Sanjaya Rodrigo Happiness Is The Path

HITPATH (Happiness Is The Path) guides you to develop mindfulness in all areas of life. Join us for daily tips, live meditations, and insights.


Begin Your Day with Serenity and Mindfulness | Daily Mindfulness Meditation Sessions

🌅 Start Your Day with Sanjaya's Mindfulness Meditation 🌅

Join Sanjaya live at HITPATH (Happiness Is The Path) for daily mindfulness meditation sessions, streamed directly from Melbourne, Australia. Kickstart your weekdays at 6 am and weekends at 7 am with a practice dedicated to enhancing your wellbeing and happiness through the power of mindfulness.

✨ Discover Inner Peace and Clarity ✨

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these sessions are designed to guide you on a journey towards inner peace and mental clarity, no matter where you are in the world.

📅 Weekly In-Person Session:

When: Every Wednesday evening at 8 pm
Where: Beaconsfield Neighborhoods Centre, 8 O'Neil Rd, Beaconsfield VIC 3807
For more information, feel free to reach out:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+61) 0493 104 233
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more mindfulness content!


Begin Your Day with Serenity and Mindfulness | Daily Mindfulness Meditation Sessions

🌅 Start Your Day with Sanjaya's Mindfulness Meditation 🌅

Join Sanjaya live at HITPATH (Happiness Is The Path) for daily mindfulness meditation sessions, streamed directly from Melbourne, Australia. Kickstart your weekdays at 6 am and weekends at 7 am with a practice dedicated to enhancing your wellbeing and happiness through the power of mindfulness.

✨ Discover Inner Peace and Clarity ✨

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these sessions are designed to guide you on a journey towards inner peace and mental clarity, no matter where you are in the world.

📅 Weekly In-Person Session:

When: Every Wednesday evening at 8 pm
Where: Beaconsfield Neighborhoods Centre, 8 O'Neil Rd, Beaconsfield VIC 3807
For more information, feel free to reach out:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+61) 0493 104 233
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more mindfulness content!


Begin Your Day with Serenity and Mindfulness | Daily Mindfulness Meditation Sessions

🌅 Start Your Day with Sanjaya's Mindfulness Meditation 🌅

Join Sanjaya live at HITPATH (Happiness Is The Path) for daily mindfulness meditation sessions, streamed directly from Melbourne, Australia. Kickstart your weekdays at 6 am and weekends at 7 am with a practice dedicated to enhancing your wellbeing and happiness through the power of mindfulness.

✨ Discover Inner Peace and Clarity ✨

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these sessions are designed to guide you on a journey towards inner peace and mental clarity, no matter where you are in the world.

📅 Weekly In-Person Session:

When: Every Wednesday evening at 8 pm
Where: Beaconsfield Neighborhoods Centre, 8 O'Neil Rd, Beaconsfield VIC 3807
For more information, feel free to reach out:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+61) 0493 104 233
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more mindfulness content!


Exploring mind-body awareness strengthens my connection to myself.

I pay attention to the signals my body sends and how they relate to my emotions. 🌟

Practice: I take a few moments to do a body scan, noticing any tension or discomfort. 🧘‍♀️

Mind-body awareness improves my physical and mental health. 🌿


🌟 Daily Mindful Moment #33: Finding Fulfillment in the Now 🌟

Today's practice focuses on finding fulfillment in the present moment. By fully engaging with what's happening now, we can experience true contentment and joy. Reflect on what you appreciate about this moment, and you'll find that fulfillment is always within reach. ✨


Begin Your Day with Serenity and Mindfulness | Daily Mindfulness Meditation Sessions

🌅 Start Your Day with Sanjaya's Mindfulness Meditation 🌅

Join Sanjaya live at HITPATH (Happiness Is The Path) for daily mindfulness meditation sessions, streamed directly from Melbourne, Australia. Kickstart your weekdays at 6 am and weekends at 7 am with a practice dedicated to enhancing your wellbeing and happiness through the power of mindfulness.

✨ Discover Inner Peace and Clarity ✨

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these sessions are designed to guide you on a journey towards inner peace and mental clarity, no matter where you are in the world.

📅 Weekly In-Person Session:

When: Every Wednesday evening at 8 pm
Where: Beaconsfield Neighborhoods Centre, 8 O'Neil Rd, Beaconsfield VIC 3807
For more information, feel free to reach out:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+61) 0493 104 233
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more mindfulness content!


Begin Your Day with Serenity and Mindfulness | Daily Mindfulness Meditation Sessions

🌅 Start Your Day with Sanjaya's Mindfulness Meditation 🌅

Join Sanjaya live at HITPATH (Happiness Is The Path) for daily mindfulness meditation sessions, streamed directly from Melbourne, Australia. Kickstart your weekdays at 6 am and weekends at 7 am with a practice dedicated to enhancing your wellbeing and happiness through the power of mindfulness.

✨ Discover Inner Peace and Clarity ✨

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these sessions are designed to guide you on a journey towards inner peace and mental clarity, no matter where you are in the world.

📅 Weekly In-Person Session:

When: Every Wednesday evening at 8 pm
Where: Beaconsfield Neighborhoods Centre, 8 O'Neil Rd, Beaconsfield VIC 3807
For more information, feel free to reach out:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+61) 0493 104 233
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more mindfulness content!


Begin Your Day with Serenity and Mindfulness | Daily Mindfulness Meditation Sessions

🌅 Start Your Day with Sanjaya's Mindfulness Meditation 🌅

Join Sanjaya live at HITPATH (Happiness Is The Path) for daily mindfulness meditation sessions, streamed directly from Melbourne, Australia. Kickstart your weekdays at 6 am and weekends at 7 am with a practice dedicated to enhancing your wellbeing and happiness through the power of mindfulness.

✨ Discover Inner Peace and Clarity ✨

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these sessions are designed to guide you on a journey towards inner peace and mental clarity, no matter where you are in the world.

📅 Weekly In-Person Session:

When: Every Wednesday evening at 8 pm
Where: Beaconsfield Neighborhoods Centre, 8 O'Neil Rd, Beaconsfield VIC 3807
For more information, feel free to reach out:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+61) 0493 104 233
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more mindfulness content!


Finding fulfillment in the present moment brings peace and satisfaction. Embrace the now and experience the joy it brings.

🌟 Practice: Spend a few minutes each day focusing on what brings you joy and contentment right now. Reflect on these moments of fulfillment.

🔗 Visit our website for more mindfulness tips:

📝 Read our Daily Mindful Journey blog: Daily Mindful Journey

📅 Join our live streams at 6:00 am Melbourne time for guided mindfulness sessions.


Finding fulfilment in the present moment brings peace and satisfaction.

I focus on what brings me joy and contentment right now. 🌼

Practice: I spend a few minutes each day doing something that makes me happy. 🧘‍♂️

Finding fulfilment in the now enhances my overall well-being. 🌿


Reflecting on your achievements fosters gratitude and self-esteem. Take a moment to celebrate how far you’ve come and honor your journey.

Practice: Reflect on three achievements you’re proud of today. Write them down and feel the gratitude for your hard work and dedication.

🔗 Visit our website for more mindfulness tips:

📝 Read our Daily Mindful Journey blog: Daily Mindful Journey

📅 Join our live streams at 6:00 am Melbourne time for guided mindfulness sessions.


✨ Daily Mindful Moment #32: Reflecting on Your Achievements ✨

Take a moment to reflect on how far you've come. Consider your journey over the past weeks, months, or even years. Reflect on your achievements, your growth, and how your perceptions have evolved.

🌟Celebrate your progress and recognize the strength and resilience that have brought you to where you are today.

Watch the full video and take this time to appreciate your journey!


Living with intention brings clarity and purpose to your daily life. Set your intentions and watch how your reality transforms Purpose🌟

Practice: Start your day by setting a clear intention. Reflect on what you want to achieve and how you want to feel. Living with intention can bring more clarity and purpose to your life.

🔗 Visit our website for more mindfulness tips:

📝 Read our Daily Mindful Journey blog: Daily Mindful Journey

📅 Join our live streams at 6:00 am Melbourne time for guided mindfulness sessions.


✨ Daily Mindful Moment #31: Embracing the Present Moment for Purpose ✨

Discover how living in the present can add clarity and purpose to your life


Living with intention brings clarity and purpose to my daily life.

I consider what values and goals are most important to me. 🧠

Practice: I set daily intentions and reflect on how they guide my actions. 📝

Living with intention helps me create a life that aligns with my true self. 🌟


HITPATH Live Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Start Your Day with Serenity

Begin Your Day with Serenity and Mindfulness | Daily Mindfulness Meditation Sessions

🌅 Start Your Day with Sanjaya's Mindfulness Meditation 🌅

Join Sanjaya live at HITPATH (Happiness Is The Path) for daily mindfulness meditation sessions, streamed directly from Melbourne, Australia. Kickstart your weekdays at 6 am and weekends at 7 am with a practice dedicated to enhancing your wellbeing and happiness through the power of mindfulness.

✨ Discover Inner Peace and Clarity ✨

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these sessions are designed to guide you on a journey towards inner peace and mental clarity, no matter where you are in the world.

📅 Weekly In-Person Session:

When: Every Wednesday evening at 8 pm
Where: Beaconsfield Neighborhoods Centre, 8 O'Neil Rd, Beaconsfield VIC 3807
For more information, feel free to reach out:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+61) 0493 104 233
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more mindfulness content!


Embracing the present moment enhances mindfulness and joy. Take a moment today to fully engage with the here and now.

🌟 Practice: Throughout your day, pause and bring your attention to your breath. Notice the sights, sounds, and sensations around you. Embracing the present moment can bring more mindfulness and joy into your life.

🔗 Visit our website for more mindfulness tips:
📝 Read our Daily Mindful Journey blog: Daily Mindful Journey
📅 Join our live streams at 6:00 am Melbourne time for guided mindfulness sessions.


Embracing the present moment enhances my mindfulness and joy.

I focus on the here and now, letting go of worries about the past or future. 🌟

Practice: I take a moment to notice the sights, sounds, and sensations around me. 🧘‍♂️

Embracing the present brings a sense of peace and contentment to my life. 🌿


🌟 Daily Mindful Moment #30: Creating a Vision for Your Future 🌟

Join us today as we focus on envisioning our future. Take a moment to imagine where you want to be, what you want to achieve, and the person you want to become.

✨ Reflect on your dreams and aspirations.
✨ Visualize your future with clarity and intention.
✨ Set goals that align with your vision.

Creating a vision for your future helps you stay motivated and focused on your path to personal growth.

For more insights, visit our Daily Mindful Journey blog.


HITPATH Live Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Introducing Mindful Breathing (The Air Element)

Begin Your Day with Serenity and Mindfulness | Daily Mindfulness Meditation Sessions

🌅 Start Your Day with Sanjaya's Mindfulness Meditation 🌅

Join Sanjaya live at HITPATH (Happiness Is The Path) for daily mindfulness meditation sessions, streamed directly from Melbourne, Australia. Kickstart your weekdays at 6 am and weekends at 7 am with a practice dedicated to enhancing your wellbeing and happiness through the power of mindfulness.

✨ Discover Inner Peace and Clarity ✨

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these sessions are designed to guide you on a journey towards inner peace and mental clarity, no matter where you are in the world.

📅 Weekly In-Person Session:

When: Every Wednesday evening at 8 pm
Where: Beaconsfield Neighborhoods Centre, 8 O'Neil Rd, Beaconsfield VIC 3807
For more information, feel free to reach out:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+61) 0493 104 233
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more mindfulness content!


Creating a vision for your future helps you stay focused and motivated. Take a moment today to envision what you want to achieve and how you want your life to look.

🌟 Practice: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing your goals and dreams. Picture yourself achieving them and living the life you desire. This practice can boost your motivation and keep you on track.

🔗 Visit our website for more mindfulness tips:
📝 Read our Daily Mindful Journey blog: Daily Mindful Journey
📅 Join our live streams at 6:00 am Melbourne time for guided mindfulness sessions.


Creating a vision for my future keeps me focused and motivated.

I imagine what I want my life to look like in the future. 🌠

Practice: I create a vision board or write a vision statement for my future. 📝

A clear vision guides my actions and decisions toward my goals. 🧭


Join me in today's Daily Mindful Moment: Setting Intentions for Growth.

🌱 Intentions guide our growth and development.

Let's set positive, mindful intentions to help us flourish. "


Setting Intentions for Growth 🌱

Setting intentions for growth aligns your actions with your goals.

By setting clear intentions, we create a pathway for personal and professional growth. Align your actions with your goals to foster continuous improvement and achieve your aspirations. 🌟✨

Daily Practice:

Reflect on your goals: Take time to think about what you want to achieve and why. 🌿

Set clear intentions: Write down specific, actionable intentions that will help you reach your goals. 📝

Align actions with intentions: Consistently take steps that align with your intentions to ensure progress. 🧭

This is a part of the HITPATH PURPOSE philosophy. Stay connected for more mindfulness tips and join our daily live streams at 6:00am Melbourne time!

Visit our blog at or check out our website at 🎥

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Videos (show all)

Finding Fulfillment in the Now
HITPATH Live Guided Mindfulness Meditation #98 | Start Your Day with Serenity
HITPATH Live Guided Mindfulness Meditation #99 | Start Your Day with Serenity
HITPATH Live Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Start Your Day with Serenity
HITPATH Live Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Start Your Day with Serenity
HITPATH Live Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Start Your Day with Serenity
HITPATH Live Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Start Your Day with Serenity
HITPATH Live Guided Mindfulness Meditation | Start Your Day with Serenity
Living with Intention
Embracing the Present Moment for Purpose
HITPATH Live Guided Mindfulness Meditation #92 | Start Your Day with Serenity
HITPATH Live Guided Mindfulness Meditation #91 | Start Your Day with Serenity


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