Benediction Motivations

A Philosopher. Focus On Developing A Healthy Mind. I'm Self Declared Life Coach😎


Let's Take This Moment To Congratulate All 2023 Matriculants Who Have Made It ❤️🥳.

Admission To Bachelors Degree, Diplomas, And Higher Certificate You All Did Your Best✌️💯. Your Hard Work And Sleepless Nights Paid Off. You Really Have Worked Hard And Achieved Great Milestone.

Remember That Education Is An Important Part Of Your Life, As It Can Open Up Many Opportunities For You In The Future 😇.

To Those Who Didn't Make It, Don't Feel Discouraged 😕. You Can Still And Very Capable To Achieve Great Things In Life, Even If It Takes A Different Path. Remember To Stay Focused And Work Hard To Achieve Them ❤️. You Have The Ability To Succeed, And We're Rooting For You 😊.

Wishing You All The Best In Your Future Endeavors 🙏✌️❤️


"know Who You Are. know What You Want. know What You Deserve. And Don't Settle For Less."


To Everyone Reading This❤️. Believe In Yourselves And Never Give Up On Your Dreams No Matter How Hard It Is, Or How Long It Takes. Nothing Comes Easy. What You Think You Lost Now, Believe Me It Was Never Yours. It Was Never Meant To Be Yours. Be Appreciative Of What You Currently Have❤️📍. Know That Anything Is Possible If You Work Hard And Stay Focused. Also Take A Good Care Of Your Bodies And Minds By Eating Healthy, Working Out Daily 🏋️‍♂️, Getting Enough Sleep, And Staying Hydrated.
Most Importantly, Cherish Every Moment. Smile More Often. Celebrate Along The Way. Don't Wait For The Finish Line To Celebrate, You'll Never Know Maybe You Never Reach It. So Celebrate Along The Way, Celebrate Small Wins. Don't Be Discouraged By Small Minds.
Lastly, Have FUN 👻. But Remember To Look After Yourselves. Put God Before Everything 🙏👏.

Benediction Motivations


Don't Worry Better Days Are Coming, Keep Your Head Up.


Disappear for 90 days and set yourself 10 years ahead

1. Develop a routine. Sleep at 9:00 PM and be awake at 4.00 AM every day.

2. Spend 60-minutes of your day reading ,writing, and internalizing what you understand.

3. Be willing to let go of friendships that don't serve you. If you hangout with losers, you become a loser.

4. Master the art of self-discipline. Get up early, work long hours, and face your problems head on.

5. Learn a high-income skill that'll earn you $10k+ per month.

6. Stop chasing cheap dopamine. Prioritize what's important over pleasure.

7. Hit at least 100 push ups and 80 squats per day to stay strong. You'll also be healthier than 97% of people.

8. Build self-discipline by taking one cold shower in the morning.

9. Make the internet a source of your income. There're endless possibilities for making money.

10. Take 100% responsibility for your life and never blame circumstances or anyone.

11. Include proteins, fresh fruits, and 3L of water in your daily diet to optimize your health.

12. Hang out with people who obsess over making moves and living a good life. Your circle should not gossip, complain, or get jealous of each other.

13. Invest in a good wardrobe, a good niche fragrance, and learn how to talk. You'll boost your success rate by 94%.

14. Befriend nature, walk 5000 steps per day to clear your mind, boost your mood and get creative.

15. Keep distance from people who only prioritize their needs over yours. They're your greatest setback.

16. Be smart enough to quit w**d, p*orn, and alcohol. They're the worst distraction that'll raise your dopamine, make you dumb, and depressed.

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The Biggest Habit You Should Stop Is Worrying About What Other People Think About You.


Every Day We Wake Up With Expectations, And We Sleep With Experience.

A Beautiful Morning To Everyone, And Good Luck On Your Daily Plans 🙏🍀😇


Dear Brothers & Sisters Nothing Is Impossible In Life. It's All In Your Mind To Tell Yourself That You Can Make It 🙏❤️.


Work Hard So That You Don't Need To Introduce Yourself Any More📌🤗


I Will Win📌.
Not Immediately But Definitely❤️🙏🤗



Young people (13-30) please gather here. Stop sharing memes, stop scrolling, get your pen and paper and come and learn/unlearn.

1. The stretch between the age 20-30 is very critical. Use your twenties to build your life. Be careful of these three things, for they change your future forever: Friendships, S*xual Relationships, Habits.

2. Be a student. I don't mean inside a classroom. Keep asking. Keep knocking. Keep questioning. Read. Find a mentor. Be coachable. Question your philosophy of life often and find things to change. Keep learning. Keep unlearning. Keep a journal and jot down life lessons as you go.

3. Your friends at 20, may not be your friends at age 30. Your boyfriend at 15 may not be your life partner. Life has a funny way of shifting things around. People evolve. You will keep changing as you grow. Don't make permanent commitments with temporary people. Learn to let go. Allow life to make those adjustments.

4. Go to work to work. If you make friendships at work, great but more often than not the friendships at work may not last after you leave work. Don't attach to a company, organization, role. Explore and be okey with starting afresh.

5. If you can delay making babies, please do so.

6. Take opportunities. At 20, 25, 30 you don't have much to lose. If you fail, take the lesson. Don't be scared to try. The opinions don't matter.

7. Learn to communicate. In your own language, and in English. Write in full, try to construct proper sentences. Dot your Is and Cross your Ts. Learn and master your elevator pitch (who are you, what do you do, and what do you hope to achieve).

8. Learn how to effectively use social media. It's important to understand how social media works if you want to stay relevant in this age.

9. Learn to save. Save at least 30% of your income.

10. Become valuable. Learn a new skill. Learn a new language. Learn. The money will follow your value.

11. Speak up. There is no need to shrink. The only way to grow your confidence is to speak up.

12. Work hard and make no excuses. Life rewards those that work hard.

13. Don't blame the government, it's pointless.

14. Comparison is the thief of joy. Practise gratitude and be content with what you have.

15. Honor your parents. They have been around long enough to know what works.

16. Be careful of the following: Drugs, S*x and Alcohol. A lot of lives have been ruined by these.

17. Every person you meet can teach you something. Always take the lesson.

18. Your health is your wealth. Holistic wealth includes physical, social, mental, spiritual and emotional.

19. Time is money. Always try to be punctual. Don't procrastinate. Recognize time wasters in your life and make the necessary adjustments.

20. Never fear criticism. Never fear being judged. Never fear failure. The only thing you should be afraid of is REGRET!

21. Not all arguments are necessary. Save your energy!

22. Start investing as soon as you can. Learn about compound interest and use time to make it work for you. This talks to your finances and habits.

23. Learn to manage your emotions. It's important!

24. Love yourself. It starts within not without. All the other forms of love are sweet bonuses, that you get to enjoy, receive and reciprocate after you learn to love yourself.

25. The internet does not forget. Be careful of what you publish online.

26. Choose your life partner carefully. It's critical who you marry.

27. Believe in a higher power, something above yourself. You sleep better at night knowing that where your strength ends, there is someone above you who takes care of it all.

28. Love the journey more than the destination. Be present in each moment. Appreciate your current achievements while you work for more.

29. Travel the world. Meet new people. Explore. Don't limit your reality of life to your present. Life is big.

30. You create the life you want, it doesn't just happen. Plan. Set goals. Be intentional. What you do or not do today will affect how you eventually turn out in life.

Lastly LIVE!!! No I don't mean YOLO, just live! Find interesting things about life and enjoy them. Enjoy moments with your loved ones, enjoy the sound of birds chirping. Enjoy nature. Laugh. Dress up. Enjoy your cup of coffee. Life is to be lived. Put your phone down and enjoy life. "

(Sbucy, 2021)


Beat Your Chest And Say, No One Is Gonna Stop Me To Reach The Top 😎


When You Bounce Back, Show No Mercy 💀



Question 1. Tell us more about yourself?

Answer: I am hard worker, passionate, consistent and disciplined.

Question 2. Why do you think you are the best candidate for the job?

Answer: I am a very committed worker, I love challenges and I have the will to succeed. I am a motivated person. I have the ability to learn fast which will facilitate the training period.

Question 3. Why do you apply for this position?

Answer: Because I am looking for a job. I want to advance my career / experience in a position that allows me to grow as person and employee.

Question 4. What are your strengths?

Answer: I can work under a lot of
pressure. I am an amazing problem
solver. I am a persistence person and I don’t give up very easily. My
dependability. I can make a decision under a lot of pressure (good decision maker) I can be able to work with little/no supervision, willing to learn new things, easy to adapt, friendly, reliable, expressive and punctual

Question 5. What is your biggest

Answer: I can be too committed to my work and don’t spend enough time with other social activities. I work too hard. I care too much about my work.

Question 6. Do you prefer to work
independently or on team?

Answer: They are both my favorites

Question 7. How do you handle stress or pressure?

Answer: I work well under pressure
because I prepare for it before it comes. I try to stay calm as possible and focus to get the job
done. I prioritize my responsibility so I have a clear idea of what is needed to be done, that helps me to effectively manage pressure

Question 8. What is your salary

Answer: I am expecting to get a job offer that is realistic and reasonable

Question 9. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

Answer: My long term goals involve
growing in a company where I can
continue to learn and contribute as much of value as I can. Once I gain additional experience I would like to move through the ranks of the job.
I would like to see myself as an expert of my job description.

Question 10. What is your ideal job?

Answer: Would be challenging but secure

Question 11. Preferred working hours?

Answer: I am flexible

Question 12. What do other people say about you?

Answer: They find me approachable

Question 13. Why teamwork is important?

Answer: As people we think differently and in those different views we can get the views that can benefit the project. It teaches you
how to solve work problem, work hard, handle stress and become a good thinker.

Question 14. Do you have any questions? Yes

# How much time do I have?
# Do you see my skills contributing to this company?
# Do you think I'm qualified for this job?
# How soon could I start?
This Could Help You One Day. Best of luck!

- Copied From Mashudu Boitumelo Carol


Rohle Re Dira Diphoso Mme Re Ithuta Gotswa Mogo Tsone... Father Forgive Me For What I'm Wronged You.


Flop La Nyatsa & Life Haena Clever 😢🤞


"Sometimes You Need To Do A Spring Cleaning. Not The One You Do In The House. A Mental Spring Cleaning. Get Rid Of Contacts That Are No Longer Useful. Friends That Are No Longer Contributing To Your Growth. Relationships That Are Dead. Associations That Are Dead. There's A Lot Of Death In Our Lives. A Lot Of Dead Voices. Dead Energy. Dead Frequency. I Woke Up This Morning & Did A Spring Cleaning On My Whatsapp. On My Contact List. On My Facebook. Too Many Dead People Orbiting Our World. Dead Flowers That No Longer Need The Water We Keep Pouring On Them"

Thokozani Vilakazi. 2023. Post.


Always Stay With A Postive Mindset Along With Gratitude! It Keeps Negative Thoughts Away ! Stay ,Humble ,And Patient ✌️❤️


"There's a guy who went to Pretoria from Mozambique to study.
When he got to Pretoria he identified I nice business opportunity. He saw a very busy area where he can put a mobile kitchen and sell food.

But he needed R50000 capital he tried the banks and all his friends he still couldn't get the money.

He had a very rich uncle who never supported him.

He decided that he was going to lie to his uncle in order to get the R50k

So Him and his other friend's who were studying medicine and training. Decided that they were going to fake an accident.

They had all the material even the scans and pictures.

They sent everything home. The guy told his FAMILY that his in a critical condition and needs R55000 for an operation.

The uncle deposited the money instantly.

The guy gave his doctor friends R5000 took R50000 got his mobile kitchen.

He was not making less than R1000 a day in less than 3 month's he paid of his uncles debt and told his whole family the truth about what happened.
They we're first angry at him but greatful because the guy was now able to send money home every month instead of his straggling mother sending him money.

The moral of the story is.
If you lack resources and there's a risk to be taken then take it.
Stop complaining.
Not every billionaire you see today was born with a silver spoon on his mouth most come from very poor backgrounds."


"If you are skinny, you are on drugs. If you are fat, you need to lose weight. If you drink, you are an alcoholic. If you get dress up, you are conceited. If you dress down, you’ve let yourself go. If you speak your mind, you are rude. If you don’t say anything, you are snobbish. If you are sociable, you’re a party animal. If you stay to yourself, you are detached.

You can’t do anything without being criticized. We live in a society where people can’t survive if they are not judging the next person. Let’s build each other up. We are all the best we can, in the same game called life."

Author Unknown


Every Family Has That 1 Person Who Breaks The Circle Of Financially Struggles For The Entire Family.

May You Be The Person❤️🙏


You Wanna Be Happy? 😊😀

1. Don't Expect To Be Loved.
2. Don't Expect Loyalty From Anyone.
3. Don't Take Yourself Too Serious. O Ngwana Hela'aka Ba Bangwe😀.
4. Don't Expect To Be Celebrated.
5. If You Wanna Do Something, Do It Alone.

In Short Don't Expect Much, Because Expectations Brings Disappointments☹️.


The late king of one forgotten village had ten hyenas.
Which he used to torture and eat any of his servants who made a mistake during his rule .
One day, one of his servants gave an opinion that was wrong, and the king didn't like it at all.
So, he ordered that the servant be thrown to the wild animals.
But the servant said, "I served you for ten years, and you do this to me? Please give me ten days before throwing me to those hyenas" .

The king agreed, and in those ten days, the servant went to the guard who looks after the hyenas and told him he would like to serve the hyenas for the next ten days.
The guard was baffled but agreed, and the servant started feeding the hyenas, cleaning for them, bathing them, and providing all sorts of comfort for them.
When the ten days were over, the king ordered that the servant be thrown to the hyenas for his punishment.
And when he was thrown in, everyone was amazed to see the ravenous hyenas only licking the feet of the servant!
The king, baffled at what he was seeing, he asked, "What has happened to my hyenas?"

The servant replied, "I served the hyenas for only ten days, and they didn't forget my service.
Yet I served you for a whole ten years and you forgot all, at my first mistake?"

The king realized his mistake and ordered the servant to be set free.

This post is a message to all those who forget the good things a person does for them as soon as the person makes a mistake towards them.
Don't be hard on people who have been good to you over the years, because of a day they may have wronged you without even realising.
Especially, if they're willing to rectify their mistake.
Because, we're only humans, and perfection is far from us."



A Reminder❗..

Remember You An Average Of 5 People You Spend Time with... So It's Best To Hang Out With People Who Obsess Over Making Moves And living A Good Life.

Your Circle Should Not Gossip, Complain, Judge, Compare Or Get Jealous Of Each Other.

~ Sïr Benediction Moabi


A Lesson To All ❗

Promise Yourself, No Matter How Hard It Gets, You'll Never Give Up On Your Dreams.
When It's Very Hard To Take, Remember To Re-set, Re-adjust, Re-start & Re-focus For As Many Times As You Can To Bounce😊..

~ SSïr Benediction MoabiBSïr Benediction MoabiMSïr Benediction Moabi


Don't Stop When You're Tired. Stop When You're Done.
& One Day You Will Thank Yourself For Never Giving Up.

Sïr Benediction Moabi


Don't expect anything good, don't expect anything bad, don't expect anything at all just appreciate every little effort that is done. Expectations bring judgement, judgement brings hate, envy and jealousy.

~ Darker ZA


One day a farmer’s donkey fell into a well. The animal cried loudly for hours, while the farmer tried to find something to do to get him out.

Finally, the farmer decided that the donkey was old and the well was already dry and needed to be covered anyway; that it really wasn't worth pulling the donkey out of the well..

He invited all his neighbors to come help him. They each grabbed a shovel and began to throw dirt into the well.

The donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly loud. Then, to everyone's surprise, he quieted down after a few shovelfuls of dirt.

The farmer finally looked down into the well and was amazed at what he saw... with each shovelful of dirt, the donkey was doing something incredible: It was shaking off the dirt and stepping on top of the dirt.

Very soon everyone saw surprised how the donkey reached the mouth of the well, went over the edge and trotted out...

Life is going to throw dirt at you, all kinds of dirt... the trick to getting out of the hole is to shake it off and use it to step up. Each of our problems is a step up. We can get out of the deepest holes if we don't give up...

Use the land they throw you to get ahead!!!

Remember the 5 rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hate.

2. Free your Mind of distractions.

3. Simplify your life.

4. Give more and expect less.

5. Love more and... shake the dirt, because in this life you have to be a solution, not the problem!

Author Unknown


Hope You All Enjoyed Festive❤️🎄... Compliments Of The New Year,,, Blessings Upon Blessings❤️🙏🎉

Sïr Benediction Moabi

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Appreciate Life💜😇
• Follow The Formula, Aim High & Create More Chances Than What You Actually Need. Few Will Favour😎.God Bless🙏
• A Man Won't Stand A Woman He Feels Less Or Weak Around Her.





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