Healing Delight

Colour & Sound Healing. Est in 2010. Reiki,intuitive, shamanic,crystals,Astrology, community. ‘Healing Delight’ is Australia 1st Colour & Sound Healing Centre.

Providing Weekly sound healing meditations, private healing sessions, retreats and a sacred space for workshops and events. Amos (Ami) Hasson is a Reiki/Colour/Sound Healer,
Music producer & a Musician. After many years of experience with Music and his own spiritual journey Ami started his path of healing practice in 2010. Since then Ami facilitated thousands of Meditation groups, private session


Virgo New moon setting intentions and new freequencies through sound healing meditation is tonight at 7pm.
join us & allow the sound to balance, realign & harmonise your being.
you will always feel better after it.

20% discount Sound Healing meditation
Wednesday at 7pm
Sunday at 5pm

Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

join me 🙏💖😇

much love


Lovestream tonight at 7pm on Healing Delight YouTube channel.
we will talk about the energy of the week ahead.
direct link:

We are in Virgo season on a dark moon phase towards the Virgo New Moon
Mercury is now direct conjunct the moon in Leo in its 3rd final trine to Chiron in Aries, later will square Uranus 3rd time
Mars is building a square to Neptune in Pisces as it ends his journey in Gemini and will move into Cancer.
Venus in Libra now about to conjunct the south node with Black moon Lilith & Juno
Nodes moved to 06 degree of Aries - Libra
The big headlines of this week on top of the new moon are:
Pluto is retrograding back for the grand finale into Capricorn
while Uranus stationing and going retrograde
Neptune is finally moving back from 29 to 28 Pisces after a few months.
Let's talk about it all and share the awareness with love as we learn to trust the process even more

Join me for a family gathering of awareness, love and some fun                                                                           


Let these therapeutic instruments fix you up effortlessly, join us tomorrow night as Mercury stationing direct and Venus opposition to Neptune.

20% discount Sound Healing meditation
Wednesday at 7pm
Sunday at 5pm

Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

join me 🙏💖😇

much love


Full moon integration through sound healing meditation is tonight at 7pm.
join us & allow the sound to balance, realign & harmonise your being.
you will always feel better after it.

20% discount Sound Healing meditation
Wednesday at 7pm
Sunday at 5pm

Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

join me 🙏💖😇

much love


20% discount Sound Healing meditation
Wednesday at 7pm
Sunday at 5pm

Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

join me 🙏💖😇

much love


Sunday 5pm, Leo new moon Sound Healing meditation.
New beginning, new intentions.
reset & rebirth of the mind & heart.
20% Discounted prices!

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Sound healing Wednesday at 7pm

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

join me 🙏💖😇

much love


Join me tonight for our weekly Sound Healing meditation every Wednesday at 7pm.

Venus trine Neptune - beneficial healing for the heart through spiritual practices & sound.
Sun trine Saturn - beneficial development through spiritual disciplines & responsibility.

Sound Healing is highly beneficial for
- Stress & anxiety management
- Fatigue - energise & recharge
- Clearing pain, grief, negativity
- Restoring harmonious state of well being
- Balancing chakra energy centres
- Promotes mental Clearity & Focus
- great for insomnia, Promotes good rejuvenating sleep
- The list goes on...

Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

join me 🙏💖😇

much love


Sound Healing meditation
Weekly group- Wednesday at 7pm
Cancer New Moon - Friday 7pm
New beginning, new intentions.

Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

join me 🙏💖😇

much love


weekly Sound Healing meditation
Wednesday at 7pm.
Saturn & Neptune stationing retrograde while we are in cancer season.
inwards time of reflection, rest, feeling, nurturing the inner child while things might feel like a weird stand still dream time.
Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Time to connect with spirit ,
Join us

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

much love


Capricorn Full Moon's sound healing meditation was recorded live today on the full moon time.
it is now available on Patreon to our higher tier members.
If you wish to purchase it you can do it through
Much love

Buy “Capricorn Full Moon Sound Healing Meditation 22.06.24” on Patreon | Healing Delight 22/06/2024

Capricorn Full Moon's sound healing meditation was recorded live today exactly on the full moon time.
Ot is now available on Patreon to our higher tier members. If you wish to purchase it you can do it through this link

Buy “Capricorn Full Moon Sound Healing Meditation 22.06.24” on Patreon | Healing Delight Check out Healing Delight’s shop on Patreon


Tonight is full, Join us tomorrow at 12pm
Winter Solstice Capricorn Full moon Sound Healing is coming up this weekend.
Friday at 7pm - Full
Saturday at 12pm

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

join us 🙏💖😇

much love


weekly Sound Healing meditation
Wednesday at 7pm.
Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Tume to connect with spirit ,
In this busy Gemini season its even more important bring the mind into a state of stillness.
Join us

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

much love


Thursday 7pm, Gemini new moon Sound Healing meditation.
New beginning, new intentions.
reset & rebirth of the mind & heart.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Sound healing Thursday at 7pm
Healing Delight 😊

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

join me 🙏💖😇

much love


Positive, exciting Gemini new moon Sound Healing meditation
Thursday at 7pm.
New beginning, new intentions.
reset & rebirth of the mind & heart.

Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Sound healing Thursday at 7pm
Healing Delight 😊

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

join me 🙏💖😇

much love


The most positive Full moon of 2024 is here! Sound Healing Tonight at 7pm.
Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Moon in optimistic expensive Saggitarius. Sun in Gemini on the Paleidies family of love & light.
Trine pluto in Aquarius, positive development, gaining deep insights & power to change our subconscious s**t to concious flowers.

Venus conjunct Jupiter on the 29⁰ Ta**us,union of the most benevolent planets showering us with love vibration.
they both sextile Neptune 29⁰ Pisces amplify divine love,guidance,healing,  miracles,spirit.

good fortune

Right now the moon is in Scorpio & as it makes its way to the full moon tomorrow late morning she will oppose Uranus,Jupiter,Venus in Ta**us to help us clear our negativity, 
a clearing of our subconscious unconscious darkness.
tune into positive manifestations.

Sun in Gemini helps us change our thoughts & perceptions.

Sound healing tonight at 7pm
Healing Delight 😊

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

join me 🙏💖😇

much love


weekly Sound Healing Wed at 7pm.
Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

This week we have
Sun on Gemini beneficial Trine Pluto as we are now in a Gemini season.
Moon in Scorpio for deep psychic feelings trine Saturn constructive spiritual development.
Venus conjunct Jupiter at the end of Ta**us which is directly in alignment with the Paleidies for a beneficial download of higher love vibration.
they both sextile Neptune 29⁰ Pisces surrendering to the void of the unknown with faith, receiving healing & miracles.

Private Healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

Good time for healing, join me 🙏💖😇

much love


weekly Sound Healing Wed at 7pm.
Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

This week we have beautiful energy of positive developments as
Venus, Uranus, Sun & Jupiter all together in Ta**us.
Venus sextile Saturn
Mercury direct out of shadow
Neptune 29⁰ Pisces sextile pluto
Jupiter trine BML trine Pluto
Mars coming into north node
Moon nodes moved to 14⁰

Good time for healing & breakthroughs.
join me 🙏💖😇

much love


weekly Sound Healing on every Wednesday at 7pm.
Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

This week we have beautiful energy of positive developments as
Venus, Uranus, Sun & Jupiter all together in Ta**us.
Venus sextile Saturn
Mercury direct out of shadow
Neptune 29⁰ Pisces sextile pluto
Jupiter trine BML trine Pluto
Mars coming into north node
Moon nodes moved to 14⁰

Good time for healing & breakthroughs.
join me 🙏💖😇

much love


Positive Ta**us new moon
Sound Healing meditation on Wednesday 8th of May at 7pm.
Booking link in bio or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

New beginning, new intentions, new vibration.
Sun & moon supported with a good sextile to Saturn in Pisces
- Venus is now home in Ta**us bringing the love back home, giving thanks.
- Mars is home in Aries
the Engine is back online, Fire is in state of ignition
- Mercury coming off Chiron for the 3rd final time, a healing breakthrough after a long wounded processing.
- Jupiter coming off Uranus epiphanies, breakthrough, expansion, of our values and beliefs systems.
suddenly, unexpectedly...

Maintain your vibration !
Sound Healing is here to help you achieve that in a very relaxed & effortless way.

Join us every Wednesday at 7pm

Private sessions available.

Much love,


Sound Healing meditation on Wednesday 1st of May at 7pm.
we are in a strong shift of energy, the current one started today and will continue into tomorrow late night.
- Venus is now home in Ta**us bringing the love back home, giving thanks.
- Venus square Pluto in Aquarius
challenge by the world around us in state of orgenised Chaos.
- Moon in Aquarius with Pluto square Venus , helping us remain detached while other people may trigger.
- Mars moves home into Aries
the Engine is back online, Fire is in state of ignition
- Mercury coming into Chiron for the 3rd final time, a healing breakthrough after a long wounded processing.
- Jupiter still coming off Uranus epiphanies, breakthrough, expansion, of our values and beliefs systems.
suddenly, unexpectedly...

Booking link in bio or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

We are in a very strong phase of the process, lean on your inner resources of love, peace, light, strength, etc...

Maintain your vibration !
Sound Healing is here to help you achieve that in a very relaxed & effortless way.

Join us every Wednesday at 7pm

Private sessions available.

Much love,


- Scorpio Full moon sound healing meditation on Wednesday 24th at 7pm
Powerful release for transformation & evolution. join us.
Wesak full moon buddha enlightened
Exodus full moon Moses liberation.

Full moon square Pluto
Mercury stationing direct
Mars with Neptune in Pisces
Jupiter with Uranus in Ta**us.
This is a significant full moon!
join us.

Time to take a break, realign, recharge, rest, relax, let go and effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Private sessions available.

much love


Special sound healing meditation tonight at 7pm for the big event of
- Saturday 20th at 7pm
welcoming the energy of Jupiter big expansion together with Uranus breakthrough, break free, revolutionary Quantum leap jump in our evolution process. transcendence, enlightenment, epiphanies.
They meet on the morning of Sunday in Ta**us our physical reality, relationships, love, sexuality, money, job, value, health.

This is followed by
- Scorpio Full moon sound healing meditation on Wednesday 24th at 7pm

Time to take a break, realign, recharge, rest, relax, let go and effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Private sessions available.

much love


weekly Sound Healing tomorrow
- Wednesday 17th at 7pm.
Venus conjunct North node
future destiny calling for new directions in our love, relationships, job, finance, health, values.
Mercury R conjunct Chiron
reflection about sense of wounding in search for a healing breakthrough.

Special event coming up for
- Saturday 20th at 7pm

- Scorpio Full moon
Wednesday 24th at 7pm

Time to take a break, realign, recharge, rest, relax, let go and effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

much love


Sound Healing meditation tonight at 7pm as an Integration of the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse Sound Healing.
Join us, it will help you!

Tonight's energy
Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces -
Mars the ruller of Aries , the warrior masculine wants to pursue his dreams & needs but it is facing Saturn who is holding him back, restricting, delaying, testing, forcing the ego mind to make sure that the decisions & actions from now onwards will be of discipline, spiritual integrity, good karma & maturity.
demonstrating that the hard lessons have been learned.

moon in Ta**us heading towards Jupiter & Uranus giving us the emotional flavour of the rewarding development which will climax on the 21st of Jupiter & Uranus conjunction.

Sun begins to conjunct Mercury retrograde for a new understanding, information, realisations, revelations agreements.

booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Private healing sessions available on the booking system as well.

much love


New moon solar eclipse
Sound Healing meditations
- Tuesday 11 am (morning eclipse)
- Wednesday 7pm (integration)

Booking link in bio or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

Private sessions available.

Much love,


Sound healing tonight at 7pm
with Venus conjunct Neptune
the supreme optimal frequency of healing with sound through a journey with spirit.

Moon conjunct Pluto
transform & evolve emotional body

Sun conjunct North node in Aries
soul calling for a future destiny guidance.

Yes, it's very recommended to join us
Booking link in bio or directly at

Sound Healing meditation
tonight at 7pm.
Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

In the middle of eclipse season we are having a sweet wave of love.
Venus conjunct Neptune
the lower earthly love & higher divine love.
The Goddess of love, relationships, finance, jobs, values is meeting the divine higher guidance for dream time healing. chilled spaced out vibes.

Mercury is going into its retrograde to review, rethink, redefine.

Sun conjunct North node - soul calling for a future destiny guidance.

Join us

much love


Venus conjunct Neptune for a sweet dream time healing with spirit through sound & music in meditation.

Sound Healing meditation
Wednesday at 7pm.
Time to rest, relax, let go, effortlessly heal while receiving the therapeutic freequencies of acoustic sound.

Booking link in bio above or directly at https://healing-delight.cliniko.com/bookings

In the middle of eclipse season we are having a sweet wave of love.
Venus conjunct Neptune
the lower earthly love & higher divine love.
The Goddess of love, relationships, finance, jobs, values is meeting the divine higher guidance for dream time healing. chilled spaced out vibes.

Mercury is going into its retrograde to review, rethink, redefine.

Sun conjunct North node - soul calling for a future destiny guidance.

Join us

much love

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Videos (show all)

Wednesday at 7pm - Sound Healing Meditation. Very potant energy for healing!!Booking link in bio or directly at https://...
Healing Blessings for the Wesak full moon eclipse in Scorpio!Sound healing meditations at @hereyogaTonight, Friday @ 8pm...
Scorpio Full moon eclipse Sound Healing groups on this coming weekend:Friday 5th May @ 8pmSaturday 6th may @ 2pmBooking ...
In theses days we are dealing with so many changes in our lives. Sound healing Meditation is not a luxury,  its a necess...
Happy Friday beautiful people. quick update about this weekend energy, if you want to watch & listene to more insights y...
Did you know that our online community on patreon is receiving a sound Healing Meditation which is being recorded on eve...
Sound Healing Song
We have Just finished sound healing meditation before another lockdown... Keep it simple...Its all about fear or love fa...





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