Bodyactive Health

Working with you to create and maintain lasting good health. Need to book an appointment? Call (03) 9427 8848. Need the perfect gift?

Massage, Naturopathic health care, Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Osteopathy, Yoga, Pilates, Feldenkrais, Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Hypnobirthing -- all under one roof! BodyActive Gift Vouchers are available online:
Have an enquiry? Visit our 'contact us' page:

For more information, visit our website:

Acupuncture to Support Pregnancy | Bodyactive Health 04/09/2024

Check out my blog post

Acupuncture to Support Pregnancy | Bodyactive Health by Michaela RinkelPregnancy is a time of profound change and excitement, but it can also come with a range of challenges, from morning sickness to pain and disrupted sleep patterns. Acupuncture can offer so much relief and support through these common pregnancy issues, helping to maintain overall ma...


Pelvic pain can be a complex issue. Osteopaths consider various factors when assessing pelvic health. Find out how an osteopath might approach pelvic pain as part of their holistic care. 🔗 [
*Pelvic Pain Foundation

To make an appointment with our Osteo Dr.Anne-Marie Noble, visit the page below:

MOVEMENT & OSTEOPATHY | Bodyactive Health 03/09/2024

Check out my blog post

MOVEMENT & OSTEOPATHY | Bodyactive Health In today’s fast-paced world, staying active is more important than ever. Regular exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining not just physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete, a weekend warrior, or just starting your fitness journey, osteopathy...


Pregnancy brings about significant changes in the body. Osteopaths use gentle techniques that aim to support comfort and mobility during this time. Learn more about the considerations osteopaths take into account during pregnancy. 🔗 [] * Bjorkland and Bergstorm, 2000, Liddle and Pennick, 2015.

To make an appointmetn with our Osteopath Dr. Anne-Marie Noble please visit


Women's Health Week kickoff! Osteopathy supports overall health and well-being through a whole-body approach. Use our body map to explore how osteopaths work with the body's structure and function. 🔗 [].

To book an appointment with our Osteopath Dr.Anne-Marie Noble, visit

CASE STUDY- Plantar Fasciitis | Bodyactive Health 21/08/2024

Check out my blog post

CASE STUDY- Plantar Fasciitis | Bodyactive Health By Andrew Wickens, Myotherapist.I recently had a client come into the clinic who was suffering from right foot plantar fasciitis. She had been diagnosed by a podatrist seven months eariler, given orthotics as well as calf stretching exercises. During this time, no improvement had been made and her f...

Photos from Bodyactive Health's post 19/08/2024

To welcome Myotherapist Andrew Wickens to the Bodyactive team, Andrew has generously offered $30 off your first treatment!

Simply head over to the Myotherapy page at the link below or call us on 9427 8848 to book in your Myotherapy appointment.

Once booked, make sure to mention this post when you head to the reception desk after your treatment so you can claim your $30 off at time of payment.

This offer ends September 26, so take advantage of it while it’s there!

Book you Myotherapy treatment here:

Myotherapy offer | Bodyactive Health Richmond 19/08/2024

Until 29 September, you can get $30 off the cost of your first Myotherapy session with our new Myotherapist, Andrew Wickens.
Andrew has a wealth of knowledge on muscles, injuries, exercise and rehabilitation.
He is a walking muscle encyclopedia.
Come in, get $30 off and get Myohappy.

Myotherapy offer | Bodyactive Health Richmond


Ever wondered what do expect from your first Osteopathic Consultation at Bodyactive? Here’s a snapshot…

During your first consultation your osteopath will enquire as to the reason for your visit and take a full medical history.

Following this, a full osteopathic and orthopaedic examination will assist with your osteopath’s diagnosis.

A discussion will be had regarding the diagnosis and why it may have occurred, discussing all the potential contributors to your current condition.

You osteopath will then discuss with you what treatment and management is necessary for resolution.

Following your osteopathic treatment, your osteopath may recommend stretches, exercises, and postural advice to aid your recovery and prevent recurrence.

Your osteopath will determine if further tests are warranted and may refer you directly for scans such as x-ray/MRI, or may refer you to your general practitioner for further investigations such as relevant blood tests.

This is a snapshot of what you can expect when you come in to see our Osteopath Dr Anne-Marie Noble, but of course the best way to know what a treatment is like is to book one for yourself!

To book Osteopathy at Bodyactive, simply visit the Osteopathy page on our website:


We are pleased to announce that Myotherapy is now available again at Bodyactive!

With the addition of a new practitioner, Andrew Wickens, we can now offer Myotherapy to you on Mondays & Thursdays.

With this in mind, it might be worth giving you a refresher of what Myotherapy is.

“Myo” means “muscle”, so a myotherapist is a “muscle therapist” but more accurately, a myotherapist is a “muscle specialist”.

Myotherapy focuses on the muscular aspect of your pain & combines multiple skills & knowledge to deliver comprehensive treatments, using hands-on techniques, corrective exercises, honest advice, & adjustments to everyday ergonomics.

Think of a Myotherapist as combining aspects of Physiotherapy (assessment &exercise prescription) with Remedial Massage (great hands-on treatment).

Myotherapy treatment includes:
👉 Injury & posture assessment - a physical examination of your condition involving range of motion & neurological tests, as well as an assessment of your posture & biomechanics.
👉 Remedial Massage - deep, effective massage to loosen tight muscles & tendons.
👉 Myofascial Release Techniques - specific movements of muscle & fascia using hands-on physical therapy & instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilisation (IASTM) tools to reduce tension in the fascia which contributes to muscular stiffness.
👉 Trigger point therapy - application of direct pressure to muscle trigger points to reduce muscular tension.
👉 Joint mobilisation - the movement of spinal joints, hips, shoulders, knees or elbows to free tension in the joint & improve range of movement.
👉 Cupping - the use of Chinese Medicine suction cups to break up adhesion in muscle tissue that contribute to tightness.
👉 Dry needling - the use of Acupuncture needles inserted into muscle trigger points to relieve pain & reduce abnormal muscle contraction.
👉 Corrective exercise - specific exercise prescription to help with both rehabilitation & injury prevention.

Keen on booking in Myotherapy for yourself?

Andrew starts August 12, so book your appointment in advance at the link below to secure your appointment:


We are excited to welcome our new practitioner, Andrew Wickens!

Andrew graduated from RMIT with a Diploma of Remedial Massage in 2020 and an Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy in 2021 and has been working in the Yarra Valley as a therapist for the past 4 years.

Andrew is a Myotherapist with a strong belief in treating patients using a combination of techniques to get the best possible therapeutic outcomes, quickly and safely.

Andrew provides effective treatments for acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain and injuries with particular interest in tendinopathies, headaches, migraines, planter fasciitis, lower back injuries and repetitive strains injuries.

Andrew says,
"I am passionate about giving honest, scientifically proven treatments to athletes and everyday people. Educating clients with understandable terminology and a focus on long term goals is a strong aspect of my treatment."

Andrew's Myotherapy treatments are designed to allow people to properly perform their exercise program, get back on track and help prevent further injuries.

He will be starting with us as of August 12th and will be available on Mondays and Thursdays.

You can book in with him at the link below, or you can give us a call on 9427 8848 and we can find a time for you!


In this post, Bodyactive Osteopath Dr Anne-Marie Noble shares her approach to supporting people with Arthritis…

Arthritis is a very common & painful condition affecting men & women of all ages.

Although there are many types of arthritis, the two most commonly diagnosed are Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Your GP or specialist may diagnose these, confirmed with diagnostic tests such as X-ray, MRI, & blood tests.

As Osteopaths, physical examination & your signs/symptoms will also confirm the diagnosis of the type of arthritis that is causing your pain/stiffness.

Management of your arthritis is essential in controlling pain & improving quality of life, as well as the ability to carry out common tasks of daily living.

The most common presenting symptoms of arthritis include:
👉 Joint pain/stiffness
👉 Muscle tightness/weakness/spasm
👉 Restricted range of movement of joints
👉 Joint & muscle inflammation
👉 Joint crepitus (grating, crackling, popping sounds)
👉 Redness/heat from joints
👉 Localised swelling

An Osteopathic treatment is very hands-on & aims to:
👉 Improve joint mobility
👉 Increase muscle flexibility
👉 Increase range of movement of affected joints
👉 Decrease joint inflammation
👉 Decrease muscle pain/spasm

We do this by using techniques such as:
👉 Soft-tissue or deep-tissue massage
👉 Myofascial release
👉 Joint mobilisation
👉 Joint articulation
👉 Stretching
👉 Muscle energy techniques
👉 Exercise prescription

At Bodyactive Health we are a highly skilled & experienced team, treating all types of arthritis & we endeavour to improve the quality of life as well as educate each patient with an effective & realistic management plan.

To get support through Osteopathy, call the clinic on 9427 8848 or book online here:


Do you seem to always cop whatever’s “going around”, sometimes time & time again?

Whilst it’s quite normal to get a cold here & there during winter, if you’re experiencing recurrent colds, there are likely underlying factors you can address to reduce their frequency & severity.

Some of these include:


This is the most common driver of recurrent infections, especially during winter as people tend to try & keep up the usual pace of their everyday lives, when in fact winter is a time to slow down & ease up.

A poor ability to adapt to everyday stress can suppress immune function, leaving you vulnerable to becoming unwell.

👉 Inadequate nutrition

To provide our bodies with the nutrients required to make antibodies & ensure the many cells of the immune system have what they need to fight off pathogens, we need to eat well!

People eating highly refined foods (highly processed, high sugar foods) & insufficient protein tend to have a much less robust immune response than those who eat a good diversity of wholefoods with plenty of veggies, some fruit, & protein throughout the day.

👉 Poor gut health

A significant portion of our immune system resides within the gut, so if you have underlying gut dysfunction, whether it’s from poor nutrition as mentioned above, or other causes, this will have a direct effect on your immune function.

👉 Metabolic dysfunction

Those who experience issues with blood sugar or insulin regulation, or who have pre-existing cardiometabolic issues & problems maintaining a healthy body composition often see these issues reflect in poor immune function, resulting in chronic infections of all kinds (not just those of the respiratory system like colds & flus).

There are other factors that contribute to recurrent infections, but these are some of the most common we see clinically.

Fortunately, by consulting with a Naturopath or Chinese Medicine Practitioner you can work to uncover your unique contributors & then address them directly so you can start to build back your health & resilience.

If you’re sick & tired of always getting sick & tired, get in touch with us so we can help you!


Top Tips to Keep Well this Winter!

1️⃣ RUG UP

In Chinese Medicine, it is said that we can lose our life force, our Qi if we don’t keep covered during cold and / or windy weather.

This is particularly important for the areas of the neck and kidneys (mid-lower back), so throw on a scarf, tuck your shirt in and put on a nice thick jacket or coat when venturing outside 🧣


It’s easy to want to stay indoors when it’s cold, but as tempting as that heater may be, make sure you prioritise getting sunlight in your eyes and on your skin during Winter, as there are countless benefits including mood elevation, a chance to be physically active, skin health, etc

This is also a time when people are prone to vitamin D deficiency


We often think we can still go full steam ahead with work, study, parenting, socialising, etc in Winter, but we need to step back and honour the cycles of nature!

In Winter your body will naturally want to slow down.

You may notice you want to stay home more, sleep more, and do more nourishing rather than activating activities.

Take this time to honour yourself and check in with what you really need, rather than pushing through and trying to be as productive as usual.

These are only a few of our foundational tips for keeping well in Winter, but there are so many other things you can do!

What do you like to do to keep on top of your health during the colder months?


Ever wondered what an Acupuncture Session at Bodyactive is like? Here’s what you can expect…


Here we dive deep into your main health concerns, how & why they may have come about, & any associated symptoms.

We will then go through a full health review, to gain an understanding of your whole body, & a bit of history about your health & lifestyle. This helps us to provide a comprehensive diagnosis & a deeper understanding of your condition.


We will feel your pulse on both wrists. The pulse can tell us a lot about the function of the organs & the impact of external factors on the body.

We will then ask to look at your tongue, which also gives us a snapshot of what may be going on internally in the body & how the digestive system is functioning.

Depending on your condition, we may palpate the abdomen or areas of pain (muscles, joints), & may check your range of motion.


During your treatment you will lay on the massage bed & needles will be inserted gently into different areas of the body. Common areas of needling include the 4 limbs, the back & the abdomen.

We will always make sure you are comfortable with the needles, ensuring you have a pleasurable experience. Needles are left in for a little while - 20-30 minutes in most cases, while you relax on the table.

In some cases, we may incorporate other techniques such as cupping, guasha & moxibustion.


If we think you may benefit from herbal medicine, we will send you home with herbs to take.

These are usually in the form of powders or pills, & are taken daily (sometimes multiple times).


After your treatment, we will discuss a plan to continue your care. This will include how to take your herbs at home, & what to expect after your treatment or from taking herbs.

We will also discuss follow up appointments, & how frequently you can expect to come in for treatments.

Of course, the best way to know what a treatment is like is to book one for yourself!

To book an Acupuncture Session, simply visit our Acupuncture page on our website:


Magnesium is an essential mineral for good health & is found in a range of food including almonds, avocados, bananas, eggs, leafy green vegetables, legumes, soy beans, & wholegrains.

However much of the magnesium content of food can be lost in cooking & processing.

Magnesium is used in the body for a variety of functions such as contraction & relaxation of heart & skeletal muscle, functioning of the nervous system, regulating blood pressure, insulin function, glucose metabolism & energy production.

A diet high in processed food, alcohol, soft drink or coffee consumption, stress, antidepressants, or high exercise levels can all lead to magnesium depletion & may require supplementation.

Additionally, some common conditions that may benefit from taking extra magnesium include:
👉 Sore muscles from exercise & to aid recovery
👉 Poor sleep & restless legs
👉 Menstrual cramps & PMS
👉 Headaches
👉 High blood pressure
👉 Chronic fatigue

So it’s no surprise we’re often asked, "which magnesium should I take?"

With such a huge variety of magnesium supplements on the market, different brands with different ingredients, it is a daunting task to decide which one is best for you.

The Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for magnesium is around 400 mg/day for men & 310 mg/day for women, however for people who are deficient in magnesium or under higher demand, the therapeutic dosage range is around 300 - 800 mg/day.

Magnesium salts have a long history in health science as use in antacids (magnesium carbonate & phosphate), laxatives (magnesium chloride) & anti-inflammatory & muscle spasms (magnesium sulphate/Epsom salts).

So choosing the right magnesium supplement will depend on your reason for needing to take extra magnesium.

For a quick guide to which magnesium to take for different conditions you might want to address, have a read of this article on our website:


Up to 50% of women experience pains at some stage throughout their pregnancy - that’s a lot!

It’s a common thing, and if you’re experiencing pain throughout your pregnancy, you are not alone.

There are many changes that happen to the body during pregnancy, many of which can contribute to discomfort and pain, particularly in the pelvis and lower back.

How can an Osteopath help?

Osteopaths can provide manual therapy, exercise support and postural advice, helping the mother-to-be find pain relief and improved wellbeing at all stages of pregnancy.

Here are some other common points people are curious about when it comes to pregnancy…


Many people are unsure of whether exercise is helpful during pregnancy.

Generally, exercise and movement can be helpful in reducing pain during pregnancy and can support overall health and wellbeing.

Depending on your gestation, pain, and any clinical conditions, your osteopath can provide an individualised exercise program and advice to help with improving your strength, flexibility and overall health.


Self-care is important for anyone, pregnant or not!

This can include prioritising things like:
💧 Hydration
🥑 Eating wholefoods for quality nutrition
💚 Connecting with your support network when you need help
👩‍⚕️ Seeking external support from a lactation consultant or other relevant practitioner for advice
😴 Getting plenty of sleep and conscious rest when needed

To find out more on how Osteopathy can help you during pregnancy, you can contact our Osteopath Dr Anne-Marie Noble on 0417 509 120 or at the clinic on 9427 8848.

Dr Anne-Marie is available every Monday, Wednesday & Thursday from 12pm – 7pm.

You can also book online here:


Ever wondered what a Naturopathy consultation looks like? Here’s what you can expect from an initial appointment with our Naturopath…

The first thing to note is that Naturopathy takes a patient-centred approach to health care, which means your Naturopath will pay close attention to YOU as an individual – there are no cookie-cutter treatment plans!

Your Naturopath is there to advise and facilitate your path to improved health, with you and your involvement central to the process – it is a process of collaboration.

This is where your Naturopath listens to you and discusses your health concerns with you.

You will be asked specific details of your condition and symptoms, about your past health and medical history, as well as some questions on related health issues.

For example, if you have a digestive issue, you may be asked about work, stress, and sleep, which are all things which can contribute to digestive issues.

This is where you discuss what health outcomes you would like to achieve and a realistic time frame for doing so.

Your Naturopath will work with you to help develop goals which are manageable for you.

Your Naturopath may prescribe some herbal medicine or nutritional supplements to help with your condition, as well as changes in diet, eating habits and lifestyle that might be helpful for you.

At the end of your consultation, a follow-up appointment will be booked to monitor your progress and make any changes to your treatment plan in order to keep you on track for better health.

So that’s a bit of a snapshot about what to expect from your first Naturopathy consultation!

Keen to book in? Just give us a call on 9427 8848 or book online here:


Who comes to see a Naturopath at Bodyactive?

Let’s answer that question for you!

Most of the people we see are office workers, between the ages of 25 – 50 and tend to work in admin, management, IT, HR, or PR.

Our naturopathic clients work in a range of different professions, many of them being lawyers, accountants, account managers or real estate agents.

They are usually people who are health-conscious and like to exercise regularly.

Concerns about diet and digestion, as well as seeking support for managing specific digestive disorders, or dealing with stress and anxiety are often top priorities.

Some of the people we support naturopathically have hormonal issues such as those conditions related to menstruation, fertility, and menopause.

A lot of the time they are often feeling tired, rundown, and also find themselves suffering from frequent infections due to being under significant stress.

They usually have a long-term health issue that they need help and assistance in managing, which is why they have sought the holistic, well-rounded approach taken in naturopathic care.

In essence, we usually see a variety of people with a range of health issues who tend to work in the corporate sector.

Naturopathy is a modality which can be supportive for a range of people experiencing a diversity of different health issues, and we do indeed see a diversity of people from all walks of life coming in for naturopathic support.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to know if a Naturopath can help you, either by giving us a call on 9427 8848, or visiting our website:


Herbal Medicine Feature: Salvia officinalis – Sage (Lamiaceae family) 🌿

The leaves of the Sage plant are a favourite kitchen herb, but this Mediterranean shrub has also been used medicinally for a very long time.

Traditionally, Sage was used for a range of varied purposes, including things like supporting weak digestion, for colds and sore throats, and even headaches.

Sage has been used to reduce inflammation in the mouth, gums, and throat, helping with conditions like laryngitis, pharyngitis, and tonsilitis. Rubbing the fresh leaves on and around the teeth and gums are said to strengthen the gums.

A gargle of Sage tea is a classic remedy for a sore throat and can work well with other herbs like Thyme and Rosemary.

Sage is also commonly used to support women through the menopausal transition, as it helps to reduce hot flushes and can help with night sweats as well.

While Sage in cooking can be okay, therapeutic doses of Sage are generally not advised during pregnancy and breastfeeding as it is traditionally used to prevent milk flow.

Sage is very easy to grow in the garden and it can get quite woody, so make sure you prune it back as needed and harvest the leaves regularly. It is very easy to propagate from cuttings, so grab some from a friend, or donate some cuttings to others if you have a prolific sage plant growing! 🪴

Our Naturopath is available to prescribe herbal medicines here at Bodyactive. Learn more or book an appointment here:


April is Osteopathy Awareness Month! That means we’re joining Osteopathy Australia and osteopaths around the country in highlighting the potential benefits of osteopathy.

Dr Anne-Marie Noble is our brilliant Osteopath here at Bodyactive, and she is here to support you on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the clinic.

You can find out more about Osteopathy at Bodyactive here:

Photos from Bodyactive Health's post 25/03/2024

Have you been stretching your hamstrings wrong?

The most common hamstring stretch involving leaning over to touch your toes can be detrimental and risky to the integrity of the lumbar discs!

This stretch encourages bending of the back in order to facilitate the stretch which can lead to lumbar disc injury and back pain.

According to Bodyactive Osteopath Dr Anne-Marie Noble, there is an easier, less painful, and more effective way to stretch the hamstring.

Try it yourself:

Lie on your back, bringing one foot up toward the ceiling, with the other, non-stretching leg either bent with your foot on the floor (more lumbar support), or extended straight out on the floor (helps open the hip-flexor).

You can also try this with a towel or strap wrapped around your leg to make this stretch a little easier.

You can learn more stretches and exercises tailored to your unique body and needs by having a consultation with Dr Annie-Marie.

To book an appointment, simply call the clinic on 9427 8848, or book online here:


Ever wondered what do expect from a Remedial Massage Session at Bodyactive? Here’s what to expect…

1️⃣ The talking bit

We will start by discussing with you your reasons for making the appointment, any past or present injuries you may have, the history and background related to these, and the main areas of tension or pain that you want worked on.

We’ll also talk about your occupation, work set up, posture and your current exercise regime.

2️⃣ The examination
We will do a physical examination of your problem areas which may include palpation and checking range of motion.

3️⃣ The fun bit
This is the actual remedial massage which will be a combination of remedial and deep tissue techniques, trigger point and myofascial release, possibly some cupping, and mobilising and stretching of specific tight muscle groups.

4️⃣ The assessment
At the end of the massage, we will do a quick examination to assess any improvement in mobility and range of motion as well as a decrease in pain levels.

5️⃣ The plan
This is where we discuss if a follow up treatment is needed and exercises that you can do at home to help improve your condition and prevent future problems from occurring.

Of course, the best way to know what a treatment is like is to book one for yourself!

To book a Remedial Massage with one of our therapists, simply call the clinic on 9427 8848, or book online here:


Herbal Medicine Feature: Matricaria chamomilla – Chamomile (Asteraceae family)

The flowers of the humble, gentle chamomile have been used medicinally for centuries. The Ancient Egyptians even used it as an offering to their gods, since it was so revered!

This herb has a calming effect, due to its very mild sedative action.

In addition to this, chamomile helps to settle the digestive system, and has a spasmolytic effect on organs and tissues, meaning it helps to reduce spasm.

Some health issues naturopaths and herbalists may prescribe chamomile for include:
🌼 Spasm in the digestive tract, IBS symptoms, gas and bloating, diarrhoea
🌼 Colic in babies
🌼 Teething problems in babies
🌼 Travel sickness (pairs well with ginger here)
🌼 Restlessness
🌼 Period pain
🌼 Topically for healing wounds, eczema, ulcers

⚠ Chamomile shouldn’t be used when there is a known allergy to the daisy family of plants (Asteraceae / Compositae), while caution should be taken in cases of iron deficiency, as the polyphenols in chamomile can inhibit the absorption of iron.

Our Naturopath Anja Bauer is available to prescribe herbal medicines here at Bodyactive, so if you are interested check out our Naturopathy page:

Photos from Bodyactive Health's post 29/02/2024

We often recommend foam-rolling to many of our clients here at Bodyactive as it can be a helpful thing to add into your daily routine to support blood flow & improve flexibility in tight or sore muscle groups.

That’s why we’re resharing this great resource from iHealthSphere & Engage Health, a complete guide to foam-rolling.

Happy rolling!


If you happen to spend a lot of your time doing desk work, you may experience:

😫 Shoulder and upper back pain
😫 Neck pain
😫 Lower back pain
😫 Headaches

This is very common for people who sit at desks for long periods, and the collection of symptoms like those listed above can often be referred to as “Office Syndrome”.

Our Osteopath Dr Anne-Marie Noble can help get to the root cause of the pain you are experiencing & address that pain by providing a full body examination, assessing muscle tone, joint movement, & formulating a unique treatment plan for you.

You can book in a session with Anne-Marie here:


Herbal Medicine Feature: Taraxacum officinale – Dandelion (Asteraceae family)
You may be familiar with Dandelion as a w**d, as its growth is prolific around Melbourne.

While dandelion has been introduced from the northern hemisphere, it is a very useful plant medicine with many health properties.

Naturopaths and herbalists use both the leaf and the root clinically, with both parts of the plant serving different purposes, albeit with some overlap between the two.

Young dandelion leaves are quite a nutritious bitter green, which you can eat before a meal to help stimulate digestion, much in the same way you could use something like rocket / arugula.

While the leaves can be used for things like oedema / swelling due to their diuretic action, they are also useful for inflammation of the urinary system, hyperplasia of the prostate, gout, rheumatic complaints, inadequate bile production and are rich in potassium.

The root is perhaps more known for its bitter action, where it can be helpful for congestive liver conditions, issues with the gall bladder like cholecystitis, and things like dyspepsia and supporting the pancreas.

⚠️ Dandelion shouldn’t be used in cases of gall bladder, intestinal, or bile duct obstruction or acute presentations in these areas, or if you have an allergy to the daisy family of plants (Asteraceae / Compositae).

🌿 Fun tip: Pick some young dandelion leaves (from a non-polluted source – so not from the side of the road!) and sauté them in a pan (like you would with spinach), add some freshly chopped garlic, salt and pepper, and you have a deliciously nutritious side dish!

Our Naturopath Anja Bauer is available to prescribe herbal medicines here at Bodyactive, so see the link below if you're interested:

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Do you have tight hip flexors?Hip flexor tightness is a common issue that affects many individuals, particularly those w...
Tense neck and shoulders? We can help! Remedial Massage is an excellent way to effectively treat computer / desk-induced...
A friendly reminder from us to you!These holidays, remember to:🙏🏼 Take the time and space to wind down🙏🏼 Nurture your mi...
Yes, it’s true, Christmas is not that far away...A massage gift card is a nice reward for a hard-working loved one, coll...
Haven’t used up your Private Health Fund benefits yet?If you still have Health Fund Cover remaining for Osteopathy, Mass...
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246 Bridge Road
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 4pm

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Shop 5/28A Douglas Street
Melbourne, 3174

Benefits of massage reduced muscle tension. improved circulation. stimulation of the lymphatic system. reduction of stress hormones. relaxation. increased joint mobility and flexib...

Trudy Stow Therapeutic Massage Trudy Stow Therapeutic Massage
1559 Burwood Highway And 125 Belgrave/Gembrook Rd
Melbourne, 3160

Relaxation, therapeutic and deep tissue massage.

Dynamic Therapy Dynamic Therapy
555 Sunshine Avenue, Taylors Lakes
Melbourne, 3038

Email: [email protected] Tel: 0434 178 693