
Enjoy more than 100 Korean dishes. Korean traditional & modern food freshly cooked with local ingredients. Follow Instagram @migak_mel for updates.

Visit our website to view the full menu. www.migak.com.au


MIGAK PRE•ORDER👩🏻‍🍳 Korean traditional slow braised beef short ribs with colourful vegetables used to be served to the kings 👑

미각 선주문 메뉴로 더 다양한 요리를 즐겨보세요🍲
Enjoy a wider variety of Korean cuisine!

👉🏻Order online www.migak.com.au

🕰️ Pre•order anytime before 1 day by 2pm
(✏️Note pickup date & time on Cart 🛒 page)

🏡Store OPEN
MON - SAT 11:30am - 3:00pm
📍3 Eskay Rd, Oakleigh South

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식
#멜번김치 #멜버른김치
#멜번가정식 #멜버른가정식
#멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집
#멜번명절음식 #멜버른명절음식
#멜번모둠전 #멜버른모둠전
#멜번육전 #멜버른육전
#멜번도토리묵 #멜버른도토리묵
#멜번갈비찜 #멜버른갈비찜


Outdoor dining is ready 🤎🧺🥂✨

🏡 Store open
11:30am - 3:00pm


#멜번한식 #멜버른한식
#멜번김치 #멜버른김치
#멜번가정식 #멜버른가정식
#멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집


One of the best selling side dishes 🫶🏻

UEONG | Burdock roots braised in sweet soy sauce and topped with roasted sesame seeds.


Korean squid dishes🔫✨

▪️고추장 오징어채볶음
Roasted squid strips stir-fried in sweet chilli paste sauce.

☀️ Tuesday - Saturday
🕰 11:30am - 3:00pm
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번집밥 #멜버른집밥 #멜번한정식 #멜버른한정식 #멜번불고기 #멜버른불고기 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번순두부 #멜버른순두부 #멜번비빔밥 #멜버른비빔밥 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번새우장 #멜버른새우장 #멜번오삼볶음 #멜버른오삼볶음 #오징어게임


Korean squid dishes🔫✨

▪️불맛탱 오삼불고기
Stir-fried squid & pork belly in spicy chilli paste sauce served with perilla leaves.

▪️양념 오징어젓갈
Spicy salted squid strips.

☀️ Tuesday - Saturday
🕰 11:30am - 3:00pm
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번집밥 #멜버른집밥 #멜번한정식 #멜버른한정식 #멜번불고기 #멜버른불고기 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번순두부 #멜버른순두부 #멜번비빔밥 #멜버른비빔밥 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번새우장 #멜버른새우장 #멜번오삼볶음 #멜버른오삼볶음 #오징어게임


Korean squid dishes🔫✨

▪️양념 오징어젓갈
Spicy salted squid strips.

▪️식감저격 오징어도라지무침
Bellflower root & squid salad in spicy sour sauce.

☀️ Tuesday - Saturday
🕰 11:30am - 3:00pm
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번집밥 #멜버른집밥 #멜번한정식 #멜버른한정식 #멜번불고기 #멜버른불고기 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번순두부 #멜버른순두부 #멜번비빔밥 #멜버른비빔밥 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번새우장 #멜버른새우장 #멜번오삼볶음 #멜버른오삼볶음 #오징어게임


Migak Food Boxes🫧 enjoy with your loved ones🌷

❗️Migak is currently on holidays 🇰🇷
🎈RE•OPEN on Saturday 20th January

💛Korea’s favourite side dish, stir-fried kransky sausage & vegetables in Migak’s special tomato-based sauce served in a food box for your small gathering and party✨

Order online www.migak.com.au 👉🏻Food Box
Pre-order anytime 1day before by 2pm
(Note pickup date & time on Cart 🛒 page)

🍲 Tuesday - Saturday 11:30am - 3:00pm
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜버른생일파티 #멜번생일파티
#멜버른행사음식 #멜번행사음식
#멜버른케이터링 #멜번케이터링
#멜버른도시락 #멜번도시락
#멜버른소규모모임 #멜번소규모모임


🦐 Fresh raw prawns marinated Migak’s secret housemade soy sauce🥃 highly recommended to serve with steamed rice🍚, dried seaweed and avocado🥑

❗️Migak is currently on holidays 🇰🇷

🎈RE•OPEN on Saturday 20th January

🍲 Tuesday - Saturday 11:30am - 3:00pm
👩🏻‍🍳 Takeaway / Dine in 🙏🏻Table Booking Unavailable
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번집밥 #멜버른집밥 #멜번한정식 #멜버른한정식 #멜번떡갈비 #멜버른떡갈비 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번육개장 #멜버른육개장 #멜번순두부 #멜버른순두부 #멜번비빔밥 #멜버른비빔밥 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번새우장 #멜버른새우장


Migak Food Boxes🫧 enjoy with your loved ones🌷

🎈OPEN until Saturday 30th December
🪸CLOSED 31st Dec 2023 - 19th Jan 2024

💛Korean essential side dish, Rolled egg omelettes with chopped vegetables sliced in bite sizes served in a food box for your small gathering and party✨

Order online www.migak.com.au 👉🏻Food Box
Pre-order anytime 1day before by 2pm
(Note pickup date & time on Cart 🛒 page)

🕰️ Tuesday - Saturday 11:30am - 3:00pm
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜버른생일파티 #멜번생일파티
#멜버른행사음식 #멜번행사음식
#멜버른케이터링 #멜번케이터링
#멜버른도시락 #멜번도시락
#멜버른소규모모임 #멜번소규모모임
#멜버른크리스마스 #멜번크리스마스


Migak Food Boxes🫧 enjoy with your loved ones🌷

▫️ 👑 Korean traditional sweet potato noodles stir-fried with vegetables.

Order online www.migak.com.au 👉🏻Food Box
Pre-order anytime 1day before by 2pm
(Note pickup date & time on Cart 🛒 page)

🎁OPEN on Boxing Day
🎄Same opening hours in 2023
🪸Holiday 1st~19th Jan 2024

🕰️ Tuesday - Saturday 11:30am - 3:00pm
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜버른생일파티 #멜번생일파티
#멜버른행사음식 #멜번행사음식
#멜버른케이터링 #멜번케이터링
#멜버른도시락 #멜번도시락
#멜버른소규모모임 #멜번소규모모임
#멜버른크리스마스 #멜번크리스마스


🌸Spring Special🌸 set 🍽️ Spicy soft silken tofu stew with assorted seafood🦐 served Migak’s daily side dishes, homemade kimchi and steamed rice.

🎁OPEN on Boxing Day
🎄Same opening hours in 2023
🪸Holiday 1st~19th Jan 2024

🍲 Tuesday - Saturday 11:30am - 3:00pm
👩🏻‍🍳 Takeaway / Dine in 🙏🏻Table Booking Unavailable
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번집밥 #멜버른집밥 #멜번한정식 #멜버른한정식 #멜번떡갈비 #멜버른떡갈비 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번육개장 #멜버른육개장 #멜번순두부 #멜버른순두부 #멜번비빔밥 #멜버른비빔밥 #멜번닭강정 #멜버른닭강정 #멜번치킨 #멜버른치킨


Migak Food Boxes🫧 enjoy with your loved ones🌷

💖Our customer’s choice for a small gathering :
Food Box Double ✌🏻
▫️ 👑 Korean traditional beef short ribs slow braised in soy sauce with vegetables
▫️ 👑 Korean traditional sweet potato noodles stir-fried with vegetables

Order online www.migak.com.au 👉🏻Food Box
Pre-order anytime 1day before by 2pm
(Note pickup date & time on Cart 🛒 page)

🎁OPEN on Boxing Day
🎄Same opening hours in 2023
🪸Holiday 1st~19th Jan 2024

🕰️ Tuesday - Saturday 11:30am - 3:00pm
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜버른생일파티 #멜번생일파티
#멜버른행사음식 #멜번행사음식
#멜버른케이터링 #멜번케이터링
#멜버른도시락 #멜번도시락
#멜버른소규모모임 #멜번소규모모임
#멜버른크리스마스 #멜번크리스마스


Migak’s signature set 🍽️ traditional mixed rice with assorted seasoned korean mountain vegetables and beef chilli paste served Migak’s daily side dishes and homemade kimchi.

🎁OPEN on Boxing Day
🎄Same opening hours in 2023
🪸Holiday 1st~19th Jan 2024

🍲 Tuesday - Saturday 11:30am - 3:00pm
👩🏻‍🍳 Takeaway / Dine in 🙏🏻Table Booking Unavailable
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번집밥 #멜버른집밥 #멜번한정식 #멜버른한정식 #멜번떡갈비 #멜버른떡갈비 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번육개장 #멜버른육개장 #멜번순두부 #멜버른순두부 #멜번비빔밥 #멜버른비빔밥 #멜번닭강정 #멜버른닭강정 #멜번치킨 #멜버른치킨


Migak’s signature Jeongsik set 🍽️

🍲 Slow cooked Korean spicy beef soup is a nutritious and substantial soup that has a great depth of flavour by simmering with hand shredded beef & hearty vegetables together for a long time.

Korean full meal sets come with three daily side dishes and steamed rice.

🎄Same opening hours in 2023
🪸Holiday closure from 1st Jan 2024
✨Reopening on Saturday 20th Jan 2024

🍲 Tuesday - Saturday 11:30am - 3:00pm
👩🏻‍🍳 Takeaway / Dine in 🙏🏻Table Booking Unavailable
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번집밥 #멜버른집밥 #멜번한정식 #멜버른한정식 #멜번떡갈비 #멜버른떡갈비 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번육개장 #멜버른육개장 #멜번순두부 #멜버른순두부 #멜번김밥 #멜버른김밥 #멜번닭강정 #멜버른닭강정 #멜번치킨 #멜버른치킨

Photos from Migak's post 19/10/2023

알타리의 변신은 무죄 💫

Do you love Young Radish Kimchi? If so it is time to try Washed fermented / aged young radish kimchi slow braised with crushed garlic, spring onions and perilla seed oil. One of our favourite side dishes that makes us finish x3 bowls of rice .. 🍚🍚🍚🥢

물량이 모자라 담그는 족족 품절되어 한동안 선보이지 못했던 묵은 알타리 지짐!! 일부러 소량 킵해놓고 익혀서 드디어 준비되었습니다 👵🏻할무니입맛 모여라-! 이거이거 묵타리 하나면 다른 반찬 필요없쥬🥹 또 하나의 밥도둑 놈!!

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식
#멜번김치 #멜버른김치
#멜번알타리 #멜버른알타리
#멜번총각김치 #멜버른총각김치
#멜번묵은지 #멜버른묵은지
#멜번가정식 #멜버른가정식
#멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집

Photos from Migak's post 06/10/2023

멜번 농장에서 바로 온 신선한 한국 알타리로 담가 더 더욱 맛있어요 🥹

Fresh young radishes arrived directly from a Melbourne farm 👩🏻‍🌾✨ Young radish kimchi is one of the popular kimchi featuring the combination of a crunchy radish and pleasantly chewy stems. It tastes best when it is well-fermented since the radish can be spicy/bitter before fermentation.

[✨Why Migak’s kimchi is so special?] We are believed to be the only place to get freshly made and unfermented kimchi in Melbourne. You can enjoy the changing flavour of kimchi while it is being fermented🕰

👩🏻‍🍳 우리 한국의 다양한 종류의 김치를 로컬 재료로 신선하게 만듭니다. 시간이 지남에따라 숙성되므로 기호에 맞는 정도로 드실 수 있습니다.


#멜번한식 #멜버른한식
#멜번김치 #멜버른김치
#멜번알타리 #멜버른알타리
#멜번총각김치 #멜버른총각김치
#멜번가정식 #멜버른가정식
#멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집


YES We’re OPEN on this Friday 🏈

🍲 Tuesday - Saturday 11:30am - 3:00pm
✨ Takeaway / Dine in 🙏🏻Bookings unavailable
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번백반 #멜버른백반 #멜번정식 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번육개장 #멜버른육개장 #멜번순두부 #멜버른순두부 #멜번쌈밥 #멜버른쌈밥 #멜번쌈 #멜버른쌈 #멜번쌈장 #멜버른쌈장

Photos from Korean Adoptees in Australia Network - KAIAN's post 10/05/2023
Photos from Migak's post 09/05/2023

New packaging✨🌊 marinated raw soy crabs packed in a pretty leakproof container. Limited qty available to purchase in store / click & collect availability online. Don’t forget to note your pickup date & time on checkout 😉

💧100% leakproof
♻️Aluminium can opening
🫙Upcycle-able strong container & lid

인기메뉴 밥도둑✨간장게장 포장이 새지 않는 캔시머 포장으로 업그레이드 되었습니다. 선물용으로도 너무 좋아요 🫶🏻 매장에서 한정수량으로 판매중이며, 온라인 Click & Collect 주문 가능합니다. 체크아웃 시 note 란에 픽업 날짜와 시간을 알려주세요😉

🍲 Tuesday - Saturday 11:30 am - 3:00 pm
✨ Takeaway / Dine in 🙏🏻Bookings unavailable
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South (Enter through the corner of Centre Rd & Eskay Rd, not Jacks Rd)

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번백반 #멜버른백반 #멜번정식 #멜버른정식 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번비빔밥 #멜버른비빔밥 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번육개장 #멜버른육개장 #멜번불고기 #멜버른불고기 #멜번잡채 #멜버른잡채 #멜번덮밥 #멜버른덮밥


오늘의 반찬 🍽️

#수제도토리묵무침 육개장•갈비탕•산채비빔밥•간장게장 정식의 ‘반찬’으로 구성되어 나가며, 반찬 냉장고에 진열되어 따로 구매 가능합니다😋 수량한정*

Today we will be serving , homemade acorn jelly ( ) salad as a part of the side dishes of Korean Full Meal sets. It will be available to purchase from the display fridge as well 😋 qty limited*

🍲 Tuesday - Saturday 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
✨ Takeaway / Dine in 🙏🏻Bookings unavailable
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South (Enter through the corner of Centre Rd & Eskay Rd, not Jacks Rd)

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번백반 #멜버른백반 #멜번정식 #멜버른정식 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번비빔밥 #멜버른비빔밥 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번육개장 #멜버른육개장 #멜번불고기 #멜버른불고기 #멜번잡채 #멜버른잡채 #멜번덮밥 #멜버른덮밥


🌴Important notice 🌴

🙌🏻 Please be advised that we will be closed from Tuesday the 2nd of May to Saturday the 6th of May for a holiday break. We apologise for any inconvenience 🙏🏻

✨ Re•opening on Tuesday the 9th of May 🤗

Photos from Migak's post 26/04/2023

🥂Food Boxes available today?

Yes, these are the Food Boxes you can order & Same-day pick up (*Before 3:00pm store closing)

💡Food Box Sizes
[M] approx. 4pp
[L] approx. 6pp

💖 Bee Bulgogi
💖 Pork Gochujang
💖 Japchae (Vegan/Ovo-veg/Beef)

Order online ✅


🍲 Korean Spicy Beef Soup Jeongsik comes with side dishes, kimchi and steamed rice 😋🥄

🍲 Tuesday - Saturday 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
✨ Takeaway / Dine in🙏🏻Table bookings unavailable
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South (Enter through the corner of Centre Rd & Eskay Rd, not Jacks Rd)

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번백반 #멜버른백반 #멜번정식 #멜버른정식 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번비빔밥 #멜버른비빔밥 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번육개장 #멜버른육개장 #멜번불고기 #멜버른불고기 #멜번잡채 #멜버른잡채 #멜번덮밥 #멜버른덮밥



Lunch will be available 🍲🍲🍲

Korean Full Meals✨come with side dishes, kimchi and steamed rice.

Quick & simple lunch bowls served with pickled radish and greens on rice🫶🏻

🙏🏻Table bookings unavailable🙏🏻

🍲 Tuesday - Saturday 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
✨ Dine in / Takeaway
📍 3 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South (Enter through the corner of Centre Rd & Eskay Rd, not Jacks Rd)

#멜번한식 #멜버른한식 #멜번한식당 #멜버른한식당 #멜번맛집 #멜버른맛집 #멜번백반 #멜버른백반 #멜번정식 #멜버른정식 #멜번게장 #멜버른게장 #멜번비빔밥 #멜버른비빔밥 #멜번갈비탕 #멜버른갈비탕 #멜번육개장 #멜버른육개장 #멜번불고기 #멜버른불고기 #멜번잡채 #멜버른잡채 #멜번덮밥 #멜버른덮밥

Photos from Migak's post 23/04/2020

아삭매콤 #마늘쫑무침 🧄
Spicy Garlic Scapes in Spicy Sauce! ——————————
👩🏻‍🍳집밥을 연구합니다.
💌주문 인스타/카톡
👩🏻‍🍳Korean Traditional Taste
💌 ORDER insta/kakao
‼️무료*딜리버리‼️Free* Delivery‼️
*미니멈 $80 주문 시. *홈페이지에서 배송범위확인. *선착순 딜리버리 예약마감. *Minimum purchase amount $80. *Refer to the delivery map to check suburbs available on website. *On a first-come, first-served basis.
#멜버른반찬 #멜버른케이터링 #멜버른한식 #멜버른파티 #멜번파티 #멜번케이터링 @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Photos from Migak's post 23/04/2020

Slowly Braised Beef Short Ribs in Migak’s secret spicy sauce 🌶
#미각표갈비찜 ✨ #이번설날 #인기만점 #매갈 #소갈
👩🏻‍🍳집밥을 연구합니다.
💌주문 인스타/카톡
👩🏻‍🍳Korean Traditional Taste
💌 ORDER insta/kakao
‼️무료*딜리버리‼️Free* Delivery‼️
*미니멈 $80 주문 시. *홈페이지에서 배송범위확인. *선착순 딜리버리 예약마감. *Minimum purchase amount $80. *Refer to the delivery map to check suburbs available on website. *On a first-come, first-served basis.
#멜버른반찬 #멜버른케이터링 #멜버른한식 #멜버른파티 #멜번파티 #멜번케이터링 @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Photos from Migak's post 23/04/2020

식감저격 #오징어도라지생채
Bellflower Root & Squid Salad in Spicy and Sour Sauce 🥒
👩🏻‍🍳집밥을 연구합니다.
💌주문 인스타/카톡
👩🏻‍🍳Korean Traditional Taste
💌 ORDER insta/kakao
‼️무료*딜리버리‼️Free* Delivery‼️
*미니멈 $80 주문 시. *홈페이지에서 배송범위확인. *선착순 딜리버리 예약마감. *Minimum purchase amount $80. *Refer to the delivery map to check suburbs available on website. *On a first-come, first-served basis.
#멜버른반찬 #멜버른케이터링 #멜버른한식 #멜버른파티 #멜번파티 #멜번케이터링 @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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Videos (show all)

Thank you for visiting Migak with your big family from Singapore and hope to have a beautiful time here and go back home...
✌🏻2 days left until the fundraising campaign ends. The exclusive five Migak 🎁 hampers featuring these nine Korean homest...
A heartwarming Korean-Australian short film, ‘Thank You for the Meal’ emphasises the importance of food as a way to main...
#TheFreshestKimchi made by @migak_melbourne NOW available @hongkongsupermarket in #ClaytonFeel the difference 🥬✨Migak is...
Dosirak for @khiphoprnb_au 🎤✨Gogi&Bap #Dosirak is a perfect catering option for a big group and busy events! ModernK Dos...
Thank you 🙏🏻🥰 @oliviaklandita
#Dosirak Korean lunch boxes🫧🥂💌 For inquiries about catering please contact us via email migakmel@gmail.com💖 We’re OPEN 🕰...
Why I shouldn’t finish all the seafood soup 🦐🦀 is…📹 How to make Real Seafood #Ramyeon 🍜✨ served with aged #GodKimchi #Mu...
Why I shouldn’t finish all the seafood soup 🦐🦀 is…📹 How to make Real Seafood #Ramyeon 🍜✨ served with aged #GodKimchi #Mu...
Why I shouldn’t finish all the seafood soup 🦐🦀 is…📹 How to make Real Seafood #Ramyeon 🍜✨ served with aged #GodKimchi #Mu...
Why I shouldn’t finish all the seafood soup 🦐🦀 is…📹 How to make Real Seafood #Ramyeon 🍜✨ served with aged #GodKimchi #Mu...



3 Eskay Road
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11:30am - 3pm
Wednesday 11:30am - 3pm
Thursday 11:30am - 3pm
Friday 11:30am - 3pm
Saturday 11:30am - 3pm

Other Korean Restaurants in Melbourne (show all)
Buza Chicken Buza Chicken
Shop 317, Level 3/211 La Trobe Street
Melbourne, 3000

Don't just eat chicken, Buza it! Experience the explosion of Korean Fried Chicken flavours. https://linktr.ee/buzachickenau

Korea Town Melbourne Korea Town Melbourne
365 La Trobe Street
Melbourne, 3000

Find all your Korean food cravings at KOREA TOWN. All the unique and trendy Korean food you can possibly imagine!

Gami Chicken & Beer Gami Chicken & Beer
Lower Ground Food Atrium, Chadstone Shopping Centre, 3141 Dandenong Road, Chadstone
Melbourne, 3148

Gami Chicken & Beer Gami Chicken & Beer
Shop 7, 2-18 Koornang Road, Carnegie
Melbourne, 3163

BBQ-K Box Hill BBQ-K Box Hill
850 Whitehorse Road
Melbourne, 3128

Authentic Korean BBQ Kitchen 🔥 --- 9899 3385

My Mom's BBQ My Mom's BBQ
285-287 Springvale Road
Melbourne, 3150

Korean style BBQ buffet !!

Gukbab Melbourne Gukbab Melbourne
1/535 Little Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, 3000

We are open every day serving tasty Korean dishes in Melbourne. Enjoy our famous GUKBAB a.k.a. soups!

Galbi #1 Galbi #1
3/190 Belmore Road Balwyn
Melbourne, 3103

Korean BBQ & Korean Fried Chicken

MINO Korean Charcoal BBQ MINO Korean Charcoal BBQ
1380 Toorak Road Camberwell
Melbourne, 3124

We Do Dine in & Takeaway Tues-Friday 5:30pm-9:30pm Sat-Sunday 5:00pm-09:30pm ☎️0493 146 297

Hallah Korean BBQ Restaurant Melbourne city 한식당 Hallah Korean BBQ Restaurant Melbourne city 한식당
268 Victoria Street
Melbourne, 3051

Hallah Korean BBQ Restaurant, a cozy Je Ju style setting while we offer a variety of modern and traditional Korean dishes that will thrill your taste buds!

Changgo Korean BBQ Restaurant Changgo Korean BBQ Restaurant
70 Little La Trobe Street
Melbourne, 3000

Jang Gun CBD Jang Gun CBD
3/21 Healey's Lane
Melbourne, 3000

Jang Gun is a family run Korean Restaurant located in the heart of Melbourne CBD.