Anjali Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the "Science of life", a deeply sophisticated and profound system of health and wellbeing. Discover the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga


Super excited to share a “Tending to the inner fire” workshop on October 5th ❤️🔥

Join me for a profound and informative deep dive into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.
In Ayurveda the Agni (metabolic fire) is viewed and honoured with reverence due to its potency and capacity to transform.
The strength and balance of our Agni will impact so many things such as our digestive health, our mental and emotional state, our capacity to “digest”, process and assimilate lifes experiences.

To balance our Agni, to utilise this potent and transformative fire within allows us to alchemise everything we absorb and experience into an essence that nourishes our cells, our mind and our hearts.
A balanced Agni brings joy, expression, creativity, freedom, energy, wellness and profound understanding into our lives.
This experience will include a yoga journey focused on igniting and tending to the inner fire with breath work, asana and meditation.
Followed by a talk sharing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda in a modern context with an easy to digest delivery and a focus on practical application in everyday life.
Ayurvedic tea and snacks included.
Spots are limited ( the last one of these I offered sold out so book your spot soon!)

Link with booking info in bio ❤️🙏


Soaked walnuts to increase B12 levels 😍
When it comes to maintaining healthy levels in the body Ayurveda opts for food as medicine over supplements where possible.

One of the key principles of Ayurveda is digestive health, our focus is to maintain a strong “digestive fire” so that what we put in our bodies can be transformed and utilised correctly.

So when levels are low our first thing to assess is what is the state of the digestive fire and how can we support that for better assimilation.

We take the old saying “you are what you eat” one step further:
You are in fact what you digest.

Nuts like almonds and walnuts are super foods.
Yet they have a slightly heavy quality so can be difficult to digest. This is why we always soak them to make them easier to digest.
We also don’t need many as with most nutrient rich foods, a small amount prepared correctly will go a long way.

I’m hosting a “tending to inner fire” workshop on October 5th at 11am for anyone wanting to learn more about digestive health from an Ayurvedic perspective ❤️🙏


“ The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine” Mike Murdoch

As an Ayurvedic practitioner I don’t just prescribe herbs and diet, I also prescribe daily routines.

The Dinacharaya ( or daily routine) is considered one of the most important pathways to health and balance in Ayurveda.

For me it has been a game changer on many levels, the most important aspect though is the regulation of my nervous system.

A daily routine allows a sense of comfort and stability, it sends a powerful message to your body that it is safe.

A daily commitment to your wellbeing means you are cultivating an accumulative effect, you are not just trying to find the magic bullet, the “quick fix” ( spoiler alert there isn’t one!).

Until you start to change what you do daily it becomes very difficult to create pathways of deeper change.

You also don’t have to become super rigid or uptight about your daily routine. I have some things I stick to quite religiously and others are a bonus if I get time.
Rigidity is never good for our bodies or minds ( if we don’t bend we break).

But when we commit to daily practices with warmth and with the intention of nourishment in a way we actually enjoy and even start to look forward to, this has a very profound impact.

One thing I’ve found helps this process is starting out simple ( add in one self care practice at a time) and be super practical about it.

I make sure all the things I need for my dinacharaya are somewhere I see them all the time as a gentle reminder!


Beyond excited to be bringing a vision of mine to reality on August 31st ❤️ In collaboration with a dear friend/ catering and event extraordinaire we are offering an Ayurvedic dinner party! I have had this vision for so long because the idea of combining an incredible dining experience with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and bringing together community in the process is everything I am passionate about! I want to create more spaces and moments for people to connect in a wholesome way that are centred around good food and good living. The evening will include an Ayurvedic inspired elixir on arrival, a 4 course dining experience guided by myself explaining all the ins and outs of Ayurvedic nutrition, free flowing chai and a heart warming, short but sweet kirtan as well as plenty of time to connect and mingle with like minded souls ❤️ We plan to transform studio into a mystical, magical zone for the evening and it’s going to be so so special!!! For the next 10 days we are offering a special friends discount. We will be offering a discount for any two tickets purchased together, the cost of two tickets will be only $300 ( that is almost $100 off). In order to take advantage of this incredible offer please contact me directly and I can organise your tickets ❤️❤️


Have you experienced the bliss of a post massage Ayurvedic steam? If you haven’t… you must! It’s the most magical feeling experiencing the full body steam after a warm oil massage and even better when it’s autumn ( crazy vata time!). The Ayurvedic steam box is designed specifically so your head never becomes hot as this is important to avoid. So you get all the benefits of a steam without a hot head! We would love you all to experience this magic so we have a little offering for you! Anyone who books a 1.5 hours Ayurvedic massage next week will receive a complementary steam! All you need to do is book a 1.5 hour massage and we will add a steam on. Offer ends May 12th ❤️❤️🙏🔥

Photos from Anjali Ayurveda's post 17/10/2023

I’ve been so blessed to be collaborating with the beautiful .moon_ to create Bellydance temple journeys. Embodied yoga, breath, ritual, Bellydance, yin yoga and Nourishing Ayurvedic food.
Our next one will be October 29th at 2pm . Link in bio to book if you would like to join us ❤️


Spring has sprung!! And it’s feeling so beautiful ❤️ From an Ayurvedic perspective spring is the time where we will see an overflow of kapha dosha ( water and earth element) having been built up during the heavy, cold more inward months of winter. This is therefore considered one of the best times of year to cleanse our body to clear the congestion and stagnation built up over this time. We offer 3 week seasonal cleanses that include diet plans, Ayurvedic treatments and herbal steams, wellness consultations, Ayurvedic herbal formulas and a cooking class. Get in touch today to book your cleanse in and start fresh for This beautiful time of year ❤️


My shirt just arrived for the out of the shadows walk ❤️ I’m walking 18 kms to ensure no one has to face their darkest moments alone. Tragically, every year over 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life and over 3,000 Australians die by su***de.

Lifeline receives over 1 million contacts from people in crisis each year.

Su***de has devastating impact on friends and loved ones. On World Su***de Prevention Day, I will be taking part in Out of the Shadows and walking for the 9 people lost to su***de every day.

I'm walking to raise funds for Lifeline to provide su***de prevention services and support for Australians in need.

Please support my walk and sponsor me for a cause very close to my heart to help those in crisis. Even if you can only spare a little it all counts, link in bio to donate ❤️ ***deprevention


I’m so excited to introduce a new offering ❤️ The “sweet surrender” package is like a personal mini retreat. It begins with a guided meditation and sound bath, then a traditional warm oil Ayurvedic massage with foot bath and foot scrub, a herbal steam and then a delicious nutritious Ayurvedic meal. Bliss ❤️ To celebrate this new package I am offering a discount to the first 5 people who book. All of this goodness for just $200 ( normally $250). DM to book one of these limited spots!


It’s easy to put too much pressure on ourselves when it comes to our health. Don’t forget the simple ways we can support ourselves… if you can’t manage anything else in a day a simple walk and a moment to take in the beauty around you can do wonders for your physical and mental health. Don’t be too hard on yourself and remember to cultivate a sense of ease and warmth in your health journey and open yourself to little moments of beauty and joy in your day. You will notice this shift in your way of being will open you to more practices of self care and balanced living ❤️❤️


I’ve been so incredibly blessed to be teaching the Ayurveda and also the metaphysics modules on the yoga teacher Trainings with for a few years now and I can honestly say it brings me so much joy! I always see such monumental transformations from those who go through this journey with us, and I have the upmost respect for Darci the founder of this training and the other facilitators.. such incredible and knowledgeable people!!! If you are interested at all in deepening your knowledge of yoga ( even if you have no desire to teach) come along and have a chat with us at this information session ❤️. Early bird offer available until 1st august for this incredible experience ❤️❤️🙏


Zenthai shiatsu massage now available!!! As somebody who gives a lot of massage and treatments I make sure I also get my own! To be Honest I have become a little fussy about who massages me but I am lucky to have some incredible Ayurvedic practitioners who I can go to. But I am also completely and entirely in love with Zenthai Shiatsu massage. It is so deeply relaxing but also incredible for releasing any pain or stagnancy I might have in my body. It’s like doing the most incredible yoga class but all I’m doing is laying there and surrendering to the movement.. it’s so incredible!!!! I have been so lucky to have met Melissa who is beyond amazing at Zenthai massage. And I am so so happy that Melissa has joined the team and is now offering her treatments on a Wednesday. You can book via the website or contact me directly.


So hard to capture how lush this copper wall at the entrance of my new temporary space is ( yes still waiting for more repairs on my space!) We Have been busy renovating to create a space of beauty to offer my treatments in and I will be back offering Ayurveda as of Monday . Right next to my original space and fingers crossed I will be back there soon but for now I’m just going to enjoy the view that is this incredible wall! I can’t even tell you how satisfying it is to paint a whole wall copper!


Thank you so much to the incredible kirtan artists that filled our space with so much love and joy this evening, such a blissful experience of mantra meditation thank you for the magic ❤️


It’s been a BIG year this one! Lots of learning, growing, adapting, challenges, blessings and even a new business venture. So I need a moment to digest all that ( after all ayurveda is all about digestion). I will be taking December off to recharge and basically balance my vata! I want to thank every single person who has allowed me to share a little piece of Ayurveda with them, you all mean the world to me ❤️ I am constantly in awe of the incredible people I am blessed to connect with through my work. I have some exciting things brewing for next year and I look forward to offering Ayurveda to you next year and for many years to come! Gift vouchers are available and can be organised for pick up anytime to be used next year ❤️😊🙏


I just want to take a moment to acknowledge a beautiful person I am blessed to know.
I have known for many years, we have taught yoga together for over 10
Years now. Zuzana is one of the most courageous, strong and authentic people I know. I have so much respect for her commitment to her truth, her humility in her life’s journey, her ability to seek the truth and search for the depth in every situation. When Zuz established@freeflowyogahealth she created much more than a yoga studio, it has become a community, a sanctuary, a space to take that much needed deep breathe away from the chaos that life brings. She has held that space with an unwavering sense of what is right through pandemics and floods and her own challenges and even recently through welcoming her beautiful baby daughter into the world. As they say your vibe attracts your tribe and this is certainly true when I think of the beautiful students and teachers who share yoga together Free Flow Yoga & Health]. When Zuz asked me if I could take the studio on her upmost concern was keeping the doors open for people to practice yoga. I feel completely humbled and can only hope that I can provide the space Zuz has provided with as much authenticity, integrity and humility as she has. you are an incredible person and mother. and I feel so blessed to have you two beside me in this journey too, you are both incredible teachers with your hearts in exactly the right place. So much gratitude to all the students Free Flow Yoga & Health] you are genuinely beautiful people. So very excited for this next chapter, beyond grateful ❤️🙏

Photos from Anjali Ayurveda's post 04/11/2022

Another incredible evening facilitated by our beautiful Amy king . We moved, we laughed, we cried, we spoke, we listened, we ate ❤️ And we all agreed these Women’s circles are so healing, so needed, and there will be many more to come


A little message from this incredible woman who is hosting a womens circle tonight: I’m hosting a a women’s circle tomorrow night with Gopali Dasi in murwillumbah. The last two have been so very special but I have an especially good feeling about tomorrow…deep spring, full moon in Ta**us approaching.
There will be embodied movement, sound healing, relaxation, chanting, bitch slapping some bolsters, Tibetan singing bowls, chocolate, honey, dinner, gentle plant medicine, bum jiggles, blood sweat and tears. Please come! It’s on at free flow yoga at 5:00 tomorrow night and is only $30. Pm me if your interested ❤️❤️❤️ There are still some spots left 😊😍


This week I had two beautiful people who I teach yoga to gift me with these incredible pot plants. I was so sad when my plants all got burnt in the fire 😢 so This meant the world to me! I love having these prana Rich little souls present in my treatment space. So grateful. People are good ❤️


Happy world Ayurveda day ❤️🙏❤️ I don’t have the words to express my gratitude for the wisdom of Ayurveda.
To me Ayurveda is like home, warm and loving, like grandmother wisdom that brings me back to myself, back to balance by helping me navigate the ebb and flow, the wild ride that is a pitta vata constitution 🤪 I will never grow tired of learning, living and sharing the magic that is Ayurveda ❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Anjali Ayurveda's post 19/10/2022

Rising from the ashes and all that! On the day of the fire once it was all put out one beautiful little orange butterfly was flying around outside the front doors of my clinic, then today as I was cleaning my things outside I noticed the most beautiful moth and then realised she was sitting there laying her eggs! I mean without sounding too woo woo I do believe Nature provides us with beautiful little signs along the way ❤️❤️


So in Ayurveda we honour and worship the fire element for its power to transform… and powerful it is! This morning my work space caught fire and I am so so grateful for the fire department and all their help and kindness ( one of them even gave me a big hug). So incredibly grateful nobody was hurt and no other spaces in the building were damaged. Thank you so much to everyone who has reached out, I feel blessed to be a part of such a special community.
The damage is still being assessed but I won’t be operational for a bit. I will keep you all posted but for now I will just sit with gratitude and see what unfolds ❤️❤️❤️


We are flowing through 108 sun salutations today led by to raise money for . If sun salutations aren’t your thing on a Friday night 🤪 you are still welcome to donate and we will do the flowing for you!


I’ve always had a complicated relationship with 6am classes 😂. But once I make it through that initial struggle to get out of bed I am always so incredibly grateful for the magic that is an early morning practice ❤️❤️ Join me in the early morning struggle from bed to the magical moment of starting your day with yoga!!! Wednesday 6am power flow Friday 6am gentle flow Starting this week

Restore and Rejuvenate Day Retreat 09/05/2022

Restore and Rejuvenate Day Retreat Join Gopali for a truely rejuvenating day of yoga, healing breathing techniques, Ayurvedic wisdom and nourishing food.

Help Emma recover her business after flood damage, organized by Gopali Doyle 30/03/2022

Hi beautiful people ❤️
If you can spare a moment to share This link or even donate a small amount to help Emma who lost all her equipment for her business in the flood as well as her cars:

Help Emma recover her business after flood damage, organized by Gopali Doyle In 2014 Emma began what was a journey of health and ultimately love th… Gopali Doyle needs your support for Help Emma recover her business after flood damage

Thai Vegan Cooking Class 26/02/2022

For anyone looking to learn how to cook healthy, yummy vegetarian food this will be so amazing!!
Monica is a dear friend of mine, she is an amazing cook and an absolutely delightful person ❤️❤️❤️
She also is passionate about ayurvedic cooking and uses the principles of Ayurveda in her cooking 😊

Thai Vegan Cooking Class Learn to create a delicious, beautifully styled vegan Thai banquet

Timeline photos 29/11/2021

Gift vouchers available ❤️❤️

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Videos (show all)

There are are still a few spots left on this retreat! Bookings close 27th May.Bookings can be made via: www.freeflowyoga...
Winter reset retreat


41-43 Commercial Road
Murwillumbah, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 12am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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