Body Mind & You

Our actions start with a thought, and it is through this pathway of thought that great change is pos The processes of life don't stop...not for a split second.

Our Story
“I love what I do, and infuse my work with the qualities of attention and love. I strive for excellence in exercising great diligence and skill in my actions with the understanding that compassionate awareness changes things in a beautiful way.” Kathy
Postures for the mind. Strengthening your mind comes from strengthening your ability to regul


There is a profound and awe-inspiring connection between humans and the sun, a testament to the breathtaking beauty and harmony in the universe.
Consider this fascinating parallel: A human takes around 25,920 breaths daily. Similarly, the sun takes about the same number of years to complete its journey through the twelve zodiac signs, known as the Platonic year. It moves one degree of the zodiac every seventy-two years, aligning with the approximate length of a human life. In these 72 years, there are approximately 26,000 days, mirroring the number of breaths in a day or the time it takes for the sun to complete an entire cycle in the celestial world. Just as nature allows for a pause between each inhalation and exhalation to prevent hyperventilation, there is a parallel pause in the yearly cycle. During the solstice, the sun 'rests' for a fleeting moment before reversing direction, creating a serene rhythm experienced by humans on Earth. This shared rhythm, this cosmic dance, is a testament to our belonging in the universe.
The graceful movement of the sun, the gentle ebb and flow of our breath, and the rhythmic beating of our hearts are not isolated events. They are interconnected, forming a single living system that transcends individuality. This interconnectedness, this shared rhythm, is a powerful testament to the profound harmony and unity that underpins all life.

Photos from Body Mind & You's post 21/07/2024

Living by the spirit means connecting with the Heart, a vital aspect of spiritual care. When I sit at the bedside with patients in the hospital, I witness their vulnerability. They often sense that their illness is intertwined with other facets of their lives, such as losses, stress, love, and challenges. By offering compassionate listening, I provide a cathartic experience that can initiate the healing process. In the practice of Spiritual Care, I don’t just hear their words; I listen to their hearts, recognizing that our core personality, outlook, and tendencies reside in the physical Heart.
What is dangerous to our health is the persistent decrease in our parasympathetic - or life-restoring activity.
Engaging in life-restoring activities, such as connecting with nature, nurturing loving relationships, building trust, and engaging in healthy physical activity, isn’t just beneficial - it’s regenerative. These activities are not just a balm for the soul, but a source of rejuvenation. They foster hope and optimism, making them even more beneficial for our hearts and overall well-being. In nature, there’s a deep connection between our bodies and the earth’s energy. Our biological systems genuinely thrive on the infrared wavelengths emitted by living beings.
Have you ever noticed that when you want to express a deeply held belief, the hand is held over the Heart in a clenched fist? Funny how a clenched fist is the same size and shape as our Heart. When we want to make an emotional connection, express our deep feelings, or demonstrate that we are dealing with our ‘essence’ as a human, our Heart rushes forward in that experience.
The currency of the Heart is a true transaction, and it’s free. It’s a reminder that the most valuable things in life are often the ones that don’t cost a thing. The love, compassion, and understanding that we can offer and receive are priceless, and they come from the Heart.

Photos from Body Mind & You's post 14/07/2024

Gardening is like a contemplative practice. While tending to my garden, my mind naturally wanders and connects with reflective meaning, often drawing parallels to my life. I find this fascinating, and so I consider my winter gardening to be a spiritual exercise. As I prune the roses, I wonder how I am drawn to contemplate the meaning of discernment. Discernment is a term that often needs to be more understood and used. It is not so much about decision, but more an art of observation. Discernment has less to do with deciding between right or wrong, good or better. Discernment is more subtle than that. It’s about noticing the slight difference between what is life-giving and what is life-limiting. As I prune, I look at the plants branches and look for signs of new growth. Some branches have entirely died at the base. A new stem has formed in other places, ready to support new life. During the pruning process, some rosebuds are inadvertently cut off before they can fully develop, and others remain. The sacrifice of one for the other is a crucial aspect of discernment that requires thoughtful consideration. In the practice of discernment, I still value and enjoy placing my rose cuttings into a vase on the kitchen table. 💚🌹


Nature. Beauty. Love.🌹

Photos from Body Mind & You's post 09/07/2024

This may become my new winter pilgrimage -Bathurst winter Festival❤️

The dead are not distant or absent. They are alongside us. When we lose someone to death, we lose their physical image and presence, they slip out of visible form into invisible presence. This alteration of form is the reason we cannot see the dead. But because we cannot see them does not mean that they are not there. Transfigured into eternal form, the dead cannot reverse the journey and even for one second re-enter their old form to linger with us a while. Though they cannot reappear, they continue to be near us and part of the healing of grief is the refinement of our hearts whereby we come to sense their loving nearness. When we ourselves enter the eternal world and come to see our lives on earth in full view, we may be surprised at the immense assistance and support with which our departed loved ones have accompanied every moment of our lives. In their new, transfigured presence their compassion, understanding and love take on a divine depth, enabling them to become secret angels guiding and sheltering the unfolding of our destiny.





Photos from Body Mind & You's post 18/06/2024

Melbourne Art and Culture precinct🌻


❤️Blue hour - the twighlight before the sun arrives - the quiet period when dreams merge with reality.

Photos from Body Mind & You's post 10/06/2024

Being with what is.
Nature and Grace, both sacred gifts.
“The gift of grace which is awakened in us through compassion, is not opposed to the gift of our nature. Rather it restored us to the heart of our nature”. 🌤️

Photos from Body Mind & You's post 28/05/2024

A perfect day for it☀️❤️


On the God spectrum❤️

Photos from Body Mind & You's post 12/05/2024

GOD be with the mother. As she carries her child may she carry her soul. As her child was born, may she give birth and life and form to her own higher truth. As she nourished and protected her child, may she nourish and protect her inner life and her independence. For her soul will be her most painful birth and her soul will be her most difficult child, but her soul will be the dearest sister to her other children.
Amen, Michael Luenig

Photos from Body Mind & You's post 12/05/2024

Mud and a pub💕 love hanging with my babes and a Luke Combs play list🙌

Photos from Body Mind & You's post 08/05/2024

Golden hour on Golden pond ❤️


Home body comfort❤️



A home is not simply a building; it is the shelter around the intimacy of a life. Coming in from the outside world and its rasp of force and usage, you relax and allow yourself to be who you are. The inner walls of a home are threaded with the textures of one's soul, a subtle weave of presences. If you could see your home through the lens of the soul, you would be surprised at the beauty concealed in the memory your home holds. When you enter some homes, you sense how the memories have seeped to the surface, infusing the aura of the place and deepening the tone of its presence. Where love has lived, a house still holds the warmth. Even the poorest home feels like a nest if love and tenderness dwell there.


Excerpt from his books, Beauty: The Invisible Embrace (US) / Divine Beauty (Europe)
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Cottage Window
County Clare, Ireland
Photo: © Ann Cahill


Are you the angel who brings calm amongst the chaos? In a world where mental health is increasingly under threat, today's meditators are the courageous soldiers in the unified field of heart coherence. The tragic sense of life is not unbelief, pessimism, fatalism or cynicism. It is just ultimate and humiliating realism, which, for some reason, demands a lot of forgiveness for almost everything. Meditation is a transformative practice, bringing about emotional resilience, healthy relationships, work/life balance, clarity, and focus. It is the practice of turning inward to the light that keeps the human heart from closing down and the soul open for something more, instilling reassurance and optimism.
Yes, classes continue on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm, Ringwood.




Autumn ❤️


Spiritual Health Care. The connection between spirituality and mental health is undeniable. By prioritising spiritual care and support, we can help individuals navigate their challenges and find meaning and purpose, and inner peace in their lives. ❤️


Spiritual Health Care.
The connection between spirituality and mental health is undeniable. By prioritizing spiritual care and support, we can help individuals navigate their challenges and find meaning, purpose, and inner peace in their lives. ❤️


We are at the end of what I hope was an incredible journey for you. We have spent 12 sessions together exploring and discussing spiritual practices, exploring opportunities in which we can turn to our innate spirituality as a source of resilience and strength.
We have learnt how to turn to our spiritual domain for guidance.
We have learnt how to create Certainty, Intention, peacefulness, and desired action in the face of uncertainty, indecision, anxiousness, and procrastination.
We have journeyed together over the past 12 months to bring your innate spirituality into formation—an access point to provide you with life-giving energy to support, uplift, console, and embrace you. Our mind and body are vehicles for spirit. You are a vehicle in which spirit moves and breathes you.
The program can be accessed here and available via the link courtesy of The Wellness Universe. With gratitude,

Photos from Body Mind & You's post 02/04/2024

The grip on the heart that is felt when someone dear to us passes and leaves this world can almost be too much to bear. Those moments come unexpectedly and painfully. There is too, a strangeness in the way the heart releases the grip into a sweetness as a loving memory comes to mind, bringing such comfort and ease of heartache.
Honouring the sacred art and ritual of mourning in setting spiritual 🔥 to the 💦.


Lectio Terrestrial: Earth as the original monastery. Or in my language, quite simply put as Friday evening backyard vibes❤️


Join me live, or watch the recording. This month, I lead you in an exploration of your inner mystic. In this session, we will cover differing approaches, perceptions and conceptions of how the human mind is an extension of the divine mind. Love, love, love these explorations. Register for the event here and catch up on all the other recorded sessions relating to your Spiritual Growth and Leadership.

Photos from Body Mind & You's post 25/02/2024

The ancestor of every action is thought.
I love this, and for this reason I take time out for reflection. The spiritual practice of reflection takes place in the mind and when we look at ourselves in the light of thought, it is said we discover that our life is embraced with beauty. I am grateful for time, place and friend Adam Magennis who cares for and creates sacred ground that honours nature and spirit. The rich mind lies in the sun and sleeps, and is nature; and with a little consideration of what takes place a round us every day would show us that a higher law than that of our will, regulates events.

Photos from Body Mind & You's post 18/02/2024

My mornings have a new look🌼

For a New Beginning
In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.

For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you have outgrown.

It watched you play with the seduction of safety
And the grey promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.

Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.

Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with you life’s desire.

Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.

By John O’Donohue


The flute of interior time is played
Whether we hear it or not,
What we mean by ‘love’ is its sound coming in.
When love hits the furtherest edge of excess,
It reaches a wisdom.
And the fragrance of that knowledge!
It penetrates our thick bodies,
It goes through walls-
It’s network of notes has a structure
As if a million suns were arranged inside.
This tune has truth in it.
Where else have you heard a sound like this?



The promise of the new year.
The rainbow that I have put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth. It will remind you that I will keep this promise forever. When I send clouds over the earth, and a rainbow appears in the sky, I will remember my promise to you and to all other living creatures. Gen 9:12-17

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Our Story

“I love what I do, and infuse my work with the qualities of attention and love.
I strive for excellence in exercising great diligence and skill in my actions with the understanding that compassionate awareness changes things in a beautiful way.” Kathy

Postures for the mind.
Strengthening your mind comes from strengthening your ability to regulate energy.

The processes of life don't stop...not for a split second. Life is always moving, always changing. Many of us can feel caught up, or feel as though they are being pushed from pillar to post in these constant, never ceasing, processes of life. Meditation provides for us an unchanging ground of well being. So we begin by practicing meditation a little and often and eventually begin to integrate the practice into everything we do. What we come to find is that eventually this becomes an established way of living our life. We rest in the quality of Life Force...we rest in just being.

Postures for the Body
Inspiration to take action comes from our core

Videos (show all)

There is a profound and awe-inspiring connection between humans and the sun, a testament to the breathtaking beauty and ...
We are at the end of what I hope was an incredible journey for you. We have spent 12 sessions together exploring and dis...
Dancing light❤️nature❤️earths beauty❤️magic moments❤️
Extrovert meditation🙂Have you ever walked a Labyrinth? I didn’t get it either…until I tried it. There is something beaut...
The River Cannot go BackIt is said that before entering the sea, a river trembles with fear.She looks back at the path s...
Walking meditation
I wish I could upload the whole discussion for you, so you could hear the compassionate conversations shared by the othe...
BodyBalance.   (turn on sound)Are you ready to come back to the mat? Having had a 4-month absence from my mat, I'm feeli...
⛲️The spiritual heart⛲️The intuitive heart⛲️Heart intelligenceExpanded awareness of what we individually bring to the he...
How can you possibly ever be expected to be  resilient if you don't have the inner resource to draw on...?


Melbourne, VIC

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SYND Health Hub SYND Health Hub
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Melbourne International Buddhist Australia Melbourne International Buddhist Australia
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Meditation with our angels for inner peace Meditation with our angels for inner peace
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Raglan Street South Melbourne
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Aphrodite Greek goddess of love beauty pleasure passion & procreation.The world needs more fun LOVE

Wu Wei Tai Chi Qi Gong and Meditation School Wu Wei Tai Chi Qi Gong and Meditation School
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Melbourne, 3068

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Cosmic River Cosmic River
22 Araluen Drive
Melbourne, 3136

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