HOP Health Our Priority

I’m Sandy, a Certified Diet & Nutrition Advisor, and also studied Advanced Nutrition in Weight Loss. My belief- Food is “Medicine”.

My mission- guide them on how implementing a few changes in their diet can change their lives forever for the better. About Me & My Mission
Hi, my name is Sandy Hora, and I am the founder of HOP. Originally, I completed my Bachelor of Pharmacy and worked with multinational Pharmaceuticals for many years. Then I got involved in a family business that I created with my husband. But I always had an i


Black pepper is one of the most common spices in cuisines around the world, ever thought of the benefits of black pepper for weight loss?
Black pepper contains zero fat, protein, and sodium. It is a good source of vitamin K and vitamin A. It also contains a good amount of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.
Black pepper contains piperine, which is a compound that improves digestion and metabolic performance, thus reducing fat accumulation in our body.
This sharp, spicy pepper is incredibly beneficial for weight loss! It burns fat & boosts Weight Loss
Apart from absorbing maximum nutrients from foods, black pepper aids in breaking down ‘fat cells' to increase metabolism.
Black pepper greatly improves metabolism. Sometimes, the reason for being unable to shed those extra kilos is slow metabolic rates. All you need is to add a sprinkle of black pepper to your drink or green tea and have it twice or thrice a day after each meal.
If consumed in moderation, a bit of spice could in fact do wonders for your digestion. Healthy digestion is key to weight loss. It is said that spicy food can metabolize food faster due to the thermogenic effect. The higher the thermogenic effect, the higher your body's rate to burn calories. The benefits of black pepper are aplenty.
There are a few ways to use the spice:

1. Gulp or chew directly with water
2. Black pepper tea
3. Sprinkle it over food or salads
4. Add it to your everyday beverage
5. Use black pepper oil
Try it and enjoy the benefits of pepper corns- Pepper helps in reducing fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol level in the plasma and lipid profile. It also helps in elevating the good cholesterol, and reducing the formation of new fat cells in the body.


We all know the benefits of Blueberries but ever wonder how our favorite foods stack up against each other in terms of cost and nutrition? 
Blueberries are sweet, nutritious and wildly popular summer treat but comes at cost ($). Whereas on the other hand beetroot is a cost-effective multifunctional food that reportedly exhibits potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, vasodilation, and cellular regulatory properties. Many of us never recognised the benefits of Beetroot.
Beetroot has been gaining in popularity as a superfood. Recent studies claim that beets and beetroot juice can improve athletic performance, reduce blood pressure, and increase blood flow.

If we compare the nutritional contents of Blueberries versus Beetroots, probably Beets will stand out as clear Winner! 
Below is a quick recap of significant nutrients and differences in blueberry and beets (100g each):
* Both beets and blueberry are high in dietary fiber. Beet has 17% more dietary fiber than blueberry.
* Beet has more folate than blueberry.
* Beet is an excellent source of potassium.
* Beets have less number of calories - beet has only 43 calories and blueberry has 57 calories.
* Beets contain less amount of sugar - beet has 6.8g of sugar and blueberry has 10g of sugar.
* Beetroots are enriched with iron. Beets have 186% more iron than blueberry.
* Beet has 167% more calcium than blueberry.

Definitely not recommending to stop consuming your favourite Blueberries but not to forget to add Beets too in the category of superfoods and must include in your diet. Beets are high in several beneficial plant compounds, especially betanin (beetroot red), vulgaxanthin, and inorganic nitrates. In particular, inorganic nitrates are associated with reduced blood pressure.

Blueberry has some other benefits too and has 98% more Vitamin C than beet. For omega-3 fatty acids, blueberry has more alpha linoleic acid (ALA) than beet.

So make smart, informed, and cost-effective decisions and don’t just follow the trending “superfood”.., blueberry has more alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) than beet.s. We must make the most of seasonal produce to ensure that we are getting a variety of nutrients to boost our immune systems.
 If you can’t afford to eat blueberries, consider eating beets which contain essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and beneficial plant compounds, many of which have medicinal properties.
So make smart, informed and cost-effective decision and don’t just follow the trending “superfood”.


Many of us put the blame to our genes and parents for our Waistline! 

All of us have both "fat genes" and “skinny genes”. Fat genes encourage weight gain and “skinny genes" help lose weight by blocking fat storage.
People who inherit a faulty version of the genes, “fat genes" from both parents more than those who inherited “skinny genes” may weigh an average of 7 pounds more. But the good news is just by doubling down on a handful of superfoods, you can reverse your genetic destiny and start dropping pounds automatically.
If I tell you that you can turn off your “fat genes” by just adding a tablespoon of Peanut Butter to your daily diet, is not less than a dream came true!
There really is nothing quite like peanut butter and most of us love the creaminess of yummy Peanut Butter, yumm… 

Peanut butter is a delicious, versatile spread. It’s nutrient-rich and goes well with both savory and sweet foods. It's a popular pantry staple no matter what’s your age as it's nutrient-dense, affordable, and convenient.
Peanuts and peanut butter in particular are good sources of Genistein and Resveratrol, both powerful anti-obesity gene hackers.
Polyphenols are a class of naturally-occurring phytochemicals, of which some such as Resveratrol and others have been shown to modulate physiological and molecular pathways that are involved in energy metabolism, adiposity, and obesity.
Not just that peanuts also have another hidden weapon in their weight-loss utility belt- Genistein, a compound that acts directly on the genes for obesity, helping to turn them down and reduce your body's ability to store fat.
In addition to that the high protein content of peanut butter is thought to help curb appetite making it the least expensive sources of plant protein. The good proteins and fats that make you feel full and it reduces your appetite, which means you don’t have cravings which means you don’t eat as much calories, and thus no more weight gain. Peanut butter is nutrient-dense and provides important B-complex vitamins as well as essential minerals and antioxidants- Copper, Manganese, Vitamin B3 (niacin), Iron, Folate, Potassium, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Magnesium, Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Zinc, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin E, Vitamin B3 (niacin), Folate, Copper, iron, zinc and selenium. These nutrients help the body increase metabolism in various ways.

Depending on how we use peanut butter in our diet, it can help us lose weight, or put on pounds. You can add peanut butter to your diet in lots of creative ways. The key to consuming peanut butter for weight loss is moderation, aim for one serving of one or two tablespoons of peanut butter each day and must watch your overall daily calorie and fat consumption. Replace other fats in your diet with this healthy peanut butter fat to reap all the benefits along with weight loss.
When you’re purchasing peanut butter for weight loss, look at the label. Some peanut butter brands have tons of added sugar, salt, and preservatives.
* When buying peanut butter, try to choose one that has peanuts as its only ingredient.
* Natural, organic peanut butter brands are the best to choose.
* Avoid peanut butters that are "light" or "low-fat". When there is less of one ingredient, there is often another ingredient added, mostly sugar or salt.
* Be aware that some peanut butter brands advertise their product as a “peanut butter spread” instead of simply “peanut butter,” which gives them license to add all sorts of other ingredients and sugars.

There are still more to find out that how peanut butter affects our body, but what we know for now is pretty clear: Peanut butter can be part of a healthy weight-loss plan.
If you still not sure how and what to eat to lose weight while enjoying a healthy lifestyle and keeping off those extra pounds. Just don’t hesitate to Ask for Help and I promise it will be your Best Step towards your Good Health.
Stay Healthy and enjoy every bit of your life!


A calorie is a calorie, after all, a calorie is a unit of energy that a food or drink provides. Of all the nutrition myths, the calorie myth is one of the most pervasive and most damaging.
If you’ve been trying to lose weight, you’ve probably heard this rule: It’s just a matter of calories in, calories out (CICO). That is, simply burn more calories than you consume, and the pounds will melt off. Right? Well, not exactly and it’s not that simple or that easy.
It’s the idea that calories are the most important part of the diet that the sources of these calories don’t matter. Well, it’s absolutely wrong, when it comes to your body, things are not that simple. The human body is a highly complex biochemical system with elaborate processes that regulate energy balance.
 Counting calories are important but where those calories come from- is even more important.

When we head to our local fast food spots, like McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, or KFC we usually don’t just order a burger or pizza and leave, instead it is incredibly easy to eat a lot more than we had planned, simply because we’re given the impression of getting a good deal, and that it’s not a full “meal” until it’s eaten with a side of fries, drink, mashed potato, gravy or coleslaw.
While ordering “meals” we forget to think about counting calories?
Consuming 1,500 calories seems a BIG number but surprisingly it is really easy to hit more than this in just one sitting. 
On the other hand, if you eat out and make healthy food choices, those 1,500 calories of healthy food will fill up potentially a few plates to be consumed as three meals of the day. It's what we call food volume from 1,500 calories of healthy food vs 1,500 calories of junk food would look tiny in comparison.

We underestimate the calories we usually eat, therefore I’ve rounded up in an easy way how some of our favorite meals, desserts, and sides can add up to increase the calories we consume. The food chart in picture gives an idea to help us understand and make better choices to enhance overall health.
The foods we eat can have a huge impact on the biological processes that control when, what and how much we eat. When we eat food that spikes blood sugar fast, it tends to lead to a crash in blood sugar a few hours later. When that happens, we get cravings for another high-carb snack. This is also known as the “blood sugar roller coaster.”
Even more important is the fact that different foods and macronutrients have a major effect on the hormones and brain centers that control hunger and eating behavior.
If we are trying to adopt a healthy lifestyle we will want to eliminate or reduce the junk food from our diet. If we eat it once in a while (once in two weeks or a month), as a “treat,” we probably won’t suffer any consequences.
The bottom line is that a healthy lifestyle requires a balance, if we exclude junk & processed foods then we'll reap all the rewards of long-term health like more muscle mass, improved mood, and lowered risk of chronic disease, and that helps us to eliminate the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, and even some cancers.
So Happy Eating Everyone!


How to get rid of Muffin Top abdominal fat is one of the number one questions I receive as a Weight Loss Nutritionist. Ask any woman about her least favorite body part, and most of us will point to our middle.

What Is a Muffin Top?
“Muffin top” is a slang term used to describe an accumulation of fat around the midsection, just above the hips.
Why do Women have it?
A few factors can make this midsection bulge more.
1. Diet- Not just consuming excessive calories every day rather consuming unhealthy excessive calories contribute to fat storage around the midsection. Choosing fast food meals, eating quickly and eating processed foods that digest too fast are the biggest factors.
2. Heredity- Genetics can also determine how and where you store fat. While you can’t control your genes, but exercise and healthy eating can help with fat loss.
3. Hormones- Hormonal changes play a big role in fat storage, especially estrogen. As women age, estrogen production tends to decrease, and the level of the male hormone androgen increases, causing a redistribution of weight to the stomach area.
4. Stress- Stress leads to the release of cortisol in your body, which tells your body to hold on to that fat, specifically in the midsection.
5. Lack of sleep- Some researches show that shorter sleep duration may be associated with a higher body mass index, waist circumference, and subcutaneous fat storage. Sleep deprivation has an effect on your appetite, cravings, and mood, which can lead to emotional eating and weight gain.


There is all sorts of overwhelming conflicting information available out there about different diets, fad diets, weight-loss magic pills, and ab exercises that promise to give you a flat stomach by next week. 

It is definitely possible to lose the muffin top, but it isn’t possible to do this overnight and you can't spot the fat reduction from the specific problem area. We need to target to lose overall body fat, which will cause the midsection to shrink too.
The best Weight-Loss strategy is a multi-channel approach that addresses diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, and addressing the hormonal imbalance.
 A combination of cardio and weight training, along with healthy, filling meals will help you get in shape and feel good. The feel-good emotion can help you manage daily stressors and mixing all that with plenty of sleep is the best recipe for trimming down stubborn belly fat.
Maintaining a healthy diet and appropriate calorie intake is the key. Remember the most important three diet rules:
1. Pay attention to the quality of the food you are eating. In other words, choose whole foods (veggies, fruits, whole grains) and high-quality fats, carbs, and proteins.
2. Pay attention to the quantity of your food, which means calorie intake. Your every meal should not exceed 450 calories and each snack not be more than 100 calories.
3. Pay attention to the frequency of your meals and snacks. Eat smaller and healthy meals, not exceeding 3 meals and 2 snacks per day.
The fact is, your muffin top didn't appear overnight, so you shouldn't expect to lose it immediately. 

Close your eyes and see yourself without that big hanging belly. Ask yourself how badly you want it? Try to imagine, how confident you feel? What would you like to wear?
Do this daily. Have a goal and combine discipline with self-love and nothing can hold you back to achieve the Body of your Dreams!


As a Nutritionist I wouldn’t recommend eating Butter chicken with Naan & Rice over Fried onion rings, for me, both are unhealthy choices. We are comparing calories vs calories, not “good” or “bad” calories and how our food choices may cause those calories to add up quickly. 
Counting calories only tells one side of a story, and you could easily count out and only eat 1,500 calories a day, but you’re not considering where those calories came from. If you’re eating Butter chicken with Naan & Rice at lunch and a couple of slices of pizza at night, you’re probably coming in under 1,500 calories a day count, but you’re going high on artery-clogging saturated fat and stroke-inducing sodium hidden in these foods. You may not get obese but chances are you’ll die young.
Burning more calories each day than you consume may have been the diet advice from the past, but that doesn’t work for everyone. Instead, the focus should be on eating whole foods and avoiding processed carbohydrates like crackers, cookies, or white bread.
For example, how eating medium Fried Onion rings can cause calorie disaster due to their high FAT content, and it is true that fat has more calories than carbohydrates, including sugar.
Not all calories are created equally. Foods with the same number of calories can have completely different levels of satiety. The majority of the calories we consume should nourish our bodies and leave us feeling energized and satisfied until our next meal; not hungry and wanting more.
This feeling of satiety is important to our health. It influences our ability to manage weight by determining how much and how soon we want to eat again.
In addition to addressing satiety, it is also essential to consider the source of the calories we consume.

Next time ask yourself these questions when choosing foods:
1. Is this food close to its natural form?
Processing takes food from its natural form and changes it. Most often, foods that are as close to their natural source are best.
2. Is there added sugar?
Learn to read labels and always check labels to avoid foods with added sugar and unnecessary ingredients. Foods with added sugar are typically higher in calories, lower in nutrients, and less satiating than foods with no added sugar.
3. What is the water content?
Dried fruits or foods that are dehydrated, or have a low water content, are often calorie-dense. The foods with high water content are typically more filling and have lower calories.
4. How much fibre does it have?
Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that we cannot digest. Foods that are high in fibre provide volume and bulk to a meal, slowing down the digestive process and keeping you full for a long. The health benefits from fibre are numerous, but not enough people meet their daily fibre needs.
5. Does it provide a good source of protein?
It is well established that protein is more satiating than the ingestion of carbohydrates or fat. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone and protein suppresses the production of Ghrelin, which reduces hunger.

Eating a wide variety of healthy foods helps to keep you in good health and protects you against chronic disease. 
Junk foods, cakes, biscuits and soft drinks are examples of foods usually high in saturated fat, added salt or added sugars. They should be considered as extras to your usual diet and only eaten occasionally and in small amounts.


Protein is Hot Hot Hot!
Do you ever blend up a protein smoothie for breakfast, or grab a protein bar before leaving to work or following a workout?
If so, you are likely among the millions of people in search of more protein-rich diets.
Many of us living in the most economically developed countries are buying into a myth of PROTEIN DEFICIENCY created and perpetuated by food companies and self-motivated health experts. Nutrition experts say simply by eating an adequate number of daily calories we are also most likely getting enough protein and they have never actually examined a patient with protein deficiency!
You tell me- how many times have you heard someone saying that they are diagnosed with Protein Deficiency?
How much protein we need, how best to consume it, and if too much, or too little, is dangerous?
Protein is essential for life – it's a building block of every human cell and is involved in the vital biochemical functions of the human body. Protein is made up of amino acids that are attached to one another in long chains. There are 20 different kinds of amino acids, and the sequence in which the different amino acids are arranged helps determine the role of that particular protein. (3)
Proteins play a role in: (2,3)
* Transporting molecules throughout the body
* Helping repair cells and make new ones
* Protecting the body from viruses and bacteria
* Promoting proper growth and development in children, teenagers, and pregnant women

Essential amino acids (the ones your body can’t make on its own and needs to get from food) can be found in the food you eat daily. (2) To source them, you need to fill your diet with a variety of foods, which isn’t hard to do since protein is naturally found in many nutritious foods many of which are likely already part of your regular diet. When you eat, your body will take the protein from the food and break it down into amino acids that can be used by the body. (2)

The short answer is Yes. As with most things in life, there can be too much of a good thing and if you eat too much protein, there may be a price to pay. For example, people that eat very high protein diets have a higher risk of kidney stones. Also a high protein diet that contains lots of red meat and higher amounts of saturated fat might lead to a higher risk of heart disease and colon cancer, while another high protein diet rich in plant-based proteins may not carry similar risks.

There’s a commonly held belief that we don’t get enough protein from our diets. The average person gets about 15 percent of their calories from protein, which falls within that 10 to 35% sweet spot of required amount of protein. In fact, most of us get 2 times as much protein as they need, according to many experts.

Our current protein mania, encouraged by the food businesses and the Whey protein industry suggests that the answer is to supercharge our diets with a flood of added protein. But eating protein to excess comes with its own costs, the main one being that it tends to shorten the lifespan. A more effective way to concentrate protein in our diets, would be to keep our protein levels constant (assuming we have enough) but cut down on fat, sugar and other readily digested carbohydrates, which would allow us to reach the protein our bodies need. Choose a well-balanced diet that includes lots of vegetables, fruits, and fiber, small amounts of nuts & seeds accompanied by low-fat dairy products, fish, and beans, lean chicken and turkey; avoid proteins sources that contain highly processed carbohydrates and saturated fat. Stop worrying about adding more & more Protein to your diet, you probably already eating enough your body requires.
Eat Well, Live Well! And if you have any questions about your Well-being or Weight-loss, don't hesitate to contact me to get Ultimate Solution you ever needed, I promise!


Yesterday I was tempted to buy a Spicy Fruit Loaf at supermarket but when I read the ingredients, damn wasn’t Vegan🌱
So today I decided to bake one and added some chocolate chips 😋 Trust me it turned out so well and the HEALTHIEST BREAD I promise!
Who wants the Recipe😊 🖐


Confused about what to eat?
Do you feel like nutritionists are always changing their minds?
Nearly every day, a new scientific study about diet and health makes headlines. Keeping up with the latest nutrition research can be daunting. You may be tempted to throw up your hands in frustration and go back to your old eating habits.
If you’re nodding in agreement, you’re not alone!
Here are some popular myths about diet and nutrition – and the truths behind them.

Diet Myth No. 1: Carbohydrates make you fat.
FACT: Carbs have gotten a bad reputation and most controversial topic. The fact is that carbohydrates don't cause weight gain any more than proteins or fats do.
It is true that refined carbs (like sugar, white rice and white flour) tend to be quickly digested, leaving you hungry again soon after you eat them. Cutting out refined and processed carbs are crucial for people who are looking to lose weight. But instead of swearing off all carbs, choose smart carbs, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Trust me you can even eat Potatoes and still lose weight, take my words on it!

Diet Myth No. 2: Eating eggs on a regular basis leads to high cholesterol levels.
FACT: Eggs are an excellent source of protein, B vitamins, iron, and other minerals all essential to health. One large egg has only 80 calories and 6 grams of Protein, yet is filling enough to keep you satisfied for hours. Eggs are versatile, inexpensive, and can be eaten for any meal of the day. If you're a healthy adult, you can enjoy an egg a day without concern.

Diet Myth No. 3: You can eat all the sugar free or fat-free foods to lose weight.
FACT: We only think we're eating carefully by choosing sugar-free or fat-free foods. Most fat-free foods have nearly as many calories as their full-fat counterparts. A Sugar-free Low Carb Chocolate bar contains 260 calories. When fat-free foods were introduced, many people forgot about controlling portion size and ate as much of these foods as they wanted and then wondered why they weren't losing any weight?
Mostly Diet, Sugar free, Lite and Healthy are marketing ploys. Read the labels and check the listed portion size to determine how many calories they contain? Processed craving causing crap, must be off the list.

Diet Myth No. 4: It's a bad idea to snack between meals.
FACT: Snacks can be part of any healthy diet, as long as you choose them wisely. Most people don't have all that many discretionary calories to spare in their diets, so go for snacks that provide some healthy nutrients, like handful of nuts & seeds, fruits, vegetables, butter free popcorn etc. And watch your portion sizes a reasonable snack is one that's less than 180 calories. 
Snacking will not make you fat rather a long gap between meals makes you so hungry that you end up eating many more calories than you need when eating you main meal.

Virtually every fad diet, especially those that rely on formulas, drugs, and restricted food groups or combinations of foods, ultimately fails, regardless of initial enthusiasm and weight loss. The trick is not in losing but in maintaining the loss, not for a year or two, but forever. This requires a diet that you can go on and stay on for the rest of your life. While following a fad for two weeks may help you get started, the route to permanent weight control demands that you soon adopt an eating plan that can be followed indefinitely for Life!


A client recently asked me, “How often can I get away with eating junk food on a cheat day?”
My nutrition philosophy is to Eat healthy foods as often as possible, but also enjoy the occasional less healthy food once in 2 weeks, if that’s what you really want. Yet I wanted to give my client a more quantifiable answer. Even a single fast food meal can make a difference in your overall health?
A quarter pounder with cheese is caloric enough; doubling that sandwich gives you a half-pound of beef and twice the saturated fat than you need in a day.
Just one Double Quarter Pounder is providing you with more calories enough for an entire day. 😮

You’re thinking- Can’t be true. You must be kidding, right??

Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese Burger with medium Fries = 1330 calories

Fat- 61g
Sugars- 69g
Cholesterol- 155g
Sodium- 1650mg

On the other hand Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner = 1030 calories
Fat- 39g
Sugars- 33g
Cholesterol- 72g
Sodium- 1082mg

You don't have to be a nutritionist to know that you shouldn't eat JUNK on a regular basis. They're loaded with sodium and Saturated fat and a diet high in saturated fat and trans fat can raise blood cholesterol levels, putting you at risk for heart disease
High Cholesterol & Heart diseases do not occur overnight but rather are a result of eating unhealthy food.

Have you ever wondered why JUNK food gets us hooked?
The high levels of Sodium improve the flavor, and that likely tempts people to eat more and can be addictive. Not just that, too much sodium in the diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. It can also cause calcium losses, some of which may be pulled from the bone.
 SALT, FAT, and sugar – this unholy trinity work on our brains like an irresistible drug and make the food compelling.

Absolutely, Healthy eating is flexible and has room for all foods, burgers included. Keep your cheat meal sensible. You’ll run into trouble when you go all-in on a fast-food banquet.
It’s possible to cycle in something a little indulgent — like a single cheeseburger with healthier side items (veggies or salads). You’re still increasing your calorie count for the day but not to a point where you can’t make it up. It’s all about that balance and moderation. Eating out is fun but learn to choose less unhealthy options. If 90% of the time you eat healthy foods, allow yourself 10% wiggle room with caution. Happy Eating Everyone!


Bananas- The controversial Fruit!
You may have heard some reports that say bananas make you gain weight, while others say that bananas are beneficial for weight loss. Who is right, and what do you need to know if you're counting calories?
Many have deemed them to be the "unhealthy" fruit to eat. But this is a wild misconception.

In fact, bananas can help you lose weight quickly, making them one of the best fruits to eat for weight loss. Bananas are high in many nutrients and provide many health benefits.
A medium banana contains.
* Potassium: 13% DV
* Vitamin B6: 25% DV
* Vitamin C: 15% DV
* Magnesium: 8% DV
* Copper: 10% DV
* Manganese: 14% DV
* Iron, 2% DV
* Fat, 0%
* Fiber: 3.07 grams

Diabetes: The American Diabetes Association recommend eating bananas and other fruit as they contain fiber. They note that eating fiber can help lower blood sugar levels, which concludes that eating a high-fiber diet could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and may lower blood sugar in those who already have the disease.

Are bananas good for weight loss?
1. Greener, less ripe bananas make your gut healthier, give you energy, and have a higher level of starch — especially prebiotic resistant starch. This type of starch nourishes your gut, assisting with satiety, and helping your cells be more responsive to insulin. When your cells are more responsive to insulin, this impedes one of the usual fat storage mechanisms in your body and also helps you feel fuller for longer.
2. Bananas can help with overeating.
 Bananas are full of soluble fiber, pectin, and resistant starch, which reduce appetite and increase feelings of fullness.
3. Bananas help with blood sugar levels.
 Bananas improve insulin sensitivity, which helps the body process glucose more efficiently, thereby reducing weight.
4. Bananas can assist with sleep.
 Bananas contain melatonin, the natural chemical responsible for sound sleep, and can help to improve sleep quality. sleep loss can modify energy intake and expenditure, meaning that reduced sleep causes a reduced rate of weight loss.
5. Bananas help with workouts. Muscle cramps can be associated with an electrolyte imbalance, especially from potassium, and bananas are packed with this nutrient. A better workout means faster metabolism which aids in weight loss.

Hoping that I've fully convinced you to add bananas to your next meal plan.
Bananas are healthy and readily available at supermarkets. You can easily carry It in your lunch box or if traveling.
Having said that it doesn't mean you can eat as many bananas as you like, stick to 1-2 bananas a day and reap all the benefits while losing weight.

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