Upscale Carbon

Upscale Carbon

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Wondai Road

A licensed carbon business that helps land managers implement regenerative environmental practises.

Photos from Upscale Carbon's post 20/09/2023

The Upscale Carbon Field Team is settling back in at home after another expedition to North Queensland ☀️🌦🐂

The 5 people strong team spent 2 weeks in Queensland's Gulf Country - and were lucky enough to stay at the Grey Galah BnB in Georgetown.

The team conducted a successful Initial Stratification of a large beef property in the area that shows great potential for a carbon sequestration project through vegetation regeneration.

With the northern wet season only a few months away, the team won't be home for long though! Another trip to the Queensland Gulf is planned in October for another Initial Stratification.

If you would like to explore the carbon opportunities that exist on your property - don't hesitate to get in touch at [email protected]


A great event we are sponsoring


Upscale Carbon | The Outback Gift Sponsor 🌿

The story behind Upscale Carbon sponsoring ORA goes back a generation of friendships started in boarding school. Ronald Thompson, Operations Director of Upscale Carbon, and his brothers, rode the Westlander train to boarding school with Toby Ford and his brothers almost 50 years ago this year. He is also aware of many other friends associated with the growing community of ORA. With the team at Upscale Carbon, they have jumped on board to support this project.

“Rivalry and friendships with other schools like BBC, Grammar and Southport has laid dormant in the bush for almost 40 years”, Until these old friends came through Chinchilla in 2021 on the Viking 6 Rivers Tour. Like all good stories of country hospitality and helping a traveller in need, “they turned up looking sad for themselves with a busted set of trailer brakes, so we did our best and we got them going again”.

“So, when ORA asked, Sally and I along with our growing team in our new venture Upscale Carbon to be involved as sponsors for the first event last year we just stepped straight up and wanted to help. It is important we build health activities for rural people, and we see investing in this event as very important to raising awareness for team sports, its why we are sponsoring a race in the event this year”

About Upscale Carbon:

Upscale Carbon is a licensed carbon business that assists landholders to implement regenerative environmental practices to accrue Australian Carbon Credit Units for their own use or to sell. We have a unique skill set of agricultural, environmental, and financial management along with a depth of experience to implement regenerative carbon projects that provide multiple co-benefits to the landholder. Upscale Carbon is business that has the landholder as the customer and can assist business to help find carbon offset solutions that suits their need.


We are a week or so late in announcing this but we are super excited to have Dani Lomas join our team as an Ecologist.

Dani has an impressive pedigree! She has a Geology / Earth Science degree from Monash, she has post graduate qualifications in project management, ecology and environmental management.

In more recent times she has been working in a role where she has been creating energy efficiency activities and integrating them into mainstream business operations. However, she is 100% committed to conservations, natural area restoration, vegetation and land management. Dani was keen to get more involved in field work and the carbon industry and in a stroke to good fortune for Upscale Carbon - she found her way to us.

We are excited to have Dani on board and after 1 week she is already adding value. More than that . . . she is just darn nice, cheerful and clearly a team player. Welcome aboard!


It gives us great pleasure to announce that Åshild Øygarden will start with our team at Upscale Carbon on 31 July as a Ecologist and GIS Analyst. Åshild was the valedictorian at James Cook University in her Bachelor of Science (Zoology and Ecology) which she completed in 2022.

As you might have picked from her name, Åshild was born in Norway but now calls Australia home and has a passion for ecology and the outdoors. Fortunately for us, she also has a strong interest in GIS and we are keen to take advantage of all of these skill sets which, when mastered, will make her an integral and valued part of the team.

Welcome on board!


Join us for a pre event catch up hosted by sponsor Upscale Carbon 🌿

Wednesday 9 August from 5:30pm at
Sixteen Antlers Rooftop Bar - Level 16, Pullman & Mercure Hotel, Brisbane City.

Meet the Upscale Carbon team, chat with the ORA team as we go through convoy plans, crew finalisations, accommodation and competition details!

Share a beer with your competitors before things get heated! Everyone is welcome and we look forward to seeing you there 👋

Photos from Upscale Carbon's post 22/05/2023

The Upscale Carbon team spent last week at Wyandra, south of Charleville, in SW Queensland. The team conducted field surveys, otherwise known as Initial Stratifications in the carbon world, across three beef properties in the region.

The field work helps us to validate the assessment we undertake using Satellite Imagery Data, and once we have confidence in the accuracy of our analysis, we are all set to officially register a project!

Our field team is made up of staff with a close affinity to the land and rural Queensland, so a week in the bush was thoroughly enjoyed (apart from the cold of course!).


Our very own John McLaughlin presented yesterday in Nanango on all things carbon thanks to the BIEDO.

John will be speaking right around the region - check the flyer out for dates.

Carbon markets: ACCU prices start to rally with safeguard mechanism certainty - Beef Central 05/04/2023

The Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Market is responding positively to the recent amendments made by the Federal Government.

Prices are rising and higher volumes are being traded. This is a sign of growing confidence in the market.

Carbon markets: ACCU prices start to rally with safeguard mechanism certainty - Beef Central The market for Australian Carbon Credit Units has had a positive response to the finalisation of the Federal Government’s amendments to the safeguard mechanism – with prices rising and higher volumes traded...Read More


We are excited to be taking part in a Carbon Farming Webinar hosted by Gulf Savannah NRM this week. We will provide insights into the Vegetation Methods available to graziers in the Gulf Savannah region.

If you would like to register visit

MLA releases two new carbon management tools - Beef Central 06/02/2023

MEAT & Livestock Australia has released two new carbon management modules its free eLearning platform, known as ‘The Toolbox’.

The two new modules – ‘Measure Your Own Emissions’ and ‘Carbon Sense’ – provide guidance on the carbon accounting process and steps producers can take to reduce emissions.

MLA releases two new carbon management tools - Beef Central Meat & Livestock Australia has released two new carbon management modules its free eLearning platform, known as ‘The Toolbox’...Read More

Carbon markets: ACCU prices rally after Chubb-review, safeguard mechanism reform - Beef Central 23/01/2023

An exciting start to 2023 for the Australian Carbon Industry!

Carbon markets: ACCU prices rally after Chubb-review, safeguard mechanism reform - Beef Central The price of Australian Carbon Credit Units has hit its highest point since March last year, jumping more than $5 in the past fortnight...Read More


The Upscale Carbon team are wrapping up their first week back in the office for 2023! We didn’t waste anytime in expanding our skills and knowledge of the Australian Carbon Industry, inviting Nakita Thackwray from Carbon Stock to our Toowoomba Office for a deep-dive into Environmental Planting Projects. Nakita has several years of experience working for the Clean Energy Regulator. Environmental plantings projects involve planting a mixture of native and local tree, shrub and understorey species to establish new and permanent forest cover. These projects earn one ACCU for each tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2-e) stored in the project trees as they grow.

2023 is predicted to be an exciting year for the carbon industry in Australia. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you are keen to see what carbon opportunities exist on your property!

Coles expands carbon neutral beef range - Food & Drink Business 19/12/2022

If you are in business and you have not thought about climate change - perhaps it's time. It is critically important to think about how your business fits into your supply chains, and what impact the global momentum of net zero means for you.

Upscale Carbon works with landholders to develop carbon projects on their property. We believe that the landholders should get to keep the credits so that they get to make the election of whether they sell them, put them on the balance sheet, or use them to assist with their own transition to net zero.

We believe in the Australian Beef Industry. We do not believe in "lock up and leave" and have a passion for rural and regional communities and the contribution they make.

Coles expands carbon neutral beef range - Food & Drink Business Coles is expanding the distribution of its own brand carbon neutral beef range, following a successful launch in April in Victoria, to include New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania.

CBA prepays for carbon credits in a landmark deal for Australia’s agri sector 09/12/2022

ARTICLE: CBA prepays for carbon credits in a landmark deal for Australia’s agri sector

CBA prepays for carbon credits in a landmark deal for Australia’s agri sector CBA prepays for carbon credits in a landmark deal for Australia’s agri sector


Day 2 of the MLA BeefUp in Clermont.

This mornings session is focusing on Carbon Markets and the Carbon Cycle in livestock systems.


Our team is up in Clermont (Qld) today attending the MLA BeefUp event. Make sure to stop by and say G’day if you’re attending!

Photos from Upscale Carbon's post 26/10/2022

Our team is heading back to Toowoomba after attending the 9th Australasian Emissions Reduction Summit in Sydney. The event is organised by the Carbon Market Institute, and for nearly a decade the Summit has been an important forum for discussion on climate and regional realities, as well as the investment required for a just and inclusive transition to a net zero economy.

The event attracts over 1200 delegates and more than 100 speakers. The Summit brings together all market participants, a broad spectrum of national and international business leaders and professionals, as well as leaders from all levels of Australian government.


We are proud to be one of the sponsors of this years Young Beef Producers Forum in Roma.

The Young Beef Producers’ Forum is a two-day conference focused on providing educational, networking and capacity building opportunities for u40 year old‘s with an interest in the beef industry.

For anyone that is attending, make sure you stop by the Upscale Carbon stand for a chat about carbon farming and how it could support your business.

Young Beef Producers Forum

Upscale Carbon is another one of our Bronze Sponsors

Upscale Carbon are a licensed carbon business that assists landholders to implement regnerative environmental practices for a financial outcome

Thank you to Upscale Carbon for the support🐮🌾

Future Farmers Network

Weekly property review: Carbon contracts show potential to increase land values - Beef Central 23/09/2021

It’s important to realise that with every property and land type comes many variables that determine the overall demand and land value increase. However, the emerging evidence suggests that there is no reason to believe that an existing carbon project has a negative impact on property sale or land value.

Weekly property review: Carbon contracts show potential to increase land values - Beef Central Despite the returns on offer, the market for grazing properties that include carbon projects is still seen as relatively immature. However with carbon trading prices rising, this situation is now changing, with property type and scale of carbon contract now influencing the overall value of grazing e...


This is a really good example of a cattle station paddock with forest carbon potential. These small trees you can see will eventually become forest. The carbon sequestration can be calculated in that tree growth over a 25 or 100 year period and can be converted into carbon credits. These credits can be traded on the market not unlike a traditional share, or can be used to prove your business is carbon neutral or negative.


A common misconception involving the implementation of a forest regeneration carbon project is that it will thicken the scrub on your country, consequently suppressing pasture species growth crucial for livestock grazing.

The aim with a carbon project is to achieve approximately 40% forest cover, much like in the photo below. This allows for an increase in grass growth while implementing regenerative grazing methods (such as rotational/planned livestock movements) that can help to manage the oncoming under-storey vegetation.

Forest tree growth also leads to deeper soil nutrient and carbon cycling, so if managed well can actually improve long term pasture growth and livestock carrying capacity.

Vegetation is more easily managed for long term carbon permanence with effective grazing, due to a reduction in vegetation 'fuel load' leading to lower carbon emissions and biodiversity loss from bushfires. The overall aim of a carbon project using the vegetation methodology is to reduce the 'thickening' of your land that potentially will create monoculture species, increase fire risk and suppress pasture growth.

Koala fund chews into demand for developer offsets 16/08/2021

Upscale Carbon Pty Ltd main partnership company Country Asset Management has just released another investment fund for biodiversity and koala offsets!

The aim is to buy suitable land with the fund for biodiversity or carbon offsets (high potential areas are mainly on Gold Coast/Sunshine Coast areas, Queensland) and plant them out with suitable native tree species.

Underpinned by increasing land values as well as other eco-orientated income streams the properties purchased will generate, the fund is forecasted to have at least an 18% return on original investment.

This is not the team's first time undertaking such a feat, 'Davies Farm' on the Gold Coast was purchased using investor financing in 2019 and has seen amazing results with the tree planting undertaken. This investment model is based on 'profit for purpose', simultaneously regenerating nature not only to create a better future for us all, but because it has significant commercial viability.

Koala fund chews into demand for developer offsets The proposed fund is among a broader raft of farmland initiatives that marry demand for investment returns with the sustainability goals of biodiversity and decarbonisation.


Ronald Thompson, o Director of Operations having a yarn to the manager on 'Coralie' in northern Queensland about how the cattle can be managed better for an increased carbon growth. In addition to this, the regulated carbon project on 'Coralie' has just been formally approved by the Clean Energy Regulator!


Interested in investing in koala rehabilitation plantations with a double figure percentage return on original capital? This is regenerating nature, operating as a profit for purpose!!

CAM is launching a new fund, check out the link.


An eagle’s eye view of ‘Davie’s Farm’, hidden in the volcanic valleys near Natural Bridge, Gold Coast. Here we have planted the property out with endemic tree species for koala biodiversity offsets to regenerate the land back to its natural forest state.

Country Asset Management


This property in south east Queensland has potential to implement a carbon project with significant financial returns. At this stage, this would either be undertaken through tree plantation methods or through regrowth/better land management that aims to stimulate the seeds.


An example of a ‘change of management’ on land for a carbon project.

Every carbon project on land requires a change of management of some type to help promote the growth of vegetation for carbon sequestration and increase overall ecological health.

One of the ways you can do this is by building more dams or watering points so the areas for cattle and sheep don’t lead to over grazing and soil deterioration.

This is a dam that we installed on ‘Coralie’…a property we own in north QLD as our change of management for the carbon project we will implement.

The income generated off the carbon project will offset the cost of the development of infrastructure required and also improve the overall value and management of your land.

Australian carbon prices tipped to double by 2030 10/06/2021

Australian carbon prices tipped to double by 2030 Prices for carbon offsets could more than double by 2030 but demand may be hit as pressure builds on companies to cut their own emissions instead.

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