Light of Nations Institute

Teaching, Training, Equiping men and women of every nations for Christian leadership and service that demonstrate the supernatural power of God

Teaching, training, and equipping Christian ministers and leaders in every part of the world for ministry, leadership, and service characterized by the demonstration of the supernatural power of God in their villages, cities, and nations.

Photos from Light of Nations Institute's post 16/02/2024

Ny antso dia tonga amin'ny fotoana isika ateraka indray fa ny fahatongavana ho mpitarika lehibe ao anaty antso sy sitrapon'Andriamanitra dia Dingana tsy maintsy haleha

Misorata anarana ho tonga mpianatra ao amin'ny LONU, sekoly mpanofana ho mpitarika ao anaty sitrapon'Andriamanitra.
Antananarivo: 26-27-28-29 Février
Toliara: 11-12-13-14 Mars


You know what? I don't think we should worry so much about what other people think of us. I think we should care about what WE think about ourselves.
Do you want to be a leader?
So come to the L.O.N.U School of Leaders and Disciples. (Lumiere des Nations University).
The university school year begins this February 26th to 29th for the first season.
Register now at:
Call: +261 34 36 962 31 / +261 38 36 962 31

Vous savez quoi? Je ne pense pas que nous devrions autant nous soucier de ce que les autres pensent de nous. Je pense que nous devrions nous soucier de ce que NOUS pensons de nous-mêmes.
Voulez-vous être un leader?
Alors venez à l’École des Leaders et Disciples L.O.N.U. (Université Lumière des Nations).
L'année scolaire universitaire commence ce 26 au 29 Fevrier pour la première saison.
Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant sur:
Appelez: +261 34 36 962 31 / +261 38 36 962 31


Indro atolotra ho antsika indray ny andiany fahatelo @ fihofanana sornatoraly entina hanampiana antsika kristianina mpandraharaha; mpianatra; mpiandraikitra eny na mpitandrina ihany koa aza. Fampianarana mifototra amin'ny fahalalana biblika hampitomboana sy hanatsarana ny fenitry haitarika (leadership) ao amin'ny fiangonana na tokantrano na orinasa ihany koa.
Misorata anarana!
ho an'ny taona voalohany sy faharoa dia ny 27-29-29 jona ny fihofanana
Taona fahatelo: 03-04-05 jolay
Samy ao amin'ny Tabernakely Anosizato
+261 34 36 962 31/ +261 38 962 31


Misorata anarana amin'ny LONU eto Toliara! fa hanampy anao amin'nytraikefa izay anananao momba ny fitarihana sy ny fitantanana ny asan'Andriamanitra izany


Faly izahay manambara fa manolotra fandaharana vaovao amin'ny fanofanana fitarihana sornatoraly izao ny LONU. Ity programa ity dia hanome anao ireo fitaovana ilainao hitarihana ny ekipanao amin'ny ho avy, ary koa ny fotopampianaran'ny Baiboly tokony ho fantatrao mba hahatongavana ho mpitarika izay tena mety hisy fiantraikany eo amin'ny fikambananao sy ny manodidina anao. Azonao atao ny mianatra ny fandaharam-pianaranay amin'ny Internet na ao amin'ny fiangonana Tabernakely etsy Anosizato ANTANANARIVO. Ao amin'ny LONU, mino izahay fa ny mpianatra tsirairay dia tokony hanana fahafahana miditra amin'ny fanabeazana manan-danja sy mahasoa ho an'izao tontolo izao ankehitriny. Namorona fandaharan’asa maromaro izahay izay manampy ireo mpianatra hivoatra ho mpitarika izay afaka mampihatra amin’ny fomba mahomby ireo fotopoto-pitsipika ara-baiboly eo amin’ny fiainany andavanandro, anisan’izany ny diplaomanay sy ny taratasy fanamarinanay momba ny Fianarana Baiboly.
Ity ny rohy ahafahanao misoratra anarana
Ho an'ny mpianatra ivelan'ny Madagasikara
We're excited to announce that LONU is now offering a new program in supernatural leadership training. This program will give you the tools you need to lead your team into the future, as well as the biblical doctrine you need to know to become a leader who can truly make an impact on your organization and those around you. You can study our programs online or at Tabernakely church in Anosizato ANTANANARIVO. At LONU, we believe that every student should have access to education that is relevant and helpful for today's world. We have developed a number of programs that help students develop into leaders who can effectively apply biblical principles in their everyday lives, including our diploma and our certificate in Biblical Studies.
Here is the link for you can register
For those abroad


Faly izahay manambara fa manolotra fandaharana vaovao amin'ny fanofanana fitarihana sornatoraly izao ny LONU. Ity programa ity dia hanome anao ireo fitaovana ilainao hitarihana ny ekipanao amin'ny ho avy, ary koa ny fotopampianaran'ny Baiboly tokony ho fantatrao mba hahatongavana ho mpitarika izay tena mety hisy fiantraikany eo amin'ny fikambananao sy ny manodidina anao. Azonao atao ny mianatra ny fandaharam-pianaranay amin'ny Internet na ao amin'ny fiangonana Tabernakely etsy Anosizato ANTANANARIVO. Ao amin'ny LONU, mino izahay fa ny mpianatra tsirairay dia tokony hanana fahafahana miditra amin'ny fanabeazana manan-danja sy mahasoa ho an'izao tontolo izao ankehitriny. Namorona fandaharan’asa maromaro izahay izay manampy ireo mpianatra hivoatra ho mpitarika izay afaka mampihatra amin’ny fomba mahomby ireo fotopoto-pitsipika ara-baiboly eo amin’ny fiainany andavanandro, anisan’izany ny diplaomanay sy ny taratasy fanamarinanay momba ny Fianarana Baiboly.
Ity ny rohy ahafahanao misoratra anarana
Ho an'ny mpianatra ivelan'ny Madagasikara

We're excited to announce that LONU is now offering a new program in supernatural leadership training. This program will give you the tools you need to lead your team into the future, as well as the biblical doctrine you need to know to become a leader who can truly make an impact on your organization and those around you. You can study our programs online or at Tabernakely church in Anosizato ANTANANARIVO. At LONU, we believe that every student should have access to education that is relevant and helpful for today's world. We have developed a number of programs that help students develop into leaders who can effectively apply biblical principles in their everyday lives, including our diploma and our certificate in Biblical Studies.
Here is the link for you can register
For those abroad


Mila anao izao tontolo izao mba hitondra fiovana, hitondra famonjena, fanafahana sy fanantenana, hanao fahagagana, famantarana ary zava-mahatalanjona;
Fotoana tokony hampitsaharana ny fanontaniana hoe iza no ho mpanova izao tontolo izao. Manaova dingana hamaliana ny antso izay napetrak’Andriamanitra eo amin’ny fiainanao ao amin’ny LIGHT OF NATIONS UNIVERSITY TOLIARA, miomàna ho amin’ny asa fanompoana Sornatoraly mifototra amin’ny fampianarana ara-baiboly marina, fampianarana ara-paminaniana sy azo ampiharina amin’ny fanompoana, fanetsehana ary fizarana miaraka amin’ny fametrahan-tanana avy amin’ny Apôstôly Shammah sy ny ekipany.
Hahazo hery hanorenana ny Fanjakan’Andriamanitra eto an-tany tahaka ny any an-danitra ianao, ary hery oenti-manova izao tontolo izao.
Izao no fotoana! Sitrano ny marary, avoahy ny demonia, Itaro ny fanjakan’Andriamanitra. Hofanina mba hanova zavatra sy hampitranga zavatra.
Misorata anarana ho mpianatra taona voalohany amin'ity rohy ity:
Fanazavana fanampiny antsoy ny laharana: +261 34 39 490 08
Fisoratana anarana: +261 38 56 255 56 / +261 33 61 060 11

The world needs you to make difference, to bring salvation, deliverance and hope, do miracles, signs and wonders;
It's time to stop asking who the next world changer would be. take a step to answer the call that God has placed over your life at LIGHT OF NATIONS UNIVERSITY prepare yourself for a supernatural ministry based on sound biblical doctrine, prophetic, and practical ministerial teaching, activation and impartation with hands on training from Apostle Shammah and his team.
You will be ampowered to establish God's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, empowerde to change the world.
The time is now! Heal the sick, cast out demons, expend the kingdom of God. trained to make difference and trained in the supernatural.
Register now to be part of students 1st year. Here is the link:
Infoline: +261 34 39 490 08
Registration: +261 38 56 255 56 / +261 33 61 060 11


Registration is already open! Take the steps to be a great and powerful leader. Receive the anointing and the prophetic ministerial impartation to extend the Kingdom of God in this generation.
Here is the link to subscrib:

Les inscriptions sont déjà ouvertes ! Prenez les mesures pour être un grand et puissant leader. Recevez l'onction et la transmission ministérielle prophétique pour étendre le Royaume de Dieu dans cette génération.
Voici le lien pour vous inscrire:


Save the date! Get ready for the manifestation of the Glory of God!


Today we wish our spiritual parents a happy blessed wedding anniversary, this is no doubt a heavenly ordained union which we have and are still benefitting from it. Thank you for modelling christ for us it is well pleasing and beautiful to watch. We are blessed to be learning from the best, may the Lord continue to bless your union. We love you 🥰🥰here’s to 19 years and many more 🥂🙌🎉!!!


We wish a blessed happy birthday to our teacher, spiritual advisor, our dictionary the one that imparts godly wisdom upon us our apostle, we love you sir and we pray God grants you more wisdom so you can continue on your assignment. We celebrate you and love you much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!

Photos from Shammah Apwam's post 30/07/2022

Very very soon!!!! A leadership training for who want to be a great leader. Register from now!!!


Registration is already for the leadership training
L'inscription est déjà ouverte pour la formation en leadership
Efa misokatra ny fisoratana anarana ho an'ny fiofanana amin'ny fitarihana.

Photos from Light of Nations Institute's post 13/04/2022

LONU ( Light Of Nations University) Day 03

Photos from Light of Nations Institute's post 11/04/2022

LONU (Light Of Nations University ) Day 1
Mbola tsy tara ianao raha tonga mianatra.
Misorata anarana!!!!

Photos from Light of Nations Institute's post 28/03/2022

Ny L.O.N.U (Light of Nations University) dia ivom-pampianarana izay manofana, mampianatra sy mampitaova ny olona rehetra te ho mpitarika, mpandraharaha, mpitondra fiangonana amin'ny fahalalana ny tena fitarihana mifanaraka ny tenin'Andriamanitra; ka mitondra ny fiantraika sornatoraly sy ny fahambonian'ny fanambarana avy amin'ny Fanahy Masina mba ho fandrosoan'ny fitarihana sy ny fitantanana.
Tombony ho antsika izay manaraka fiofanana ny fahazoana mari-pankasitrahana sy diplaoma iraisam-pirenena amin'ny fiafaran'ny taom-pianarana; ary ihany koa ny fahafahana manokatra ny asan'Andriamanitra amin'ny toerana izay misy antsika araka ny hery sy ny fahasoavana ary ny fahalalana izay notovozina tao amin'izany.
koa misorata anarana dien'izao fa amin'ny 11 hatramin'ny 15 aprily izao ny vanim-potoana fararano.
Azonao atao ihany koa ny manaraka mivantana amin'ny room messenger
Antsoy izahay na koa mandefasa hafatra raha mila fanazavana fanampiny.

The L.O.N.U (Light of Nations University) is an educational center that trains, educates and equips anyone who wants to be a leader, entrepreneur, church leader with the knowledge of true leadership in accordance with the word of God; thus bringing the heavenly influence and supremacy of the revelation of the Holy Spirit to the advancement of guidance and direction.
It is an advantage for those of us who are undergoing training to obtain international certificates and diplomas at the end of the academic year; and also the ability to open the work of God to the place where we are according to the power and grace and knowledge that have been drawn from it.
so sign up now that the autumn season is now from April 11 to 15.
You can also follow directly to the room messenger
Call us or send us a message for more information.


The LONI Summer season 2021 will start soon. It will be from November 29th to December 2nd.
LONI is a high school for leadership training following biblical principles and the example of Christ.
During this time we learn again: a conqueror leader, the fruit of the spirit and the works of the flesh; God’s healing and deliverance as well.
You can follow the training online (zoom or messenger room)
Contact us: + 261 34 36 962 31 / +261 34 37 962 31
Hanomboka tsy ho ela ny LONI Summer season 2021. Ny 29 novambra hatramin'ny 02 Desambra ho avy izao izany.
Ny LONI dia sekoly ambony hiofanana momba ny fitarihana manaraka ny fitsipika ara-baiboly sy modelin'i Kristy.
Ianarantsika mandritra ity indray ny hoe: mpitarika manitatra, ny vokatry ny fanahy sy ny asan'ny nofo; Ny fanasitranan'Andriamanitra sy fanafahana ihany koa.
Azonao arahina enligne ihany koa ny fiofanana
Antsoy izahay amin'ny laharana: + 261 34 36 962 31 / +261 34 37 962 31


Efa misokatra ny fisoratana anarana ny LONI fahavaratra !
Miatomboka ny 29 novambra ka hatramin'ny faha 2 ny volana desambra ho avy izao.
Hisy ny fampianarana mahery vaika avy amin'ny tenin'Andriamanitra, ary fahatakarana avy amin'ny Fanahy Masina.
Tongava, ary antsoy ireto laharana ireto raha mila fanazavana fanampiny.
034 36 962 31 / 034 37 962 31


L.O.N.I (Light Of Nations Institute) est un institut d'enseignement supérieur de l'école surnaturelle qui possède une université du surnaturel.
L'avantage de le faire est l'obtention d'un certificat qui vous permet de construire l'œuvre de Dieu dans de nombreux endroits différents à travers le monde.
Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant car il aura lieu les 29-30 novembre et 01-02 décembre.
Pour plus d'informations, appelez le numéro +261 34 36 962 31 / +261 34 37 962 31 ou également sur la page facebook de Light of nations institute


Efa misokatra ny fisoratana anarana amin'ny LONI, izay manomboka amin' izao Alatsinainy 30 aogositra izao.
Tongava ary raiso ny fampianarana mba hanananao fifandraisana akaiky amin'Andriamanitra !
Misaotra tompoko.

The registration for LONI is already open, this training will start on Monday, August 30th.
Follow and receive all the teaching to have a close relationship with God.
Thank you.



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Videos (show all)

Misorata anarana amin'ny LONU eto Toliara! fa hanampy anao amin'nytraikefa izay anananao momba ny fitarihana sy ny fitan...
Faly izahay manambara fa manolotra fandaharana vaovao amin'ny fanofanana fitarihana sornatoraly izao ny LONU. Ity progra...
the school of prophecy-ny sekolin'ny faminaniana
LONI 2020 Open Day Session 2 & 3
LONI 2020 Day 1


29 Hans Schoeman Street

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