Ling Dao Academy

Ling Dao: Way of the Soul - pathway to the authentic self. Kung Fu, Qi Gong, Reiki, QHHT & More

Photos from Tasmanian Martial Arts Council's post 30/07/2024

It was great to share with the TMAC again! Thanks to all who assisted and participated. See you at the next seminar.


Winter - Finding stillness in the chill.
Living with the seasons and embracing the cycles of nature is a long held philosophy of classical martial arts of China and Japan.

As natural beings, when we live work and train with the seasons we allow our systems to maintain homeostasis for health and vitality. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Daoist philosophy, winter is the most yin of seasons, it is the season of the water element, the kidneys and the bladder, the emotions of fear and impatience, and a deep blue colour.

In the macrocosm the spirit of water can be likened to the power of a hot spring, a geyser that shoots up from the ocean floor. In the human microcosm it is related to the power of the life force, the instincts and the driving urgency of ambition.

Winter comes after the harvest, energy contracts and is stored deeply in the roots of nature and retreats to the centre of our bodies. It is the season of regeneration, reflection and repair.
Winter is the time to nourish and support the kidneys.

In TCM, the kidneys store the essence that is received from food and air and is released when other organs need it. The essence we received from our parents is also stored in our kidneys. They are like the batteries of the body. The kidneys transform this essence into qi or energy.
We should focus on restoring kidney vitality to prepare for the coming spring and the energy of new growth and expansion. Winter is the time to care for ourselves and nurture our most vital structures.

In contrast, summer is the most yang of seasons. It is all go and do, explore and create from the heart with joy.
I once spoke with an Amish farmer about working with the seasons. He said; ‘I love summer, but by the end, I’m ready for a rest. I enjoy sitting by the fire and reading book’. Now is the time for such rest.

For the martial artist it is a time to ease on the high intensity cardio work and supplement it with work to refine our strength, stability and precision. It is the perfect season to go within and to cultivate stillness through qi gong and meditation. Finding stillness enhances our ability for focussed perception and our capacity to move with clarity and purpose, rather than just react.
In training, such meditative work helps us to appreciate and cultivate depth in our practice.

In our kung fu classes we are adding load to our strength work, focusing on stability. We are working to develop our six harmonies, the three internal (san nei he) and the three external (wei san he) through focused footwork and movement drills.

We are taking the opportunity to focus on the internal and through focused awareness develop the fourth harmony of spirit and intent - harmonising the emotional mind (xin) with the intention (yi). This is the gateway to the fifth and six harmonies.

However, all things must be balanced and winter can make us feel sluggish, so moving our bodies to generate heat and boost circulation and energy is not to be ignored. One can also embrace the chill and test one’s strength and mental fortitude through controlled cold exposure.

In summary, winter is the time to go within, to slow the intensity and focus on our strength work and our fundamentals.

It is a time to embrace the hush of the season for quiet reflection and meditation. We should seek to refine ourselves and our practices in preparation for the expanding energy and new growth of spring.



Hello all, I’m looking forward to being back on the mats with the TMAC for their next seminar. I’ll be sharing knife defence principles and techniques from our system. It will be great to share this with all levels of ability and experience!

Photos from Ling Dao Academy's post 30/06/2024

Congratulations to our wonderful juniors Nora, Anshu and Finn on their very successful first gradings. They have demonstrated significant growth through diligent practice. I am proud to say that their new sashes are well and truly deserved!
A big thank you to the families for their support.

Photos from Ling Dao Academy's post 01/06/2024

A huge congratulations to Charlie on his grading to yellow sash!
He demonstrated strength, skill, determination and an understanding of fundamental principles of Shaolin Gong Fu.
We are proud of his achievements and welcome his significant steps on the road to mastery!


Embracing Autumn: Martial Arts Training with the seasons.

We are part of nature and although that should be obvious, much of contemporary life and indeed martial arts training works against, rather than with this principle.

Most physical fitness training is based on doing the same things 365 days a year and many martial arts classes are the same. This kind of training does have its place, mainly in preparing young men for military service.

This kind of 20th Century militaristic thinking and practice has defined what many of us see as traditional martial arts training. When in fact martial arts training in harmony with the seasons is a traditional concept in eastern cultures and particularly Chinese and Japanese martial arts.

When this short-term type of training that ignores the seasons is done over a long period of time it begins to alienate us from our perception of nature and can be harmful to the body, mind and soul.

Our spirit is very resilient, but its home is the soul. The soul seeks harmony, balance, peace and joy. It is the soul that gives us our appreciation, empathy, kindness and humanity. It is the soul that responds to the seasons, and this affects our bodies. Ongoing suppression of our soul damages our psyche, immune systems, fitness and limits our potential skill level.

We are more than physical machines capable of cardio, strength work, stretching or basics forms and sparring. If we persist in training that disregards the seasons, our training becomes imbalanced.

A simple first step to training with the seasons is to align our practices with the laws of nature. We must remember our place in the flow of the seasons, both through the yearly cycles and through the seasons of our lives.

Autumn represents the element of metal, symbolizing clarity, precision, and determination. It is the end of the harvest and so it is the realisation of the efforts of the previous year.
During the Summer we should have pushed the limits of our skill and in doing so, found the points of weakness that are holding us back, this is the harvest.

Autumn is in two parts. The first is the tail end of summer in which we have the last few weeks of hot weather before the shift into colder nights and cooler days. In the first phase, we can still push fairly hard with last year’s plans. However, as the weather changes so should our training.

The energy of Autumn encourages us to find balance within ourselves and our training. It's a time to refine our techniques, focus on precision, and cultivate mental clarity.
True Autumn training is the preparation for winter. Winter is the season of hibernation and introspection, refinement and meditation. Autumn training should both support and prepare us for Winter.

Health based Qi Gong, strength, posture work and solid jiben Gong are great ways to support the body and the soul as it prepares for Winter. Leave behind the high-energy sessions of the Summer and use the fitness gained to support a higher level of refinement in the coming year.

Autumn teaches us the value of letting go and surrendering. As leaves fall, they create space for new growth. Similarly, in our martial arts journey, we must release attachment to our limitations and embrace the possibility of growth and transformation.

Incorporating Autumn's essence into your martial arts training will help you find balance, refine your techniques, and cultivate mental clarity.

True mastery takes time; this is the meaning of Gong Fu – persistent hard work over a long period of time.


Happy Easter everyone.
No classes on Monday.
Tuesday classes will run as usual.


Reminder of the seminar this weekend! We are looking forward to learning, sharing, catching up with old friends and making some new connections.

This year's first Tasmanian Martial Arts Council seminar will be held at the Launceston PCYC on March 24th at 11am. $10 members, $15 non members. This seminar will be hosted by Sensei James Garcia and Sensei Guy Facey with a focus on Self defence and Controlling techniques. All ages and abilities welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you there.


A short message about our new therapy QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique).


All classes will run as usual on Monday.
Enjoy the long weekend, see you at training!


Some 1 on 1 training with one of our wonderful juniors, working on Qi Mei Gun!


Hello Kung Fu fans, Here is video of one repetition of each of the steps of Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong. We begin our Kung Fu training with this fortify and fire up systems before moving on to other focussed training. This Qi Gong was developed by General Yue Fei in the Song Dynasty as a form of exercise for his soldiers. He taught the exercise to his men to help keep their bodies strong and well-prepared for battle. The strength and health benefits are truly remarkable!


Due to the forecast thunderstorm,
We will train in the Girl Guides Hall on Patterson st. See you there!


Hello martial friends, we will be joining this one. James holds multiple national and international karate titles. It promises to very good. The TMAC events are always safe, friendly and well run. Join us as we share and learn from each other.

This year's first Tasmanian Martial Arts Council seminar will be held at the Launceston PCYC on March 24th at 11am. $10 members, $15 non members. This seminar will be hosted by Sensei James Garcia and Sensei Guy Facey with a focus on Self defence and Controlling techniques. All ages and abilities welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you there.


Happy Lunar New Year,
A year of the Dragon!!
Let’s ride the dragon energy of courage and commitment to purpose. Bravely stepping up and being true to ourselves!
Tuesday nights Qi Gong class will celebrate this with a mix of fiery, yet fluid movements to awaken our inner dragons.


Reminder, tonight’s Kung Fu will be at St George’s Square 6-8pm!


Hello Kung Fu Fans,
Due to Festivale Wednesday training will be at St George’s Square 6-8pm!


A wonderful start to the 5 elements practice last night. It is lovely to meet new enthusiastic people. Many thanks for sharing practice! As requested, here is some information on Summer and the Fire Element.
The season of summer corresponds to the Fire Element and the emotions of joy and excitement. The fire element relates to the heart (yin) and the small intestine (yang).
Summer is the peak of nature’s expansion, so it is the optimum time for us to express our most yang aspects. It is the best time for action, adventure and living life to the fullest, nourishing our spirits. Summer’s sunshine encourages us to be more active through movement and play.
Energetically it is a powerful time for the positive transformation of energy and emotions. For example, we can work to covert resentment into compassion.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine the heart is considered to be the emperor of the body. When the heart is happy, healthy and balanced, the empire flourishes.
During our life, the spirit of fire resides in the centre of the heart. It continues to grow and guide us along our path through life. Its presence is reflected in the brightness of our eyes and our disposition.
Fire spirit shines from the heart of a young child as joy and delight, from an adolescent as romance and intellectual curiosity, and with maturity, transforms into the illumination of self-awareness and intuitive knowing. When we live from our hearts and follow our passions, we are true to ourselves.
In our Qi Gong classes we are now including practice specifically for the Summer and the element of fire. This practice includes dynamic relaxation and joyful energetic flow. We work to support the organs of the fire element, the heart and small intestine, regulating the physical aspects of the heart.
This process works to move energy, clear stagnation and transform negativity through a synergistic sequence of medical and spiritual Qi Gong.
Summer is the perfect time to open our hearts to the joy and wonder of the world and connect with our authentic selves.

Photos from Tasmanian Martial Arts Council's post 29/10/2023

It was great to be back on the floor with the TMAC! A big thanks to all who shared and participated in practicing their skills with a few laughs too. We are stronger together.
I’m grateful to be re-elected as Vice President of the TMAC, it is an honour to be working with a group of such passionate advocates for the benefits of martial arts. we will be running more of these seminars in 2024. Congratulations to James, our world champ and president on another great seminar.


Ekaterina’s work is always exceptional! This will be a wonderful experience.

Hello beautiful people,
Just a quick reminder about the Sound and meditation session tomorrow at 1pm. We are meeting at Room 8, Ground Floor, House of Prana. 127 George St. Launceston.
You may wish to bring a yoga mat or blanket to be comfortable. Pillows and bolsters will be provided. Herbal tea will be offered after the session.
There is still timecto book if you wish to join us.
I'm looking forward to our magical experience together.
Light and blessings, 🌼✨️🙌


Term 4 of our Qi Gong classes starts on Tuesday 6pm! To mark the beginning of a new term and celebrate the season of Spring, we will get things moving with a series of gentle flowing movements to open the channels in the body and get the energy flowing. Spring is the season of the wood element, it is the time for new beginnings, new growth and new visions!
Qi Gong is a synergistic combination of breath, movement and visualisation for holistic health, wellness of mind body and spirit.
Image credit, Feng Zilong/cap


Hello friends, finders, travellers and seekers, this event for the Lion’s Gate will be amazing. Ekaterina’s work is always exceptional, I’m looking forward to this one. Be there or be square!

A blissful hour of deep, transcendental guided meditation followed by a sound journey.
Get dissolved in the cosmic frequencies of the Lion's Gate portal and the Temple of Light.
Uplift, relax, transform!

Venue: HC Abbott Hall/Girl Guides Hall, 88 Paterson St., Launceston (intersection of Margaret St. and Paterson St.).

Friday, Aug 4, 2023, 7-8pm.

What to bring: yoga mat or blanket to lie on, a blanket to cover yourself and be warm and cozy, a pillow if needed, water bottle.

Online bookings only.


Dear friends and followers, we hope you are all enjoying the school holidays!
A reminder that our kids Kung Fu classes resume with the start of school term 3 Tuesday 25th July.
Have you kept up your practice?


Tonight’s Qi Gong class will focus on balancing both fire and water elements to get us up and move us forwards towards the longer days

Photos from Ling Dao Academy's post 24/06/2023

A wonderful Winter Solstice event last night! As great group of people we created a powerful circle - thankyou all, we certainly spread light through the darkness.


Hello beautiful and creatives, we are truly grateful to those who have booked a place in Friday’s Winter Solstice event.
If you are considering joining us please note that bookings close mid-day Friday. We love to take the time to create a space for each participant with personalised readings and messages.


Exciting news! Our Kids classes are underway. If you are interested in a martial art to develop the whole person, we have it!! Functional, fit, fun and focussed. 🙏👊🙂


Hello beautiful and creative people, we're excited to be launching our latest Winter Solstice event! The delightfully warm and fully equipped Bendd Yoga Studio is our new venue, it is set be uplifting and amazing!

We are Light in the Darkness

This is a transcendental workshop blending together a synergistic combination of spiritual and energy healing modalities and techniques.
We will guide you into blissfulness, opening of higher chakras and illumination. Inner wellbeing. Creating glow from within.
Opening our consciousness, connecting with the Divine, raising our vibration.
Shining bright like stars in the night sky.
Health, vibrancy, inner radiance and unapologetic self-confidence to dissolve the shadows within and around us.

We are Light in the Darkness

Your hosts:

Ekaterina is the founder of Your Soul Light and a Launceston-based Reiki Master and energy healer, shaman, past life and soul trauma healing therapist and a certified Kundalini yoga teacher. Ekaterina has conducted dozens of spiritual events and circles and offers healing sessions both in person and distantly.
Her sessions are based on 'Light Immersion' technique - a unique blend of spiritual modalities to take you deep and high on the journey of your soul.

Leigh of Ling Dao Holistic Healing Academy is a Master and Teacher of Traditional Chinese Qi Gong and Shaolin Temple Kung Fu. He is also an energy healler and a Reiki Master of the Traditional Japanese Reiki lineage. He offers Qi Gong and Martial Arts classes, as well as holistic Qi Gong and spiritual workshops.


One of our beginner forms, Shaolin Lian Huan Quan (Linked Rings Boxing)

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Energy healing for chronic and acute conditions including:

Pain relief
• Injury recovery
• Stress relief and relaxation
• Insomnia
• Optimising the immune function
• General Wellbeing
• Balancing of energy centres
• Clearing of psychic scarring

Leigh has developed his energetic healing practice through the studies of Shaolin Temple Gong Fu, Meditation, Qi Gong, Kinergetics and Classical Japanese Reiki.
Leigh uses his skills and knowledge with compassion to clear blockages and allow the body to regain its equilibrium and restore the functions of health.
For more information and a free initial consultation, please Message Leigh on Facebook for local and distance healing.

Videos (show all)

Qi Gong Master Class
A short message about our new therapy QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique).
Hello Kung Fu fans, Here is video of one repetition of each of the steps of Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong. We begin our Kung Fu tr...
Happy Lunar New Year, the year of the Dragon!



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