Journey to a Better Place with Jess Baker

Bringing compassion, happiness and peace into the world by facilitating people on their Journey to a We are all being asked to spiritually evolve. Love Jess Xx

Journey to a Better Place has a vision of a compassionate world where humans understand their purpose, are authentically happy and act with mindful loving intent towards all other beings. That means that we are being asked to tap into our inner truth and gain the confidence to follow it and share our unique gifts with the world. To heal the things that are holding us back and preventing us from fu


Todays oracle card

The need for balancing work and play, responsibility and personal needs
Realistic goals and expectations.

The story of my life for sure! What about you?

Remain flexible and adaptable.

You have a purpose and goals and dreams to nurture, do so with the mindful awareness that this impacts those around you.

Be confident in yourself and your abilities but be willing to compromise.

If you believe you can achieve your goals and meet your responsibilities there is a good chance you can.

Notice where are you out of balance?

Too much responsibility to others, not meeting your own needs? Neglecting your souls calling? Feeling overwhelmed and anxious?


Do you need to take some time to nurture those relationships around you or priorities of the physical world?

Balance between the body, mind and spirit will allow you to live aligned to your purpose and bring your unique gifts in the world for us all to benefit from.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess


Most often we all know what we should do, but taking action on what will bring us the results can be another story.

We all know what is good for us to eat or that we need to move our body or that meditation has so many benefits for our mind and spiritual connection. Yet how good are we at following this advice?

I know every night that as I reach for the chocolate that it is only going to feed the cravings and bad habits I have wanting something sweet to finish my meal with.

Developing our ability to connect with our own soul or with spirit is no different. It takes some action.

To make it easier to take the actions that will support us to connect with our own soul or the greater spirit, it is easier to surround ourselves with like minded people who will support us on our journey.

Someone who can guide us, gently hold us accountable and encourage us when we hit a little bump in the road or get in our own way. Someone that is happy to share their lessons but also acknowledge the wisdom you have gained from your own journey. Someone who will happily share a tea and giggle along with our inability to stop grabbing the chocolate when we know it isn't benefiting us but agree that it taste so dam good.

If you need a little bit of accountability or encouragement on your spiritual journey what would that look like for you?

It might be something physcial or very practical.
Or perhaps something more mental or emotional.

Tell me what you need and I will do my best to send you in the right direction for a resource that might help you with that to support you on your journey.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


Guess who has been invited back to present at Seven Sisters Festival this year?!

I am honoured to be the one to support so many beautiful women at this festival. It is really incredible to see women of all ages, shapes, sizes and backgrounds come together to learn and support each other as we grow. If you are looking for a weekend away to connect with a beautiful community check it out.

This years festival will be full of workshops, healers, really cool small shops and yummy food. It runs for 4 nights (3 days) or you can just come for the day. It is so powerful to do this sort of thing out in the country rather than in a big convention center.

It allows you to sample the work of many and gives you space to follow your own heart.

I will be in the wind temple or in the healing haven. Come say Hi.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx

Seeds of Hope | Humanitix 11/06/2024

In a world where it is so easy to be overwhelmed by how far from love we are separated it can be difficult to know how to help.

What if there was an easy way to help?

By attending the seeds of hope event this weekend you get access to wellbeing activities such as laughing yoga, shiatsu, sound healing and live art.

Proceeds will directly support the construction of a school for displaced palestinian children.

I will be volunteering my hands and presence at this event in the hope that it brings just a little more compassion and healing into this world.

All are welcome 🙏💕

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx

Seeds of Hope | Humanitix Get tickets on Humanitix - Seeds of Hope hosted by Seeds of Hope Collective. Location TBA. Sunday 16th June 2024. Find event information.


What would you do if you believed in yourself a little bit more?

What would you be doing differently?
Where would you be placing your energy and attention?
What would you be creating and birthing into the world?

Don't let anyone stop you from listening to the whispers of your soul because by doing so it might just force the outdated narrative of the world to change.

Keeping yourself small may support the narrative and greed of a few, but by allowing your light to shine bright it will help the whole.

Balance the body, mind and spirit so you can follow the guidance of your soul.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess


Every wuwu needs a crystal ball! 🔮

Thank you

What an incredible place to visit. You must go! It’s a Shopping experience you’ll never forget.

The owners are such beautiful humans making an impact on so many lives. Bringing new life to a little Australian country town, building community and championing inclusivity. 💗💗💗

I can’t wait to give my crystal ball a test run 🤗🔮


Being a mystic doesn’t mean that you don’t face physical world problems…

I have been feeling a little flat that my magic had gone because I’ve been very much in the physical world lately. But today I got a very clear reminder that we are always connected.

Sometimes it’s little whispers rather than giant roars.

Friday I was saying to Mukesh how do you know when your tyres need changing. Like who will tell me? Because… I’m feeling a little worried about getting a flat tyre.

Today guess what happened 🤷‍♀️😇

When I was trying to be extra careful to put the right house key on my key ring so I didn’t lock it inside. Guess what happened 🤭

Sometimes we get just a little heads up about the bumps in the road.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx

Photos from Journey to a Better Place with Jess Baker's post 30/05/2024

There are many small things we can choose to support our wellbeing.

You might like to work your way through some of these ideas or add your own so we can all come back to this simple list when we need a little boost.

What we put in our body - food is medicine.

Focus on Gratitude - share three things we are grateful for and why they are important to you.

Love your body and honor its messages- listen to it. There is a time to rest, there is a time to move.

Be- take time out to just be. Meditate or sit in your own energy.

Breathe- take a few deep breaths all the way down to your belly.

Connect- take some time to connect with spirit. Whatever that means for you. Through nature, through journaling, through oracle cards.

Community- reach out to someone you love. Send them a quick message of how they inspire you.

Learn- try something new. Find the right challenge level to access a state of flow.

Listen- listen to understand. To hear someone else’s perspective. To broaden your perspective and expand your mind.

Express- draw, write, sing, dance, create.

Touch- self massage or from a professional. Feel the power of therapeutic touch.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


Enjoying the beautiful Autumn afternoon sun.

Breathing in fresh air and contemplating what wish to make.

What would yours be?

A wish for your own desire
A wish for the desire of your loved ones
A wish for the desire of the world

Mine would be…
I wish to be able to share the magic of working with spirit.
I wish for my loved ones to know how truly special they are.
I wish for the world to come together with open hearts.

Photos from Journey to a Better Place with Jess Baker's post 15/04/2024

What an incredible night as we went back in time to explore Jack the Ripper from a psychic investigator experiment to remember!


A perfect way to start an epic week of mediumship retreat with some of the best mediums in the world

Thanks to my beautiful friends and family who contributed to this opportunity as my celebration of turning 40.

I’m so incredibly grateful for some time with my own soul and the journey of continued development with spirit.



I’m so blessed to work with spirit and love the opportunity to be Invited into peoples special relationships with spirit.

I’m so thankful for the very thoughtful little gift from one of my recent readings.

Such a cool idea for a gift. I can’t wait to gift this cool idea to someone else this too 🤗🥰

Look out friends and family birthday and Christmas presents are now done and you know how much that usually stresses me out 😅

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


Have you got a story to share about being a female and the challenges or cheerleaders supporting your journey?

My very different experiences working as a female leader in male dominated environments and the importance of the males around us.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


In honour of my beloved healing kitty who has transitioned…

What is grief?
Where do we store our grief in the body?
What to do when you are faced with grief.
The connection with Grief and the earth element.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


If you want to be able to connect with spirit to help you live your purpose.

If you want to work with spirit and use your strengths to be able to make a positive impact in this world and it’s not happening as fast as you would like, then you gotta watch this video I made for you.

When our body, mind and spirit are aligned we live our purpose with confidence, ease and have more time and freedom for the things that bring us joy.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


Tomorrow is Random acts of kindness Day!
Finally a day we can probably all agree on.

A day that celebrates the power of giving.
A day that cultivates the positive human qualities.

Science shows that when we do random acts of kindness we all benefit. The person receiving, the people around who may witness the act and the person giving. It also sends ripples out into the world.

Here are some ideas for you to complete a random act of kindness today or any day you want a little boost up.

- Pick some flowers
- Leave a kind note
- Email someone to thank them
- Give someone a voucher for a treatment
- Smile and whoosh someone love

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


We had an extra special gust at meditation last night 🤗

This is Tonka who is 5 months old and learning how to meditate.

His goal is to be still and open up new worlds and experiences for some lucky companion when he graduates as a guide dog.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


I am so grateful to all of those beautiful souls who support my work and make it possible for me to help others on this journey.

I truly believe if we all had the confidence to live aligned to our soul purpose then the world would be a much better place.

These are the winners of the recent reading offering attached to my spirt artwork the goddess of water.

If you missed this you may like to go back and read her message as it will also be a message that you would benefit from hearing.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx

Photos from Journey to a Better Place with Jess Baker's post 08/02/2024

Here is my newest spirit artwork…

She is the goddess of water.

Today she offers a free spirit reading for 3 lucky people. These readings will be done online over zoom and will go for 30 minutes.

If you would like the chance to go in the draw for one please love, share or tag someone who you think might like this offer.

But for every she brings this message;

She has the ability to be calm and flow through life easily, effortlessly going around and over obstacles.

She also posses great power and force with the ability to move mountains.

If the energy fails to flow freely she becomes stuck and stagnant, resulting in a lack of clarity and a feeling of being bogged down in a sadness as she longs for the balance to return.

Regulating the flow of energy helps her to find this balance where she is at peace and allows her to be in her element and nourish life.

She is one with the creatures of the deep that are not well understood by the surface dwellers.

The shell is her way of communication and reminds us that to communicate with the underworld we must listen with focus and amplify the messages received. Almost as if by magic for those who are unable to listen at those depths.

Find flow by connecting to nature. Sitting by the sound of running water. Supporting your water element by allowing yourself deep nourishing rest, support your nervous system with Transforming Touch, get a Shiatsu or Reiki to ensure the flow of universal energy is in balance. Meditate to still the mind and connect with the friendly creatures of the underworld.

Discovering her is a journey that is full of joy and inner peace.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


Do you have a an intention for the year ahead?

Calling in the energy to support your goals for the year ahead is really powerful.

Tonight I am holding space for exactly this. Join me and some other incredible souls online for a free event at 7:30pm.

A perfect way to see in the Long Weekend in Melbourne.

If your keen let me know and I will send you the link.

Love Jess Xx


I know many wonderful humans bringing such beautiful gifts into this world to help others 💕

Sometimes it can feel like a lonely road if you are not surrounded by others who believe in you, encourage and inspire you to keep going.

With this in mind I am holding some space tomorrow night 7:30pm (Melb time) for beautiful humans to connect and take some time to call in the energy to support you with a free online vision board event.

It is a free event. It isn’t about selling you anything. It is just a gift to support you to help you bring your dreams and goals to life so you can continue to serve human kind.

A space to connect with the energy of others who are also powerful beings so our energy is amplified.
If you are interested in joining us please let me know and I will send you the zoom link.

You can create your vision board online( I can give you some tips for this) or you can create it with magazines, pencils, paints, textas, music, poetry…. There are no rules being we all express and connections with the Devine energy differently.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


I’m absolutely loving my start to the new year.

After doing some swaps with a practioner friend of mine I’m reminded of how powerful the work I do is and the importance of sharing it with others.

After our sessions I don’t feel that invisible rope holding me back, instead I feel confident and excited to support the beautiful souls coming through their spiritual journey and help them to bring their much needed gifts to the rest of humanity!

I’ve already gotten so much done this year and it all felt so easy!!!

Joined the gym.
Said good bye to my part time job.
Sent out 3 newsletters with fabulous content.
Tax/finances up to date (very much my nightmare usually).
Cleaned out my clothes draws.
Eating yummy home prepared food.
Making huge progress towards my goals.
Booked in for some epic training this year.
Running a free workshop to support others to bring in there energy for the year just because I love what I do and who it means I get to hang out with.
Feeling so much gratitude to my community.

I’m so blessed. I’m ready to take on the world and help the planet raise its vibration! 👏👏👏

Are you ready too?
Join me Thursday evening to help call in the energy to support you for the year ahead! 🤗

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


I’m so blessed to have such beautiful souls come into the studio.

The neighbors must think we are drunk at 10am in the morning with all the belly laughs they hear.

Happiness and joy is just one of the side effects of meditation.

Ready to start the new year with a fresh mind, focus and clarity?

Meditation is a fabulous tool to support you with this.
And you can even have fun while you do it!

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx

Free Bija Mantra Chakra Meditation - Journey to a Better Place 22/12/2023

Wishing you all a very Merry and Safe Christmas!

I hope you look after yourself and appreciate the irreplaceable gift that you are during this hectic time.

To say thank you for being apart of my beautiful community, because I feel so damn lucky to have you, and know you bring so much to so many people just by being you.

I am sharing the meditation that I did at the seven sisters festival with you.
It is one of my favourites as it is super powerful and takes you very deep.

Please take the time to receive this gift when it is right for you over this period of reflecting the past year, enjoying the moment and preparing for the new year ahead.

If you are on my newsletter I have sent you your very own copy already.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx

Free Bija Mantra Chakra Meditation - Journey to a Better Place Down load your free Bija Mantra Chakra meditation for a powerful meditation to activate and realign your chakras.


If you are stuck looking for the perfect present at the last minute why don't you give the gift of healing?

It is the best gift anyone could give! We are not very good at looking after ourselves but our wellbeing is so important and flows over into all areas of our lives and can make a real impact on our happiness.

You also have the added bonus of supporting a small business.

We do gift vouchers for meditation, healing, past life regression, coaching, strengths profiles. We have services available for in person and online.

Reach out if you want to know more

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx

12 Benefits of Meditation 20/12/2023

Christmas can be a difficult time of year for people....

Instead of the 12 days of Christmas let's consider the 12 benefits of meditation.

1. Reduced Stress
2. Controls Anxiety
3. Promotes Emotional Health
4. Enhances Self Awarness
5. Lengthens Attention Span
6. May Reduce Age-related Memory Loss
7. Can Generate Kindness
8. May Help Fight Addictions
9. Improves Sleep
10. Helps Control Pain
11. Can Decrease Blood Pressure
12. Accessible Anywhere.

If you want to learn more about this you can read more in this Helathline article.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx

12 Benefits of Meditation Meditation can help redirect your thoughts and improve your overall quality of life. Here are some of the science-backed benefits of meditation.

Photos from Journey to a Better Place with Jess Baker's post 15/12/2023

Thank you Miri .you.breathe for my wonderful sound healing today 🙏💕

It is such a necessity to look after ourselves at this busy time of year.

It is only when our cups are full can we better serve others.

May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you know Love

Love Jess Xx


Congrats to Rebecca Poole who won a reading with me for supporting mental health for young people Jak’s World C.I.C 💗💗💗💗


Past Life Regression.
Discover your past lives and how it connects with your current life.
Learn more about your unique skills, talents, intrests and even phobias.

Past life regression can help us heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.


Filling my soul with the best company.
Incredible soulful music and fresh air.

When did you last do something to make your soul sing? 💗💗💗

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Melbourne?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

My Story

I started Journey to a Better Place with a vision of a compassionate world where humans understand their purpose, are authentically happy and act with mindful loving intent towards all other beings.

We are all being asked to spiritually evolve.

That means that we are being asked to tap into our inner truth and gain the confidence to follow that and share our unique gifts with the world. To heal the things that are holding us back and preventing us from fulfilling our purpose.

But don’t worry you don’t have to do it alone! In fact we work better with someone else or even a group of people as this gives us more power and more possibilities.

I totally get it! I’ve been there too!

I’m here to help you step up and honour the call of your soul that has guided you on this path. To find that inner peace you have been searching for and that calm confidence that allows you to spread your message of love.

To help you on your Journey here are some ways that we can work together.

- Connect with Spirit to receive insight and guidance.

- Past Life Regressions.

- Personal Affirmations- totally unique to you!

- Meditation.

- Soul Coaching - to heal those things that are holding you back and give you the confidence to move forward!

I also run workshops and give inspirational talks to groups.

You can find out more info in the services section and there are some free resources you might like to check out on my webpage

I’m always happy to have a chat to see how I can best help you on your Journey just reach out I’d love to hear from you.

Love Jess Xx

Videos (show all)

I am so grateful to share the love of the spirit world with some of the most beautiful humans. It feels like such an hon...
Taking time out for ourselves is imperative if you want to flourish body mind and spirit. We can’t pour from an empty cu...
Stop and take some time out to just be. To breathe, to be in nature. Nothing to do, no where to go and allow yourself a ...
Happy International Women’s Day
Good morning world. Take a moment to Breathe. May you feel the support of Mother Nature as you witness the cycles of lif...
This time of year root vegetable salad is the perfect way to ground and nourish your body! May you be Happy May you be H...
If you want to be able to connect with spirit to help you live your purpose. If you want to work with spirit and use you...
Call in the Energy for the Year Ahead
May the year ahead bring you many blessings, lots of love, laughter and inner peace.
I’m so lucky to have this beautiful green space right behind my studio. It’s the perfect spot to catch your breath or to...
What a beautiful day @risingsunfestivalaustralia with my beautiful friend @thirdeyeguide The moon lodge was full of beau...



Melbourne, VIC

Other Meditation Centers in Melbourne (show all)
Melbourne Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship Melbourne Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship
Balwyn Evergreen Centre, 45 Talbot Avenue, Balwyn
Melbourne, 3103

The SRF Melbourne Meditation Group (MMG) is an affiliate of Self-Realization Fellowship.

SYND Health Hub SYND Health Hub
Melbourne, 3000

Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks . We help through meditation, reiki, NLP, chakra balancing to find your self within.

Melbourne International Buddhist Australia Melbourne International Buddhist Australia
380 Lancefiled Road Sunbury

I want to encourage you to open your heart and see from yourself what inner peace can bring you to

Art of Living Melbourne - Fairfield Art of Living Melbourne - Fairfield
Melbourne, 3078

Yoga, Meditation and Breathwork in Fairfield

Dhikr Dhikr

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Meditation with our angels for inner peace Meditation with our angels for inner peace
466 Esplanade
Melbourne, 3931

This page is for anyone interested in their angels, psychic gifts and learning to be in tune with spirit. I offer a personal profile which clarifies your psychic gifts and how you ...

Aphrodite on Raglan Aphrodite on Raglan
Raglan Street South Melbourne
Melbourne, 3205

Aphrodite Greek goddess of love beauty pleasure passion & procreation.The world needs more fun LOVE

Wu Wei Tai Chi Qi Gong and Meditation School Wu Wei Tai Chi Qi Gong and Meditation School
Saint Marks Community Church, 100 Hodgkinson St Clifton Hill
Melbourne, 3068

Wu Wei School - friendly classes Tai Chi, Qigong counselling & meditation Andy Green 0416149738

Afrolax Soothing TV Afrolax Soothing TV

Forget the Stress and Chaos�. Take 60 seconds this moment right now. Inhale... exhale... and...relax

Caroline Springs Bhakti Vriksha Caroline Springs Bhakti Vriksha
Caroline Springs

Home based program for Adults and Kids. Ask and get answers to Life Changing questions.

Melbourne River Sangha Melbourne River Sangha
673 Lygon Street
Melbourne, 3054

Melbourne River Sangha is a community of practitioners in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

Cosmic River Cosmic River
22 Araluen Drive
Melbourne, 3136

Based in Melbourne and online, Cosmic River is a place to heal and find enlightenment through Reiki, energetic and complementary therapy.