Phila Uphilise - Live And Let Live

Empower everyone with relevant information regarding physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health


Thokozani bakaGogo.
Nginivusele nonke. A warm welcome to each and everyone of you.

Quick reminder: Everyone has amadlozi. They just don't operate the same. Respect your underground gang and respect the next person's gang too.

Have a blessed day


Thokozani bakaGogo

If you can get uVuma, Velabahleke, uMaguquka, uVuka, iNhlanhla emhlophe, uSehlula Amanye, uVulakuvaliwe, uMhlonishwa, uMqalothi noTshanibezwa, grind it until it's fine then use it to steam and to rinse yourself with after you bath for 3 consecutive days you're opening yourself up to some great opportunities and promotions.

**Speak as you use
**Please don't rinse yourself with the same water you used to steam 🀦🀦🀦

Thokozani bakaGogo.

Magiyezizweni Dumizulu


To get different results, you must make changes. Some of those changes require difficult decisions. It depends on how tight your shoes are.


Here's another fact! If you have been dreaming of amabhayi and izangoma dancing, this may be a possible reason

Photos from Phila Uphilise - Live And Let Live's post 10/01/2024

Thokozani bakaGogo

I'd disappeared to go fulfill my duties as an elder. Bekumatasa emzini wenyanga. Amathwasa were "graduating". It was a humbling reminder for me to see them go through the process. It reminded me of much iZangoma go through to heal themselves, their families and you. Social media has been trying so hard to undignify us and some us give it ammunition to do so.

Let's relearn to respect abalaphi bendabuko. Respect yourself and others who have been called and chosen. Respect your culture and it's tradition and customs. Learn from your elders so you may teach your children. Without this we will be lost


Thokozani bakaGogo.
Onyakeni omusha there are people who feel drained and defeated. Some may feel that they have no direction and don't know where in which direction to take their next step forward. It's ok to feel like this, but don't wallow in such feelings. A few small changes to your routine could help you move on from feeling like this.

Wake up an hour or half an hour earlier and start your day with prayer and meditation (quiet time).
Drink more water and try to be mindful of your diet.
Clean a portion of your room or house thoroughly. Rearrange the setup.
Set small goals that play a part in achieving the big goals. Give yourself a realistic timeframe.
Look at yourself in the mirror, yourself compliment, encourage yourself and give yourself a pep talk.
Change takes time and effort. Start small and congratulate yourself for the small achievements.

You deserve to be happy even if it's for reasons you or others may think a minor.

Emakhosini bakaGogoπŸ‘πŸ‘


Siyathokoza onyakeni omusha

Photos from Phila Uphilise - Live And Let Live's post 30/12/2023

If you're only using imithi/impande/traditional herbs only when you have problems, then you're in trouble already 😏


Akusenani, bantwana bami.
Okungekho namhlanje kuzobakhona kulonyaka ozayo


Thokozani bakaGogo

Nizophumelele kukho konke okuhle


BakaGogo, imithi iyakhulunyiswa!!! Uyayikhulumisa imithi ungakenzi lutho ngawo. Awuvele wenze engathi uthela ushukele emanzini wetiye 🀦🀦

You must speak life into the muthi you have before you use it! Otherwise it has minimal effect, then it seems as though you were prescribed the wrong thing or we don't know what we're doing. Speak before you steam and while you steam. Speak before you cleanse and while you cleanse. Whatever it is you have to do, SPEAK!

Of course you can't be manifesting marriage over umuthi wokususa isicitho bakaGogo, ngiyanicela. Anginithembisisi kahle nina 🀣


Ungalali kakhulu mtakaGogo. Mebevuka ngezinkathi zabo, vuka nawe, iyoshayisana khona. Mazilime ziyitsheni. Ngeke uhlezi ugadile, wena uhlezi ugeja. Ake ubathuse nawe, bazi ukuthi awuyona into yokudlalela. Manje if imithi uyisebenzisa ma unenkinga kuphela, ususenkingeni already.

If you don't get it, forget about it, lol.

Ngiyavusela bakaGogo πŸ‘πŸ‘


Thokozani bakaGogo...
I know the year is coming to an end, and it hasn't been an easy for a lot of you. That's ok. The important thing is you didn't give up.

Next year will have its own challenges too. Possibly worse than this year, but you have to go into it prepared. Don't repeat the same mistakes you made this year next year. It can't be everyone's fault that your things/plans/life isn't going according to plan. You must hold yourself accountable for your own mistakes, too. You can't think that everything that goes wrong is because of witchcraft 🀦 Y'all give the Dark Gang too much credit, yazi.
Not everyone is jealous of you 🀦. Not everyone is your enemy. That being said, don't make it easy for such people to mess with you.

Discuss your plans amd ideas namadlozi wakini. I mean, if you're thinking of buying a house, tell them that you are thinking of buying a house and see how much better things flow and how much easier you are able to pass any potential obstacles. Nina inkinga you start the whole process and when the are problems "Dlozi lami why did you turn on me" 🀦. If you're going to start applying for jobs in a certain field or certain companies, tell them that. So, when you get that interview, they tag along with you.

Stop this habit of making plans and going through with processes then only letting your ancestors know afterwards. It's disrespectful and it's an unstable foundation for anything 🀞. We don't phahla the same dlozi, so if you see me moving fairly smoothly through certain things, maybe my parents or grandparents had a good discussion with awakithi amadlozi and they understood the assignment. If you aren't sure of how your dlozi operates, find out and be sure. The best way is telling them everything and seeing their response. Then when they fumble you can go back and call them out for it. But if you do things on your own, and they don't come to the party, who's to blame? 🀷


Thokozani BakaGogo.

Please buy 7 white candles and have x7 R1 coins. A plain white plate, a transparent (see-through) glass of water, new packet coarse salt (not the one you use to cook or that everyone uses for whatever), INTSU s***f, imphepho, x7 sticks of matches and a brand new 1 metre white cloth. If you own and use a Bible, have it there too.

Day1: Place the candles, white cloth coins, coarse salt and glass of water side-by-side. Pray over these things, stretch your hand and ask uNkulunkulu wabogogo nabomkhulu, uNkulunkulu wabokhokho nokhokhomkhulu to bless the things before you and revive them. Ask that every time you use them, may the angels of the heavens be close enough to hear your requests, zikuhambele phambili imikhuleko yakho isheshe ifike kuye uSimakade.
Sprinkle the coarse salt on everything, and just a single grain into the water. Add a pinch of s***f into the water too. Cover the top of the glass with your hand and ask that with this water, may everything it reaches be purified. Use the water to rub the candles, then sprinkle it all over your praying space, your bedroom, the window seals and doors. If you can, you can add it to your water to clean the floor.

Day 2: Cover your head and shoulders with the cloth, stand your 7 candles on the white plate, light them. Put your 7 white coins on the plate too. Pray for your prayers, thoughts and dreams. Pray over the glass of water. After the prayer drink the water.

Day 3: Repeat Day 2, but have your CV or application form or whatever you are applying for in your hand too. Pray sincerely. At the end, drink the water. Repeat until Day 6.

Day 7: Thank God for all your answered prayers. May He open your eyes to see every blessing you receive, open your ears to hear every answer, open your mind so you can understand a good opportunity when it comes your way. Bese konke okucelile kufane nokidaliwe. Drink your water. Take your coins and throw them on a busy street, then just walk away.

Nisho phela masenikwenzile! Nina nivele nithule, lol. Khulumani bakagogo


Mina bengithi maybe teach your kids that the festive season is about enjoying time with family who love and appreciate each other; and not about new clothes, gifts, vacation and a feast. See how you are stressed right now about all of the above. Do you really want your kids growing up with the same kind of unnecessary stress? Get them new school uniform, a bag and shoes as a Christmas gift invested in the strong belief that their education is a priority. It can't always be muthi and rituals creating good opportunities. An education is a good vehicle.

If I say to you now, by a goat, 2 chickens and make umqombothi for amaThongo would you? Or ayikho imali? But there's a budget stressing you over Christmas clothes and Christmas lunch... Eyi futhi nina πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


Thokozani bakaGogo πŸ‘πŸ‘


It was on this day that I completed my initiation process, ngakhula edlozini, ngathabatha izinto zami zabadala. Ngakukhalela ukufa kwami bese ngal'phuza ngal'phalaza emini ilanga libalele.

1 year esgodlweni. Ngadela konke. Ngakhala ngaze ngathula. Futhi heyi... maye ngathwasa kanzima ukuthi ngiphile ngiphilise.

Philani bakaGogo, nani nizophilisa abanye. Ihamba kanjalo


BakaGogo! Ningahambi nikhohliswa zinyanga, nezangoma, nabaphorofithi zamanga! Ungavumi ukuthuswa inyoka efile! Kodwa uma ungasondelanga nezidalwa zakini, nezingilosi zezulu... Shwele Baba! Shwele Baba! Nizoqeda ngamaxoki!


Prayer without action is similar to a wish. Pray should be accompanied by action, bakaGogo.

For each of you, I pray

πŸ•― for a suitable job for you
πŸ•― for a job with good ethics
πŸ•― for a job in a good and healthy environment
πŸ•― for a job with colleagues who have ubuntu
πŸ•― for a job with wise, knowledgeable & superiors with character
πŸ•― for a job with a salary that will change your circumstances
πŸ•― for a job that allows you to pour into others
πŸ•― for a job that allows you to travel and experience life abundantly
πŸ•― for a job that is permanent until you decide to move up
πŸ•― for a job with the potential to grow
πŸ•― for a job that will be fulfilling


Contact the page below and have your CV done or revamped, bakaGogo. Tholani imisebenzi nizolala nidlile, nikhulise abantwana, nivuse nemizi yakini. Makubekuhle kini nonke.


Kusile bakaGogo. Siphalaza ekuseni, ilanga lingakaphakami. Ayikhale!!!


πŸ•―οΈ pray for your heart to heal and for forgiveness to free you, so that you may have peace

Kusile bakaGogo


Uma ungenaso isiqiniseko sesbongo sakho, sebenzisa esika nyoko. Sebenzisa esabomalume mtakaGogo. Isibeletho asilahli. Kodwa, be sure ukuthi isona ngempela esakanyoko. Emhlabeni izimo ziningi futhi abazali iqiniso linokubehlula ngesinye isikhathi. Angisho ngendelelo bakaGogo, kodwa isimo esiphila naso lesi. Ask your mother what is your surname. Umdala manje. Iqiniso ngeke likubulale, kodwa amanga azokubangela amashwa.

BakaGogo, does the translation function work? LOL. Hayi ngeke phela. Please let me know. It's hard to translate ngisemoyeni shame. Those of you who are not Zulu, please let me know whether you are able to translate my Facebook posts with the translation function.


Namhlanje ngivuke ngikhumbula ukufa kwami (if you don't get it, forget about it).

Ngakhala unyaka wonke. Angikaze ngakhala kangaka empilweni yami, ngendlela engakhala ngayo ngisaphehlwa. Ngakhala from the very first day ngingena esgodlweni, unil the day I arrived home and my mother met me at the gate. Sekungamane kuhlekiswa ngathi abangoma, ngoba kungaziwa ubuhlungu bengulo. Maye kubuhlungu ukuba nengulo. Angiyifiseli muntu. Yikho nje ukuthi awuzikhetheli, futhi uzoyilahlela bani.
Kungathiwa khetha ozoyimela kangcono, bengizokhetha bani ngempela?! Sekumane kuhlekiswa ngathi. Akusenani.

Thokozani bantwana bami. Nginithanda ngempela. Ngathi ningaphila, nihlambuluke nonke, nithole nokujabula nentokozo emhlabeni kaSimakade, Amen.

**Le ayibhaleki ngesiNgisi. Nizoxola


May the God of our grandparents and great grandparents, spare us from the plans of enemies who disguise themselves as friends, family, partners, neighbours or colleagues.
May your ancestors never allow them to reach you.

Yazi, abantu abadala bangavuma isitha sizenzele umathanda ngawe 🀦🀦 May that never be your story


Kuyabekezelwa esimeni samaThongo bakaGogo. You must be so patient and humble that eventually people around you think you're crazy

Be patient eDlozini.


Sivukile bakaGogo.

Sibonga imiphefumulo imisahlangene nenyama (we remain grateful for the breath that still resides within our flesh). Sibonga ukuthi ithuba lisasekhona namhlanje ukuthi kujike izimo eziningi esibhekene nazo (we're grateful for the opportunity to witness the beginning of change and the turning point of all the hardships we face)

Phila Uphilise nabanye.

Emakhosini πŸ‘πŸ‘


Thokozani bakaGogo

Makukhanye njalo phez'kwe zimo zenu nonke. Makube nomyakazo ezimeni zenu nonke


Thokozani bakaGogo. I'm reminding anyone who would like to fast and pray, that we begin on the 18th of November until the 2nd of December. Siyaphalaza, siyafutha siyageza, siyaphahla futhi siyakhuleka (Purge, steam, cleanse, phahla and pray)

Mabudede ubumnyama kuvele ukukhanya.


10 000 follower!

It was never about the amount of followers, but the amount of people I can help.

Siyabonga boGogo nakini boMkhulu.


BakaGogo is what we say we are doing when we communicate with our ancestors. When you need to call someone who's in a different province or a different country, you first need to buy airtime to load on your phone right? Impepho, s***f and candles are your "spiritual airtime". Niyangizwa angithi Baka Gogo.

Of course you can't load airtime on an unregistered sim card. You must Rica it right, using your ID and proof of residence. The same when you phahla. You can't just not be "registered". You have to know who you are, most importantly, you must know your maternal identity (I don't care what anyone says about this, but you must remind me to discuss it one day). It is important to make sure you are using the correct surname. ASK YOUR MOTHERS!

So now, you have a phone (you), you have a RICA'ed sim card (your name, mothers details and father's details), you have your airtime (imphepho, s***f & candles). Now you must dial the number (clan names). When the phone rings (you must feel it in your body, I don't know how to explain it 🀣. It feels like someone is watching you), then you will greet, and tell them what's up. Speak to them as you would naturally speak to your grandparents. When you are done, you tell them to send a confirmation text of the call (come through via dreams) so you know how it was received. This dream may come directly to you or via someone else, depending on what's going on with you. of course if you are not currently dreaming, something is not ok somewhere.

Kuzwakwele bantwana bami? I don't think I can make it more simpler to understand, and I managed to type it all English... well, mostly. Aren't you proud of me😁

Thokozani bakaGogo πŸ‘πŸ‘

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