

I'd like to introduce myself my name is Meagan and I am a psychic clairvoyant My services offer tarot and Oracle readings, spiritual guidance, numerology readings and pendulum readings, and much more.


Pick a card.
1,2 or 3
If you feel drawn to more than a single card write below ๐Ÿ‘‡
In 2 - 4hours I will post the results make sure to comment if you would like to be tagged!

If you are in need or would like a personal reading DM me on Instagram and I will respond accordingly, if you have never received a reading off me before there will be a 10% discount on all first readings, all different readings are available DM me for more information.


It was so broad and so open it stretched further than the eyes could see, yet the distance was just an observation that I saw within that same moment but as time moves so did I and the space in which we perceived as distance changed as I travelled the observation moved and just like the imaginative mind the space and time were merely an observation of each individual and due to the observation of an individual and their moral compass that moves each of you through a journey to say the least decides the story that comes along with each of you.


It was the past that brought me here and it was the future that led me to you together we are presented with the presence of ourselves in the present a gift that extends past the future of itself as all was within and the choice was up to the individual the calling was, is and will be given to a collective perspective but each individual observing the story merely became strained in it we weave the web of life as we are a small part of it, all has importance and nothing existing is less important to the entirety of the all things weaved together we are mere reflections of each other.and so it will be.


Beauty is in all of us and our soul leaves markings wherever we may of travelled.
Why not have a look into the marks your soul talks about, the stories it talks about, the reflections of your past and future, is your soul story seen? Open up the doors of your soul learn about your ancient abilities that create the blueprint of you. DM me if your curious to know.


Prophetic dreams, energy readings, energetic spectrums, alchemists, vibrational pillars, earth angels, gate keepers, warriors, seers,golden ones, code of the blue Nile, teachers, seekers, translators, students, multi dimensional, indigo children no.

Your story starts here and now, your story matters you will be heard you can be seen and the veil has been lifted, what you feel has importance, that crazy pulling pushing battle inside yourself is happening for this same reason let yourself be seen in this world as you're vibrational frequency is being taken in from those surrounding you, you will not be recognised by those around you for what you are doing just know that what you are doing is making a change and it is felt within the energetic spectrum keep doing what you're doing keep sharing your energy keep planting your seeds and allow it to grow we all feel you.

If you would be interested in a reading feel free to DM me I am available and I hope you all have a wonderful day.


It is a story of two singularities, two separate realities the same with in the whole, though two different personalities that made each side of the same Pole, the polarity pushed and pulled itself to find in the concept of time the timeline was a mere creation of mind, separate sides divided by thin Line inside, a misinterpretation of the message that had been given, as the perception infiltrated The messengers message, as it became based around each individual's belief, the only parts they see was what they believed and in every moment seized, it was rewritten to be deceived, the eye sees the cryptic notion each of them have given though the eye do not see many learning the lessons, the waiting for something, chasing the patience, while awakening to reality that is magnetised by attracting the minds focus while its manifesting, a world made of these concepts and notions setting the reality, everyday feels more like a dream, as I I have been pondering I kept looking to me during the journey that I had been wondering, self-taught in the realms of mind, I have envisioned many different states of mind, the more I shift with in my own polarity, the more I reach that meditative shift. Just like with in the mirror you are not one nor the other, but the fine line that defines within the mind who is looking at who on either side of the reflection within the mirror. The 0. Polarization is an alignment inside of both reflections of the Centrepoint that binds them as they unite in the middle, the middle path is narrow and once it is understood to its full capability, there are no words to comprehend the feelings, as one would learn they are already The chosen ones they have been waiting on, to come save the day, remember to remember the memories as the shift takes place. mind over matter or matter over mind? Mind experiences through matter, matter is a creation of mind. With a different perspective everything changes, the true ability we hold closest comes from our consciousness, thoughts, feelings it comes from us using our minds true capacity, do not look to your surroundings to give you back your power. It is your life you Either do or do not, remember there is no try





dm me if you are interested.
If you want to know then ask, I am here to answer what questions you are seeking to answer or refuse to acknowledge. Just dm me and we can look, whatever it may be when you ask I can see



PlI would really like to introduce myself, My name is meagan! ๐ŸŒป ๐ŸŒ—I am a psychic clairvoyant. ๐ŸŽฑThe way My abilities work is I am able to connect to the energy of the person I am reading, when I read a person they can ask a question (s) or look into a specific aspect of their life, I use divination tools such as tarot and oracle as a visual guide, I also receive Messages that come through intuitivly as thoughts and sometimes I visualise through my imaginative perception.๐Ÿ”ฎ ๐Ÿ‘‰I am available to answer any questions that you might have as I understand people have different comfort levels when it comes to psychics. I have created this page to share what I do with you all in times of need and in times of guidance. ๐Ÿ˜

I am totally open to reading everyone, i am really happy to share my insights on traumas, twinflames, heartbreaks, family conflicts, health, wealth, happiness, spirituality, past lives, you name it. ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰As this is what I love to do, I have gotten to know many beautiful souls and I am very thankful to be able to have the chance to be able to get to know them as each person is very different, they are unique and as beautiful as their souls and that I enjoy working with!! ๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ”ฎI do have available appointments now if you'd like a psychic reading. What do you really have to lose?


CARD OF THE DAY - 15/05/2023
The hand symbolic of moving upwards and reaching new aspects of self the firelight represents freedom of life after the madness has happened, it also represents your aspirations to be fulfilled by your nobelist ideas and highest potentials, Pierce resistance with focus and will and burnout oppressive obstacles with the torch of elimination and purification, take a breath and stand tall like the spire, in this card it represents no matter what is being faced, where the destruction lies or what is being put in place the card tells you the individual you need to stand in your own self being, just like breaking up from the earth and aspiring to new heights your spirit and soul cannot be contained, it will push you through and though it may be hard and what is going on currently in your personal life maybe a struggle it says that you can aspire to move forward, no matter what you are being faced with, just remember to take a moment to have a deep breath and re-gather so that you can keep moving through so then you are able to be the aspiration that you are so seeking.your on the road to recovery give yourself time.





dm me if you are interested.
If you want to know then ask, I am here to answer what questions you are seeking to answer or refuse to acknowledge. Just dm me and we can look, whatever it may be when you ask I can see.


Photos from Beaux-Artistry's post 09/05/2023

What do you want out of life?
Take all the things in life that make you feel like something and put them into one so that you feel accomplished and once you feel accomplished you will feel like you are on top of the world.
Where are you going in life?
Do you wanna know if you make it to the top?
Curious to know about future endeavors?
Do you want to ask a question that you'd like answered?
Curious to know what the cards say about you?


Today is reminding us to connect with the vibrant childlike self within ourselves. The pressure has been on and the accumulation of stress and mental fog has been building whilst you may be in a position where you may be asking yourself, why am I here dealing with all this unnecessary bu****it? Currently the masculine and feminine sides of ourselves are battling causing us to battle ourselves this is also seen in a collective whole also. We need to remember that we need to take a step away from all of our problems in order to release our tention and we need to enjoy our experience more inorder to find solutions as we are able to understand that we don't have to do anything that we are able to create something out of nothing, that then can become everything therefore creating your own experiences.
There are two phases happening the first is mental and consists of the pondering of self and being in tune with what you are trying to plant, this is where the ideas of a plan is created, you will step away from action and you will sit on the thoughts that are processing through your personal being
The second phase is action it is all about acting on the idea of the idea we originally thought of, without action the seed/idea cannot be planted nor will it grow to prosper which shows action after mental contemplation in very important.


Readings available!! Get in now!!
I have 3 spots available today, get your reading done today!
I can read almost every topic as my clients ask, I have many great reviews and willing to work with my clients to ensure they are comfortable during the reading, I am all about building bond with all my clients, a few service topics can include:
- love, career,money
- past, present, future
- family
- health
- past life
- dream field
- twinflames
- aura/energy
And more what ever it may be I can look and see come along for a journey with me and we can see what the cards read.


๐Ÿ”ฎWELCOME EVERYONE!๐Ÿ”ฎ I would really like to introduce myself, My name is meagan! ๐ŸŒป ๐ŸŒ—I am a psychic clairvoyant. ๐ŸŽฑThe way My abilities work is I am able to connect to the energy of the person I am reading, when I read a person they can ask a question (s) or look into a specific aspect of their life, I use divination tools such as tarot and oracle as a visual guide, I also receive Messages that come through intuitivly as thoughts and sometimes I visualise through my imaginative perception.๐Ÿ”ฎ ๐Ÿ‘‰I am available to answer any questions that you might have as I understand people have different comfort levels when it comes to psychics. I have created this page to share what I do with you all in times of need and in times of guidance. ๐Ÿ˜

I am totally open to reading everyone, i am really happy to share my insights on traumas, twinflames, heartbreaks, family conflicts, health, wealth, happiness, spirituality, past lives, you name it. ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰As this is what I love to do, I have gotten to know many beautiful souls and I am very thankful to be able to have the chance to be able to get to know them as each person is very different, they are unique and as beautiful as their souls and that I enjoy working with!! ๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ”ฎI do have available appointments now if you'd like a psychic reading. What do you really have to lose?


A shout out to those of you that booked in to receive a reading today you know who you are ๐Ÿ’“, I am blessed for the opportunity to read you all today!I'll be doing more readings for those who are interested as I am opening more bookings for this week dm me if you would like to have your cards done,


Do you see as I see the potential in this reality this energy I read has been transfusing into eternity it was deeper then the deepest depths of the dreams I had experienced and the encounters were nothing more than the past memories lived SHE is the mother she always tryed to fix what is broken she feels all their energy it was always apart of her you see all that she didn't recognize yet the cognitive ability was advanced it was one she was yet to see they told her the purpose in many reflections of self there was no one there it was she drifting this sea of eternity 10,000 fractals of herself feeding information throughout her body her DNA active and now she is glowing with herself
the destruction is the distractions within self their was layers upon layers filtering what's left the memory left unspoken and the connection was broken as HE opened the mentality it layed itself out like a blueprint and what was present presented itself in the form of a vision as the visual expressed itself in the presence of a human and there she was a light being within the ether surrounded by his water their became a rainbow She brought the fields of life to the waters of his energy as he was the FATHER coexisting in the form of man as he spoke all the children listened he lead by his example he is driven by mind an eternal being has presented himself yet they did not recognize he was here right by their side as they looked up and worshipped the sky he felt it all within his minds eye you could sit and ask 1000 times over the same questions why? And he would answer the same every time because he understood the reflections in his own mind so he told himself to always look inside.


Readings available!! Get in now!!
I have 3 spots available today, get your reading done today!
I can read almost every topic as my clients ask, I have many great reviews and willing to work with my clients to ensure they are comfortable during the reading, I am all about building bond with all my clients, a few service topics can include:
- love, career,money
- past, present, future
- family
- health
- past life
- dream field
- twinflames
- aura/energy
And more what ever it may be I can look and see come along for a journey with me and we can see what the cards read.


Readings available dm me if you are interested.
If you want to know then ask, I am here to answer what questions you are seeking to answer or refuse to acknowledge. Just dm me and we can look, whatever it may be when you ask I can see.

Photos from Beaux-Artistry's post 23/05/2022

Psychic Readings available.

I am experienced in providing readings on all experiences and multiple aspects in life from normal day to day experiences to spiritual connection, dreams and encounters I specialise is ones journey and providing guidance personal to them.

When I read a person I do not ever include my personal beliefs nor do I use my personal reflection when reading an individual, as each individual has experienced their own journey, my readings will be provided with your best interest in mind, my goal in providing readings to others is to hopefully help them in anyway I can.

If you are interested in a reading please feel free to dm me for any questions you may have, or for any enquiries.


Perception is the mentality interpretation is the understanding one creates and the comprehension is change that is created by using both the perception and interpretation of what is given.

Remembering the mentality of the mind in which the darkness occupied was the mere creation of the magical realities that were embedded in life the embodiment within the energy sourced from a central point returned in whole it was not one life but many entangled within the stream regardless of the physicality of what each may of represented but it was the multidimensional consciousness within that was provided by each point of mind embodied throughout the whole given all at certain times as the growth into the expansion happened the mind grew more and the further it reached and the more it learnt

though all is illusion and there was and is a reason in everything including living amongst the illusive the question of why sparks each and every mind, there was not wasted time within an explanation of a change to ones mind as the battle ground is, was and will always be mental while distracted by the physical just like a holographic dream when a consciousness travels within, it will find more than itself in a multidimensional array of entanglement, a purpose in which it distributes the distraction to cause reaction and subliminal manifestations while with inner focus the traveling within the lucid helped reconstruct reality to embody the experience one chooses.
a fine line between this life and the magic each of us occupy.

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Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 9pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

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