Divine Chen Nutrition and Dietetics

Prophetic Divine Human Nutrition and Dietetics is an all round health and wellness nutrition company addressing the spirit, soul and body component of man

Following the events happening in the world; it is obvious that the world is highly in need of good health. The bible records the following about good health: " Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well". It involves being healthy starting first from the spirit man, it transcends to the soul and reflects in the bod


Divine energy unlimited


Daniel 3:23-26

KJV: And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonied, and rose up in haste, and spake, and said unto his counsellors, Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king, True, O king. He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace, and spake, and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, ye servants of the most high God, come forth, and come hither. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, came forth of the midst of the fire.



Dear Father, I choose to live unto you and please you at all times, full of love towards others. I align my desires with your divine will, and my joy and satisfaction come from pleasing you, living for you, and fulfilling my purpose in Christ. Amen

I affirm that I am a success and a wonder to my world. I am not subject to the world and its systems. I am rich in all things. My abilities are limitless; I’m positioned by the Spirit for success, greatness, and glory. God’s Word is in my heart and in my mouth today, producing righteousness in and through me. I am continually filled with the Spirit, in wisdom, sound judgment, knowledge, glory, and dominion! No
barrier can stand in my path. There’re no impossibilities or limitations to me; I am full of might and power by the Spirit of the Lord. The Word of God is my testimony. Its declarations are my meditations; thus I live in reality of what God has said concerning my health. I am the one whom the Lord has made strong, energetic, and victorious. I am a manifestation of God's agenda of health for all- a dispenser of heavenly verities! Hallelujah!

The favour of God is showing up for me in every place! The Lord has positioned me like a well watered garden, that is abundantly flourishing, fruitful and evergreen. I experience unusual favour and function fully from a vantage position of rest and authority. The abundance of the earth is converted unto me! The abundance of sea is converted unto me! I am in the place of abundance always! I know no lack! In the days of famine, I shall be satisfied! My barns are continually full and overflowing! I am exceedingly prosperous! The world is mine! Hallelujah! I affirm this is my hour of promotion and increase in the Kingdom of God. It is my set time of increase, as my abilities are multiplied, so are my results multiplied. My efforts will be crowned with greater success than I've ever known. Hallelujah! Glory to God!



Everything I require—the men, materials, resources, etc.—for life and godliness is available to me by free course! My life is a daily expression of the supernatural. I’ll never be broke, because I'm plugged into an unending, supernatural supply in Christ Jesus. Amen.

I affirm that I am not of this world; therefore, my life is characterized by unusual grace and because of this grace, I shine and excel where others struggle, doors of opportunities are constantly opened unto me, and I soar higher everyday. I declare that the life of God at work in me makes me impregnable to the limitations of this world. I am an associate of the God-kind, I rule and reign in this life and in the daily affairs of my life. I have a sound mind, I am smart, strong, and intelligent, my mind is anointed to conceive thoughts that will give the ministry clear cut advantage through my work. I am a fruit producing branch and I flourish with great results.Through me, ideas are birthed for my Church, Group, the Zone and ministry at large. The eyes of my understanding are opened and enlightened to recognize and take full charge of opportunities for the furtherance of the gospel.

I affirm, I'm blessed, full of blessings, and I am a blessing to my world. I declare that I am an advantage to those in my world and their association with me transforms their lives. I declare that my life is full of transformational grace, and this grace is not just a blessing to me but with it, I am well positioned to take over my world for the Lord Jesus; impacting those in my world with the Word and ushering them into a place of rest far from the belittling elements of this world. I declare that the life of God in me perambulates my entire being, therefore, sickness and disease have no place in my body because my body is the temple of the living God, and everything inside me works perfectly, everything in my body is perfect and normal and I am always fit for life and godliness, and for the masters use. I am alive, I am alive!!! Glory to God!! There’s no death in my path and everything I come in contact with is impacted with life, because as Jesus is, so I am in this world. I declare that I am loaded with divine supplies from above, there’s no lack around me, I am fully graced with everything I need, my money is blessed and anointed, the devourer has no place in me. I live by the Word’s financial principles, I see the blessings of God daily in my life. Hallelujah! Glory to God!



Dear Father, thank you for sending Jesus to die for the whole world, thereby making it possible for everyone who believes in His substitutionary work, and confesses His Lordship, to receive eternal life. Thank you for eternal life in me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen!.

I affirm, I am seated with Christ in the place of authority and dominion, far above principalities, powers, and every corrupting influence of this world. My words are potent and full of life. I declare that God's Word prevails in my life, in my health, and in all that concerns me. Through the Word of God, I have insight into God's will for my life, and I'm guided in the path of victory, divine health, and dominion. I declare that I deal wisely in the affairs of life. Today and always, the glory, beauty, and power of Christ are manifested in my spirit, soul and body. My spirit is trained to apprehend the realities of God's Kingdom; and my body responds and conforms to the truths of my divinity. Sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in me because divine health is my birthright.

I affirm goodness and mercy follow me, divine favour overtakes me. I go forth today in victory, exercising dominion over the circumstances of life. I walk in the power of God, and I experience His supernatural life in my body. I commit myself to the Word. I am a King, and I consistently declare who I am in Christ Jesus. I was born for the glory of God. And my life is continually glorified by His word. The word of faith is in my heart and my mouth, and it prevails in my body as I speak it forth. I walk in divine health, and my life is a testimony of God's grace because I walk by faith in His Word. I'm more than a conqueror. Hallelujah! Glory to God!!!



Gracious Father, I thank you for the victorious, glorious and magnificent life you've called me into, a triumphant life above sickness, disease, poverty, failure and death. I walk worthy of this calling today, fully taking advantage of your divine power at work in me, in Jesus's Name. Amen

I affirm the ability to prosper has been invoked in my life; it's inherent in me and works all the time. I'm a package of blessing. Anything that concerns me, turns out excellently and detractors are compelled to favour me. I am always at the centre of God's perfect will; I go in the right direction, for the right purpose and at the right time. My steps are divinely ordered of the Lord. There's a divine elixir working in me, that steers me away from trouble and keeps me on the path of life; on the path of divine destiny. Hallelujah!

I affirm that the glory of God has increased in my life. The eyes of my understanding are enlightened to recognise my divine abilities in Christ, and to comprehend and apprehend the spiritual realities of the heavenly Kingdom to which I belong. It's part of my heritage as the seed of Abraham to excel and make progress in life, from glory to glory, without struggling. I live perpetually in the rest of God. Now and always, I walk in His glory, manifesting His love, grace and righteousness. Hallelujah! I am assured of the glory and grace of God in my life. The Lord has given me eternal life- the never ending life of God. I live in dominion over sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I live in the deathless, fearless, and ageless zone! The life of God is in me; working mightily. He has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Glory to God. Hallelujah!



Dear Father, I thank you for showing me the importance of the personal study of your Word, a vital ingredient in my Christian walk. As I study and meditate on the Word today, I'm positioned to fulfill your desire and plan for my life, and my profiting is evident, in Jesus' Name. Amen!

I affirm that I am growing in my knowledge of the word of God and that knowledge is setting me apart. As I study and meditate on the word of God, I am receiving more enlightenment on what has been delivered freely to me. I am the rich discovering my inheritance in Christ, and I am taking possession of what belongs to me. God set me up for a life of endless possibilities, glory, excellence and superabundance. I am walking in that light. I refuse to be limited in any way. Hallelujah! The Lord is guiding me on the path of excellence, victory and increased productivity. The anointing of the Holy Ghost is at work in my ministry, career, finances, academics, family and in all that concerns me. Hallelujah! I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health and unending prosperity. Hallelujah!

I affirm that I am walking in supernatural prosperity; my ways are past finding out. The blessing of the Lord has permanently rested upon me. I am swimming in an overflow, an abundance of wealth, riches and fortunes. God has brought me into a large place; I am flourishing like the palm tree, growing mightily like the cedar in Lebanon. Everything I get involved with prosper and yields profits beyond natural comprehension. Things are happening so fast in my life, indeed the reaper has overtaken sower, its blessing after blessing. Everything I would ever need, God has already given me. Of my increase and progress, there shall be no end. None of my words will ever fall to the ground, nor return to me empty, they will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. Hallelujah! I have been brought into a place of wealth untold. I am enjoying all that belongs to me in Christ Jesus. Lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places and I have a goodly heritage. I live and walk in prosperity even as goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life. I carry blessings with me everywhere. Whatever projects that I am involved with prospers and are highly profitable. I possess unfathomable, incalculable and inestimable wealth! Glory to God! Hallelujah!!



I’m in Christ, therefore, I enjoy all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. I enjoy prosperity, health, joy, strength, wholeness, wellness and success. I’ve been chosen and ordained for a life of praise, joy, excellence, victory and glory in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

I affirm that I am well positioned and fortified. I declare that goodness and favour are channeled towards me. I declare that I am a distributor of eternal verities to everyone in my world, by the power of the Holy Spirit which works in me mightily. Hallelujah! I am not ordinary; I am empowered by the Spirit of God to determine what comes into my world. Today, and always, I disallow every kind of illegal transaction in my life. I vehemently refuse sickness, poverty, death, and everything that hurts and binds. Amen! The life of God in me has supplanted the human life that was susceptible to sickness and disease. My body and everything connected to me align with God's provisions. Christ's glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day.

I affirm that the Kingdom of God has been conferred on me therefore, I am Kingdom conscious! Through me the Kingdom of God is made known to all men and I am bringing many to their inheritance in Christ Jesus. The Lord has satisfied me with all beautiful things of life. I am divinely connected to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life . In my path is light that manifests supernatural strength and vitality. The Word of God is life to me and health to my flesh. Eternal life is at work in me, radiating to all in my world. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardship and troubles around the nations of the world. When men are cast down by the challenges of life, my testimony will forever be that there's a lifting up for me. I live in Christ, and function by the power of the Holy Spirit. Blessed be God! Hallelujah!



Christ in me, the hope of glory! Therefore, glory, wholeness, health, preservation and prosperity are guaranteed in my life because Christ has come to live in the very quarters of my heart, making every fibre of my being, every bone of my body and every cell of my blood inundated with his presence. Hallelujah!

I affirm God’s Word is in my heart and in my mouth today, producing righteousness in and through me. I am continually filled with the Spirit, in wisdom, sound judgment, knowledge, glory, and dominion! No barrier can stand in my path. There’re no impossibilities or limitations to me; I am full of might and power by the Spirit of the Lord, for works of righteousness. Hallelujah! I declare that my body responds to the Word of God everyday, my system is full of life, and there’s no numbness in any part of my body. In my entire life I give glory to his name, my life brings glory in the Name of the Lord Amen. Life is at work in me, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, there’s no death in my path in the name of Jesus. I am rich in all the currencies of this world, nothing will ever be difficult for me to achieve because I hail from the kingdom of Heaven, and in our kingdom, all things work together for our good. I am bigger than the economy of the nation I live in. I soar on Eagle’s wings, and I live from the mountain top, dominating my world. I belong to God and I bask in the glory of my union with Christ. Hallelujah

I affirm that I am the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hidden. I am a visible and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. Today, my spirit is activated to receive God's guidance, and I am making tremendous progress in my life, and the work of the ministry is prospering in my hands. Glory to God!!!! Hallelujah!!



Dear Father, thank you for my oneness with you through Jesus Christ. Christ is alive in me! I’m not ordinary, for I’ve been called into the fellowship of the God-kind. Every day, I manifest the resplendent life of Christ, exercising dominion over sickness, disease, failure, lack and everything that’s of the devil! Hallelujah!

I affirm that I am not of this world; I hail from God, and dwell in the Kingdom of light, and of God’s dear Son where I reign with Christ and rule by the power of the Spirit! I am of the day and not of the night. I am anointed with the Holy Ghost to preach the good news of Christ’s salvation, and bring as many as the Father have ordained out of darkness into His marvelous light, and into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. I affirm that I function from the realm of the spirit, and nothing in this physical world matters to me. Irrespective of the tribulation, distress, persecution or peril in this world, I am more than a conqueror through Him that loved me -Christ Jesus, my Lord! I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor anything, shall separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. I remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth. I am convinced that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, hence, my avowed commitment to its continued propagation around the world. By the ability of the Spirit, I will keep preaching and fulfilling God’s plan of bringing many to righteousness. Hallelujah! I am the light of the world; my calling is to illumine the hearts of men. When I arrive anywhere, illumination comes, and confusion and perplexity are dispelled. I am a man on a mission; therefore, the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places, I am making progress with giant strides, with all of nature, and everything that exists, working together in my favour. Hallelujah!

I affirm that I am the tree of righteousness; a water carrying cloud of glory. The Father has granted me supernatural insight, wisdom, and knowledge; I deal and speak wisely always. I’ve been translated from the domain of darkness into God’s glorious Kingdom of light, where I reign and rule over circumstances. My prosperity is independent of financial conditions of nations and governments. Through my confession of the Word, I’m on a perpetual victory parade. I have access to the throne room of grace; thus, I am connected to the unsearchable riches of the kingdom. My mind is blessed, and I am innovative! I have extraordinary amplitude of comprehension, and every information for a glorious life is accessible to me because the Father has given me wisdom, knowledge, and joy. I affirm that I am a success and a wonder to my world. My abilities are limitless; I’m positioned by the Spirit for success, greatness, and glory. Hallelujah! Glory to God!



Dear Father, thank you for the universal reach of the Gospel as it’s what brings salvation to all, with no one left out. I’m an ambassador of Christ in the Gospel. Through me, the Gospel reaches many today whom you’ve ordained for salvation, in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

I affirm that I am excited about my life in Christ; for I've passed from death to life and from sin to righteousness. I am seated with Christ in the place of authority, over and above every government, authority, power, lordship and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come. I am in Christ; thus I'm over and above all circumstances. Christ has taken up His abode in my spirit; and now, I've become His living headquarters and operational centre. Through me, His glory, beauty, wisdom, perfections and righteousness are revealed to the world, in an ever increasing measure. I am life conscious; life works in me! Every fibre of my being, every bone of my body, and every Cell of my blood, is inundated with divine energy. Hallelujah! The eyes of my understanding is enlightened; I am innovative and full of divine ideas. I have all it takes to stay ahead in my field.

I affirm the word is my delight and I'm nourished and edified as I meditate on it. There's no uncertainties and confusion in my path, because Christ is my light, my wisdom and my strength. I'm walking in, and fulfilling God's perfect will for my life, established in the path of greatness and excellence forever. My life is beautified and my spirit fortified to take a hold of your perfect will and walk therein, today and always. My spirit is refreshed in your presence and your joy fills my soul, knowing you perfect all that concerns me. Hallelujah! I am divinely connected with all resources- human, material, financial- that are consistent with my destiny in Christ. I'm not ordinary; I am a vital member of the family of God - a member of Christ's body, of His flesh, and of His bones. Therefore, I'm invigorated with divine might and ability in my spirit for the supernatural. I'm empowered to do the impossible, for greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. I'm in the centre of God's will for my life! The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness. He's working in me mightily, helping me become the best, and produce excellence only and always. There's no limit to my abilities and potentials. My path is that of the righteous that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. My life is pleasant and my future is bright; God's spirit guides me from faith to faith, grace to grace and glory to glory! Hallelujah!



Blessed Lord Jesus, you’re the Christ who came in the flesh, died, was buried and resurrected to usher us into a life of righteousness, victory, excellence and glory. You’re the complete embodiment of Deity. I worship and thank you for revealing yourself through your Church. Your glory is everlasting. Amen.

I affirm the Spirit of God has granted me divine insight! My understanding and perception of life are being reshaped by the Word. Daily, my spirit is open to the leading and guidance of the Spirit. I am built up by the Word; God’s Word on my lips is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. They are faith-filled, transforming circumstances and changing situations to conform to the Father’s perfect will for me. I am in sync with the Spirit, I know that this is my time and my season of supernatural divine favour; causing all things to work out for my good. Nothing good is withheld from me; for the Lord Himself is my great and exceeding reward and in His favour my horn is exalted. I am exalted by the Spirit of God; I have been launched into new frontiers and Kings shall come to the brightness of my rising. Hallelujah! . I’ve been raised to a higher realm of prosperity, increase, and success; of the increase of my influence and affluence, there shall be no end. I am anointed by the Spirit of God for such a time as this! I am fruitful and productive, flourishing like the cedar in Lebanon, for I am planted by the Lord. I am well positioned in the right place and as the seed of Abraham, my mind is seasoned with supernatural ideas, thoughts, and visions. I am imbued with divine might, and wisdom to bless and impact my world. I am renewed, refreshed and strengthened in my inner man for the glorious life in Christ. I am seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms—a place of authority, victory, and safety —far removed from all earthly distractions. Hallelujah! God has given unto me the hidden treasures of the earth, and my gates are continually opened to receive. I experience increase on every side and a mighty harvest of blessings and miracles from the seeds I have sown. I receive good measure, pressed down and shaken together today, even as the Lord has made all grace available to me, to have all sufficiency in all things. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

I affirm that I am God’s headquarters in the earth; His living tabernacle, the embodiment of His person. I have the same quality of life with God; therefore, I refuse to be subject to the elements of this world or its debilitating influences. I am not of this world; I hail from God and my origin is God. Daily, the attention of heaven is on me. I am a citizen of Zion –Jerusalem – which is above. As all of creation responds to the Lord Jesus, they respond to me; for as He is, so I am in this world. I am seated together with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principalities, powers, might, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come. Hallelujah! The wisdom of God is manifesting Himself through me, leading me in the right path to fulfill the dreams and visions that God has placed in my spirit. I have wisdom for ministry, for my job, finances, health, education, and family! My life is improved and upgraded by the power of the Holy Ghost and I function today, and always, in divine wisdom, manifesting the glory and virtues of divinity deposited within my spirit. Hallelujah! Glory to God!


Happy birthday to me! Thanking God for the gift of divine life!
Revelation 5:10
KJV: And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

Thanking God for divine grace, divine courage, divine favour, divine prosperity, divine blessings, divine confidence, divine influence, divine health, divine miracles, divine testimonies, divine victories, divine dominance, divine glory, divine accomplishment, divine protection, divine immunity, divine success, divine progress, divine greatness, divine peace, divine love, divine joy, divine righteousness, divine nature, divine achievement, divine excellence, divine revelations, divine destiny, divine Scholar!

Everything divine...lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places yea, I have a goodly heritage! All things are working together for my good! A kingly and priestly mindset! God’s recipe for success! Joshua 1:8, Psalms 16:5-8, Romans 8:28. Congratulations 🎊 to me I testify!



I’m the light of the world and the bearer of Christ’s glorious Gospel that leads men into salvation. Through me, men are translated from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God as I fulfil my ministry as an ambassador of Christ and of the Gospel, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

I affirm the grace of God is at work in me and I am fashioned and equipped with all it takes to spread with speed. I am spreading to the East, spreading to the West, spreading to the South and spreading to the North by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen! God's stamp and seal of protection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness and glory. I am immune to satanic attacks. I'm disease- proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. I live in unending peace, prosperity, health, success and greatness because I live in the Name of the Lord Jesus.The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is alive and at work in me. My physical body is invigorated with divine life, always and forever. I have a life that cannot be tainted by sickness, infirmity or affliction. I cannot be poisoned, I cannot be destroyed. I'm a partaker of God's divine nature and nothing has the power to hurt me because every weapon of the adversary against me is designed to fail. Hallelujah! I am self sufficient in Christ's sufficiency. I do not tire or wear out. I do not get weak and I don't faint because my strength is renewed daily by the Holy Spirit.

I affirm I am the crowning beauty of all God's creation; the consummate perfection of His Works! My life is full of loveliness and excellence because the holy spirit beautifies me. I was created for God's glory; not for poverty, sickness, disease, failure or dishonour. I rejoice in His infinite grace and boundless love, for He has caused me to dwell in prosperity in Christ Jesus! I am living triumphantly, every day, enjoying my life, and celebrating the greatness of God in me. I’m walking in the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel, triumphant always and in every place, making manifest the savour of the knowledge and glory of Christ. Hallelujah!. I live above the distracting influences of this earthly realm because I live in, and by the Word. Nothing is impossible with me, because my life is the story and testimony of God’s grace. Hallelujah! Glory to God!



Dear Father, thank you for loving me and demonstrating your value for me by the price you paid for my salvation—the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. I see others through your eyes of love and reach out to them with the good news of salvation, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

I affirm I have been called into the victorious and triumphant life, above sickness, poverty, failure, death and every form of disease. I walk worthy of this calling, today and always, fully taking advantage of the power of divinity at work in me. Thanks be unto God who daily loads me with benefits! He's made all grace- every favour and earthly blessing- come to me in abundance, such that I am always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, self sufficient -possessing enough to require no aid or support, and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. I am not a part of the suffering masses; therefore, I refuse to be subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am heavenly; I am seated with Christ in the place of authority! Hallelujah.

I affirm God's blessings and extraordinary provisions are evidently manifested in my life. He has given me the opportunity and ability to influence those in my sphere of contact with the power of the Spirit. The word guides and directs me in the way that I should go and I am yielded to leading of the Holy Spirit who is my teacher and extraordinary strategist. I take advantage of the privilege and blessing of being qualified and chosen to spread the glorious news of the gospel as a minister of reconciliation. I refuse to allow anything to dissipate my zeal or prevent me from putting my best in the gospel. I"m filled with the Spirit, spiritually sensitive and alert at all times. I live to honour the Father alone, I am totally committed to the expansion of His Kingdom. Thank you Lord for the power and athourity I have over the devil and his cohorts. The victory of Jesus over the devil and the entire host of darkness was for my sake. The enemy has no place in my home, in my body, my finances, or anywhere around me, in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen.

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