Community Church Planting - CCP

Partnerships for populating all communities with spiritually maturing Christian churches.

This CCP page provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and photos on the subject of church planting multiplication and discipleship among persons and partners with an interest in the topic.


A 30-day Prayer Guide for Churches in Africa
Please forward to all Christian Leaders and Churches in Africa
Day One Pray that God would revive His Church across Africa through a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit that results in churches multiplying churches, leaders multiplying leaders and church members multiplying church members, such that the number of churches, pastors and disciples in Africa would double by 2030. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch and own the Into Africa 2030 vision. 2 Ch 7:14
Day Two Pray for All Leaders of Africa. Pray for Algeria and Angola that the Spirit of God would hover over these nations and bring an era of peace and prosperity. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch the Into Africa 2030 vision. Pray that the Church of Jesus Christ would flourish and see a period of sustained growth. Lk 11: 9, 10
Day Three Pray for the African Schools, School Principals and Administrators, Teachers and pupils in Africa. Pray for Benin and Botswana to know God’s favour, peace and prosperity. Pray for the orphans and widows. Pray for wars and armed conflicts in Africa to end and God to usher in an era of peace. Pray for all Church Denominations to catch and own the Into Africa 2030 Vision.
Ps 8:2 & Mt 19:14
Day Four Pray for African Economies, Businesses, and Financial Institutions. Pray for the Employers and Employees, the self-employed and unemployed in Africa. Pray for God to protect Africa’s economies and grant her an era of prosperity and peace. Pray for Burkina Faso and Burundi, that God would bless them with peace and prosperity. Pray for the Churches in Africa to love and exalt the Lord Jesus. Pray for God to guide Into Africa 2030. Nu 6: 24-26
Day Five Pray for the Churches in Africa, that they would exalt Jesus and carefully follow His teachings. Pray that pastors would faithfully teach the Word of God in all African churches. Pray that the Bible would become accessible to every African home. Pray for Cameroon and Cape Verde Islands to know God’s peace, prosperity and favour. Pray for Into Africa 2030, for God to revive the African Church. Ps 119:105
Day Six Pray for Newspapers, Radio and Television, that they would know God’s favour as they responsibly convey news and current affairs to their readers and listeners. Pray for God to call raise up increased numbers of disciples who have a passion to become pastors, elders, missionaries and deacons in His church. Pray for increased numbers of students to enrol in seminaries and Bible Colleges. Pray for God’s favour to rest upon the Central African Republic and Chad. Pray for Into Africa 2030 Ezr 7:8-10
Day Seven Pray that the Lord Jesus Christ would be exalted above all other names in Africa. Pray that the Churches in Africa, who preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, will be full with faithful disciples and those who seek to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Bless the musicians and choirs of Africa. Anoint the pastors, preachers, evangelists and deacons in the African churches. Pray for all Church Denominations to catch and own the Into Africa 2030 Vision. Pray for God’s favour on the Comoros and Congo (DRC). 1 Co 1:17,18
Day Eight Pray for the youth of Africa. That their parents would love Jesus, and they in turn would love and honour their parents. Pray against the abuse of children, malnutrition, access to health care and schooling, against unwanted pregnancies, child prostitution, and slavery. Pray for godly mothers and fathers to nurture and care for their children. Pray that the hearts of the youth in Africa would yearn to know and love Jesus. Pray for a generation of Christian Youth Leaders who will own Into Africa 2030. Pray for Republic of Congo and Cote d’Ivoire Dt 6:5-7 & Titus 2:6
Day Nine Pray for wars, armed conflicts and insurrection in Africa to cease. Pray for peace and justice across Africa, pray against the persecution of minority groups and for religious freedom. Pray for God to grant Africans a spirit of hospitality. Pray for Into Africa 2030, for God to grant African Churches a new missionary zeal to reach the unreached in our countries and to the ends of the earth. Pray for Djibouti and Equatorial Guinea. Ge 18:2-5 & Heb 13:1&2
Day Ten Pray for religious tolerance and the cessation of religious persecution. Pray for all Africans to know and worship Jesus (Isa in Arabic). Pray for the peace of God to rest upon Africa. Pray for Egypt to become an example of religious freedom across the world. Pray for God to entrench the Into Africa 2030 vision with its call for revival upon the hearts of all Christian leaders in Africa. Ps 85:4-7 & Ro 8:35
Day Eleven Pray for the churches in Africa, that they would stay centred in the Word of God. Pray that every home in Africa would have access to a Bible. Pray for God to raise translators and provide funding for the Bible to become available in all African languages. Pray for Ethiopia. Pray for the churches in Africa to send missionaries to the unreached and least reached peoples of Africa. Pray for an evangelical church to be within walking distance of every African in every African nation. Pray for the Into Africa 2030 vision. Ps 119:105-106 & Ac 1:8 & 2 Tim 3:16
Day Twelve: Pray for church members to share their personal testimony to the lost, of how they came to know Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Pray that the church would understand that Christians are disciples of Jesus and commissioned go and make new disciples. Pray for church leaders to train their members to be multiplying disciples. Pray each African church member would have an opportunity to make one new disciple in the next 6 months. Pray for Eritrea and Gabon. Pray for the Into Africa 2030 vision. Jn 1:40-42 & Mt 28:18-20
Day Thirteen Pray that the Lord would protect Africa from viruses and diseases and that vaccine would become increasingly accessible to all her people. Pray for the doctors, nurses, hospitals and clinics in Africa. Pray for the homeless, the sick and the dying. Pray for Gambia and Ghana. Pray for Bible Institutes, Bible Colleges and Bible Schools. Pray for God to call increased numbers of Pastors into Ministry. Pray for the birth of new daughter churches. Pray for the Into Africa 2030 vision. Lk 9:2 & Lk 10:9
Day Fourteen: Pray that the Spirit of God would bring revival to the churches in Africa. That African churches would increasingly seek the face of God for vision and direction and believers will confess their sin and seek after purity and holiness in their lives. Pray for God to bless the pastors in Africa and bring revival to the churches. Pray for and Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. Pray that the churches in Africa would adopt and own Into Africa 2030 Ps 51:10 & Isa 57:15
Day Fifteen Pray for God to bless African agriculture, that her soil would produce crops and fruit in bountiful quantities in order to feed her people. Bless the farmers as they labour in the fields and as they tend to their livestock. Pray for the hungry and malnourished, for orphans, widows and beggars, for the crippled and the maimed. Pray for the abused and their abusers. Pray for Kenya and Lesotho. Pray for Into Africa 2030 2 Co 9:10 & Ac 10:31
Day Sixteen Pray for the Spirit of God to bring revival to the church, your nation and Africa. Pray for the unreached villages, towns, and cities of Africa and for God to send missionaries from our churches to those waiting to hear the Gospel. Pray for Liberia and Libya. Pray for all the pastors you know. Pray for Into Africa 2030 Mt 24:14
Day Seventeen Pray for the children of Africa. Pray for the schools and teachers in Africa. Pray for peace across Africa. Pray for the missionaries in Africa. Pray for the missionaries sent from Africa to other continents. Pray for Madagascar and Malawi. Pray for Bible translation projects. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ex 33:13 & Ro 15:20
Day Eighteen Pray for political tolerance and stability across Africa. Pray for regional conflicts to end. Pray against all forms of zenophobia in Africa. Pray that we would learn to love others just as we love ourselves. Pray for Mali and Mauritania. Pray for Into Africa 2030 that God would pour out His Holy Spirit upon His People. Ex 23:9 & He 13:1-3
Day Nineteen: Pray for an era of peace, prosperity and generosity across Africa. Pray for the safety and welfare of mines and miners in Africa. Pray that we would be good stewards of the natural resources of Africa, her rivers, her wildlife and her natural resources. Pray for those who dwell in slums across Africa. Pray for permanent housing for slum-dwellers, widows, and orphans. Pray for Mauritius and Mayotte. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ps 128:2 & Ps 104:10-15
Day Twenty Pray for God to raise People of Peace in all unreached villages and unreached suburbs in the cities of Africa. Pray that God would send out believers two by two into all the unreached places in Africa who will connect with People of Peace and share the Gospel with them. Pray for Morocco and Mozambique. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Lk 10: 1-9
Day Twenty-One Pray against the spread of AIDS and those suffering from it. Pray for believers who go out two-by-two looking for People of Peace. Pray God would bless the meeting of His people with People of Peace along with their families. Pray that Christ would become known and worshipped by the families of all People of Peace. Pray for Namibia and Niger. Pray for Revival in Africa. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Mt 10: 5-20
Day Twenty-Two Praise God for the vibrant church in Africa. Praise God for the pastors in Africa who preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for peace to reign where the Christian and Muslim worlds meet. Pray for an end to religious persecution. Pray for the name of Jesus Christ to be glorified and His peace to fill our continent. Praise God for missionary sending churches. Pray for Nigeria and thank God for faithful Nigerian pastors throughout the world. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Pr 3:3 & Rev 2:10
Day Twenty-Three Pray and dedicate yourselves as living sacrifices in the cause of Jesus. Resolve to confess and turn away from all sin. Live every day as if this were your last day on earth. Pray for the peace and joy of Christ to fill your hearts. Resolve to tell others about the love you have for Jesus. Pray for Reunion and Rwanda. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ro 12: 1-2 & Jn 14:6
Day Twenty-Four Pray for the message of Christ’s cross to reach the dying. Pray that sermons preached by African pastors will be accompanied by a demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power. Invite your unchurched friends to go with you to church. Pray for Saint Helena, Sao Tome & Principe and Seychelles. Pray for Into Africa 2030. 1Co 1:18
Day Twenty-Five Pray for the political parties in your nation and across Africa. Pray that God would raise just, wise and peaceful leaders who will lead their countries into a time of peace, prosperity and good will. Pray for violence and crime in your nation to cease. Pray for all the pastors, elders, evangelists, prophets and deacons in your nation. Pray for Senegal and Serra Leone. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Joshua 1:1-9
Day Twenty-Six Pray for political stability, justice and peace across Africa. Pray against gender violence, and all forms of discrimination. Pray for an era of unparalleled economic growth across Africa. Pray for revival across Africa. Pray for South Africa and Somali. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Jonah 3:8 & Hos 6:1-3
Day Twenty-Seven Pray for God to thrust out a new generation of labourers into his harvest fields who filled with the Holy Spirit will be his witnesses in their home towns and villages, across their provinces and states, across Africa, and across the world but in particular to the continent of Europe. Pray for Sudan and Swaziland. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ac 1:8
Day Twenty-Eight Pray for a spirit of peace, hospitality, generosity and goodwill to reign in the hearts of all Africans. Pray for love and compassion to be the hallmarks of the Christian community. Pray against the strongholds of darkness. Pray for Tanzania and Togo. Pray for Into Africa 2030. 2 Co 10:4-5 & Ps 37:3 & 4
Day Twenty-Nine Pray for Tunisia and Uganda. Pray that God would revive His Church across Africa through a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit that results in churches multiplying churches, leaders multiplying leaders and church members multiplying church members, such that the number of churches, pastors and disciples in Africa would double by 2030. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch and own the Into Africa 2030 vision. 2 Tim 2:2 & Mt 24:14
Day Thirty Pray for Zambia and Zimbabwe. Pray that God would revive His Church through a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit that results in churches multiplying churches, leaders multiplying leaders and church members multiplying church members, such that the number of churches, pastors and disciples in Africa would double by 2030. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch and own the Into Africa 2030 vision. Pray that Africa will have vision to re-evangelize Europe. Mt 28: 16-20 & Mk 16:15-18
Please encourage churches, prayer groups, leaders and disciples of Jesus to pray through this guide regularly. Please distribute as widely as possible.
Issued by Community Church Planting


A 30-day Prayer Guide for Churches in Africa
Please forward to all Christian Leaders and Churches in Africa
Day One Pray that God would revive His Church across Africa through a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit that results in churches multiplying churches, leaders multiplying leaders and church members multiplying church members, such that the number of churches, pastors and disciples in Africa would double by 2030. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch and own the Into Africa 2030 vision. 2 Ch 7:14
Day Two Pray for All Leaders of Africa. Pray for Algeria and Angola that the Spirit of God would hover over these nations and bring an era of peace and prosperity. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch the Into Africa 2030 vision. Pray that the Church of Jesus Christ would flourish and see a period of sustained growth. Lk 11: 9, 10
Day Three Pray for the African Schools, School Principals and Administrators, Teachers and pupils in Africa. Pray for Benin and Botswana to know God’s favour, peace and prosperity. Pray for the orphans and widows. Pray for wars and armed conflicts in Africa to end and God to usher in an era of peace. Pray for all Church Denominations to catch and own the Into Africa 2030 Vision. Ps 8:2 & Mt 19:14
Day Four Pray for African Economies, Businesses, and Financial Institutions. Pray for the Employers and Employees, the self-employed and unemployed in Africa. Pray for God to protect Africa’s economies and grant her an era of prosperity and peace. Pray for Burkina Faso and Burundi, that God would bless them with peace and prosperity. Pray for the Churches in Africa to love and exalt the Lord Jesus. Pray for God to guide Into Africa 2030 Nu 6: 24-26
Day Five Pray for the Churches in Africa, that they would exalt Jesus and carefully follow His teachings. Pray that pastors would faithfully teach the Word of God in all African churches. Pray that the Bible would become accessible to every African home. Pray for Cameroon and Cape Verde Islands to know God’s peace, prosperity and favour. Pray for Into Africa 2030, for God to revive the African Church Ps 119:105
Day Six Pray for Newspapers, Radio and Television, that they would know God’s favour as they responsibly convey news and current affairs to their readers and listeners. Pray for God to call raise up increased numbers of disciples who have a passion to become pastors, elders, missionaries and deacons in His church. Pray for increased numbers of students to enrol in seminaries and Bible Colleges. Pray for God’s favour to rest upon the Central African Republic and Chad. Pray for Into Africa 2030 Ezr 7:8-10
Day Seven Pray that the Lord Jesus Christ would be exalted above all other names in Africa. Pray that the Churches in Africa, who preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, will be full with faithful disciples and those who seek to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Bless the musicians and choirs of Africa. Anoint the pastors, preachers, evangelists and deacons in the African churches. Pray for all Church Denominations to catch and own the Into Africa 2030 Vision. Pray for God’s favour on the Comoros and Congo (DRC). 1 Co 1:17,18
Day Eight Pray for the youth of Africa. That their parents would love Jesus, and they in turn would love and honour their parents. Pray against the abuse of children, malnutrition, access to health care and schooling, against unwanted pregnancies, child prostitution, and slavery. Pray for godly mothers and fathers to nurture and care for their children. Pray that the hearts of the youth in Africa would yearn to know and love Jesus. Pray for a generation of Christian Youth Leaders who will own Into Africa 2030. Pray for Republic of Congo and Cote d’Ivoire Dt 6:5-7 & Titus 2:6
Day Nine Pray for wars, armed conflicts and insurrection in Africa to cease. Pray for peace and justice across Africa, pray against the persecution of minority groups and for religious freedom. Pray for God to grant Africans a spirit of hospitality. Pray for Into Africa 2030, for God to grant African Churches a new missionary zeal to reach the unreached in our countries and to the ends of the earth. Pray for Djibouti and Equatorial Guinea. Ge 18:2-5 & Heb 13:1&2
Day Ten Pray for religious tolerance and the cessation of religious persecution. Pray for all Africans to know and worship Jesus (Isa in Arabic). Pray for the peace of God to rest upon Africa. Pray for Egypt to become an example of religious freedom across the world. Pray for God to entrench the Into Africa 2030 vision with its call for revival upon the hearts of all Christian leaders in Africa. Ps 85:4-7 & Ro 8:35
Day Eleven Pray for the churches in Africa, that they would stay centred in the Word of God. Pray that every home in Africa would have access to a Bible. Pray for God to raise translators and provide funding for the Bible to become available in all African languages. Pray for Ethiopia. Pray for the churches in Africa to send missionaries to the unreached and least reached peoples of Africa. Pray for an evangelical church to be within walking distance of every African in every African nation. Pray for the Into Africa 2030 vision. Ps 119:105-106 & Ac 1:8 & 2 Tim 3:16
Day Twelve: Pray for church members to share their personal testimony to the lost, of how they came to know Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Pray that the church would understand that Christians are disciples of Jesus and commissioned go and make new disciples. Pray for church leaders to train their members to be multiplying disciples. Pray each African church member would have an opportunity to make one new disciple in the next 6 months. Pray for Eritrea and Gabon. Pray for the Into Africa 2030 vision. Jn 1:40-42 & Mt 28:18-20
Day Thirteen Pray that the Lord would protect Africa from viruses and diseases and that vaccine would become increasingly accessible to all her people. Pray for the doctors, nurses, hospitals and clinics in Africa. Pray for the homeless, the sick and the dying. Pray for Gambia and Ghana. Pray for Bible Institutes, Bible Colleges and Bible Schools. Pray for God to call increased numbers of Pastors into Ministry. Pray for the birth of new daughter churches. Pray for the Into Africa 2030 vision. Lk 9:2 & Lk 10:9
Day Fourteen: Pray that the Spirit of God would bring revival to the churches in Africa. That African churches would increasingly seek the face of God for vision and direction and believers will confess their sin and seek after purity and holiness in their lives. Pray for God to bless the pastors in Africa and bring revival to the churches. Pray for and Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. Pray that the churches in Africa would adopt and own Into Africa 2030 Ps 51:10 & Isa 57:15
Day Fifteen Pray for God to bless African agriculture, that her soil would produce crops and fruit in bountiful quantities in order to feed her people. Bless the farmers as they labour in the fields and as they tend to their livestock. Pray for the hungry and malnourished, for orphans, widows and beggars, for the crippled and the maimed. Pray for the abused and their abusers. Pray for Kenya and Lesotho. Pray for Into Africa 2030 2 Co 9:10 & Ac 10:31
Day Sixteen Pray for the Spirit of God to bring revival to the church, your nation and Africa. Pray for the unreached villages, towns, and cities of Africa and for God to send missionaries from our churches to those waiting to hear the Gospel. Pray for Liberia and Libya. Pray for all the pastors you know. Pray for Into Africa 2030 Mt 24:14
Day Seventeen Pray for the children of Africa. Pray for the schools and teachers in Africa. Pray for peace across Africa. Pray for the missionaries in Africa. Pray for the missionaries sent from Africa to other continents. Pray for Madagascar and Malawi. Pray for Bible translation projects. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ex 33:13 & Ro 15:20
Day Eighteen Pray for political tolerance and stability across Africa. Pray for regional conflicts to end. Pray against all forms of zenophobia in Africa. Pray that we would learn to love others just as we love ourselves. Pray for Mali and Mauritania. Pray for Into Africa 2030 that God would pour out His Holy Spirit upon His People. Ex 23:9 & He 13:1-3
Day Nineteen: Pray for an era of peace, prosperity and generosity across Africa. Pray for the safety and welfare of mines and miners in Africa. Pray that we would be good stewards of the natural resources of Africa, her rivers, her wildlife and her natural resources. Pray for those who dwell in slums across Africa. Pray for permanent housing for slum-dwellers, widows, and orphans. Pray for Mauritius and Mayotte. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ps 128:2 & Ps 104:10-15
Day Twenty Pray for God to raise People of Peace in all unreached villages and unreached suburbs in the cities of Africa. Pray that God would send out believers two by two into all the unreached places in Africa who will connect with People of Peace and share the Gospel with them. Pray for Morocco and Mozambique. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Lk 10: 1-9
Day Twenty-One Pray against the spread of AIDS and those suffering from it. Pray for believers who go out two-by-two looking for People of Peace. Pray God would bless the meeting of His people with People of Peace along with their families. Pray that Christ would become known and worshipped by the families of all People of Peace. Pray for Namibia and Niger. Pray for Revival in Africa. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Mt 10: 5-20
Day Twenty-Two Praise God for the vibrant church in Africa. Praise God for the pastors in Africa who preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for peace to reign where the Christian and Muslim worlds meet. Pray for an end to religious persecution. Pray for the name of Jesus Christ to be glorified and His peace to fill our continent. Praise God for missionary sending churches. Pray for Nigeria and thank God for faithful Nigerian pastors throughout the world. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Pr 3:3 & Rev 2:10
Day Twenty-Three Pray and dedicate yourselves as living sacrifices in the cause of Jesus. Resolve to confess and turn away from all sin. Live every day as if this were your last day on earth. Pray for the peace and joy of Christ to fill your hearts. Resolve to tell others about the love you have for Jesus. Pray for Reunion and Rwanda. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ro 12: 1-2 & Jn 14:6
Day Twenty-Four Pray for the message of Christ’s cross to reach the dying. Pray that sermons preached by African pastors will be accompanied by a demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power. Invite your unchurched friends to go with you to church. Pray for Saint Helena, Sao Tome & Principe and Seychelles. Pray for Into Africa 2030. 1Co 1:18
Day Twenty-Five Pray for the political parties in your nation and across Africa. Pray that God would raise just, wise and peaceful leaders who will lead their countries into a time of peace, prosperity and good will. Pray for violence and crime in your nation to cease. Pray for all the pastors, elders, evangelists, prophets and deacons in your nation. Pray for Senegal and Serra Leone. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Joshua 1:1-9
Day Twenty-Six Pray for political stability, justice and peace across Africa. Pray against gender violence, and all forms of discrimination. Pray for an era of unparalleled economic growth across Africa. Pray for revival across Africa. Pray for South Africa and Somali. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Jonah 3:8 & Hos 6:1-3
Day Twenty-Seven Pray for God to thrust out a new generation of labourers into his harvest fields who filled with the Holy Spirit will be his witnesses in their home towns and villages, across their provinces and states, across Africa, and across the world but in particular to the continent of Europe. Pray for Sudan and Swaziland. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ac 1:8
Day Twenty-Eight Pray for a spirit of peace, hospitality, generosity and goodwill to reign in the hearts of all Africans. Pray for love and compassion to be the hallmarks of the Christian community. Pray against the strongholds of darkness. Pray for Tanzania and Togo. Pray for Into Africa 2030. 2 Co 10:4-5 & Ps 37:3 & 4
Day Twenty-Nine Pray for Tunisia and Uganda. Pray that God would revive His Church across Africa through a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit that results in churches multiplying churches, leaders multiplying leaders and church members multiplying church members, such that the number of churches, pastors and disciples in Africa would double by 2030. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch and own the Into Africa 2030 vision. 2 Tim 2:2 & Mt 24:14
Day Thirty Pray for Zambia and Zimbabwe. Pray that God would revive His Church through a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit that results in churches multiplying churches, leaders multiplying leaders and church members multiplying church members, such that the number of churches, pastors and disciples in Africa would double by 2030. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch and own the Into Africa 2030 vision. Pray that Africa will have vision to re-evangelize Europe. Mt 28: 16-20 & Mk 16:15-18

Please encourage churches, prayer groups, leaders and disciples of Jesus to pray through this guide regularly. Please distribute as widely as possible.
Issued by Community Church Planting


A 30-day Prayer Guide for Churches in Africa
Please forward to all Christian Leaders and Churches in Africa
Day One Pray that God would revive His Church across Africa through a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit that results in churches multiplying churches, leaders multiplying leaders and church members multiplying church members, such that the number of churches, pastors and disciples in Africa would double by 2030. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch and own the Into Africa 2030 vision. 2 Ch 7:14
Day Two Pray for All Leaders of Africa. Pray for Algeria and Angola that the Spirit of God would hover over these nations and bring an era of peace and prosperity. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch the Into Africa 2030 vision. Pray that the Church of Jesus Christ would flourish and see a period of sustained growth. Lk 11: 9, 10
Day Three Pray for the African Schools, School Principals and Administrators, Teachers and pupils in Africa. Pray for Benin and Botswana to know God’s favour, peace and prosperity. Pray for the orphans and widows. Pray for wars and armed conflicts in Africa to end and God to usher in an era of peace. Pray for all Church Denominations to catch and own the Into Africa 2030 Vision. Ps 8:2 & Mt 19:14
Day Four Pray for African Economies, Businesses, and Financial Institutions. Pray for the Employers and Employees, the self-employed and unemployed in Africa. Pray for God to protect Africa’s economies and grant her an era of prosperity and peace. Pray for Burkina Faso and Burundi, that God would bless them with peace and prosperity. Pray for the Churches in Africa to love and exalt the Lord Jesus. Pray for God to guide Into Africa 2030 Nu 6: 24-26
Day Five Pray for the Churches in Africa, that they would exalt Jesus and carefully follow His teachings. Pray that pastors would faithfully teach the Word of God in all African churches. Pray that the Bible would become accessible to every African home. Pray for Cameroon and Cape Verde Islands to know God’s peace, prosperity and favour. Pray for Into Africa 2030, for God to revive the African Church Ps 119:105
Day Six Pray for Newspapers, Radio and Television, that they would know God’s favour as they responsibly convey news and current affairs to their readers and listeners. Pray for God to call raise up increased numbers of disciples who have a passion to become pastors, elders, missionaries and deacons in His church. Pray for increased numbers of students to enrol in seminaries and Bible Colleges. Pray for God’s favour to rest upon the Central African Republic and Chad. Pray for Into Africa 2030 Ezr 7:8-10
Day Seven Pray that the Lord Jesus Christ would be exalted above all other names in Africa. Pray that the Churches in Africa, who preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, will be full with faithful disciples and those who seek to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Bless the musicians and choirs of Africa. Anoint the pastors, preachers, evangelists and deacons in the African churches. Pray for all Church Denominations to catch and own the Into Africa 2030 Vision. Pray for God’s favour on the Comoros and Congo (DRC). 1 Co 1:17,18
Day Eight Pray for the youth of Africa. That their parents would love Jesus, and they in turn would love and honour their parents. Pray against the abuse of children, malnutrition, access to health care and schooling, against unwanted pregnancies, child prostitution, and slavery. Pray for godly mothers and fathers to nurture and care for their children. Pray that the hearts of the youth in Africa would yearn to know and love Jesus. Pray for a generation of Christian Youth Leaders who will own Into Africa 2030. Pray for Republic of Congo and Cote d’Ivoire Dt 6:5-7 & Titus 2:6
Day Nine Pray for wars, armed conflicts and insurrection in Africa to cease. Pray for peace and justice across Africa, pray against the persecution of minority groups and for religious freedom. Pray for God to grant Africans a spirit of hospitality. Pray for Into Africa 2030, for God to grant African Churches a new missionary zeal to reach the unreached in our countries and to the ends of the earth. Pray for Djibouti and Equatorial Guinea. Ge 18:2-5 & Heb 13:1&2
Day Ten Pray for religious tolerance and the cessation of religious persecution. Pray for all Africans to know and worship Jesus (Isa in Arabic). Pray for the peace of God to rest upon Africa. Pray for Egypt to become an example of religious freedom across the world. Pray for God to entrench the Into Africa 2030 vision with its call for revival upon the hearts of all Christian leaders in Africa. Ps 85:4-7 & Ro 8:35
Day Eleven Pray for the churches in Africa, that they would stay centred in the Word of God. Pray that every home in Africa would have access to a Bible. Pray for God to raise translators and provide funding for the Bible to become available in all African languages. Pray for Ethiopia. Pray for the churches in Africa to send missionaries to the unreached and least reached peoples of Africa. Pray for an evangelical church to be within walking distance of every African in every African nation. Pray for the Into Africa 2030 vision. Ps 119:105-106 & Ac 1:8 & 2 Tim 3:16
Day Twelve: Pray for church members to share their personal testimony to the lost, of how they came to know Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Pray that the church would understand that Christians are disciples of Jesus and commissioned go and make new disciples. Pray for church leaders to train their members to be multiplying disciples. Pray each African church member would have an opportunity to make one new disciple in the next 6 months. Pray for Eritrea and Gabon. Pray for the Into Africa 2030 vision. Jn 1:40-42 & Mt 28:18-20
Day Thirteen Pray that the Lord would protect Africa from viruses and diseases and that vaccine would become increasingly accessible to all her people. Pray for the doctors, nurses, hospitals and clinics in Africa. Pray for the homeless, the sick and the dying. Pray for Gambia and Ghana. Pray for Bible Institutes, Bible Colleges and Bible Schools. Pray for God to call increased numbers of Pastors into Ministry. Pray for the birth of new daughter churches. Pray for the Into Africa 2030 vision. Lk 9:2 & Lk 10:9
Day Fourteen: Pray that the Spirit of God would bring revival to the churches in Africa. That African churches would increasingly seek the face of God for vision and direction and believers will confess their sin and seek after purity and holiness in their lives. Pray for God to bless the pastors in Africa and bring revival to the churches. Pray for and Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. Pray that the churches in Africa would adopt and own Into Africa 2030 Ps 51:10 & Isa 57:15
Day Fifteen Pray for God to bless African agriculture, that her soil would produce crops and fruit in bountiful quantities in order to feed her people. Bless the farmers as they labour in the fields and as they tend to their livestock. Pray for the hungry and malnourished, for orphans, widows and beggars, for the crippled and the maimed. Pray for the abused and their abusers. Pray for Kenya and Lesotho. Pray for Into Africa 2030 2 Co 9:10 & Ac 10:31
Day Sixteen Pray for the Spirit of God to bring revival to the church, your nation and Africa. Pray for the unreached villages, towns, and cities of Africa and for God to send missionaries from our churches to those waiting to hear the Gospel. Pray for Liberia and Libya. Pray for all the pastors you know. Pray for Into Africa 2030 Mt 24:14
Day Seventeen Pray for the children of Africa. Pray for the schools and teachers in Africa. Pray for peace across Africa. Pray for the missionaries in Africa. Pray for the missionaries sent from Africa to other continents. Pray for Madagascar and Malawi. Pray for Bible translation projects. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ex 33:13 & Ro 15:20
Day Eighteen Pray for political tolerance and stability across Africa. Pray for regional conflicts to end. Pray against all forms of zenophobia in Africa. Pray that we would learn to love others just as we love ourselves. Pray for Mali and Mauritania. Pray for Into Africa 2030 that God would pour out His Holy Spirit upon His People. Ex 23:9 & He 13:1-3
Day Nineteen: Pray for an era of peace, prosperity and generosity across Africa. Pray for the safety and welfare of mines and miners in Africa. Pray that we would be good stewards of the natural resources of Africa, her rivers, her wildlife and her natural resources. Pray for those who dwell in slums across Africa. Pray for permanent housing for slum-dwellers, widows, and orphans. Pray for Mauritius and Mayotte. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ps 128:2 & Ps 104:10-15
Day Twenty Pray for God to raise People of Peace in all unreached villages and unreached suburbs in the cities of Africa. Pray that God would send out believers two by two into all the unreached places in Africa who will connect with People of Peace and share the Gospel with them. Pray for Morocco and Mozambique. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Lk 10: 1-9
Day Twenty-One Pray against the spread of AIDS and those suffering from it. Pray for believers who go out two-by-two looking for People of Peace. Pray God would bless the meeting of His people with People of Peace along with their families. Pray that Christ would become known and worshipped by the families of all People of Peace. Pray for Namibia and Niger. Pray for Revival in Africa. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Mt 10: 5-20
Day Twenty-Two Praise God for the vibrant church in Africa. Praise God for the pastors in Africa who preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for peace to reign where the Christian and Muslim worlds meet. Pray for an end to religious persecution. Pray for the name of Jesus Christ to be glorified and His peace to fill our continent. Praise God for missionary sending churches. Pray for Nigeria and thank God for faithful Nigerian pastors throughout the world. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Pr 3:3 & Rev 2:10
Day Twenty-Three Pray and dedicate yourselves as living sacrifices in the cause of Jesus. Resolve to confess and turn away from all sin. Live every day as if this were your last day on earth. Pray for the peace and joy of Christ to fill your hearts. Resolve to tell others about the love you have for Jesus. Pray for Reunion and Rwanda. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ro 12: 1-2 & Jn 14:6
Day Twenty-Four Pray for the message of Christ’s cross to reach the dying. Pray that sermons preached by African pastors will be accompanied by a demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power. Invite your unchurched friends to go with you to church. Pray for Saint Helena, Sao Tome & Principe and Seychelles. Pray for Into Africa 2030. 1Co 1:18
Day Twenty-Five Pray for the political parties in your nation and across Africa. Pray that God would raise just, wise and peaceful leaders who will lead their countries into a time of peace, prosperity and good will. Pray for violence and crime in your nation to cease. Pray for all the pastors, elders, evangelists, prophets and deacons in your nation. Pray for Senegal and Serra Leone. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Joshua 1:1-9
Day Twenty-Six Pray for political stability, justice and peace across Africa. Pray against gender violence, and all forms of discrimination. Pray for an era of unparalleled economic growth across Africa. Pray for revival across Africa. Pray for South Africa and Somali. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Jonah 3:8 & Hos 6:1-3
Day Twenty-Seven Pray for God to thrust out a new generation of labourers into his harvest fields who filled with the Holy Spirit will be his witnesses in their home towns and villages, across their provinces and states, across Africa, and across the world but in particular to the continent of Europe. Pray for Sudan and Swaziland. Pray for Into Africa 2030. Ac 1:8
Day Twenty-Eight Pray for a spirit of peace, hospitality, generosity and goodwill to reign in the hearts of all Africans. Pray for love and compassion to be the hallmarks of the Christian community. Pray against the strongholds of darkness. Pray for Tanzania and Togo. Pray for Into Africa 2030. 2 Co 10:4-5 & Ps 37:3 & 4
Day Twenty-Nine Pray for Tunisia and Uganda. Pray that God would revive His Church across Africa through a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit that results in churches multiplying churches, leaders multiplying leaders and church members multiplying church members, such that the number of churches, pastors and disciples in Africa would double by 2030. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch and own the Into Africa 2030 vision. 2 Tim 2:2 & Mt 24:14
Day Thirty Pray for Zambia and Zimbabwe. Pray that God would revive His Church through a special outpouring of His Holy Spirit that results in churches multiplying churches, leaders multiplying leaders and church members multiplying church members, such that the number of churches, pastors and disciples in Africa would double by 2030. Pray that all churches across Africa would catch and own the Into Africa 2030 vision. Pray that Africa will have vision to re-evangelize Europe. Mt 28: 16-20 & Mk 16:15-18
Please encourage churches, prayer groups, leaders and disciples of Jesus to pray through this guide regularly. Please distribute as widely as possible.
Issued by Community Church Planting

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