kwenzek izinto engazi qondi kahle emzimben wam . phela min bafethu niyaz ngi hit and run angiwa catch ama feelings akhona.
Sipho: uba bafo igama lale ngane?
Me: amanda
Sipho: aibo ngangtshel ukuth u Amanda lo wase skolen . ima ndoda lo Amanda one wele?
Me: uye kanye . angaz nami ngizizwe sengicel ukumukhipha for lunch nge weekend.
Sipho: yoooh bafo wazi faka enkingen phela leya ngane ayijoli futhi nje isayi virgin and angaz noma wena uzoku bekezelel lokho boy.
Bonga: aibo sipho wena uyaz kanjan ?
Sipho: Mina ngyazwan no ayanda usisi wakhe Amanda so kunezinto nje engzaziyo njenga lezo.
Bonga: nkosi boy u sure ngalento ofuna ukyenza?
Me: sizo bona phambili boy awuthi futhi ngyomu fonela .....


Sorry about not writting if its a chapter or insert so long its chapter 1


I ran downstairs to go and tell ayanda about the call I made and the conversation I had with nkosi
Me: ayanda ayanda!!!
Her: ay mahn Amanda musa ukbanga umsindo ngilana .
Me: so I called unkosi
Her:(confused) Uba manje unkosi?
Me: The guy wase mini but angikho lapho. So I called him and we spoke and guess what.
Her: khuluma angibhuli min angsona sangoma.
Me: mxm yaphapha anyways he asked me out nge weekend if we could go and have lunch
Her: iheeee and wena utheni. Ngalinge ungtshel ukuth uthe cha.
Me: no and I said yes so sohamb ngabo 2
Her: uzokuland or nizohlangan?
Me: eish we didn't talk about that . unayo kusho kuba nayo imoto kodwa I'm sure sisazoku khuluma lokho . its only Monday today .
Her: Kupheleleph wena no angjoli ayy mtase . kodwa u have to go change that hairstyle isiyimbi manje ngek nje uhambe unjalo ekhanda.
Me: angaz nokuth ngzogqokan
Her: khuleka sisi u got me and njengoba usushilo its only Monday .
Me: what if kunento embi afun ukyenza kmina?
Her: angek kwenzek lutho kwen. Why kmel uhlez ucabanga into embi. Ayike lalelak ngo Friday u sipho uzobe ene party nd syahamb
Me: Uyaz angwathand ama party ayanda
Her: ay kukwena uzokhetha. Ngyaksiza ngo nkosi nd syahamb siye partin ka sipho or awuhamb Nam angik sizi.
Me: okey fine sizohambak kodwa cela sishesh sibuye.
Her: khulek sisiza you know I got you.
Aunt noku came back. We had dinner than I went to my room to go sleep as I was drifting off to lalaland my phone rang and it flashed nkosi
Me: hello
Him: sulel yini ntokazi
Me: yes bese ngzumeka.
Him: ay ulale kahle mama
Me:(blushed) ulale kahle nawe Zulu
Him: habe sengbizwa nange sbongo
Me: ay goodnyt nkosi
I dropped the call then got back to my sleep.


I am Nkosinathi Zulu . 24 years old. I live in Durban.So today I met this girl Amanda which I mistakenly bumped into. But yoh she caught my eye Shame . tall and slim with pink lips that's all I could see. But something caught my eye when I saw her with someone she has a twin sister


Ayanda: iheee usisi usethol indoda kuqal kunam . aibo wonders shall never end Shame(laughing)
Me: uyaphapha ayanda uba othe indoda yam . uyaz ukuth angakafun ukujola manje.
Her: aibo angsona slima mina . njengob ubu moyizela kanje . ngine sure ubusu cabang lomzimba wakhe .
Argh I forgot nobody knows me like ayanda
Me: eyy ayanda ngicel ungihlukan uphum endaben zam .
We reached home . I took a long hot bath, came out lotioned my body . wore my onsies and went downstairs to make something to eat. Ate my food while watching some Tv , ayy I'm not a fan of TV shame . washed my dish nd went to my room. I took his business card nd debating with myself weather to call him or not . As I was still at it I realized his name is Nkosinathi Zulu . I just took my phone and just dialed his name and phoned. It rang and it was picked up on the third ring
Him: nkosinathi hello
Me: sawbona nkosinathi ukhuluma no Amanda lentombazane oyigquzulile namhlanje bese wayi nika I card lakho .
Him: kanti ngikhuluma nalesya sphalaphala sentombazane . ngyajabula ukwazi gama lakho. Bengithi angek ungifonele
Me:(blushing) ngithi ngikwenzelan lokho
Him: angek sazi kodwa ngyajabula ungfonelile. So bengathand ukuth ngikukhiphe nge weekend for lunch ukuze ngzoz xolisel kahl
Me: Angicabang ukuth icebo elihle lelo njengoba beseng shilo ekuqaleni ngikuxolel
Him: Khululeka ngeke ngikwenze lutho olubi mawukuth ilokho okucabangayo ngfun syodla I lunch kphela.
Me: okey ayikho inkinga sengzozwa ngawe iskhath .
Him: u 2:00 emini unganjan wona
Me: ungaryt kakhulu . Sekmele ngihambe nkosi. Sobuye skhulume
Him: ayikho inkinga ntokazi sobuye skhulume .
I dropped the call



As the bus dropped us by the school gate I met my friends . ayanda and I share the same friends . As we entered the school premises the bell rang . So we rushed to class . nothing much happened in school . As it almost after school it started to rain . After school came and the rain didnt stop at all it carried on pouring. We waited for the bus to come and waited for almost 30 minutes and we decided to just walk home .
As we were about to get home . A tall and good looking boy looks like in his early 20s came running nd bumping into me and my books dropped on the floor and got wet
Me: (angry) slima somfana buka manje wenzen !!!
Him: ngyaxolisa sisi benga qondil ukuth kwenzek lento nam bengiphuthuma ngenxa yemvula cela ungi xolel .
Me:( as I layed my eyes on him yooh I could feel something I didnt even couldn't describe moving inside me . He was tall ,dark, brown eyes, short hair, brackets, muscled body. Everything i saw about him just made me melted and as for his voice I even forget about what he did) ayikho inkinga kodwa wobheka la uhamba khona.
Him: ngicela uthathe la I number yam yocingo ngabe ngithath eyakho manje nayi nemvula .
He gave me a business card . okay he has a business
Me: okey ngzokfonel uhamb kahl
Him: nani nihamb kahle



I am Amanda Langa . I am 17 years old. I have a twin sister her name is ayanda . We live with our aunt nokuphila in Durban . Our mother passed away when we were 5 years old . We never met our father ever since we were born . Ayanda and I are identical twins but I am more light in complexion and have a slim body nd taller than her while she is short nd has a thick body.

Ayanda: Amanda awuvuke uyaz ukuth kyiwa ekolen namhlanje!!
Me: 5 minutes sisiza(sister) ngzovuka mnjr
Her: ayibo Amanda ade uqalile uthi 5 minutes 5 minutes uyaz ukuth u past 7 mnjr
Me: (shocked)
I woke up quickly went to the bathroom took a quick bath came out didnt even lotion my body got dressed nd rushed downstairs.
Aunt noku: aibo nayi imhlola.. We Amanda uyaz bon kodwa ukuth lishwaben leli shirt oli gqokil.
Me: awu kodwa ma akukubi ngaleyo ndlel
Aunt: ayikho into engekho yimbi la. Khumula lelo shirt ulilethe la ngyoli iron ube udla.
I took my cereal ate it while on my phone chatting with my friends .
Aunty came back with my shirt wore it and ran to the bus because it was already by the gate waiting for me .


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Good day everyone my name is gugulethu pearl Ndlovu . I am 16 years of age . I was never into writing or reading but these past few days something told me to just write nd my book will be about . (indoda ka dadwethu)

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