Dannielle Young - Family Lawyer

Dannielle Young - Family Lawyer

I help get families through legal separation. 17 years exclusively practising in Family Law.

You can request to book in for a free consultation here on LawTap: https://lawtap.com/au/lawyer/dannielle-young.html


In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in what's termed "grey divorce," referring to divorces among older couples, typically aged 50 and above.

While divorce at any age can be challenging, the unique circumstances surrounding grey divorce require careful consideration of legal and financial implications. Gray divorce presents distinct challenges compared to divorces among younger couples. Many older couples have been together for decades, accumulating significant assets and intertwining their financial lives. Additionally, grey divorce often occurs as individuals approach retirement or are already retired, adding complexity to the division of retirement accounts, pensions, and other assets.

In this article, I explore the factors influencing grey divorce in Australia and provide insights to consider and strategies to navigate a grey divorce successfully.



Do you need assistance with your family law matters? I can help you! Reach out today and let’s get started on moving you through your separation journey.

Scan the QR code to gain access to my booking page, the latest podcast, helpful articles and how to find me on all the socials. I can't wait to meet you and help you through your separation journey.



In today’s digital era, our lives are deeply intertwined with online platforms, cryptocurrencies, and various digital assets. While these assets offer convenience, they pose unique challenges during divorce proceedings. Understanding how to protect and divide digital assets effectively is crucial as couples navigate the complexities of separation.

Digital assets encompass a broad range of properties, from social media accounts to cryptocurrency holdings, online bank accounts, digital photos, and intellectual property. Unlike tangible assets, such as real estate or vehicles, digital assets are intangible and often stored online, making them more complex to identify and value in divorce cases.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin have emerged as alternative investment and payment options. However, their decentralised nature makes them appealing for concealing assets during divorce. Courts increasingly recognise cryptocurrencies as marital property, requiring disclosure and accurate valuation during divorce proceedings.

To safeguard digital wealth during divorce, I take you through some steps to consider during your divorce. Tune in and stay informed!

Link in the bio.


For this week’s episode of the Divorce Collective Podcast, I will take you through the role of mediation in Family Law to prioritise your children’s happiness and well-being.

In the emotionally charged landscape of family law, parenting disputes often stand as the most delicate and profoundly impactful matters. Amidst the turmoil of separation or divorce, parents grapple not only with their own emotions but also with the paramount concern of securing the best interests of their children. In this pursuit, many families are turning to mediation as a compassionate and effective means of resolving parenting disputes.

Rather than engaging in contentious battles driven by anger or resentment, mediation encourages parents to set aside their differences and collaborate as co-parents. This collaborative approach not only minimises the emotional toll on children but also helps to preserve their relationships with both parents, fostering stability and security during times of transition.

Tune in and listen to the latest episode! Link via the bio.




Traditionally, family law disputes are resolved through litigation, a process often characterized by high costs, lengthy proceedings, and heightened emotional turmoil for all parties involved.

However, what if I told you there is a more popular alternative approach , offering a more collaborative and amicable path to resolving family law matters.

Well there is! Let's have look at the benefits of mediation over litigation.

Follow the link in the bio to reach the latest episode!


Mediation plays a crucial role in post separation parenting disputes by prioritizing the needs of children and fostering cooperative co-parenting relationships. By providing a collaborative, flexible, and child-centered approach to conflict resolution, mediation offers families a pathway to amicable resolutions that uphold the best interests of all involved. As more families recognize the benefits of mediation, it is becoming an increasingly preferred option for navigating the complexities of child custody disputes, ensuring that children are truly put first.

In my latest article I talk about the benefits of mediation, particularly for parenting disputes. Link to the article is via the Bio Link.



In today's globalized society, families may find themselves traversing international borders for various reasons. However, when family disputes arise, particularly regarding child custody, navigating legal frameworks can become complex and daunting, especially across different jurisdictions.

Recognizing these challenges, the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction provides a vital framework to address issues related to cross-border child custody disputes. In the latest podcast, I explore the significance of the Hague Convention, its objectives, how it protects children, and the potential risks involved when a parent travels to a country not party to the Convention.

Tune in and listen via the link in the bio or here: https://collectivefamilylaw.com.au/safeguarding-children-series-international-travel-and-the-hague-convention-ep-105/


Traditionally, family law disputes are resolved through litigation, a process often characterized by high costs, lengthy proceedings, and heightened emotional turmoil for all parties involved.

However, what if I told you there is a more popular alternative approach , offering a more collaborative and amicable path to resolving family law matters.

Well there is! Let's have look at the benefits of mediation over litigation. Link to the article via Bio Link.



New podcast alert!

This week on the Divorce Collective Podcast I talk all things Family Law Watchlist, commonly called Airport Watchlist.

Tune in to find out how to safeguard your children against international travel without consent.

Link here: https://collectivefamilylaw.com.au/safeguarding-children-series-family-law-watchlists-ep-104/


🌸✨ Wishing You a Peaceful Easter, Free of Conflict for the Sake of the Children! ✨🌸

Dear Families,

As I settle in to break open this chocolate delight given to me from our Director, I am reminded that holidays such as these are not always an easy road for families to navigate.

In my role as a family lawyer, I have witnessed firsthand the challenges that families often face, particularly during times of transition or conflict. However, amidst these difficulties, it is essential to prioritize the well-being of the children above all else.

This Easter, I urge each and every one of you to set aside any differences or disputes for the sake of the children. Let us embrace the spirit of forgiveness, empathy, and compassion, fostering an environment of peace and stability in which our children can thrive.

As parents, we have a profound responsibility to ensure that our children are shielded from the turmoil of adult conflicts. By choosing cooperation over conflict, we not only preserve the sanctity of family bonds but also set a positive example for our children to follow.

Let us come together in celebration of Easter, united in our commitment to providing our children with the love, security, and stability they deserve.

The effects of children witnessing conflict can be lifelong and detrimental (head over to the podcast episode 30 and 31 to get informed). So let's work together to create amicable separations that role model to our children

Take care and stay informed.


🚨In a world that's constantly moving, how do you protect what's most precious to you?🚨

Join me to discover the power of Child Passport Alerts in Australia with the latest episode of the Divorce Collective Podcast. 🎧

Learn how to shield your children from unauthorised international travel and ensure their safety in every step. Don't miss out on this essential guide for every parent.

Tune in here: https://collectivefamilylaw.com.au/understanding-child-passport-alerts-in-australia-ep-103/


In an era of global mobility, families often traverse international borders for various reasons. However, when disputes arise over child custody across different jurisdictions, the complexity of legal proceedings can be daunting.

Enter the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, a crucial international treaty established to address precisely these challenges.

This article delves into the significance of the Hague Convention, its objectives, and how it safeguards children in cases of international abduction. We'll also explore the potential risks parents face when traveling to countries not party to the Convention, highlighting the importance of understanding and adhering to international legal frameworks for the protection of children worldwide.

Join me as I uncover the mechanisms that play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and well-being of children in an interconnected world.

Article over on LinkedIn find the link via the Bio!
Stay tunned for this topic on the next Divorce Collective Podcast coming soon!


Scan the QR code to gain access to my booking page, the latest podcast, helpful articles and how to find me on all the socials. I can't wait to meet you and help you through your separation journey.

Photos from The Centre For Women & Co.'s post 21/03/2024

There are some great Worshops here hosted by The Centre For Women & Co.

Women who are going through separation may often feel alone and unsupported in the process. This is particualry so if there are aspects of domestic violence and where women have lost a sense of themselves during a relationship. There is also often some fear and anxeity around re-entering the workforce post separation.

These Workshops are offered to women to help them to flourish, ignite their new focus on self care and kickstart them with skills and tips for entering the workforce or study.

It's wonderful that there are agencies that exist to help support and empower women.


Protecting your children means more than just legal matters—it's about their safety, happiness, and future. As a family lawyer, I'm dedicated to offering compassionate support and expert legal guidance to families navigating challenges. Together, we'll prioritize your children's well-being while addressing your family's unique needs. Let's work hand-in-hand to create a secure and nurturing environment for your loved ones.


New Article Alert!

As parents, protecting our children is an instinctual priority, especially in a world where risks of abduction and unauthorized travel exist.

In Australia, the legal system recognizes the importance of safeguarding minors through mechanisms like the Family Law Watchlist. This vital tool, maintained by the Australian Federal Police, serves as a preventative measure against parental child abduction and unauthorized travel.

In my latest article, I delve into the significance of the Family Law Watchlist, how parents or guardians can utilize it, and the reasons why doing so is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of children in Australia.

Article over on LinkedIn so click the link in the bio and head over to have a read.
Stay tuned for the next podcast episode on Family Law Watchlist.


Every parent's greatest concern is the safety and welfare of their children. As a family lawyer, I'm committed to providing the legal support and guidance needed to protect your children's rights and best interests. From crafting comprehensive custody agreements to navigating complex legal proceedings, I'm here to advocate for you and your family. Let's work together so I can help you with the legal stuff and you and you can focus on watching them become the superhero's they dream of. #


Did you know you can reach out to me directly for a FREE strategy and advice session!

What are you waiting for? I can answer your questions, provide advice and even provide a clear pathway and direction forward. Sounds like somthing you need to alleviate some of those challenges you are facing with separation right!

Take care and stay informed!

Link in via the Bio or click below!




On this weeks episode I talk all things child support and the different options to consider. I go through informal agreements, assessment, limited child support agreements and binding child support agreements.

Tune in!



As parents, ensuring the safety and security of our children is always a top priority. In today's world, where travel is again open and back to being easy, concerns about unauthorized travel or abduction are ever-present.

So in my next article I am talking about Child Passport Alerts. These alerts serve as a protective measure against potential risks associated with minors traveling without proper consent.

Understanding how child passport alerts work and why they are essential can empower parents to take proactive steps in safeguarding their children.

So head over and have a read as I delve into the significance of child passport alerts in Australia, how parents can utilize them, and the reasons why they may choose to do so. Let's explore how this simple yet powerful tool can help keep our children safe in an increasingly interconnected world.

Article over on LinkeIn - link via the Bio.
Stay tuned for the podcast episode coming out soon!


Celebrating the Collective Family Law Group Team on International Women's Day 2024!

I take a moment to express appreciation for each and one of the women of CFLG who contribute their unique talents and perspectives to our team. I thank them for their unwavering dedication and incredible resilience and support.

As we reflect of the significance of this day, let's recommit ourselves to fostering an environment where we respect those around us and empower them to reach their fullest potential. Let us continue to forge a world that is foremost kind but where difference is valued and celebrated.

Thank you to the women of CFLG for being the incredible women that you are.

Thank you to the pioneers before us who championed and led the way.

Thank you to the trailblazers that follow us who continue to champion and lead the way.

I stand with the rest of the world in celebrating all women, honouring their struggles and triumps and pledge to continue to be an agent of change in any movement for a more inclusive and equitable society.

Happy International Women's Day.


🔒 Safeguarding your children isn't just a priority—it's a fundamental duty.

As a family lawyer, I understand the importance of creating a secure environment where your children can thrive. Whether it's establishing clear parenting arrangements, navigating international borders, or resolving disputes amicably, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Let's work together to ensure the safety and well-being of your precious ones.


🌟 Navigating Child Support: Understanding Your Options in Australia 🌟

Child support arrangements can be complex, but knowing your options is key to finding the best solution for your family. In this article, we delve into the various avenues available in Australia, from informal agreements to legally binding arrangements. Whether you're exploring options for the first time or seeking clarity on existing arrangements, this comprehensive guide will help you navigate the world of child support with confidence and clarity.

Check out my new article over on LinkedIn where I explore the different options available, including informal agreements, assessments by the Child Support Agency, limited child support agreements, and binding child support agreements.

Link via the Bio!


New podcast alert!!

Today, I am shedding light on some fundamental legal distinctions that often puzzle those embroiled in family law matters. So, let’s unravel these complexities together. I will talk about:

* the difference between a barrister and a solicitor;

* decoding legal proceedings and understanding the difference and what to

expect at a Mention, Interim Hearing and a Trial; and

* tell you the difference between a Judge and the different types of

Registrars and what they can do in your matter.

The latest episode of The Divorce Collective Podcast aims to demystify these legal roles and types proceedings, clarifying what to expect as you navigate your family law journey.

Link via the bio!


Key distinctions in family law - Solicitor v Barrister, Mention v Interim Hearing v Trial, Judge v Registrar

One common question that arises is: What is the difference between a barrister and a solicitor in the context of family law?

In simple terms, a solicitor is typically the first point of contact for individuals seeking legal advice or representation. They work directly with clients, handle administrative tasks, and manage the day-to-day aspects of a case. On the other hand, a barrister specializes in courtroom advocacy and provides expert legal advice on complex legal issues. Barristers are often engaged by solicitors to represent clients in court proceedings or provide specialized legal opinions. It’s the barristers that you see walking around some times with funny wigs on their heads, wearing cloaks and it’s the solicitor that you usually see beside them in the suit only – both probably carrying a lot of paperwork and folders.

An interim hearing, occurs during the early stages of a family law case and addresses temporary issues such as child custody, spousal support, or sale of property, until a final resolution is reached. On the other hand, a final trial is the culmination of the legal process, where all relevant evidence is presented, and a judge makes a final decision on the issues in dispute, such as property division, child custody arrangements, and financial support.

A mention of the matter is a procedural step in the legal process where the case is brought before the court for administrative purposes, such as scheduling hearings, updating the court on the status of the case, or addressing any preliminary issues that may arise. It's essentially an opportunity for the parties involved to inform the court of any developments or issues that need to be addressed before proceeding to the next stage of the legal process.

More on these key distinctions in family law matters over on my LinkedIn (link via the bio) and tune in next week to hear these distinctions in the latest episode of The Divorce Collective Podcast.


Transparency is Key in Family Law!

When it comes to resolving financial matters in family law, honesty is non-negotiable. As your trusted family lawyer, I urge both parties to prioritize transparency in disclosing their financial circumstances.

Whether it's assets, income, debts, or expenses, open communication ensures a fair and equitable resolution for everyone involved. By laying all the cards on the table, we can streamline the process and avoid unnecessary conflicts down the road.

Remember, withholding financial information only complicates matters and prolongs the process, causing undue stress and frustration. Let's work together towards a mutually beneficial outcome by fostering an environment of trust and openness.

Your financial well-being matters, and I'm committed to helping you navigate this aspect of family law with clarity and integrity. Don't hesitate to reach out and schedule a consultation today. Together, we can achieve the financial resolution your family deserves. 💼💫


🌟 Embracing Sadness, Embracing Growth - Even After Seperation 🌟

✨ Sometimes, making the right decision can leave us feeling a little downcast, and that's okay. 🌸 Remember, feeling sad doesn't diminish the strength it took to make the choice that's best for you. 🌈 Allow yourself to feel all the emotions that come with change, knowing that each tear shed is a step towards healing and growth. 💖


New podcast episode out today!

For those who can’t quite yet see the humour or empowerment of being single on Valentine’s Day and for those who are finding today challenging - tune into this special episode.

While my previous posts put a spin on the day and implore you to change your mindset, this podcast episode offers some tips and encouragement for getting you through today!

You are not defined by your relationship status and your worth is not determined by whether or not you have a valentine.

Link in the comments!


Are you missing someone hogging the covers today? Perhaps you're missing someone leaving their socks laying around? Didn't have to remind anyone what today is this morning though did you?! Not going to be dissappointed tonight when there is no remantic dinner planned are you?!

Focus on the newfound freedom and never having to share the remote again!

If you are recently separated then own that new ❤ mindset, buy your own flowers, listen to whatever the heck you want to and start fish all night long!


New Divorce Podcast Episode Alert!!!🎧

This week I have a special guest, Kathy Tsai. A real estate agent and sales specialist who shares some secrets to successfully navigating property sales during settlements. Perfect for anyone facing or curious about this crucial phase.🏠

Tune in now for invaluable tips and strategies that could make all the difference! - Link in bio.

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Videos (show all)

Celebrating the Collective Family Law Group Team on International Women's Day 2024!I take a moment to express appreciati...
Embracing and owning your separation journey can be powerful! Feel empowered to accept the things you cannot change and ...
Making the decision to seperate is tough. You’ve probably been here thinking about it before now right? Seeking legal ad...


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