South african Sangomas healers semoya

Strongest healer from gauteng . All sickess , business , family, finance, cases , fortune , cleansin

Photos from South african Sangomas healers semoya's post 09/09/2021

Lets be carefull about how we treat our self and when . There are lots of things they were using the intention was to destroy us but they failed .Thokozane 👋👋🐚

Photos from South african Sangomas healers semoya's post 03/09/2021

Veggies can prevent lots of sicknesses
We are aware of prices issues almost the case hunger is there it affect those who feels it thokozane

I save every day on veggies so o ka kgona le wena e pheng nako just small space at back yard we can beat hunger trust me it works .




Ok fine ngwana badimo lekae Thokozani lesedi
Go thwasa
Go fhemba
Go swara businesses
Go theya motse
Go atisha leruo
Go bushetsa meleko morago
Go hlapiswa


Remember that spirituality is next to cleanings as well
Go hĺatswa le go tsosolosa badimo.
Gonale mabaka amantshi aka dirago gore motho a tshwenya ke pitso ya badimo ( malopo a badimo)
Tshilafalo gaya loka mobathong badimo barata mogohlwekilego. Lehlokomeleng dinoka gedipula diena gagolo dikotse bathobafedile .


For sale


Photos from South african Sangomas healers semoya's post 16/08/2021

Thokozane camagu .lesedi ndauwee

We may pray and phahla every were
Even at a riverside and ocean
What about on top of the mountains and caves
During the day and night
Remember all retials that we are doings arcoding to rulez and regulation that are guided by dlozi here are some tips ... inadvance .
Glory to people who knows their roots and respect their elders so that they may live long in this world.
Fight your own battle in order to conquer and never give up trust me on this one .


Greatings africans

We did research on this product
Tell us yours pls no insult

Photos from South african Sangomas healers semoya's post 15/08/2021


We are here to comfort those who are willing to be in blessed marriage equality and stable .
Batho badi baka kenela lenyalo mabakeng a fapaneng amen .
Lelenyalo ke mpho ya modimo le badimo . Le a reriwa magareng ga malapa mabedi . Gwa dumellana then gwa ketekwa mosadi a changer sefane . Ok fine then badimo bakopantswe right not fat en sit ok

Photos from South african Sangomas healers semoya's post 15/08/2021

Camagu . Thokozane . Lesedi

Those who want tenders
Taxi industries
Dnt hesitates to do arrangement to place you appointment as well

Photos from South african Sangomas healers semoya's post 01/08/2021

Thokozane amagobela
Thokozane bogogo nabu mkhulu
On Friday we will be at Blomfontein
Give us ur number I will send location knw make AP


How's Everyone feeling?
So depending on the way your feeling or where your frequency is during the Full Moon it can most definitely effect how you experience it.

Full Moon Energy is extremely Powerful.
It's full of wisdom & strength.
It's cleansing & renewing.
It brings light to the dark.

And it's great Energy to Manifest through.

If your "Energetically Full" right now then it's going to make you feel uncomfortable.

It can also cause physical symptoms of headaches, migraines, ear ringing, insomnia, emotional triggers & nervousness.

So what does it mean to be "Energetically Full"?
And how do we get un full???😄

Let's go to the Source of most of our imbalances...

The Mind.

When we become saturated with too many thoughts we can easily fill up.
A busy mind will keep us distracted and in chaos.

And when this happens we can unknowingly not only be holding on to our own emotional baggage but of those around us too.

This weighs us down and will lower our frequency.
Lower frequencies attract more lower frequencies.

So just like you would put your crystals out under the full moon ( you really should do this) to be cleansed & re charged you need to do the same thing for yourself.

Well you can totally sit out under the Full Moon but leading up to it you can begin to "Lighten up" through:
☆ Meditation
☆ Prayer
☆ Smudging
☆ Tapping/EFT
☆ Crying
☆ Kundalini Yoga
☆ Breath work
☆ Himalayan Bath Soak
☆ Liquid Chlorophyll
☆Passion Flower
☆ Solfeggio music

And now the most powerful thing to do is Create an Intention!
You can do this through Prayer.
Use your words....say them out loud.
Tell the Universe what you want.
Do not "Ask" or "Beg".
Feel the power flowing through you as you send your Intentions out.

Then just coast.
Know that your prayers have been heard and expect to Receive.


Looking for a powerful Meditation?
Pop over to my website and become a Free member of my Soul Circle and receive a special gift from me.


Lesedi👏🏾👏🏾 first step...phahla ka 2 white candles and a bowl of water in between...sprikle s***f on the water and tell Badimo h**e ha o ba utlwi haba bua le wena and ask for an intervention. Leave the candles to burn out and observe the candles behaviour (flame and wax). You can send me the vid/pic to help see if there is a communication blockage edlozini na. Second step is to buy a half a meter white cloth and a white candle and put them under your pillow when you sleep (alone).

If this doesn't work for means either kwamele oyogezwa or kunenkinga emsamo wakho or kuneqala in your ancestral leniage or...many other reasons. Let me know hiw it goes. Lesedi 🕯️Thokoza👏🏾👏🏾

Photos from South african Sangomas healers semoya's post 15/05/2021

All deligate for the above organization and its constituency will be updated about about the next workshop soon


We are very sorry to announce the passing away of Queen mamtfombi Zulu
Our condolences to families and every one 😢😭



- Inkosi: Ukuphupha ukhuluma nayo kubika ukuthi uyophakamela esikhundleni esikhulu, ubenesithunzi ezweni lakini. Uma ingena musa inkosi, kubi lokho. Uma owesifazane eziphupha enenkosi kusho ukuthi indoda yakhe iyoma kahle, mhlawumbe ithole isikhundla esikhulu emsebenzini.

- Ubuhlungu : leliphupho elihle ukuphupha uzwa ubuhlungu obukhulu emzimbeni kubika into enhle ezokwenzekela ezokumisa kahle, kwabanomsebenzi kusho ukuthi iningi imali abazoyithola ngokuthengisa impahla yabo. Kwabathandanayo kulungile futhi kubalimi kubika okuhle nokuthi bazothola imali eningi

- Amadevu: Kusho ukuthi kuzoba khona ingxabano ezoshesha iphele uma kuthathwa izinyathelo eziphuthumayo

- Amahlashana : Nxa kunamasimu ancikene namahlashana kusho ukuthi woganwa kahle, ubusiswe ngabantwana

- Amanabukeni: Cuz ukuthi thokola themba uzowadinga, uwathenge, Uwasebenzise.

- Amanabukeni: Kusho ukuthi thokola themba uzowadinga, uwathenge, uwasebenzise.

- Após sua suspensão: Cuz ukuthi kukhona abakuyengela ophathe kwezebhizinisi

- Igebe: Kusho ukuthi kukhona okuzokuhlupha mhlawumbe uphumelele kalukhuni.

- Ikhabethe: uma uliphupha lingenalutho kuhlola ubumnyama emsebenzini. Uma uphupha ufaka izinto phakathi kubika uyobuye ukuthi ume kahle ngemuva kokulahlekelwa

- Ikhandlela: Uma uphuphe ikhandlela livutha kuhle lokho, kodwa uma licisha kusho ukuthi ungahle uvelelwe ingozi yokuhlupheka

- Imihlwathi : Ukubona isihlahla sawo sinezithelo lisho ukuthula, ukwenama, intokozo, inkululeko, ukuphakanyiswa nempumelelo ezifisweni zakho (emaphusheni umhlwathi usho ezivuthiwe ngesikhathi sawo)

- Imoto yomngcwabo: Ukuphupha uyibona kusho ukuthi kuzobakhona isixakaxaka ekhaya.

- Indlu yokudlela: Ukuphupha usendlini yokudlela udla lisho ukuthi khona ozohlangana nabo kuphembeke ubuhlobo.

- Indlu: Ukuphupha indlu kusho ukuthi uzothutha uye lapho oyokuba kude nobefuna ukukwenza kabi, uma lezozindlu zizinkulu, zizinhle kusho ukuthi uyohlala kahle. Kodwa uma zizincane, zizimbi,


Amaphupho Nezincazelo

Uma uphupha abafile👍

- Abafileyo: • Ukuphupha ukhuluma nabo lihle, linenhlanhla lisho isibindi esikhulu / • Ukuphupha umuntu kanti efile uyaphila inkathazo

- Amafu: Ukuphupha amafu amhlophe • Kusho ukuchuma / • Uma esuka phansi uhambo / • Ukubuya kwababhungukile / • Ukuvela kwemfihlakalo

- Amagquma: Uma uphupha uwakhwela kanzima kusho ukuthi wophumelela ezinkathazweni zakho

- Amalangabi: Uma uphupha amalangabi ekushisa kubi lokho. Uma elanguka kusho ukuthi unabangane mbumbulu.

- Amaphupho Nezincazelo: Umkhwe wakho: Uma uphupha umkhwe wakho ephila noma efile ishwa noma ibhadi lelo, ikakhulukazi uma ebanga umsindo noma ekusongela

- Após sua suspensão yobukhosi: Ukuphupha uyiphethe ungebani kusho indumalo.

- Igama: • kubi uma owesifazane ephupha eguqule igama, ikakhulukazi isibongo kusho ukuthi uyoshima / • kubi ukuphupha ubizwa ngegama okungesilona elakho, kusho ukuthi uzodumala ikakhulukazi kwezothando

- Igatsha: uma uphupha umuthi onamagatsha amaningi kusho ukuthi uyoba nomuzi omkhulu nempahla eningi.

- Igolide: Liyisibonakaliso sobumpofu iphupho legolide / Uma uphupha othandana naye enegolide eliningi, kubika ukungezwani uma usumthatha. / Igolide livame ukuba isigameko sokugula, kusho ukudabuka ngenxa yelishwa onalo

- Ihlathi : Ukuphupha uhamba ehlathini kusho ukushintsha uyohlala enxenye; kepha uma uze uphumele ngale kwalo, kusho ukuthi koba kuhle ukushintshwa kwakho

- Ikhabethe: uma uliphupha lingenalutho kuhlola ubumnyama emsebenzini. Uma uphupha ufaka izinto phakathi kubika uyobuye ukuthi ume kahle ngemuva kokulahlekelwa

- Ikhanda: Uma lilikhulu kusho ukuphakanyiswa, uma uphupha unqunywa ikhanda yizigebengu noma abaphangi,lisho ukufelwa izingane nezihlobo, impahla noma unkosikazi, Nxa kungowesifazane kusho ukufelwa umyeni wakho

- Ikhanda: uma lilikhulu kusho ukuphakanyiswa, umma uphupha unqunywa ikhanda yizigebengu noma abaphangi, lisho ukufelwa izingane nezihlobo, impahla noma unkosikazi, nxa kungowesifazane


Camagukwamandiki namandawe. Umehluko ogqamile uthi amandawe uma esina athokoziswa umsindo wesikhumba. Kuyatholakala ukuthi amandawe anezikhathi zokuba ake amshiye lona amngenayo azihambele ayovakasha. Ahamba kanjalo kodwa abuye abuye. Le mimoya Imimoya yabalozi iyakhuluma ayikhulumi emfihlakalweni kodwa bakhuluma obala. Abalozi bahlala ezintingweni bakhuluma ngamazwi ahlukeneyo, abanye bakhuluma ngemilozi kokunye echazwa yiso isangoma. Laba abakhuluma kuzwakale kuthiwa baphaphile. Uma bebhula bona bambiza ngegama Umthakathi.Leli idlozi lasemanzini idlozi elikhulu. Leli dlozi ulithola esevele eyisangoma, lolu hlobo lokwethwasa olwezinga elingenhla. Idlozi limthuma ezizibeni zemifula lapho kuhlala khona izinyandezulu, izinyoka zamanzi. Uya emanzini angene esizibeni mhla ephuma, uphuma esecake ngomcako omhlophe. Uphuma eyiphethe inyoka. Le nyoka isuke isithonywe abaphansi. Ufika nayo ekhaya ayibulale, ayihlinze,ngesikhumba sayo enze imiqwambo neziphandla. Ube eseqala umgongo wakhe esizwa nguyise isangoma esithwasisayo. Isangoma esethwasisa umlozi naso sisuke sinabalozi.



Liyini idlozi? Lena imimoya yabaleleyo engena kubantu abaphilayo. Le mimoya imikhakha mibili, kukhona leyo engena kubantu ngenjongo yokubapha izinhlanhla nje, kubekhona leyo engena ngoba ifuna ukubasebenzisa ekubhuleni nasekwelapheni abagulayo. Nokho ke yonke le mimoya iyadinga ukwenzelwa imicimbi yayo ukuze ingabahlukumezi labo ehlezi kubo. Amadlozi abantu abadala asebadlula emhlabeni, abayidalwa zekhaya. Umuntu nomuntu unesidalwa sakhe azalwa naso.Kunekolelo kubantu abansundu yokuthi kukhona imimoya okuthi isishonile ingemukeleki emikhandlwini yemimoya esekhaya ezweni labaphansi. Le mimoya isuke iyimimoya yabantu abafa kabi noma ke kwakungabantu abaluhlupho, abagcina bengondingasithebeni, bendiyaza bengamukelwa muntu, bagcina behlupha abantu. Abanye bakholwa ukuthi indiki lingomunye wale mimoya ehluphekile ebgena kubantu ibahluphe. Abanye bathi indiki umoya omuhle kanti abanye bathi indiki umoya omubi.Imimoya yamandawe namandiki nenono iyingxenye yamabutho asuke engene umuntu onedlozi. Nayo le mimoya inemithi yayo esiza ukuyibhamisa. Uma le mimoya isentshenzwe kahle, ayibi isigulo kumuntu emngenile kodwa iba yimpilo kuye. Abantu bakwaZulu bayazi ukuthi impumelelo yale mimoya isekubambisaneni kwayo kulo muntu emngenile. Yingakho kuthakwa imithi emagobongweni ezokwenza le mimoya ivumelane ibambisane. Okunye ukubambisana kudalwa izinyongo zezimbuzi ezithakwa emagobongweni. Konke kuhlangana kwenzeke impumelelo.Umoya wamandiki namandawe uyendiswa uma intombazana isiyogana. Le mimoya idinga ukubikelwa ngawo amagobongo. Kuhlatshwa imbuzi kubo kamakoti ancanyiswe, aze amukelwe ngayo imbuzi emzini, aqholiswe kwenziwe udwendwe lwemimoya. Umoya odinga ukubikelwa yonke into eyenzekayo kumuntu wayo noma uyintombazane noma ungumuntu wesilisa. Kudinga imimoya ibikelwe uma kukhona izigaba angena kuzo lowo ongenwe yile mimoya.Lo moya wamandiki namandawe ungumoya owenza isinyama nesinyombo uma ungagxotshelwanga imitombo. Imitombo imithi yokuphakamisa nokwehlisa le mimoya.


Ngaka ya malopo Healers wore animal skins, feathers and bones. These were worn as a sign of their power, gift and the Ancestors they are linked to. Healers represented their Ancestors in their own way as directed.

Today, Amabhayi/Amahiya are made out of fabric with prints on them which are a representation of the Animal skins they had worn back in the day and a direct link to our Ancestors.

Seeing Amabhayi/Amahiya in your dreams not only does it mean that you have to get them, but they represent the Ancestors you are connected to, Family Animal Totems, Surnames, Culture and Gift. Each Bhayi has a meaning, a purpose and it is essential that you wear them whenever the spirits moves you to. Sometimes you will be drawn towards metšeka . iBhayi/iHiya that identifies with your spirit.

People who have the calling to thwasa will see metšeka dituku. Amabhayi/Amahiya in their dreams alot. This is done to bring them closer to their Ancestors and also provide answers and clarity to them.

For some, it doesn't mean that you have to go thwasa, but simply have it to uplift the Ancestors and bring healing to those that are within you.
White, Red and Black colours -
Mnguni and AmaNdiki Ancestors. The Blood Ancestors.
Red is for the blood that was shed, White that brings peace and harmony and black that chases away the bad spirits.
Blue and Yellow colours -
The Blood Ancestors.
Blue brings a calm, soothing spirit.
Yellow brings great energies. Uplifts the Ancestors. A brighter clear path.

Lion, Elephants, Cheaters, Leopard Prints -
Royalty. Kings. Queens. Chiefs. Used for Ngoma and Prophecy gifts. Crocodile and Snake prints
Water Spirits.
Njeti, Paloe and plain white fabrics represent AmaNdau. Water Spirits.
These fabrics connect us to our earliest ancestors that come from East, Central and West Africa.
Peacock, Mphangele, Guinea Fowl, Chicken prints -
Fast responsive ancestors that are always there quickly
Badimo ke badimo ndauwee



This days we come across lots of things that are happening around wereby it goes along wrong direction of policies of traditional healers and sangomas .please be advised before you regret my fellow brother and sister don't ever messup with badimo dlozi things . Do the right thing always .

Photos from South african Sangomas healers semoya's post 09/04/2021

Wounder tree

Topic for this week


Thokozan Makhosi

This is a clarity

Don't wear "banguni" clothing with "izimbamba" .."izimbamba" are meant for "bandawu"..

If you mix the clothes you are confusing your ancestors (spirits)...

"Izimbamba" are worn with "izinjeti" (for "bandawu")

"Mazangu" are also worn with "izinjeti" (for "bandawu")

"Ndolo" is for "bandawu"

"Amafahlawani" are worn with "banguni" clothing..

When you wear "banguni" clothing your mnguni get very happy same as "Mndawu"

Ngunis have the following:

"Bandawu" we have the following:

Differentiate between "umdawu" & "umnguni"

NB: Ukuhlangahlanganisa yiko okuba yimbangela yokuthi izinto zenu zingalungi

NB: you can't hit two birds with one stone

NB: Angeke ubajabulise bobabili ngesikhathi INSTITUTE of HEALERS

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