Onside Family Lawyers

Expert legal services for modern law practices and people seeking tailored solutions to separate better and smarter


✨✨”We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.”
—Eleanor Roosevelt

If you’re feeling lost or stuck in your separation journey this is a reminder about the courage and patience within you. It’s there.


✨✨Have you checked out our website? We’ve made it easy for you, so depending on where you’re at in your separation journey & if you’re seeking an out of court solution our website, will help guide you to understand how we can help.

To book instantly with us, just hit the ‘Book Now’ button and you’ll be taken directly to our direct booking site, allowing you to book a time with us that suits you. No back & forths!



✨✨Monday Motivation - if you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed in your separation journey, it’s normal … just don’t do it alone. We’re here to help & support you.

We offer once off legal advice to give you clarity on what’s next. So there’s no obligation to retain us or pay a retainer. But you will receive an abundance of advice information & guidance - real value.


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
we will remember them.


Happy Easter from Onside Family Lawyers 🐣

Photos from Onside Family Lawyers's post 18/03/2024

International Women’s Day 2024: To celebrate IWD 2024, our Principal, Sounita attended the Victorian Women Lawyers (“VWL”) annual Dame Roma Mitchell Luncheon with a panel of community champions from VWL Asian Australian Lawyers Association; Disabled Australian Lawyers Association; Pride in Law and Tarwirri Indigenous Law Students and Laywers.

It was so inspiring to hear from a panel of diverse voices in law from all facets of the law to reflect on VWL’s theme of ‘Yesterday, today and tomorrow’ and the UN’s theme.

Photos from Onside Family Lawyers's post 08/03/2024

🙋🏽‍♀️👩‍🦳👭🏃‍♀️👩‍⚖️👧👩‍✈️👩‍🎤🦸‍♀️🧘‍♀️👱‍♀️🏌️‍♀️👳‍♀️👩‍🍼🚴‍♀️🏄‍♀️👩‍🔧👩‍🚒👩‍💻The United Nations theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress.

Women’s economic empowerment is central to a gender equal world. When women are given equal opportunities to earn, learn and lead – entire communities thrive

While today marks a day to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements of women and reflect on the important progress we’ve made towards gender equality, make no mistake, women still face significant obstacles to achieving equal participation in the economy.

We hope that you can use today and every other day to reflect on ways you and your community can ensure women and girls are given equal opportunity to build capabilities and strengthen their capacity to learn, earn and lead - how can you count her in? Even small gestures can make a big difference.


✨✨Why you and your ex-partner should consider to separate peacefully: -

➡️Keeps your costs down, meaning more money in your pocket
➡️Avoid de-escalation - sometimes when each couple “lawyers-up” this can cause more problems
➡️Saves you time
➡️The couple controls the outcome and comes up with the agreement
➡️Creative outcomes or tailored outcomes which meets the needs of the couple
➡️Less stress & anxiety about your future, helping to preserve your well-being & mental health

We acknowledge that this approach is not suitable for everyone and we’ll assess its suitability when we first meet with the couple. We can help both of you as a mediator.

In our experience in the past, we’ve seen too many couples, do it the other way around, where they spend so much in legal fees (we are talking tens of thousands of dollars, even 6 figure amounts), end up in court fighting for MANY years to then have a Judge make a decision for them, that neither one likes or is happy with AND it doesn’t stop there, the court proceedings can continue because someone might appeal the decision of the Judge and more money spent on both sides for a higher court to conclude (in some cases) that the first Judge got the law wrong, SO WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?

The case in court can start all over again with a new Judge….and you know what that means? More $$$$ is spent on both sides in legal fees!


💗 Happy Valentine’s Day, today might be hard if you’re separated so take a moment to be grateful for the people you love & may you feel loved today, tomorrow and all the days of the year.


👶👧🧒👦Kids are back in school and back to usual routines, which hopefully gives you more time to do all those tasks you’ve been putting off.

❓How to get started with us? It’s easy just book in a free 15 min chat, let’s see if we’re the right fit and if you have any burning questions we can help with that as well.


📱61+ 482 175 930
📧[email protected]

The best way is to book instantly with us, at a time suitable to you, have direct access to our availablility & get instant confirmation. No back & forth emails.


✨✨We’re back on deck and open for business in 2024!
We hope you’ve had a restful break and ready for the new year.

For bookings, head to our website to book in a time that suits you & receive instant confirmation.


✨✨Happy New Year to our clients, supporters & followers!

In 2024, we will continue with providing high quality and specialist family law and mediation services.

We’re on your side until the very end.


✨✨ As the busy year draws to end, we will be closed from 5:00pm Wednesday 20 December 2023 and re-open on 9:00am Monday 15 January 2024!

Wishing all our clients and supporters a safe and happy holiday 🎄🧑‍🎄🎅


🎄🎄🎄One last Christmas together: For some of you close to a separation, yearning for one last Christmas together is rather common.

We hear it all the time and after the summer holidays around late January or February, for most people it feels like the right time to get the wheels in motion to get their affairs in order.

If you fall into this camp, that’s ok, enjoy your last Christmas together and if you seek to separate together or just want some clarity over where you stand, we are here to help.

➡️Take a look at our website and book in a chat for when we return in January on the 15th.

For others it might be an opportunity to see whether separating is what you really want, sometimes we’ve even seen people reconcile over the holidays.


✨✨Filling the void: It’s common to feel lost and lonely after a separation even if it was an amicable one, which is heightened when the house is empty and quiet, especially when the kids are away spending time with your ex.

❓What can you to fill the void after a separation?

Perhaps finding a creative outlet or a new hobby can help turn your mind to something with a purpose or that brings you joy. What about being in nature? Joining a social group? We’re all different so be kind to yourself during this time.

Phone: 61+ 482 175 930
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.onsidefamilylawyers.com.au

Photos from Onside Family Lawyers's post 01/12/2023

✨✨We are delighted that our Principal Lawyer, Sounita has been re-elected to the Victorian Women Lawyers Board in 2024, an organisation that aims to assist women lawyers to achieve a satisfying and successful life, whatever their particular and professional definition of success might be
👏👏👏 .

A big thank you to the Executive team in 2023 and looking ahead to 2024!


✨✨It was a big day of conferencing at the Women in Law Forum for our Principal, Sounita Viravout.

Some key highlights and learnings by Sounita are as follows:

What an electric feeling to have, to be in a room full of inspiring, insightful, supportive and successful women. From Annabel Crabb’s keynote speech to her leading us through the day’s jam packed sessions as the MC, hearing my dear friend Joanna Abraham on the stage and the highlight for me was hearing from Sheetal Deo on the thought provoking topic of privilege. It’s such an uncomfortable topic so thank you Sheetal for bringing clarity over what the term really means
and how we can leverage the privilege we have to create social change in a way that leans into our strength which aligns with our personal values. I especially liked Sheetal’s quote “With great (privilege), comes opportunity”.


✨✨Separating together: is this approach right for you?

❓Are you both still talking?
❓Are you friendly?
❓Is there the possibility of friendship?
❓Are you committed to working together to separate amicably?
❓Would you like to move on quickly?
❓Do you want a painless separation?
❓Do you want an affordable separation?
❓Do you want finality & look forward to the next chapter of your life?

➡️If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then our Separating together service may be right for you.

➡️Reach out to us and make an enquiry or book instantly for a free 15 min chat to get started.


Last week we shared the news of significant reforms to the Family Law Act and the changes that relate to parenting matters. The Family Law Amendment Act 2023 (Act No. 87 of 2023) received Royal Assent on 6 November 2023. Most of the changes to the law will apply from 6 May 2024.
Yesterday, our Principal and Family Law Accredited Specialist, Sounita Viravout attended a webinar run by the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia on the major reforms.. The webinar was held with leading Senior Counsel who informed practitioners about the major reforms that relate to parenting matters such as:
The removal of the presumption of parental responsibility;
The removal of the pathway for live/time relief;
The new best interest factors; and
The codification of the principles in a case called Rice & Asplund - the test required when parents seek to vary/change Court Orders relating to parenting arrangements.
We heard from Senior Counsel on their thoughts and we were asked to consider how the major reforms will have on the following:
Will the outcomes in Court be different?
Will the outcomes out of Court be different?
How will family lawyers change the way they give advice to clients?
Will the evidence that family lawyers prepare for Court be different?
Will family lawyers be required to run their case (in or out of Court) differently?

There are certainly interesting times ahead for family law and if you would like to know more about how these changes will impact on your matter especially if you are in the early stages of your separation journey and have children involved, please get in touch and make a booking for a meeting.

Phone: 61+ 482 175 930
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.onsidefamilylawyers.com.au


✨✨Separating smarter and better looks like….

➡️When there is more money in your pocket to spend on whatever you like, rather than spending your savings on lawyers’ legal costs;

➡️Moving on with your life reasonably quickly and painlessly;

➡️Having control over the final outcome;

➡️Creative outcomes or tailored outcomes which meets the needs of the couple; and

➡️Having less stress & anxiety about your future, helping with your wellbeing & mental health.

We acknowledge that this approach is not available to everyone and sometimes the only option is to go to Court but for most couples ending a relationship, separating smarter and better should not be overlooked.

Phone: 61+ 482 175 930
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.onsidefamilylawyers.com.au


Significant reforms to family law have recently passed Parliament last month. The Family Law Act (1975) is impacted by these Bills - the Family Law Amendment Bill and Family Law (Information Sharing) Bill.

The changes relate to parenting and includes:
➡️changing the existing parenting order legal framework by refining the list of ‘best interests’ factors the Court must take into account;
➡️removing the equal shared parental responsibility presumption and related equal time which were confusing;
➡️requiring the Independent Children’s Lawyer to meet directly with children so as to give children a greater voice;
giving increased power to protect parties and children from negative effects of drawn-out litigation;
➡️introducing a definition of ‘member of the family’ inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander concepts of family and kinship;
➡️simplifying the sections about compliance and enforcement in regard to orders made about children;
giving power to enable government to regulate family report writers, and;
➡️ensuring that children’s wishes are addressed matters under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

The Family Law (Information Sharing) Bill also makes major changes to the Family Law Act.

These changes includes:
➡️establishes two new information sharing orders to allow courts to quickly seek information from police, child protection and fi****ms agencies about family violence, child abuse and neglect that may place children at risk;
➡️allows a court to make these orders at any time during proceedings so information is accurate and up-to-date, and;
➡️will ensure sensitive information is only disclosed in a safe and appropriate manner.

If you would to discuss what these changes means for you or how you might be impacted, please get in touch with us.

Phone: 61+ 482 175 930
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.onsidefamilylawyers.com.au


🕊Extending the olive branch: It’s not uncommon for separated parents to disagree sometimes, however, high levels of conflict and animosity between parents where children are drawn into the conflict places children at a greater risk of developing emotional, social and behavioural problems, as well as having difficulties with concentration and educational achievement.

The research also shows that high levels of conflict can be harmful causing them to develop the following problems as adults:

➡️Anxiety & depression
➡️Alcoholic & drug issue
➡️Unstable interpersonal relationships

For some people, co-parenting may not be possible but for most where it’s possible, give it a go, extend that olive branch, put your differences aside, protect your children by elevating their needs over yours and make a conscious effort to minimise conflict.


Update from the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
Priority Property Pools initiative - From 30 October 2023, for people seeking the Court’s help with property, financial and spousal maintenance matters, your matter may be eligible as a Priority Property Pool case if the total value of assets (excluding superannuation) is less than $550,000.

❓What does it mean for you?

Judicial registrars will provide focussed case management in net asset pools of modest quantum and complexity. The Court says that “The timely resolution of these cases enhances outcomes for families while reducing the risks to parties including as a result of incurring disproportionate costs or unnecessary delay associated with non-compliance”.

Which means for families or couples who are unable to resolve their property and financial matter without the Court’s help and the size of the net asset pool in dispute is small or modest, there is an alternative pathway for them, which helps with keeping their costs down.

For practitioners, this means less drafting work when preparing court documents, however it doesn’t mean that parties are relieved from genuinely attempting to resolve their matter prior to initiating court proceedings and undergoing dispute resolution such as mediation prior to initiating court proceedings. Court should be the last resort.


✨✨Happy clients fill our cup & this is what a client had to say after the clarity roadmap session.

So if you’re sitting on the fence or feeling lost, please reach out with our free 15 min chat and we can work out if we are the right for you and/or what your legal need might be including whether the clarity roadmap session is suitable.

Book online at a time that’s suitable to you & receive instant confirmation.

Phone: 61+ 482 175 930
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.onsidefamilylawyers.com.au


✨✨Court should be the last resort: Most people don’t need the Court’s help to make arrangements for their children or dividing property and finances after separation. But they should get legal advice at the right time, to know where they stand, what they might be giving up and whether the agreement is fair.

Even if you wish to manage your own separation and have negotiations with your ex without lawyers, that’s fine, we can help you in the background, like a coach, however better as we can give you expert legal advice.

Get clarity with our clarity roadmap session which is fixed at $750 and includes:

✅90 minute consultation with Sounita Viravout, Accredited Specialist in Family Law via virtual conference to advise, guide and assist you about your unique situation and discuss options and solutions to move forward;
✅The opportunity for you to ask any important and concerning questions;
✅Action checklist summarising your objectives, things to remember and tasks/priorities to help you with the next steps;
✅For property settlement matters, a summary of the assets and liabilities in editable format;
✅For property settlement matters, a summary of the assets and liabilities to be used by you in editable format to enable you to see the effect of any proposal or division of assets; and
✅Links to information and brochures about separation, the law and the court for parenting and property settlement matters in one central location.


✨✨Let us help you to separate in a way that’s fair, reasonable & empathetic. We’ll do it without Court & quickly so you can move on with your life.

Whether that is through our mediation services as a mediator (helping to guide the couple through a separation and get to an agreement) or through our dispute resolution services as a family lawyer (helping only one person in a dispute).

If you would like to get started with us, take a look at our website for more information about our service offerings and book a free 15 min chat to find out more.

Phone: 61+ 482 175 930
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.onsidefamilylawyers.com.au

Sometimes, choosing to separate in way that’s fair, reasonable & empathetic is not an option due to family violence or high conflict situations, please note we’re here to help the majority of Australians who seek out-of-court settlements.


✨✨Have you got a “kitchen-table” type agreement that you and your partner have come up with on your own on who gets what and/or where the children should live?

Let us take a look at the agreement and check that it’s fair or advise you if you’ve left anything out or left something on the table.

Be confident that we will cover most of the ‘what if’s’ as well.

We will not be un-doing the agreement, just checking and pointing out things to you. We want you and your partner to separate peacefully, saving you money and to stay out of court.

We will work with you and your partner to make it work.

Once you know where you stand with the agreement, we can prepare the necessary documents to make the agreement, binding and enforceable.

Take a look at website on how we can help you.


✨✨Common assumptions: We need to be divorced before we divide the property…

When the marriage or relationship breaks down, you can start negotiations for a property settlement immediately following separation and the agreement reached can be formalised and the terms implemented such as selling the family home, before getting a divorce.

Book in a strategy and roadmap legal consultation with us, to know where you stand and understand your rights & entitlements to a property settlement.

Phone: 61+ 482 175 930
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.onsidefamilylawyers.com.au


❓Have you entered into an unfair agreement? How would you know? Especially if you haven’t received legal advice and I’m some situations you wouldn’t until some time after the fact or many years down the track, when you see how you are coping or not after a separation.

It’s concerning that smart, professional people in their fields will reach an agreement about parenting and property settlement without getting any legal advice or having an agreement drawn up.

Book in a roadmap legal consultation or once off-legal advice with us, to know where you stand and to check whether that agreement you’ve reached is fair.

📲61+ 482 175 930
📧[email protected]

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