Cosmic Gateway

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Cosmic Gateway, Melbourne.

Cosmic Gateway is the path to empowered living where you can find a variety of services such as Energy Alignment, Soul Mission Activation, Divine Partnership Alignment, Ascension Coaching & Intuitive Guidance �


Now on YouTube Interviews with Nancy Thames:

About Nancy Thames:

Nancy Thames, a former Department of Defense employee and a lifelong Contactee of Inter Dimensional extraterrestrial beings, has emerged as a significant voice in the realm of alien disclosure and spiritual awakening. Her journey, marked by personal struggles, transformed profoundly through her continuous extraterrestrial encounters.

These experiences, initially suppressed, were eventually embraced as Nancy began to understand their purpose in her life and for humanity. She has come to the decisive conclusion: it is Time for Disclosure. Her dedication to this cosmic narrative propelled her to create, a platform advocating for open dialogue about extraterrestrial interactions and the greater implications for humanity.

Here, she shares her personal encounters, insights gleaned from beings across dimensions, and her perspective on what these interactions mean for human evolution. Nancy's work underscores a collective call to awakening. She stresses that experiences often labeled as "abductions" are, in her understanding, enlightened contacts, part of a broader, benevolent interaction with extraterrestrial entities aiming to usher humanity into a new era of cosmic participation.

This mission, conveyed through her writing and community engagement, is driven by a philosophy of unity, spiritual evolution, and the pursuit of truth, extending an invitation to all of humanity to acknowledge and embrace our place within the larger galactic framework.

Personal Sessions:

If you feel guided to contribute to my work:

Elevation Training Collection - All 3 Training courses:
Available at-your-own-pace learning via the link:
Promo Code for August: 888

Much Love
Alisha Braché


Abundance Code

It's become apparent over the past few weeks, as the collective energy can feel very heightened towards fear or scarcity during these volitie & uncertain times....

Above that is a much more beautiful abundant frequency that is calling for many of us to tune into access & activate within us.

As more of us open the pathways to this, it opens up wider for the collective, bringing forward a higher level of abundance for all.

The beautiful & uniqueness that we have as humans is our creativity, our ability to work with energy & be a part of bringing new consciousness into the planet through our creative expression ✨️

I've been called to facilitate the "Abundance Code" workshops for those who are willing to explore the creative potential of this consciousness.

This is an interactive group class that is held on Zoom. This introduces the concept of accessing and working with your own personal Abundance Code.

This will be a combination of working with meditation, art & Energy work.

Through this class, you will be guided to connect inward to access your ‘Abundance Code.'"

From here, we will be creating an artistic representation of that to continually work with as we weave this creation into our own reality.

Via Zoom: 2 hrs

Date: Thursday 29th August 2024

Time: 7.00pm Melbourne Australia EST

Find your timezone:

You’ll need:

• Quiet space for 2 hours - where you can dial into the Zoom call

• Bring your own creative tools - pen, paper, coloured pencils, paint, or digital app

• Openness and willingness to access your creative potential

Investment: $44.44 AUD

*Spaces are limited*

Ticket available via the link below:

Looking forward to connecting with you in this sacred space ✨️
Much Love

Alisha Braché




How's everyone feeling in the lead up to this Super Blue Moon?

I always see these blue moons as very big unexpected shifts & events 💙

I believe that the Astrological Alignments at this time are very much about unpredictability, unexpected changes & events.

The energy has felt quite heavy in the lead up, as we've gotten closer and definitely have felt a shift as some dense layers of energy have lifted 🙌✨️

We are definitely moving into the most active time of the year in the upcoming few months 🙏 🙌

Would love to hear how you're feeling?

Much Love
Alisha Braché


Hey Soul Tribe,

We have a triple combination happening this weekend & what feels like another distinctive timeline shift occurring!

The low pressure headaches, which started a few days ago, are one of my main incidators.

During these times, you tend to have a lot of pressure of things rising all at the same time.

Emotional, mental processing, and just generally feeling down or off can feel like a temporary disconnection or depression. It's just an overall feeling of apathy.

You might feel heaviness physically. Energetically, we are processing quite a bit right now, I see images of multiple streams of energy culminating into one singular line. So this to me, I feel like many Timeline converging into one!

This is helping support more of our Soul Energy intergrate into the one Vessel ✨️

I've been planning around with this since Friday and a modalities that is really powerful to support this.
I'll share more later as I'm guided to start to offer this one again!

The name that was given is Infinity Soul Session it's a 3 part Session which combines regression, so going back into a previous time to help understand current circumstances & and heal just via the information.

Then, an Energy Recalibration from there with that new energy we move into a progression state, so moving forward into your future timeline to connect with that version & an Energy Recalibration occurs to attune you into that new version ✨️

If you're interested in this session isn't available on the website, I will offer a few of these for the duration of August as we are now moving into the most pivotal time of 2024!

These sessions go for approximately 2-3 hrs, depending on how much is explored. I'm offering it at $255 AUD ~ If you're interested, please email at [email protected] with the subject Infinity Soul Session & we can go from there.

Looking forward to connecting with you

Sending much love to everyone for this weekend 💕

Alisha Braché


Weekend Vibes ✨️

Enjoy the time off to explore the vastness of space ✨️

Sometimes, when I feel a strange sense of disconnect & I ask where is my higher self?

This is the image I'm given 😅

She's out collecting fragments. She'll be back soon with the goods 😅

At times, we have to disconnect to reconnect stronger than before 💗

Sending much love to everyone for this weekend & enjoy the vastness of what space, stillness & presence.

much love
Alisha Braché


This quick guided meditation is designed to help you cut energy cords from people, places, or things to allow you to open up to a higher connection ✨️🙏💓

Personal Sessions:

If you feel guided to contribute to my work:

Elevation Training Collection - All 3 Training courses:

Available at-your-own-pace learning via the link:

Promo Code for August: 888

Elevation Training Covers: Energy Awareness and Energy Clearing: Distortions, Blockages, Traumas & Energy Imprints, Dealing with Interference, Energy Disturbances, Entities & Attachments. Accessing your Soul Blueprint – Understanding Soul Energy & Purpose & Accessing your Soul’s Destiny timeline – Realizing your highest potential.

Elevation 2 Training Covers: Introduction to Archetypes of Divine Soul Connections, Energy Awareness – Individually & Each other Energy, Understanding Soul Origins – Soul Journey – Traumas & Abilities, Understanding the Soul Purpose in this Lifetime & Shared Mission, Accessing & Activating the Sacred Union Template

Elevation Training 3 Covers: Recalibration of Full Consciousness into the Four Body System - Energy Alignment, Emotions Balancing, Mind (Mental Restoration) & Physical Health & Integration. In addition, Training covers, working with the Creational & Manifestation of your Soul Path & Destiny, Healing your Physical Body from illness or Injury, Accessing Soul Mission 2.0 & Attuning to your Soul Skills and Abilities.

See all courses:

Thank you for sharing 💖
Alisha Braché Gateway

To access all available resources, see the website:


Last night, I had a sudden instinct to go outside, as I sat there for a few moments, looking up at the night sky 🌟

I saw movement, I watched for a little while there was a big beautiful light ship moving & lighting up as the it was interacting with me telepathically I started to feel surges of light ✨️ energy connecting with me.

It took me back reflecting on the beginning for me when I started having conscious contact with the Arcturians, they started downloading all the healing & energy techniques many I still work with daily & how much that change my whole life.

I'm so grateful for the depth of wisdom that was given to me & how it has continually changed & and evolved. That's truly what I feel about any energy practices it evolves, as so does humanity 🌟🙏

Seeing being and having contact has become so normal now that I forget what life was like beforehand.

Many people who haven't yet witnessed a light craft ✨️ in the sky & desire to have their own experiences is very simple.

This is one technique that you can try: Spend sometime in meditation & conscious intention to connect or witness it from the highest level.

Bring your focus breathing to your heart centre, breaking & expanding with your intention & when you're ready, send out an energy ball of light up into the sky & bring it back to you like a bomarang. Just like sending out your own light signals.

From there, keep your eyes open towards the Skyies 🌟✨️

There is so much activity happening at the moment it would be hard to miss all the activity happening 🙌

Give it a try and let me know if you experience anything.

I would also love to hear your contact stories 🙏👽

Much Love
Alisha Braché

Connect for a Personal Soul Sessions:

Elevation Training "At you're own pace learning" a guide for Energy Self Mastery & Energetic tools for supporting yourself through this very big Collective Energetic Times:

Elevation Training Collection - (Over 30 hours of training content) Promo Code 888



Hey Soul Tribe,

Did you feel the influx coming in early? I could feel a surge of frequency and almost could hear it just a free hour ago!

The veil between worlds is very thin at the moment. Today was one of those days feeling quite floaty, dizzy & very sensitive to the big energy influxes coming through...

As I mentioned, August will bring a new fresh & lighter energy than many have been experiencing over the past few months.

That geomagnetic storm really helped to clear out losts of old shedding energy 👏

Today feels like a bit of a turning point ✨️

As we all know, we are much more expansive than just in our physical reality in the here & now.

During different stages of the Ascension process, we can be very active in our multidimensional field and less physically embodied in the present moment.

When this occurs, in our current reality, we can feel a sense of disconnect. We feel tired, uninspired, boredom as everything seems to lack lustre.

This isn't the time to make big moves and decisions as everything feels a bit upside-down and unclear.

It's during these times we can feel a bit stuck or flat. We are more impacted by the collective density because of this.... Which is in a state of confusion, uncertainty, and lots of fear.

It's during these times that dedication to our own personal practice, meditation, writing, and creativity ✨️ really helps to stay centred and within our own energy space ✨️

I've been shown night after night that many people are working on missions to help these shifts that we will be going through as many events will be occurring between September through November.

Therefore, our multidimensional work will lessen, and we will come back more our consciousness back into this reality because that is where we will be needed the most.

It's been a tireless effort as going into the same places each night. I often talk about how the other aspects of my consciousness have had very little sleep or rest. So it's only fitting that we compensate here. As it seems that not much is happening in comparison, that's about to flip 😳

Have you been experiencing something similar?

Much Love
Alisha Braché


Hey Soul Tribe,

We have quite a strong influx Geomagnetic Storm in progress that has created Aurora lighting up the skies!

Have you got to see them where you live?

How are you feeling?

🌀Geomagnetic Storm 🌀
Here is the list of the most common symptoms during the influx of solar winds and how you can support yourself:

💠 Tiredness & Fatigue
💠 Anxiety & stress (no particular reason)
💠 On alert, never system ~ Feeling on fight or flight response
💠 Heightened mental patterns ~ looping negitive thoughts ( 3D/Monkey Mind)
💠 Feeling disconnected from this reality
💠 Need to sleep & nap during the day
💠 Intense & Vivid dreams
💠 Nausea
💠 Dizziness or vertigo
💠 Feeling cranky & irritable
💠 Triggers are coming up for release

Things you can do to alleviate these symptoms:
♾️ Keep hydrated & drink plenty of water
♾️ Rest & Sleep as much as you can
♾️ Meditation
♾️ clear your energy ~ If you need additional support 💞 Free Resources available via the website:
♾️ Eat grounding goods; such as potatoes, nuts, etc. (Veggies that are grown underground)
♾️ Immerse yourself with nature
♾️ Be gentle with yourself and others
♾️ Respond vs. React
♾️ Get creative & find ways to express what you're feeling
♾️ If/when triggers arise, observe them ~ be conscious that it's an opportunity for release & transform ~ you are releasing what no longer serves you.

Sending much love 💖
Alisha Braché


This quick guided meditation is designed to help clear, stabilize & ground your energy.

During times of heightened energy influxes, it's important to find our centre and ground ourselves. 10 minutes can make all the difference to our day.

Personal Sessions:

If you feel guided to contribute to my work:

Elevation Training Collection - All 3 Training courses:

Available at-your-own-pace learning via the link:

Promo Code for August: 888

Elevation Training Covers: Energy Awareness and Energy Clearing: Distortions, Blockages, Traumas & Energy Imprints, Dealing with Interference, Energy Disturbances, Entities & Attachments. Accessing your Soul Blueprint – Understanding Soul Energy & Purpose & Accessing your Soul’s Destiny timeline – Realizing your highest potential.

Elevation 2 Training Covers: Introduction to Archetypes of Divine Soul Connections, Energy Awareness – Individually & Each other Energy, Understanding Soul Origins – Soul Journey – Traumas & Abilities, Understanding the Soul Purpose in this Lifetime & Shared Mission, Accessing & Activating the Sacred Union Template

Elevation Training 3 Covers: Recalibration of Full Consciousness into the Four Body System - Energy Alignment, Emotions Balancing, Mind (Mental Restoration) & Physical Health & Integration. In addition, Training covers, working with the Creational & Manifestation of your Soul Path & Destiny, Healing your Physical Body from illness or Injury, Accessing Soul Mission 2.0 & Attuning to your Soul Skills and Abilities.

See all courses:

Thank you for sharing 💖
Alisha Braché Gateway

To access all available resources, see the website:


Elevation Training Collective

This is the inclusive package of all three of the Elevation Training at your own paced training programs. This contains over 30 hours of training material.

For this month only make the most for the
Promo Code: 888
to receive the 888 Abundance discount ✨️

Elevation Training:

Elevation Training is a course designed to support your own self-mastery & energy awareness, as this positively impacts various aspects of your life, supporting your personal growth & evolution. The program comprises five modules, each delving into specific facets of energy work. Topics covered include energy awareness, clearing, addressing personal traumas and energy imprints, handling interference, and accessing your soul’s blueprint and destiny timeline.

Elevate 2 Training:

Elevate 2 Training is designed to enhance your personal Divine Soul Connection. It helps you understand various soul connections and their role in your soul’s growth. This training explores the origins and purpose of soul connections and offers guidance on managing energy awareness within your soul connection dynamic. It empowers you with self-mastery, and tools to balance energies and reduce confusion. The ultimate goal is to access your original energy codes to create harmony and balance in your Divine Soul Relationship(s).

Elevation Training - Part 3:

This program is designed to support individuals looking to Restore their full consciousness within the physical to enhance their lives and work towards a Soul Aligned lifestyle. The inspiration for this Program is the Return of Secret Space Program (SSP) Soldiers and individuals involved with various on-Earth programs.

An all-inclusive program designed to support anyone to work with healing Childhood traumas, Mental Health conditions to work with the Energy, Emotional, Mental and Physical Aspects. This also covers Activating your Soul Mission 2.0 & Soul Skills & Gifts

Much Love
Alisha Braché

Join here:

Remember to use Promo Code 888
At the checkout ✨️💗


Hey Soul Tribe,

Just a quick heads up!
We are currently moving through a K5 Geomagnetic Storm since yesterday...

As the solar winds kick up, it can sometimes feel physically uncomfortable. The body moves through highlighted Ares where we can strore density.

Our energy fields can become quite messy and sometimes feel heightened mental thoughts & emotions rise to the surface...

Move gently with yourself right now 💗

As always, allows yourself to be present with whatever is surfacing in this moment.

✨️ Gentle stretches & moment can support releasing and pressure or tension
✨️ Energy work
✨️ Daily practices - writing, drawing & self reflection

How are you feeling?

Much Love to everyone as we embark on a new week 💗🙏

Alisha Braché


At the moment, there are lots of energetic overlays of deeply buried treasures & traumas that are bubbling up to the surface.

As we hold energetic imprints of what I call our Soul Linage ~ similar to ancestral Linage only this is held in our DNA It holds memories of our 'past life memories' and also hold energetic templates of our future timelines trajectory the future version of us.

So what occurs often is we are given a glimpse into our future timeline potential either through vision, dream, or higher dimensional downloads.

From then, what is needed to make that jump & leap into experiencing this... Whatever is held on a DNA Soul Linage level that's not compatible with that energy starts to go through a purification process.

This is extremely confusing, challenging, and often painful. As feelings, wounds, beliefs, and unconscious states are brought up to the surface because they need to be clear & refined before the energy of the new pathways can open up fully.

Energy is sometimes hard & tricky to navigate as our lower mind can't fully comprehend what's occurring, so our brain makes up stories that try to justify an energy that is moving through our system.

I've always said it's important to work with the energies & not over personalise the story. The mind gets fixated on. Otherwise, the energy gets stuck.

Right now, I'm seeing through my work lots of past life energy overlays occurring in people energy field, which makes it a bit of a mentality unclear place. This energy is trying to work through & release so that the new timeline can come through.

The client I work with do all the internal process work themselves to 'mulch' through these energies. I just help move that energy out so that they can be a clear vessel to access the new energy coming online available to them... just like a power hose!

Things you can ask yourself to work through these energies is...

Is what I'm feeling connect with a past life memory? How can I work on releasing this energy?

You might be surprised what comes through.

This is also playing out deeply in dream space for so many ✨️

This is also playing out deeply in dream space for so many ✨️

Lots of people are being called to step up into their next level of Soul growth & calling.
Be patient the next steps will appear soon 🙏💗

Much love to everyone
Alisha Braché

Connect for a Personal Soul Sessions:

Elevation Training Collection - (Over 30 hours of training content)

Promo Code: 888 - $200 Discount for August ONLY


As Earth is going through this process of evolution from 3D into 5D, this affects the relationships that we have and why so many people are connecting with dive soul connections at this time.

3D paradigm relationships are based on a more physical perspective, we seek a partner based on things like compatibility on likes, dislikes, physical attraction, occupation, and social status, it’s a very logical process of “well he makes a decent living and can provide a good life.” or “we have so much in common” or “it just works, and we are comfortable. ”

The standard archetype as we have known boy meets girl falls in love, we work hard in our 9-5 job, we build a life, have 2.5 kids and live in a house with a white picket fence. Obviously, this is just the stereotype, but I think you get my point.

5D Society is very different. Everything works more in harmony from an energetic perspective. Therefore, relationships are compatible based on an energy or frequency match and a heart level connection. It’s the total opposite of anything logical. It’s energetic, it’s magnetic, and when in balance and harmonized it’s nothing short of magical.

So what we are witnessing now on a global level as part of this planetary shift is that people who were very happy in the most compatible 3D relationship are feeling their soul’s calling for something greater, the relationships that were built from a 3D construct are seemingly falling apart, intimacy is non-existent, the connection that once was strong is no longer there, and through this process feeling a sense of detachment, as though two people are occupying a house like roommates or almost complete strangers.

Then, one or both parties start to question, seek, and truly ask themselves “Is this what life is meant to be?” (one common scenario of million possibilities).

What happens is the process of moving out of one relationship and calling in a compatible match 5D relationship with a Twin Soul connection. This encounter is very much a fated connection as it’s already assigned before birth. This connection is intense, irrational, and emotional and has nothing logical about it. And all by the grand design.

Continue reading:

Would love to hear your experiences, I've noticed a substantial amount of changes happening within the relationships template in the past few months throughout my work, lots of big changes happening might not yet be fully visible yet. Big changes are incoming ✨️

Much love to everyone
Alisha Braché

Connect for a Personal Soul Sessions:

Elevation Training Collection - (Over 30 hours of training content)
$200 Discount for August ONLY
Promo Code: 888


Hey Soul Tribe,

Wishing everyone a wonderful Lion’s Gate 8-8-8!

This is the time of year where thing's really start to accelerate. The energy is incredibly supportive to move us further into our highest expression & calling!

What is the creative expression wanting to be created through you?

What gives you the greatest feeling of excitement when you tune in?

Perhaps you don't know yet ? Perhaps all the details haven't been shown, yet you feel that deep desire within for something that is equally calling you 🥰

Thank you to everyone who joined the Live Lion’s Gate 888 Soul's Journey. This evening, it was such a beautiful, rich, energetic space.

If you want to sign up to catch the replay via the link:

Wherever you're at, take the time to connect with the wisdom that you're Soul has to offer you ✨️ 💛

Can you feel the support of all the beautiful Sirian & Lyran Beings who are supporting these energies pouring in!

Dare to dream & connect to your Higher Aspects of you to walk you through the Golden Gates ✨️

Sending everyone so much beautiful Energy of Alignment, Abundance & Soul Connection for this very powerful Lion’s Gate 8-8-8 🥰
Much love to everyone
Alisha Braché

Connect for a Personal Soul Sessions:

Elevation Training Collection - (Over 30 hours of training content)
$200 Discount for August ONLY
Promo Code: 888


We are anchoring pure presence that will change the world.

I have been having incredible lucid and prophetic dream states lately,… and I do not want to wake up. My dreams have reached an entirely new frequency and hold clues to what we are about to manifest as a global family. I am beyond hopeful about our future.

My dream locations are in sacred sites, but this is no surprise, they are my dreams after all, and I am a sacred site ju**ie. But what has my attention and is mind-blowing is not only accessing the tangible and profound wisdom of these sacred locations but also the people I am dreaming about. It’s pretty clear that the wise global family is building a new world in this “dream state.”

These dream gatherings feel like a grand celebratory reunion of our divine arrival. I recognize many of these beings in my dreams, but some I do not; yet their presence is very familiar. The LOVE and absolute presence of everyone in these dreams are deeply compelling, beautiful, joyful, and simply ecstatic. This absolute perfect divine presence within them is so strong that the entire manifested world must comply. This frequency is causing the mass transformation we see in the world.

The Family of Light is building a new world in a frequency that is protected by its divine presence. I do not see struggle, division, fight, or lack in this world. Just those who simply act as if the universe provides absolutely everything needed. There is a pure trust in the universe. It feels like this family comes from divine innocence and trust. In these dreams, there is an unquestionable assumption that perfection is always present in each moment.

Some indigenous cultures believe our dreams are reality, and what we experience when we think we are awake is the dream. So, could the shift into a new world be as simple as not waking up from the dream?

My takeaway from these dreams is this….
As the world continues to intensify and transform to comply with the new incoming higher frequencies, keep the dream and trust in the universe alive in our hearts. Know all will fall into alignment according to this divine presence and within all of us. And are these dreams, but are we dreaming light architects of a new world? Keep dreaming.

✨ Sharing this post freely with gratitude, but Donations are always appreciated. Thank you.

✨ Up coming PILGRIMAGES.

✨ Get the instant download of the Mayan Calendar for the equinox cycle 2023-24.

Amazing flower of Life Art…by KRYSTLEYEZ.


Hey Soul Tribe 💞

How are you travelling?

Since we moved into August, have you noticed the new space that's being unveiled?

Which seems to open up more and more each day.

We have had an entire week of continuous Solar Flares & just in the past 24hrs we had two X Class Solar Flares which have come through. These Energies have been working deep into the Cells of our Bodies & Energy Field preparing us to access new Pathways 🥰

From what I'm piecing together this is due to upgrades that are happening within our physical bodies. There is a tone of soul aspects merging into our physical vessels presently. This is due to the collapse of many timelines & breakthrough the time loops we've previously been in.

This bringing us into more wholeness and unified within one reality, which completely changes the nature of reality as we experience it.

This phase can also be experienced as a deep clearing... in the same fashion as this energy of soul aspects comes in... It could also bring up deep seated wounds, childhood memories or energy to clear out. Remember this occurs so you can create more space to hold more of your soul essence.

Noticeable Reality changes:
🌀 Seeing more energy in physical cloud form moving through the room or home. Sometimes white or rainbow colours
🌀 Feeling as though living in a constant dream like state ~ Where the this reality & dream world seem to morph & blending as one
🌀Needing lots of time to sleep & rest as the body is trying to assimilate all these changes
🌀 Noticeable buzzing & energies moving through the lower half of the body, waist down, almost as though you're being plucked out of 3D density
🌀 Lots of energy concentrated on heart & middle back as soul merging takes place
🌀 Seeing flashing lights or colours with physical eyes ~ feeling electric energy in the head ~ Popping cracking sensations
🌀Energy surges in the feet as though it's connecting with the new grid system available
🌀 Moving back & forth between realms/realities ~ connecting with beings who are given instructions or information that give insight to your next mission or beings downloaded with codes for new pathways & soul purpose.

The insight given to navigate this phase:
💖 The importance of staying very present & in the now moment
💖 Keeping your energy in a space of incubation as this merging & upgrading happens incrementally
💖 Need to be still, silent observing the newness as it unfolds
💖 Don't try to project further into the future or work out what's next through our linear minds as we've moved into a Quantum space.
💖Until the upgrading is complete any future projection based on our current understanding is not accurate to where we are truly moving towards as this is completely new terrain
💖 As we stay present just feel our way through & allow our heart & joy be our best guide

So much new opening up and available to access we just have to tune into our bodies & allow the soul self to guide us through.

Join the 888 Soul Journey:

What have you been noticing?

This is such a profound time we are moving through because we've all worked so hard individual & collectively to arrive at this point!
We should all be so incredibly proud!

Much love to everyone
Alisha Braché

Connect for a Personal Soul Sessions:

Elevation Training Collection - (Over 30 hours of training content)
$200 Discount for August ONLY
Promo Code: 888

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About Alisha Braché
Energy Alignment ~ Twin Souls/Flames ~ Personal & Planetary Ascension

Alisha Braché

Intuitive Empath, Energy Healer, Ascension Coach & Divine Partnership Guide, Holistic Counsellor, Intuitive Soul Reader, Past Life Regressionist, Teacher & Writer

let me introduce myself and tell you a little of my journey ...
From a very young age I was in tune with my healing and psychic abilities. Over 15 years ago started formal studies to develop my intuitive and healing gifts. I trained in all forms of esoteric and energy techniques (Psychic Mediumship, Trance/Channelling, Energy Healing, Past Life Regression, Reiki, Quantum Healing & many more.)

From there my studies tuned into more Holistic Healing approach as I continued my studies as Holistic Living Counsellor. Since graduating I set up my own practice and have assisted hundreds of clients towards their path of self-mastery.
I have also travelled extensively to many spiritual and holy places around the world to learn more about ancient cultures, energy and sacred sites.

Over the years of travels, studies and working one-on-one with her clients, I have formulated my own Energy Alignment techniques which assist with the relief of things like anxiety, depression, fears & phobias, trauma, past life blockages, direction & purpose, physical ailments and much more.

I now specialise in Energy work to assist people on their own Spiritual Awakening process and Divine Partnership journey. As the years of personal experience I have the capacity to support those going through the various stages of awakening to help empower their own individual journeys.

My work is what I would call Highly Galactic as High Frequency through the many years of being in between the veil and having contact with all different realms of Spirit, Elemental, Angelic & Galactic.

I am very passionate about supporting people to their own Personal Mastery and becoming more in alignment with their soul’s purpose which assist transitioning humanity towards a better future.

In particular ~ part of my work is specialised to Twin Soul connections and the children which can come through this Union - Divine Birth as known through out history, what I call the ‘ancient way’ returning in various different ways. I love to focus on each person’s Life Purpose, Soul Mission and how each co-contribute towards Planetary Ascension!

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Hey Soul Tribe,Right now, we are moving through a phase that many are laying down the foundations of new earth in their ...
Hey Soul Tribe,Right now, as we move through this passageway, I know many people are feeling very energetically sensitiv...
Hey Soul Tribe,This is just a quick Energy Update to share many of the insights & observations that I've been witnessing...
Hey Soul Tribe,What exc times we are experiencing right now on this planet 🙌✨️Watch the Full Update on YouTube https://y...
Hey Soul Tribe,How are you feeling?We have such a huge influx of Solar Energies & Now in the middle of a Geomagnetic Sol...
Hey Soul Tribe,How are you feeling?We are now approaching the New Moon 🌚 in Taurus ♉️ ✨️ & stepping into what has been s...
Hey Soul Tribe,Elevation Training - Part 3.Reclaiming Consciousness,Mental Recalibration & Shifting into the ‘New Space....
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Energy Update: April 28th & Beyond: New Co-Creational New Space is available now for us all!Hey Soul Tribe,Some insights...
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Level 1, 49 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne, 3121

HYPOXI supercharges your fat loss and body shaping goals. Drop a dress size in 4 weeks. HYPOXI is 3 x times more effective at burning stubborn fat in key areas such as the stomach,...

EveryBody Health and Performance EveryBody Health and Performance
Powerhouse Rowing Club, 48 Arabana Street, Aranda
Melbourne, 3142

All things Rowing and Nutrition for Performance, enjoyment & optimal health! Personal satisfaction!

b4w natural skin care b4w natural skin care
19 Signature Boulevard
Melbourne, 3030

We believe healthy skin needs healthy skin care. Our aim is to provide quality natural skin care products, rich in antioxidants, vitamins & herbal extracts to rejuvenate, nurture ...

Kombucha Culture Kombucha Culture

We talk about all things kombucha and mix it up with a holistic and healthy lifestyle. We love when our fans share kombucha or share their experiences. We are here to listen, supp...

Dr. Spiller Australia Dr. Spiller Australia
51-53 Tinning Street
Melbourne, 3056

Rediscover great skin with Dr. Spiller's Biomimetic Skincare. Award-winning • Cruelty-Free • Vegan Options

Ewen Cameron - Massage Therapist Ewen Cameron - Massage Therapist
Suite 6, 54-56 Garden Street
Melbourne, 3181

Remedial, Sport, Relaxation, Pre and Post Surgery

HUSH Beauty and Skin HUSH Beauty and Skin
2/11 Kilvington Drive
Melbourne, 3782

Facials, Skin Needling, LED, Brows , YUMI Lash lifts, Hair removal . Acne treatments and anti ageing

Tox Free Family Tox Free Family

Helping mums heal their hormones & beat fatigue & stress. All it takes is to make the switch. Take the Quiz!

A.minor A.minor

A-minor clothing label is no longer but we might give it another go if my health improves.

Soul Inn House Custom Tattoo Art Soul Inn House Custom Tattoo Art
738 Mount Alexander Road
Melbourne, 3039

Soul Inn House Custom Tattoo is a Melbourne based specialist tattoo parlour.

Aurora Spa & Bathhouse Aurora Spa & Bathhouse
Constitution Hill Road
Melbourne, 3943

Join us as we build our state-of-the-art spa and bathhouse, opening in 2022 at The Continental Sorren