Patriotic Front Today

News, Current Affairs & Social Media Engagement


President Hichilema Must Fire Silvia Masebo
..Silvia Masebo threatens health workers, "I can have you fired even when I'm not here"...

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba Wrote;

It was extremely sad to watch former Minister of Health, Silvia Masebo react viciously and with vitriol, to workers snd volunteers that booed her and didn't want her to address them.

The workers have a fundamental right to express themselves and celebrate the long-awaited changes.

The whole scenario carried live on the Ministry of Health page, was painful to watch as she issued threats and accused the workers of being sent by, you guessed it, the Indian cartel.

Clearly Masebo has no respect for public service workers and mistakes her ministerial authority as tyranny of herself to do what she whatever she wants.

She dissolved the ministerial procurement committee and caused a stand-off that saw the country be totally without drugs, medical supplies and laboratory reagents for close to a year as she was ceding procurement powers to the Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Authority (ZMMSA).

Further she engaged in two major scandals; the proposed construction of the $100million infectious diseases hospital, and the Egyptian $65 million drug procurement scandal that resulted in 61 trucks being marooned in Beira, Mozambique and Lusaka since November 2023.

Further her constant dismissal and removal of senior staff in Lusaka and in the provinces resulted in paralysis of the management of the health sector.

She saw staff in the prisms of UPND, PF or thieves and pilferers..She couldn’t address herself to improving systemic efficiency.

Her misconduct today gives us a window to how she treated, with disdain and disrespect, administrators, doctors, nurses and the entire health workers community.

Besides being embroiled in some of the largest acts of corruption, she has helped collapse the health sector.

As seen today, she remains unrepentant and without remorse over the damage so far caused, the loss of lives and the systemic destruction she has caused.

Her conduct demeaned the new Minister of Health, Dr. Elijah Muchima and portrayed that she was going to control the Ministry through the back door.

It is clear that she may take her mal-administration and tyranny to the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, where she has been reshuffled to.

It is therefore in the best interest that she is dismissed from Cabinet to save Government of further embarrassment and political damage.


President Hakainde Hichilema holds a Caucus with UPND Members of Parliament at State House

Lusaka-24th July 2024

President Hakainde Hichilema on Wednesday held a Caucus meeting with UPND Members of Parliament at State House.

In the meeting President Hichilema emphasised on the need to have control of the numbers in the National Assembly.

He said there are plans regarding proposed constitutional amendments that will be tabled in Parliament and it was important that the Party was ready to ensure that the proposals were succesful.

Amendments to the Constitution and the lifting of the immunity of a former President,.require a two-thirds majority.

He expressed concern that the nine seats which were declared vacant have not been subjected to by-elections.

He also wondered why Kawambwa MP, Nixon Chilangwa 's seat has not been declared vacant following his imprisonment and alleged that Chilangwa had began to serve his five year sentence.

There has been outstanding allegations from the days of Mulambo Haimbe as Minister of Justice, that President Hichilema is seeking to amend the Constitution to secure;

1. Abolition of 50+1 electoral system for the election of the President and to revert to the simple majority or First Past the Post (FPP) system.

2. Removal of presidential term limit,.like Rwanda did.

3. Lifting of constitutional immunity of the former President Edgar Lungu.

4 to conduct the delimitation exercise that may be skewed to large constituencies from his stronghold.

President Hichilema also expressed confidence that his party will win the forthcoming by-elections even if they were in the former ruling, the Patriotic Front areas stating that the Opposition was in disarray.

Following the meeting, UPND Luena MP, Mubita Anakoka was tasked to raise the point-of-order over the Kawambwa Seat when Parliament resumed Wednesday afternoon.

Anakoka proceeded to raise the point-of-order as earlier instructed.

Although the Speaker was expected to respond after she had prepared a response, it was not to be, as Ms. Mutti was prepared for the point of order and had a prepared detailed ruling to render and declare Kawambwa seat vacant.


President William Ruto: Over the last month, the livelihoods and property of many innocent people have been destroyed therefore, the government will support these Kenyans on the path to recovery of their business. Imwe ku Zambia families at Munyaule market who lost property when government razed down stalls without prior warning are still wallowing in angish and poverty while some have perished after the macabre and shocking incident


Fr Chunsu’s administration


Kainde and is cronies are smooth criminals


Daggers Drawn l

Photos from Smart Eagles's post 24/07/2024


….. As he faults Mr Hakainde Hichilema for failing to fire corrupt and failed ministers.

Former Lusaka Province Minister Hon Bowman Lusambo has paid a glowing tribute to President Edgar Chagwa Lungu for being proactive in seven years as President of the Republic of Zambia.

He says that President Edgar Lungu’s commitment to fight against corruption speaks for itself as he oftenly took action whenever any of his cabinet members were caught up in corruption or any other issues.

“ President Edgar Chagwa Lungu was great as President of the Republic of Zambia, he ensured that he fired members of his cabinet that were caught up in any corruption related issues or even failure to run their ministries” Hon Lusambo said.

Hon Lusambo recounted how President Edgar Lungu then fired Minsters like Chishimba Kambwili, Chitalu Chilufya, Moses Mawere, Emerine Kabanshi, Felix Mutati and a lot more to ensure that the people of zambia got the good stewardship that they deserved.

Hon Bowman Lusambo who is also PF Member of Central Committee has told Mr Hakainde Hichilema to fire failed Minister of Lands Sylvia Masebo as opposed to transferring her from one ministry to the other.

Speaking at a press briefing in Lusaka today, Hon Lusambo indicted Ms Masebo for absolute failure to run the ministry of health from the time she was appointed to the ministry in 2021.

He says that it is time wasting on the part of Mr Hakainde Hichilema to keep swapping ministers who have clearly failed to fulfill the duties of their mandated offices.


His indeed a facade a deep fake



Lusaka, Zambia, 23rd July 2024


We call on all stakeholders to reject the Electoral Commission of Zambia's (ECZ) roadmap to the 2026 General Elections due to multiple irregularities compromising the integrity of the electoral process.

In its current form, the ECZ lacks the credibility to conduct free and fair ELECTIONS, Infact it may play a part to rigging. The Commission is composed of UPND card-carrying members who have failed to meet the minimum requirements for ECZ membership. The ECZ has consistently demonstrated partisanship, imposing unnecessary requirements on political parties during by-elections and disregarding court rulings.

The Kwacha and Kabushi by-elections were marred by irregularities, and the ECZ's failure to address these issues raises serious concerns about the legitimacy of the 2026 General Elections. Furthermore, the ECZ's decision to proceed with the Kapamba ward by-election in Mpika District despite the withdrawal of the NCP candidate contradicts the Zambian Constitution, which mandates fresh nominations in such cases.

Additionally, the ECZ has imposed instructions on political parties regarding who should sign adoption certificates for candidates. There is no law that provides for such imposition; it is up to individual parties to make that decision themselves. This overreach is a clear interference in internal party matters.

Despite a tribunal ruling indicating the electoral officer's error in disqualifying the Patriotic Front candidate in Mpika's Kapamba ward, the ECZ failed to act, further eroding confidence in the electoral process. Moreover, the presence of ministers with large amounts of cash on election days to buy votes has been ignored by the ECZ, compromising the integrity of the electoral process. Reports indicate that ministers have been moving with trunks and bags of money, paying K1000 per vote, which is unacceptable.

In light of these irregularities, we call for the rejection of the ECZ's decisions, roadmap, actions, and composition in totality. We demand the constitution of a new electoral body to ensure credibility and fairness in the 2026 General Elections. Stakeholders should demand the disbanding of the current ECZ which is controlled by UPND to ensure free and fair elections in 2026 and preserve the democracy of the country.

Issued by:

Francis Robert Kapyanga
Provincial Youth Chairperson
Patriotic Front
Muchinga Province



CITIZENS First President Harry Kalaba says the UPND
Government is the most corrupt regime in the history of Zambia.
Speaking when he featured on Live radio this morning, Mr.
Kalaba said the fight against corruption by President Hichilema is mere rhetoric.
The CF leader adds that the tendency of using 'imingalato' by President Hichilema to make selected corrupt elements in his Government look like saints should come to an end.
He said under normal circumstances former health minister Sylvia Masebo must have resigned or fired following the scandal involving the diverted 61 containers of medical supplies.
Mr. Kalaba said under President Lungu, then health minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya was relieved of his duties in order to allow him to exonerate himself following the Honeybee scandal and this was what Zambians expected President Hichilema to do.
" The issue of the diverted 61 containers of medical supplies is not a small issue. It is important that Government assures citizens that the medicines contained in the 61 diverted containers is safe for consumption.
Under normal circumstances, Sylvia Masebo should have resigned as health minister. Former President Lungu relieved then health minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya of his duties in order to exonerate himself," Mr. Kalaba said.
" The UPND is more corrupt and their fight against corruption is mere rhetoric. Alot of money is going into corruption and the tendency of using imingalato by President Hichilema of making other corrupt people under his Government look like saints should come to and end," Mr. Kalaba said.
# SmartEagles2024.


ACC is dysfunctional because HH interferes with all investigations and prosecutions



President Hakainde Hichilema set up parallel intelligence and security services led by in many cases foreigners or those not qualified.
Over the years, he has abandoned the traditional national security opting to rely on Fanwell Siandenge and others.
Now the cracks are showing and UPND is blaming the intelligence for the failures of President Hichilema.

Below is their writeup


by: UPND Online Campaign

Share Your Thoughts: Comment, Like, and Share

The Office of the President (OP), once a symbol of power and effectiveness, has devolved into a laughing stock under the current leadership. The OP's inability to fearlessly execute its duties is not only tarnishing the name of President Hakainde Hichilema but also undermining his vision for a better Zambia. This is a betrayal of the trust Zambians have placed in their leader.

A country with functional intelligence systems cannot afford to leave gaps for scandals to emerge. Yet, the confusion and incompetence of the current OP leadership, exemplified by Lawrence, has created an environment conducive to scandals. This is a tragedy, and it's time to expose the truth. The OP's ineptitude is a clear and present danger to Zambia's progress.

A well-grounded Security Chief cannot fear State House Aides, but that's exactly what's happening. This is a blatant disregard for protocol and a clear indication of the OP's incompetence. The challenge we face is that security services are being managed by State House instead of the other way round. This is a recipe for disaster, and it's only a matter of time before Zambia pays the price.

In the past, the OP was a powerful department that was everywhere and anywhere, but those days are gone. The current leadership has reduced the OP to a shadow of its former self, and it's time for change. We demand accountability and transparency from the OP leadership.

We accuse Lawrence and the OP leadership of:

- Gross incompetence
- Dereliction of duty
- Undermining the President's authority
- Creating an environment conducive to scandals

We assume that their actions are deliberate and calculated to serve their own interests rather than the interests of Zambia.

We demand answers:

- Why is the OP failing to effectively manage security services?
- Why is Lawrence allowing State House Aides to dictate how the OP operates?
- What is being done to restore the OP to its former glory?
- What measures are being taken to prevent further scandals?

Tell us what you think about this issue. Share your thoughts, and let's work together to expose the truth and demand accountability from the OP leadership. Comment, Like, and Share this article to spread the word. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that Zambia is governed with integrity and transparency.



HH— Selective Justice will hound you out of power


By Hon Binwell Mpundu

When we call out on injustices dont think we are foolish or are not thinking ala one day those injustices will meet you and we will not be there to help you out.

Have you forgotten i was almost being condemned to Prison on foolish allegations that i sent our young people to go and steal scrap at KCM .Some of you even called me a criminal...

Jay Jay is abducted by state house officials and the president is fully aware of that make no mistake,Jay is now in prison over fake charges and propaganda and you are busy shouting crucify him???
You have even participated in pushing the propaganda that Jay Jay urinated in someone's mouth and when it has downed on you that it was propaganda you have all gone mute yet you have the courage to talk about Justice.

Tayali was almost killed at his house by men carrying military weapons and he was turned from a victim to a criminal and today you are still shouting crucify him and you wanted him to face the courts for Justice you said????

Why-Me is still rotting in Jail over an exchange of insults with a known UPND cadre and they only arrest him for months now without bond or bail over insults but the other character is free and yet you have the courage to come here to talk about justice being served ??

Rizwani and friend are rotting in Jail 8 months now over allegations yet they cant even take him to court and you are here talking about Justice being served??

Do you want me to go on and on about the injustices people are being subjected to??

Meanwhile the real criminals stealing your money meant for drugs and to end load shedding are are just being moved from one assignment to the next and yet you have the audacity to come to my page to talk about Justice???


Photos from Patriotic Front Today's post 23/07/2024


Good Evening.

What appears to have been a case of gross negligence by Zambia Medicines and Medical Supply Agency ( ZAMMSA) over a US$ 24 million worth drugs consignment, is actually one of the biggest scandals in the United Party for National Development ( UPND) Government, whose Genesis is Sylvia Masebo's insistence on using an unorthodox system to procure bulk supply from Egypt against expert advice.

The ZAMMSA Director General Victor Nyasulu was not the main player in this scandal, whose main beneficiary was Yash Pharmaceuticals whose products were being bought by government while the ZAMMSA consignment was marooned at J and J Transporters premises in Lusaka.

The main man in this deal is Manoj Patel, owner of Yash and Viking Pharmaceuticals with other senior staff working together with his Indian friend Sajit Sahani Singh who is the owner of ACE Pharmaceuticals. Crucialy, these two are very close friends of UPND Secretary General Batuke Imenda, who was reportedly influential in helping Yash Pharmaceuticals secure drugs deals from the Ministry of Health during the period. Victor Nyasulu is also said to have been dealing directly with Sajit Sahani Singh.

Sajit Sahani Singh has also been a major channel of financing the Miles Sampa Patriotic Front ( PF) project, and recently funded Robert Chabinga's Press Conference at which he claimed to have taken over the PF Presidency and insulted and threatened journalists

Although Victor Nyasulu has been singled out for gross negligence, outgoing Health Minister Sylvia Masebo is simply pretending to be ignorant about details of this deal, and the alleged involvement of Batuke Imenda shows that the UPND was aware of what was going on. So too should Dictator Hichilema have been aware, through his man Muunji Habeenzu.

The same way Mr. Bradford Machila is In charge at State House, Muunji Habeenzu was Permanent Secretary at Community House, dealing with Dictator Hichilema's diary. Habeenzu at Community House, Batuke Imenda running the UPND and Sylvia Masebo in charge of the party's mobilisation activities, Yash Pharmaceuticals had a key team lobbying for its business with the Ministry of Health.

These are the circumstances under which the consignment of drugs from Egypt was found to be stuck for seven months to allow Yash Pharmaceuticals to supply the Ministry of Health.

The Egyptian bulk supply of drugs was doomed from the beginning. Masebo was in the forefront pushing for this deal through her personal contacts with Dr. George Magued an Egyptian businessman associated with EGYCOPP, which stands for Egyptian Group for Pharmaceitical and Cosmetic Products, which is a conglomerate of Private companies producing various medical and surgical supplies.

The Minister of Health was advised about the problems of this deal at a meeting chaired by Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet ( Finance) Siazongo Siakalenge and attended by the Secretary to the Treasury and Permanent Secretaries from Finance, Health, Justice, Directors General from ZPPA, ZAMRA and ZAMMSA and other stakeholders.

Masebo insisted the deal should follow her wishes and the technocrats had to find a way of dressing the deal as normal.

Despite single sourcing the medicines from EGYCOPP private companies, they negotiated to have payments made through the Unified Procurement Authority ( UPA), Egypt's equivalent of ZAMMSA.

Without subjecting the tender to any form of competition, Masebo pushed for this procurement after a trip to Egypt on which she took the Permanent Secretary Administration at Health, ZPPA DG, the President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Zambia, private pharmacist Jerome Kanyika and a student.

Because this deal was corrupt at inception, many aspects were overlooked, such as who was going to pay for the consignment's flight and who would pay demurrage and other port fees.

In the course of this business, ZAMMSA raised issues of funding from the government and specifically monies owed for clearing imported medicines and medical supplies. ZAMMSA presented a budget of K4.9 billion out of which it has been given K400 million. The Ministry of Finance gave ZAMMSA Treasury Authority for further funding but Masebo had it cancelled because she claimed she had not been consulted.

Upon realising the problems she had caused, Masebo called for a meeting on Friday Last week with ZAMMSA Management, at which she started accusing Management of Sabotage and reported the matter to the Police. On Saturday, Masebo took the Police to J and J Transporters premises to unearth containers which she had known had been there all along. On Tuesday, Masebo issued a Ministrial statement in Parliament to shift all blame to the ZAMMSA Management.

If Dictator Hichilema, who was aware of this Egyptian Drugs procurement programme from the beginning, did not know the whereabouts of this large consignment of drugs in the last seven months, then he must be a very dull supervisor of his Ministers.

As for Sylvia Masebo, this is not new. She behaved in the exact same way in the US$ 100m hospital deal which she was involved in the signing but when she failed to receive the bribe she had asked for which included a Mercedes Benz G-Wagon, she quickly turned around and pretended to be a Whistleblower. In this case she started the procurement of drugs from Egyptian businessmen while pretending this was a government to government deal, up to the point the consignment began to arrive in the country with first consignment arriving in Zambia by 17th October 2023.

So how can she wake up one day and pretend that the drugs she had ordered from Egypt and not cleared as expected be a matter of sabotage by ZAMMSA?

The two people to be blamed for this Fiasco are Sylvia Masebo and Dictator Hakainde

In white is Manoj Patel owner of Yash, in head gear is Surjit Sahani Singh owner of ACE Pharmaceuticals and the lady is the Accountant at Yash Saona Patel. The other gentleman is the one UPND Media said he oiled Victor Nyasulu but our investigations reveal that he is just one of errand boys for the owner of Yash.

Good Night.


Tanzania's President Samia Suluhu fires foreign,Information ministers

Monday July 22 2024
No reason was

The presidency announced late on Sunday, July 21, that Hassan terminated the appointments of the minister of foreign affairs and East Africa cooperation, January Makamba, and the minister of information, communication and information technology, Nape Nnauye.

Tanzania's President Samia Suluhu Hassan has fired two senior members of government including the foreign minister in a mini-cabinet reshuffle, her office said.

The changes came as Hassan seeks to regain trust from foreign powers over a programme of economic and political reforms, including easing restrictions on opposition parties and media, that some critics had seen as faltering.

The presidency announced late on Sunday, July 21, that Hassan terminated the appointments of the minister of foreign affairs and East Africa cooperation, January Makamba, and the minister of information, communication and information technology, Nape Nnauye.

They are influential figures in the ruling party, Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM).

No reason was given for their removal. Makamba and Nnauye did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


Giggly Kainde, reacts excitedly when Sylvia Masebo wiped off his sweat after a cuddly pep-talk— LOVE IN THE AIR

Photos from Patriotic Front Today's post 22/07/2024

July 22nd 2024

KAWAMBWA - The Kawambwa Magistrate Court this morning committed PF Pambashe member of Parliament Ronald Chitotela to the High Court for sentencing after finding him guilty of the offence of Arson.

The Magistrate Court could not sentence Mr Chitotela as the charge of Arson attracts a minimum of 10 years imprisonment which falls above the threshold of a Magistrate and has to be referred to the High Court.

The Court has further sentenced Kawambwa Member of Parliament Nickson Chilangwa to five years imprisonment with hard labour after finding him guilty of malicious damage to property.

The two lawmakers are said to have while in the company of other people burnt to ashes a Mahindra vehicle belonging to the UPND Luapula youth committee during the 2021 General elections.

Others found guilty are Kalumba Chifumbe and Davy Kaniki who have both been sentenced to 5yrs while Ronald Chitotela, K***a Chitotela and Chabu Chitotela have been committed to the High Court for sentencing.

Photos from Patriotic Front Today's post 22/07/2024

Left is Luwi Daka, The one Masebo has allegedly been using in deals at the Ministry of Health, ACC have been investigating her for months now!


HH rewind selector! Swallow your pride like Joe Biden who listened to concerned party’s — FIRE MASEBO



by: UPND Online Campaign

Share Your Thoughts: Comment, Like, and Share

The Office of the President (OP), once a symbol of power and effectiveness, has devolved into a laughing stock under the current leadership. The OP's inability to fearlessly execute its duties is not only tarnishing the name of President Hakainde Hichilema but also undermining his vision for a better Zambia. This is a betrayal of the trust Zambians have placed in their leader.

A country with functional intelligence systems cannot afford to leave gaps for scandals to emerge. Yet, the confusion and incompetence of the current OP leadership, exemplified by Lawrence, has created an environment conducive to scandals. This is a tragedy, and it's time to expose the truth. The OP's ineptitude is a clear and present danger to Zambia's progress.

A well-grounded Security Chief cannot fear State House Aides, but that's exactly what's happening. This is a blatant disregard for protocol and a clear indication of the OP's incompetence. The challenge we face is that security services are being managed by State House instead of the other way round. This is a recipe for disaster, and it's only a matter of time before Zambia pays the price.

In the past, the OP was a powerful department that was everywhere and anywhere, but those days are gone. The current leadership has reduced the OP to a shadow of its former self, and it's time for change. We demand accountability and transparency from the OP leadership.

We accuse Lawrence and the OP leadership of:

- Gross incompetence
- Dereliction of duty
- Undermining the President's authority
- Creating an environment conducive to scandals

We assume that their actions are deliberate and calculated to serve their own interests rather than the interests of Zambia.

We demand answers:

- Why is the OP failing to effectively manage security services?
- Why is Lawrence allowing State House Aides to dictate how the OP operates?
- What is being done to restore the OP to its former glory?
- What measures are being taken to prevent further scandals?

Tell us what you think about this issue. Share your thoughts, and let's work together to expose the truth and demand accountability from the OP leadership. Comment, Like, and Share this article to spread the word. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that Zambia is governed with integrity and transparency.



Having made the decision to voluntarily declare my assets, I was privileged to have duly declared my assets before the Learned Chief Justice, earlier this morning.


....reiterates support for Anti-Corruption Agenda

Lusaka....22nd July 2024

The Acton Institute for Policy Analysis Centre - AIPAC is deeply concerned about the recent cabinet reshuffle, which His President HH has moved Hon. Masebo and Hon. Kapala to new ministries despite grave corruption allegations against them. This move does not address the serious concerns of corruption and impunity, and only serves to perpetuate a culture of accountability evasion.

We appeal to President HH to take decisive action and drop both Hon. Masebo and Hon. Kapala from his cabinet, and let law enforcement agencies investigate the corruption allegations without interference or bias. This is essential to upholding the President's vision and policy of fighting corruption in Zambia. Anything less would be a betrayal of the public's trust and a mockery of the rule of law.

AIPAC believes that the President's commitment to combating corruption must be demonstrated through concrete actions, not mere cabinet reshuffles. We urge President HH to ensure that all allegations are thoroughly investigated, and those found guilty are held accountable. This is crucial for restoring public trust, promoting accountability, and ensuring that the government's anti-corruption agenda is not undermined by perceived impunity.

We stand in solidarity with President HH's vision for a corruption-free Zambia and call on all Zambians to join us in demanding accountability and transparency from our leaders. We believe that together, we can build a better Zambia, free from corruption and governed with integrity.

Solomon Ngoma
Executive Director



Electoral Commission of Zambia should stop playing with people's emotions ahead of 2026 lest they want to set this nation ablaze.

Lately ECZ has imposed rules to disadvantage Political Parties from participating in by-elections.

Surprisingly enough there is a statement making rounds on social media suggesting that 2026 election results will be announced four to five (4-5) days after voting.

ECZ should not be naive to think it can impose anything on Zambians for as long as it favours a specific political party or candidate of it's choice.

Zambians are not gullible neither are they peaceful as they look when it comes to infringing on their rights.

ECZ should not act like a branch for a specific political party instead serve the interest of the nation and it's citizenry.

The current crop of leaders at ECZ should not think they are too intelligent more than the collective wisdom of the people of Zambia.


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Los Angels Road

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Lusaka, 260

The only person we can trust is Mr Kelvin Bwalya Fube president of ZMP the person with the heart ��

Plot 2746M, Second Street, IBEX Hill Extension

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Lusaka, 10101

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UKA United Kwacha Alliance UKA United Kwacha Alliance
Lusaka, 00000

To Advertise your work or your Business with us WhatsApp us on +260 762 750 010

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