Yoga in Daily Life - Melbourne

Yoga in Daily Life - Melbourne

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Join us on a journey of self-discovery through the practices of Yoga & Meditation and the philosophy We are currently without a home studio.

In the meantime we have classes ONLINE every day and classes from halls in RICHMOND, IVANHOE, DONCASTER and PASCOE VALE. Visit our website for our many class options according to the system of Yoga in Daily Life.



🆕 🆕 🆕

Traditional Yoga Practice for Health, Healing and Longevity Workshops

Date: Saturdays 31 August + 7 September
Time: 1 - 3pm AEST
Place: Kew + Online
Cost: $50 each session
Facilitated by: Swami Gopal

In these 2 workshops we will be looking at traditional Hatha Yoga Sadhana as mind body medicine, as it was prescribed by the gurus for the purpose of purification and hygiene, for physical and psychological training, for the prolongation of life and the attainment of self knowledge (atma vidya).

Texts we will be using are the Hathayogapradipika, Goraksa Samhita, Goraksa Paddhati, Goraksasatika, Gheranda Samhita, Khechari Vidya, Siva Samhita and Hatharatnavali.

We will see how the preservation of the body, according to the literature, is the direct result (karma) of specific purification and rejuvenation techniques such as Khechari Mudra and Kevala Kumbhaka that harness and retain prana in the central channel and facilitate its ingestion in the form of an elixir of immortality (amrta-rasayana).

Part 1 - Shatkarma & Asana
Saturday 31 August

Part 2 - Pranayama & Mudra
Saturday 7 September

More information & to book go to our website

🙏🏼Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



Recently in class we were discussing taking our practice from the yoga mat into our daily life. In particular that day our experience was with stillness and calmness and reminding ourselves that this feeling can be evoked at other times in our day.

One member shared her story.

She said in the last few years her life challenges have created an increase in her blood pressure. At a visit to the doctor it was not looking good. So she paused and tuned into her meditation techniques. Immediately her blood pressure went down! and the doctor was satisfied.

It reminded us that there are many moments in the day when we can apply what we practice when we’re in class on the mat, and reap the benefits.

Classes are everyday.
Online. Richmond. Balwyn North. Ivanhoe. Pascoe Vale.

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



📸 our recent retreat in Ubud, Bali

Travelling to new places with new people puts us outside our habitual thinking, routines, ways of being in life with ourselves and others. It offers a kind of freshness. For our yoga practice it makes space for a heightened awareness of how we are at home and who we could potentially be. The roles that define us are not there. New places and people draw out our other qualities or open us to other ways of seeing and being. There is potential for transformation if you want it.

A few days into our retreat someone happily said to me how wonderful it is that no one is judgemental! Our mixed group of kind souls created an atmosphere of acceptance just as you are.

In this fast paced world we are always moving and rarely arriving!
Consequently we have lost our availability for each other. At the retreat we were invited to stop being busy with ‘stuff’ and to practice to be there for each other. In our classes we practiced calming the vrittis (movement of thoughts) to help us to listen, focus and thereby be more available to ourselves and others.

A deeply nourishing experience.

Yes, we are booking again for July 2025 💛

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



The last of our 4 part winter meditation series ‘quiet mind open heart’ 💛

This course is focusing on the chakras🕉️🌀

By the end of the 6 weeks you will be able to:

🪷Feel and understand the function of the main chakras in the human body.

🪷 Guide your awareness through the Chakras, purifying them and becoming free from problems and worries

🪷 Purify your inner qualities and through cultivating the wisdom and goodness of the heart you will embody the feeling of oneness with the Divine.

FEEDBACK from someone who is doing it again …
It’s my second time doing the course and its just great. Getting so much more out of it than the first time. Revisiting each exercise is wonderful and it feels so fresh and so much more to develop. I feel there is a lot of growth.

online meditation course
starts Sunday 18 August
6 week course | $150
Sunday to Friday 9 - 9.30pm = 6 sessions per week

MAKE IT YOURS book via the link in the bio or DM and I’ll share directly.

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



We have returned from our blissful 7 day Yoga in Daily Life retreat in Ubud, Bali.

Thanks to Swami Madhuram Puri and his Nada Yoga teachings and experiences that gave an extra blissful element to our time away in the warm environment ☀️

Swami Madhurams meditation music works nicely to bring the mind into a positive vibe as there are no words, the intellect is somewhat bypassed, yet everyone understands.

It touches something in our hearts, like planting good seeds in our heart/mind garden.

Slowly relaxing us, emptying us of the weeds and helping us to enter our inner silence.

He shared Masaru Emoto‘a experiment of the bowls of water that were spoken to differently - meanly, neutrally and lovingly- and when examined the cell structure of the water had changed according to how it had been spoken to becoming ugly or beautiful.

As humans are 80% water, it clearly demonstrates the effects the Sanskrit mantras have on us at a subtle level and was inspiration for our music and chanting at the retreat.

This is just a small snippet of our experience, there was sooooo much more!

Should we go again in 2025? Comment below ⬇️

Shanti Shanti Shantih

Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne





Sharing some winter warming recipes collected from our yoga community.

Curries, soups and dhal. Perfect nourishment for the weather we’re having now.

❄️ Comment ‘curry’ and we’ll send the 🧭 direct link to the blog on our website.

If you have a vegan winter warming recipe that you’d like to share, please email it to us and we’ll add it to the collection 🙏🏼

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



Starts Sunday 7 July
Quiet Mind Open Heart
Online 6 week Course
Sunday to Friday 9 - 9.30pm = 6 sessions per week
Book via the link 🔗

Join the 9 PM meditation course in and invite quiet and peace into your evenings and sleep.

This course is suitable for all would like to purify their inner qualities and dive deeper into their inner Divinity.

💛 With the technique of Bhakti Dhyana you will dive deeply into your inner Self, filling your heart with compassion and love.
🧡 By learning how to become ‘an inner witness’ you will develop a capacity of observing and understanding your own virtues and weaknesses,
💛 You will set yourself free from prejudices and expectations of others.
🧡 You will discover the way to overcome the qualities or habits that hinder your development by replacing them with the most beautiful and auspicious human qualities.
💛 Develop and unfold within you the qualities of ‘Shantabhava’ (the qualities of a saint), the best human capacities

Suitable for people at all levels of meditation experience.

Book via the link 🔗

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



Date: Saturday 22 June
Time: 8 - 9.30am
Place: Richmond Richmond Neighbourhood Centre + Online
Cost: regular class price or use your pass
Facilitated by: Swami Gopal

It is a regular yoga and meditation class with a focus on the Winter Solstice.

Get prepared for the shortest day and the longest night of the year that marks the rebirth of the Sun, a new beginning.

Activate your intentions for the new beginning, turn inward and awaken the light of your inner fire, learn to see in the accustomed darkness of the winter. Think of the Winter Solstice as the fourth and final movement of a symphony before the new beginning. Let us see that darkness can be one of the greatest catalysts for personal growth and transformation.

You can join either in person in Richmond
online via zoom
Bookings required.

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



We invite you to these FREE programs to celebrate!

Book via our website. 🔗

Yoga Nidra Class online - Thursday 20 June, 8pm.
Through your Yoga Nidra share the experience of deep peace with loving kindness and compassion to your friends, family, humanity and all living beings.

Easy Yoga Class online - Friday 21 June, 9am
A level 1 class open to all.

Easy Yoga Class in person in Richmond - Friday 21 June, 9am
A level 1 class open to all.
Followed by a social get together at My Oh My cafe in Swan street.

Meditation & Philosophy Class online - Friday 21 June, 8pm
The IDoY meditation and philosophy class will be based on one of the most important hand-books on yoga, called the Bhagavad Gita. It contains practical guidelines as to how every human being can come to live the subtle philosophical principles of Yoga in the actual work-a-day modern world. It is truly an age old wisdom for a changing society.

Satsang online - Saturday 22 June, 5:30pm
Satsang is a Sanskrit word meaning “in the company of truth”.
This Satsang features Mahamandaleshwar Swami Jasraj Puri, Swami Gopal Puri and others. It will include bhajans (spiritual songs), wisdom teachings, meditation and prayer.

The 21st of June has been declared by the United Nations as the International Day of Yoga – and Yoga in Daily Life centres around the world are providing free yoga classes, that everyone can experience the many benefits that yoga yields for the health and well-being of body, mind and soul; and to demonstrate how Yoga in Daily Life offers a clear pathway towards good health, deeper awareness, understanding, harmony and peace, for yourself and others.

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



👃 The workshop began with the unexpected practice of neti! A perfect way to prepare the breathing passages.

Monday 10 June, public holiday, was the Special Practical Pranayama Workshop, attended both in person and virtually.

Some participants commented that they had somehow let pranayama practices slide out of their personal practice and this workshop was a perfect reminder of the power and potential of different kinds of Pranayama.

In a safe space we explored and practiced and were given the time to really experience the benefits physically, mentally and energetically.

This was so helpful to remind us how we can improve on and deepen the meditation practice as well as cleansing and detoxing the body and mind.

We left feeling, clean, clear, calm and paradoxically energised and with the inspiration to reincorporate it into our daily practice.

Further more it was lovely to connect with fellow yogis.

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



Everyone practicing Yoga in Daily Life knows their yoga class is much more than stretching and strengthening.

This inspirational message is a tiny excerpt from a whole chapter in the Yoga in Daily Life the System book. It is the tip of the iceberg of understanding and experiencing pranayama techniques and prana.

Yet, a beautiful reminder of the depth of our practice and the multiple benefits a regular practice brings.

And there are a few places left for the Special Practical Pranayama Workshop on Monday 10 June public holiday. 11am - 1pm. In Kew and online.

To book - 🔗 in the bio or comment below and I’ll share directly to you.

See you on the mat 🙏🏼

Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



afternoon workshop
Monday 10 June public holiday
2 - 5pm

What is a mala? 📿
It is a beaded necklace that is used with a mantra as a powerful tool in meditation practice.

This workshop consists of learning how to and then making your own 108 beaded mala, and a meditation session with guidance on how to use it.

The aim of this workshop is that you’ll get to take your mala home and use it for a deeper meditation experience everyday.

All supplies and light refreshments are included.

We’ll use mainly Rudraksha beads adorned with semi precious stone beads.

Investment $80 Bookings required.

Book via the link 🔗

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne




Date: Monday 10 June (public holiday)
Time: 11am - 1pm
Place: Kew + Online
Cost: $50
Facilitated by: Swami Gopal

We will be focusing on a guided breathwork routine which will be a combination of a few pranayamas to create alertness, heat and flush out waste & toxins on both physical & subtle levels.

The practice aims to bring the oscillations of the body/mind network under control by its balancing & harmonising effect.
By stopping nervous impulses in the body and harnessing brain-wave patterns it can pave the way through stillness and silence to consciousness alone.

to join in Kew
to join online

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne


🧡 //

These were the last 2 sentences in an email from a regular student a few days ago.


We have classes everyday both online and in person.
Richmond, Ivanhoe, Balwyn North & Pascoe Vale. Online via zoom. Contact us for more info.

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



online meditation course
starts Sunday 26 May
Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur + Friday 9 - 9:30pm
36 sessions | for 6 weeks | $150

This is series 2 of 4 that will be offered over the winter. Each series is independent of the others. You don’t need to attend all 6 sessions per week, but at least 3 to make it worthwhile.

The techniques offered in the 6 weeks are progressive. Each week we guide you through a specific technique, so you do the same exercise throughout that week. This repetition reinforces the experience so you can go deeper. Then the following week we do the next step. It is a supportive and useful way to grow your personal meditation practice.

All levels of yoga experience are welcome.

The highlight of series 2 is Trataka (candle gazing) meditation. If you have never done this, then now is your chance! It’s a winter favourite :)

🔗 Link to join
or comment below ⬇️ and I’ll DM it to you directly.

Series 2️⃣ - Deepen Your Meditation Practice Through …

🕯️ the power of visualisation and improve your creative visualisation capacity
🕯️ learn how to use visualisation for self-inquiry
🕯️ explore and understand your inner patterns, awakening the feeling of inner freedom, peace, and happiness.
🕯️the practice of Trataka, first concentrating on the light of a candle and then invoking the inner light in your agya chakra

🙏🏼Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



An afternoon of learning, creating and making your own meditation mala!

A mala 📿 is a beaded necklace used for meditation in conjunction with a mantra to help concentrate the mind leading to a deeper meditation experience.

All materials are included. We’ll be using mainly rudruksha beads with some semi precious stones and other adornments.

Yes, you keep your mala and we hope you’ll use it often.

Sunday 19 May
12 - 3pm
$80 - includes your mala and light refreshments.

Booking link:

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



“By chanting OM we purify our body, our mind and our consciousness.”

~ Vishwaguruji Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda


TERM 2 //

🧡 quiet mind open heart
online meditation course starts Sunday 14 April
9 - 9:30pm x 6 nights a week
Perfect for beginners and anyone wishing for support to get a regular meditation practice in their life.

☀️ Balwyn North classes
start Sunday 14 April, 8:45 - 10am

🪷 Pascoe Vale classes
start Tuesday 16 April, 6:30 - 8pm

⭐️ Ivanhoe classes
Start Thursday 18 April, 6:30 - 7:45pm

🕉️ Richmond classes
Monday 5:30pm level 1-2
Wednesday 6pm level 1
Thursday 6pm level 5
Friday 9am level 1
Saturday 8am level 2-3

💻 online classes everyday

Booking link is in the bio

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



A beautiful weekend, warm with both the weather and hearts 🧡

Retreats offer a space in our lives where we can slow down and use the yoga practices and wisdom to get some clarity about what is important to us in this life. This is vital to do from time to time, this resetting of our life’s compass.

But then, how to integrate it into our daily life once the retreat is over?

We talked about taking smalls steps. One little realistic change or adjustment at a time. Then the next … let the small changes transform into our normal habits or ways of being so it’s natural and ongoing.

Taking the time to bring what’s important to us to the forefront of our mind, to make our intentions clear, not lost anymore in life’s busyness, then informs the decisions and choices we make in our daily life. In this way we naturally move toward those intentions becoming our lived reality.

Big Thanks to:
Our chef, Antonia .joss - it was all so delicious! And to the team at for the welcoming venue and the sublime relaxation treatments.

We’ve booked again for Easter 2025!

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne


"Shiva and Shakti, light and darkness, merges into Oneness and turn into pure Light - that is Maha Shivaratri.
Your soul has the longing to re-connect to your original self.
Soul is not Atma. Soul reincarnates; it is coming and going according to your karmas. Whatever you do and possess will remain here like a dust and the jivatma will rise to other lokas. Then what you had during your life – money, position – has no value any more.
It is Maya and your attachment that holds you back and blocks your development. Jivatma is moveable. Body is changeable. But, Atma is beyond any movements. Atma is not born and will not die. It is pure, spotless, everlasting; without any pain or suffering."
Vishwaguruji, Vep, 2014



Fri 29 March to Mon 1st April, 2024
At Hepburn Springs

Our Easter retreat is an invitation to experience the beauty and joy of life. Infused with the profound benefits of yoga, meditation and relaxation the program is curated to give you a balance of movement, stillness, reflection, discovery and connection.

An easy going weekend that includes
🩷 3 nights accommodation (single or share options)
🩷 Most meals, all plant based and freshly prepared
🩷 A surprise retreat gift
🩷 Relaxation experience - either a Turkish Hammam or massage. You can do both!
🩷 Twice daily yoga and meditation sessions
🩷 Yoga nidra ( long guided relaxation
🩷 Sharing of yoga wisdom

Transform your inner landscape and bring back a calmer and more connected way of living.

Find all the information here:

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



🙌 YAY more in person classes!


Saturday’s 8 - 9:30am
Level 2 - 3 with Swami Gopal

A traditional practice that is challenging, nourishing and balancing all at the same time. Our classes include the yoga exercises (asanas), relaxation and meditation.

Venue: Studio 1 Community Hub
off Bendigo St, Richmond

BOOK via this link

🙏🏼Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne

Photos from Yoga in Daily Life - Melbourne's post 07/02/2024


The news is … drum roll … we are going to India!
The grand opening of the Yoga in Daily Life OM Ashram Education and Research Centre is happening and we are joining this memorable event.

This means that All Classes are Paused 11 - 24 February Inclusive.

Some yoga passes have already accommodated this in their set up. Others will have their expiry date extended. It’s all sorted, you don’t need to do anything.

If I manage to get an Indian SIM card to work you can join us virtually via our stories on Facebook + Instagram. Or follow 🙏🏼

🙏🏼 Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne


The grand opening of the Yoga in Daily Life OM Ashram is happening and we are joining this memorable event!

This means that All Classes are Paused 11 - 24 February Inclusive.

If I manage to get an Indian SIM card you can join us virtually via our stories on Facebook + Instagram.

✨The beauty of the OM Ashram Temple Complex, spread over an area of 250 acres, is truly breathtaking. It's a place where one can wander endlessly and discover one jewel after another of traditional Indian temple architecture, designed according to the ancient principles of the science of Vastu Sastra.✨



Term 1 classes starting from Monday 29 January.

We look forward to seeing you and sharing the wisdom and benefits of Yoga with you 🙏🏼

Monday 5:30 - 6:45pm level 1-2
Wednesday 6 - 7:15pm level 1
Thursday 6 - 7:30pm level 5
Friday 9 - 10am level 1
Saturday 8 - 9:30am level 2-3 * coming in March

Tuesday 6:30 - 8pm level 1-3

Thursday 6:30 - 7:45pm level 1 - 3

Sunday 8:45 - 10am level 1-3

🙏🏼Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



8 - 28 January 2024

All classes are online, general level suitable for everyone and 75 minutes.

January Unlimited Pass for these 3 weeks is a bargain at $70!

OR get a Term 1 Unlimited Pass for all of Jan, Feb + March, that can be used for both online & in person classes.

Or use your 10 class or get a drop in pass.

For people with an 1 month unlimited or 10 class pass from 2023, these have been carried over and had their expiry extended by 6 weeks.

For people with credit on their Term 4 pass at Ivanhoe, Balwyn North or Pascoe Vale, you can use it for these January online classes.

We look forward to seeing you on the mat 🙏🏼

Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne



Sharing from



We are on a holiday break. Classes resumed from Monday 8 January 2024.

It is with joy and gratitude that we look back on the year that was. When reflecting on what life has taught us this year, consciously gather those valuable new understandings and wisdom and carry them into the New Year. The ability to learn from what happens in life is transformational, it adds more depth, richness, and creativity to your authentic You.

We are thankful that Yoga in Daily Life is an authentic and holistic practice of this ancient science of life. We are thankful to share it, because through sharing we keep practicing ourselves and we get to connect with awesome people - that’s you! We are thankful for you! For you having the courage and discipline to show up and to keep practicing too (however that practice looks for you).

Gratitude and sharing bring a heartfelt fullness to our human experience.

Whatever you are celebrating from your culture or tradition this season, and for the New Year 2024 we wish for you peace, love and light 🙏

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Videos (show all)

SPECIAL PRACTICAL PRANAYAMA WORKSHOP //Date: Monday 10 June (public holiday)Time: 11am - 1pmPlace: Kew + OnlineCost: $50...
MARJARI // According to me, this is #1, the best of all the yoga asanas! * Everyone can do it.* It both stretches and st...
EASTER YOGA RETREAT //Our annual Yoga Retreat at Easter in Hepburn Springs is 7 - 10 April.Create space …… our Easter re...
URBAN YOGA RETREAT // Tuesday 1st November public holiday9am - 12 noonTheme: Flowing with GraceIn the peaceful atmospher...
AUM OM OMMMM 🎶//🔊sound on for our video please Thought you might like this piece of inspiration from Satsang tonight …Do...
BLISS //Sharing a snippet of the bliss that Swami Madhuram Puri brought to our regular Yoga Nidra class earlier today 🙏🏼...
RICHMOND YOGA //⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Our classes are back 🙌⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Monday 4:15 - 5:15pm level 1Monday 5:30 - 6:45pm level 1 - 2 gen...
PASCOE VALE YOGA //⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Our class is back 🙌⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Tuesdays 6.30 - 8pm⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀5 week block $85 full $60 conc. ⠀⠀⠀⠀...
FEAR TO FREEDOM //⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Online Yoga Retreat⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Tuesday 2nd November Cup Day public holiday If you’re regional or...




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