Flex Care

Flex Care is your S.A based Allied Health specialists focused on all things NDIS & Aged Care.


🌟 Staff Spotlight: Bailey's Journey with Mental Health🌟
Mental Health Fundraiser Link πŸ‘‰ https://www.gofundme.com/f/baileys-marathon

We are excited to shine a spotlight on our new team member Bailey. Bailey has been doing incredible work supporting our aged care and NDIS participants with exercise programming, profoundly impacting their physical and mental well-being.

πŸ”Ή Role: Therapy Assistant/Personal Trainer – Studying Clinical Exercise Physiology
πŸ”Ή Specialization: Exercise Programming for Aged Care and NDIS Participants
πŸ”Ή Years of Experience: 2 Years Personal Training

Bailey’s journey with mental health has been one of personal resilience and growth. Having been diagnosed with bipolar type 1 disorder, Bailey has faced and learned to live with the condition. Bailey is passionate about breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health and shares openly about the personal challenges that have come with this. We are truly thankful that he has been willing to share and open up about his challenges to help others on their mental health journey.

⚑ Mental Health Fundraising ⚑
Join us in supporting him as he runs the Adelaide Marathon Festival on the 25th of August to raise funds for the Black Dog Institute and Bipolar Australia through his GoFundMe page. Bailey has had some challenging times in life when first diagnosed with bipolar, and although he is thriving now, many other Australians are still facing the turmoil that comes with mental health. See the link below to contribute to this cause.

When asked, Bailey said:
"Mental health has always been close to my heart. Through my own experiences, I've learned the importance of resilience and seeking support. I'm committed to helping others find strength through exercise and holistic wellness."

Outside of work, Bailey enjoys running, academia, coffee, strength training, and playing guitar, which helps him stay balanced and energized. His passion for self-care and mental wellness is evident in both his personal and professional life.

Join us in celebrating Bailey and his remarkable contributions to our team and community! πŸ’™


How Long Will I Need a Therapist? πŸ€”

Therapists can be with you for the long term, short term, or even on a periodic basis, depending on what best suits your needs and goals.

πŸ”Ή Long-Term Support: Some clients benefit from consistent, long-term support. This can help build a strong therapeutic relationship and provide ongoing assistance with complex or evolving needs. For example, someone managing a chronic condition may find it beneficial to work with the same therapist over several years.

πŸ”Ή Short-Term Support: In other cases, short-term therapy might be more appropriate. This is often the case for specific challenges or goals, like recovering from surgery or learning a new skill. Once the goal is achieved, the need for therapy may decrease.

πŸ”Ή Periodic Support: Periodic therapy can be ideal for those who need occasional check-ins or support during certain times of the year. For instance, someone might need more support during stressful periods or when adjusting to new life circumstances.

At Flex Care, our goal is to support your needs for as longβ€”or as shortβ€”as is appropriate for you. Whether you need continuous care or just a few sessions, we are here to help. 🧑

Evidence shows that the right therapeutic relationship can significantly improve outcomes and overall well-being. Our team is committed to ensuring you receive the right support at the right time.

Feel reassured knowing that your care is tailored to you. Let us know how we can best support you on your journey.


πŸ”“ Unlocking patients' potential is at the heart of what we do. Our Therapy Assistants play a crucial role in fast-tracking results, ensuring cost-effective care, and supporting other providers. Their dedication and expertise are key to helping clients reach their goals and live their best lives.

🍊 Hands-On Support: Assistants provide direct support to therapists during sessions, allowing therapists to focus on treatment plans and strategies.

🍊Client Progress Monitoring: They assist in monitoring and documenting client progress, ensuring that therapy goals are being met.

🍊Home Program Implementation: Assistants help implement and oversee home programs, ensuring that clients continue to progress outside of therapy sessions.

🍊Cost-Effective Care: By assisting therapists, they help make therapy sessions more efficient and cost-effective for clients.

🍊Support for Other Providers: Assistants collaborate with other healthcare providers, ensuring a holistic approach to client care.

πŸ“ž Call to Action: To refer a client for our therapy services and unlock their potential, fill out our online referral form at (link in bio!).


Sometimes, in therapy, the most profound lessons come not from what we teach, but from what we learn from our clients. 🧑


This Monday, we're shining a light on psychosocial disabilities, particularly schizophrenia, a mental health disorder that affects close to 1% of the population worldwide. Despite its prevalence, there are still many misconceptions surrounding this condition. Did you know Schizophrenia is characterized by disturbances in thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and behaviour?

At Flex Care, we currently support psychosocial NDIS participants with ongoing support and functional capacity assessments. Our occupational therapists are dedicated to providing personalized care and support for individuals with schizophrenia. Here are some common areas an occupational therapist may work on to help a patient with schizophrenia:

πŸ”Ά Developing daily routines and activities
πŸ”Ά Enhancing social skills and communication
πŸ”Ά Managing stress and anxiety
πŸ”Ά Improving problem-solving skills
πŸ”Ά Providing education and support for families
πŸ”Ά Promoting independence in activities of daily living

With the right support, people with psychosocial disabilities can live meaningful and contributing lives. At Flex Care, we provide a part of the necessary assistance and guidance to help individuals achieve their goals, engage in activities they enjoy, and participate in their communities. Together, we can empower those with psychosocial disabilities to lead fulfilling lives.

Let's work together to raise awareness and reduce the stigma around schizophrenia.


πŸ•°οΈ Aging is a fact of life, but it doesn't mean slowing down! πŸ’ͺ Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists are here to make sure you age with grace and vitality. Whether it's home-based therapy, enhancing convenience, or keeping you strong for dancing and gardening, we've got you covered! 🏑 Stay in the comfort of your own home longer with our expert therapy services. With over 10 years of experience supporting the sector across SA, aging gracefully has never been easier! 🌟


πŸ‘©β€πŸ³πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ At Flex Care, our Occupational Therapists are dedicated to supporting clients with developing independence through cooking! 🍳πŸ₯¦
Many of our clients, including those with Autism, developmental delays, young adults leaving home, and ABI participants, benefit greatly from this support.

Here's how our OTs can help:
πŸ‘… Exploring Textures: They help clients explore new textures and foods safely.
🍽️ Understanding Choice: Our OTs support clients in understanding and making informed choices about their meals.
πŸ’° Financial Components: They offer strategies to manage the financial aspects of cooking and grocery shopping.
πŸ₯ Health Support: Our OTs assist in developing food routines that are aimed at lowering the risk of secondary health conditions.

We integrate these supports into our ongoing services, collaborating with other providers to ensure comprehensive care for our clients. If you're a provider or family member, consider how our OTs can support your loved ones in these crucial life skills!

Ready to refer someone? Click the link in our bio


Join us in welcoming Tyler, our newest Occupational Therapist at Flex Care!
We are delighted to welcome Tyler to our team. Since completing his Masters in Occupational Therapy with a Bachelors of Psychology in 2021, he has worked extensively across the disability sector. Tyler brings a wealth of knowledge and compassion to his role as an occupational therapist.

He has immediate capacity to take on referrals.

Tyler's areas of interest include:
Life Skills Development
Nature-Based Therapy
NDIS Assessments and Reports (Home & Living, Functional Capacity Assessments)
Assistive Technology
Working with Children and Teens
Mental Health Support

His easygoing nature, great humour, and calming persona make him a valuable asset to our team. Outside of work, Tyler enjoys running, heading to the beach, and catching up with friends.
DM us or head to our website for more info!


🌟 Welcome back to our series on staying active and reducing pain with Henry Pope’s favourite exercises at Flex Care! Continuing from our previous post, here are more simple yet effective exercises perfect for our aged care and chronic disease clients:

Shoulder Shrugs: While seated or standing, raise both shoulders up towards the ears, then lower them back down. This exercise helps relieve tension and improves mobility in the shoulders.

Neck Side Flexion: While seated, gently tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear towards your shoulder. Hold for a few seconds, then switch sides. This exercise helps improve neck flexibility and reduce stiffness.

Seated Toe Tap: Sit comfortably and gently tap your toes on the floor, alternating between feet. This exercise helps improve circulation and can reduce swelling in the feet and ankles.

Seated Trunk Rotation: Sit upright with your feet flat on the floor. Slowly twist your upper body to one side, then return to the centre and twist to the other side. This exercise helps improve flexibility in the spine and reduces stiffness in the back.

🚨 Disclaimer: Before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have a medical condition, consult with a healthcare professional to ensure these exercises are safe for you. These exercises should be done gently and within your comfort level. Stay tuned for more tips from Henry Pope to keep you moving and feeling great!


"Tomorrow, as we commemorate ANZAC Day, we wish all of our clients, team members, stakeholders, and friends a safe and restful day. ANZAC Day is a day of remembrance, where we honor the brave Australians & New Zealanders who served and sacrificed their lives for our freedom and way of life.

'They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.' Lest we forget."


🌟 Meet Henry Pope, a physiotherapist at Flex Care, known for his innovative approach to helping clients stay active and reduce pain. Henry’s favorite exercises, perfect for aged care and chronic disease clients lacking motivation, can be done throughout the day, even from a seated position:

1. Seated Knee Lifts: Lift one knee towards the chest, then lower it back down, alternating legs. Improves circulation and strengthens the core.

2. Arm Circles: Extend arms out to the sides at shoulder height, make small circles, gradually increasing the size. Improves shoulder mobility and reduces stiffness.

3. Leg Extensions: While seated upright, extend one leg straight out in front, then lower it back down, alternating legs. Strengthens leg muscles and improves flexibility.

4. Ankle Pumps: Lift feet off the floor, point toes away, then flex them towards you. Improves ankle joint flexibility and reduces swelling.

🚨 Before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have a medical condition, consult a healthcare professional to ensure these exercises are safe for you.


Wishing all our valued clients and dedicated fellow providers a rejuvenating and joyful long weekend ahead! Our team will be back in action on Tuesday the 2nd of April, ready to continue providing therapy services. Don't forget to treat yourself to some delicious chocolate – we'll be thinking of you! Happy Easter from the entire Flex Care team!


πŸ”Ά We have the capacity to support with Companion Card applications! Applying is easy, but it does require a health professional's signature. Check out the SA Companion Card website for eligibility and application details. Here's why it might be a game-changer for participants! πŸ”Ά
✨ Free Entry for Your Companion: Enjoy activities and venues without the extra cost for your companion or carer. Imagine going to the movies, the Fringe Festival, or the zoo, and your companion doesn't need to pay a cent! It's all about making things more accessible and enjoyable for you.
✨ Increased Independence: Get the support you need without worrying about extra expenses.
✨ Accessible Fun: Explore more venues and activities with ease.
Ready to apply or need assistance? Get in touch today!


🌟 Appreciation for Long-Standing Senior Physiotherapist Jordan 🌟

A heartfelt shout-out to Senior Physiotherapist Jordan, a cherished member of the Flex Care family since 2017. Initially based in Kadina and seamlessly transitioning to our Adelaide team in January 2022, Jordan is celebrated for his exceptional musculoskeletal expertise and compassionate care.

Known for his warm-hearted nature, Jordan goes beyond clinical excellence, prioritising the general well-being of our clients. His proficiency extends to the NDIS, ensuring our clients receive unparalleled support within the framework.

Jordan's impact is not just professional; it's personal. He embodies the collaborative spirit of Flex Care, making him an integral part of our close-knit team. We express our deepest gratitude for his unwavering commitment to excellence and the positive difference he makes in the lives of those we serve.

Here's to Senior Physiotherapist Jordan – a true star in the world of physiotherapy! πŸŒŸπŸ‘


πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈβœ¨ Here are some positive tips from the Flex Care Physio team.

Collaboration is Key:
✨ Embrace the power of teamwork! Working with a physiotherapist can be a game-changer. Their expertise helps tailor exercises that best suit your needs and make the journey enjoyable.

Celebrate Small Wins:
✨ Every step counts, no matter how small! Celebrate those victories, whether mastering a new exercise or completing a session with a smile. Positive reinforcement keeps the motivation flowing! πŸŽ‰πŸ’ͺ

Variety Keeps it Fun:
✨ Say goodbye to workout boredom! Having a physiotherapist keeps things exciting with a variety of exercises. πŸŒˆπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

Regular Check-ins for the Win:
✨ Consistency loves company! Regular check-ins with a physiotherapist can help you stay on track. We genuinely want to see you make progress in your well-being. πŸ—“οΈπŸ“ˆ

Positive Mindset is Everything:
✨ Keeping a positive mindset is my secret weapon. Focus on what your body CAN do and celebrate progress. πŸ’‘πŸŒŸ


Taking the time to connect with clients goes beyond treatmentβ€”it's about understanding, empathy, and fostering a strong therapeutic relationship built on trust.


🌟 Occupational Therapy Spotlight 🌟

Occupational therapists (OTs) are healthcare professionals who work with individuals of all ages to promote independence, enhance daily living skills, and improve overall well-being. Their goal is to help people engage in meaningful activities or "occupations" that are important to them.

πŸ‘‹ 🌈 We are here to help you engage in meaningful activities that matter most to you! 🌟
Curious about your first consultation? Don't stress - we're here for you! Here's a sneak peek into what to expect:
1️⃣ Meet & Greet: Get to know our OT's background and experience. We're excited to be a part of your journey!
2️⃣ Your Story Matters: We want to learn about YOU! Your preferences, challenges, and how we can best support you on this adventure.
3️⃣ Hopes & Dreams: What are your goals for these sessions? Let's chat about your aspirations and create a game plan to achieve them!
4️⃣ Assessments: We might dive into some assessments to better understand your needs. It's all part of tailoring our approach just for you.
5️⃣ Collaborative Planning: 🀝 We emphasize the collaborative nature of occupational therapy, where your active participation is key. Your goals, your decisions, your feedback - it's all about YOU!
Excited to embark on this journey with you! πŸš€ We're here to make your occupational therapy experience empowering and meaningful. πŸ’™ hashtag hashtag hashtag


🌟 Embracing Healthier Ageing at Home! πŸ‘πŸ’–
We are passionate about seeing people supported through the ageing process. 🌈✨
Our Allied Health team have a strong focus on supporting seniors across Adelaide to stay at home and maintain their health for as long as possible.
🀝πŸ’ͺ Let's dive into the magic of our interventions!
πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ Exercise for Vitality: Our passionate team understands the transformative power of regular exercise. Tailored fitness programs not only enhance strength and flexibility but also uplift the spirit! 🌟 πŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί

πŸ›‹οΈ Assistive Equipment for Independence: We believe in empowering independence through thoughtful solutions. From innovative mobility aids to smart home adaptations, our team are here to make daily activities more accessible, allowing our seniors to embrace life on their terms! πŸŒπŸ”§
πŸ‘ Occupational Therapy for Purposeful Living: The heart of our mission lies in occupational therapy. Our dedicated therapists work closely with seniors to identify and address challenges, ensuring every day is filled with purpose and satisfaction. πŸŽ¨πŸ“š
πŸŒ† Passionate Across Metro Adelaide: Our commitment extends across the metro Adelaide! Our team is ready to bring the magic of Allied Health Therapy to your doorstep. 🏠🌏
πŸ“ž Take Action Today: Don't wait for tomorrow to embrace the benefits of Allied Health Therapy! If you or your loved one is ready to unlock the full potential of aging at home, give us a call at 08 8463 0711 or visit our website. Let's embark on this journey together! πŸš€πŸŒ»


πŸŽ‰ Happy New Year from the Flex Care Allied Health Team! πŸŽ‰

As we welcome 2024, we're grateful for the incredible journey of the past year. Despite its challenges, we've grown stronger and more resilient together. Collaborating with outstanding providers and supporting our invaluable clients has been a highlight. Let's carry the lessons learned into this new year, continuing to build on our successes and forging even deeper connections. Wishing everyone a year filled with triumphs, prosperity, and shared accomplishments. Here's to making 2024 phenomenal! 🌟

Photo taken of the Flex Care team at our end-of-year celebrations in Hahndorf.


πŸŽ„To all our valued clients in Aged Care and NDIS, we will be reducing services over the festive season. This may mean your regular appointments are interrupted by the Christmas and New Year periods. For the best information speak directly with your therapist or call us on 8463 0711. πŸŽ„

From all of us at Flex, we wish you a safe festive season and a happy new year!


πŸ’«Flex Care Catch Up with Emerson Part 2πŸ’«
Emerson shares the wins Flex Care is experiencing and the future of Flex Care in 2024!
If you are interested in working at Flex Care as an Allied Health professional. Contact us to discuss joining our team.


🌟 Today, on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, let's shed light on the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in Australia and worldwide. 🌍 Despite progress, disparities persist in employment, education, income, and accessibility. It's time to ! 🀝 Let's strive for a more inclusive society, ensuring equal opportunities for all. πŸ’ͺ Together, we can create a world where everyone's abilities are celebrated and valued. 🌟 🌈✨


Sending motivation, encouragement and good vibes out into the world.


Take a moment for you.


πŸŽ‰Introducing our newest OT to the team, Georgia. πŸŽ‰
She completed her Masters of Occupational Therapy at Flinders University, graduating in 2017.

Georgia's areas of interest are NDIS, pediatrics, mental health and assistive technology.

What she loves about being an OT is that the profession allows her to connect with the client on a human level and assess their needs holistically across all facets of life.
She loves empowering clients to establish new skills and providing equipment that allows them to maximize their independence and safety.

When she isn't at work she enjoys going on road trips, spending time with her sausage dog, Alfie, boxing and playing soccer.


Don't underestimate the impact you are making in our community.


πŸ’«Flex Care Catch Up with Emerson Part 1πŸ’«

Emerson has been a part of the Flex Care team as a physiotherapist for over 9 years. Join us in celebrating him as a member of the team and hear some of his unique insights into life as a physiotherapist in Aged Care and the NDIS.

If you are interested in joining our team get in touch today via our website.


⚑That warm fuzzy feeling when other providers see the value in what we do! Go Eddy! ⚑

FriYAY Provider of the week 🀟🀩
This week we'd like to introduce you to Eddy from Flex Care!
Eddy is the Business Development Manager for Flex Care and his passions lye in seeing marginalized and vulnerable people getting the most from life.
Eddy really loves witnessing the NDIS do what it is intended for, to help Australians live normal lives!

Flex Care provides Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy & Podiatry.
They offer therapy assistants to help with costing of services and getting the most out of building a participant's capacity.
Fun Fact- Flex is SA owned and operated!

Flex Care also sponsors a podcast hosted by Eddy & Damien (Damo) Porter, "The Disability Podcast" A podcast bringing education about the NDIS and people living with a disability.

(If you have a squizz, you'll see Ebony our ops manager has featured on an episode!)

Love ya work, Eddy! 😎


πŸ‰A quick shout out to Occupational Therapist Jonathan Giannini who has capacity to help with your 2024 footy tips. Let us know what you think in the comments! Will Collingwood get the win? Happy grand final weekend. πŸ‰

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Videos (show all)

🌟 Welcome back to our series on staying active and reducing pain with Henry Pope’s favourite exercises at Flex Care! Con...
🌟 Meet Henry Pope, a physiotherapist at Flex Care, known for his innovative approach to helping clients stay active and ...
πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈβœ¨ Here are some positive tips from the Flex Care Physio team.Collaboration is Key:✨ Embrace the power of teamwork! ...
πŸ’«Flex Care Catch Up with Emerson Part 2πŸ’«Emerson shares the wins Flex Care is experiencing and the future of Flex Care in...
πŸ’«Flex Care Catch Up with Emerson Part 1πŸ’«Emerson has been a part of the Flex Care team as a physiotherapist for over 9 ye...
πŸ‰A quick shout out to Occupational Therapist Jonathan Giannini who has capacity to help with your 2024 footy tips. Let u...
We are live with Episode 2 featuring Grant Allen from @pushmobility. What an inspirational podcast! Now on YouTube and S...
β˜€οΈSpring is here.β˜€οΈ Whether you want to get moving in the lounge room of your home or out on the back lawn, we have the ...
Introducing Senior Occupational Therapist & NDIS Manager Jonathan Giannini! In this short video, we take a moment to cel...
πŸ”ΆπŸ”ΆWe are hiring!πŸ”ΆπŸ”Ά It’s with great excitement that we share this update. Our team is looking to expand our services due ...
πŸ”ΆπŸ”ΆWe are hiring!πŸ”ΆπŸ”Ά It's with great excitement that we share this update. Our team is looking to expand our services due ...
πŸ’«πŸ’«Back pain occurs for many reasons whether it be limited mobility, secondary conditions, a sedentary lifestyle or simpl...




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