Rella's Strength & Wellness Hub

Rella’s Hub is an inclusive boutique studio for all fitness levels who want to find balance in the Fitness with a difference, train with purpose for a purpose.

we are the missing link to your health and fitness journey


Another big week of milestones this week.

Meet our 200 Club member, .au . I won't lie; I was scared to take a photo of an extraordinary photographer. A fun fact about Simon is that when he heads to the city for work, he takes time to stop and talk to someone doing it rough to find out their story, sometimes buying them coffee or food. What a beautiful thing to do, and something more of us should do.

Simon is one of our group members who understand that consistency is key to improving overall strength and wellness. Not long after joining our groups, his beautiful then-fiance, now his wife, joined him in the groups.

What I love about Simon is that after a year, he decided that he could go it alone. One of my purposes in opening Rella's was to educate and inspire others to do this without a trainer armed with the right knowledge. What I love even more is that they came back, as big gym chains were just not for them, and enjoyed the more tailored training of the groups, being able to adapt each session when a problem arises in the body, another purpose of Rella's.

Congratulations, Simon, on joining the 200 Club and being an all-round amazing human, we are privileged to have you at Rella's


Meet another 100 Club member, Jacinta.
Jacinta has been getting up early every Tuesday and coming to train with her Dad. They both are one of 6 parent/child pairings we have at Rella’s who train together.

Jacinta is a born leader and a real go-getter; she is a member of Scouts and Army Cadets. If only more young people could take a leaf out of Jacinta’s book and be adventurous and learn outside the world of social media.

I am so proud to work with Jacinta and can’t wait to see what the future hold for her, whatever it is she has my vote!!


Another big week of milestones this week.

The first of many is Bree.

Bree is our fur-coaches groomer and was struggling with some foot issues. After a brief discussion, Bree decided that I was the right person to help with rehabilitation and strengthen her body so that she could do the things she loves: running and paddle boarding and joined out Small group sessions.

One of the goals Bree wanted to achieve for the upcoming summer was to lift her Paddleboard onto the roof of her car without the help of her husband. A month ago, on a beautiful winter morning, Bree achieved that goal and proudly came into the group with the biggest smile, saying she could lift the Paddleboard on and off her car without help.

Little wins like this create Big change in peoples lives. Coming to Rella’s is an investment in your health and wellness, and little wins like this makes all the hard work behind the scenes worth it, and makes me want to keep doing what we do at Rella’s


We want to wish one of our clients Neroli King all the best for the upcoming IKMF Oceania Championship 2024 this weekend.

You’ve done the work now enjoy the journey!
Finishing is winning

2024 IKMF Oceania Championships Athlete - Neroli King

Neroli has entered OAJ Half Marathon - 14kg this weekend. She holds the NZ Record plus a CMS ranking and has already qualified to compete at the 2025 IKMF World Championships in this event.

We wish her well for Sunday😀

New Zealand Girevoy Sport Alliance IKMF Australia


👩‍🎨Let me paint a picture 🖌

🤔 Imagine this: you've been watching the Olympics, perhaps from the comfort of your couch, in awe of the athletes' superhuman feats. Their stories of determination and resilience reminded you of your athletic prowess growing up, and you feel inspired to break out in a run, kick a soccer ball, shoot some hoops, or even try a cartwheel to be like Simone Biles.

The next thing you know, you have blown a hammy, fallen on your head, and are gasping for air. You start to reminisce about how fit and healthy you were back in the day and resign to the fact that you will never be an elite athlete. It's too complex and takes too much work.

But does it?

Without fundamentals, Olympic athletes wouldn't be world-class; they keep the fundamentals no matter how high they reach. You may never desire to be an Olympian, but they can inspire you to improve your long-term health and wellness by creating a solid foundation with simplicity.

Movement is medicine, and movement is life
Fitness with a difference

Recovery: The Future of the Fitness Industry | Raising the Bar Magazine 01/08/2024

Those who have come through Rella's will know that recovery has always been a high priority on our list of priorities. Why? Our Head Coach Cindy Rella has experienced the highs and lows of training and passed on her knowledge so that others don't travel the same path of life-altering injuries and illnesses, and one of the driving forces behind starting Rella's
But the cool part is that Cindy has learned her knowledge through Ian Odwyer and Feel SOMA.

If you care for longevity and living your best life with less illnesses and injuries, Rella's is the best investment in your health and wellness.

Take time to understand what recovery actually is

Recovery: The Future of the Fitness Industry | Raising the Bar Magazine Ian O’Dwyer explains the importance of fluid flow through hard and soft tissue, and its role in recovery.


We don’t promote ‘calorie counting’ ‘clean eating’ or even ‘real food’ at Rella’s; instead we have shifted to encouraging a healthier relationship with food. Our goal is to simplify the process of preparing nutritious meals, making it more appealing and easier to follow for sustainability of your overall wellness.

Check out this scrumtscious dish to kick of your day 🤤 #

🥚Cindy’s Salsa Eggs 🥚

Poached eggs x 2
Handful of Spinach (cooked or uncooked)
Spring onion
1/4 Avocado
Salsa (ingredients below)

2 large roasted jarred peppers (120g)
1 heaped teaspoon capers
2 anchovy fillets (can be omitted, add a pinch of salt instead)
½ a bunch of basil (15g)
½ a small clove of garlic
½ teaspoon Dijon mustard
½ a lemon
extra virgin olive oil
Place all the ingredients on a chopping board and chop it all together, store in the fridge for a few days (if it lasts and not eaten) you can use this to top anything, chicken breast, steak, fish, whatever takes your fancy.


Click on the link in our Bio and use the code RELLA

Did you know there are 33 joints in our feet, and joints are designed to move? When you wear shoes that are not right for your feet, they stop the natural motion, causing pain up the chain in your body.

We at Rella's want you to love your feet as much as we do by wearing shoes that allow them to function as designed.

Your footwear should match your activity, not because it looks good or you paid a lot of money. Runners are designed for running, not gym sessions, lifting and shifting weight.

Things to look for in a shoe to allow your feet to function correctly are
👟Thin sole
👟Wide toe box
👟Zero drop
👟Flexible (be able to twist and curl the shoe)

We are lucky enough to be able to offer our members 20% off online or instore until February 25th.

Click on the link in our Bio and use the code RELLA


Chasing perfection can be a tough journey, leading to feelings of failure and causing you to lose sight of the real reason you started in the first place—your health! We know, as our head coach used to chase perfection but now leads the way in progress over perfection in all she does.

Embracing progress over perfection is a simple yet effective way to reach your goal. Consistently focusing on the tiniest actions results in transformational progress over time and fosters a sustainable and positive journey to overall wellness in your health and fitness journey.

Celebrating these incremental achievements encourages persistence and resilience, leading to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Remember, the cumulative effect of these small victories shapes lasting wellness, not the pursuit of perfection.

Celebrate not with food but with an activity or experience that brings joy and makes you feel good, or buy yourself something for all the hard work you have put in to reach the milestone.

At Rella’s, our focus is on your overall health and fitness, and we follow this simple yet effective strategy as we transition to Rella’s Wellness Studio: fitness with a difference, training with a purpose for a purpose—life!

Movement is medicine, and movement is life
Fitness with a difference


🎉100 sessions at Rella's 🎉

Paula first came to Rella's to work on her strength and mobility after turning 50, and like Lauren, decided to try Kettlebell Sport on our Social saturdays and now has taken up the sort competing to stay strong and active to be a great role model to her family.
Paula also was part of our 16 member Coastrek team earlier this year walking the Mornington Peninsula 30km for Heart health.

We love watching Paula go from strength to strength.

Congratulations on reaching 100 sessions at Rella's


🎉200 sessions at Rella's 🎉

Caroline is one of our Parent/child combinations at Rella's, inspiring her daughter Annie to come and train at Rella's, and her son joined our Coastrek team this year to walk 30km for heart health. Caz always brings the joy and cruisiness to our group training. I love her outlook on life to just go with the flow and to not lose her temper when things dont go to plan.

Caz has also taken up Kettelbell Sport through our socail saturdays with MKSA on Saturdays and has competed once already in a short amount of time.

We are so proud of the role model you are Caz, keep smiling and showing us all that life is better if you just chill out.


We have been quiet on socials, dedicating time elsewhere, but it is time to sneak back in to celebrate some incredible milestones. 🤩

🎉500 sessions at Rella's 🎉

Lauren first started as a PT client just over 5 years ago and then soon decided to take on Kettlebell Sport under Cindy's guidance; during this time, Lauren has grown as a person and become mentally and physically stronger, Qualifying for the Australian team a few years running, has been instrumental in helping to set up the Melbourne Kettlebell Club, allowing Rella to focus more on its intended purpose.

Lauren always brings joy to each session, and the Fur Coaches Archie and Freddy are always on hand to make sure her recovery is always on point.

COngratulations on reaching 500 sessions at Rella's


From now till Sunday, 25% off all products in Rella's Hub PT minder store (link in Linktree) NOT the website

Too good to pass up!

USE CODE: EOFY in the cart

🤩Polar heart rate monitors,
🤩TP MB5 balls,
🤩Doterra products: Oils, Cleaning, personal care
🤩Sleep Spray
🤩Naboso splays and balls.

Postage is available

Bunions! Myths, Misconceptions & Movement with Dr Emily Splichal 24/06/2024

A great webinar with all the juicy information around Bunions and myths debunked by Emily Splichal the leader in foot health.

Getting the right information is key to any health and wellness journey.

Feet are your foundation; take great care of them and understand their function for longevity.

Bunions! Myths, Misconceptions & Movement with Dr Emily Splichal Bunions are probably one of the most commonly misunderstood foot conditions and it's time to correct the confusion! Join Functional Podiatrist and Human Move...

‎The Rich Roll Podcast: Neuroscientist Dr. Lisa Mosconi On Menopause, Hormone Health, & Alzheimer’s Prevention on Apple Podcasts 19/05/2024

Education is key to be able to make choices for your heath and wellness, social media is saturated with so much bu****it not fact checked information.

Rella’s Hub prides itself on making sure they find the right information and products for our members and followers.

Menopause! Boy oh boy this topic has so much miss information, and a subject that people don’t want to talk about or even understand.

This is a great podcast and worth the time to listen to it to be informed by Lisa Mosconi

Like death it’s something we will go though as women, there is no skipping it, and it’s important for men to understand.

‎The Rich Roll Podcast: Neuroscientist Dr. Lisa Mosconi On Menopause, Hormone Health, & Alzheimer’s Prevention on Apple Podcasts ‎Show The Rich Roll Podcast, Ep Neuroscientist Dr. Lisa Mosconi On Menopause, Hormone Health, & Alzheimer’s Prevention - 11 Mar 2024


We wish our member Christie Beech a great run today at the Ultra Trail Australia 22km race. The UTA22 is a challenging yet fun trail race that takes in all the beauty of the Blue Mountains; we can’t wait to hear all about it.

Christie encountered a few obstacles during her preparation, but her dedicated training and recovery have paid off, and she is ready to perform exceptionally.

Run well and, most importantly, enjoy the day, soak it all in.


Social Saturday Guest Coach

This weekend, both coaches are away competing; Richard is stepping in for Silvio to give his spin on Boxing and self-defence.

Richard comes in with a wealth of knowledge and years of experience in Karate and Boxing, both in and out of the ring. He has been training under Silvio since our Social Saturdays began and moving his body with Cindy since 2020. Richard has successfully had 2 knee replacements in this time and now moves like a new man with a new understanding of the better way to train and move his body to prevent injuries.

We look forward to seeing Richard step up to coaching status regularly.

Bookings essential; beginners welcome

Photos from Rella's Strength & Wellness Hub's post 17/03/2024

In May have 4 teams completing and while the weather is still being kind, a few headed out for a trek along the bayside coastline to get some Km in the legs.

We welcome anyone keen to join our walks on Sundays to help keep our walkers company. Salt air, nature and good company is great for the soul and your health.
We still have opportunity for anyone wanting to join our trekking team, it’s not too late!

Movement is medicine, and movement is life

Fitness with a difference


We have CPR training and refresher happening at Rellas this Saturday at 12pm
A few spots have opened up.

If you need your refresher or want to learn. $85

Email [email protected]

Photos from Rella's Strength & Wellness Hub's post 06/03/2024

March Madness!
Completely MADNESS
Naboso Mats are 40% off during March. (Link in Bio)

We are a big fan of Naboso at Rella’s, and the training mats make a regular appearance in our group training sessions because we love the benefits it offers our clients while they are moving, either barefoot or groundwork, to stimulate the nervous system and enhance movement.

Every time you take a step, the nerves in your feet send thousands of signals to your brain.
Your brain then tells your body how to react to the surfaces you are stepping on.
More signals to the brain and body means stronger feet, better balance, and the ability to move and feel your best.

If you prefer to use shoes while you move but would love the same benefits as above, there are insoles with the same stimulation, and I can highly recommend them as I have felt the benefits on myself and seen the benefits on our clients. You can get another 10% off products using my “rella10” code at the checkout.
You will find the link in our Bio to access this amazing March Madness Sale.
Rella’s is always committed to finding the right products, advice, and training for its members to ensure their health, strength, and wellness remains our top priority.

You will find the link in our Bio to access this amazing March Madness Sale.

Movement is medicine
Movement is life
And life is sensory

Photos from Rella's Strength & Wellness Hub's post 28/02/2024

🤩We are celebrating another milestone! 🤩

🎉This is a BIG one, our first 600 sessions at Rella's Hub.🎉

is one of our original members and has achieved much over the last 5 years while training with Rella's. We have maintained her body in good working order so she can continue with her running goals. Christie has a huge trail run coming up later in the year, and we can't wait to see her complete the course.

Christie reaps the benefits of our Boutique group sessions, training 3 days a week to fit in with her running program. This makes it easy for us to program the groups to consider her goals to be stronger, increase her mobility and stay injury-free.

Christie inspires and creates a sense of community in group sessions. It's heartwarming to see the members working and supporting each other and why I created the boutique small groups to build confidence and connection.

What I love most is that she has kept each certificate I have presented her with and said, "it says a lot about the trainer, sticking around for 600 sessions" We couldn't agree more.

Congratulations, Christie, on the 600 session, along with a strong, well body!

Train with purpose for a purpose.

Movement is medicine, and movement is life
Fitness with a difference


New Timetable means more opportunities to improve your health through movement.

Prepare, Perform, and Regenerate to Thrive.

Our 45-minute group sessions are limited to 6 participants. Our approach is designed to ensure personalised attention with a supportive, safe and non-judgmental environment that empowers and inspires, allowing you to build confidence away from the large gym crowds to enhance your overall Health Function, Fitness, and Performance for everyday life.

Our sessions are tailored to fit all fitness levels and are more than just a workout; we pride ourselves on creating a space where success feels destined when you walk in, allowing you to thrive in a community that celebrates each victory, big or small. With us, you will find a sanctuary where you can focus on your Wellness away from crowds and immerse in a journey that enhances every aspect of your life.

The benefit of training at Rella’s is that we are the link that brings your fitness and health together, providing an opportunity to find solutions to move, live and feel better.

The champions of sustainable Wellness

Movement is medicine, and movement is life
Fitness with a difference

Photos from Rella's Strength & Wellness Hub's post 23/02/2024

We invest in our education to serve our Rella’s Hub community.

It was an honour to host FeelSOMA level 2 immersion with these fine humans 2 weeks ago, allowing Rella’s Hub to be used as intended for Education, Health and Wellness, allowing our members the opportunity to find solutions to move, live and feel better.

We are excited about the future of Rella’s Hub as we continue to work hard behind the scenes to align with our values and purpose. So keep an eye out in the not-to-distant future for the new look of Rella’s Hub for 2024.
An authentic health-centred fitness facility, we are the missing link to your health and wellness journey.

Movement is medicine, and movement is life
Fitness with a difference


Did you know there are 33 joints in our feet, and joints are designed to move. When you wear shoes that are not right for your feet, they stop the natural motion, causing pain up the chain in your body.

We at Rella's want you to love your feet s much as we do by wearing shoes that allow them to function as they were designed to.

Your footwear should match your activity, not because they look good or you paid so much money. Runners are designed for running, not gym sessions, lifting and shifting weight.

Things to look for in a shoe to allow your feet to function correctly are
👟Thin sole
👟Wide toe box
👟Zero drop
👟Flexible (be able to twist and curl the shoe)

We are lucky enough to be able to offer our members 20% off online or instore until February 25th. Click on the link in our Bio and use the code: RELLA


What do you do to nurture your soul? Laying or even dancing in the rain is something that brings joy.

Simple things and small things can create big changes in your health and wellness journey.

What brings you immense joy?


🥰Music to my ears! 🥰

Hearing this statement last night from my client Helen made my heart smile. My purpose behind opening Rella's Hub was to provide a venue where people could come to
Move their bodies.
Understand and learn about their bodies.
Improve their movement and health.
Reduce chronic conditions such as hypertension and remove medications they no longer need.
Be an active role in their children's/grandchildren's lives.
Increased energy and zest for life.
Feel inspired to be more active and try things they never thought possible.
Link them to great allied Health & medical practitioners when needed.
I love Helen's dedication to her health and longevity to feel stronger and improve her wellness. Helen was referred to me by an allied health professional. She immediately knew that it was the right decision with her current job; now 12 months on, with lifestyle choices and changes, Helen is thriving in life, so much so she has also inspired her Adult children, who have children, to get back to the gym for their health to be active parents.

The statement I love that she also gave me, "You are the sphere of influence", changing people's lives directly and indirectly.

Movement is medicine, and movement is life
Fitness with a difference


Celebrating another milestone

Congratulations to Riley for making it to 100 sessions.
It took some time but they got there in the end, I’m always proud when clients reach a milestone, that’s 100 days dedicated to their health and wellness, leaning new ways to move your body that you can do in and away from our sessions.

Congratulations again for reaching 100 sessions, I know you were eager to reach it!

Movement is medicine, and movement is life.
Fitness with a difference

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Videos (show all)

One of the things I cherish about my career is the opportunity to collaborate with exceptional clients.  Phoebe and Greg...
"🎉 5 Years of Rellas Hub and Just Getting Started! 🌟Five incredible years to date, can you believe it? And what an adven...
Day 24 MindfulnessTomorrow is the big dance, Christmas Day! By now, you are exhausted, preparing for the day; however, i...
Day 23
Day 20 - Tennis BallGrab a tennis ball,  and have some fun. If you don't have a wall, bounce the ball on the ground simi...
Day 19 - Caffeine-free Day I heard that Gasp!  By mid-December, you are running on the smell of an oily rag and struggli...
Day  18 - Walking Backwards 🚶‍♀️🚶🚶‍♂️We are always walking forward, so why not switch things up and add some backward wa...
Day 13 - SmileDid you know that smiling can positively impact your overall well-being? When you smile, your body release...
Day 9 - BreathingWhen was the last time you thought about the way you breathe?Breathing wins out every time, and knowing...
If you can't do this, walk an actual dog. As long as you are moving, that's all that matters.Walking the dog is one of m...
ay 7 - Talking to a stranger While meeting new people can be nerve-wracking for many of us, conversations with strangers...
Day 6 - Bare feet.Some laugh when I say I have a foot fetish, but not for the reason you think. The feet are one of the ...




Factory 8, 91-95 Tulip Street
Kingston, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 5:30am - 12pm
3:30pm - 7pm
Tuesday 6am - 12pm
3:30pm - 7pm
Wednesday 5:30am - 12pm
3:30pm - 7pm
Thursday 6am - 12pm
3:30pm - 7pm
Friday 6am - 12pm

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