Wickham Lawyers - Melbourne

We aim to provide the highest level of professional legal advice


Wickham Lawyers


Employer Sponsored Visa

This visa lets skilled workers, who are nominated by their employer, live and work in Australia temporarily or permanently.

This visa is suitable for you if you have the necessary skills for the job, appropriate English level, nominated by an Australian employer and meet health and character requirements.

The team of Solicitors at Wickham Lawyers have had clients from various industries and employment backgrounds. With a keen understanding of the industry, we will be able to put forward your application with relevant and effective supporting documents and information.

Based in Brisbane, Melbourne & Perth, we provide migration advice to people and businesses from all over the world.

Contact us at 0420 855 580.


Our experienced family lawyers understand how the law works.

We offer skilful representation in negotiations with your former partner and court proceedings.

We take the time to understand you and your family law issues.

Our lawyers are upfront about your rights and obligations under the law

Most importantly, we know what it takes to get the best possible outcome.

Contact anytime 0420 855 580 🙏


Securing a visa is often a pivotal step in realising dreams of travel, work, or residency in a new country.

However, the journey towards obtaining a visa can be fraught with uncertainties, and receiving a refusal or cancellation notice can be a disheartening setback.

If you find yourself in such a situation in Australia, it’s crucial to understand your rights and options regarding visa appeals.

Trust Wickham Lawyers when it comes to Visa refusals or visa cancellations.


Are you facing intricate immigration challenges that demand expert guidance and unwavering support?

Australia’s migration laws are known for their intricacy, and cases that involve complex factors demand a unique level of expertise and experience.

Our team of solicitors are dedicated to handling the most intricate and challenging migration matters.

Our services encompass a broad spectrum of complex migration matters.

Contact Wickham Lawyers anytime at: [email protected] or whatsapp at 0420 855 580


Work with professional immigration lawyers

Our team of lawyers are experienced in Australian immigration law and can help you navigate the complexities of your visa pathway to living and working in Australia.

Discuss your case with an Australian Migration Lawyer.

Call 0420 855 580



Wickham Lawyers are proud to announce that now we have an ‘Australian-registered foreign lawyer’ in our legal team with over 40 years of experience working as a lawyer in India and our firm can now offer legal services in Indian law and has started to practice the law of Indian jurisdictions in Australia.

Australian-registered foreign lawyers are subject to the same professional and ethical standards as apply to Australian legal practitioners.

Our Australian-registered Indian lawyer, Mr Jagga Singh is available for consultation in-person from our Brisbane office or via Microsoft Team or Zoom.

Please contact us at 0420 855 580 for consultation with our lawyer offering Indian legal services.


Seeking guidance in criminal law or domestic violence matters? Our team offers expert assistance and support. We’re here to help you with navigating the legal complexities. Reach out today for compassionate and knowledgeable guidance.


REFORMS - General Skilled Migration points test - Subclasses 189/190/491

Australian government is considering the development of a new ‘analysis-based points’ test to identify more effectively, the independent migrants who will make the greatest contribution to the country.

It would be the first overhaul of the system since 2012.

The Government has indicated the factors that may be afforded more significant weight in the reformed points test would be factors such as education, English language skills, occupation and age; as supposed to whether an applicant has completed Credentialled community language or Professional Year qualifications.

In this way, the Government intends for the reformed points test to better reward skill level over perseverance, which will mean for example, faster pathways for international student graduates who are working in skilled jobs in the labour market, but fewer pathways for graduates not working in skilled jobs.

The recommendation is also for more consideration to be given to the skills of secondary applicants and for points offered via the test for different migrant characteristics to be re-calibrated.

The proposed changes aims to provide greater certainty for prospective migrants, as well as focus more on industries with skill deficits and recognise younger people.

For further information, please contact Wickham Lawyers at 0420 855 580


Skilled Refugee Labour Agreement - Pilot

Skilled refugees and displaced persons have a pathway to Australia through the Skilled Refugee Labour Agreement Pilot Program (The Pilot), which is operated in conjunction with refugee support organisation Talent Beyond Boundaries (TBB).

The Pilot has an allocation of 500 primary places and is available until 30 June 2025. It enables Australian businesses endorsed by TBB to use a Labour Agreement to sponsor an approved skilled refugee, or displaced person. This may be on a permanent or temporary basis.

Several visa concessions have been made by the Australian Government in relation to The Pilot, including no labour market testing, no skills assessment or minimum work experience required, as well as a reduced minimum English proficiency level and an increased age limit, up to 55 years old.

While applicants are not required to provide a skills assessment or show work experience, the sponsoring business is responsible for assessing whether the skilled refugee has the skills and qualifications to work in the nominated occupation. They must also ensure the sponsored person has the mandatory registration or licensing needed before undertaking any work requiring those qualifications.

Applicants must also meet health, character and security requirements and, depending on their country of origin, may also have to supply biometrics.

For further information, contact Wickham Lawyers at 0420 855 580


New Subclass 192 – Pacific Engagement Visa

A new permanent resident visa program for nationals of participating Pacific Island countries and people from Timor-Leste.

The PEV’s goal is to grow the Pacific diaspora in Australia, and in doing so, enable stronger people-to-people links, as well as creating robust cultural, business and educational exchange. This visa will commence this year and provide 3,000 permanent places for Pacific Island people. The quota is in addition to Australia’s existing permanent migration program.

People from the Pacific region who want to access the PEV are placed in a ballot which provides equal access regardless of skill level, occupation or gender. Applicants must also meet certain criteria, including:

- be aged between 18 and 45
- have a formal job offer in Australia
- meet other visa requirements, including English language, character and health checks.

PEV holders are subject to the same four-year Newly Arrived Resident Waiting period as other permanent residents, which applies to income support payments, including Job Seeker.

For further information, contact Wickham Lawyers at 0420 855 580


Changes to Subclass 485 Visa – proposed 1 July 2024

These major changes should take effect from 1 July 2024 subject to the passage of legislative amendments:

1. The Graduate Work stream will be renamed to the Post-Vocational Education Work stream.

2. The maximum eligible age for Post-Vocational Education Work stream applicants will reduce to 35 years of age or under.

3. Applicants with a degree level qualification or higher will no longer be eligible for this stream. If an applicant holds one of these qualifications, they must apply through the Post-Higher Education Work stream.

4. The Post-Study Work stream will be renamed to the Post-Higher Education Work stream. Stay periods will change to the following:

- Bachelor degree (including honours) – up to 2 years
- Masters (coursework and extended) – up to 2 years
- Masters (research) and doctoral degree (PhD) – up to 3 years.

For further information, contact Wickham Lawyers at 0420 855 580



The subclass 482 visa will close to new applications by the end of 2024 and be replaced with a new ‘Skills in Demand Visa’. While this visa will be very similar to the subclass 482 and consultation on some aspects of it is still required, some key changes have been highlighted:

1. rather than paying fees such as the Skilling Australia Fund upfront, a monthly payment system is being explored (subject to further consultation)

2. employment with any approved employer will count towards permanent residence

3. visa holders will have 180 days to find a new employer and have work rights during that time

4. there will be a public register of approved sponsors which includes the number of migrants sponsored and the occupations.

Within this new visa will be visa pathways, these include:

5. Specialist Skills Pathway for workers with a salary greater than $135,000. This is available for highly skilled migrants except trade workers, machinery operators, drivers and labourers

6. Core Skills Pathway for targeted workforce needs. The occupation will need to be on the Core Skills Occupation List which Jobs and Skills Australia will regularly update. Salary needs to be greater than $70,000 plus superannuation

7. Essential Skills Pathway for lower paid workers who currently need to be employed under a labour agreement. This new pathway will be sector specific with stronger regulation, minimum standards, advice from Jobs and Skills Australia and a tripartite approach.

This program may run similarly to the new Aged Care Labour Agreement introduced earlier this year.

Labour market testing

We expect more changes to the labour market testing requirement which will extend the validity of job advertisements from four months to six and possibly a move away from employer conducted labour market testing to a genuine independent verification of needs approach.

For further information, contact Wickham Lawyers at 0420 855 580


Migration | Criminal | Family | Commercial | Property | Employment



Domestic and family violence involves an alleged abuse of power in an intimate relationship.

In Queensland, people can apply for domestic violence protection from the courts. A domestic violence order (DVO) is a protection order made by the court to stop threats or acts of domestic violence against victims.

We can represent either respondent or an aggrieved spouses in domestic violence proceedings. We understand there are two sides to every story, and we work hard to have your side heard by the court.


From the simple to the complex, we stand ready to represent you.

A criminal offence is an offence or crime against the state, also known as breaking the law or a violation of the law.

Criminal offences carry a range of punishments, including good behaviour orders, fines, community service, suspended sentences and, in some cases, actual imprisonment.

We know how stressful it is to be arrested or charged by the police, and we are here to help you through the process and advocate for your rights.

It is vital you are legally represented from the first time you are approached by police.

fb.me 24/03/2024

Visa Refusal | Visa Cancellation | AAT | Judicial Review | Medical Waiver | Character Submission | PIC 4020 | Airport Visa Cancellation | Immigration Detention | Unauthorised Maritime Arrival (UMA) | Refugee law and complementary protection

Contact Anytime at 0420 855 580.



Visa Refusal | Visa Cancellation | AAT | Judicial Review | Medical Waiver | Character Submission | PIC 4020 | Airport Visa Cancellation | Immigration Detention | Unauthorised Maritime Arrival (UMA) | Refugee law and complementary protection

Contact Anytime at 0420 855 580.


For all Criminal & Domestic Law Enquiries: 0420 855 580

Wickham Lawyers Wickham Lawyers offers a wide range of Legal Services including: Family, Criminal, Migration and Comm


Visas | Merit Review | Judicial Review | Ministerial Intervention | Status Resolution

You can trust us as a reputable, independent law firm, with a reputation for excellence, to act professionally and ethically and to deal with all matters of your migration journey.

As lawyers, we are able to guide and assist you with any appeal in tribunals or court matters, which arise in the processing of your visa application.

Help us to help you 🙏


With decades of combined experience, our professional and caring team can most likely solve your migration problem.

We understand that migration can be a challenging time and we do everything we can to make the process smooth and stress-free. We offer accurate and transparent advice, tailored to you and your situation so you can make informed decisions.

Start your journey with us by calling at 0420 855 580.


Are you facing intricate immigration challenges that demand expert guidance and unwavering support?

At Wickham Lawyers, we understand that life is rarely straightforward or simple. Complications arising from relationships, money, health, family, the criminal justice system and a range of other factors can impact your visa status and your ability to remain in Australia.

Wickham Lawyers have been assisting clients with complex immigration issues for years, including:

1. Visa refusals and cancellations
2. Ministerial Intervention requests
3. Judicial Reviews in Federal and High Court
4. Sponsorship audits and compliance issues
5. Character matters
6. Public Interest Criterion issues, such as PIC 4020
7. Health waivers and health issues
8. Detention matters
9. Bridging visas
10. Bars on return to Australia and exclusion periods such as PIC 4013 and PIC 4014
11. Applications for further visas in Australia affected by complex issues such as Schedule 3 issues, no further stay issues and waivers
12. Family violence issues
13. Freedom of Information matters

Our team of Solicitors are dedicated to handling the most intricate and challenging migration matters.


Wickham Lawyers is proud to offer comprehensive legal representation for those facing criminal charges in Queensland.

Our lawyers have extensive experience in a variety of criminal cases and are dedicated to getting the best outcomes for our clients.

Contact us today for consultation by submitting a contact form, calling at 0420 855 580 or emailing [email protected].

Your defence is stronger with Vikas Jain on your side.


Migration | Commercial | Property | Criminal | Family | Domestic Violence | Administrative

Let our highly experienced and friendly team of Solicitors led by Vikas Jain serve you.

24/7 Contact: 0420 855 580
Business Hours Contact: 07 3831 9025
[email protected]


When the Department withdraws from Court and you get this in your inbox 📥


Domestic Violence (DV)

We understand that domestic violence is an emotional area of law with many complexities, including cultural, language and religious aspects involved.

We will work with you with empathy and understanding, and ensure the best possible outcome for your individual situation.

From applying DV orders to temporary protection orders to defending DV case against you, variations to DV Orders and breaches of DV order, we can help you.

For all confidential advice, call Vikas Jain anytime at 0420 855 580 for consultation.


Health Waivers

A health waiver is available for some visa subclasses. If a Medical Officer of the Commonwealth (MOC) finds you do not meet the health requirement, the Department may exercise a health waiver for you.

You must first meet all other eligibility criteria for the visa. The Department must then be satisfied that granting you the visa is unlikely to:

1. result in a significant health care and community service cost to the Australian community or
2. prevent Australian citizens or permanent residents from accessing health care or community services that are currently in short supply.

Department cannot exercise a health waiver if you do not meet the health requirement because:

1. you have active tuberculosis or
2. your health condition may pose a danger to the Australian community or is a threat to public health.

Contact Immigration Lawyer, Vikas Jain at 0420 855 580 if you are required to seek medical waiver.


Trong tuần bạn quá bận để có thể sắp xếp một cuộc hẹn với luật sư để được tư vấn về vấn đề cá nhân của mình❓❓
Alo tới Wickham Lawyers và đặt ngay một cuộc hẹn vào cuối tuần này với luật sư Vikas nhé.
Luật sư Vikas Jain hỗ trợ tư vấn 24/7 và các ngày trong tuần bất kể cuối tuần, chỉ cần bạn đặt lịch hẹn trước thôi.
Wickham Lawyers
☎️Hotline: 0420 855 580/ 0399 399 640
📩 Email: [email protected]


Visa Subclass 186 - Visa diện tay nghề định cư Úc được Doanh nghiệp tại Úc bảo lãnh, được chuyển tiếp từ Visa tạm trú.
Liên hệ Wickham Lawyers để đặt lịch tư vấn với luật sư di trú nhiều kinh nghiệm trong các hồ sơ Di trú, giúp bạn thành công trên con đường định cư.
☎️ 0420 855 580
📩 Email: [email protected]


🥳🥳🥳Chỉ còn 4 ngày nữa là hội thảo trực tuyến miễn phí về dòng visa kỹ năng Subclass 189,190, và 491 diễn ra. Số lượng vé miễn phí tham dự có hạn. Mọi người nhanh tay đăng ký nhé ạ.

Đường link đăng ký: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-webinar-general-skilled-migration-australia-visas-tickets-535156927777
Đường link hướng dẫn đăng ký: https://fb.watch/iSu1QCxn62/
Wickham Lawyers
☎️ Hotline: 0399 399 640
📩 Email: [email protected]


Dùng 0️⃣5️⃣ phút nói chuyện với Luật sư Vikas để giải đáp các thắc mắc liên quan tới vấn đề di trú, định cư.
Hiểu được nhu cầu của Khách hàng, đôi khi chỉ cần hỏi nhanh 1-2 câu hỏi để gỡ khúc mắc, mà book nguyên 1 lịch hẹn với luật sư thì vừa tốn thời gian và lại "tốn tiền". Nên Wickham Lawyers sẽ miễn phí 5 phút tư vấn các vấn đề di trú cho các Khách hàng từ nay tới 31/3/2023 nhé.
☎️Liên hệ luật sư Vikas: 0420 855 580 hoặc gọi tới Hotline 0399 399 640 để đặt lịch hẹn trước nhé.
📩 Email: [email protected]


Breaking News: Protection Visa
Wickham Lawyers
☎️ Hotline: 0399 399 640
📩 Email: [email protected]

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Videos (show all)

🥳🥳🥳Hướng dẫn đăng ký Hội thảo trực tuyến (MIỄN PHÍ) về dòng visa  định cư tay nghề Úc dòng visa Subclass 189, 190 và 491...




Suite 205, Normanby Chambers, 430 Little Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm

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