
Holistic healing

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 12/04/2023

It’s a special week for me, as I’m offering a new service that has been in my heart for a while.

I always wanted to integrate the holistic/spiritual side of life with real and practical actions.

That was what I straggled the most, embodying and living the teachings.

With so much information I wanted to prioritise and organise a routine where supports where I am now but building a future that I feel called to.

So now, I can support you, be at service if you want my help to shine a light on your path.

So here comes a new baby, if you know anyone that would benefit from it, feel welcome to share.

Dm for more info, we’ll start on the New Moon in Aries 20/5 🤗


É uma semana especial para mim, pois estou oferecendo um novo serviço que está no meu coração há algum tempo.

Sempre quis integrar o lado holístico/espiritual da vida com ações reais e práticas.

Isso foi o que eu mais tive dificuldades, incorporando e vivendo os ensinamentos.

Com tanta informação quis priorizar e organizar uma rotina que suportasse onde estou agora mas construindo um futuro para o qual me sinto chamada.

Agora, posso apoiá-lo, estar à disposição se quiser minha ajuda para iluminar seu caminho.

Então aqui vem um novo bebê, se você conhece alguém que se beneficiaria com isso, sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar.

Dm para mais informações, vamos começar na Lua Nova em Áries 20/5 🤗


Com muita alegria te convido para nosso encontro neste domingo, o Cacao Experience 💫

Estaremos nos despedindo do Brasil, finalizando esse ciclo honrando e ancorando a sagrada medicina do Cacau em Porto Alegre.

Será um encontro para movimentar a energia estagnada, conectar com seu coração e dedicar esse tempinho precioso que você merece.

O evento será com contribuição espontânea, você doa o que está alinhado com o seu momento.

Nos encontraremos no lindo que abre as portas de forma muita generosa para nosso caminhar 🙏🏼

Se você ainda não conhece essa medicina, é uma linda oportunidade para receber sua gentileza e ensinamentos.

Se tiver dúvida, manda uma mensagem inbox que conversamos!

Te espero lá, sister!



Another to celebrate all women and their beliefs and backgrounds!


Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 02/02/2023

And here we’re again.. honouring Her another year.

Today is a public holiday in Brazil, it’s Yemanjá’s day and we make offerings, we pray, we thank for all the blessings that we’ve received.

She’s the Queen of oceans and a mother for many. She protects, comforts and cleanses them of sorrow.

Last year we had a bigger celebration, this year was so beautiful and simple and I couldn’t be more delighted with the two Goddesses that joined me again.

Thank you all 💛


In devotion to her brightness.

Yoni/Womb Steaming 10/11/2022

Start reconnecting with your Womb today.

Yoni/Womb Steaming Yoni/ Womb Steaming are healing rituals using the balance of Fire and Water elements, which represent the Masculine solar and Feminine lunar creative flows, to open, awaken, cleanse and heal the womb in a gentle, soft and loving way. Steaming uses the Water Element to open and clear the Root. Gently...


We’ve teamed up with a bunch of amazing women offering the best in wellness services here in the southwest. Together we’ve created a beautiful package for one lucky winner to experience:
1 x Breathwork Journey Session
💨 Holly, Dunsborough]

1 x Somatic Healing Session
🙏🏽 Doula 𓋹 Trauma Informed Facilitator]

1 x Akasic Records Reading

1 x Sinal flow Consultation
🌊 Kin Flow Studio (Spinal Flow)]

To win this amazing package:

1. Follow: Doula 𓋹 Trauma Informed Facilitator] Kin Flow Studio (Spinal Flow)] Holly, Dunsborough]

2. Tag three friends who you think will love this package

3. Share this post to your story for an extra chance to win

The more you tag friends the more entries you will have!

Good luck we can’t wait to see who the winner is and share our amazing services. The winner will be drawn at 7 PM on November 20th


In a society where competition is stimulated from a very young age, we realize that it is still common for women in adulthood to feel threatened by others, as if they are in a constant need to always be showing how much better they are, how much they have done and how they are overcoming others. Remembering that this game can be aggressive but it is usually very subtle, where it happens between smiles and not very sincere hugs.

It turns out that when you balance your feminine and masculine energy, when you start attracting other types of people who are fed up with this type of behavior, you realize how much we are evolving.

So this post is to remind you to give genuine support and encouragement to that friend of yours who needs it, because as you give, you also receive.

And so, we can grow together.

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 16/06/2022

The Pyramid of Feelings is a four-stage structure developed to help an individual identify, experience, process, and react to the feelings that arise in their field. This post will help to better understand what you are feeling and what actions you can take to live throughout the feeling without harming yourself or others.
Make sure to save this post!

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 11/06/2022

This post was inspired by a must-read The Four Agreements. I went a little further and created my own four agreements for confident women:

“I am no longer worried about things that are out of my control.”

A relaxed woman is a beautiful woman, an expanding woman, and a confident woman. Stress takes away all your power, so do not add things to your stress levels that are not under your control in any way.

“I will work for the things that I desire. As much as it takes.”

Here’s the thing - you can either stay where you are for the rest of your life or work for the things you desire for the rest of your life. The choice is yours.

“I will no longer use negative language towards myself.”

This agreement is vital for your being since this agreement is exactly the one that ruins your self-esteem and relationships with other people. You cannot love others if you do not love yourself.

“I am trusting my intuition.”

Your gut feeling is the one that leads to the biggest growth. Your soul knows way more than you. Listen to your intuition to unlock the unlimited potential.

Are you ready to make these agreements?

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 08/06/2022

If you are still not sure whether to try yoni steaming, check out this carousel to learn about possible benefits of it.

Sister, it is time to claim everything you want by… taking care of your root chakra, your womb.


Winter is coming and we’ll have a break from the Markets until spring.
We have one more coming up next weekend so if you need anything, let us know 😉

As the rain comes and is also time to restore energy, to close another cycle, let it go and make room for the new.

“Fall is the time of year that we set up our internal space and make room for what’s to come in the next year. We create room for our greater visions to grow, by allowing the empty space and silence to take hold of our internal spaces.

When we clear our internal ground in the fall, we go into dormancy and then rest in the cold and darkness of Winter.

We go into hibernation and become creative, but not by doing. By becoming quiet and listening to what is trying to emerge from within us.

This is the time of year to go within and empty out space, composting our old ideas and using the energy they hold to make fertile soil for new creativity and matured visions.

Winter is the time of year of for rest, when the cold and freezing becomes the healing that sets the soil for Spring and our rebirth.

The significance of the spiritual path in this time of year is where we activate our new cycle of growth. As we become silent and rest we are allowing space for our greater vision to emerge.

As the days get shorter and the nights grow longer, we descend into the darkness of the night and face our own inner darkness—the darkness within, i.e. the ego and the subconscious—to prepare for the birth of the Light within, celebrated at the Spring Solstice.”

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 16/05/2022

A cacao ceremony is an ancient practice performed for deeper connection to self (solo-ceremony) or others (group ceremony). During the ritual cacao is consumed mindfully and with a certain intention. Cacao is often called a heart opener as it boosts pleasure in one’s system. Solo cacao ceremonies are often done on a full moon as the moon when full becomes the catalyst to manifestation.

Continue reading this post if you wish to learn how to create the most powerful full moon cacao ceremony.

Regular chocolate bar is not suited for cacao ceremonies since it is over-processed. Check the link in our "Treasures" highlight for high-quality grade ceremonial cacao made from Heirloom strains sourced from Premium Cacao Beans in Peru Amazon Region.

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 12/05/2022

You don’t “win” people, you attract them. With your energy and behavior. And you influence them by showing what’s possible when one becomes an awakened woman. When one becomes herself. Not a version of what others want to see. Not a misguided being, but real human that is on the path of evolution.

Read and save this post if you wish to know how you can become your highest self while making friends and influencing people.,, in a good way.


2+3 = 5.

5 is the number of Freedom.

And that’s what the sacred feminine is about, being free to express and be its truest self.

It's about getting out there and experimenting, through all the senses. It’s about embodiment of the sensation that brings us pleasure.

l know, sometimes it can be so difficult to allow ourselves to feel the pleasures of life, of creation.

But that’s why we’re here, together cocreating the New Earth, a new time where women can support each other, can make different choices, realise that are other perspectives to be seen, other ways of living integrating our bodies, nature, ancestry and community.

And personally, I love being part of it all and can’t wait for the next chapters of experiencing more and more layers of freedom.

With all my heat, Joyce.

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 08/05/2022

No words to describe! What an incredible weekend 😍😍😍

It was so cold.
It was so warm.
It was so intimate.
It was so expansive.
It was so joyous.
It was touching.
It made us cry and laugh.
It made us know that we’ll always find people that resonates with us and our changes in life.

It was union.

Thank you Goddesses for being who you are and for believing in our project 💚💛💚💛

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 03/05/2022

There is a theory that supports the idea that women, and more specifically, their energy resembles the 4 fundamental elements: fire, earth, water, and air:

She radiates warmth and sunlight to those who are fortunate enough to come into contact with her. She is driven and purposeful, she is fearless and unafraid to take risks and go places. She is the one that can help to be brave and confident. She is fire - active, strong, breathtaking.
Zodiac: Aries. Leo. Sagittarius.

She is a grounded being who always comes off as a calm, wise person. She is the one you come to for advice and guidance as her sincerity and care for you will allow her to help you. There is no jealousy and shaming in her bones. She is connected to all.
In her presence, you too become balanced and calm.
Zodiac: Ta**us. Virgo. Capricorn.

Her heart is as big as the ocean. She can be warm, cold, and stormy, but she is always there for you. In the moments of weakness, she will protect you and comfort you, yet, she will not allow you to be the victim. She is smart, wise, and honest. She knows how to stand up for herself and when to admit she is wrong. She can be your wall.
Zodiac: Cancer. Scorpio. Pisces.

Light as the wind, the air woman does not take anything personally or worries what others think of her. She is free - goes wherever she wants, spends time with whoever she pleases and does only what she loves. She is a kind of person, who´s either 100% in something or not at all. And by being like this, she will teach you, too. To be yourself, no not care, to love and accept everyone and be free at the same time.
Zodiac: Gemini. Libra. Aquarius.

Although these energies have corresponding zodiac signs, we believe that each woman embodies all the energies throughout her life. Women are multidimensional beings, they can be whatever they want!


Each one of us probably has this one or more persons in our life that is showing us how much they care for us by giving us advice. The advice we don’t need nor ask for. Some of us know people like this, some of us are people like this.

The truth is, if you feel the need to tell other people what to do, it has nothing to do with your love for them, it is about control. You want to have control over the other person. You love them, you want to keep loving them, and by controlling them you make sure they are exactly who you want them to be, so you can love them.

You have probably guessed that this loop is not love, not care, and it’s not cool.

If you love someone, you let them be. You do not dictate who they are, what they dio and how they live. You are simply there for them. You help when they ask (if you can) and you listen when they want to talk (if you can).

If you feel the need to control other people, try to investigate what is missing from your life that you feel the need to control theirs. Most often it’s the abandonment issues. Your inner child may have been betrayed a lot, so it’s trying to make sure that does not happen again.

Investigate this and give yourself the security you need to be in control of your life and just witness the life of others.

Because the truth is: one of the greatest lessons life can teach you is that you should not teach others how to live it. Live yours, focus on yours and you will have more people around you.

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 27/04/2022

Smudging, or the practice of burning sage, is an old spiritual ritual. Smudging is a well-known Native American practice, although it isn't performed by all tribes. Many other cultures perform sage burning rituals.
It helps to cleanse your space from negative energy.
It can cleanse certain objects from the energy of its past owners, so that energy will not affect you.
It helps establish a clear space for meditation/yoga/breathwork/etc. practice
It can improve your mood.
It can release stress.
It can improve your sleeping behavior. It can uplift your energy.
When it comes to how often you should sage yourself or your area, there is no right or wrong time.
You are able to detect negative energy, therefore trust your instincts.
If you're feeling weighed down by stress or worry, it's usually a sign that you need to cleanse.
If you need focus or have nightmares - it's time to smudge.
It our highlights, you will find the "Treasury Shop." There, you will see our products including Sage and even a "Cleansing Ritual" bundle with Sage, Selenite Raw Wand, and Palo Santo:
Burning sage is a powerful ceremony that Indigenous people have performed for thousands of years. If you're going to burn sage in your own home, apartment, etc. make sure you do so properly and with honor for the practice's origins.

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 26/04/2022

A lot of people still doubt the absolute magic that meditation can do. And that’s because they do not practice enough. Here are four stages of meditation that can help you understand what will happen if you practice daily.

State One - the body.
You are a human on planet Earth, which means that you experience this life through your physical body. Therefore, the first effects of meditation bring benefits to your body. Multiple scientific research shows that meditation can improve metabolism, normalize blood pressure, reduce age-related memory loss, release muscle tension, promote better sleep, help fight addictions, and so much more.

Stage Two - the mind.
Once meditation becomes a habit, you can notice what it does to your mental health. Research also shows that meditation helps with anxiety and depression. It promotes awareness and focus, helps to be more sympathetic and loving to others and to be more emotionally intelligent.

Stage Three - the soul.
Meditation is also a spiritual practice that is practiced by multiple cultures. Just some of them do not call it meditation, it does not mean it isn’t. A long commitment to meditation will help you reach your highest self, attract everything you want in life, and stay dedicated to service to yourself and others. It will awaken the person you are meant to be as it will be working like a filter helping you let go of things that do not belong to you.

Stage Four - the collective.
You become someone they call “supernatural.” You attract things very fast, you express yourself unapologetically. You are attached to nothing, connected to everything. You are content with your life and you are mindful of it at the same time. You are part of the connective consciousness.

Don't pass judgment on your meditation abilities, meditation requires time and effort to master.
Keep in mind that your mind is likely to wander during meditation, regardless of how long you've been doing it.

So, if your attention wanders, carefully bring your mind back to the object, sensation, or movement you're focusing on.

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 26/04/2022

Meet these wonderful women that will also be there with us, sharing their wisdom and light with us all 💛💚

Still time to book your spot and give yourself time to explore the sensations, connections and nature!


Mindfulness is an everyday commitment to self. It does not require you to sit in meditation for hours, but rather check-in with yourself, breathe, and feel your body while being connected to your truth.

Mindfulness is like a filter in your life. It allows you to stay on track with what you want and know what you don’t want. It’s about boundaries, connection and focus. These little exercises can change your life if performed daily and mindfully.

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 21/04/2022

Reusable pads are the best reusable alternative to those who want to switch to a more comfortable, sustainable, and eco-friendly alternative yet do not like using menstrual cups. Some are still skeptical about the pads, so, in this post, we will share 5 benefits of reusable pads to convince you that they are amazing for you, sister!

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 20/04/2022

Reusable pads are the best reusable alternative to those who want to switch to a more comfortable, sustainable, and eco-friendly alternative yet do not like using menstrual cups. Some are still skeptical about the pads, so, in this post, we will share 5 benefits of reusable pads to convince you that they are amazing for you, sister!

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 19/04/2022

Everyone is so against letting ego be a significant part of our life and this might be wrong. Our ego, once healed, can become a great part of our highest self. Your thoughts define your reality, so it is important to be mindful of them.

For example:
“It's too complicated” can mean that you are focusing on the issue you are facing, yet not letting a thought like “I can handle this” enter your reality. The truth is - you CAN handle it all.

“It's because of some(one/thing) else” is the reaction of a child, someone who is not in charge of their own life. Even if things are not your fault, they are always your responsibility and this is a great thing because it puts you in change, it makes you the queen you are! So,,, we say, “My life = my responsibility”

“I need more” speaks about the fact that you might not be grateful for what you have now and that you are not enjoying the process of creating your life. If you always need more, you will always need more. Instead, focus on “I am grateful for what I have” + “I enjoy building my life.”

In the example of “life is competition” you are putting yourself in a position of “me VS. them.” If we focus on: “life is collaboration,” we create connection with everyone, we build together, we share and we know that there’s room for everyone, because, the truth is, yours will be yours.

Lastly, “I am better than them” is a cherry on top of a wounded ego. “I am who I am” speas of acceptable, love, and respect for yourself and everyone else.

Are there thoughts that your wounded ego says?
And, more importantly, how does your healed part responds to them?

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 16/04/2022

Your thinking defines your reality. These Zen thoughts will help you reprogram your mind:

I am safe - put your hands on your chest, take a deep breath in, hold, and breathe out. You are safe in your body.

I am loved - think of your family, friends, maybe a pet. Think of the Source. Remember, you are loved and thought of by many, even if you don’t think so,

I am choosing myself. Every time you are saying “no” to someone, you are saying “yes” to yourself.

I do not allow expectations to ruin my reality. Develop a mindful approach to life, realize that expectations are only possible scenarios that may or may not come true. Don’t let them determine how you feel or live.

I focus on what is important to me. Don’t forget that our journey here is temporary, we should do as little things we don't like as possible and focus on what nourishes our bodies, minds, and souls.

I allow myself to feel everything. Do not let yourself be fooled by the idea that only positive emotions are valid. Anger, rage, hate even, they are all valid and you need to feel them, too. If you let the emotion be and really live through them, it will last for about 20 minutes. If you, however, suppress that feeling, it can last for years being the weight on your heart.

What Zen thoughts do you have?

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 11/04/2022

Thousands of women are using the womb steaming herbs to relax and cleanse their sacred parts. This ancient practice is for women to invoke the goddess within…

Women are experiencing a wide range of benefits from yoni steaming, a practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to permeate the womb. But why?

• Significant reduction in pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.

• Decreased menstrual flow.

• Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles.

• Increased fertility.

• More rapid healing and toning of the reproductive system after giving birth.

• Treatment of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.

• Assistance with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar.

• Assistance with the healing of hemorrhoids.

• Treatment of chronic vaginal/yeast infections, and works to maintain healthy odor.

• Relief for symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain.

• Detoxification of the womb and body.

• Reconnection to the Earth and ancient women’s wisdom.

• Release of stored emotions.

• Access to the feminine energy that gives rise to our vibrant radiance and creative potential.

Linked in bio!

Photos from joy_journeyofyourself's post 10/04/2022

Here you can check five of the sisters that will be sharing their medicine and love with us.

It’s such a blessing to have so many wonderful women that want to come together!

Womb Steaming Ritual with Joyce - incredible experience sharing the openness of our womb together as one cleansing ancestral memories and cords that keep us connected to our sexual partners.

Yoga with Camila - she’s a very experienced yoga teacher and also loves working with women, she also runs her own business and circles.

Rapé Ceremony with Carina - she’s the herbs lover, has deep knowledge of alchemies, Ayurveda and different therapies.
Be ready for a gentil and beautiful experience.

Tameana with Karina - a multidimensional vibrational healing modality, from the Pleiadians, that will balance your emotional and physical body.

Identity Map with Shandra - a workshop that will help you bring clarity to your life. Her studies are based on psychology
and general well-being.

And there’s more! Soon I’ll post more Goddesses that will also be there! 🙌🏼👌🏼

Have any questions? Don’t forget we have payment plans available 😉

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