Grange Primary School

Grange Primary School is a Reception to Year 6 school of approx. 680 students.


💛💙80s Quiz Night! 💙💛

Have you booked your tickets to our upcoming quiz night yet? With just over 4 weeks to go, we thought it was time for a bit of a warm up.

Did we mention the first table prize up for grabs is $500 cash!

Book your ticket now, either individually or in groups of 10


💛💙 Cancer Council's Biggest Morning Tea! 💙💛

Yesterday, our staff were incredibly spoiled by one of our amazing parents and volunteers, Rae. She hosted the most AMAZING morning tea we have ever seen, all to raise funds and awareness for the Cancer Council.

Good luck with your fundraising efforts, Rae! Click the link to see more and support


💛💙 80s Quiz Night! 💙💛

Get ready to rock out at our 80s Quiz Night! Dust off your leg warmers and tease up your hair for a night of fun at Grange Primary School's Witunnga Hall on Saturday, 29th June at 6.30pm.

Gather your squad and secure a table of 10 for only $25 per person, which includes corkage. Feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks, or pre-order delicious platters from Coastal Deli to keep you fueled up for the ultimate quiz battle.

A huge shoutout to our major sponsor Ray White for helping to make this event possible!

See you there! 🎤🕺

Photos from Grange Primary School's post 11/05/2024

💗💜 Mothers and Others Day Breakfast! 💜💗

What an amazing turn out this morning for our Mothers and Others Day Breakfast! We had a fabulous morning celebrating the incredible women in our lives!

Thank you to all the families for waking up early to celebrate with us today! 😆

A HUGE thank you to Dana for all her hard work in making today such a success! And to the awesome dads who volunteered their time, the Community Engagement Committee, the school staff members and the Rotary Club of West Torrens!

We wish all our families a happy and safe Mother’s Day weekend! 💜💗

Photos from Landcare Association of SA's post 02/05/2024

💙💛 So proud to be selected as a finalist in the South Australian Landcare Awards!!💛💙


🩷❤️ Have you ordered your Mother’s Day Brekky yet?!

Orders close this Monday! Don’t miss out! 🩷❤️


Term 2 Important Dates


We did it! 🎉

Now it's time to enjoy a well deserved break.

We wish all our staff, students and their families a happy and safe holiday and we will see you in term 2!


Today is World Autism Awareness Day
So much progress has been made to recognise and celebrate the contribution of autistic people across our communities.
We are proud to have an Autism Inclusion Teacher appointed in every public primary school (including reception to year 12 schools).
Our Autism Inclusion Teachers
🌟 support children and young people with autism to have the best start to their schooling
🌟 provide support to their fellow educators on how to best support and educate students with autism
🌟 improved practice relating to autism that works for their school
You can learn more about how we are improving support for students with autism 👉


💛💙Bookings close this Friday at 5pm!💙💛

Photos from Grange Primary School's post 17/02/2024

💛💙 Movie Night Fun! 💙💛

We had a fantastic time of family fun last night!

Thank you all for coming out to celebrate the start of the new year with us. We love welcoming new families to our community with our Movie Night and the turn out was exceptional! We hope you all had as much fun as we did! 🍿 🎥

A huge thank you to:

⭐️ Epic Hire for the mini golf fun and the popcorn and icecream hire
⭐️ The Scouts for running the BBQ
⭐️Chipalicious for the delicious chips
⭐️Adelaide Outdoor Cinema for the movie and screen
⭐️the amazing 12 staff members who came along to serve popcorn, icecream, set up, pack up and have fun!
⭐️our Community Engagement Committee for organising the night
⭐️ our amazing sponsors for their generosity


💛💙 Have you purchased your Movie Night tickets yet?!

Join us this Friday got a fun filled night!

Purchase your tickets now using the QKR! app


💛💙 Are you a local business looking to promote yourself to the Grange area? 💙💛

We would love for you to be a sponsor at our movie night on Friday the 16th of February!

$25 = your image on the big screen before the movie is shown
$50 = a short movie clip advertising your business shown before the movie starts

Please email us for more information:
[email protected]
Offer closes on Friday the 16th at 10am


💙💛 Save the Date! 💛💙

Movie night is coming soon…! Lock the 16th of Feb in your diary for a great night of fun 🤩

The movie selection will be announced very soon - stay tuned!

Photos from Grange Primary School's post 30/01/2024

💛💙'Tears & Cheers!'💙💛

Sending your little one off to their first day of Reception is always a day of mixed emotions! You may shed a few 'tears' or be celebrating with a 'cheers'!

We wanted to welcome our new and returning families with a special event to acknowledge this big occasion and to help families make new connections with our amazing Grange Community.

A huge thank you to Trish from the Community Engagement Committee for leading this event and to Melissa and Alicia for support. A very big thank you to GrangeLife for hosting the morning and for your wonderful hospitality!

GrangeLife enjoyed this event so much that they will very kindly be opening their doors every Friday morning from 8.45 for all parents to come and enjoy a free barista made coffee! This is a toddler friendly space - enter via the gates on Beach Street

We hope all of our students had an amazing first day of school!

Photos from Grange Primary School's post 30/01/2024

💙💛 The Oval Playground is now OPEN!!💛💙

We are so excited to be re-opening the oval playground today!

Our incredible fundraising efforts at last year’s Skip-a-thon has allowed us to refurbish our playground for all of our students to enjoy!

Our year 3 students Cruz, Noah, Phoebe and Narla performed the ribbon ceremony this morning and gave the new playground a big thumbs up! 👍🏼💛💙

Photos from Grange Primary School's post 15/12/2023

❤️💚Santa came for a special visit! 💚❤️

Santa heard our singing and just had to come and say ‘hi’ to everyone! 👋

We had a great time showing Santa what his cheeky elves had been up to in our classrooms!

Thanks so much Santa!


💛💙 Come and grab a coffee while you wait! 💙💛

Our rescheduled '2023 Summer Celebration Concert' is happening tomorrow morning.

⭐️Witungga Hall (note: this is a much smaller venue than the oval! we have reduced our student numbers to fit as many in as we can - please ensure you fill all the gaps in the seating)
⭐️Doors to the Hall open at 9.15 for a 9.30 start
⭐️Concert will go for approx 1hour
⭐️Concert items from years R - 3
⭐️Jason from the Spare Room Cafe will be serving delicious coffees out the front of the new building by the oval - parents are welcome to sit in the Library if the weather is unpleasant ☕💙

A reminder that all Reception - Year 3 students wear their concert outfit to school, and can stay in it for the remainder of the day.

See you all there!


Class Placement emails are coming out today and students will be visiting their 2024 teachers.

This is a great resource to support you and your children as you navigate this change!

CLASS PLACEMENTS: Helping children adapt to a new Teacher and peer group in 2024.

As the school year draws to a close, a sense of uncertainty is in the air and families are turning their attention to leaving the knowns of 2023 behind as they head towards the unknowns of 2024.

Humans crave certainty. Change often feels unnerving - especially when change and uncertainty relates to your child. If you’re worried about your child’s class placement in 2024, you’re not alone.

It’s perfectly natural to have a preference for a particular teacher and peer group and normal to feel worried or disappointed if they don’t get them.

A child’s emotional adjustment to leaving this year’s teacher and classmates, while preparing for next year’s teacher and classmates can be heavily impacted by your feelings about it.

As parents, we have the power to set the tone. Our optimism or pessimism is contagious.

Here are some ways you can help make the transition smoother for your child if you or they didn’t get the news you were hoping for.

1. Listen calmly. Hear out your child’s feelings. Let them get it all out and listen quietly. Avoid trying to ‘fix’ their feelings by adding your own feelings, judgements and solutions. Feelings need to be expressed, processed and moved through constructively.

Children don’t have to be immediately excited about their teacher, to learn from that teacher in the long run. The same goes for classmates. They don’t have to have existing bonds or common interests to build them in the future. In fact, the more children they get to know with a broad range of personalities, the better for their growing social intelligence.

The feelings you see in that initial moment aren’t necessarily reflective of how they will feel long term - especially if you don’t react with them.

Humans need time to process change. When news is fresh, we can go through many feelings of resistance and uncertainty. That doesn’t mean that what’s coming is necessarily bad. You can warmly and gently say something like, ‘you really hoped for XYZ and you’re disappointed. I understand.’ Allow time for them to process your words of support. Don’t rush them. Try to avoid talking while their logical brain is still compromised because emotions are still high. Listening calmly and quietly is golden.

2 Support your child to build a connection with their new teacher. A mutually respectful connection with their teacher matters. Notice positive qualities in their teachers and see what your child might have in common with them.

3. Avoid looking uncertain about the placement in front of your child. If they are unsure, they will naturally look to you to help them feel confident and calm. This doesn’t mean you have to ‘fake’ being excited if you’re not (they’ll see through that) but it does mean you do your best to be cool calm and collected. If you can’t be hopeful (yet), try and be neutral. Children tend to use parents as an emotional compass when they experience uncomfortable feelings. If you’re struggling, express your feelings with another adult to get things off your chest. Work out what you’re worried about. Try and notice as many things that are good about what’s ahead.

4. Before you greet them on the day they receive their placement, remind yourself to try and trust the process. There are multiple layers to how class placements are allocated that couldn’t possibly be explained completely. School leaders and staff put in huge amounts of thought into student personalities, learning styles, teaching styles, class size, who asked to have who in their class and much more that is happening behind the scenes we’re not aware of.

Schools genuinely do their best with this decision. If you’re upset, it’s possible they are too, but when weighing everything up, had no other direction to turn. Supporting your child’s teachers and school is a crucial part of your child’s psychological and academic success there.

5. Your reaction to next year’s teacher news is hugely important to your child. Your confidence, hopefulness and regulated emotion is crucial. If you’re not happy, try and keep these feelings in the back ground and discuss them privately with another adult. Children are too young to take on their parent’s worries.

If there is a genuine problem, take logical action, without involving your child in the stress associated with it.

Your child’s emotional connection to and respect for their teacher and school is deeply connected with your connection to and respect for their teacher and school.

More things to keep in mind:

Children learn, grow and strengthen in resilience by being with a broad range of personalities and communication styles. When things are unrealistically perfect and easy, they can get stuck in their comfort zone.

To build confidence for later on in life, you need to experience a broad range of peers and situations and discover that through talking about feelings, asking for help, establishing boundaries and building your social emotional skills, you can handle a lot of what life has in store. Be there to hear their thoughts and feelings out, but above all show you have confidence in your child to get through.

If situations are dangerous, toxic or damaging your child’s learning and psychological health, always talk to school staff and if necessary, other experts to ask for, and seek help. Seek out the support of a health professional too if necessary.

On the surface, do your best as your child’s most important adult and leader, to show your confidence that your child will be safe and cared for, always.

Do something heartwarming and compassionate for yourself. If you’re upset and stressed it’s not because you’re weak or incapable. It’s because our children hold our hearts and when they hurt, we hurt. You need to look after yourself first and foremost.

The advice above is general and based on general child development, resilience and confidence research. It is written with the very best intention, to help you. Without knowing your individual circumstances it’s not intended to replace your expertise as a parent or the expertise of educators and health professionals. Always seek tailored expert advice if you feel your child’s physical or psychological health is at risk in any way.

Wishing you all the very best with class placement news.

Love, Madhavi Nawana Parker ♥️


💙💛 Summer Concert Update! 💛💙

We have a rescheduled our Summer Concert for Thursday December the 14th.

Parents and Carers are very welcome to attend!
To ensure we can accommodate our parents and carers, only our Reception to Year 3 students will be attending and performing. Our year 5 choir will perform their set during our assembly on Friday the 15th.

Parents and Carers to be seated by 9.15 and we will be aiming for a 9.30 start to the concert.

We thank you all for your patience and understanding as we actioned plan B due to poor weather conditions!

We will record the event for parents and carers who cannot attend the morning concert.

We look forward to a great concert!!


2023 Summer Celebration Concert - Event Cancelled!

Unfortunately, the 2023 Grange Summer Celebration Concert scheduled for this Friday night is cancelled due to bad weather.

We're working on an indoor alternative, during school hours, and will share details soon.

We thank you for your understanding as we prioritise our children's safety and aim to make the event one to remember!

Carmen Fiedler + the Community Engagement Committee


💙💛 have you uploaded your video yet? 💛💙

There is still time to post your short video for Anne-Marie’s retirement! Click the link to record now - we’d love as many past and present Grange families to post as possible!

Anne-Marie has been the heart and soul of Grange Primary School for 26 years - we’d love to send her off with all you!! 🩷


💛💙 don’t forget it’s $20 Boss tomorrow!!💙💛


💙💛 Anne-Marie is Retiring! 💛💙

Anne-Marie has been at Grange Primary School for 26 years. She has touched the lives of so many, and we want to give her an extra special gift from all of you to farewell her!

Use the QR code, or click the link below, to record a short message for Anne-Marie - we'd love to get as people responding as possible so please share this post with friends and family who know and love Anne-Marie.

Thank you for your support!


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Videos (show all)

💛 Sports Day Part 1: Junior Primary!💙
We’ll miss you Mr Grant!
Last chance to order your cheese and dessert boxes!
💛💙Have you ordered your cheese and dessert box for our Movie Night?! Orders close tomorrow - Monday the 20th at 3pm! Don...
💙💛 More Colour Run Winners!! 💙💛Congratulations to our 10 prize winners today! All students who have signed up so far wen...
💛💙 Are you in the running for tomorrow’s sign up prize?! 💙💛Be signed up to our Colour Run fundraiser by 10am tomorrow to...
❤️💛💚💙 Happy Junior Primary Sports Day!! 💙💚💛❤️
💙💛Our superstar 🤩 year 5 students performed last night at the Festival of Music 🎶 and even made an appearance on Channel...
What a fantastic night! Thanks to all who came out to welcome Channel 9 News to Grange! A BIG thank you to the Fundraisi...




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