New Life Tabernacle

Integrate All Nations Into Membership. Disciple Them To Maturity. Equip Them For Missions.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Nehemiah 2:18

‘Let us start rebuilding.’ So they began this good work.

- With God in our lives there is the possibility of the unimaginable.
- He can take what is broken and ruined and bring it back to life.
- Don’t give up, rather start rebuilding, the end result will surprise you.
- You never know how things could be if you never start.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You give me the courage and the strength to step out and start to rebuild. You can restore what has been broken and damaged and what a joy it is to be able to begin again. Amen.

Photos from New Life Tabernacle's post 09/09/2024

We thank God for the Sisco Family and for the work they are doing for His Kingdom.

NLT were blessed by the Word shared by missionary Nick Sisco.
"Defeating Hopelessness "


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Philippians 3:14

‘I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.’

- Our lives are described as a race that must be run.
- In a race there are many things that want to hold you back or stop you completely.
- We must not give up, we must press on and find a reason to keep going.
- So press on, there is a heavenly reward awaiting you!

PRAYER: Lord, I choose to press on in the race that You have set before me. When doubt, fear, rejection and failure cloud my judgment, may I remember that You are with me and You have wonderful things in store for me. Amen.


Cleansed by the blood of Jesus. All things made new. Congratulations to Stefan! Yesterday, his life was in a mess, but today, our brother left the church rejoicing!

3 Jo 4 KJV I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.


Reminder of our Special Service this Sunday, 08 September 2024, with the Missionaries.


Act 19:3,5 And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized?...When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Congratulations, Bro Simamkele!


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: 2 Corinthians 3:18

‘As all of us reflect the Lord's glory with faces that are not covered with veils, we are being changed into His image with ever-increasing glory.’

- The touch of God brings change and transformation to our lives.
- As a result we can reflect God’s goodness into the world around us.
- Transformation is part of the work that God does within our hearts.
- Because of His touch we are changed and we can become more like Him.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that regardless of what I am going through, You are using it to work in my life and bring about change. Touch my life and transform me from the inside out, so that I can reflect Your goodness to those around me. Amen.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: 2 Corinthians 3:17

‘Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.’

- Where the Spirit of the Lord is allowed to reign, He brings freedom.
- We all need freedom in one or other area of our lives.
- Freedom from things that hold you back, is part of God’s plan for you.
- So let the Lord into your life, let His Spirit come and change you.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You bring liberty into my life where the enemy would like to see me held back and hindered from progress. Lord, come by Your Spirit, in Your strength and Your power and move in my life in Your own special way. Amen.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Ecclesiastes 11:4

‘He who watches the wind, waiting for all conditions to be perfect, will not sow seed, and he who looks at the clouds will not reap a harvest.’

- Waiting for ‘perfect conditions’ is a futile exercise.
- Perfect conditions may never come and if they do we could miss them.
- Let us use the opportunities we have before us to step out in faith.
- Don’t focus on the obstacles but be filled with faith and confidence in God.

PRAYER: Lord, I recognise that now is the time to plant the seed, take the action and follow Your leading. You can make things happen even when conditions don’t appear to be ideal. Help me to step forward and to trust You. Amen.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Song of Solomon 2:11-12

‘See! The winter is past… Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come…’

- It is time for a new season and a new time frame in your life.
- It is time for the old and the past to make space for the new and the fresh.
- Live with an expectation that things are now going to improve.
- The Lord wants to come and turn things around and give you a new season.

PRAYER: Lord, I believe that You are causing the birth of a new season in my life. Help me to let go of the baggage of the past and to embrace this new season with all the joy and happiness it will bring. Amen.


Today, as we enter this new season of spring, let us give thanks to our God, the covenant keeping God, for keeping His Word once again.
He has been faithful since the beginning and forever He will be.

Gen 8:22 KJV
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Thank You God, You are forever faithful and true.


Join us at 09:00 for prayer.


Hope to see you tonight !!!


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Isaiah 52:12

‘You will not leave in a hurry nor flee in haste, for the LORD goes before you, and God is your rear guard.’

- Because of the fact that God is with us we do not need to be desperate.
- The Lord is in control of the future and of the timing involved.
- He goes before you to clear the way and make your paths straight.
- He also goes behind you to protect you from any danger or attack.

PRAYER: Lord, how great it is to know that I do not need to become anxious or desperate as I face the future. Each day You go before me and each day You protect and provide for me. Help me to simply trust You and help me not to do things that I will later regret. Amen.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Jeremiah 10:23 (Amplified Bible)

‘O LORD, I know that the path of life of a man is not in himself; it is not within the limited ability of man, even one at his best, to choose and direct his steps in life.’

- Oh how we need the Lord and His wisdom in our daily lives.
- Sometimes even our best choices don’t bring the desired results.
- We need to arrive at that point in life where we realise our need of God.
- He is the ultimate Guide and the Good Shepherd Who will show us the way.

PRAYER: Lord, I realise today that all my own plans and ideas are not enough to make a success of each day You give me. I understand how desperately I need You to step into my life and to lead me to the ‘green pastures’ that You have prepared for me. Amen.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Mark 6:45

‘Immediately He (The Lord) made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side…’

- The choice is always between God’s purposes and our own thoughts and ideas.
- Sometimes the direction He gives us does not always make sense.
- The Lord sees the big picture and He knows what He is doing in our lives.
- We can simply obey and enjoy the ride, because He holds our lives in His hands.

PRAYER: Lord, it is a very reassuring fact to know that You always know what is best and which way we should go. May I always be ready to follow Your lead, even if I don’t always understand. You will take care of me and bring me to the other side. Amen.

Photos from New Life Tabernacle's post 26/08/2024

UPCSA Newsletter - August 2024


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Isaiah 25:9

In that day the people will proclaim, ‘This is our God! We trusted in Him, and He saved us! This is the LORD, in Whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation He brings!’

- There will come a time when your breakthrough will be a reality.
- There will come a day when you will testify about what God has done.
- There will come a moment when you look back and see the hand of God.
- There will come a day when you rejoice in the answers He brings.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the hope and the promise I have in You. I look forward to the day when I will say: ‘The Lord has saved me, the Lord has made a way and the Lord has given me the breakthrough that I was trusting Him for.’


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Isaiah 35:4

Say to those with anxious hearts: ‘Be strong, do not fear!’

- An anxious heart can drain us of our strength.
- You were not designed to live in an anxious state.
- The alternative is to constantly remind ourselves to trust and not be afraid.
- The Lord is not finished with you yet, so do not be fearful.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the reassurance You give me to be still and bring peace to my anxious heart. You know every fear and doubt that plagues my mind. I give all those cares and concerns to You and I choose to trust You and not to be anxious. Amen.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:1 (NLT)

‘Therefore, since God in His mercy has given us this new way, we never give up.’

- Giving up is never an option for us because God is with us.
- We may get discouraged from time to time but we should never lose heart.
- The Lord has called each one of us to fulfil His purposes.
- You have a reason and purpose for being here, and therefore you don’t give up.

PRAYER: Lord, may I never forget that You are with me and You give my life purpose and meaning. Therefore I can look forward to Your plan and destiny in my life and I don’t need to lose heart or give up. Amen.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Isaiah 40:31

‘Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.’

- When we live a life of dependence on God, He comes and strengthens us.
- The Lord wants us to get up, walk and run without falling.
- In life this is a real possibility when His strength is flowing through us.
- We need to wait on Him, depend on Him, and not do things in our own strength.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that as I wait, trust and depend on You, Your strength can become a living reality in my life. It is this strength that enables me to fly like an eagle, run without becoming weary and walk without fainting. Amen.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:10

‘He did rescue us from mortal danger, and He will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in Him, and He will continue to rescue us.’

- God’s faithfulness in the past reminds us of His ongoing faithfulness.
- He has rescued you before and He will do it again.
- It is part of His character to step in and help you.
- Knowing that He will rescue you should give you the courage that you need.

PRAYER: Lord, as I look back over my life I can see how You have intervened and helped me over and over again. I will therefore place my confidence in You because You will rescue me again and You will continue to rescue me. Help me to be just as faithful to You.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Psalm 119:105

‘Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.’

- The Lord is with you every step of the way to lead and guide you.
- Step by step He shows us the direction we need to take. IN HIS WORD.
- You don’t need to see the full picture, just the next step you need to take.
- Let Him lead you and you will know what to do as He lights the path for you.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the fact that You lead and guide me step by step in the journey of life. Today is no different and I want to follow Your leading and look for Your guidance in the decisions I need to make. Show me the way and I will follow You! Amen.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Joshua 1:9

‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.’

- You can be strong and confident because the Lord is with you.
- He will be with you, next to you, wherever you may go.
- Fear is part of life, but you can overcome it because of His presence with you.
- So be strong and courageous, not in yourself, but in Him and in His strength.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You come alongside me to stand by me so that I can be strong and courageous. There is nothing that is too difficult for You to handle and so I choose Your strength and courage over my doubts and fears. Amen.


1 Pe 3:15 KJV
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and *be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you* with meekness and fear:


Does your life reflect hope to those around you?

If your life reflects hope, will you be able to give a reason for this hope to others?

🛑 If the answer is no to one or both of the questions, here is some hope....🤓

If answer is no to QUESTION 1:
Inginte the hope in YOU by going back to the basics : Spending time with God by talking to Him and by listening to Him through reading His Word.

If the answer is no to QUESTION 2:
Take some time to revisit your personal testimony, write it down if you have to. This will serve as an answer to the hope that is within you.

Blessings 🤍


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Jeremiah 17:7 (NLT)

‘Blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence.’

- Trusting in the Lord brings blessings into our lives.
- In an ever-changing world, it brings security because of His never-changing nature.
- Trusting in God brings security and peace in spite of how things may appear.
- However, it calls for a quality decision to make Him our hope and assurance.

PRAYER: Lord, no matter how my circumstances may look, I choose to place my hope and confidence in You. You are the One Who stands by me and therefore I will trust and not be afraid.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Jeremiah 39:18 (NLT)

‘Because you trusted Me, I will give you your life as a reward. I will rescue you and keep you safe. I, the LORD, have spoken!’

- Consistently trusting in the Lord brings life and hope into our lives.
- He is the great Restorer and He will restore your life.
- He promises to rescue, deliver and save you as you continue to trust Him.
- He has spoken this promise, so you can speak out your confidence in Him.

PRAYER: Lord, I choose to place my trust and confidence in You. You are my Rock and my Refuge and You are the One to Whom I can run. So I run to You, knowing that You will rescue and deliver me and give me back my life and hope. Amen.


Good Morning 🤍
Verse: Matthew 7:11

‘…how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!’

- Never forget that ultimately God is in control of all things.
- He is the Source of every good and perfect gift.
- Your Father in heaven knows what You need and wants to give it to you.
- How much more has He got in store for those who will step out and ask of Him.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You are my Heavenly Father and You give good gifts to those who ask You. I will trust You even when things do not seem to be moving in the right direction because You know all things and You will work things out for my good. Amen.

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Cnr Of Flowers St & 7th Avenue

Opening Hours

Wednesday 19:00 - 20:30
Friday 18:00 - 20:30
Sunday 10:00 - 00:30

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God Bless The God bless God Bless The God bless

Lulibo M@kal†ma