South East Natural Health

Also offering cupping and gua sha. Run by Dr. Sarah Hennessey (TCM).

South East Natural Health is an acupuncture and herbal clinic in Carnegie, VIC with special focus on Women's Health, Preconception, Post-Natal, Menopause, Pain, Sleep, and Stress.


Someone always has it harder than you. Always.

But that doesn't invalid your struggle or your growth.

What's challenging for you may be simple to another.

What comes easy to you probably seems impossible to many.

Rise to meet your own challenges, in the way that suits you best.

Look to others for inspiration, guidance, support, and perspective. But don't get caught up in trying to chase their progress.

This is your story.

That means your boundaries, your comfort zone, your pace, your integrity, and whatever makes you unique physically, mentally, or spiritually, is going to shape the way you move through challenges.

Embrace that. Be present in your victories and your setbacks. Learn from both... that's still progress!


Sometimes the challenges we have with our health feel overwhelming and out of our control.

If that resonates with you, get in touch. I'm here to guide you to better health and help you rise to meet your own challenges in the ways that suit you best, as an individual.

You've got this! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


I had a great chat with an Australian midwife (who preferred to remain anonymous) and she gave me some helpful insight on her observations of postnatal mental health, and how we can support each other:

"Iโ€™m not sure what has happened to this generation of birthing women, but mental health issues/histories are through the roof... and many perinatal mental health services arenโ€™t set up to help women with anxiety."

๐Ÿ’ซ How can friends and family recognize when postnatal mental health is becoming an issue?

"They need to look for the signs- some women will look to have all their stuff together (house immaculate, amazing meals cooked, everyone looking like they stepped off the cover of a magazine etc).

But these are often the ones that really arenโ€™t coping and need that brave person to step up and make sure that they really are ok.

Social media canโ€™t be trusted when it comes to how someone is coping- itโ€™s a snap shot. We can all make things look amazing for the 1 second it takes to snap a photo."

๐Ÿ’ซ So how can we help?

"I think family and friends can help by being there, and by being brave and asking the hard questions when they see that their friend/family member isnโ€™t coping.

[We] need to remember that women will often not ask for help- they don't want to be seen as not being able to manage, so never say to her, โ€˜Ring me and let me know what you needโ€™.

Instead, ring and say, โ€˜What can I do for you today that will help youโ€™. Itโ€™s just wording, but it changes the meaning."


If you or someone you care about is struggling, please reach out to mental health services such as:

Phone:ย 1 300 22 4636ย (24/7)
Online Chat: 1pm-12am
Support via Email

Postnatal Anxiety & Depression Australia (PANDA)
Phone:ย 1 300 726 306ย (M-F 9am โ€“ 7:30pm AEST)


Natural facial rejuvenation techniques are becoming more and more popular.

Traditional Chinese medicine lends itself to various methods of caring for the soft tissues in the face, both for health and aesthetic purposes.

These methods include:
Gua Sha
Topical Herbs
Tui Na massage
And more...

Acupuncture for facial health and rejuvenation uses thinner needles than those typically used on the body (which are already incredibly thin!).

Whether you are wanting to smooth out contracted facial muscles, reduce laugh lines, or simply achieve an overall more vibrant and youthful appearance, facial acupuncture just may be the answer you're seeking- but don't ever forget... you're beautiful just the way you are! ๐Ÿฅฐ

P.S. It's not all about looks!
Facial acupuncture is also commonly used where there is jaw tightness and pain, sinus congestion, headaches, etc.


If you're curious about trying facial acupuncture, get in touch.
I'm here to answer all your questions and help you achieve all your health goals!


It costs nothing to be kind, except perhaps a moment of your time.

No, you don't have to bend over backwards for people. You don't have to go beyond your boundaries or make yourself uncomfortable.

Just be kind.
Be honest.
Be respectful.

It's so easy.


If you're finding it difficult to be kind to others, consider if you are being kind enough to yourself.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Burnt out? Are you holding onto hurt or resentment and projecting it onto others?

Take some time today to reflect on how your internal environment might be affecting your interactions with others.

Big hugs to anyone who needs it today.


And so do you.


This is a great question that I get asked from time to time.

Let's break it down very simply: You don't HAVE to take supplements to conceive or to carry a healthy pregnancy, if you have a healthy and highly nutritional diet, and no underlying health conditions. But in most situations, certain supplements will greatly increase your chances.

The reality is that most (not all) people who walk into my clinic looking for help with fertility are lacking in the nutrients or standards of physical health to easily conceive. Otherwise, why would they be here?

For those patients, some basic supplementation is suggested to ensure that they are getting the building blocks they need for healthy hormone production and cellular activity. Especially where blood tests reveal low levels of a particular nutrient/element or when it is difficult to get these nutrients from food.

Things like Vitamin D and Magnesium are common supplements that fall into these categories.

I don't give heaps of supplements to every single patient. I always determine what is going to give the best result for each individual, and that includes getting nutrition through real food wherever possible!


Acupressure sessions are wonderful for anyone who needs to unwind and disengage from the chaos of every day life.

Some patients choose acupressure because they prefer treatment without needles.

But I find relaxation acupressure to be a great way to amplify your regular acupuncture treatments as well!

What a great way to feel the stress melt away with nothing but simple, gentle touch, often along with guided breathing techniques.

I highly recommend starting the new year off right, with lots of self care and acts of self love.

Could relaxation acupressure be your new thing?

Or perhaps you know someone who could use a session or two, to support them through a stressful time. These sessions make a lovely gift!

Get in touch with me for more info, by following the link in the bio!


...and that's all I have to say about that.


Every patient that comes in to me for help with their hormones will be asked about their digestion.

Why? Because digestion and hormones and intricately connected in many ways, with both having the potential to influence each other.

One of the most common things I see in the clinic when it comes to this, is when gut inflammation.

When you have a lot of inflammation in the digestive tract, we can safely assume that you are not efficiently absorbing essential nutrients needed for hormone creation.

This means that if we don't address the underlying cause of this inflammation, your road to better hormonal health is going to take a looonnng time. And you're probably going to feel like absolute rubbish along the way.

Common signs of poor gut health include frequent:
Loose stools
Stomach pain
Low appetite
Sugar cravings
Low energy

So what can you do?

๐ŸŒŸEliminate inflammatory foods.

The main one is sugar. I know... you didn't want to hear that. But it's true.

Dairy tends to be inflammatory (to some degree) for the majority of the adult population.

Gluten has a much broader spectrum of sensitivity levels and the way in which sensitivites manifest. But it's still an important one to rule out if you're having troubles.

Food sensitivity tests can help rule out sensitivities that aren't as common.

๐ŸŒŸ Eat warm, cooked foods and reduce cold, raw, and icy food and drinks

๐ŸŒŸ Add fiber to your diet

๐ŸŒŸTake a high quality probiotics

๐ŸŒŸReduce or eliminate alcohol and caffeine

๐ŸŒŸReduce your stress levels.
Pro tip: acupuncture is excellent for this!

Want to know more about how digestion influences hormones and how I can help you get back on track?

Get in touch. I'd love to hear from you!


Ever wonder what I'm doing when you're relaxing into your acupuncture treatment and I step out of the room?

I could be:
Preparing your herbs
Reading from giant reference texts
Listening to a seminar or podcast
Ordering supplies

Or, I could be kicking my feet up with the flora and sending compassion out to those who need it.

I could be doing this meditatively, or I might actually be sending someone a message to try to brighten their day and let them know they're being thought of.

This doesn't just make others feel good, it also helps me recharge. And when I'm fully booked out like I have been this week, I need every recharging moment I can get.

My hope is that others will be inspired to pass it on and make someone else's day a little brighter too.

So what is it I'm doing out here?

Whatever it takes to keep the magic happening...



Creating a workspace environment that I find beautiful and fiercely 'me' helps me to fully engage in my authenticity.

I feel inspired. Energized. Confident.

It is my heart space.

And I welcome you to step inside and experience it for yourself! ๐Ÿ’•


Why are you making things harder than they need to be?

Who do you need to prove your strength and resiliency to?

You don't always have to be going at 100%.

You don't always have to be multitasking.

Don't determine your self worth by how much you can handle before you break.

Go easy on yourself, beautiful warrior.

Go easy.


This question comes up a lot in the clinic... and in various Facebook groups.

The short answer is, Yes. You absolutely can get pregnant while breastfeeding.

The notion that breastfeeding acts as a natural contraception comes from the relationship between prolactin and your reproductive hormones.

Prolactin, an important hormone for producing breast milk, inhibits the production of oestrogen, progesterone, and GnRH (gonadatropin releasing hormone) - essential hormones for ovulation and building the uterine lining to support implantation.

However, this doesn't mean that you CAN'T ovulate or implant while breastfeeding.

If you are breastfeeding and your period has returned, it is even more likely that you are producing enough of these hormones to conceive.

So, while breastfeeding can certainly make it more difficult to get pregnant for some women, it shouldn't be used as a reliable form of contraception.

If you would like more info about your best options for birth control, speak to your GP or other healthcare practitioner.

I'm also happy to chat about the various options out there or any other questions you might have, so feel free to get in touch!


Yesterday, I needed a break.

It wasn't even a busy day. In fact, it was more quiet than usual.

I wasn't in a rush.
My patients were great (ok, they always are.)
And I was feeling good.
Nothing bad happened.

But I needed a break.

So I came outside and sat with the plants. I sat there and just let the cool breeze drift in and out of my lungs.

I didn't linger too long. When I felt ready, I went back inside and continued to work.

Later on, I needed another break.
Was I doing something strenuous?

I was in a yin yoga and sound bath class.
Probably the most relaxing thing you could be doing other than sleeping.

But something triggered in me during the class and some emotions came up. I had to tap out of what I was doing, roll onto my side, and just stare at the wall until I could gather myself again...


You don't have to justify needing a break. You dont have to be doing something difficult or having a big day or be completely exhausted before taking time for yourself.

Sometimes your body and mind will gently tell you to stop. Please listen.

Before it gets too heavy.
Before it gets too hard.

Take that break. Even for a minute. ๐Ÿ’•


Touch stimulates feel-good hormones such as oxytocin. This is the "love chemical" that helps babies bond with their parents and lovers bond with each other.

It also relaxes our stress response and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system - the "rest & digest" response.

So we digest better, we sleep better, and we heal better when we regularly receive healthy, loving touch.

It would make sense then, that the more we experience human to human contact, the healthier we could be, physically and mentally!

So go get a massage.
Get acupuncture.
Have a pedicure or facial.
Give and receive a hug (with consent ๐Ÿ˜‰).

After many months of social distancing and "non-contact" everything, it's time we rediscover the healing properties of touch.

I'm now offering gentle acupressure sessions in addition to my normal services - get in "touch" to learn more about it! ๐Ÿฅฐ


Pro tip: If you are in the clinic at *just* the right time of day, you might get to enjoy a rainbow bath, courtesy of the prismatic window film.
No extra charge. ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿฅฐ


"There's no such thing as TMI."
When it comes to helping my patients with libido support, I let everyone know that I offer a safe space to discuss their concerns.

It's also not TMI to talk about your va**na, your body fluids, or your period with your healthcare practitioner.

While I understand that for some, these discussions can be uncomfortable at first, it is perfectly healthy (and helpful)! to make detailed observations about the way your body is functioning.

For many women, low libido can be influenced by:
Birth Trauma
Unhealthy Relationships
Poor Sleep
And much more...

Our bodies are wonderful and deserving of kindness. Let's give it a voice by being open and compassionate in our conversations about it.


Next time you think you need to be doing all the things all the time, remember that the reality is that right now, you only need to breathe.

Stop and take 3 deep breaths right now.

Then just keep breathing.



I was about to get the prybar out for this scapula.

Cupping to the rescue!

Typically when cupping is part of the treatment, I do it after acupuncture.

But this scapula was so stuck that I couldn't get it to lift enough to get the needles underneath. (A tricky technique anyway, for anyone who hasn't been trained to do it properly).

This particular patient, who generously gave me permission to share this photo, responds well to cupping, however. So we put a few cups on for a combination of stationary and sliding cup therapy.

And guess what? That sucker popped open like a jack in the box!

We continued with the treatment and got the shoulder to soften up so that my patient could comfortably wave goodbye as they headed back into the world, with their shoulder looking like a giant drunk octopus needed a big hug.

This is just one example of how patient-centred medicine can be used to provide customised, meaningful treatment and truly benefit the humans that enter our clinics.

No cookie-cutter treatments to be seen.

Because what works for them might not be right for you.

And that's why I'm here. To help you find what works for you so that when you walk out of my office you feel seen, heard, and like you're health has had a big hug...
No octopus necessary.



Headaches can be a minor nuisance or they can be debilitating.

There's nothing I love more than when a patient is getting ready to leave the treatment room and tells me how relieved they feel, especially when they walked in with something as confronting as a headache (or a migraine for that matter!).

I've had my own debilitating experiences with both, so I get it.

Most of the headaches I see in clinic are caused by muscle tension in the neck and shoulders.

The next time you are having a headache, try gently massaging the back of the head right where it meets the neck, and release some of the tension where many of these muscles attach.

If you find that you are having a particularly bad one or they just keep coming, get in touch and let's get you sorted out.

There is already so much to carry around in that beautiful noggin of yours, you don't need the heavy burden of a headache, too!

Dr. Sarah Hennessey (TCM)
South East Natural Health
Carnegie, VIC
0490 520 054

Timeline photos 05/11/2021

Are you curious about what herbal medicine can do for you?

Let's chat! ๐Ÿ˜Š

As a team of herb-loving folks, weโ€™re always reminded that the herbal path is a lifelong connection filled with an abundance of teachings.

When we choose to lean into the magic of herbs and listen to their lessons, we learn to feel the world around us intuitively.

What life lessons have you gathered from nature lately?


If this week has reminded me anything, it's the dangers of isolating your heart and mind when it is full of heavy emotions.

They have to come out.

If you can release them in a trusted space, with a good friend, that's great.

If you end up sitting under playground equipment in the pouring rain revealing your soul via text to the very person those feelings are about... so be it.

Get that s**t out of your head so you can heal from it.

Don't feel ready to say it out loud?

Do some journaling.
Imagine yourself having the conversation.
Consider the best outcome and the worst outcome - and how you will handle it.

And afterwards, stretch and stretch and stretch.

Release the pain from your body and see if reconciliation is possible.
Because honestly... it's just too burdensome to keep carrying around animosity.

And you deserve better than to bear a heavy heart.


Today I choose joy.

Today I choose health.

Today I choose to let go.

Today I choose to breathe.

Today I choose compassion.

Today I choose to forgive myself.

You have a choice.
What are you choosing today?


Shout out to HappyPause] for this lovely, all-natural, vegan product: Happy Pause Balm.

I love having many available choices for my patients who are experiencing va**nal dryness and discomfort. This product provides a lifeline for those who are struggling to find a simple, natural solution.

Side note - it also feels ๐ŸŒŸSUPER๐ŸŒŸ yummy and nourishing even if you aren't experiencing dryness! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Side side note - Sandy, the creator of Happy Pause Balm is an absolute GEM, and a vibrant loveable woman with a great big heart. ๐Ÿฅฐ Follow her on HappyPause] to learn more!
**nalhealth *xualhealth


Have you ever wondered...

What's the best herb for headaches?

What's the best herb for period pain?

What's the best herb for fertility?

What's the best herb for s*x drive?

What's the best herb for hot flushes?

A novice herbalist may have a quick answer for you. But the best herbs are going to be those that address you entirely, and not just an individual symptom.

In Chinese herbal medicine, there may be herbs commonly used to address specific symptoms, but they are combined in a formula which address multiple aspects of your body and mind.

To prescribe the most appropriate formula for you, you might be asked questions such as:
Do you feel warm or cold?
How is your digestion?
How is your sleep?
Is there any (other) pain in your body?
What other symptoms arise alongside this one?

For those who menstruate, you would also typically be asked detailed questions about your cycle.

When you are treated as a whole person and not a single symptom, you will find that you entire well-being improves alongside your original concern.

This is holistic medicine.
This is human medicine.


Irregular menstrual cycles are all about TIMING.

Sometimes women use the term "irregular" when their periods don't seem normal to them. Irregular cycles does NOT mean cycles that are heavy, have inconsistent symptoms, or those with fluctuating moods. Of course, all of those things could accompany an irregular cycle.

A cycle is considered irregular when periods occur with inconsistent timing outside of a "normal range" of cycle days, or when sporadic bleeding patterns are occurring during the cycle. Typically this happens for 3 consecutive periods before being diagnosed as irregular.

Learn more by following the link in bio.

Have a topic you'd like to know more about? DM me or leave a comment below.


Photos from South East Natural Health's post 16/09/2021

Time for some updated clinic pics. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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About South East Natural Health

South East Natural Health provides natural therapies such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, bodywork, diet, and lifestyle guidance to manage and maintain the health of those with both acute and chronic health concerns.

All treatments are customized, holistic, and patient-centered. This means that we will look at both the root of the problem as well as the symptoms you are having, to come up with the most appropriate course of action for you, while avoiding unnecessary side effects.

I look forward to meeting you!

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If you're trying to conceive or plan to in the near future, it's good to set some basic foundations for healthy fertilit...
Most women probably don't think about acupuncture and herbal medicine to support their sex drive.But when your body and ...
Women need dedicated postnatal care to assist with the physical and emotional adjustments after pregnancy.We just do. An...



Level 2/61 Koornang Road
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Tuesday 12pm - 6pm
Wednesday 12pm - 6pm
Thursday 12pm - 6pm
Friday 12pm - 6pm
Saturday 12pm - 6pm

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