Total Body Nutrition

We are a team of university qualified, experienced dietitians in the Mindarie/Joondalup area. Dietit We are located in Joondalup, Currambine and Mindarie.

Dietitians are experts in Nutrition and study 4-5 years at university to gain the knowledge and skills required to help people improve their health. We can help you with weight loss/gain as well as main other chronic conditions including diabetes, PCOS and food intolerance/irritable bowel syndrome. We are passionate about helping people change their food habits for the better. To enquire about our services please see our website


Please make welcome our Dietitian Kayla Van De Kraats.

Kayla will be working at our joondalup clinic on Tuesdays.

Her areas of include general nutrition support as well as paediatric nutrition. She has a great manner with clients and has set her room up with lots of colourful resources to use in her education.

We look forward to having you as part of the Total Body Nutrition team !


Want to live to 100 with minimal ailments?

Watch the Netflix series "Live to 100'

Episode 2 focuses on a region in Sardinia where there is a high concentration of centenarians ( one of the Blue zones )

What do they eat? I diet mostly rich in carbohydrates ( homemade sourdough bread mind you ) and dietary fibre from fruits, vegetables and legumes and olive oil with few animal fats.

What do they do during the day? Their villages are often on steep mountains and their living spaces involve stairs. They move all throughout the day and work their large muscle groups ( so lower risk of falls ).

They choose a lifestyle low in stress ( not always possible in our society)
The result is lower levels of inflammation in our bodies and less chronic diseases.

There's a lot we can learn about keeping physically and mentally healthy from these Blue Zones .

01/09/2023 check out these guys at the Currambine Central shops for fresh low calorie iced teas.



Start by examining your beliefs and identifying those that limit you, then focus on changing your mindset and setting achievable goals.

1. Find your purpose

Living life with purpose isn’t just for business or relationships – you also need to find your “why” for your personal goals. Your reasons matter: One 2018 study found that women who wanted to lose weight to improve their appearance were less successful than those who were concerned with their health and overall fitness.

2. Change your story

Maybe you’re not starting with the right reasons because you don’t feel worthy of weight loss. Or maybe you do have the right purpose, but you’re stuck in a pattern of “I’ve always been overweight.” You need to change your story in order to change your life.

3. Start with self-love

Part of changing your story is learning to love yourself. Self-love will help you lose weight – it’s been scientifically proven. Research shows that people who appreciate their bodies are
more successful in weight loss. Another study found that positive changes in body image correlated with weight loss.

4. Practice positivity

If you’re having trouble aligning your purpose or changing your story, start with positive thinking. Plenty of studies have shown positive thinking can decrease depression, lower stress and increase coping skills – all of which can reduce the triggers that cause unhealthy habits in the first place.


Are you a Perth based Dietitian looking to work in a well established and respected Private Practice ??

We are seeking someone for 2 days per week to work in our Currambine clinic, must be registered with the Dietitians Association of Australia. Please message directly for more details. 🙏


** Are you trying to conceive?*

A fertility Dietitian can help promote dietary patterns that may assist with
- improving nutritional deficiencies before conception
- improve egg quality and increase chances of conception
- start you on a tailored pre natal supplement plan
- work with your partner to improve pre conception diet

Our dietitian Kate is a qualified pre natal and conception dietitian and is available to see clients in our Butler clinic.


Ah shame it looks like I need a trip to Sardinia to try this bread out!

WORLD’S HEALTHIEST BREAD? People in Sardinia’s blue zones eat sourdough every day. Low in gluten, it also lowers the glycemic load of your entire meal by up to 25%. That means your calories are more likely to be used for energy than belly fat. This is from my favorite recipe on tutorials.

REPOST: Dan Buettner, explorer, National Geographic Fellow, and Blue Zones founder

Learn more:


Sensible advice is always best 👌

Often dietitians get criticism for saying, 'Everything in Moderation' or 'All foods can fit'...but in the end, aren't these better messages than giving people highly restrictive diets or a long list of "not that"/Don't eat foods?
(and yes, we know certain diseases and illnesses may require patients not to eat some foods..e.g. don't @ us about celiac disease and gluten🙄 *Edit and we also know this may not work for someone w/ ED...and please remember that while we all have personal anecdotes, this is not the page to share them on)


Oops ! Forgot to eat breakfast this morning in the rush to get ready for work.

Went via Farmer Jacks and picked this up. Couldn't finish it as was very filling.

33g protein and 10g dietary fibre.

I normally prefer whole foods to protein bars but this was a better option than a take away breakfast.

What do you eat when you are on the run ?


Kate Appleton works weekly on Thursday 9am to 5pm and can see clients over the age of 5 with a range of medical issues and dietary needs .

Contact Connolly drive medical centre 95622500 for an appointment.


Anchorage Drive Physiotherapy Centre Locally owned physiotherapy clinic. We have special interests in sports injuries, back & neck pain,


I had a great time tonight presenting a Nutrition workshop to the teenage athletes at Dragon Fire Netball Club at the kingsway club rooms.

Adolescent athletes need to be mindful of the type of energy they consume and fuelling their exercise sessions properly. We covered
- the macro nutrients
- meal timing
- hydration
- gut health/ fibre
- game day fuelling
- energy drinks

If you are a club manager, send me an email to discuss our nutrition workshops for young athletes.


On the eve of opening our new clinic at the Connolly drive medical centre in Butler I feel like reflecting on the last 15 years of Total Body Nutrition.

I started Total Body Nutrition as a recent graduate with some hospital and private practice experience already under my belt . I wanted to work closer to home and help people at a community level . Our first clinic was in Mindarie and over the years I've worked in the Weight loss surgery space and general practice all over Perth as well as acute snd rehab hospitals. I've been fortunate to hire some wonderful dietitians who have helped me and my business immensely.

Currently we have telehealth sessions and clinics in Joondalup, Currambine and now Butler . The amazing dietitians I have on board now are dedicated to their clients and to dietetics as a profession and I'd be lost without them , Andrea Dinkleman and Kate Appleton.

Despite a lot more competition now we are still going strong thanks to our dedication to quality, evidence based advice and LISTENING to our clients.

Hurrah for 15 years of Business in the Northern corridor😁



Kate is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD), wife and
mum to two very active primary school kids.
Kate believes food is an integral part of maintaining good
health and preventing disease and works with her clients to
provide the education and tools they need to help make
informed food choices. She believes that living a healthy life
should not be hard or confusing, and it should not be
restrictive or about the next best diet. Kate strives to translate
nutrition science, support and guide you to better health, and
show you how to achieve your goals.
Kate’s areas of interest include, but are not limited to: weight
management, cardiovascular health, insulin resistance & type
2 diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, FODMAPS, women’s
health, and general food and nutrition-related queries/advice.

Kate is available THURSDAYS in Butler



*Bluey yoghurt and fancy fruit bar **

4 star health star rating.

Clearly this marketed at small children so here are my thoughts on this product as a suitable snack option for kids age 2 to 7

What I like about it :
- low In sodium
- high in dietary fibre
-higher in protein than some salty snacks
- less than 15g of sugar per 100g

What i dislike
- around 35% of the total fat is saturated fat which is relatively high. Look for foods with high monounsaturated fat content.

Overall not a bad choice although I like to aim for 4.5 star or higher products for the little ones where possible 🥰


One of my favourite Granola cereals , ticks all the boxes
* 5 stars
* under 15g sugar per 100g
* low saturated fat
* very high fibre
* addition of collagen for a protein boost and to help restore collagen which declines with age
* tastes great !

Purchased from farmer Jacks for around $7.50 a bag and comes in a variety of flavours.



Pardon the presentation, it's a packed lunch for work!

*1.5 cups of minestrone soups which is onion, carrot, celery, capsicum, Split peas/ lentils and barley mix.
*1/2 cup of pasta
* 1 tbs parmesan cheese , drizzle of olive oil
*1 orange

The vitamin C in oranges helps absorb the plant based iron from the lentils which would otherwise be poorly absorbed.

Adding pasta to a meal with legumes helps complete the protein profile so that all 22 amino acids are being consumed ( basically like eating a steak.. kind of 😅🤪)
Grains + legumes is a must for all vegetarians.

Happy Monday 😊


Even more reason to eat your bananas under ripe or barely ripe ( other than the taste of course!) More gut friendly prebiotics and fibres.

Chat to us about how your gut health impacts your overall health and why more fibre us the key 🔑


VETTA Smart protein pasta has a whopping 25g of protein per serve ( approx 1.5 cups cooked ) compared to approx 3g for the same amount of normal pasta and 10g of fibre or 1/3 of your daily requirements . Has anyone tried it ? I'll give feedback later in the week 😀


*** Staff Profile***
Angela D'Amore is the founder and managing Dietitian of Total Body Nutrition. She has almost 20 years experience as a Dietitian in the hospital and private sectors. She has had experience across all sectors. She uses a client centered approach to help people make and maintain changes. She has a special interest in prenatal nutrition, bariatric surgery and using a non dieting approach to help clients achieve health changes.
She is available for telehealth consultations , monday evenings and fridays.


***Staff profile***
Our newly married Dietitian Andrea Dinkleman has been helping our clients for almost two years and has built a solid client base now.

Andrea is an accredited practising dietitian who graduated from University of Stellenbosch in 2015. Andrea gained experience in the hospital and community sector before running her own practice in South Africa. She has experience in weight management , pre and post operative bariatric surgery nutrition and optimising nutrition in long term surgical patients.

She works Monday to Wednesday in our Currambine and Joondalup clinics

You can now buy Tiny Teddys breakfast cereal - but it's only at one supermarket 02/03/2023

As a lover of the odd tiny teddy, don't be fooled into thinking thus Cereal is healthy because it's Gluten Free. With 22g of sugar per 100g there are plenty of better options to start your kids day.

Look for under 15g of sugar per 100g and over 3g of dietary fibre per serve.

You can now buy Tiny Teddys breakfast cereal - but it's only at one supermarket


If we didn't need more reasons to exercise 🥰


When Dietitians go out for dinner...👌


Happy Halloween!

If you’re like a million other people, you’re going to eat a lot more candy than usual today. And you know what?
That’s okay. GET OVER IT.

Nothing bad is going to happen to you if you eat a lot of candy for a day. You’ll feel bloated, because of all those carbs, which bind water. And you might feel sick, because that’s what happens when you eat a lot of candy. It’s not rocket science.

But tomorrow is another day, and you should live it normally - not wasting your time and energy feeling guilty and trying to burn or starve off the extra calories (which doesn’t work, and usually backfires, anyhow).

Another thing: nobody gives a crap how much candy you’ve eaten, so please stop droning on and on about how fat you feel and how many Reese’s cups you ate for dinner. I know you have more interesting things to talk about.

I’m not going to sit here and tell you how to avoid eating candy on Halloween, because why should I? I want you to enjoy candy without freaking out. I want you to see candy not as something ‘special’ that needs to be binged on when you give yourself ‘permission’ to do that, but as just FOOD.

If you’re curious about burning off food with exercise and why it doesn’t work, here’s a post I wrote about why that’s a losing game:

Happy Halloween!! XOXO


It makes me happy when my clients send me pictures of healthy meals they have created themselves . This is mango, chicken and kaffir lime chicken skewers with coconut rice and garlic vegetables. The perfect proportions with 2 cups of vegetables at least. Adding yummy flavours like this turns a chicken, rice and veg meal into something very appealing. Healthy cooking can be fun and tasty :-)


Very privileged to be invited to take part in the recent City of Wanneroo Wellness Series for residents involved in community sports. Dietitian Andrea Kunneke sharing her expertise and personal experiences on Sports Nutrition with fellow sports people.
Book in for a sports Nutrition assessment and personalised goals.


Love this !

Sooooo many people online giving advice on how to control hunger.
There’s only one way to control it, and that’s by EATING.
Why are we so focused on controlling and hacking everything about our bodies?
Hunger cues exist for a reason, and feeding your body is a good thing.
You’re not meant to suck on gross appetite suppressant lollipops or drink a gross Arbonne shake to stop your hunger. It’s absurd that companies have made us believe that these things are necessary to shut down what is one of our most primal needs.
It’s all one big distraction that in many cases, doesn’t make our lives any easier or better. In fact, it distances us from how we feel
Listen to your internal cues. If you’re hungry, then eat. Don’t try to suppress the innate request for food that your body puts out.
There is no valor in starving or ‘controlling’ your body and its functions.



6 WEEK ONLINE WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM- all online, you don't need to leave your home!

The one-on-one consultation that kick starts this program ensures that I fully understand your lifestyle and nutritional needs. My plan for you will be realistic and sustainable, because this isn’t about short-term perfection, it’s about long-term life changes that you actually enjoy implementing! My ongoing support is unlike any other program - if you have questions or concerns you can ask me directly and have them answered quickly.

After the program finishes you can choose to take what you learned and apply those skills going forward

Initial video/phone one-on-one consultation.

Detailed personalised nutrition PDF report

Twice weekly nutrition lessons delivered by email (2 per week)

5 quick, family friendly recipes delivered weekly by email

Revision of nutrition targets as required

Support via phone, text, email or Facebook as required for the entire 6 weeks.

Skills and knowledge to take with you beyond the 6 weeks program.

COST : $250 for the 6 weeks, valued at over $500

Appointment times for the 1:1 consultation include evenings and Saturday mornings

Private health rebates may apply for the individual consult, Medicare items numbers cannot be claimed for this service

TO BOOK click

Click BOOKINGS or Phone/Video Consults


After weeks of recurrent colds ( blame the kids) I've started taking some supplements for immune support. I'm a much bigger believer in food to support a healthy immune system. Here are some components of my lunch today to help battle this cold:
- healthy gut Salad ( see separate pic) to support gut bacteria
- kiwi fruit for vitamin C
- blueberries as they are one of the best all rounder fruits around in terms of nutrient density
- a probiotic
- 100% juice from fresh oranges ( not concentrate )
Plus some salmon ( not pictured) for zinc.

How do you like to stay healthy and fight colds?


Total Body Nutrition is a Dietetics Service which has been operating since 2007.
We are excited to announce that we have a new Dietitian on board providing face to face consults, starting with Currambine and eventually with work at our Joondalup and Mindarie rooms.

Andrea Kunneke has extensive experience in South Africa both in hospitals and private clinics and managed a private practice there. She is excited to be joining our team and provide high quality dietetic services. There is a small gap for these consults (under a Chronic Disease Management Plan)

Manager Angela D'Amore who has been consulting since 2016, will continue to provide PHONE/VIDEO Consults until 30th of September 2020 at this stage This gives clients who find it difficult to leave the house and travel to see a dietitian, the opportunity to receive high quality dietetic advice. Clients can claim through private health funds or they will be bulk billed under a chronic disease management plan


I've put together this short video about the age old argument of carbohydrates and weight. With Body Revolution (run with Total Body Nutrition ) we include recipes and meal plans that have the right balance of yummy carbs, protein and fat. When I refer to "low carb diets" and evidence i'm referring to diets with around 5% carbohydrate i.e ketogenic/paleo styles of eating. This style of eating may suit some people for reasons other than weight control. If so, obtaining enough prebiotic rich foods and fibre to help with a healthy gut is essential. Speak to a dietitian if you need help achieving this balance


myth busting the low carb vs low fat diet and their effect on weight control

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Dietitians are experts in Nutrition and study 4-5 years at university to gain the knowledge and skills required to help people improve their health. When you see an Accredited Practising Dietitian, you know that you will will receive evidence- based advice and that your dietitian has kept her knowledge up to date through professional development
We can help you with weight loss/gain as well as main other chronic conditions including diabetes, PCOS and food intolerance/irritable bowel syndrome. We see children and adults and are specialised in disordered eating, bariatric surgery and pregnancy/ early life nutrition
We are passionate about helping people change their food habits for the better. We are located in Joondalup, Currambine and Mindarie.
To enquire about our services please see our website or send us a message



4/13 Hobsons Gate
Perth, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 1pm - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm

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