Izette Faul Dietitians

I am a registered dietitian who is passionate about improving people’s health and wellbeing


Spring is the season of renewal—so why not start with your plate?

Ditch the processed foods and embrace fresh, whole ingredients. Add colorful fruits and veggies to your meals to boost energy and metabolism!

✔️Tip: Swap out heavy winter meals for lighter, nutrient-packed salads and smoothies. Your body will thank you! New beginnings start with YOU!

Book a consultation now at www.izettefaul.co.za and let’s refresh your eating habits together!


As the blossoms bloom and the days get warmer, it's the perfect time to refresh your health goals! Spring is all about new beginnings, and there's no better way to start than by nourishing your body and mind.

Whether you're looking to boost your energy, shed winter weight, or embrace healthier habits, we're here to guide you every step of the way. Let's make this season your healthiest one yet! Visit www.izettefaul.co.za for more information.

Happy Spring Day!


It’s the weekend, and it’s time to recharge!

While we’re all about keeping our bodies in shape, don’t forget that what you eat plays a big role in your mental well-being too. Your brain, immune system, and hormones need the right nutrients to keep your mood, stress, and sleep on track.

Let’s fuel up this weekend with foods that nourish both your body and mind for a balanced, happy life.

Visit izettefaul.co.za to chat with us about creating your perfect weekend nutrition plan!


Feeling out of sync? Balanced hormones are vital for overall well-being.

Hormones are vital chemical messengers that influence various aspects of your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. They help regulate essential functions such as appetite, weight, mood, and even sleep. To support hormone balance, it's important to include hormone-friendly foods in your diet, such as fatty fish (rich in omega-3s), flaxseeds, avocados, leafy greens, and whole grains. These foods provide essential nutrients that can help stabilize insulin, cortisol, and estrogen levels, promoting overall hormonal health.

Discover how nutrition can help manage hormonal changes and improve your quality of life. Visit izettefaul.co.za to make an online appointment or chat with us via WhatsApp.


Osteoporosis affects many women as they age. Ensure you’re getting enough calcium and vitamin D for strong bones.

Your body needs calcium from food since it doesn't produce it naturally, and while dairy is a common source, non-dairy options like bok choy, kale, and broccoli are also rich in calcium. Cooking these vegetables briefly helps retain their calcium content, and fortified products such as almond and soy milk, as well as calcium-processed tofu, are excellent alternatives. Always check labels to ensure products are fortified with calcium.

For more bone health tips, visit izettefaul.co.za and book an appointment or chat with us on WhatsApp!


As 'n ma van twee besige seuns, weet Dieetkundige van La Ferm- Izette Faul dat maklike voorbereiding in die kombuis net so belangrik soos gesond eet is.

Daarom is hierdie SUPER EASY BOKS ontwikkel sodat jy gesond kan eet terwyl jy jou tyd benut op ander take wat deur die dag opduik. Met 8 Aandetes reeds gepak, moet jy net die vars elemente bysit, roer en GENIET!

So kom sluit aan by ons 14 Dag Super Easy Boks Vasbyt wat die 9de September afskop! En sien hoe maklik kan gesond eet regtig wees! Bespreek jou plek hier: https://laferm.co.za/product/super-easy-shake-it-off-box-vasbyt/


Your skin reflects your diet.

Did you know? Avocados are loaded with healthy fats and vitamins E and C, which nourish and protect your skin. Their natural compounds may even help shield your skin from sun damage! Learn which foods can enhance your skin’s health and give you that radiant glow by visiting www.izettefaul.co.za to book your appointment.


It's the weekend! And we encourage you to look after your Heart this weekend.

According to the Heart Foundation of South Africa - An estimate 70% to 80% of heart disease and stroke can be prevented by your life choices and habits, such as eating a healthy diet. Eating well and making good nutritional choices is one of the best weapons you have in the fight against heart disease. Even small improvements can make a big difference.

Ready to take charge of your heart health? Head over to izettefaul.co.za to schedule an appointment or chat with us via WhatsApp.


Why Iron is Essential for Women!

Ladies, did you know that iron deficiency is common among women? Iron is crucial for energy levels, brain function, and overall health. Learn how to incorporate iron-rich foods like quinoa, lean meats and spinach into your diet and boost your vitality by visiting www.izettefaul.co.za and make an online appointment or chat with us via WhatsApp for personalized nutrition advice!


Today, we honor the incredible women who are the true champions of health and wellness. Whether you're nurturing a family, supporting loved ones, or prioritizing your own well-being, your strength and compassion make the world a better place.

At Izette Faul Dietitians, we celebrate your dedication to creating a healthier future for yourself and those you care about. Here's to the women who inspire, uplift, and empower—today and every day.

Happy Women's Day! Let's continue this journey of wellness together.


Happy Woman's Month!

This August, we honor the incredible strength, resilience, and achievements of women everywhere. Remember, a healthy diet is key to fueling your strength! This month we will be sharing essential nutrition tips specifically for women.

Visit izettefaul.co.za to book an online appointment or chat with us via WhatsApp. Let’s empower each other to live our healthiest lives!"


When it comes to gut health, you might have heard about probiotics and prebiotics. But what exactly are they, and how do they benefit your health? Let's break it down!

Probiotics: The Friendly Bacteria
Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for your gut. They help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in your digestive system, which can improve digestion, boost your immune system, and even enhance mood and mental health!

Examples of Probiotic Foods:

Prebiotics: The Food for Your Friendly Bacteria
Prebiotics are types of dietary fiber that feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut. They help stimulate the growth and activity of these bacteria, ensuring your digestive system runs smoothly and efficiently.

Examples of Prebiotic Foods:

Why Both are Important:
Think of probiotics as the seeds you plant in your garden, and prebiotics as the fertilizer that helps them grow. Together, they create a thriving environment in your gut, promoting overall health and well-being!

Wishing you a healthy weekend! Visit www.izettefaul.co.za for more or book a consultation if you are battling with your gut.


Having some gut problems?

I find these days that a lot of my patients have gut related issues that contribute to a lot of different health problems when it comes to weight management.

Consume enough probiotics is the first place to start! Avoid substances that damage the stomach lining such as alcohol when you experience gut problems. Make sure to consume some probiotic rich foods when you can like, Kefir, Kumbucha and fermented products like Yogurt.

If you are battling with any gut problems, make contact with us on www.izettefaul.co.za and book a consultations and let us support you with the correct lifestyle change for a healthier gut.


Very Proud of this Wellness Warrior from Izette Faul Dietitians!

Mrs. W A 66-year-old lady, lost 14.3 kg of which 12kg is fat. Her visceral fat is down 6 units. She also wrote to us and said:

“I'm grateful for the weight loss and feel tons better too! I remember what she mentioned in follow-up was what kept her going was the "commitment"/"accountability" to weigh herself regularly and precisely the INBODY that gives more than just kilograms. The fact that I focus on body composition kept her going!"

This can be your success too, no matter what your age is, it's just the first step you have to take. Feel free to contact us at www.izettefaul.co.za and book a consultation online. Start your journey TODAY!


Go with your gut this weekend and increase your fiber intake!

You get two types of fiber called insoluble and soluble fiber. Making sure to get enough of both is important to keep your gut microbiome healthy. Try consuming enough vegetables, legumes and wholegrains to up your fiber intake.

Wishing you a healthy weekend! Visit www.izettefaul.co.za for more or book a consultation for individual assistance.


Lately, we've seen a rise in gut issues among our patients, so let's talk about how to support our digestive health during these chilly months.

Why Gut Health Matters:
A healthy gut is the cornerstone of overall well-being. It aids in digestion, boosts immunity, and even influences our mood. During winter, our diet tends to change, often becoming richer and heavier, which can disrupt our gut balance.

The Role of Prebiotics & Probiotics:
Prebiotics are fibers that feed the good bacteria in our gut. They are found in foods like bananas, onions, garlic, and whole grains.

Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that add to the population of good bacteria in your digestive system. You can find them in yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods.

How to Include Them in Your Diet:
✔️Start your day with a bowl of yogurt topped with bananas and a drizzle of honey.
✔️Add a side of sauerkraut or kimchi to your meals.
✔️Snack on whole grain crackers with a spread of avocado.

Taking care of your gut this winter can lead to a healthier, happier you. Stay warm, stay healthy! If you are battling with any gut problems, make contact with us on www.izettefaul.co.za and book a consultations and let us support you with the correct lifestyle change for a healthier gut.



Omega-3 vetsure speel ‘n baie belangrike rol in die effektiewe funksionering van ons liggaam. Omega 3 is uiters belangrik in die kouer maande a.g.v sy anti-inflammatoriese eienskappe.

La Ferm se Omega 3 kapsules bevat 500mg EPA & DHA wat die aanbevole dosis is deur die Wêreld Gesondheids Organisasie.

Kry joune aanlyn hier: https://laferm.co.za/product/omega-3/


Rise and Shine with a Power-Packed Breakfast!

Kick-start your day the right way with a nutritious breakfast! Eating breakfast fuels your body and mind, jumpstarting your metabolism and providing the energy you need to conquer the day. Research shows that a balanced breakfast can enhance concentration, improve memory, and boost your mood.

Skipping breakfast? It often leads to overeating later in the day, making weight management a challenge. Instead, choose nutrient-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, and protein to keep you satisfied and energized.

Make breakfast your best friend and set a positive tone for the rest of your day. Your body will thank you!

For personalized nutrition advice, contact Izette Faul Dietitians at www.izettefaul.co.za. Let's make every morning a healthy one!


[email protected]
072 850 6187 / 012 345 4802


Simply Said on this Thursday afternoon!

Plan, prep, eat, repeat! The best recipe to follow on your journey to a healthy lifestyle. At Izette Faul Dietitians, we do the PLANNING for you! We know the stresses of planning can be overwhelming especially when you want to make healthy decisions for you and your family.

Let's start planning together! Visit www.izettefaul.co.za and book your planning session with us TODAY!


Happy Saturday, everyone!

It's a beautiful morning, and the perfect time to reflect on our health and well-being. As we kick off the weekend, let's set the tone for a healthy and vibrant day. At Izette Faul Dietitians, we believe that every small step counts towards a healthier, happier you.

So here's a little motivation:

WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WILL DO TODAY TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH? Whether it's enjoying a nutritious breakfast, taking a brisk walk in the fresh air, or simply staying hydrated, make today count.

Remember, your health is your wealth! Stay healthy, stay happy!
Visit www.izettefaul.co.za for more!


Avaliable at Izette Faul Dietitians Faerie Glen practice or Health at HofMed

Is jy altyd aan die hardloop met werk, familie en alles tussenin? Ons weet dit kan moeilik wees om gesond te eet daarom is La Ferm se "Ferm Up Shake" jou antwoord!

Hierdie skommels is perfek vir gewigsverlies of net vir jou gerief. Vervang eenvoudig een ete per dag met ons Ferm Up, en jy sal voel hoe die energie terugkom en die cm's verdwyn!

✔️Suikervry en laag in vet
✔️Die ideale koolhidraat-tot-proteïenverhouding om jou versadig te hou
✔️Beskikbaar in drie heerlike geure: aarbei, karamel en sjokolade
✔️Meng met water of melk, en geniet!

Bestel nou jou Ferm Up en neem die eerste stap na 'n gesonder, ligter jy!



Tastebud Tuesday!

As the winter chill settles in, it's the perfect time to warm up your evenings with healthy and delicious choices! At Izette Faul Dietitians, we believe that comfort food can be both nutritious and satisfying. Remember, making healthy choices doesn't mean sacrificing taste.

Enjoy the cozy season with these nutritious and delicious options. Your body and taste buds will thank you!:

1️⃣ Hearty Soups & Stews: Nothing beats a steaming bowl of homemade soup. Use plenty of fresh vegetables, lean proteins like chicken or beans, and whole grains such as quinoa or barley to create a filling and wholesome meal.

2️⃣Smart Snacking: Keep your energy levels stable with healthy snacks. Think nuts, seeds, and fruits. A handful of almonds or a piece of fruit can keep you satisfied between meals.

3️⃣Warm Drinks: Instead of reaching for sugary hot chocolate, try herbal teas or a golden milk latte made with turmeric, ginger, and a touch of honey. It’s soothing and packed with antioxidants.

Are you looking for healthy and tasty meal plans that support your families overall health, or do you need to take control of your health? Visit www.izettefaul.co.za to book a consultation and let's inspire each other to stay healthy and happy this season.



This weekend, shift your focus from counting calories to nourishing your body with essential nutrients. Instead of worrying about what to cut out, think about what to add in!

🍎 Eat the Rainbow:
Fill your plate with a variety of colorful fruits and veggies to get a range of vitamins and minerals.

🥜 Healthy Fats:
Include sources like avocados, nuts, and seeds for a dose of good fats that keep you feeling satisfied.

🍗 Lean Proteins:
Opt for lean meats, fish, and plant-based proteins to support muscle health and overall energy.

🍞 Whole Grains:
Choose whole grains over refined ones for sustained energy and fiber.

Remember, it's all about balance and making choices that fuel your body for the weekend ahead!

Photos from Izette Faul Dietitians's post 26/06/2024

Couples that train together, stay healthy together!

What fantastic results achieved by this amazing couple through tailored nutrition guidance as well as accurate progress tracking through InBody Analysis.

With our guidance both of these clients achieved a P - Shaped Bar. "A P-shaped person has a longer SMM bar than their Weight and Body Fat Mass bar. Usually, this is indicative of an “athletic” body type and is considered to be the ideal body composition shape"

Thank you for the fantastic feedback, and we look forward to continue our journey with you!

Remember, we are running a couples ( or Double Up ) promotion with our InBody Assesments, so go online today and book your spot before the 31st of July! Visit www.izettefaul.co.za TODAY!


Whatever you do this weekend, stay focused!

Transform your approach to eating by asking yourself, 'Does my food truly nourish my body?' Remember, while dieting often centers on short-term achievements, embracing proper nutrition is a powerful, long-term commitment to your overall well-being and vitality. Choose to fuel your body with the nutrients it deserves, and witness the incredible impact on your health and happiness.

At Izette Faul Dietitians, we’re here to support your journey towards a healthier and nourished you! Visit www.izettefaul.co.za to book a consultation and start TODAY, or talk to us on WhatsApp if you have specific concerns via our website.


DOUBLE UP this Winter with Izette Faul Dietitians and InBody and get 50% OFF + 1 Free!

Mom & Dad, Mom & Daughter, Father & Son, BESTIE & BESTIE! Pair up and book your InBody scan with Izette Faul Dietitians from now until 31 July 2024 and only pay R150 for TWO!

No more pinching. Go beyond the scale with the InBody Test, a non-invasive, quick, and accurate body composition analysis that provides a detailed breakdown of your weight in terms of muscle, fat, water and much more.

Visit www.izettefaul.co.za to book your session!


Happy Father’s Day!

Today, we celebrate the incredible fathers who nurture, support, and inspire us every day. Your dedication and love are the foundation of healthy and happy families.

To all the dads out there, thank you for being our role models, for your endless wisdom, and for the laughter and joy you bring into our lives.


This winter school holiday, let’s prioritize YOU.

As parents we rush around a lot for our kids whether we attend a sport event or helping with school projects or studying there is always a busy routine. Take this time to focus on your well-being and health.

At Izette Faul Dietitians, we’re here to support your journey towards a healthier, happier you. Visit www.izettefaul.co.za to book your consultation or talk to us on WhatsApp if you have specific concerns.


Ready to warm up your winter with a zesty twist? Get ready to spice things up and give your immune system the boost it deserves! Turn up the heat with a powerhouse spice that not only adds flavor to your dishes but also boosts your health - ginger!

Why Ginger?

Immune-Boosting Properties: Ginger is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help strengthen your body's defenses against winter bugs.

Digestive Aid: Combat the winter sluggishness by incorporating ginger into your meals. It aids digestion, soothes upset stomachs, and alleviates nausea - perfect for those cozy winter evenings.

Warmth from Within: Ginger has thermogenic properties, meaning it raises your body temperature from the inside out. Say goodbye to the winter chill and hello to cozy warmth!

Ready to harness the power of ginger for a healthier, happier winter? Visit www.izettefaul.co.za for expert guidance on immune-boosting meal planning and overall wellness. Let's make this winter your healthiest yet!

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Nutrient Seeker
Izette Faul Dietitians Workers Day
Blood Pressure - Hypertension Day
Food Choices
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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00

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