AJ's Fitness

AJ's Fitness

Located in Port Macquarie

NDIS provider/Personal Trainer.


Face to face PT sessions

Online coaching

Zoom PT sessions

Education in Nutrition & healthy living

Photos from AJ's Fitness's post 15/08/2024

What I hear from people quite regularly, is they want to lose weight but the numbers on the scale are going up this is why ⬇️⬇️ 💪🏻

Muscle weighs more than fat, so shedding fat and gaining muscle may not immediately change the scale but will result in changes in shape, tone, and measurements. In other words, you may look leaner as you build muscle and lose fat, but you may actually start to weigh more due to the muscle increase, so don’t freak out! Remind yourself that you’re on track, I personally recommend taking pictures to reflect back on the journey. Muscle also burns fat so it’s a win win, just trust the process and be consistent with in exercise, healthy food choices and most importantly rest! 👊🏻😊

Photos from AJ's Fitness's post 07/06/2024

You will often hear winter is bulking season, “eat whatever you see” and start cutting later when it comes closer to spring and it starts warming up ☀️!..
What if I told you, in the winter you can also bulk up but in a more sensible way without putting on a load of fat with it!
In this method tracking your macros will be required.
If you are someone that would love to pick at my brain and come out of winter with a pretty decent rig ready for spring send me a DM and will make it happen👊🏻😊

And yes I’m a roosters supporter 🐔 😜

Photos from AJ's Fitness's post 27/04/2024


Benefits on intermitted fasting

1/ Improves weight loss

2/ Improves heart health

3/ Improves brain health

4/ Lowers risk of type two diabetes

5/ Cleans out damaged cells, viruses & bacteria in the body

6/ Saves you a bit more money



Incase any have been curious, I have been taking this year as a year off the bodybuilding shows to a different set of priorities in place with so many massive things happening this year of 2024, I’ve been working on helping others with their health & fitness goals & desires instead of my own. So for a year off strict training & most of all dieting hardcore I think I’m going alright!

Plus I’ve replaced (show prep) with working on cleaning out toxic people that have been in my life for long periods of time that no longer sever any good, for myself to create a happier life & a more functional positive mindset!…
I would encourage you to do the same get rid of those who drag you down, surrounded yourself with those who bring you up, love you for you & cheer you on!…
You live in your mind, don’t allow the toxic individuals that judge you poorly & criticise, or are just genuinely fake people that give you self doubt & poison your head space! You will see & feel a world of difference once you put this into action 😇.

Mental health & Su***de is REAL!! Do what makes you happy & the right people will come & stay, life is to short!
& F # off the fakes!

Photos from AJ's Fitness's post 07/03/2024

Some of my client’s amazing transformations! If you really want change in yourself, you will do (Whatever It Takes)
I’m currently booked out with face to face sessions but there is a waiting list in place..
But I also have 6x online coaching spots available, if you are determined to transform into a better and happier you with more self confidence, we will make that happen.


After 12 + years in the fitness industry, I have learnt a thing or two.

One thing I’ve learnt recently is how important it is as a personal trainer, it is to change my language based on who’s in front of me.

What do I mean by this?

Amongst fellow trainers or regular gym goers there is a normal fitness language to explain how to perform exercises and what to do.

Because I’ve loved fitness for so long, I didn’t even realise that I was using this language to explain things to my clients.

I just assumed that everyone knew what I meant when I said “correct your form”, or “make sure you are in a deficit”.

If you haven’t ever experienced fitness before and maybe you’d like to start, today is a great day.

I’ll coach you every step of the way and teach you everything you need to know to succeed.


The Power of Supplements.

Do you use supplements when you train?

Supplements can definitely help boost your results.

Rather than just having food, supplements deliver more benefit to your muscles.

Some examples are protein powders, BCAAs, creatine and pre-workout.

If you are not sure where to purchase these, you can browse supplement sites such as Australian Nutrition, the staff can offer expertise to help you get started.

If you are feeling unsure or overwhelmed, send me a DM, I’d love to help you find what will work for you.


How many hours a night do you sleep on average?

Sleep is arguably the most important priority when you are training.

Yes you can take supplements, go to the gym six times a week,and even drink protein shakes.

All these efforts will do something, but they will do even more if you get your sleep in.

If you don’t give your body time to recover from your workout, you’re not going to go anywhere.

Sleep is a must.

What’s your average night sleep at the moment?


When clients come to me, it’s about more than just body image.

For over 15 years I’ve seen the same thing.

It’s a desire to feel happier inside and out.

You can change the outside, but real change comes from the inside.

I have a lot of clients that initially come to me wanting to get into shape and put on a bit of muscle, but really they want to feel confident in themselves at the beach.

Or to be able to take their shirt off and not care what people think.

You wouldn’t believe the transformation I’ve seen in people.

My clients are more outgoing, more confident, more excited for life.

That’s the impact fitness has on people.

My coaching is more than just physical appearances, it’s about increasing self-esteem and building confidence.

DM me today


For those who don’t know, a personal trainer’s job is to help people live a happier and healthier life.

It’s not just about technique and hanging out at the gym.

My goal is for you to become more comfortable within yourself and happier in who you are.

Personal trainers do this by working with you to achieve your goals and demonstrate the proper technique for exercising so that you do not injure yourself.

It’s more than just training, it’s having someone to keep you accountable, motivated and reaching your fitness goals.


Have you ever wondered what being in a calorie deficit actually means?

When you are trying to lose weight, you want to focus on burning more calories than you are eating.

This is being in a deficit.

So, if you were eating 2000 calories a day, you want to burn more than 2000 calories a day.

Burn more than you eat, and you’ll lose weight.


My mission as a trainer is to make a difference in the world.

I get so much joy out of knowing I have helped my clients make a change in their life.

I have one client who frequently says “You’re the best coach I’ve ever had” and I love that.

Not because I need the affirmation, but because I can see the transformation in their lives and in their eyes and how much they love moving their body now.

I love seeing confidence shift.

Fitness changes lives and I want to spend my life helping people do exactly that.


If you are wanting to get into shape and you want it by tomorrow…unfortunately there’s no quick fix.

However there are certain things you can do to speed up the process.

💧Drink lots of water

💤Sleep is so important, making sure you get 8 hours of rest a night.

🍎Good nutrients

🙆🏼‍♂️Stretching is a must, before and after your workout.

These steps are key to giving your body what it needs to recover and grow your muscles.

As part of my online training program, I create a tailored program to suit your specific goals.

If you are wanting to get in shape and put on muscle, I’m your guy.


I've got some exciting news...we are welcoming a new member to our family.

Her name is Layla and she's a Maltese x Toy Poodle! Penny has taken time to get used to her.

Amy and I were on the Gold Coast and had been speaking for a while about possibly adding another furbaby to the family. We spontaneously decided to look at the Pet Shop and came out with Layla.

She's been a pretty good pup so far and we are loving that Penny has a sister!


Unlock your potential, mindset first!

Imagine having more energy, focus and a positive mindset even on the days where you are tired, can’t be bothered and have a lot on your plate for the day.

Set aside some time for yourself in the morning to reset, mediate or do whatever helps you feel more energised and ready.

Mindset is key and setting aside even just a few minutes in the day can really set you up for success.

Watch it change your resilience and capacity to handle whatever comes in your day.


Are you trying to decide between functional fitness like CrossFit, or strength training?

Great question!

I’m a big believer in form and safe movements.

As a strength trainer I want to see that my clients are engaging the right muscle groups and are not going to tweak anything or pull a muscle.

In CrossFit, you swing and jolt and extend your joints …a lot!

In fact, there are quite a few ex-CrossFit trainers who now do strength training and comment on how much safer and controlled strength training is.

I think people are drawn to Crossfit for the raised cardio levels and that it gets you into shape…super quick.

I have tried it as well.
However, quick results don’t always result in learning about good form and technique that will help your body for years to come.

What has been your experience with CrossFit?

I’d love to know in the comments below.


Recently I came across an article in a Men’s Fitness Magazine that talked the readers through a proven exercise routine created by ex-martial arts pro.

The article spoke about being able to eat whatever you want and still be shredded.

This is completely untrue and quite deceiving.

When it comes to nutrition, you must be in a calorie deficit, regardless of what your training is.

If you are eating more calories than you’re working off, you’re not going to get in shape.

Technically you can ‘eat whatever you want’ as long as you burn more than what you eat.

However, I do not recommend this.

The healthier you eat, the better your mindset is going to be, and the more energy you’ll have.

If you eat what you’d like but stay in a deficit you are going to have to train a lot longer and hard to burn those calories off.

With healthier choices you don’t have as many calories to burn.


My number 1 mindset tip is 'If you have a goal, you have to put your mind to it!'

I once heard a motivational speaker talking about goals being like driving a car.

A car without an accelerator won't go anywhere, it's just a car sitting stagnent.

Without having action plans to support your goals, you won't get anywhere either. A plan of attack is like your accelerator.

I can help you create those strategies and steps so that you can achieve your goals.

The first step is always mindset!


You have a goal for 2024 around your health, right?

It could be to be five kilos lighter, or to fill out your shirts.

Or maybe to fit into those jeans you have had in the cupboard for the past year or two, or just to feel better in yourself.

People think to make changes in your life, you have to exercise more, count the macros and obsess over every little thing…but it truly begins in your mind.

At the end of February you are invited to join me for my Feb Fit Challenge and it starts with mindset.

I’ll be sharing tips and tricks that I’ve learned over my 16 years of training on how to improve your mindset.

If you are ready to finally see a breakthrough and achieve those goals.

Get in touch with me via direct message and let’s get you kicking goals.

Photos from AJ's Fitness's post 01/02/2024

Have you heard the saying “If you have a goal, put your mind to it?”.

During February join me for my Feb Fit Challenge and it starts with mindset.

Each week I will be introducing you to one new mindset tactic you can apply to your training during the week.

We will discuss strategies and simple tips on how you can introduce it to your workouts.

I’ll also be checking in with you and seeing how you’re going throughout each week.

How do you start?

First get in touch with me and we will talk about your goals.

Send a message today.


Have you heard the saying “If you have a goal, put your mind to it?”.

During February join me for my Feb Fit Challenge and it starts with mindset.

Each week I will be introducing you to one new mindset tactic you can apply to your training during the week.

We will discuss strategies and simple tips on how you can introduce it to your workouts.

I’ll also be checking in with you and seeing how you’re going throughout each week.

How do you start?

First get in touch with me and we will talk about your goals.

Send a message today.


Fitness is more than just how many times you can go to the gym.

The fitness industry is moving towards whole body wellness, and I love it, it’s about time.

Switching out workouts for mindfulness and meditations…yes!!

Listening to your body and what it needs is what is important here…take another rest day, complete a slower-paced session or perhaps you are feeling recharged enough to smash a PB.

Doing what is right for you and your body is the biggest trend I see at the moment.

With that said, I can’t wait to bring you our mindset challenge.

Training is about more than just muscle; mindset comes first, and it is that whole body business.

Are you ready to train your mindset?

More details coming soon.


2024 is already shaping up to be a big year and you can expect it to only get busier at AJ’s Fitness and Massage.

My goal this year is to impact and change as many people’s lives as I can.

Fitness is more than just looks, it’s about feeling better in yourself both mentally and physically.

My online program is live and I have big plans to expand my app to include nutritional education, mindset challenges and it already has the option for video call training, how good is that!

If online training sounds like something you are interested in, send me a private message and let’s build a program that works for you.


Whether you are doing a little or a lot this long weekend the main thing is to focus on yourself, listen to your body and enjoy the great outdoors with friends and family.

I hope you all have a happy long weekend!


Let me tell you about one of my recent client wins.

This man came to me weighing in at 52kg with the goal of putting on a little more weight, to feel better about himself and develop more muscle.

I said absolutely, let’s make that happen and that’s exactly what we are working on.

It’s still early days, putting on muscle can be challenging depending on your body type and lifestyle, we are getting there.

My client does a lot of walking in his job and over 20 thousand steps a day with restricted break periods in his shifts, which means building muscle can take a little longer at this type of job.

However, he is committed to showing up, and doing the work. That mindset is exactly what I love to see.

I can already see he is feeling happier, more confident within himself and beginning to take on the shape he was looking for, the fill out.

I love seeing my clients feel more comfortable in their own skin.


Struggling to work your upper back at the gym?

Try doing a row…there are three main ones to choose from: the one arm row, a standard row or a seated row.

Rows are fantastic for working your trapezius muscle.

A one arm row uses simply a dumbbell and a bench.

You row your arm and feel that squeeze between your shoulder blades.

Rowing will not only contract your back muscles but also strengthen your core and increase your stability.

Add them into your next workout and let me know if you feel the burn🔥


Have you ever heard a PT talk about improving your form or maintaining correct form and you’ve thought ‘What on earth does that mean?’.

Let me explain.

Form is simply the way you perform the exercise.

Form is actually just a shortened way of saying perform.

So basically, your form is the technique you use to correctly perform that exercise.

Hope that clarifies it for you.


Did you know I have an online training app?

My app is for people who want to improve themselves physically and mentally but may not want or need a personal trainer every week face to face.

Sound like you?

As part of my online program you will receive a program tailored specifically to you and your needs.

You simply login to the app, find your program and tick off the exercises as you go. I will check in with you and track your progress.

It means that you can join whatever gym you want to go to, and I will be there with you every step of the way.


Last year in November I launched my online training app.

I have a client who has been trialing it out for some time and he absolutely loves it.

He loves that he has a personalised plan tailored for him that he can easily tick off as he works out.

As a personal trainer I often say if you don't follow a consistent plan you will not see the results you desire as quickly. Planning is key.

He loves the direct messaging, nurtrition plans and live video calls.

If you have a new years resolution and goal set for you of wanting to target a certain weight or put on muscle mass.

Let's have a chat because the online app might be exactly what you need.

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Videos (show all)

When clients come to me, it’s about more than just body image. For over 15 years I’ve seen the same thing. It’s a desire...
I've got some exciting news...we are welcoming a new member to our family. Her name is Layla and she's a Maltese x Toy P...
My number 1 mindset tip is 'If you have a goal, you have to put your mind to it!'I once heard a motivational speaker tal...
You have a goal for 2024 around your health, right? It could be to be five kilos lighter, or to fill out your shirts. Or...
Fitness is more than just how many times you can go to the gym.The fitness industry is moving towards whole body wellnes...
Let me tell you about one of my recent client wins. This man came to me weighing in at 52kg with the goal of putting on ...
Struggling to work your upper back at the gym?Try doing a row…there are three main ones to choose from: the one arm row,...
Last year in November I launched my online training app. I have a client who has been trialing it out for some time and ...
I’m back from holidays and it’s been great to have some time to reconnect back to myself and fill up my cup. Often it’s ...
Consistency is key when it comes to training. Nothing happens overnight. If you are someone who is wanting to put on mus...
I’m excited to be bringing a new addition to my services. Currently, when you train with me, I only offer face to face s...




Chelsea Place Port Macquarie
Port Macquarie, NSW

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