Bodyflow Energetics

Global Energy Re-calibration Specialist, Teacher, Speaker, Author, Trailblazer Her one wish for the world is that everyone can find their purpose in life.

Kemina has had many great mentors in her life, who have opened her up to the wisdom of the ages. What has had the most significant impact in the depth of transformations she is able to make with people's lives and health is the experiential understanding she has gained. The wisdom she has gained from her great mentors has enabled her to have experiences to be able to have a deep knowing of what th

Moving Through Life with Ease and Grace by Leading With Heart: Elevate your emotional capacity as a female leader 02/09/2024

🎙️ I recently had the pleasure of being a guest on the "Leading with Heart" podcast with the incredible Teresa Linder, an inspiring Texan woman brimming with wisdom and vitality!

In this episode, we dive deep into a wide range of topics about what it truly takes to heal and the real processes behind it.

Plus, we share some quick, actionable solutions to help you start transforming your health and life in a sustainable way.

It was such a fun and insightful conversation, and I can't wait for you all to listen.

You won't want to miss this one!

Check it out and let me know your thoughts!

Moving Through Life with Ease and Grace by Leading With Heart: Elevate your emotional capacity as a female leader Help me welcome Kemina Fulwood, a beautiful spiritual woman from the Gold Coast in Australia. She is an energetic health teacher, who helps people to synergize the subconscious with the conscious in order to find harmony in body, mind and spirit. She is also the author of the book, "Bite-Sized Chang...


There are sooo many things you can do to improve your health.

So, so many that it's overwhelming.

Knowing where to focus your attention to radically improve your health makes a massive difference and saves so much time, money and effort.

Here's what I'm doing for people to make that a whole lot easier.


Interference, entities and parasites - this is often a very misunderstood, creepy and confusing topic for people.

Interference is something that has come from an external source and is playing havoc on our energy which is directly affecting our health or lives in some way.

It sits around our energy stopping us from being able to access our true self and emotions.

And can keep us stuck in cycles of suffering.

There are many forms of interference which include entities, cords, energetic devices, spells, vows, curses, psychic attacks, knives, portals, something I call a time warp – this can come from our misperception of a moment in time creating a confusion of how we see things or an external thing obstructing us from seeing moments as they are and confusing our perception and there’s many other forms of interference.

It often creeps people out when I tell them in a session that they have some of these things in their field.

But it’s all part of the human experience like having parasites in our body.

You simply need to remove them completely and properly.
It’s also important to know that you have allowed this external source to interfere with your field.

At some point either in this life or another you had a moment of weakness from a stress or trauma of some kind, where you were susceptible to taking on this unwanted energy.

You made a choice that may have been a subconscious choice to buy into a story and twist your perception cause maybe you thought it was easier to go along with a particular point of view or you were so stressed you couldn’t see clearly or your doubted yourself.

Self-doubt and confusion are the 2 main causes for all our non-beneficial beliefs.

The interference is attached to these non-beneficial beliefs we create in our moments of confusion or self-doubt.

If you break every issue down, they will fall into one or both of these areas.

I often hear people say things like, “I feel strange” or “I don’t feel quite like myself”.

This is a tell tale sign you’ve got some interference sitting on the surface obstructing your view of the world and tangling with your emotions so you don’t feel like yourself.

The removal of these interfering energies is often even more confusing.

Energetic cords attaching us to other people probably has the most misunderstood form of the removal of them.

You don’t cut a cord.

Why would you want to leave any part of it in the person?

You pull it out – all of it.

People have lots of interference in their field so picking one off at a time isn’t going to work.

It’s important to remove it all – well all that you are able to access at that point in time.

And if I’m honest I don’t know many energy workers that can remove all interference and properly and make sure it’s gone for good.

This half removal of interference can cause more harm than good.
Sometimes we shove things down so deep that an energy health practitioner can only go as far as the person they are working with is ready.

The healing process can be uncomfortable at times.

If it is isn’t done at the pace of the person and what they can handle at that time it creates more stress in the recalibration process leaving the person open and susceptible to taking on more interference.

If you work with these kinds of energies, please be mindful of what are doing so you don’t cause people more harm.

And you aren’t quite sure of what you are doing - get more training.

You wouldn’t play with explosives if you didn’t know what you were doing, would you?


I'm giving people a free organ and gland audit to assess their vitality.

This gives people insight into their function and your overall health.

This is the first step to achieving a healer healthier and more balanced mind and body.

It's a 20 minute online session.

Who wants one?


I'm giving people a free organ and gland audit to assess their vitality.

This gives people insight into their health and where it's beneficial to focus your attention in areas of your body and how to go about doing that.

It's a 20 minute online session.

All you need to do is find a time that suits you on the booking calendar to book this in.

I have limited spaces for this...

So get in quick.

The link to book in is...


Next weekend, I’m thrilled to be leading the Breaking Chains Workshop at the soul nourishing SELFSEEKER FESTIVAL just outside Brisbane!


Join us for a magical Saturday filled with transformative workshops, immersive soundscapes, photography exhibition, yoga and so much more.


Embark on an journey of self-discovery and empowerment through the labyrinth of love. In this transformative workshop, we’ll dive deep into the heart of self-love, revealing its raw truth and undeniable power.

🔗 What to Expect:

🔗Group Healing Session: A soul-stirring experience to heal past wounds.
🔗Guided Meditation: Transport yourself to realms of self-discovery.
🔗Breaking Free: Detach from old love stories that have echoed through lifetimes and embrace the boundless potential of self-love.

Are you ready to break free from the chains of your past and embrace a new chapter of self-love and empowerment? Let me guide you on this liberating adventure.


🌟Photography Exhibition: Delight your senses with captivating visual art.
🌟Dance & Movement: Sway to the rhythm and connect through movement.
🌟Sound Journey: Let melodies transport you to serenity.
🌟Invigorating Workshops: Challenge yourself with activities that inspire growth.
🌟Instrument Museum: Discover over 35 musical treasures from around the globe.
🌟Thought-Provoking Discussions: Engage in meaningful conversations on connection and community.
🌟Eclectic Swap Market: Find treasures .
🌟Morning Yoga & Meditation: Awaken your body and spirit.
🌟Vibrant Swap Meet: Indulge in the spirit of exchange.
🌟Fire Circle Closing Ceremony: Gather around the fire for a poignant farewell.


Prepare for a weekend of transformation, connection, and fun. I can’t wait to see you there!

🌸 Join me at the Sunseeker Festival – Let’s Break Chains Together! 🌸

You can purchase a ticket from


Is there anything more powerful than a person who...

✊Looks their own fear in the face and says no, you don't win today, you don't get to control me anymore and watch it dissolve in front of their eyes

✊Sees the fear in others and has enough freedom within themselves to have compassion for it no matter how they are displaying their fear

✊Finds the freedom within themselves to speak their truth no matter what the potential consequences are

✊Finds the freedom within themselves to be themselves

There are so, soo many examples of freedom over fear speakers from people known and unknown like Julian Assange, Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, me.

Who's your favourite freedom over fear speaker?

Photos from Bodyflow Energetics's post 05/05/2024

I gave a self love group healing and meditation for a beautiful charity created out of covid...4 Voices.

They had a pamper day to help people suffering from domestic violence.

A cause I'm passionate about.

I'm told that the number of women killed from domestic violence has risen in Australia from 1 per week to one every 4 days.

That's almost double.


You can only love another person as much as you love yourself


Over the past decade, both my lifestyle and work has been about a deep self-discovery, inner transformation, and divine alignment.

My inner desire to gain deep wisdom and understanding of everything, the deep challenges I've faced and always wanting to give my clients more holistic and deeper, lasting transformations has led me to delve really deep into understanding healing, transcending duality and connecting with all that is.

I've had so many questions.

Some that have taken years to fully realise the answers.

I can after 10 years of deep searching one come to a place where I really get healing or what I prefer to call recalibration, cause that's actually what it is.

That's not to say I wasn't seeking prior to the past 10 years.

I was, very much.

I was always studying and trying new things and exploring all corners of the earth and me.

It's been the past 10 years where I've gone so deep I even freaked myself out about the strangeness of what I discovered at times, and still do.

This soul-led path isn't for the faint hearted.
It's for the courageous, who don't allow themselves to be distracted by shiny things.

Those who are willing to step out into the unknown and swim around in the dark parts of themselves, to find the truth.

While it's definitely challenging at times there has been nothing more rewarding than finding the real me and a deep love for myself, in all the really incredible things I've done..

And I've done alot.

If you're up for the challenge and ready to gain some deep wisdom. Join me on the journey of a soul-led life and sign up for one of my personalised one-on-one mentoring packages.

If you want to check out more about soul-led living I've written a few words about it


I often hear people talk about leaving a legacy.
What is a legacy other than your ego wanting to feel special, be seen and heard and recognised and more than anything... a desire to be loved?

Sure you may want to leave this world a better place for your kids but wouldn't connecting with your true self do that, by showing them the real way to do that.

If you truly 100% loved yourself you wouldn't have this burning desire for legacy.

You'd feel so much more comfortable and realise that your presence in this world is enough.

You don't need to change the world.

Being you and loving yourself fully will give you more satisfaction than saving the world.

You might ask, 'how do I do that?'

Simply allow love from source and feel it, really feel it. Rather than looking for it from others.

Don't believe me.

Then try it

Right now I'm feeling the love from the wind who's whisking away my thoughts.


I received this beautiful review from a client I saw only once the other day.


If we look at the story of Easter we're taught, we see a guy who was hated on by the world, so much that they tortured him.

At a point like this you can be enveloped by the hate or ill feelings or rise again through love.

You can love yourself and not focus on the hate but see the bits of them you do love and love that back in tenfolds. More than their hate and jealousy or whatever.

Love yourself back to life.


Wisdom seekers

Just letting you know that we changed the date of the event to give you all the ancient Egyptian wisdom and magic and push it back a few weeks. 🪄

Auntie Minnie Mace whose mentor was the great Ray Johnson, who was given the award of antiques for being the leader in Egyptian wisdom and magic by the Egyptian government, needed a little more time to recover from some heath issues so she can share the incredible wisdom she beholds.

Her stories about Ray, and the ancient Egyptians are so fascinating for those wisdom seekers. 🧐

It'll give you many of those aha moments when you realise that it's the knowledge you've been looking for.💡

Check out Universal dreaming @


Only one more day to go to win a ticket to Universal dreaming where you have a rare opportunity to discover the wisdom of the ages.

Tick that you're attending the event to go in the draw.
Universal Dreaming

It simply purchase a ticket so you don't miss out.


I made a little declaration to myself today.

As I view the world by standing back and simply witnessing the unfolding of the evolution that’s now occurring, I see many things.
I see the stagnation in people, due to so many things.

Mostly, it’s due to suppression. People holding us back, pushing fear, guilt and blame onto us. In some ways we are all to blame for the state of the world but should we carry that burden.

Perhaps it served us at one time, to help us see where humans have gone wrong and the actions, we have taken to over many thousands of years to put us into a place of stagnation and fear.

Perhaps it served us so we can see the programs and beliefs that we as a society and personally have been running us causing us to play the same scenarios, over and over again which has been adding to the weight we are carrying.

But we see now, well some of us and more are starting to see.

I’m also witnessing how many people think they are on the right track but their views on spirituality and many others things aren’t in alignment with how things really work.

The new age industry is rife with that. I’m seeing how people simply regurgitate others without digging deep to locate the truth and that too is keeping people in stagnation.

So now it’s time to lift off the burden and pass it over to God or source of whatever you want to call it.

Now it’s time to say ok I get it now, I’ll do my part in opening my eyes more and more each day, embody more of my true self more and more each day and allow myself to connect with my spirit, all that is more and more each day.

I will reflect to free myself from my trauma that has kept me away from my true self more and more each day.

I will take action on your guidance more and more each day and I will take action to make sure I don’t cause the harm I have to myself or others more and more each day.

I now allow myself to fully let go of the pain and suffering inflicted on me by others more and more each day.

I’ll let go of competing and comparing myself to others, being right, not accepting the differences in other people, vengefulness and all other traits that cause me discomfort and stop me from being who I truly am, more and more each day.

But mostly, I’ll stop being lazy and do what I need to so I can step up and into who I truly am and why I came here.

I’ll let go of the past and future and stand firmly in now more and more each day.

I’ll do my part, as best I can in each moment.

In doing that I may be a dumb human at times who missed some guidance from my guides or source to enable me to take actions for my highest good and the highest good of others.

I also hand that burden over to you God.

You make sure this dumb human doesn’t miss a beat.


I was chatting to a great friend this arvo who's been my go to person to talk to things healing almost since I started being a healer about a decade ago.

I was telling her how I processed what I believe to be a years worth of stuff in about 2 weeks in the past 2 weeks and I feel like now I really understand healing.

She was saying she started writing a book about energy last year and felt like when she started it she didn't really understand energy but now does.

And we're 2 people who have been healers for about a decade each and who aren't you're everyday healer. We do amazing, way beyond an average healing session stuff and have had really incredible results.

So for us to say we think we are finally starting to get it makes me think perhaps we all should pull our heads in a little bit cause maybe we don't all know as much as what we think we do.



That's what we're all here for, isn't it? To master ourselves.

If you look at some of the Ascended Masters like Jesus or Osho or Mother Teresa you'll notice they didn't have an easy road and were criticised in the end that their way or what they did was not in alignment with integrity or divinity.

People perceived things in a way that wasn't how it was at all or even made up things about them.

Some still doubt them to this day.

But it didn't sway them.

They kept doing what they felt to be for the highest good and following their mission.

They didn't shy away from embracing life fully and all the challenges they were given.

One could ask, if they were so divine why did they have so many challenges?

That's an easy answer, cause through the challenges they softened and they used them as a way to stay strong in their life force and heart no matter what was going on around them.

They spoke their truth even when it wasn't received in the way it was given.

They did nothing we can't all do.

Can you do it?

If not, what's stopping you?


I want to share something deeply personal.

I've had the hardest year of my life.

In sharing this I have had hesitation cause I feel like the spiritual community would throw all kinds of comments, like 'you should know better' and blah blah blah

But you know what I say to that.

I don't give a f**k.

There's more to evolution than you know.

As you grow, you go through phases of coasting where life is groovy and you feel invincible.

But that only lasts so long if you truly are on the journey of growth.

When you have passed these superficial stages, the growth really begins.

You are given challenges to dig deeper than you feel you can handle or could have in those those superficial stages.

What I personally have witnessed with my challenges is how much they are simply experiences leading me to bigger things.

When you see that, the whole world opens up.

It was then that I truly began to live in the moment.

So let me share with you some of what I've experienced.

It started with my mum passing and surprisingly that was easiest part.

It led to a big finale of nearly drownimg and less than a week someone trying to strangle me.

What I am celebrating about me through this whole experience is that I remained true to myself throughout it all.

I stayed fully aware of what was my issues and what wasn't.

I made sure I said all the things I needed to say.

I made sure I stayed connected and allowed myself to be guided through it from source.

The biggest awareness I had was that I knew the experiences were what I was guided to do and for a much higher purpose and not just for myself.

I'm still not entirely sure how it relates to more than me and helping me and my clients but I feel that it does deeply.

I see little bits of how it does.

It's kinda exciting.

I can also see that it wasn't necessarily about lessons but more of a softening but an understanding of what too many people go through.

Cause believe me, no part of me wanted to be doing it.

But I knew on a soul and spirit level it had some deeper good that I wasn't fully able to see at the time but knew it was what was part of my path.

That's what kept me going.

It was my intuition, faith and connection that gave me the clarity and surrender to the bizarre.

I am truly grateful for the experience.

And I think that's what makes me awesome.


The joy of experiencing each moment for what it is without expectation can be challenging at times.

The everyday mundane stuff like money and kids and conflicts that we have an opportunity to grow from, for example, can easily get in the way.

Sometimes all we want is good old fashioned connection and nothing more.

No opinions, just someone to listen or maybe experience a new connection with someone without them trying to sell you anything.

But that ego tends to show up and ruin what has potential to be a really touching moment.
But peeps will be peeps.

So while I momentarily get disappointed by people I also realise that's my expectations getting in the way.

What an adventure this journey of life is.


A stabilisation of the spiritual industry needs to occur.

There's lots of information going around from different people that isn't the same.

There's alot of misinformation creating confusion and stagnation.

An interesting way to look at the need for stabilisation is to think about what you would want to come into in a future lifetime.

It's one thing to think about what you would want for your kids but to look at what you would want makes it hit home more.

Would you want future you to have a specific modality or do you think there may be a more powerful and effective one that stands the test of time?

I look to ancient egyptians and their wisdom.

Shamanic is great especially for being in harmony with the planet but I find the ancient Egyptians took their connection to another level, a deeper connection with the divine.

We have the potential to reach that level again on the planet.

That's why I use the Heart Matrix way of healing, cause it uses the ancient egyptian ways that have stood the test of time and was kept secret for thousands of years to keep it it pure.

It's only in recent years been released to the public cause now is the time it is needed most for everyone, so we can all go to the next level and deepen our connection with the divine.

We have a facilitator training course coming up soon and have 2 scholarships available.

Contact me if you'd like to find out more about a scholarship.


When it comes to trauma it's not always about learning lessons.

This view of things can keep us in stagnation.

I really like Lobsang Rampa explanation of this concept.

Sometimes it's about softening and to make us more pliable.

Like metal. You don't put metal into a fire to punish it. You put it in fire to soften it.

Overthinking situations and trying to always learn the lessons very often stops people moving forward.

It also creates judgement.

I see spiritual leaders going through times.

I too have had my own.

And people say they should know better or they mustn't be that good if that is happening to them.

Not is not the case at all.

Sometimes being groomed in the fire, prepares us for the massive tasks and undertakings leaders have in front of them or coming up.

What are your thoughts? Do you think we are quick to judge situations without seeing the whole picture?


I just nearly drowned.

I went swimming and was smashed by the massive waves one after the other, and was close to drowning.

It was pretty flat waves when I went in but changed suddenly.

I'm a good swimmer but add some panic and a lack of having time to get the oxygen I need and wa la you have a moment that can get the best of you.

So obviously I'm fine now.

But it showed me my limits.

People think we are limitless.

Maybe our spirit is but we are of course human.

Our human body has limits.

Sure we can extend its capability.

But first we need to recognise our limits or the rules before we can go further and know what we need to change.

That's what's going on with world we are all seeing it's current limits so now together we can expand.



On a recent tour I did in Queensland uniting the tribes on the, Ignite your light within tour, we spoke to people about the divine feminine and masculine.

We got all kinds of ideas about what people thought it was.

Here's the ideas...
Divine feminine - wild, nurturing, sensual, sexuality, creativity

Divine masculine - strength, power, leadership, protector.

What's interesting if we look into these qualities deeper we can see an unfolding of why we view the divine in this way.

Wildness is about rebellion. Rebelling against all the things and even the parts of ourselves that have been suppressed.

Or if we look at power and then associate it with a man you may cringe at the thought because of how power has been manipulated by men in the history of the planet. Power and greed have corrupted our way of living.

So if we see a man show a little bit of power even if done in a healthy way whatI have seen time and time again, is it being rejected.

But if we look even deeper at what the divine is, knowing that as we move into higher vibrations it is simpler, what we find is something more beautiful.

The divine feminine is vulnerability. Without vulnerability you can't have creativity or sexuality or nurturing...not in its purest form.

The divine masculine is stillness. Without stillness you can't have power that doesn't corrupt or strength without honour.

Or even competitiveness that drives us forward in a healthy way without squashing those around us.

If we seek to find the simplicity in our lives we will find and be able to access the divine and the divine will speak through us.

What does the divine mean to you.

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There are sooo many things you can do to improve your health.So, so many that it's overwhelming. Knowing where to focus ...
Trauma and suffering is an overload of pain, stress and interference.It begins to weigh really heavily in the person, so...
I'm excited to announce that my new book, Bite Sized Changes is now available for purchase.If you are ready to re-ignite...
There's only 2 more days left of the super early price for with the Bodyflow Energetics training program.There's new rea...
Body Beautiful, Soul Sparkle workshop January 2019


Gold Coast, QLD

Opening Hours

Tuesday 1pm - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm

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