Te Arahina

Te Arahina


Cool korero

How woven flax mats pinned to lake beds in Rotorua are helping eradicate invasive weeds 06/09/2022

How woven flax mats pinned to lake beds in Rotorua are helping eradicate invasive weeds The traditional method to fixing a modern-day problem is working.


A symbol of liberation and identity✌🏽

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Maori & Pasifika Video Playbook Project Info Session. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 05/03/2021

Nau mai haere mai e te whanau.

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Maori & Pasifika Video Playbook Project Info Session. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Information Session for those wishing to know more about the Video Playbook Project


Nau mai haere mai whanau & friends, great organisation, great people and great kaupapa. Nga mihi nui


Excited to be expanding our team and reach within our community. If this is you please apply! Full details, Position Description and how to apply on the link below.


All the best and ia manuia! Bless




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Kia ora whanau

No kura this Sunday as Matua Ronnie and I are at a conference this weekend. See you on the 20th October for karakia.
Nga mihi

Timeline photos 19/09/2019

Takitimu taku waka

Tamatea-Arikinui - Takitimu

Takitimu is one of the most sacred waka to travel to Aotearoa. It was commissioned by the chief Tamatea-Arikinui. He gathered some leading tohunga together including Ruawharo, Tupai and Rongop**ahi to build the vessel. The tapu of Takitimu was assured well before a single tree was felled. The process began with potent karakia to invoke the support of the gods. Those workers involved in the construction underwent rigorous ritual ceremonies prior to the employ of any tools. Several sacred adzes were used to shape the hull including Te Awhiorangi, Te Whironui, Rakuraku-o-Tawhaki, Matangirei and Huiterangiora.
After shaping the hull at a hill called Titirangi, the waka was dragged to Tamatea’s village at Whangara. There it was cordoned off and the tohunga set about completing the vessel. They added the front piece, sides, sleeping quarters, masts and figurehead. A special box was built near Ruawharo’s bow seat. It would hold a very tapu cargo. Ruawharo collected the mauri of many gods including Rangi, Papa, Tane, Tu, Rongo and Haumia in order to transport them to the new lands. He’s also credited with bringing the mauri of the whales to Aotearoa. These were all placed in the special compartment.
Six sacred steering paddles were carved including Rapangaiteatinuku, Rapangaiterangi, Maninitua, Maniniaro, Tangi-wiwini and Tangi-wawana. After the sea trials at Pikopikoiwhiti the waka was deemed ready. Under the full moon Ruawharo began his karakia to protect their expedition. At first light Takitimu began its epic voyage and glided toward the horizon. Compared to the building the canoe, the journey was pretty uneventful thus Takitimu arrived in tact and fully laden.
They landed first at Awanui near Ahipara where some of the crew settled. Takitimu then sail up around to Tauranga-moana where Tamatea-Arikinui stayed. They continued to follow the eastern coastline and eventually landed at Nukutaurua. Ruawharo disembarked there, taking with him the many special mauri. These he placed in special places committing them back to the land with powerful karakia. In this way he was able to complete his purpose on the journey and bring the mission to a close, an important part of tikanga Maori. Many tribes have links to Takitimu from the far north all the way down the eastern seaboard and its influence extends as far as Rakiura (Stewart Island).


Ka pai


Kia ora whanau
We have karakia this sunday at 11am
Nga mihi

Classic Maori - Album 1 of 4. 31/08/2019

Pineamine (Benjamin) 'Pine' Taiapa (1901-1972) standing beside traditional Maori wood carvings for the Kahungunu Meeting House in Nuhaka, they are probably his own work, c1940s.

About 1924 when Pine was younger, an old carver named Hone Ngatoto was working on carvings for the Maori War Memorial church at Tikitiki and Pine was deputed to fetch and carry for the man. He watched with interest and envy as the carvings took shape and wanted tuition in the art, but was blocked by etiquette to blatantly ask. After 6 months, an opportunity arose for him to handle a chisel which ensued in a row, but eventually he was permitted to work with the old carver. When the School of Maori Arts was formally established in Rotorua in 1927, Pine was one of it's first students.

Alexander Turnbull Library/National Library of New Zealand.


Arohamai whanau, due to unforeseen circumstances there will be no kura this Sunday. The toilets at school are under renovations.



I want to share a process that happens on the Marae: The Kaikaranga.
Ranga meaning Realm
Ka meaning to cut
Cutting through physical and spiritual realms

When a kuia karanga you onto the Marae at a tangi, her role is not done until each member has been accounted for both physically and spiritually.

During her Karanga (Calling), Manuhiri will walk to the center of the pathway to acknowledge those who have passed on.. Our tipuna will join us, carrying with us the mamae, pouri of the decease. This is where we are now placed under a spiritual process.

The kuia when everyone is seated will sit and hold the Wairua of her Karanga while formalities (Whaikorero) are in process. Keeping an eye on both the gate, the speaker, the people and the people of the land. It is her that makes sure that the formalities is correct and can refuse to do the waiata

When the Whaikorero is finished, she will stand and waiata to unite both the physical and spiritual of Manuhiri and tangatawhenua.Then to confirmed the greeting of hongi, which now brings us together sharing the same breath.

This is one of the most sacred of all sacred roles on the Marae. You have to be balanced with knowledge, rites of passage and incite of spiritual and physical to have this role. She will also be accompanied by all the other kuia.

When a child is born into this world, it is that very same karanga of a nurturing mother that calls her baby into the world, then when their is a passing, it is that very karanga that transitions the decease to enter the next world where ancestors are waiting. A world where loved ones are.

Death in Maoridom is to be celebrated and acknowledge as there journey after death is beginning somewhere else.

Why we call it a Tangi is the tears we cry is a token of cleansing the path way for our love ones to move on.

He Tohu Matekite


Kia ora whanau
Yes we have kura this sunday
Nga mihi


Kia ora, we have kura this Sunday at 12pm. At St Thomas Aquinas Primary. Nau mai haere mai


Come join us on the 27th of July as we start our campaign to Haka Regionals 2020 in Canberra.

For any inquiries such as bookings or membership, email us at [email protected] or message our page.

Follow our page to keep up to date.



✨ Te Iwa o Matariki ✨
These are the nine stars of Matariki and some kōrero & whakatauki pertaining to each of them in both Te Reo and English.

Matariki 🌟

Matariki tāpuapua. Matariki hunga nui. Matariki ahunga nui. Ka rewa a Matariki, ka maoka te hinu. Ka rewa a Matariki ka rere te kanakana.

Matariki the rainy season, Matariki the great constellation, Matariki the provider of food. When Matariki is seen above, the game is preserved. When Matariki is seen above the kanakana flow.

(Matariki is the star that signifies reflection, hope, our connection to the environment and the gathering of people, Matariki is also connected to the health and wellbeing of people)

Pōhutukawa 🌟

Tērā a Pōhutukawa ka mōiri ki runga he pae whakamahara mō aku tau kahurangi kua ngaro. Pīratarata mai rā koutou hei whetū i te pō, kōrekoreko mai rā hoki koutou i te rokiroki o ngā mahara mō ake tonu atu e.

There yonder is Pōhutukawa suspended above, a constant reminder for my treasured ones that have gone. May you shine as stars in the night and sparkle within the repository of memories forever more.

(Pōhutukawa is the star associated with those who have passed on)

Waitī 🌟

Waitī ki runga, Waitī ki raro, e rere nei ō wai hei manapou mō te whenua, hei oranga mō te tāngata, hei kete kai mā te Iwi. Kōriporipo tonu nei te ia o te awa, māreparepa ana ngā roto, kōrengarenga te puna a Tāne-te-waiora, hei koiora!

Waitī above, Waitī below, flowing are your waters as sustenance for the land, as vitality for mankind, as a food basket for the people. The current of the river swirls and eddies, the lakes ripple and the source of Tāne-te-waiora overflows, 'tis life!

(Waitī is associated with all fresh water bodies and the food sources that are sustained by those waters)

Waitā 🌟

Tērā te marae nui a Kiwa te kānapanapa nei i raro i a koe Waitā. Hīia mai rā ki runga te tini a Ikatere, rukuhia ki tai, kohia ki tātahi hei kai mā te tini o uta. Ka hiki mata te tapuwae a Tangaroa! Koia au nui, koia au roa, koia moana tuarangaranga koia moana i āio.

Behold the great expanse of Kiwa that gleams green and blue beneath you Waitā. Draw up the many of Ikatere, dive out to sea and collect from the seaside as food for the multitude ashore. The charm of Tangaroa has begun! 'Tis the great current, the long current, the boisterous ocean, the calm ocean'.

(Waitā is associated with the ocean and the food sources within it.)

Waipuna-ā-rangi 🌟

Haramai te kōnehunehu! Haramai te hāuaua! Haramai te tarahī! Haramai te patapataiāwhā! Takataka mai i te kōmanawa o te hei tapu, whāinumia e koe e Waipuna-ā-rangi ka tupu te whenua, ka tupu te tangata.

Welcome the misty rain! Welcome the drizzle! Welcome the showers! Welcome the heavy drenching rains! Fall from the spring of the sacred sky, give drink oh Waipuna-ā-rangi, the land grows and the people flourish.

(Waipuna-ā-rangi is associated with the rain)

Tupuānuku 🌟

Tupuānuku ka pihi nuku, ka pihi rangi, kia makuru haere ake nei. Kia haumako roa hoki te puke ki a Rongo, i āhua mai i tawhiti. Ngā hua o Nukutū ka aohia nuitia, ara rā ngakingaki, ara rā tinaku. Hauhaketia rā te tau, he tau humi e.

Tupuānuku shoot up and grow down to be plentiful. May the mound dedicated to Rongo be forever fertile, that which was formed from afar. The bounty of Nukutū is scooped up in great numbers, till the soil, cultivate, harvest the year of copious abundance.

(Tupuānuku is the star associated with everything that grows within the soil to be harvested for food)

Tupuārangi 🌟

Ngaruru te waokū, matomato te waokū, māpuapua te puhikaioreore e tau ai ngā tamariki a Tāne, tērā koia te pua nui. Tupuārangi māu e mōmina ai te nehenehe; ka mōmona ngā manu, ka mōmona ngā hua, ka p**a ka ora!

Thriving is the forest, lush is the forest, bountiful is the crown of the forest upon which the children of Tāne settle, there indeed is the great fowling tree. Tupuārangi, you shall make the forest plentiful; the birch are rich with fat, the berries are fertile, sustenance!

(Tupuārangi is associated with everything that grows up in the trees: fruits, berries and birds)

Ururangi 🌟

E Ururangi whakamāriretia te atua matakerepō koi pūkerikeri mai, koi haurokuroku mai, koi huripari mai. Engari kē kia hau kōangi, kia kōtengitengi kia purea ai au, kia whakahauoratua ai au.

Ururangi, pacify the unseeing god, lest the wind blows violently, blasting and fierce hitherto but instead, let it be a breeze, a gentle caressing wind so I maybe revitalised and refreshed.

(Ururangi is the star associated with the winds)

Hiwa-i-te-rangi 🌟

Hiwa nui, Hiwa roa, Hiwa pūkenga, Hiwa wānanga! Hiwa-i-te-rangi tēnei te korou o te manawa koronga, tēnei te āwhero o te manako nui. Horahia nuitia mai ngā hua tuawhiti mātinitini o te tau. Purutia e au kia mau te angitū, tāwhia te momoho kia ita! Ka p**a ki te whai ao, ki te ao mārama!

Great Hiwa, long-established Hiwa, skilled Hiwa, wise Hiwa! Hiwa-i-te-rangi, this is the wish of the desiring heart, this is the determination of the longing heart. Spread out in plenty the multitude of immense opportunities. Hold fast to succeed, hold firm to good fortune! Go forth into the world and prosper!

(Hiwa-i-te-rangi is the star associated with granting our wishes and realising our aspirations for the coming year)

Wānanga o Aotearoa

Photos from Te Arahina's post 24/06/2019

Wow 7 years ago. Making kite for matariki. Look at our tamariki and how much they have grown # #

Photos from Te Arahina's post 16/06/2019

Awesome Kura today. Thank you whanau for our karakia, sharing in our hakari (hangi & boil up) and fun with our tamariki. Nga mihi nui.


Pātai atu ki tō māmā - ask your mother
(My go to ktk)

These examples will help you out heaps. Karawhiua! Mauri ora


The Marae is a Sacred meeting place.

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