
BEAT LOAD SHEDDING ON A BUDGET. But what is guaranteed is the continuous high tariffs and electricity prices for many reasons - crony appointees.

Wanting to cut electricity bills - run your existing pool motor off the grid using solar power - run your existing geyser changing the element - add a few extras and say goodbye to load shedding blues and being ripped off We take your pool off the grid and let the sun power it, beating load shedding with a few extras is just the added bonus, saving money and putting it in your pocket is the intel

Eskom wins appeal bid against Nersa over 2018/19 tariff hike 10/03/2020

DEATH SPIRAL -- Eskom says efficient costs and consumer not tax payer must pay --- but tax payer will end up paying anyway (hence all the bail outs) --- higher costs - more people and business leave the grid - less sales and more people unable to pay -- death spiral... and result is non-neg -- https://ewn.co.za/2020/03/10/eskom-wins-appeal-bid-against-nersa-over-2018-19-tariff-hike

Eskom wins appeal bid against Nersa over 2018/19 tariff hike Eskom can now file a new application within 60 days to recover the costs next year.


A system i am very excited about - forget the ugly looking solar geyser system on your roof using vacuum tubing that uses the sun to heat the water and that is all it does - this system actually use Photovoltaic (PV) panels and is off grid - what excites me about this system is it can be expanded upon to connect other power consuming appliances off the grid and should you move, the system can be dismantled and taken with you - but once your geyser is heated to the temp (consider battery is small 12 volt only) then what happens to the solar panel on the roof, basically the daylight hours goes to waste that is whats exciting - because add a few more accessories and batteries and you can run more appliances off the system when the geyser is at the desired temp

Lower tariff will mean load shedding, says Eskom 02/03/2016

Well the electricity tariff has now been decided as usual those paying for those who do not want to pay and load shedding is again on the table and Eskom refusing to take action against its customers for not paying and again being Election year waiting for the order from ANC to wipe out unrecoverable debt for the sole purpose of buying votes.

It has come out that just Soweto alone owes Eskom in the region of 8 Billion Rand - That is just Soweto - imagine all the other so called townships and yet Eskom tried cut off municipalities that was only prevented because of a court case because even though customers had paid - corrupt ANC municipalities did not pay monies over to Eskom, also hoping for Government bailout an how many Councilors and municipal worker still continue not to pay knowing their bills are wiped out yearly and election times.

Folks i think the time is drawing near when a Tax revolt is going to take place - but for now getting off the grid is revolt enough and depriving a corrupt, incompetent, incapable government and its cronies of at least some of your monies

Lower tariff will mean load shedding, says Eskom Nersa grants power utility a 9.4% tariff increase for 2016-17 — far short of the 16% it says it needs

Going off grid to dodge tariff hikes 23/02/2016


Going off grid to dodge tariff hikes Eskom and municipalities’ income will erode as more households go off grid

South Africa: Eskom Aims to Claw Back R22.8 Billion Via Tariffs 19/11/2015

Now please keep in mind the previous post of overpaying BEE suppliers and as to the fact that Eskom can apply for costs of supply when they overspend generating electricity - WHY are we forced to finance these extra costs when Eskom can get coal or diesel at normal prices


South Africa: Eskom Aims to Claw Back R22.8 Billion Via Tariffs Eskom on Thursday submitted an application to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) to recover R22.8bn which the utility used to avert load shedding.

Eskom wants to recoup R38bn - Companies | IOL Business 15/08/2015

When does it end - Under corrupt ANC - Never - well this is the result of mismanagement and BEE now we pay for BEE getting higher prices than Eskom going direct all this while the majority do not pay because of skin color and the Debts are written off

http://www.iol.co.za/business/companies/eskom-wants-to-recoup-r38bn-1.1899351?ref=yfp #.Vc7070Ymuns

Eskom wants to recoup R38bn - Companies | IOL Business Eskom asks SA’s energy regulator for permission to recoup R38 billion of costs incurred in its 2014 financial year through higher tariffs.

AS IT HAPPENED: Eskom not in the business of rescuing mines Molefe 11/08/2015

Just look at what has been going on for the past 20 years and a few years ago all debt was scrapped by Eskom and Johannesburg nearly R8 Billion alone written off so they could start clean books and its exactly nearly back to that within a few short years


AS IT HAPPENED: Eskom not in the business of rescuing mines Molefe Eskom's financial position does not allow it to renegotiate any contracts simply to rescue a mine, says Eskom acting CEO Brian Molefe at his annual results briefing.

Eskom not insolvent, says Molefe 11/08/2015

Well folks here is proof of how for politics Soweto and others have mostly not been paying and come election time then more write offs and increases cripple us all - and then we as rate payers must pay for Soweto upgrades and infrastructure while they refuse to pay not because they are poor but because they are black -- and then the bit about write offs if they pay for 12 months straight - then again next year is Election time

Eskom failed to get the higher increase only because the city budgets had already been tabled but they will apply for increases next year and even if refused the ANC have established an appeal board whose members will be appointed by the ANC - so i do not expect Eskom to get an increase of less than 20% next year as well as the cities (eg. city power then adding on their increase the most recent increase well above inflation) and that is just to pay for people who do not want to pay - Eskom will also get its under recovery costs back such as the diesel bought to run the Turbines - diesel not bought cheaper direct but through BEE middleman and then of course the extra costs of the coal to BEE middleman nearly double paid than if direct to a white mine and the Guptas having a coal mine with contract to supply inferior coal

From the article one will read business is turning away from Eskom to other alternatives and that leaves the residential carry the ever increasing burden - - and that is with the Trillion Rand nuclear deal being approved soon - though like all else - mismanagement corruption, crony contracts - the end cost will be 3 Trillion Rand

Folks is it not time that you think you started looking at alternative energy before you can no longer afford it - at the end of the day a set amount of less than your current electricity bill is used to pay it off for a few years and then its money in your pocket to plan for the future or to move to another country or send your children to study and start a new life somewhere else because lets face it under the ANC there is no future and even the ANC are sending their children to study overseas.


Eskom not insolvent, says Molefe Acting CE Brian Molefe says utility remains financially operational, while addressing high residential arrears as industrial consumers turn to alternative power sources


Well time for the ANC to really rip us off and pay for the mismanagement, incompetence and crony appointments is upon us

Nuclear programme set to receive new financing model 04/06/2015

just want to bring your attention to the attachment - came across it this morning concerning the Nuclear Deal - but interesting reading for the times ahead

NERSA (National Energy Regulator of South Africa) is our independent watchdog and when Eskom applied for 16% they were only given 8% (then city power still adds on)
But now if you read whats happening Minister has announced changes to the law to take place to create an appeals board against NERSA decisions which we all know will be filled with ANC people - so NERSA like most other independent offices e.g (SABC, NPA) will really just be there for decoration. Government has said the money needed for the deal will be raised by increased tariffs (Trillion rand is a lot of increase)
So those who dont pay still wont and the ones who do pay or who have houses or something to lose or get cut off after 30 days while others stay connected for years not paying etc will be left with the burden - but if that is not enough to cover the finance needed government will add on additional taxes or levies somewhere and many people will be paying twice -- Yes i am talking to you if you are still on the grid


Nuclear programme set to receive new financing model Nuclear power programme likely to be financed following power-purchase deals backed by Eskom and government, says energy minister

Timeline photos 31/05/2015

A system i am very excited about - forget the ugly looking solar geyser system on your roof using vacuum tubing that uses the sun to heat the water and that is all it does - this system actually use Photovoltaic (PV) panels and is off grid - what excites me about this system is it can be expanded upon to connect other power consuming appliances off the grid and should you move, the system can be dismantled and taken with you - but once your geyser is heated to the temp (consider battery is small 12 volt only) then what happens to the solar panel on the roof, basically the daylight hours goes to waste that is whats exciting - because add a few more accessories and batteries and you can run more appliances off the system when the geyser is at the desired temp

Timeline photos 28/05/2015

Hi folks

Feeling the aggravation and frustration of load shedding - getting home after work and walking into a dark house lit by candles and your blood begins to boil - you cursing government and Eskom mostly because you know while you paying the bills and are subject to these conditions - you know top officials and the officials of Eskom and City Power have generators and UPS's that were probably purchased for their personal homes and comfort using your tax money.

1.) Firstly and most importantly determine your basic needs and requirements as well as the amount of money you have available, many people just love the idea of not having any electricity bills using solar power until they see the reality of pricing, but remember whatever you do to run loads off of the Eskom grid means less electricity bills and it pays for itself in the long term and once initial cost is covered the money saved is money in your pocket

Option One

do you just want to operate a few household appliances until load shedding is over

Option Two

you want to beat load shedding but also take most of your appliances off grid completely - small enough but have a system that can be expanded to take you one day completely off grid and put money in your pocket.

See Option One only really requires a A 600W Modified sinewave Inverter, a small, 2A battery charger and a deep cycle UPS battery of say 105Ah (standard size). These systems can operate on 12V, and will run the TV/Decoder and a few stand-alone lights for around 2 ½ hours. Add another battery, and it will give you around 5 hours and then the batteries take a day or so to recharge when the lights come back on Or A small 1Kva dedicated UPS system with a unit which contains both an inverter and a charger and is usually supplied with 2 x 105Ah batteries (as it is a 24V unit). This will also switch seamlessly whenever the power goes out, but is a little bit more expensive but it is a neater package. It is also designed to give you between 4-6 hours of Back-Up power.

your price range for these small systems is in the region of R8,000.00 - R11,000.00 Also remember that recharging a UPS battery using Eskom power will cost you 20% more than using it directly from the grid, because there are losses incurred in the re-charging process.

Option Two This is yet another option which some clients prefer, and has the advantage of reducing your electricity bills every month as well as giving you autonomy from Eskom. Small systems capable of supporting say the same as the smallest UPS described above, can start at around R8,000.00 plus installation fees of about R1500.00 for such an installation. Such a system will take longer to recharge your batteries than a normal UPS – depending upon how much power you consume after solar charging hours (between 9-4). Operating your emergency system during these hours will not deplete the battery, obviously
However, if you are intending to ‘grow’ the solar system later, then you will need different , and more expensive, components: such as the type of Inverter, battery and regulator you select. The minimum cost for such a system would be some extra R8,000.00. Thus you are looking at around R16,000.00 for a small solar system capable of being scaled-up at a later date.

Also as from the graph the average homes consumption when it comes to a geyser is nearly half your bill we offer solutions such as solar geysers - converting your geyser to use a water heat pump or just taking your existing geyser and converting it to Solar power - the savings in the graph are based on using a water heat pump

Timeline photos 24/05/2015

Hi folks starting a new business and very excited - I believe alternative energy solutions in regards to Solar Power is really going to become big business in the very near future
So please "LIKE it" and share it

Photos from Power4you's post 23/05/2015


We take your pool off the grid and let the sun power it, beating load shedding with a few extras is just the added bonus, saving money and putting it in your pocket is the intelligent way - why pay exorbitant electricity tariffs and give your money to a wasteful and self indulged government when you can save the money for your own family.

Other solutions provided are Solar Geysers, Water Pump Heaters or converting geyser to Solar panels and batteries so as you go along you can expand your system until your home is off the grid.

Now you can get a DC (direct current) pump/motor to run your pool or pond directly from the solar panels without batteries - but the price range of DC motor pumps are between R15 000 and R30 000 - so makes sense just to use your existing motor.

Yes lets not deceive ourselves, once too many people go to solar Government will look for other ways to get the funds needed, but lets not forget those who do not do it will not only have to contend with the much higher electricity bills but also with the new forms of tax introduced. So do not get left behind having to pay double, if its not going to cost you more than what you paying now for electricity then ask yourself what have you got to lose.

Like it or not, load-shedding is here to stay and even with a Koeberg nuclear power plant coming on-line there is still the chance of rolling blackouts.

But what is guaranteed is the continuous high tariffs and electricity prices for many reasons - crony appointees. mismanagement, corruption but mainly because of BEE - BEE middleman are used to buy fuel for the generators and fuel is not bought direct allowing for higher prices and higher recovery tariffs forced onto the consumers - Bee contracts for coal allow for double the price per tonne (Two Hundred Rand per tonne to non Bee company) - while BEE companies are paid Four Hundred Rand per tonne in addition to that also a further Two Hundred Rand per tonne for transport costs.

Not to mention the confidential agreements with big business that allows them to pay less than what you do, and the free electricity to Zimbabwe and then lets look at the amount of people and townships not paying and the huge write-off's of debts come election time for publicity and vote buying at your and your families expense.

More bad news is the Trillion Rand nuclear plans announced by Government - now we all know its not possible because with strikes, mismanagement, BEE deals, self enrichment, over-costing. increase in materials over a 15 or longer year period - it is no longer a trillion Rand deal but a Three Trillion Rand deal - no different to the cost increase when building the Stadiums or the Tolls Roads and all the other government projects and -- Yes who has to pay it - because the costs must be recovered somewhere - so when hearing of electricity tariff increases in years to come - do not get depressed just think that these will be the lowest prices you will be paying until the following year and the next and then soon your electricity bills will be more than the bond you pay on your house and your property will lose value with less qualified buyers in the market.

Taking your home completely off grid can cost Hundreds of Thousands and a decent generator for Blackouts will cost under Ten Thousand Rand, but then one has the fuel and maintenance costs. Fuel is not getting cheaper and will never get cheaper and Government will demand more and more increases in the fuel levy.

The easiest and most convenient way around load-shedding is to buy a bunch of Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS). These are basically big batteries which plug into the mains power, and have a power socket on the back. The battery is constantly charging,
The problem with UPS's, however, is that they’re expensive – starting at around R1 500.00 and only tend to last for an hour or so. – the really big ones cost Tens of Thousands of Rand. Many cheap UPS's are badly manufactured and do not maintain the battery properly which then need replacing at enormous cost and well they do not decrease you electricity usage as when the lights come back on the batteries need recharging.

Firstly if you have a pool or pond you can take the existing motor and it can run using Solar Technology - add some panels and batteries and during load -shedding you will be able to keep a few lights on, run your fridge, TV, DSTV and even computer, the sun will recharge the batteries the following day and it will cost nothing - you can even keep your appliances connected Off Grid and save on electricity consumption.

So what you save in Electricity Bills will go towards paying for the upgrades and within a few short years it will become profit in your pocket to benefit your family.

An added advantage is if you sell or move the system can be dismantled and taken with you and so the savings continue.

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