Build The Future

Working to create thriving, sustainable communities in South Africa through education & nutrition.

Fundraiser — BUILD THE FUTURE USA 02/08/2024

We’re thrilled to announce our second annual fundraiser on December 4th at the Cintas Center in Cincinnati! It's set to be an incredible event, bigger and better than before. We are in need of silent auction items and sponsors, so any support you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Don’t miss out – check the webpage for details on how you can help, secure your tickets, and catch a sneak peek of our special guest MC!

See you there and bye 👋🏽 for now.

Fundraiser — BUILD THE FUTURE USA A Night to Build the Future Welcome to “A Night to Build The Future!” Join us on December 4, 2024, at the Cintas Center for an inspiring evening dedicated to transforming the lives of young children in South Africa. This event marks our second annual fundraiser, and we are excited to share the p...


Meet this month's Sponsor Spotlight, Janelle. We met Janelle last November and she quickly became a part of our family and Builders Team.

When asked about her experience working with us, this is what she had to say, "Build the Future is a wonderful organization that is making a significant impact on the rural communities in South Africa. I had an incredible experience with Build the Future on my GO South Africa trip to Durban this past Thanksgiving break. All of the leaders from Build the Future make you feel like you are family. I got to see firsthand the impact the team was making and had the opportunity to interact with children who are less fortunate than myself. Everytime I think about my trip and working with Build the Future, I am filled with joy. Forever grateful, forever changed."

We asked her why she signed up to give monthly so quickly after her trip and this is how she responded, "After my trip, I was eager to help in any way possible, so I decided I needed to be a monthly giver. These children deserve to be loved and given opportunities like the rest of us. Build the Future is "all in" and they will do whatever they can to bring resources to families in need. The preschools they have built provide a safe place for children to play, build friendships, eat, and learn. I would encourage others to give monthly as Build the Future is the real deal and they are putting the money towards loving God's children and making the world a better place."

We are grateful for people like Janelle that jump in and say “yes” to helping us truly Build the Future in the communities we work in. We can’t do it alone!

Photos from Build The Future's post 31/07/2024

In Collaboration with Afrika Adventures & Build The Future SA, we hosted an educator’s trip specifically designed for our very own preschool practitioners. The photos shown here tell the story 🙏🏽


We met Robert Suder last May and he quickly became a friend. When asked if he was interested in being a volunteer spotlight, he quickly responded YES! Hear what he has to share about his experience working alongside us in South Africa:

"In May of 2023 I was blessed to experience a service trip to Durban, South Africa. My journey had its blessings and challenges leading up to departure from Cincinnati, I had plenty of opportunities to choose other trips or back out, but I felt like this is where I needed to go. The journey to get to Durban was anything but a quick one. It was filled with nerves, hesitation, anticipation, missing my family that I love dearly... and many, many hours of travel.

Upon my arrival, we here happily and warmly greeted by Phillip, Clive, and Baylee. They put all of those fears at ease as they welcomed us with open arms, and instantly made everyone feel like we had known them our entire lives. I quickly realized God was at work here; I could feel it in my nerves, awe, and excitement.

Over the next week I experienced a sense of community, humbleness, friendship, and God that I had never seen. Our grouped worked at Waterfall Preschool, alongside local residents that greeted us warmly and openly. We quickly got to work doing a variety of tasks: scrapping paint off classroom walls inside, cleaning up a garden for growing fresh vegetables for the children, and framing and building a bathroom for the preschool children to use.

As I worked over the days as part of a group, I realized one of the best parts was that it felt like we were working WITH the people and that we were welcomed into their community as a part of it. I felt a sense of peace and happiness I’m not sure I can ever truly explain. We worked hard every day we were at the Waterfall Preschool but we also got to play with the children that showed such a sense of joy and wonder at meeting someone new that you couldn't help but smile. We packed food that would feed the children’s nutritious meals that they would not have had otherwise. Every night we ate together as a team and had amazing fresh cooked food that helped refresh us at the end. At the end of the week, we were treated to an amazing safari where we saw a ton of wildlife.

I think about that trip fondly where I met BTF and my colaborers almost daily and I can't wait to return one day. Here's my encouragement to anyone who has even the slightest feeling, the tiniest of fleeting thoughts about whether they should go... you need to know that you are being called to serve; it will change your life and be the adventure of a lifetime!"

We 100% agree with everything Rob said and hope you will, too, join us on a trip next year!!

Photos from Build The Future's post 22/07/2024

We’re still savouring the high of our recent Crossroads Educators Trip in KwaZulu Natal 🙏🏽 From the educating arena, work projects to the ladies preparing our PB&J
sandwiches , top class 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽


July is filled with lots of work, but also lots of sharing about Unyazi Creche. This month's Staff Spotlight is Unyazi's head teacher, Gugu.

Gugu is an incredible woman that grew up in in the Mazibuko area with her parents and multiple siblings. As a young child, she dreamed of one day being an educator. Her favorite part of her job is that she gets to help lots of parents by taking care of their children and their needs.

Since meeting Build the Future, she says "it's been so amazing, wonderful and I'm so thankful as they make sure the children have what they need." We can't wait to see how Gugu flourishes even more at her new school!

Photos from Build The Future's post 12/07/2024

The last few days with the Scheper's and friends have been absolutely beautiful. They arrived in Durban just in time to see Preschool 5, Unyazi Crèche, in memory of their son Calvin, welcome children to school for the first time!! It was a joyous occasion to see their eyes witness their dream of Calvin’s legacy staying alive all the way across the world and spreading his kindness everywhere.


July's student spotlight is from our newest school, Unyazi Crèche, all of which was possible due to the generosity of the Scheper Family in memory of their son, Calvin. Please meet Lunathi, ia sweet four year old that is so excited to be at her new school due to the generosity of this incredible family.

Lunathi favorite color is blue and her favorite animal is a dog (in Zulu a dog is inja). She really loves playing on the swings at school and we can't wait to see her playing on the new swing set at the school! One day she hopes to be a police officer and make the world brighter!


This month's Fun Fact Friday is all about our flag! Did you know that South Africa's flag is made up of 6 different colors all of which have a deep significant meaning to the nation as a symbol of unity and overcoming adversity? While visiting Constitutional Hill recently, we learned more about the flag, including that it was hand beaded by 7 women in KwaZulu-Natal and then donated to the court.

Here is what each of the colors represent:
Red - blood shed in South Africa's struggle for independence
White - purity in the nation
Green - land (and it's fertility)
Blue - sky and the endless opportunities
Yellow - minerals of South Africa
Black - unity between every person in the nation

We hope you enjoyed this month's Fun Fact Friday and learned a bit more about South Africa!


Happy International Joke Day to all of our friends and welcome to July! This one is for our friends abroad and it could also probably qualify as one of our why Wednesday's.

"Have you ever wondered the reason why South Africans laugh more than once when a joke is told? Well, it is because the first laugh comes after they hear the joke, the second after the joke has been explained to them and the third laugh comes after they have understood the joke."

And now you know the truth about our laughs when it comes to jokes. If 10+ people share a joke with us, we will enter you into a raffle to earn a prize!


Who’s ready to see these guys at Thula Thula - Exclusive Private Game Reserve?!?!


All of the work that we do is 100% funded by generous donors, like Melissa. Hear why she chooses to be a part of our Builder's team:

"I have been on 3 trips to work with BTF and I have seen first hand the work that is being done in the preschools and communities! My very first trip was in 2017 in Kya Sand. I was working in the classroom and noticed a young boy who wasn’t feeling well. A few hours later while I was helping to serve lunch to the kiddos outside on the tarp, I saw that same kiddo, Amos, having a seizure. At that moment, all I could think about was western medicine and the things I needed due to my medical background. Once he was stable, Phillip mentioned we could take him to a partial pay clinic to get checked out and get the care he needed. It was during that medical emergency and everything that ensued after that I fell in love with the work that Build the Future is doing!

I choose to give to Build the Future because I have seen firsthand the impact my resources have and continue to have on the community and partners of Build the Future! They are truly making a difference in the lives they reach and touch! They are not just giving resources, but teaching children and adults in the community what it takes to be sustainable!

I would encourage others to give to Build the Future to help continue and fuel the incredible work that is happening in South Africa with the Preschools and the vision and mission to educate and feed the children and community! You never have to wonder how your resources are being used. It’s all going right back to the community! If you want to be apart of something greater than yourself, please consider supporting my friends at Build the Future!"

We're so grateful to Melissa and our entire Builder's team. We couldn't do this work without their ongoing generosity. It's such a privilege to be supported by such great friends that allow us to continue to do this work and continue to invest in our relationships.

Photos from Build The Future's post 26/06/2024

We are feeling refreshed, excited… and a tad exhausted after hosting a team of 43 volunteers from in Johannesburg last week. They are the only team that will be working at Kya Sand Preschool this year and they took their assignments very seriously (as in some days we had to force them to take a lunch break).

There was a lot of preparation that went into this week, including site visits from Clive, Thobani and Thandi. From there, Thobani began working closely with Given, a local construction worker, and his team to lay the groundwork.

In 3 short days on site, the team was able to completely restructure the garden (and plant seedlings 🌱), build 2 portions of the wall 🧱 that will surround the school, scrape, prep and paint 🖌️ one container that was in need of some major TLC, help in the kitchen and assist teachers in classrooms and sing 🎤 & dance 🕺🏿 to tons of songs.

Throughout the week there were many educational and cultural components to this trip. We visited Grace Bible Church, Constitutional Hill, the Apartheid Museum, shared the story of Build the Future as well as Thobani & Thandi’s individual stories.

Our lives, our hearts and Kya Sand are forever changed from the outpouring of love, dedication and determination each of these individuals demonstrated. It takes a village to get things done, and this village certainly showed up. We are so grateful.


Happy Monday!! We are strong believers that we all can use a little motivation, especially on a dreary Monday. We're changing it up a bit and going to a well known quote, but not so well known is the fact that it is an African Proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together."

We often say that we are better together and it's because it's true. We can go so much farther when we work together. As we think through this, all of the incredible work we've been able to get done with teams on the ground with us, we’ve gone entirely further than we could've on our own.

As we reflect on all of the people that we've met along the way (Gogo, Elizabeth, Tembe, Thandi, Thobani...) we acknowledge how much further we've been able to go with them. Have we slowed them down a bit? Perhaps. But have we gone further together? 100%.


As trips season is in full swing, we're reminded exactly why we continue to host teams... volunteers allow us to get so much accomplished, but they also enrich our family and encourage those around them. Last year we met Cyronne on a trip in Durban and immediately felt like she was a part of our family. Flash forward to today and she's continuing to volunteer alongside us. This is what she shared when asked about her experience working with us:

"Volunteering with Build the Future in South Africa offers a rewarding experience of making a tangible difference in communities. It provides opportunities to engage in meaningful projects focused on education, infrastructure, and sustainable development. The experience for me has been transformative, broadened my perspectives, fosterered personal growth, and created lasting memories.

The impact on my life has been profound, as volunteering has allowed me to develop new skills, build relationships, and gain a deeper understanding of social issues. It has enhanced my empathy, resilience, and cultural awareness, while also offering a sense of fulfillment from contributing to positive change.

Others should consider volunteering with Build the Future to contribute their skills and time towards meaningful causes, connect with diverse communities, and make a real difference in people's lives. It's an opportunity to step outside of one's comfort zone, learn from new experiences, and be part of something larger than oneself. I worked in South Africa in 2023 and I am returning again next month!

My most memorable experience was working with the teachers, and seeing how we connected with them in one short week. One of the teachers was in tears on our last day saying how she got so much from out time with them. It warmed my heart and made me cry too!"

We love our volunteers and we can't wait to see Cyronne next month. We'd love to hear your experience volunteering with us. Shoot us a DM if you'd like to answer a few questions for us!


We get asked A LOT of questions about why we do what we do. A more recent repetitive question has been, "why do you support a blockyard?" While there are many facets to this answer, the bottom line is being we believe in Thobani and the work his team is doing in Ndwedwe.

Because of this blockyard, more local men are provided job opportunties right within their communities. Thobani's brother, Lindo, oversees the blockyard while Thobani is out overseeing other projects. We then get to support the blockyard when we purchase blocks for each of our projects. Rather than going into the city, we are able to purchase them right where we are working. Additionally, they are able to sell these blocks to community members, making for much easier transport.

As much as possible, we work to invest in not only the schools we sponsor, but the communities they are in. This is one of many examples of how we are able to do that!


Did you know that South Africa is currently the number one exporter of macadamia nuts in the world? Additionally, production has surged over 20-fold in recent years employing nearly 100,000 individuals, making South Africa the largest producer of macadamia nuts in the entire world.

Much of this production actually happens in KwaZulu-Natal on the lands that we drive through to get to our schools in Ndwedwe. If you've been on a trip to Durban, we've likely pointed them out to you. While macadamia nut farming takes a lot of time (upwards of seven years), they are highly sought after and the return on investment is high.

While the macadamia nut tree is native to Australia, they are now being grown in other hot subtropical climates with consistent irrigation, like our country. We're so grateful to be able to export so much of these highly nutritious nuts across the world (and perhaps to you!) And there's another Fun Fact Friday about South Africa for you!


As we reflect on the 18 years since Build the Future was officially registered as an NGO, we can't help but think of where it all really started. In the early 1990's, our Founding Director, Phillip Shapiro, formed a very special relationship with Gogo in Soweto. And THAT is where it all began.

He helped her establish a garden which led to everyone in the community getting their own garden to supplement their nutritions. This is also what birthed Gogo's Soup Kitchen (Feeding Program) which is still running today led by Alice and Mavis who live in the community.

That then led to the desire to not only feed, but educate children. 18 years later and we're completing the construction of our 6th preschool and planning to roll straight into building our 7th and 8th schools.

By the end of the year, we will be supporting the education and nutrition of nearly 500 children while also sponsoring two feeding programs. And we're just getting started.


We have a lot of fun facts abouth this month's staff spotlight, Mamsadi, including that her legal name is actually Christina.

Mamsadi has been working at Kya Sand Preschool for 2 years now, specifically with the 3 year olds, commonly referred to as the "bunnies." Before joining our team, she worked in the kitchen making pies at Home of the Chicken Pie.

She grew up in Limpopo and moved to Kya Sand in 2017 to be closer to her aunt... who just so happens to be Elizabeth, the principal at the school! Her younger sister made the move with her and is working to clean the roads at the age of 21.

Growing up she dreamed of being a high school teacher and she is well on her way to accomplishing that dream with the skills she is gaining working with us!

Her favorite color is peach and when asked what her favorite part of her work is, she responded that she "loves the energy she gets from the children because they are so happy!" We think Mamsadi is simply a peach, a gift and a wonderful member of our team. 😊


Happy June! We're nearing the final days of autumn here in South Africa, we know things are heating up back in the US. We're moving along with all the heat as we continue with our spotlights. Without further ado, we'd like to introduce you to this month's student spotlight, Risen.

Risen is a student that attends Kya Sand Preschool. He is currently 5 years old and is in Judith's classroom. His favorite color is blue and his favorite animal is a lion. But he most excitedly expressed that his favorite part of school is working on puzzles. When Risen grows up, he wants to be a policeman.

With the education Risen is receiving at Kya Sand Preschool, we fully believe that he will believe and achieve his dreams one day. We're so grateful to provide a place for Risen to grow, learn, dream and build into his future.


To anyone that has ever joined us at Thula Thula - Exclusive Private Game Reserve, check out Nana exploring their new land first!!!

Photos from Build The Future's post 04/06/2024

Last week we had the honour and pleasure to host a small, but mighty team from our partner Crossroads ReachOut. It was a week filled with bonding, new adventures, and a lot of hard work to prepare Unyazi Crèche, Preschool 5 in memory of Calvin Scheper. While students were out of school for the week, sure enough they showed up outside the fence to greet the team and thank them for their hard work.

This team surprised in so many ways, accomplishing more than we could've imagined and showering each other and our team with love and grace. We also got to serve a local partner of ours, Small steps surfing which was a humbling and fun experience for all. We wrapped up our time together with a visit to one of our favorite places, Thula Thula - Exclusive Private Game Reserve and got to have lots of up close and personal encounters with wildlife.

Having this small team, meant we were all able to bond so beautifully. Every week presents it's own challenges, but together, we conquered them all. We are already counting down the days until we get to see this team again!


We sponsor lots of projects and work in many different spaces, but one question we frequently get asked is "why beekeeping?"

A few years ago, Clive and Phillip finally decided to try something they had been dreaming of for years, much of which was inspired by a dear friend in Cincinnati. Clive went on courses, while Phillip continued conversations with our friend. After many months (well, years), the dream became a reality. We have been able to produce some delicious honey with dreams of mass producing as we grow.

We do this for many reasons, one being that bees play a vital part in the ecosystem - they are actually the greatest pollinators! Additionally, we hope to provide more job opportunities in the community we serve.

Drop a 🍯 emoji in the comments if you love honey as much as we do!


Sometimes trips don’t go as planned. Flights get delayed, connections get missed, transportation breaks down…we’ve all been there!

This month’s Sponsor Spotlight encountered many interruptions. Despite that, they still had an incredible time serving alongside us! This is what Griff Ray had to say about his experience alongside his lovely wife, Kristan:

“I’ve been on a lot of great mission trips, but I have never felt as loved and poured into by local partners as I did with Build the Future. Their hearts for us as their partners with them beautifully unfolded before us. It was so easy to catch the passion and understand need for this work for not only the children, but the communities.

The humility and integrity of the leadership are what made us want to become a regular supporters of such beautiful work. Thank you, Build the Future, for inviting us into your life changing work.”

Griff and Kristan are two individuals with hearts of gold that regularly pour into others in their communities. It was an honor for us to be able to share our hearts, passion and time with this power couple. It is humbling to hear that they left feeling poured into as well.

This is just one testimony of many that no matter how smooth the travel goes, lives are still changed by trips. We are so grateful for Griff and Kristan’s ongoing generosity and that they are a part of our Builders team.


Who run the world? Well, Beyoncé would say girls, but we say volunteers! John DeJarnette is one of those volunteers that has made a profound impact on Build the Future and the work we do. We asked him to share about his experience volunteering with us, and this is what he had to say:

“This was my first service trip and it ended up becoming a bucket list experience. I did it with members of my family and to share the experience with them was awesome. It also challenged me in so many different ways. I grew not only as an individual, but also with my family members. In Additionally, I was able to connect with local adults and children which was so fulfilling. We went to church and worshiped together, we worked side by side painting, planting, building, singing, playing, learning, and growing.

Since leaving I have continued to witness the continued fruits of my labor and the impact of a week of work through social media and newsletters. In addition to the connection and growth, we also learned more about the history and culture of South Africa through the Apartheid Museum visit and African safari experience. To top it all off, I also made some strong bonds and relationships with other members of my team who experienced the trip with me.

I would recommend a trip like this to anyone. I have heard this from many people who go on service trips and now I know it is true: you end up receiving so much more than you give.”

We are so grateful for John and his words of wisdom. We love hearing how a week of volunteering has a profound impact that comes home with you (and STAYS with you!)

If you’re interested in doing a volunteer spotlight, send us a message!


Mottos can often be such wise words to live by, but it takes some serious motivation to actually live by them 😉.

For this month's Motivational Monday, we'd like to share these wise words from Elon Musk. Did you know that Elon Musk was actually born and raised in South Africa? Regardless of your opinion on Elon as a person, we can't deny that this is a motto worth living by.

“Life is too short for long-term grudges.” Elon, we couldn't agree more. So whatever grudges you may be holding right now, we encourage you to let them go. Life is precious and you're never guaranteed tomorrow, so set yourself free from the past today!


Some people come into your life for a reason you don’t realize until many years later. When your paths finally cross again, it all clicks into place! That's what it's been like for us with the Sapsford's.

It all began back in 2010 when Amy Lynn came on a service trip to South Africa. Over the course of the week, she felt a big tug on her heart and connection to the land. Years passed before she returned to South Africa and her connection continued to grow.

Fast forward to last December when Amy bumped into Christine Whelan and she felt a whole new nudge on her heart. Everything started falling into place a few weeks later when Phillip Shapiro & Baylee Shapiro met Amy for coffee. We all walked away excited and encouraged about what may be on the horizon. When Amy returned home and shared with M Simon Sapsford, the nudge in his heart began to grow as well.

Over the last few days, we’ve been hosting the Sapsford's here in South Africa. It’s been such a joy to spend time together as we dream and plan for Nkumbanyuswa Crèche, Preschool 6, in memory of their son, Dean.

We're also SUPER excited to share that the construction on this school begins next month! Today is actally World Baking Day, and we're looking forward to sharing what's baking on this development and our incredible friends, the Sapsford's.

We hope you enjoy this precious photo of Amy & Simon standing on the property that will soon be our 6th preschool in Ndwedwe in memory of their sweet Dean.


Happy International Family Day! We are so very grateful for every person and company that is a part of our family. And we’re even more grateful that our family continues to grow as more people join our Builders team!

Today we’re celebrating Peebles Plants (Pty) Ltd and their ongoing support and commitment to helping us provide the kids at our Kya Sand Preschool with fresh vegetables. This week they provided us with a generous donation to give our garden a bit of a revival.

This is another example of how family isn‘t always defined by blood. Family goes far beyond those walls. We are honored, thankful and so appreciative of every single person and company that is a part of our family.

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In Collaboration with Afrika Adventures & Build The Future SA, we hosted an educator’s trip specifically designed for ou...
Private tours are our absolute favorite. Last week this powerful couple came to South Africa to see the land where the p...
Last week we teased that we'd be sharing updates on Unyazi Crè is finally the day!! It is said that practice ...
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Sugar Rush Park field trip day was a huge success! Learn can and SHOULD be FUN! We are so grateful to be able to create ...
This video beautifully captures why we do what we do: to give children the opportuntiy to receive an education, proper n...
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All it takes is a vision, some drive, and a little sacrifice to make a BIG difference 🫶
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