Word-Manna Church

A Prophetic Jesus Church Pioneered by Prophet Meek Banda. Isaiah chapter 61, Exodus 15:16 and Heb 4:12

Website 1: www.wordmannachurch.com
Website 2: www.wordmannainstitute.com
Website 3: www.wordmannatv.com
Website 4: www.wordmannaradio.com
Website 5: www.wordmannatalent.com
Website 6: www.wordmannadevotion.com
Website 7: www.wordmannapublication.com
Website 8: www.meekbanda.com

Mail 1: [email protected]
Mail 2: [email protected]

Photos from Word-Manna Church's post 30/08/2024

On the 29th of September, 2024 our Father in the Lord is hosting the first Word-Manna Talent Sunday. Prepare your Poems, Dance Crews, Music, Dramas and anything in the line of skills and Talent to showcase in Church. It's going to be the Big Church Day!!!

Remember, 29th September from 8am-12-30pm. Food will be served after the Service.

Flyers and Posters coming shortly.

Be there.
CC: His Excellency Hon. Prophet Meek Banda
BCC: Word-Manna Talent


Psalms 69:9 For the zeal of Your house has eaten Me up; and the reproaches of those who reproached You have fallen on Me.

John 2:17 And His disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of Your house has eaten Me up.

It is very important to have zeal for the house of God. Treat the house of God your number one destination. Treat God as your number one priority. When you have been appointed to serve God, do it diligently and in season. Serve with excellence, give with excellence, love with excellence, do business excellently, pray with the Spirit of Excellency and live and excellent life.

God is excellent and He is making your life excellent in Jesus Christ name.

Prophet of Jesus Christ
Highly Esteemed Honourable Prophet
Excellent Life in Christ
Breaking Records


He who has knowledge uses few words; a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.

God is restoring The Excellency of His Spirit in the Church this month.

Photos from Prophet Meek Banda's post 14/07/2024

Not all women age gracefully with all their good looks and physique. Marry her for more reasons beyond her body and beauty. Seek a FOREVER. Be wise.

Upgrade your life today. Meet me at Word-Manna Church in Johannesburg, South Africa this Sunday. Take the grace for a long lasting relationship and marriage.


Relationship /Marriage needs maturity, humbleness and compromise. Marriage / relationship is not a competition. When you are wrong, you are wrong...learn to say "sorry" and show that you are really willing to receive correction to do better next time.

Jesus Christ is above all. Take the grace as you pray for your loved ones. I stand in agreement with you in Jesus Christ name.


The point is never to win the argument! Sometimes you win the argument and lose your person!

Jesus Christ above all. Take prime grace.


Pay attention to how your husband or wife shows consideration and mercy during conflicts, regardless of who's right or wrong.

If you have time to notice this during your courtship season, then it is a blessing from above.

Take the grace and succeed in your love life in Jesus Christ name.


We are out with our father in the Lord Prophet Meek Banda and some of the Church Pastors. Let's meet in Church on Sunday from 9am for part 3 of Spiritual Dimensions. Same venue.

What have you learnt from the Spiritual Dimensions Teaching so far?


(Acts 1:5)

DATE: 12 May, 2024
TIME: 9am
CONTACT: +27 061 979 1082

Bring two people with you. It is going to be an eye opener. There is an increase of fire on the altar.


I greet you wherever you are. I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Glory to God. Home after the Church Sunday service.


One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.

For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.” Act 18:9-10

Apostle Michelle Weale

Breaking Records
Cc: Prophet Meek Banda


The Dimensions of God - Part 2. (Ephesians 3:19)

You have been given access to the fullness of God. Go and win. Go and prosper. Go and win souls. Go and manifest Jesus Christ. Go and live differently from the world. Go and become great. Go out and stand out. God is doing wonders at Word-Manna Church.

Join us this coming Sunday from 9am - 12:30pm. Bring two people with you.

NB: If you want your pic to appear on this page, come to Word-Manna Church Bertrams, take a photo at Church and send it to the church line on WhatsApp with the word "Prime Son" or "Prime Daughter"

CC: Prophet Meek Banda
BCC: Word-Manna Church
The Year of Breaking Records


The Dimensions of God....
Daniel 2:47 The king answered unto Daniel, and said, Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldest reveal this secret.

Word-Manna Church women be like....

CC: Prophet Meek Banda
Word-Manna Church


Greetings Prime Sons and Daughters in the Lord. Please check the Word-Manna Church calendar for all the 2024 programs and events in the comment section below.

Next: Children's dedication service this coming Saturday, 3 February, 2024. We are raising the Word-Manna Church flag high.

CC: Word-Manna Church
BCC; Prophet Meek Banda



Come to dedicate your children unto the Lord Jesus Christ as our father in the Lord will be praying for each and every child.

DATE: 3 February, 2024 (Saturday)
TIME: 9am - 11am
BENEDICTION: Prophet Meek Banda
VENUE: 90 Frere Road, Bertrams, Johannesburg, 2094

Luke 2:22Now when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were completed, they brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord 23 (as it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord”), 24and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the Lord, “A pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.”

All the details in the flyer. Share this post and see you there.
For more Word-Manna Church yearly events, please check the Church Calendar on the official Word-Manna Church website.

Welcome to the Prime- Family.


One word for Our Prime Resident Pastor, Apostle Michelle.

Increase, Favour, Grace, Anointing, Progress, Angels, Discipline, Goodness, Promotion...

Upgrade your life today. Join Word-Manna Church .


Your Monday is blessed. Spiritual Euphemism Service was on another level. Get ready for the Children's Dedication Service on the 3rd of February, 2024.

God bless Prophet Meek Banda

Upgrade your life today. Join Word-Manna Church
Helpline: +27 61 979 1082


Prime Greetings World.
Now playing: "Life After Death" by Padre Pio. Signed under Word-Manna Talent by our father in the Lord, Prime-Major Prophet Meek Banda


Word-Manna Radio
The Prophetic Voice on Angelic Wings
All content including but not limited to material, videos, imagery, videos, brand logos, brand names, teachings, music are subject to copyrights owned by Word-Manna Ltd, Word-Manna Radio and Word-Manna Talent. Any reproduction, or republication without the express written permission is unauthorised and strictly forbidden. All Rights Reserved.


We are done with the Global Prayer and Fasting. It's time to meet at Word-Manna Church

THEME: Spiritual Euphemism (Pnevmatikós Effimismós)
DATE: 21 January, 2024 - Sunday
TIME: 9am - 12:30am
MINISTERING: Prime-Major Prophet Meek Banda
SUPPORT LINE: 061 979 1082
WEBSITE: www.wordmannachurch.com
FEAST: Food and Drinks after the service.

Come and Upgrade your life by joining Word-Manna Church

Greetings to you all. Jesus Christ above all.


DAY 12 of 12 (19 January, 2024)
1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1. Pray against the challenges of December,2024.
2. Pray for the manifestation of God's blessings for December, 2024.
3. Thank God for the successful prayer and fasting.
4. Thank God for Word-Manna Church
5. Thank God for all the answered prayers of 2024.
6. Please add any prayer point concerning thanksgiving as the Spirit of the Lord leads you in Jesus name.

1. We are fasting and praying from 6am to 4pm daily for 12 days. Today, we are on day number 12. This is the last day. Let's meet in Church on Sunday for a feast of the Tabernacle.
2. If it your first time or you have some medical condition, please fast and pray to your limit until you are able to fast properly in afew days.
3. To those that are weak, you can drink water during the fast, but to those that are spiritually grown, please do a dry fast.
CC: Prophet Meek Banda
BCC: Word-Manna Church


DAY 11 of 12 (18 January, 2024)

Philippians 4:6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

1. Pray against the challenges of November,2024.
2. Pray for the manifestation of God's blessings for November, 2024.
3. Pray for God's unity and peace in Word-Manna Church in 2024.
4. Pray that God will grant you His peace in 2024.
5. Pray against all manner of frustration and those that will be used by satan to frustrate you in 2024.
6. Please add any prayer point concerning God's divine peace as the Spirit of the Lord leads you in Jesus name.

1. We are fasting and praying from 6am to 4pm daily for 12 days. Today, we are on day number 11 of 12. One more day to go, and we will be done.
2. If it your first time or you have some medical condition, please fast and pray to your limit until you are able to fast properly in afew days.
3. To those that are weak, you can drink water during the fast, but to those that are spiritually grown, please do a dry fast.

CC: Prophet Meek Banda
BCC: Word-Manna Church


DAY 10 of 12 (17 January, 2024)
Psalms Chapter 91 (The whole chapter)

1. Pray against the challenges of October in 2024.
2. Pray for the manifestation of God's blessings for October, 2024.
3. Pray for God's protection on Word-Manna Church in 2024.
4. Pray for God's covering in your Life, Family, Career, Business, Loved ones and your Nation in 2024.
5. Pray for protection and Increase in the life of our father in the Lord; Prophet Meek Banda
6. Please add any prayer point concerning God's divine protection as the Lord leads you in Jesus name.

1. We are fasting and praying from 6am to 4pm daily for 12 days. Today, we are on day number 10 of 12. 2 more days to go.
2. If it your first time or you have some medical condition, please fast and pray to your limit until you are able to fast properly in afew days.
3. To those that are weak, you can drink water during the fast, but to those that are spiritually grown, please do a dry fast.

CC: Prophet Meek Banda
BCC: Word-Manna Church


DAY 9 of 12 (16 January, 2024)

Luke 15:7 I say to you that likewise joy shall be in Heaven over one sinner who repents, more than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.

1. Pray against the challenges of September in 2024.
2. Pray for the manifestation of God's blessings for September 2024.
3. Pray for Church growth through Soul Winning in 2024.
4. Pray that God will grant you a Soul Winning Spirit in 2024.
5. Pray that first timers will fall in love with the ministry and the doctrine in Word-Manna Church so that they get discipled well.

1. We are fasting and praying from 6am to 4pm daily for 12 days. Today, we are on day number 9 of 12.
2. If it your first time or you have some medical condition, please fast and pray to your limit until you are able to fast properly in afew days.
3. To those that are weak, you can drink water during the fast, but to those that are spiritually grown, please do a dry fast.

CC: Prophet Meek Banda
BCC: Word-Manna Church


DAY 8 of 12 (15 January, 2024)

Joshua 3:5 And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.”

1. Pray against the challenges of August in 2024.
2. Pray for the manifestation of God's blessings for August 2024.
3. Pray that you and your family will serve God in 2024.
4. Pray that God will help you to leave a holy and sanctified life in 2024.
5. Pray that God will do wonders in your life in 2024.

1. We are fasting and praying from 6am to 4pm daily for 12 days. Today, we are on day number 8 of 12.
2. If it your first time or you have some medical condition, please fast and pray to your limit until you are able to fast properly in afew days.
3. To those that are weak, you can drink water during the fast, but to those that are spiritually grown, please do a dry fast.

CC: Prophet Meek Banda
BCC: Word-Manna Church


DAY 7 of 12 (14 January, 2024)

Joshua 24:15 But if it is unpleasing in your sight to serve the LORD, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!”

1. Prayer against the obstacles and challenges of July, 2024
2. Pray for the manifestation of the blessings Jesus promised us for July, 2024
3. Pray that you and your family and friends will serve God faithfully in 2024.
4. Pray that your Cell Group will be dedicated in Soul Winning in 2024.
5. Pray that your Cell Group will grow in numbers and in serving God in 2024. Pray that your cell Group will be productive and fruitful in 2024.

CC: Prophet Meek Banda
BCC: Word-Manna Church

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90 Frere Road, Judith's Paarl

Opening Hours

Wednesday 17:00 - 20:00
Friday 17:00 - 20:00
Sunday 09:00 - 14:00

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