Pia Kynoch Holistic Education

Exploring ways to elevate well-being, nurture all parts, create profound impact & positive legacy Published in Beauty Biz and APAN Journal.

Keynote speaker for Dermaviduals Australia, Sothys Australia, DMK Australia, Vital Plus Australia, The Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioner (AHSCP - USA) and Beautรจ Industrie Live Learnings

Podcast & FB Interviews with Beautรจ Industrie, Fiona Tuck, Beauty Therapists of Australia- For Industry Leaders, Vanessa Chauvet, The Australian Dermal and Laser Institute and The Business of Skin. R


If I had a dollar for every time someone who wasn't feeling that good in their mind/body said - "well, my Dr said my blood test results were 'normal' ...

I'd still feel concerned for the person who told me..


What does 'normal' results even mean?

FYI - most often when I see the same results, I don't think so!


Would you like to know some key limitations of blood tests?

Especially helpful when optimal health is the goal.

Let's consider;

โœ… Reference range limitations:
Reference ranges are typically based on a "normal", average, or asymptomatic population, which imo DEFINTELY does not represent optimal health.

Even if you consider yourself average, the reference ranges often represent the 95% confidence interval, meaning 5% of "normal" people fall outside the range.

โœ… Lack of individualisation:
Blood test results don't account for individual variations in epi/genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors.
What's "normal" for one person may not be optimal for another.

โœ… Snapshot nature:
Blood tests provide a single day, a point-in-time measurement, which may not reflect long-term health status.
Results can be influenced by recent meals, stress, time of day, sleep, hydration, etc.

โœ… Limited scope:
Blood tests only measure certain markers decided upon by the Dr, and may miss important health indicators.
They don't capture functional or qualitative aspects of health.

โœ… Overreliance on single markers:
Focusing on individual test results may overlook the complex interplay between different biomarkers and systems in the body. Eg just TSH is pretty useless. Just Ferritin doesn't show how your body is transporting iron.

โœ… Lack of context:
Blood test results alone don't provide information about symptoms, quality of life, or overall well-being.

โœ… Overdiagnosis and overtreatment:
Reliance on blood tests can lead to diagnosing and treating conditions that may never cause symptoms or harm.

โœ… Limited predictive value:
Many blood tests have low positive predictive values, especially in low-prevalence populations.

โœ… Inability to detect early stages of disease:
Some conditions may not show up in blood tests until they're relatively advanced.

โœ… Cost and accessibility:
Comprehensive blood testing can be expensive and may not be accessible to everyone. I totally get that at least SOME blood work is helpful.

โœ… Interpretation challenges:
Proper interpretation of blood test results requires PRETTY EPIC expertise and consideration of multiple factors, multiple organ systems (ie a reductionist approach won't get you very far!). Does the provider know about optimal health ranges?

๐Ÿ“Œ No test is 100% accurate, and there's always a risk of incorrect results and/or interpretation leading to unnecessary worry or missed diagnoses.

Just say'n...

๐Ÿ” When optimal health is the goal, relying solely on blood tests and their reference ranges may be insufficient.

Remember that Metabolites can be measured in various biological fluids, including your blood, urine, saliva, and cerebrospinal fluid. Also hair samples! Faecal samples!

๐Ÿ’น Each sample provides a different window into your body's CURRENT metabolic state. Like - that day, or days.

๐Ÿ” The time of day of test, what you have eaten, your stress levels, toxin load etc all play a role in what is INSIDE your fluids at any time, too...

So does taking a really great history, and current status!

โ€ผ๏ธ This takes time, and skill, and emotional intelligence, and physiological knowledge.

A more holistic approach asking about and considering lifestyle factors, functional assessments, and personalised health goals is ABSOLUTELY necessary to achieve and maintain optimal health.

Keen to work with me?

I would love to work with you on optimising your health!
You don't even need to get blood tests to start ;)

Much love
Pia # # #

Book your Discovery Session at
and we can get started ASAP


- get them inside, with the lights on

- use a computer /phone consistently day/night

- pop a TV on close by (and on in the bedroom at night)

- sit down, and minimal movement, no sweating

- leave devices/wifi/phones always on

- sleep with phone next to bed

- leave a light on at night

- wear polyester and nylon clothing and underwear

- skip breakfast and eat late (after sundown)

- eat foods with added 'folate'

- eat pre-packaged, processed and/or sweetened foods

- use mouthwash, and flouridated toothpaste

- use eating a lot of canola or sunflower oil

- drink tapwater

- listen to the news and scroll social media

- gossip, complain, compare, blame, shame

- take PPIs or antacids daily

- use fragrance sticks and plug in home fragrances

- take a whole lot of supplements

- use commercial deodorant

Pretty typical day for a lot of people, yea?

I view this as a recipe for a BIG lack of ease in a body

And, in my perspective, changes can be made...

Making a plan that addresses each of these (and other!) factors would be a GREAT start to being REALLY WELL

Love to hear if you'd add anything?? Or have any questions?

Much love, Pia xx


So I have been hearing many stories lately from peri and menopausal women feeling sh*tty, grumpy, rageful.

Absolutely hormones play a role, as do a myriad of other factors..

One factor I'd love to remind you about is OXYTOCIN,
levels of which decline as we age,
and the reduction of Oxytocin secretion accounts for many menopausal symptoms and dis-eases.

so we basically HAVE to have practices that build it up or we will find it harder and harder to connect with others... and to feel good!

Some strategies I know work well include..

Physical Touch and Intimacy with ourselves, and those we feel safe with...
- Hugging, cuddling, stroking, holding, physical affection
- Massage/water therapy
- Intimate physical contact with self or a partner (does not have to be sexual, simply more deeply intimate)

๐Ÿ˜ Feeling Good In the Skin You Are In!

Social Connections:
- Building and maintaining positive relationships, reaching out, asking questions, not playing a part in The Drama Triangle!
- Spending QUALITY time with friends and loved ones, knowing the Love Languages , Four Agreements and also Wheel of Consent by Betty Whyte very helpful here
- Adopting and caring for a pet
- Philanthropy, volunteering
- Building strong social bonds and engaging in acts of kindness can boost oxytocin levels by fostering positive emotions and trust.

๐Ÿ˜ Being With Another Being Boosts Us!

Diet and Nutrition:
- Slowing down with food, enjoying this sacred gift, as well as recognising that you are what you eat... Eating a balanced, healthy diet rich in proteins, complex carbs, and
Vitamin C (e.g., citrus fruits, bell peppers)
Vitamin D (sunlight exposure, fatty fish, supplements if needed)
Magnesium (whole grains, nuts, leafy greens)
Consuming dark chocolate in moderation

๐Ÿ˜ Food Is Our Building Blocks!

Exercise and Movement:
- Regular, enjoyable physical activity
- Group exercise classes for added social interaction
- Yoga and mindfulness practices
- Breathwork

๐Ÿ˜Every movement is a movement of Energy!

Stress Reduction Techniques:
- Breathwork
- Meditation and mindfulness practices
- Humming, singing, music
- Forest Walk
- Beach walk
- Earthing/grounding
- no artificial lights/less human made EMF exposure

๐Ÿ˜ โ€œRule number one is, donโ€™t sweat the small stuff. Rule number two is, itโ€™s all small stuff.โ€

Sensory Stimulation:
- Organic Aromatherapy with essential oils like lavender, chamomile (no synthetic fragrances!)
- Listening/Moving to music and singing
- Watching emotionally engaging movies or narratives

๐Ÿ˜ Self-awareness is your awareness of the world, which you experience through the five senses (sound, touch, sight, taste, and smell).

Acts of Kindness:
- Practicing compliments, generosity and compassion towards SELF first, and also to others :)
- Giving gifts (quality time and presence is a gift!) to loved ones

๐Ÿ˜ โ€œBe kind whenever possible. It is always possible.โ€

Temperature Therapies:
- Exposure to warm environments (e.g., warm baths, saunas)
- Alternating between warm and cold temperatures (e.g., contrast showers)
- cold therapy (which is anywhere below your body temp!)

๐Ÿ˜ Create new courage to face life cheerfully!

Lifestyle Habits:
- Maintaining a consistent eating and sleep schedule
- Reducing exposure to artificial light ESPECIALLY at night
- Spending time in nature
- Check your inner narrative! What tone is it? Are the words helpful , or not helpful? The story you are telling yourself is the reality you experience, would you agree?
- Practice feeling good IN your body... notice every moment of pleasure, the sensations of happiness, the feel of laughter, get REALLY good at FEELING GOOD! If feeling good isn't familiar to your body, it will always want to run away from it -- no matter how much your head wants it. So this practice is VIP

This is just a little guide to a complex, unique to each woman process, but I hope you can take something from it!

Would you add anything else to it? Yes

Much love
Pia xx

P.S Yes, I absolutely do offer support for women in pre, peri and menopause who want to feel really great.


Asking other people what they do to "feel better" may not apply to you,
have you noticed???

And taking zinc, magnesium and vit d is not the solution if you really do want a long term positive shift in your mental,,physical or emotional health

โœ”๏ธAs a VIP quick side note -
so many people don't realise there's different forms, different excipients, quality, different doses and different competitors or cofactors for minerals and vitamins, there's a lot to know about if you do want to spend money on that!
So many people waste so much ๐Ÿ’ฒ

When it comes to wellbeing...
I hear so many women say

It can all feel too much!!๐Ÿ˜ญ

especially if you're busy just trying to do your best,
And especially if you're tired! โš ๏ธ

That's why I take the confusion and overwhelm out of health!


I help women to trust, know and love their own skin, mind and body

in empowering ways that do not have you relying on something outside of yourself to heal.

I guarantee the first and most powerful steps are NOT about taking supplements
or even changing your diet
or movement.

That's why those things haven't worked properly yet! ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Yes, they may play a role,
but think about it...

โฌ‡๏ธif the foundations aren't right, everythingis you build on top of that will be shaky,, yes??

I've studied with masters all over the globe to understand all I can about creating the best foundations. I've changed my own life, and those of my clients (and students, other practitioners, as I'm also an educator!) in profound ways.

โฌ†๏ธSo the foundations I help you set up in your own life first are..

1) understanding how much LIGHT impacts your system ... the way you think, your stress response, your hormones, even the way your skin ages are all impacted by Light.

Light drives all life, YOUR life, your health, your dis-ease, and this is a HUGELY unaddressed factor that shifts everything. IF IT'S UNADDRESSED, YOUR ABILITY TO SUSTAIN CHANGE IS BLOCKED. Similar to no 2!

2) illuminating unconscious nervous system/body based patterns that are currently driving your life, THIS is SO revealing and SO VITAL!! We work together on a rewiring of those old unhelpful patterns into new helpful ones that you're actually CHOOSING!

Seriously, RESPONDING rather than *reacting* to people, and life, is SO liberating!! And so much more fun โ™ก

โš›๏ธ there are many other factors I consider with you, and support change in, yet these 2 are deeply root cause.

That's why i start there! ๐Ÿ’ฏ

When these 2 factors are more stable in your life, any other changes will SO much more easily and powerfully land.

You can sustain change.

You grow your capacity to evolve.

You feel HAPPIER ๐Ÿคฉ
brighter and more radiant!!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’ฅ

And from that place your whole world can shift
And those positive ripple effects flow out into many more places...

This is what I love! โš˜๏ธ
It's why I do the work I do. ๐Ÿ™

I offer 1:1 sessions for women who are choosing the self mastery and self empowerment path.

I offer classes to practitioners.

Feel free to ask me questions, and there's loads of resources on my website and instagram pages so you can get a feel for me and my work

Much love

Pia # # #

Unveiling the Missing Pieces: An Amazing New Paradigm Shifting Series 01/09/2024

Did you know --- about the bidirectional relationship between our circadian system and the development - and exacerbation - of addictive disorders? Think about the impact (individual, family, community, global) of substance abuse issues including;


As someone who previously struggled with numerous addiction issues (for a very long period of my life)
it now makes so much sense to me that circadian disruption was a fundamental piece of the puzzle that was unaddressed that entire time.

Yes, it is true that substance use disorders are modulated by other factors, including epi/genetic, environmental, dietary, socioeconomic and pharmacological influences.

Yes, the nervous system work was also a massive part of how I finally created enough safety in my own body to not need an external substance any more,

AND I wonder how different things could have been if this knowledge of circadian regulation was around.

Circadian rhythms also impact nervous system capacity... and it is our capacity that will dictate our response to change.

Basically, we all have a circadian rhythm, and it is VIP...
LIGHT (and dark) sets up the main rhythm..

ANd this rhythm optimises the daily timing of all your behavioural, biochemical and physiological functions over a period of about 24 hours, every day of your life

Thank goodness circadian info is growing....

and although there's not yet enough practitioners who understand circadian rhythms, at least there is some!!

I feel SO freaking wonderful to be a practitioner, and educator, who can successfully support anyone with addiction ready to make a shift.

Restoring and stabilising circadian rhythms is one root cause strategy (alongside somatic/nervous system work) that I implement to reduce the risk for addiction development AND relapse.

If you would love to kickstart your knowledge around the fundamental pieces that always need addressing in each person, check out my Revolutionise Your Health 3 part Masterclass series on Light, Mitochondria and Water

Unveiling the Missing Pieces: An Amazing New Paradigm Shifting Series Do you feel that despite 'advancements' in healthcare, true wellness remains elusive? That dis-ease and obesity and depression are escalating? It's time to uncover the truth of health, wellness, and wellbeing. Pia Kynoch shares all the best info regarding Light, Electricity, Water and Mitochondria


Bone health, fractures, osteo? Circadian rhythms coordinate bone remodeling.


EYE KNOW... that eyes issues such as;
dry eyes, age-related macular degeneration, uveitis, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma

have all been associated with gut dysbiosis

there is a relationship between

the gut microbiome and gut dysbiosis
to sleep and sleep disorders.
to eye issues

and more..

And although GUT DYSBIOSIS can be affected by
what you eat
when you eat
how you eat
and even who you eat with...

as well as when you sleep,
how you sleep
and even who you sleep with ;)

The most IMPORTANT CUES for you eyes and your gut and your sleep are related to LIGHT and DARKNESS cues...

did you know that?

Your EYES are part of your BRAIN
and your GUT is known as your SECOND BRAIN

And LIGHT directs activity in all these places

It is all linked :)

So - what I want to land here is..

There is a tri-directional relationships between gut dysbiosis and circadian rhythm misalignment and eye dis-ease.

Light is the strongest stimulus for circadian rhythms, fo rour eyes, and also influences our gut microbiome!

Both the gut microbiome and circadian rhythms play an integral role in maintaining normal metabolism, energy status, immune function and inflammation,
and influence each other in a reciprocal fashion.

Learn more about LIGHT with me! Free class is on tmrw :)

Eye I am here to thrive WITH you!
Pia xx


Concerned about Cancer?
Did you know that Artificial light, especially at night, is a modifiable cancer risk factor?


What do ni****ne, co***ne, and opioid addictions have in common?

And no, it's not me - those days are long gone!

The answer?


The ha-what, I hear you say?!

Never heard of the habenula?


Please, let me introduce you to this little gem.


It's up and coming in the research as THE main effector in reward seeking behaviours...

it influences the brain's response to negative prediction errors, which are critical in addiction pathways.


The habenula's regulation of dopamine and serotonin levels affects the reward system,
contributing to the development and maintenance of all types of addictive behaviours,
but especially smoking, co***ne and opioids.

The US currently has massive issues with Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that's 50 times stronger than he**in.

If you know anything about Fentanyl... well, you know


It's already in Australia, but still kinda small ...and please prepare yourselves ---- it will become a bigger issue because there is BIG $$$$$$$$ behind it :(

But back to the habenula...


this specific part of our brain responds to ni****ne, opioids, and stress, and regulates depression and addiction.

Oh ---- and one more thing it is acutely responsive to...


Particularly BLUE light.


Studies show that exposure to blue light can acutely suppress habenula activity, which leads to an INCREASED expectation of reward.

And this also means that BLUE light can become addictive...


which keeps all the cycles of addictions looping (due to the myriad of other effects chronic exposure to human made blue light has on our system

Drugs of abuse can perturb the habenula's function,
leading to altered reward processing,
heightened stress responses,
and impaired decision-making....

so can chronic blue light exposure (plus the stress pathways initiated by chronic human made EMF emissions from devices)

From a recent study - PMID: 36933754

"increased mood and reward sensitivity could lead to increased light-seeking behavior at times of day when light is disruptive to the circadian system (e.g., in the evening/night).

This disruption may be more severe in populations who are hypersensitive to the non-visual effects of light, including those taking medications that increase light sensitivity, or with certain sleep, or mood disorders."

The habenula is also influenced by circadian rhythms... which are influenced by light exposure (as well as other factors)

It acts as an extra-SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus) circadian oscillator, maintaining rhythms in clock gene expression and neuronal activity even when isolated from the SCN - so if it is not working well, nor is our whole body system.

Are you picking up the links I am trying to put down?


So if you are working with reducing addictions,

Please consider minimising human made blue light exposure as part of your plan, and increase natural light exposure to help regulate the habenula pathways.

Does what I have shared make sense for you?
Let me know if any Qs

Pia xx

Need help? You are not alone.
Call13 11 14
Lifeline telephone crisis support

And, just in case you were wondering about which meds can create additive effects...

Common Medications That Increase Light Sensitivity Include (BUT CERTAINLY NOT LIMITED TO)

Tetracyclines (e.g., doxycycline, tetracycline)
Fluoroquinolones (e.g., ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin)
Sulfonamides (e.g., sulfamethoxazole)

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs):

Tricyclic antidepressants (e.g., doxepin)
St. John's wort (herbal remedy)





Chemotherapy Drugs:

Other Medications:
Antihypertensives (e.g., diltiazem)


Are you missing the boat on ROOT CAUSE?

I am here to help you get back on board!!!

If you, or your client, or loved one,
has something going on with their health
lack of libido/erectile dysfunction,
immune function,
skin health,
heart rate,
or even cancer...

attention capacity,
and behaviour,

circadian rhythms are involved.

Artificial light is involved.
Darkness deficiency is involved.

I have 3 classes already ready for you to learn more,
available right now - the series is aptly called
"Revolutionise Your Health"
and you can find them here...

AND in great news :)
I am in the processing of creating another learning series to add to these three, which will cover more specifics related to skin,,
and also hormones.

The foundations are there, ready for you to discover, now!
Light - Mitochondria - Water

Start learning today, and profoundly shift your thinking,
your health
รฝour life

and, if you are a practitioner,
enhance your client treatment strategies TODAY

Let's change the course of health and wellbeing, energy and love!

Pia # # #


Impaired circadian rhythms are ABSOLUTELY associated with
mental disorders.


Step over the threshold, into a world of wellness with me!

Elevate your health, one holistic choice at a time ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ’•

๐ŸŒฑ If you are Seeking Holistic healing at its finest? Look no further!

If you know that there is more to your health, if you are on the journey and ready for true root cause.... I am your woman.

If we haven't met yet, I am a highly trained, multi modality wellbeing expert that goes far beyond surface-level symptoms.
I address the actual root causes of your health concerns in a way that most cannot.

๐ŸŒŸ Personalised care: I listen to you. I value you. I support you. I guide you. I empower you. Embrace a wellness plan designed exclusively for you, tailored to meet your unique needs and goals.

๐Ÿ’†โ€โ™€๏ธ Recharge your vitality: Experience the rejuvenating effects of natural therapies that enhance your energy, mood, and overall sense of wellbeing.

๐Ÿƒ Embrace natural beauty: Discover the joy of nurturing your body from the inside out, as radiant health shines through every centimetre of you. ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒฟ

๐ŸŒธ Rediscover balance: Restore harmony to your mind, body, and spirit with time-tested remedies and modern-day wisdom. ๐ŸŒผโœจ

Tap into a wealth of knowledge, lifestyle changes, and multidimensional levels of support to enhance your health journey.

๐Ÿ’ก Unlock the secrets to thriving with me!!!

Ready when you are :)

Much love always, Pia xx


You can read my new newsletter HERE,
sign up if you would like to receive more :)


The skin event of the year!!!!!

The Scientific Esthetics Symposium is the leading global, online, non-product-aligned conference for esthetic and spa professionals. Our focus is higher education and advanced sciences in esthetic postgraduate training.

We are excited to announce that the curriculum and master schedule for the 2024 session are now available for download. Our stellar faculty, consisting of 22 international and USA educators, are thrilled to present 27 lectures this year focusing on esthetic health and wellness for both the practitioner and the client/patient for our global audience. We are proud to be approved by the Commission on Accreditation for CEs, ensuring the highest standards of educational content.

We highly value our professional community and wish to express deep appreciation for our amazing faculty. Their time, support, and dedication in preparing for this year's event are truly invaluable. It would not be possible to present this event without them!

Dr. Gez Agolli, DrPH - USA
Jenny Askew, MS, RD, LD, ASCM-EP - USA
Linda Bertaut, LE,LEI - USA
David Blow, LAc; LMT, CEO - Italy
Dr. Yuliya Borzykh, PhD - Ukrainฤ™
Kris Campbell, LE, CEO - USA
Morag Currin, Skin Therapist, Oncology Esthetics - Canada
Dr. Sonza Curtis, PhD, IFMC, PA-C - USA
Rebecca Gadberry, LE, CMT-P - USA
Gay Lee Gulbrandson, CLT-LANA, NCTMB, ATMA, NLN - USA
Jimm Harrison, Master Aromatherapist & Alchemist -USA
Dr. Franck Joly, L.A.c; MTOM, Dipl. OM - USA
Pia Kynoch, ND, Skin Therapist - Austrailia
Dr. Mark Lees, PhD, MS, CIDESCO Diplomat - USA
Dr. Jayant Lokhande, MD,MBA, CSO - USA
Dr. Erin Madigan-Fleck, NMD,LE,LEI - USA
Reneยด Serbon, Skin Therapist & Corneotherapy Expert - Canada
Trevor Steyn, MS Organic Chemistry - South Africa
Dr. Susan Tanner, MD - USA
Clive Witham, LAc; MSc, - SPAIN
Alexandra J. Zani - LE,LEI - USA
Lee Zavorskas - LE, NAP - USA

To learn more about the Scientific Esthetics Symposium, download a schedule or register: https://dermaeducationtv.com


I created a quick little YouTube video especially helpful for those feeling a little more stressed,

or worried than they would like to be,

or with more addictive patterns showing up.


These all represent a felt sense of UNSAFETY in our body,
Which can be, most often,
Very unconscious to us!


Our body is constantly responding to cues WAY outside of our awareness,
as well as the parts within our awareness

The difference is... 4million bits of data PER SECOND is processed OUTSIDE our awareness, whilst only UP TO 40BITS of data per second is part of our conscious awareness.

Huge difference, eh?!!!

To make it easier for our body to survive all this data processing,

Our moment to moment responses are geared off past experiences, and how we did actually survive them,

So we can unconsciously be responding to life from survival patterns installed in our operating system from when we were kids,
Or when we were traumatised & stressed... our body doesn't mind so much HOW we get through, as long as we do!!

As adults, that's not always the most resourceful way,
Or the happiest
Or calmest!!


We can sometimes even THINK we're pretty happy (especially 'compared to' another time in life when 'this weren't as good')
But our body is still very hypervigilant

How do you know if you're hypervigilant?

Could be a few things, such as;

- you startle easily
- you clench your jaw a lot
- it's hard for you to relax, rest, stop (different from just being exhausted and stopping/resting!)
- it's hard to maintain pleasure, joy
- Fixation/worry on potential threats (people, work, animals, situations)
- dry mouth
- catastrophising (eg this ALWAYS happens)
- anxiety
- overwhelmed
- feels as tho your heart, brain and body (and maybe mouth!) race far ahead of the facts, kinda like you need to move, run, do, you feel as if thereโ€™s danger around every corner.

๐ŸŒท so why am I bringing this to you?

If we never practice feeling into the absence of threat AND the welcoming of safety,

Our body is just more attuned to,
And familiar with,
Hypervigilant Stress Responses.

Our body will choose the path of most familiar,

Which is why changing body patterns takes some practice,
Some guidance,

And is also why I offer my clients 15min 'drop in' sessions when we're working together, to recalibrate, realign, remember!

Learning the language of our own body IS JUST LIKE learning anything new!

Takes some commitment โ™กโ™กโ—‡

P.S if you haven't subscribed to my channel PRETTY PLEASE could you, as once I'm over 100 people I can go live on YouTube !

Subscribing costs nothing :)

Thanks so much for your help!

# # #



How do you know if your mitochondria need some help?

Your energy,
ability to communicate well
or dream big
fizzle or

You feel tired,
and lack inner radiance.

It's hard to be present.
Your body isn't working right... gut, hormones, etc

Wouldn't it be good to be able to shift that?!

the organs (ie your organs!) with the highest number of mitochondria are your;

๐Ÿ’œ Heart (cardiac muscle cells)
...... and did you also know that the worldโ€™s biggest killer is ischaemic heart disease, responsible for over 16% of the worldโ€™s total deaths?!

Kinda makes looking after your mitochondria worth it, imo :)

๐Ÿง  Brain - want to think, remember and learn? Have to have great mitochondria!!! In 2019, Alzheimerโ€™s disease and other forms of dementia ranked as the 7th leading cause of death. Women are disproportionately affected. Shockingly, 65% of deaths from Alzheimerโ€™s and other forms of dementia are women.

๐Ÿ‘€ Eyes are also part of our brain tissues..
Dry Eye Disease affects a quarter of ophthalmology clinic patients
More than 30% of the entire world now have myopia (including children) and that incidence is expected to rise... because of chronic blue light & device exposure, which impacts our mitochondria (and circadian rhythms)

๐Ÿ‘‘ Liver - liver disease is responsible for 1 out of every 25 deaths worldwide. Liver cells can have over 2,000 mitochondria per cell.

๐Ÿƒ Kidneys - Kidney diseases have risen from the worldโ€™s 13th leading cause of death to the 10th.

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŒพ Skeletal muscles - especially those involved in endurance activities, have a high mitochondrial content to support sustained energy production musculoskeletal disorders was the sixth ranked cause of years living with disability globally in 2020, prevalence increasing each year

Seems that mitochondria are getting more and more stressed out across our globe, yes???

I can help you learn ways to HELP YOUR MITOCHONDRIA
Jump in here


Hot under the collar more than youโ€™d like? ๐Ÿ”ฅ

The pathophysiology of hot flushes, particularly in the context of menopause, involves some complex interacting factors (all of which I help with, and teach about!). It may help you just to know a little more about them - particularly as about 1/4 of our population is women over 50.

FYI - women can experience perimenopause, and many menopausal symptoms, for several years before reaching menopause... so this info is vital ANYTIME.

Yes, there's a little reading here, you are worth it!

I'm going to briefly introduce what I consider to be the biggest factors, including stress, circadian rhythms, hormonal changes, mitochondrial dysfunction, and alterations in intracellular water, bioelectricity signalling pathways and inflammatory processes.

You're welcome!

Here's an overview:

1. Circadian biology and rhythms play a significant role in the occurrence of hot flushes, particularly through the involvement of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and peripheral clock oscillations.
You can read more about circadian rhythms HERE - https://courses.piakynoch.com/blog/circadian-rhythms

In addition to the master central clock in our brain, we have millions of clocks elsewhere in all the tissues and organs throughout our entire body, including the skin, blood vessels, adipose (fat) tissues, which are partly responsible for regulating processes such as flushing and sweating

Oestrogen deficiency/other hormonal changes during menopause can also disrupt the synchronisation between the central SCN clock and peripheral clocks, leading to dysregulation of many things, including temperature control

This desynchronisation between central and peripheral clocks can contribute to the development of hot flushes by affecting vasomotor control and sweating responses

Note that our SCN can respond to magnetic field exposure (ie overexposure to electromagnetic fields generated from man-made devices and towers etc)


2, Stress can exacerbate menopausal symptoms in a BIG way.

Life is a series of constant transitions, each bringing its own challenges and opportunities for growth. One of the most profound and often undervalued transitions is the journey through menopause and the shift from mother to crone energy, would you agree? Menopause, in particular, is rarely celebrated or discussed openly and is often viewed through a lens of negativity and loss.

This lack of open conversation and societal support can lead to feelings of isolation and emotional stress.

That's important to note because...
Hot flashes are thought to be more frequent and last longer when a woman is stressed .

Sleep problems, which are common during menopause, are worsened by stress .

Stress can amplify mood-related symptoms like irritability, anxiety, and depression

The relationship between stress and menopausal symptoms appears to be bidirectional. Menopausal symptoms can themselves be a source of stress, creating a cycle of worsening symptoms. How a woman psychologically responds to stressful events may be more important than the events themselves.


3. Of course we know there are Hormonal Changes:

The decrease in oestrogen levels can disrupt the normal functioning of the thermoregulatory centre, leading to an exaggerated response to minor changes in core body temperature, resulting in hot flushes.

Melatonin (related to circadian biology and mitochondrial function) has a complex relationship with reproductive hormones. Some research suggests it may help regulate pituitary and thyroid function in menopausal women (impacting temp)

Oestrogen plays a role in preserving mitochondrial function


4. Mitochondrial Dysfunction is a GREATLY overlooked piece!

Mitochondria are involved (directly or indirectly) in ALL cellular processes, including melatonin production, hormonal production, energy production, immune function, cell life or death programs, and signalling pathways that cover your whole mind/body system connection.

Mitochondrial dysfunction can contribute to hot flushes through several mechanisms:
a. Increased oxidative stress and inflammation
b. Disruption of cellular energy metabolism
c. Alterations in signalling pathways related to thermoregulation, and bidirectional interactions with circadian rhythms/clocks
d. Deuterium accumulation negatively impacts mitochondrial processes. I have a class on deuterium you can access, just ask
or find it here - https://courses.piakynoch.com/offers/sUCywymY/checkout
e. Man made EMFs impact mitochondrial function
Chronic blue light exposure from devices impacts mitochondrial function
f. Mitochondria help produce structured or EZ or cellular water to act as a power source for cells .Improved cellular hydration, better electrical charge and amplified energy flow helps the body better manage menopausal symptoms including temperature fluctuations associated with hot flashes.


5. Methylation Cycle and Signalling Pathways:
The methylation cycle is a crucial biochemical process that involves the transfer of methyl groups and is essential for various cellular functions, including gene expression, DNA repair, and neurotransmitter synthesis.

Both mitochondria and oestrogen have been shown to influence the methylation cycle

Alterations in the methylation cycle can affect signaling pathways involved in thermoregulation, contributing to the development of hot flushes.


6. Inflammation - if you missed my previous post on it, scroll down or look here - it is VERY important!!!!

Oestrogen has anti-inflammatory properties, and so it makes sense that if it declines during menopause AND WE DON"T FIND OTHER WAYS TO IMPROVE ANTI_INFLAMMTORY ACTIONS, it can lead to an increase in inflammatory processes, yes?

Chronic Stress increases inflammation.

Lack of circadian rhythms increases inflammation.

Mitochondrial dysfunction increases inflammation.


7. Neurotransmitter Imbalance changes the way we think and feel -
Oestrogen also plays a role in regulating neurotransmitter systems, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

AND.... So does circadian rhythms and mitochondrial function, and gut and nutrient status, and our very own EMF connection between gut/heart and brain!


8. Microbiome changes during menopause:

The drop in oestrogen levels during menopause can cause changes to the gut microbiota .So do circadian rhythms.

Studies have found that postmenopausal women tend to have a higher Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio, which is associated with metabolic issues .

There's evidence of decreased gut bacteria diversity post-menopause and that Dysbiosis (imbalance) in the gut microbiome can exacerbate menopausal symptoms, and stress, and hormonal imbalances, and toxin load etc. AND TEMPERATURE CHANGES!


What are your thoughts at this point?

Please share in the comments!!!!

โค๏ธ There is obviously many pieces involved with hot flushes during menopause...

โค๏ธ which is why it is SO helpful to work with someone who can help you unpack your own triggers and create strategies to support you! You can book with me here -

I believe that circadian biology, mitochondrial function, structured water and mindset are THE most important start pointsโ€ฆ.

โ˜‘๏ธ Want to find out more?

๐Ÿ’ฏ You can learn with me RIGHT NOW,
classes have started and there's 2 more coming!

These will change the way you know, and work with, your body.

Love to see you there # #


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Expanding understanding

Pia's love for evolving and expanding her ability to serve at the highest level has seen her learn from almost every master educator in the beauty and skin industry, over the last 20+ years, as well attending countless seminars and workshops on all topics of health, including neuroinflammation, gut-brain-axis, depression, stress, anxiety, nutrition, hormonal health, neurotransmitter function, detoxification, and environmental pollutants just to name a few!

Pia has also completed certification in business leadership, NLP, Reiki, Qi Gong, Feminine Embodiment Yoga (200hr), Mindfulness and more, which complements her Bachelor of Health Science Naturopathy degree beautifully.

Pia's heart centered approach looks at treating the underlying causes of disease and disorders rather than just the symptoms.

โ€œ My mission is truly to help everyone THRIVE, not just survive! โ€

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