Karinda Wholistix

I help women with period problems & stress to harmonise their hormones and feel their best, naturally. Online / Malvern (VIC)

Using natural medicine & holistic tools, I can help you with PCOS, Endometriosis, Painful Periods, PMS and Post-Pill Care. Karinda is a degree-qualified Naturopath, Certified Teacher in Natural Fertility Education, Menstrual Cycle Awareness Coach & Naturopathic Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA) member. Her passion is supporting women in resolving their period problems & hormonal imbalance

‎Optimise: 4 // Optimise your Menstrual Health, Cycle Awareness + Nervous System with Naturopath Karinda on Apple Podcasts 13/08/2024

Hey friends! I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Sophie Kate for her new Optimise podcast🎙

Turns out to be one of my favourite podcast interviews to date! We cover some of the most important aspects of my work as a naturopath & menstrual cycle educator: why having periods is important, how to connect to each phase of your cycle, how your nervous system is the key to hormone balance, and ways to holistically & practically support yourself as a female with a body that changes every week of the month.

If you have a menstrual cycle (or love someone who does), I think you'll find a few juicy insights & busted myths in this episode. May it be of benefit :)

‎Optimise: 4 // Optimise your Menstrual Health, Cycle Awareness + Nervous System with Naturopath Karinda on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Optimise, Ep 4 // Optimise your Menstrual Health, Cycle Awareness + Nervous System with Naturopath Karinda - 8 Aug 2024

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 05/05/2024

post inspired by a lovely stranger at the Phillip Island Woolies who overheard .forrester.naturopath and I talking about ingredients in pre-made falafels & vegan protein products, and then asked us if we knew what foods were good to avoid for endo - first I'm focusing on foods that I WOULD focus on if I was actively trying to naturally manage endo & avoid endo flare ups / prevent period pain

hope this helps!

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 02/05/2024

there WAS a root cause for your period problems when you first started menstruating.

those problems CAN re-appear in your life, after being on hormonal contraception (or even during!), if that root cause wasn't investigated or addressed.

so let's get to the bottom of it, shall we? 🤝

I have Tuesday + Friday availabilities for Connection Calls ✨☎️

→ that's just what I call a free, quick chat that we have, where we get to meet each other on Zoom, talk about what's going on for you, your health & your hormones. then I'll let you know how I think I can weave some naturopathy & functional, wholistic medicine into your life to bring your hormones into harmony! plus, you get to ask any questions about the journey, how I work, what to expect, etc.

→ most gals who book in with me are wanting support for: PMS or PMDD, period pain (endo or adeno or fibroids or no diagnosis), PCOS, irregular cycles, or wanting to prepare to come off birth control.
→ I also help clients resolve HPV naturally & love to help anything v***a-related (bc v***a complaints often get overlooked!) - thrush, BV, etc.

Usually there's a mix of things going on - digestive issues, lots of stress, maybe some insomnia or skin concerns - so don't feel like your symptoms need to fit in a perfect lil box or label to be able to work with me. Come as you are!

You can book yourself in online, or send a lil message my way to get the process started.

I can't wait to help you discover that easeful, regular periods & embracing your WHOLE hormonal cycle are possible for you 🤩


There is a force in these mOdErN times we find ourselves in;
A force that loves to convince women that there is something wrong with their cyclical bodies.
A force that LOVES to medicalise & pathologise your female body for being a female body
(and in other cases, is quick to dismiss your concerns when something IS off. oooh, love that for us!! 🫠)

🩸This includes the imbalances that can appear with your first period (a time where your body is adjusting to huge hormonal influences that prior to weren't apart of the equation)

🌀 And during childbirth, where you are literally in one of the most potent earthly portals of all time, your being is flooded with instinctual cues on how to birth a baby, and you're told to lay on a hospital bed, encouraged to be cut/poked/prodded/drugged, and not always fully informed of what's being done to your body, because it's easier for the health professionals that way?

🥀 and menopause! Don't even get me started! You don't menstruate forever. Your hormones will naturally drop off. Absolutely, there are things that can be done re: nutrition & lifestyle to smooth this transition. But it's almost classified as a disease to be treated with synthetic hormones? Sorry what???

Can we just let our bodies BLEED & BREATHE & BE & AGE as they are destined to?

I don't believe this modern force is greater than the life force within you; the life force that is constantly showing you how beautiful, powerful and NATURAL your human body is in all it's menstruating, cervical-mucus-producing, climaxing, baby-birthing, ovulating & menopausing glory.

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 25/04/2024

💫⏳⌛️⏳💫 How delicious it is that we have all this time & space & energy to create with 💫⏳⌛️⏳💫

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 22/04/2024

Taking the oral contraceptive pill potentially:

• B2
• B6
• B9
• B12
• Vitamin C
• Zinc
• Magnesium, selenium and zinc

- Vitamin K
- Iron
- Copper

These nutrients play a HUGE ROLE in not only your hormone health, but also:
→ DNA synthesis & health
→ Immune function
→ Energy & oxygen carrying capacity
→ Liver health
→ Cognition & mental health
→ Skin quality & tissue repair

Just something to be aware of if you're currently taking the pill, OR if you've recently stopped taking it.

This can be a huge cause for how symptoms come back with a vengeance after stopping the pill (like acne, breakouts, period pain or even irregular cycles) - but of course, stopping a medication and your ovaries + brain coming back "online" to your own hormonal rhythm can cause symptoms while your body adjusts and gets back into the swing of things 💃

Listen to episode 3 of the Oh My Me**es podcast where I cover this issue in depth! 🎙

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 16/04/2024

Your OG period problems weren't caused by not being on the pill...
So what WAS going on?

And has this root cause been addressed since you've come off the pill?

If not, it's possible that those original hormonal symptoms or period problems can come back (sometimes with a vengeance... eep!)

My FAVE and highly recommended areas to focus on to give your hormones the best chance of balance & thriving: food/nutrition, sleep, movement/exercise, light (that's a new one hehe) and nervous system/emotional regulation.

I've got a couple of episodes on my Oh My Me**es podcast about the pill - some facts, some stories, some thoughts. Tune in on Apple or Spotify!

P.S/A post for a later time - there seems to be this phenomenon among those who've taken the pill (including my clients/friends/fam and even myself) where there comes a point when it just doesn't feel "right" to be on it anymore; we don't necessarily have all the facts or clear understanding of the harm it may be causing, but there's this strong inkling to get off it and start looking at another form of birth control (if that's what you were on it for). What is this? Intuition? Feminine instinct? Our hormones rising up to reclaim their throne in our bodies? I'm curious! Feel free to share your takes or if you've experienced this phenom' before.

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 15/04/2024

some inspiration: areas in ya life where you can take action or make a lil change, to zhoush up your hormones & have a better experience within your cyclical, female body ✨🌈🌷

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 14/04/2024

Based on what my clients diagnosed with PCOS have told me (and my own journey!), their doctors & gynos make it seem like it's a syndrome "you just have" for no apparent reason... like you either got it or ya don't, and once ya got it, ya got it forever.

I'm here to bring some nuanced & empowering PIZZAZ into this convo and clarify: there ARE factors that cause hormone imbalance to start in your body, which can then develop/grow/exacerbate/persist, and then become chronic, and then create a state of unwellness.

I get that it might be easier to go along with the "oh well, guess I just got this thing that impacts my life and health in X ways" - like if there's nothing you can do about it, there's no point in stressin' about it, right?

But, as I continue to move through this human experience... I'm being reminded of the importance of knowing/finding what IS within our POWER & control in all given moments. ESPECIALLY when it comes to our bodies, health & healing.

And I never thought I'd quote Spiderman in a caption???? But here it goes: "with great power comes great responsibility."
Oooft! Any other responsibility-phobes out there shuddering and cringing with me? I've been thereeeee, heck I've LIVED there, and still visit there some days.

Again, I get it. Not taking responsibility or accountability offers *A* sense of a sort-of freedom... to a certain, limited extent.

I think it is human nature to inevitably go towards your inner power.
Even if it's in miniscule ways.
I think tapping into our power would bring about a better human experience for all of us, anyway.

So yes, let's lament/rejoice together:
"omg, my health is such a responsibility, blaahhhh"
"omg, my health is within power, I am the creatrix of my life, weeoooowww!"

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 11/04/2024

There's a big difference between what's normal/to be expected in modern healthcare for women...

And how I work.

If you're digging what I'm laying down on the second slide, rest assured that YES, that kind of healthcare exists. And yes, it's available to you.

Feeling called to start making some changes to your health to balance your hormones, calm your PMS and improve your periods? Comment "connect" to get started or browse my links to book a free connection call

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 10/04/2024

some different thoughts on PCOS compared to most of the PCOS content goin' around town 🤷‍♀️

and in classic Karinda fashion, I'm encouraging you to err on the side of not getting to attached to any labels or diagnoses, because you're a bloody lot more than that xx

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 10/04/2024

Diagnosis CAN be great, helpful, insightful, validating, relieving, life-changing.

BUT... it's not the whole picture. In fact, in the work I do, it's just a tiny piece of the puzzle.

(not to mention the science of diagnosis can be a tricky and sometimes subjective/limiting one...)

I'm not really concerned with your diagnoses as much as I'm concerned with what's happening in your body, and what your experiences are. They can't really be summed up in a label or a disease name.

My focus then becomes understanding your internal (body) and external (living) environments, as well as your history, to get to know how & why these symptoms are coming about for you.

Of course, symptom support is a part of the process, because your ability to thrive and live well in your body is important! And I know first hand how stubborn hormonal symptoms or pain can limit that.

After understanding these root drivers for your symptoms, we can then take ACTION to create a different environment: one in which dis-ease and symptoms cannot thrive. We do this as naturally and sustainably as possible: lots of work on your diet, nutrition, hydration, movement, lifestyle, mindset, and select customised herbal/nutritional supplements to boot.

So just remember, diagnosis or no diagnosis, we CAN work with whatever is happening for you.

If you're keen to explore how this sorta healing path could help you overcome your PMS, reduce your monthly menstrual pain, help clear your hormonal acne or regulate your cycles - let's connect!

Book in for a free Connection Call where together we can suss out how working together could help pave your way to hormonal harmony using the healing power of nature & truly WHOLISTIC medicine. Comment "connect" or visit my links to get started!

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 02/04/2024

This thread in one sentence?
There's probably a reason (or two) for the way you're feeling.

The best part?
There are an abundance of things within your control that you can tap into to shift how you're feeling (yay!)

I only cover a few things here, ofc there are endless things that can influence your being - these are just some of my go-to basics.

BONUS (which should've been more obvious, given it's me!) ask yourself: where am I at in my current cycle?
If you don't have a menstrual cycle, you can also ask yourself:
where is the moon at in her cycle?
where am I at in my season of life? how could that be impacting me?

Aaaand I left you hanging at the last side there re: somatic & soothing practices, so I'll mention some here.

For somatic practices to help release emotions, I love: whole body shaking, hip opening stretches/rocking, rocking while laying on the floor, nerve/fascia flossing, and I can never go past a good Qigong sesh.

For soothing support after you've identified/released: havening (gentle self stroking of the face and/or arms), self-touch with a belly/foot massage, emotional freedom technique (tapping) to help recenter & focus on what you DO WANT to feel, the basic vagus nerve exercise.

If you're curious about any of these practices, I always have videos/links I love to share! Simply reach out and ask for what you're after. Always practice responsibly + with self-responsibility, especially if it's something you haven't engaged in before.

Remember the amazing power that you ALWAYS have access to, to change how you're thinking, feeling & being. Love ya 😘

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 27/02/2024

fashionably late to my version of INs for 2024 💃 🙃

I dive into each of these more in the latest episode of the Oh My Me**es podcast🩸🎧 on Apple & Spotify
→ with part 2 of the episode coming later this week

which of these are calling for your attention this year? lmk in the DMs or comment below 💕

P.S → if you’re wanting tailored support for your period problems & hormonal imbalances, you can book a free chat with me to map out your hormone healing journey ✨

→ new to the world of cycle tracking & getting to know your body’s signs? download my FREE cycle tracking guide to get the down-low on tracking your menstrual cycle like the Queen you are 👑💃

Cycle Teas • Hormone Imbalance & Menstrual Cycle Naturopath • Karinda Wholistix • Online, Melbourne 06/02/2024


Catch Lewin Naturopathy & I chatting all things menstrual cycles, cycle tracking and our lovely range of teas - tailored to each phase of the female cycle: https://www.instagram.com/p/C29XGaXvt-8/

Learn more & shop the Cycle Tea Range here: https://www.karindawholistix.com.au/cycle-teas

Cycle Teas • Hormone Imbalance & Menstrual Cycle Naturopath • Karinda Wholistix • Online, Melbourne cycle teas organic herbs plant medicine to support you through each cycle phase oh my me**es feelin' follicular it's o-time luteal & lovin' it locally made naturopath formulated cycle teas organic herbs plant medicine to support you through each cycle phase oh my me**es feelin' follicular it's o-tim...

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 02/02/2024

me, myself & Karinda Wholistix (s’all me lol) 🌈 are BACK IN ACTION 🔥 for 2024 🎉 to help women like you get to the ROOT of your hormone imbalances ⚖️ & period problems 🩸
& guide you HOLISTICALLY and SUSTAINABLY back into vital balance ✨ using…

→ natural medicines & the healing power of nature
→ cycle awareness & connection
→ intuition reignition & embodiment
→ nervous system regulation
→ food as medicine
→ customised herbal & energetic medicine

Because irregular cycles. period pain, PMS & feeling like 💩 don’t have to be your reality 🤷🏻‍♀️

And limiting, “quick-fix” options that suppress your body’s natural functions also aren’t the only solutions you need to settle for 👋

✨ free resources & blogs on my website → karindawholistix.com.au
✨ low cost resources like the Cycle Power Bundle to kickstart your cycle connection
✨ tailored 3 & 6 month journeys to help you get to the bottom of things & revitalise yourself → book a free connection call 📞 to explore which option is best for you

+ more to come, no doubt ✌️

thanks for being here 🫶
love from your online hormone naturopath & womb witch,
Karinda 😘

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 13/11/2023

"SORRY, not sorry; I'm here to show you the truth, babe"
— Karinda, on behalf of your luteal phase

Ahh, the 🖤 Luteal Phase 🖤

Instead of offering you some tips to make PMS smoother, I'm taking a page out of Luteal Phase's book to focus on the raw, hard truth.

FIRST: no doubt that mental/emotional symptoms and mental health can be directly impacted by hormone imbalances, especially in the luteal phase.


If you find yourself thinking the same thoughts,
worrying about the same things,
feeling the same emotions at the same time of the month...

It might be your body & soul telling you that something needs to change.

How most of us are taught to deal with these thoughts, worries and feelings... is through avoidance, distraction or denial.

(Or the opposite end of the spectrum, taking all thoughts/feelings as absolute truth and being totally overtaken by them).

This puts us in a state of resistance, rather than acceptance.

And you may have heard this before; "what you resist, persists."

The thoughts double down.
The worries triple.
The feelings grow ten-fold.

That state of resistance & feeling out-of-sorts is not the place that you can make empowered decisions or see the truth clearly from.

So what can we do differently?

We are not often taught how to sit with these uncomfortable feelings.
We're not shown how to get curious about our thoughts and emotions.

It's a skill that's built slowly overtime, and it starts with your courage & awareness.

A courage to face harsh emotions, thoughts & reality.
And an awareness to sit with whatever is coming up for you.

(The naturopath in me says, "and make sure you're tracking the emotions & thought patterns with your cycle!)

Then get curious about them.
Take note of the patterns of your mindset shifts and mood changes.
Slow down. Sit with them.
Ask them what they're trying to show you.
Acknowledge which parts of you are feeling the feels or thinking the thoughts (it's usually a part that feels ignored or scared, often our inner child).

Write it out. Dance it out. Talk it out.

Slowly but surely, clarity will land.

Photos from Leah Hechtman's post 10/11/2023

Your nervous system is always having a direct convo with your hormonal systems.

As a female, you have an AMAZING line of communication between your brain & your ovaries, called the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian (HPO) axis
(hypothalamus & pituitary are glands in your brain)

Your brain always STARTS the convo with your ovaries. Your brain is also always up for detecting stress. And when it comes to biology, stress is stress, whether it's real or imagined; whether it's happening right now in front of you, or whether you're thinking about things past or things that could be.

If your brain is busy prioritising these stressors & spending more time talking to your adrenal glands to help protect your body from the stress... it ain't gonna have time for your ovaries.

And the key event that creates the menstrual cycle, Ovulation, is HANGING on your brain's every word.

Your ovaries & oestrogen levels might be ready to ovulate... but they've been left on read by your brain, so they don't have the final go-ahead to release that egg.

The result of this is = longer cycles, delayed or suppressed ovulation, no or low progesterone production... which then creates more PMS, period problems & longer term issues.

The point being, when it comes to your hormone health, it all starts with ovulation.
And when it comes to ovulation, it all starts with your brain & nervous system.

If you're finding yourself stressed, thinking stressful thoughts or feeling stressful emotions, try one of these for the next week & see if that changes things:
1. Qi gong
2. Alternate Nostril Breathing
3. Dancing & Shaking
4. Exercising that works up a sweat
5. Screaming into a pillow or punching (safely)
6. Vagal Toning Exercises for your vagus nerve
7. Video or written journalling out all your thoughts/memories/feelings that are playing around in your mind
8. EFT Tapping

And my overall take on stress management is that we should
(1) RELEASE and then (2) RELAX

So focus on something that fully acknowledges the feelings & helps discharge them first (to close out the stress loop), THEN try something that helps bring the nervous system into a calmer, grounded state (to recover from the stress)


The harshness & grit of the luteal phase doesn't have to be all doom & gloom...

Let's be optimists and try to find the opportunity in this dark, tense & challenging vibe.

Through our follicular & ovulatory phases, life can feel easy breezy; like nothing's a problem, everything is "just fine".

But under the surface... there's something not quite right.

There's something deeper, beneath the "just fine"...
Something more substantial, satisfying, fulfilling, meaningful, exhilarating...
An opportunity we have access to...
That our soul is trying to show us.

And if we settle for a "just fine" life, and "just fine" jobs, circumstances, relationships, experiences... we're locked out of access to a more meaningful & plump life that our soul desires.

She will dig and dig and dig... until she finds that deep, submerged truth that your soul is longing to explore.
And she's gonna shine a light upon that OR anything that's getting in the way of it.

It might be hard to look at.
Because that truth is probably going to ask you to change some things.
Set some boundaries. Rearrange your life a bit.

And change is hard.

"Comfortable is our safe place!" your ego will bargain.
"F**k that, we're ready for the next level, baby!" your soul retorts.

This tension can manifest as mood swings, rage, crying, screaming, feeling overwhelmed, depression, anxiety;
And we seek comfort in ways we know how to: food, TV, drugs, alcohol, people, distractions.

Meanwhile, your soul longs for something deeper, richer, more meaningful.

A life that might require more bravery.
Courage. More vulnerability. More risk. Leaps of faith. Trusting more deeply.

A life that might mean quitting a job. Saying yes to a risky opportunity. Ending a relationship. Committing to a relationship. Changing your living situation. Moving to the other side of the planet. Breaking a habit or two (or 3).

Change? Yes.
Potential for a better life that allows you to tap into your full potential? Only you know the answer to that.
My point? Your menstrual cycle is showing you all these truths & insights.

Imagine - all this wisdom from your MENSTRUAL CYCLE alone! It's beyond biology.
If that ain't magick, idk what is!

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 01/11/2023

Benefit of knowing & tracking your cycle phases  #53748:

🙌 when you know you’re approaching ovulation in your follicular phase, you can PLAN to get those ‘sets and reps’ in for new habits you want to stick to.

Why tho? 🤔

• more oestrogen leading up to ovulation
• brain likes oestrogen → more serotonin & dopamine (yum)
• more of these 🧠 chemicals = better mood, more motivation = easier to do the “good habit” things that might be harder to practice in other times of your cycle (shout out to my neurodivergent gals)
• practicing those habits when it’s easier to do so = formation of new neural pathways = easier to do those things more consistently = health/life gets better! ✨

→ peep the 2nd last slide for some ideas of the kind of supportive habits I’m talking about 😏

❓Which new habit/routine/ritual/practice are you going to hone in on during your next ovulatory phase? LMK in the comments! 👀🫶

THANK YOU OVULATION for making life easier & breaking down our barriers to FEELING GOOD! 🙏

🩸Periods are cool, but Ovulation is the real MVP ✨🤙

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 01/11/2023

Benefit of knowing & tracking your cycle phases #53748:

🙌 when you know you’re approaching ovulation in your follicular phase, you can PLAN to get those ‘sets and reps’ in for new habits you want to stick to.

Why tho? 🤔

• more oestrogen leading up to ovulation
• brain likes oestrogen → more serotonin & dopamine (yum)
• more of these 🧠 chemicals = better mood, more motivation = easier to do the “good habit” things that might be harder to practice in other times of your cycle (shout out to my neurodivergent gals)
• practicing those habits when it’s easier to do so = formation of new neural pathways = easier to do those things more consistently = health/life gets better! ✨

→ peep the 2nd last slide for some ideas of the kind of supportive habits I’m talking about 😏

❓Which new habit/routine/ritual/practice are you going to hone in on during your next ovulatory phase? LMK in the comments! 👀🫶

THANK YOU OVULATION for making life easier & breaking down our barriers to FEELING GOOD! 🙏

🩸Periods are cool, but Ovulation is the real MVP ✨🤙

>> free 🌷cycle tracking guide🌷 to get to know your FULL cycle & ovulation. Comment GUIDE to get it 👇

>> ⚡️Cycle Power Bundle⚡️ ($67 for 20 resources) to get into the nitty gritty of each phase, supporting your hormones naturally, understanding your fertility & my protocols for common symptoms like period pain + PMS. Also features the notes from my “All About Ovulation” masterclass, which is about as ovulatory as it gets. Comment POWER & I’ll share the link👇🔻👇


Your hormones are very wise messengers - they'll let you know when something's out of balance ⚖️

The next time you may feel a reactive urge to insult, blame or verbally beat up your hormones, take a moment…

To remember all the cells that are endlessly working.
The cells that make up tissues, that make up organs, that make up systems, that produce hormones to control every ounce of activity in your body… that somehow make up your entire being.
The microbiomes that impact just about every aspect of your health.
The autonomic nervous system that keeps your lungs breathing 🫁 & your heart beating🫀

And then take a moment to reflect on all the things that influence your brilliant body & hormones.

The air.
Your water intake.
What you eat. Enough protein? High processed sugar intake? Fibre? Fats?
What your mother ate when you were growing within her.
Exposure to chemicals on a daily basis.
What you inhale, by choice or not.
Medications you use or have used.
Supplements you take or don’t take.
Skincare & makeup.
Hair products.
Your thoughts — how you speak to yourself.
Exposure to sunlight.
The people around you.
Mould. Pesticides. Endocrine disrupters.
If your mitochondria have all they need to efficiently make energy.
Anything that’s adding a burden to your detoxification systems.
— just about everything.

Before targeting your hormones (and essentially shooting the messenger), take a look at 1 or 2 of the factors listed above.

Which aspect can you take action on, to make your body’s job just a little easier? Even 1% easier? Just for today, or this week, or this month?

Who knows… your hormones might just start to be your BFFs, and your body will show you how much impact 1% can have ✨💖✨

>> Looking for tailored, direct support for your hormone balancing journey? It could be period pain, PCOS, PMS or coming off the pill — I can help you get to the ROOT of what's causing your symptoms, and correct any imbalances naturally & sustainably... so you can thrive in your cyclical, female body 🫶

>> November is my last call to start the Harmonised Hormones journey with me in 2023. Next intake for new clients will be Feb '24. Book your free call today!

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 20/10/2023

>> Wanting to connect with your menstrual cycle to achieve a deeper sense of wellness & hormone balance? I’ve got 20+ guides, protocols, templates & resources on period pain, PMS, fertility, hormones + more ready n’ waiting for you. Check out my Cycle Power Bundle for $27

>> You can always dive into my FREE Cycle Tracking Guide if you’re looking for an easy entry point into getting to know your cycle (from a WHOLISTIC perspective)

>> One-on-one Harmonised Hormones journeys are available to begin in November & December 2023 (3 or 6 month options). If you're ready to get to the root of your hormone imbalance, painful periods or irregular cycles, book in for a free Connection Call today


Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 17/10/2023

A quote that inspired me recently (it popped up on Instagram a couple of weeks ago & now I can’t find the source, classic) — said something along the lines of the grieving journey not being a matter of the grief becoming smaller over time, to the point that it doesn’t effect you anymore, and that's how you "move on".

But instead, that LIFE grows bigger and bigger, around your grief — to a point where you can experience the fullness that life has to offer.

It's not about having to minimise or let go of grief.

It's about choosing not to turn away from life & living fully, even in times of grief.

How can you say yes to life, even in times of grief?

Sometimes the pressure on “letting go” of the grief can be even more heartbreaking than what we're grieving, spiralling us into shame or guilt if we’re not “healing fast enough”.

But grief is here to be felt, processed, and ultimately, can help bring us deeper into love (I believe). It’s not something that you have to rid yourself of.

If you’re experiencing ANY kind of grief right now — big or small — I’m sending you big love. And I hope even a sliver of these words can offer you a sense of peace, hope or potential.

Photos from Karinda Wholistix's post 25/09/2023

are your hormones screaming at you? 🫣 (aka experiencing hormone imbalance?)

yep, I’ve been there too 😓

and even with all my time at uni, expertise & experience in women’s health + hormones, it’s still a daily, intentional practice for me to tune into to the WHISPERS of my hormones & body 🧘🏻‍♀️ so that I can make changes to support hormone harmony ⚖️

…and I also had to learn to put down my arms & stop shooting the innocent messenger (sorry for how past Karinda treated you, hormones!) 🤷🏻‍♀️🙈

DW, if you need help in figuring out
(1) what your hormones & periods are telling you, and
(2) wtf to do about it

I’ve got your back:

💖 FREE → Cycle Tracking Guide. A thorough, wholistic guide onto how to track your WHOLE cycle (more than just your period! — lots of info that wasn’t part of the default education most of us got growing up 🫠)

⚡️ $27 → my ~hot off the digital press~ Cycle Power Bundle! A collection of 20 resources to guide you into deeper understanding of your cycle, hormones & periods. It’s the kind of bundle I wish we were all gifted before we hit puberty… and it’s something I’m determined to have 100 women equipped with by my 28th birthday (in less than a month!). Comment “cycle power” & I’ll send you the link! $27 for a limited time only⚡️

🔥💞OR, if you’re ready for a deeper + longer term investment → Harmonised Hormones could be for you. It’s a 3 or 6 month package, online, one-on-one, “hands-on” with holistic naturopathy; to help you get to the ROOT of your hormone imbalances, so you can feel VITAL in your body, naturally & sustainably 🌸
The journey is totally tailored to you. You can book a free connection call (totally obligation free!) to see if this path is right for you 🙏 💻

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Videos (show all)

💫 YOU BETTER BELIEVE I’ll be on your case like Detective Olivia Benson. Or Detective Stabler. Whichever way you swing.(I...
when you lean into & connect to your own cycles as a human on Earthyou are instantly connected to the power of Nature; t...
The thing I’ve been wanting to talk about all week… finally got around to it! 😅I’ll let the vid do most of the talking —...
✨ NEW INSIGHTS ON PCOS ✨…or:“how naturopaths have been informing their treatment of PCOS for years, that medical science...
IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME! 👏That you all get to meet the members of my recent passion project with @lewinnaturopathy 🥰 (or ou...
I've started to include this cute lil onion in my treatment plans to remind my patients that the sustainable healing jou...



https://www.karindawholistix.com.au/podcasts, http://www.karindawholistix.com.au/bo


13/360 Reserve Road
Kingston, VIC

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm

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