Yuri Bhaga Dietitian

Registered Dietitian offering compassionate, scientific and easy to implement nutritional advice, pr


SASPEN Oncology mini-symposium 13 May 2023
To register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YNrSPFTqTU-F0yQeGFrwjw #/registration


Love this ❤️

Happy Dietitian’s Week! 🤍🤍🤍

Here are my top 5 skills & common myths a of dietitian:

1. The ability to turn off your ears when you hear people talking about the latest juice detox or fad diet.

2. Staying cool when hearing people say “don’t judge what’s on my plate” (we really don’t care). Unless the dietitian is your own personal dietitian and you are sitting in their office, we couldn’t care less what you eat unless you are seeking advice, help, and guidance. We are not the the food police. NO ONE should be giving unsolicited advice or comments on what you eat 🤗

3. Being referred to as a nutritionist or better yet, nutritionalist 🙂

4. “You’re a dietitian you must be SO healthy” (We eat speckled eggs and drink wine too!) 80/20 balance, always 🍷

5. Dietitians only focus on weight loss. Dietitians do more than guide people on how to lose weight. Dieititians have many specialties from long-term care to kidney, to sports, to oncology, to endocrinology, and pediatrics, just to scratch the service.

Go dietitians ❤️

Book tickets for Private practice management workshop for Dietitians || CPD -Accredited 31/05/2022


Last day to use promo code for 20% off

Promo code : RD2022

For dietitians: students, Comm serve , self employed or unemployed .

Get CPDS and virtual goodie bag. Prizes will also be available during the event 🥳

Link to book : https://qkt.io/6a2eZj

Book tickets for Private practice management workshop for Dietitians || CPD -Accredited Are you tired of waiting on the government to create dietitian jobs? EARN 1 CPD POINT while learning hacks & tips to private practice.




Calling ALL Dietitians (student, comm serve , newly qualified , self employed or unemployed) 🚨🚨🚨

This is the webinar is for you ➡️
If you’re not sure where to begin when it comes to setting up practice in private or just want to make sure you have the basics covered .

Tickets available on quicket . Link https://qkt.io/6a2eZj

Promo code for 20% off is RD2022 (limited time)

You will also receive 1 CPD for joining us while learning the tricks of the trade .

Look forward to seeing you there 🙌🏽

Please share to you networks for any DTS who could find this useful 😊


The SuedeWellness Annual Health Fair is a fun, healthy way to spend a Saturday..

Visit the leafy green suburb of Parktown North for a morning of informative health talks, a chance to speak to our experts and so much more..

Know your numbers - HIV, Glucose, BP, Cholesterol. Vitality fitness and nutrition assessments.

Grab a bite to eat and bring the kids along - we’ve got you covered..

See you there… 👩🏽‍⚕️🌸


Getting the Vitality Assessments started early in 2022 😉

It Was clear to see that many of us left it till a bit last minute to get in all those points last year .

Join us at SuedeWellness Life Resilience Institute for your Vitality Health Check, Vitality Fitness Assessment MCG Biokinetics and your Vitality Nutrition Assessment all in one convenient spot .

To book contact the numbers below or message me directly 🙂


I’m getting pretty tired of seeing ‘health coaches’ and other randoms doling out s**t nutrition information on social media. They’re not doing anyone any good, and they add to the f**ktangle of garbage nutrition info and programs out there that only serve to make people more confused and more unwell.
A large percentage of them use the same old story to justify the fact that they’re selling utter bulls**t to people:

1. They have a negative experience with conventional medicine.

2. They take matters into their own hands and just happen to ‘cure’ themselves with juice cleanses/bone broth/f**king ‘root cause’ hocus pocus.

3. They suddenly develop an interest in nutrition, because now that they’ve solved their own problem, they’re an EXPERT! So they go looking to buy some cheap credentials to support their new self-appointed title.

4. They take a short online course from a crappy institution to gain a nonsensical certificate - some of these include ‘nutrition therapist,’ ‘health coach,’ ‘diagnostic nutrition therapist,’ ‘functional nutritionist,’ ‘live cell therapist,’ ‘hormone expert,’ ’certified nutritionist,’ and many more. Note that if someone uses the term ‘dietitian’ and they aren’t one, they can be sued. Dietitian is a protected term, so we rarely see anyone misappropriating it.

5. They start selling their own nutrition program with their emotional ‘transformation’ story as the hook, and are now responsible for spreading unbelievable bulls**t f**kery to unsuspecting people who are vulnerable and desperate for answers.

Be careful of the marketing tactic where a person or brand pulls you in using an emotional story about their health or about how they ‘transformed’ their life. It’s often the mark of someone or something that has nothing else to offer.

It’s pretty safe to assume that when someone offers anecdotal evidence of their incredible ‘transformation,’ we probably aren’t hearing the whole story.
Schemes like these often target women, in the middle age bracket. Our bodies are changing, we’re a bit vulnerable and maybe confused about what’s happening to us physically.
Just because something seemed to ‘work’ for one person, doesn’t mean that it will be effective or safe for others. So yeah, just because you believe that flax seeds and collagen ‘healed’ your hormones doesn’t mean you should all of a sudden start pushing that stuff to everyone.
And just because you lost a ton of weight doesn’t mean you should teach everyone else how to do it, too.
Teaching and counselling people about nutrition takes more than just lived experience plus a short course. Food, eating, and physiology are complex, and you can really hurt someone - if not physically, then emotionally and financially - by being blind to your own limitations with respect to those things.
Here’s some red flags to watch out for:
A credential that starts with ‘certified’
Promises to ‘cure’ an incurable disease or condition
Uses an emotional story of their own transformation to sell you a product.
A program that includes the following: mentions of toxins, chemicals, cleanses, clean eating, detoxes, juicing, a hormonal or metabolic ‘kickstart’ or ‘reset,’ avoidance of one or more specific ingredients (ie kick sugar forever!), meal plans, supplements that the same person or company is selling, MLMs, reliance on before and after photos, ‘coaches’ without any valid credentials (ie have done the program, and this qualifies them to coach others), using title of ‘expert’ - as in, ‘hormone expert.’
For my full post on this, click on the link!



Pura (Baby marrow savoury pancake)

It’s very long overdue( but I’m on extended break from social media because end of year fatigue is real 🥲)

But I managed to figure out a recipe for these :

Ingredients (these are estimates, so gauge as you go along and alter as needed)
Baby marrow 1 punnet
1/4 onion
1/4 tsp crushed garlic
Crushed green chillis to taste
Lemon juice to taste (approx 2tbsp)
1 tsp sugar
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp tumeric
1/2 coriander and cumin
1/4 cup chickpea flour
2tbsp mielie meal
2tbsp flour
Sour milk to desired consistency
2tbsp oil
1/4tsp eno/fruit salts

1. Grate baby arrow and onion
3. Squeeze moisture from grated onion and baby marrow. Then Add to bowl
4. To the bowl add other ingredients except the sour milk
5. Once well combined add in sour milk until you reach just thicker than pouring consistency
6. Just before cooking add in 1/4 tsp eno (fruit salts) and mix .
7. In a nonstick pan or well oiled pan, add ladle of batter and cook until browned and cooked through
8. Serve warm (or cold , I like them either way)
Enjoy !

If you try them out please tag me 😍

Photos from Yuri Bhaga Dietitian's post 04/10/2021

Wellness days are back !
I offer vitality nutrition assessments online and in person all year round .

But wellness days are a great way to maximise on time and points.

Get your Health check done and your Fitness assessment () done as well as your nutrition assessment all at one time with the team at

Look forward to seeing you there ! 🥳🙌🏽


Kauai Wrap up 😏

This is not a comparison post so that you’re scared off from eating your fav wrap.

But it is information, that depending on your specific goals/needs/preferences, at a specific point in time that could be useful to make the best nutritional decision in addition to taste and satisfaction factor .

If you love a princess wrap - go for it.
If you love a princess wrap but working towards a weightloss goal, and you have one for lunch one day out of the blue , not the end of the world.
If you love a princess wrap but working towards a weight loss goal + need to watch your fat intake and are having one for lunch 1-2x/week … probably not the best strategy and might be better to see if there is another option that better fits your long term goals/needs.

I am yet to try this ever so popular Princess wrap . So Hopefully I’ll get to it soon 😂😅

Would you like more posts like this ? Let me know in the comments 👇🏽


Winter Warmer Meal Idea ! 😍

Shakshuka is such a versatile meal. I love it as brunch, but No matter the time of day it will hit the spot .

This is such a great option if you’re looking to make something quick and comforting especially on a chilly weekend ❄️ - Did someone say Sunday Brunch 👀

If you want to give it a go, I like this recipe from https://downshiftology.com/recipes/shakshuka/ to start off with . But feel free to add your own flair and additions - vegan or just for added protein boost add in some butter beans or chickpeas .

I made this one using peppers and onion and topped it with feta. And served it up with some fresh sourdough - where I added a nice spread of butter 😉. But it balanced out since I didn’t need any oil to cook it up as I used a non stick pan ( )

Leave a ❤️ if you’ve tried or will be trying this out !


Please read the caption 👏🏽

Okay, listen. This headline is everywhere right now, and I have some serious issues with it.
(And for those of you commenting that you hate CNN, I don’t give a crap about your news outlet preferences. Literally every outlet covered this story, so please…stop)
And yes, I’ve read the study they’re referring to, in it’s entirety.
I’m going to put my concerns and comments in point form because it’s so much more fun 😂:
1. You can’t frigging measure the impact of a single food or even a category of foods or hell, even a way of eating, in MINUTES OF LIFE LOST. It’s just a completely nebulous reach at the stars that is the result of a few calculations but doesn’t really make sense.
2. The overall quality of a person’s overall diet (versus each hot dog they eat 🙄) month to month and year to year is more predicative of how it will affect their health. But still, drilling human lifespan down to minutes gained or lost is absurd. So many things factor into lifespan, including things we can’t possibly control for in a study.
3. The fear factor. We all know that we should be eating a ton of plants, and this isn’t new information. But nobody needs to fear that their life is being cut short because they occasionally eat a hot dog. That’s ridiculous.
4. The conflicts. So, I fully expected to see that this study was done or funded by a vegan organization. It wasn’t but it was funded by the National Dairy Council, which may explain why dairy was given a more neutral rating on the study’s index versus other animal products. Hm. Truth be told, the study appears to have been done to measure environmental impact of foods, and I’m not sure why the authors felt like they had to frame their results in such a way.

I guess they did it for impact? But this brings me to my last point:

5. Headlines like these erode the public’s trust in science. People see this sort of news and they get confused and aggravated. How can one hotdog shorten your life by 36 minutes, but a peanut butter and jelly sandwich lengthen it by 33 minutes? Should we eat both in one day to have a net loss of only three minutes?
People don’t have time for this idiocy, frankly. We know hot dogs aren’t super healthful. Why do we need to push the same information again and again while trying to make it into something it’s not?
People rarely read below the headlines, so media needs to be more responsible about how they frame their stories.
Anyhow, what I’m trying to say is this: ignore sensationalist headlines like these, because they’re garbage. Try not to eat hotdogs every single day of your life. Try to eat more plants.
There you go. So simple…and not new advice.

Here’s the study.




In case you missed it, this is a real thing: https://bit.ly/2WnCsMc


Easiest Quick Lunch idea.

It’s simple but look at those colours! I love a vibrant looking meal , always more enjoyable I feel.

1-2 portions crumbed hake (this was the IJ light and crispy garlic and parsley , it’s approx 180kcal per fish and about 10g protein and decent source of unsaturated fats).
Crumbed version is extra carb but personally like the ways these taste better .
+ I don’t have them that often so definitely not worth compromising on taste for me.

This will depend on your preference and also if working towards a specific goal etc

Served it up with a generous portion steamed broccoli and carrots , light sprinkle of “salt and vinegar” salt and some olive oil.

Super duper quick (like not even 10 minutes) and great fuel for the rest of the afternoon . Usually I have an extra piece of fish (as pictured).

But you could always just add in a starch to the meal to make it more filling as well.

Love keeping these types of frozen products on hand as they make for great options when you’re out of ideas or time .

But alas . The closest I’ll get to this in the next while is this picture as it’s still another 2 weeks of all veg meals 😅


I said what I said 🌚🤞🏽

With the abundance of evidence and willing scientific voices to answer any questions or concerns re:the vaccine at the moment it almost feels like it’s wilful ignorance to instead be choosing to believe In false narratives and crazy conspiracies.

At the same time I can totally understand why there could be legitimate questions, concerns, worries or scepticism surrounding the vaccine + especially if you are not trained in understanding scientific mambo jumbo. So I have plenty of time for people who are willing to learn and listen.

All that aside whether you choose to vaccinate or not . That’s your choice … But what’s really NB is how and why you’ve come to that decision.

If you’ve done your due diligence to make sure you’ve based your decision on reliable, fact based scientific evidence, cool.

Not so much if it’s from fear mongering propaganda groups or crazy conspiracy chain messages or the gazillion anti vax Karen Facebook groups + not open to hearing out the science.

That is all .

Happy Monday and because 🥳


Easy Pesto Pasta and done in 30 minutes ! Lots of flavour and packed with veggies , and perfect for meat free Monday 😄🌱


𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 . 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐨𝐚𝐥𝐬 . 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 ✨

❤️Putting our health first .
🧡Moving away from that all or nothing mindset
🤍Saying yes to Small sustainable goals and changes .
💛Taking time to rest and enjoy time off .
💚Ticking off that thing you’ve been putting off from your to do list .
💙Getting in some daily sun and movement .
💜Setting aside some time daily to check in with yourself.

Which of these do you want to focus on ? Let me know with a ❤️🧡💛💙💜💚 below, or comment what your goal for the new month is 😁

Dietary Supplements Causing Severe Liver Injuries – Some Requiring Transplants – On The Rise 30/07/2021

Specific to Australia but definitely an issue in SA as well

Dietary Supplements Causing Severe Liver Injuries – Some Requiring Transplants – On The Rise With so much pressure to adhere to modern beauty standards, it’s no surprise that the use of dietary supplements has increased. In Australia, specifically,

Photos from Yuri Bhaga Dietitian's post 26/07/2021

It’s no secret I have been a bit quieter around here in recent weeks … IG had to take a back seat so I could focus on some new ventures and also with the crazy events of the last while .

But in the background I’m still working and seeing clients - even if it’s mostly been virtually ( perfect for this cold weather and if you’re worried about Covid)

But figured it was time to post a refresher of where you can find me. Swipe to see where I’m located 🥳

For those of you who are new here, I am Yuri and I’m a registered dietitian 🧡

I work in private practice and I love all things food, education and prevention. Because with the right knowledge you can do anything you set your mind to …

I see anyone who is looking to improve their health and performance when it comes to lifestyle.

From Weight management, food relationships, chronic lifestyle diseases, deficiencies PCOS, plant based diets, fuelling for sport and everything in between.

With lockdown easing there couldn’t be a better time to put yourself first and . If you need a helping hand to guide guide you to a healthier lifestyle - that is sustainable - reach out and we will get you started in no time 🙏🏽


“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.”
Linda Grayson

In this case it was the most delicious vegan chocolate cake shared over coffee and a light hearted chat. I can’t take creds for making it though 😅.

Remember . Any diet that makes you feel like you can’t enjoy a piece of cake without guilt or worry is not a diet you want to be on 😉🤗

Happy World Chocolate Day !


I don’t have a deep inspirational caption to go with this . But you know the saying that goes something like “Can’t keep doing the same things and hoping for different results “ well I think that is a good way to help determinate what you want to do/take into the next 6 months.

So if the first half of this year hasn’t played out the way you hoped , no use beating yourself up about it for the next half . Change tactic , be kinder and patient with yourself and just start.

Hope you all had a great weekend and here’s to a fresh new week 😍🌱👋🏽

Photos from Yuri Bhaga Dietitian's post 30/06/2021

𝙎𝙣𝙖𝙘𝙠, 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘽𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙚 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖

So after making millions of tiny shapes out of my fruit using the cute cutters (see my previous reel) . I obvsiously needed to do something to make sure I didn’t waste any of that fruit.

And this was that creation 😍.

Such a great idea for either a Brekkie bowl (use yogurt instead if you like) , snack or even a dessert -that hits the sweet spot but is a bit more nutritious.

I love the zero Custard from . It’s a great option and it doesn’t compromise on consistency or taste .
It’s lower in energy, fats and sugar and slightly higher in protein too.

The bowl is fruit with a splash of fruit juice of choice, topped with the custard and I added some home made muesli for crunch for you could add whatever you have .

Leave a 💛 if you’d try this !

Photos from Yuri Bhaga Dietitian's post 21/06/2021

Water in Winter

I know I’m not the only one who has been struggling to get in adequate amounts now that there is a chill to the air 🥶🥶

But just because it’s winter doesn’t mean we should slack on our water intake. The importance of water in the body remains the same throughout all the seasons
💧hydration and maintaining body fluids
💧ridding body of waste products
💧helps avoid constipation
💧skin health
💧delivers nutrients throughout body
💧maintains good energy
💧 temperature regulation of the body

Just to name a few !

Swipe for some tips to hit your water goals

1. Having a bottle with you gives you a visual reminder to drink water. And it’s also easier to hit your target if you’re able to have small sips throughout the day
2. If youre struggling to drink all your water. Then you can try and increase foods which have a high water content such as cucumber, tomatoes, watermelon, grapes etc. Plus now that’s it’s winter why not opt for soups and broths - hydrating and delicious
3. While water is best. If you want a warm beverage tea and coffee do could towards your overall fluid intake. Try and keep it plain (no added creamers and sugars) if you’re using these to up your water intake
4. There are many productivity apps out there these days which you can use to remind you about many things, including water intake. Otherwise using your phones alarm/reminder is just as good .
5. Throw in lemon, mint, cucumber … whatever you desire. It won’t “burn through your fat” but if you enjoy it this way then go for it (if using lemon , use a straw to reduce harsh effect on by our teeth enamel)
6. Don’t do this as a way to “fill yourself up” so you eat less . But rather as a silent reminder to get in some water
7. Commit to having a glass of water when you do something that is already a part of your routine. E.g when you brush your teeth

I hope these helped !
What do you do to make sure you’re meeting your water goals ? Let me know below 😄



To end off the posts for dietitians week …

As much as we are experts in nutrition and advocate for healthy nutritious foods and balanced diets we are also human beings with other likes and interests . Sometimes when we are out and about after working hours we might not want to discuss food and diet facts 100% of the time. It’s definitely a profession where it can be difficult to have a work like a balance because the minute people find out you’re a dietitian they suddenly remember every nutrition question they’ve ever had 😂 and while most of the time we are happy to answer them .. we also do enjoy just going about the day like everyone else.

🍋We enjoy all foods .
🍋We are not all health fanatics with 6 pack abs who live off “clean foods”
🍋And it’s encouraging to see diversity in the profession in the recent years although there’s still work to be done .
🍋We also are not looking at what’s on your plate . So please don’t stress about eating around us .

Here’s to a great weekend



My last post spoke to the specific sectors and jobs we do in a very traditional sense. And like I said I couldn’t fit it all on one post so here is another .

There are times we have to wear many other hats.

Something one of my clinical educators during my internship is that “dietitians are adaptable” and I don’t think that could be more accurate . Especially in the modern age where we are competing with every other person giving out nutritional info and need to work to keep up with new ways of counselling (telehealth) and reaching out clients (social media)

Dietitians are often well suited to roles even if they aren’t directly nutrition related because of the way we are trained and taught to think out the box

I’ve got one more of these for the last day of dietitians week tomorrow 🤗


What better way to spend a day in Dietitians week than to connect with a fellow Dietitian 😄

Well , that’s what I did today ! Finally met up with . We connected initially thanks to social media but we bonded over the fact that we both did our CommServe at the same hospital.

When I was starting out I sometimes struggled with established practices or practitioners who were willing to to lend a helping hand or point me in the right direction . And so even though I am myself fairly new to the profession, I make a point to help out anyone who asks if and where I can.

With that said , I am so grateful for the community of Dietitians I’ve managed to connect with here on Instagram because I truly believe that it can only help the profession the more we all support one another !
And also i love seeing dietitians take up space and speak against diet culture vultures 🙌🏼

💜💛💙 to all my fellow RDs



I was initially going to make this post a spider diagram but then as I got going I realised that the list was so long it wasn’t going to fit and just added as I thought of the various places and sectors we work in. And even so I haven’t covered close to all - so I made another post and another which I’ll be sharing over the course of dietitians week .

But the point is that what we know and do is a lot more complex and varied than the general public’s opinion of the profession assumes .

And because of this box we are put into , it leads every other person to believe that nutrition is simple . And that anybody with a 2 week course behind their name is a trustworthy source of info. This isn’t the case .
The more clear it is that we do more than “hand out diets” and know more than just weight loss I’m hoping that people will stop relying on random influencers and skinny teas and come to get real and life long advice and support 🤗

Drop a 🙌🏼 if you feel the same !


𝗜𝘁’𝘀 𝗺𝗲 !

Figured this was a good way to start off the week . Because it’s a dietitians week and I am a dietitian 😂🥲 plus Im probably due a recap on who I am and what I do, for any new faces.

🍐Name: Yuri Bhaga
🍐Graduated: UCT with my Dietetics Hons degree . Before that did. BSc Genetics, Physiology and Psych at Tuks
🍐Home town: Pretoria
🍐Currently doing: Outpatient private practicing dietitian based offering in person consults in Jhb and Pta. And virtual consults
🍐Goals for the future: get back into clinical part time and keep growing my practice
🍐Pets: le cat
🍐Something I do too much off: overthink my captions on IG
🍐Something I want to do more of: Drink more water (winter I tell you)
🍐What Id like you to know about dietitians: we are a mislabelled and underused resource . We really just want to help and have valuable knowledge that could go a long way if we were placed in the right positions + we just want help and would never tell you to give up a food you love 🥺
🍐Pet peeve: unqualified professionals giving wrong nutritional advice - it’s even worse if it’s from other healthcare providers because like “???!”
🍐Fav takeaway: Mcdssss
🍐Fav everyday food: Traditional Indian meal of Khadi (maas based gravy) and rice
🍐Who should see me: anyone looking:
- To have their nutritional questions answered
- For weight management
- Mgt of chronic diseases (dm, cholesterol, high blood)
- plant based diets
- ulcers
- anemia,
- infant/toddler feeding and picky eating
- food relationships and mindful eating .

And to all my fellow RDs. - Happy Dietitians Week !

Also I love this picture because it has all the colours of my logo 😁
Cred to .girlwithkaleidoscopeeyes for the photo 🥳


All my Jhb friends and followers !
This i where you will me if you want a face to face consult 🌿
Plus if you have any other health or medical need checked out we have a whole team ready to help . It’s a wonderful space and great atmosphere .

Hi there🙋🏽

A few weeks ago we decided to take a little break from Social Media, to reflect and unpack what the last 15-odd months have meant - for us personally and for our patients, the people around us and the greater communities we live it. 🧘🏽‍♀️

These unpredictable times can leave us feeling hopeless, helpless and alone, making it is easy to loose sense of ones “Self” - to make poor decisions and irrational judgments.

Our Physical bodies also bear the impacts and we start to feel depleted, pessimistic, empty and despondent. We may also notice bodily changes like weight gain or weight loss, changes to our skin, hair as well as pain, stiffness and immobility.

It is important to recognise and acknowledge these changes as a sign of adaptation - and to establish whether or not this is the kind of “new norm” you are happy with or want?

If you find that you may be deviating down a path that isn’t in your best interest, it is important to reach out - to seek assistance - because we all need a little help sometimes.

Remember that as we transition into a new way of life and a new style of living, we should stay well informed and enlightened so that we can make the best possible decision for ourselves and our loved ones.

If you have been struggling with some of the issues highlighted above or feel like you need a helping hand, reach out to SuedeWellness- we have a team of highly skilled Medical Professionals that can offer sound medical advice and treatment to help you rebuild inner & outer strength & resilience to live your best life.

SuedeWellness has been helping people for over a decade and has improved the lives of thousands of people across SA.

You can choose to access our services either virtually or face-to-face.
Our team of Medical Experts include Doctors, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Biokineticists, Counsellors and Dietitians 🧑🏽‍⚕️all with a passion for what they do.

For more information or to arrange to speak to one of our Healthcare Professionals contact us on 011 447 8515 or email: [email protected]

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Pretoria?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Easy Pesto Pasta and done in 30 minutes ! Lots of flavour and packed with veggies , and perfect for meat free Monday 😄🌱#...






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Mooizight Estate No. 12, , , 5 Palmleliestr, , , Magalieskruin
Pretoria, 0150

Dr. Nick Mentz heads up a team to produce a scientifically proven collagen product range.

Kathryn Dreyer Dieticians Kathryn Dreyer Dieticians
146 Anderson Street, Brooklyn
Pretoria, 0181

Kathryn Dreyer Dieticians are passionate about helping you achieve your health goals! Everyone is uni

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C/O Solomon Malangu Drive & Haymeadow Crescent, Faerie Glen , , 1019 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion
Pretoria, 0081

𝐃𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 specializing in ✨ Autoimmune Health 🍏 Weight Loss Solutions 🏃 Sports Nutrition Expertise 💪 Let’s achieve your goals together

Optimal Lifestyle Nutrition Optimal Lifestyle Nutrition
Pretoria, 0081

It’s not a fad it’s a LIFESTYLE

Marielle Wolmarans Functional Medicine Health Coach Marielle Wolmarans Functional Medicine Health Coach
Pretoria, 0157

Certified Functional health coach. Member of FMHCASA & HPCSA. 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲/ 𝗜𝗻 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 -Functional & Allergy Testing -I assist with Menopause, Trauma, ADHD, Auto-Immunity, Detoxificatio...

Live Smart Pretoria Live Smart Pretoria
Swift Physiotherapy, 501 Jochemus Street, Wolwespruit, Erasmuskloof
Pretoria, 1692

Live Smart was founded in 2006 with a vision to help others in a truly natural and holistic way. We see success in the faces of our clients everyday. Our goal is for YOU to reach o...

NutriChoice Dietitians NutriChoice Dietitians

We are a group of enthusiastic dietitians who would love to help you grow your health through nutrition! Our mission is to create Wellness! We aim to help our clients make healthy...

Masters Research Study-Intermittent fasting Masters Research Study-Intermittent fasting
Pretoria, 0081

Intermittent fasting

Paenut Dietitians Paenut Dietitians
390 Manitoba Drive
Pretoria, 0081

Dietitians with a special interest in maternal, infant and child nutrition.

Izette Faul Dietitians Izette Faul Dietitians
Pretoria, 0002

I am a registered dietitian who is passionate about improving people’s health and wellbeing

Marcs' Nutritional Supplements Marcs' Nutritional Supplements
Pretoria, 0081

When Fitness is your passion, you need the best nutrition for optimal performance.

NFitness.PersonalTrainers NFitness.PersonalTrainers
58 Hendrik Avenue, Lynnwood, Brummeria
Pretoria, 0814