Honor Newman Life Coaching

Life Coaching
Turning perfectionists into iconic baddasses through self mastery. My one on one program are individually tailored to your uniquely needs.

I believe helping people with their psyches is the key to bringing peace to the world and healing the feminine is my favourite way to deliver this because I'm intimately aware of struggles and challenges of the feminine, being a female myself who woRks on her own psychology

The purpose of my job is to serve female customers to increase their well- being and quality of life and reduce mental healt


Hi I don’t think I have formally introduced myself. I’m Honor.

My business is about taking women from disempowerment to power.

Now before you switch off let me tell you THIS – I was the ULTIMATE perfectionist. I was living this FALSE SELF that looked so successful to society and my journey was to shed this completely to become the true me.

It was truly epic what I had to let go of - my husband, my career, my identity. In the process I look and act completely differently. I was diagnosed with autism and adhd, I shed patterns, I had a dark night of the soul, I dated narcissists, I was in the underworld working and then finally I came into my own power through owning all these parts of myself that id hidden away to make everyone else feel comfortable and safe.

ER, F**k that.

Time to step into full power and authenticity. No, they are not just buzz words.

So what does true feminine power actually look and feel like?

High assertiveness
High playfulness
No fear of what others think
Fear doesn’t control your moves any more - fearlessness
Unlocked creativity, high unconventionality of expression
No need to control anything any more
Lack of guilt or shame
Men obsessed with you, incredibly hot erotic connections with them. Amazing s*x.
No longer attracting toxicity and even if you do, you turn it into gold
Honest af with yourself and others
Unlocking hidden talents
Easy parenting
Relaxed detachment from outcomes
Magnetic celebrity type energy people simply stare and respect you
Ecstatic states.
People naturally just doing things for you happily.
If you look like you have it all, but you are literally DYING inside, you need to read my book on Killing perfectionism. Link in the comments.

hashtag hashtag


Yesterday i came into complete alignment . Every cell of my being was vibrating in harmony. I was completely calm and beautiful. Words can't express how beautiful it was. It wasn't neutral i felt completely feminine. I felt like a queen. it was the true me. You can't bottle this. Its what every one really wants, - deep self connection , self love and peace.

This has come from me releasing layers of shame and lack from my body.

Shame release program starts in 3 days.

single call shame release body activation session $200

Month long program $3k

Dm to apply


Deep down we are all obsessed with the Baddass woman.

We all want to be HER (or date her),

Because shes’s strong powerful and free.

We want to know we have what it takes to be her.

But we are scared to try in case we can’t

Newflash – That’s the only reason you can’t is because you aren’t trying,

You are lying to yourself about what you are capable of.

The truth is, shame is fu***ng up your life and when its not its gonna be so much better for you. Your reality will morph in ways you cant dream of.

How shame is fu***ng you up:

Basically it stops you doing what you want to do and being who you want to be.

You won’t have the right life for you, and I mean the one that lights the f**k out of you, until you stop hiding the REAL you.

Right now owning YOU, embarrasses you.

Admitting what you really want and truly loving yourself is scary.

Saying what you really MEAN and asking for what you want, triggers fears of rejection.

So, you aren’t earning the money you really want to earn because you are scared to ask for help, scared to go deeper into your fears so you can let them go, scared to admit the amounts you really require.

Newsflash – every time you lie to yourself you are leaving money on the table.

Being shameless is about being honest.

Being honest is HOT.

What is life like when you start becoming shameless?

New opportunities open up

You have more money

You just stop taking s**t from anyone,

Your nice girl shadow starts disappearing.

When you go out people treat you like a celeb,

But mostly you just feel your power, like you can light up the world with a single match

You attract the right people into your reality

So, lets join


I’ll find all your limiting beliefs around money, biz, career and love so you can let them go FAST.

Much quicker than doing it alone.
1:1 program

3 x Face to face calls and messenger support

Digital product – shameless AF - Outlines how to own your Baddass Femme energy for good.

Work Book- Killing the perfectionist within, slays that programming of trying to get it perfect before you even try

Price - $5000, DM to apply
Length – 1 month
Doors close – July 20
1 spot


To listen click link in the comments.


Shame can crop up at the weirdest moments.

It's in places that you didn't even realize.

Suddenly you cringe and want to run.

That's when you must do the opposite.

Own it.

Whatever it is.

People get shame if - their rubbish smells, they cough too loudly in public, their body isn't perfect in swimwear, their Facebook post is too out there, they aren't wearing makeup - OMG face palm...

It can show up in a thousand different ways but the more it controls you the more it diminishes your ability to be shameless AF baddass owning it and conquering the world.

You can't be powerful with shame controlling your every move.

So get into my 1:1 shameless AF challenge where we obliterate it from your system for good.

Starts July 20..DM to apply.


Get more from Money Mistress on Patreon 06/07/2024

Why am I here?

To help you unlock the taboos, to help you love and reclaim the things about you you have been taught to shame and repress.


Loving yourself is the ultimate act of rebellion. 💄

What taboos?

All those things you have been taught are inappropriate to discuss in public- our bodies, money, our s*xuality, the dark feminine, secret desires, energy work, how deep our power as women really is and why the hell we are so bloody.scared of it .

Because some of this stuff is going to be intimate and because I actually love privacy, you can join my community on patreon where we can go deeper into talking and unlocking these taboos.

This page is too public for that. And also it censors things.

You can join one of my free or paid communities on patreon

Get more from Money Mistress on Patreon Create great money through your feminine power


I bloody love having an online shop with products to support women tap into their inner baddass.

R u too nice?

I bet you are.

Guess what?

It's fu***ng up your life, your money your relationships etc

Get on it and release that s**t

Luv me

Buy “Learn to be shameless AF” on Patreon | Mistress of Femme Power 05/07/2024


Remember that popular girl in school everyone worshipped at hated?

Yep thats a queen.

Everyone wants to have that little slice of feeling like a celebrity, but what if you could feel like that all the time?

to be so bold confident and free

to say what's on your mind without giving a s**t

in this audio i share some tips on how to get started.

Listen to a free sample below

Buy “Learn to be shameless AF” on Patreon | Mistress of Femme Power Check out Mistress of Femme Power’s shop on Patreon


What does it take to be shameless and why would you want to be that anyway?

When you hear the word shameless there's something attractive about it.

You know it.

It conjures up images of the baddass,
A woman who owns it, who doesn't care what people think.

But deeper than that, it feels like freedom.

Pure freedom to be yourself

To own it

To let go of perfection for good.

To know you are so fu***ng awesome as you are.right now.

To rock the world with a red lipstick 💄

But so many things stop you being in that state where you are the ruler of your own 🌍

And that is what we are going to dismantle in shameless AF 1:1 program.

Doors open July 20 DM to apply


Do you struggle to save?

Here's a fun one.

It's a 52 week savings challenge.

Week 1 put one extra dollar into your savings account ( U know the one that you aren't meant to touch for your daily expenses! Yeah that one.)

Week 2 put in $2 etc

Week 3 $3

Do this for 52 weeks.

You'll have a nice little lump at the end of the year

Follow me for more fun money tips!


What am I doing here?

I am building a Girl Power Empire to support women to achieve freedom in the areas of relationships,finances and s*xuality.

I am doing this through helping them deactivate programs of guilt, shame, anxiety and perfectionism that run deep.

I help with digital products and 1:1 support. You can view some.of my digital products on Patreon , link in the comments.

You can join my shame deactivation 1:1 program that starts July 20. You'll have to message me for that one. Or drop an emoji if you are too shy. Because there is nothing that feels better than being mother fu***ng shameless.

Love honor



To overcome shame you must every day own both your flaws and your strengths.

Equally is uncomfortable to begin with.

keep going until you love every bit of you.

it is the antithesis of perfectionism.

for several years i was the perfectionism healing guru. I even wrote the book. (its on amazon)

if you have a lot of shame in the beginning its kinda painful to admit how flawed you are.

eg. for me i had this extreme almost dependent personality problem where I just couldn't stand on my own two feet. it didn't fit with this successful image i had made of myself.

but that is the thing about being successful, it's a requirement to be able to own these things or you can't grow

no lady you can't grow while you are in denial.

you can craft and image of success and fool everyone

but you will know you are stuck

you will feel trapped in a shame donut.

anyway the reason you might do a one on one program is because another person can see you more clearly that you can see yourself, because they aren't IN it. for them its objective,

but you have to be HONEST with yourself,

whats not working for you?

where are you self sabotaging?

once you can unearth this you start to MOVE

you will unlock more power and then what happens?

opportunities show up, money shows up.. you FEEL better.

but you gotta do the work.

so if you are ready to unleash your inner baddass

join me on my shame release program where I unearth all the places its stuck in your body so you can tap that royal inner energy.

level 1 2 2weeks $1000, messenger support

level 2 4 weeks deep dive $5k , f 2 face and messenger support.


Benefits of joining my shameless af program :

Be worshipped as you enter any room and be prepared for unexpected gifts and treats

Feeling amazing and powerful like you can do anything because you can!!!

No more playing small

Have fun with getter bolder in life and asking for things you would never normally ask for, it's amazing what you get when you ask!

Start dressing how you really wanna dress not how you think you should - PS
This is fun af! 🤣 I like to play with what's expected of me via dress code like black lipstick at mother's day high tea and w***e like outfits at conservative functions 😂

Take your creativity to the next level as you push your limits of what you are comfortable with and take you art to new heights

And, start becoming iconic as your unique art emerges

Stand up for yourself -be bold enough to let people know that's not fu***ng acceptable around you.

Respect as you own your baddass queen every one else will respect you as well.

More calm.as you have no pressure on yourself to be perfect ....

Shed that false layer of who you think you are

Watch the money start rolling in as it finds your new vibe irresistible

And more...

Starts July 20

2 weeks and four weeks

$1k and $5k

DM to apply.


Following your own rules will never fail to captivate


Doing things like everyone else will guarantee you an average result.




Studio day

Killing the Perfectionist Within: A Self-Help Guide for Women Suffering from Perfectionism, Anxiety, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 31/05/2024

Hi , my name is Honor.

I am a life coach with 20 years experience in a range of settings including private practice, government and education, organizational and crisis management.

I can pretty much solve any problem you have:

Depression, anxiety, relationship problems, eating issues, OCD, love addiction, autism and giftedness management, work and business stress, any kind of stress really, existential crises, divorce.

Example, I have helped teenagers with eating issues through play therapy and helped many women beat perfectionism and post natal depression through group and individual treatment.

Special interests:

Girl power - Helping women overcome perfectionism, guilt, shame, codependency and anxiety to become baddass power queens who thrive in work and love.

Neurodiversity = I know you are a powerful artist underneath!! Lets get activated!

Special Skills

Play therapy for children
Art therapy for children and adults
Beating perfectionism, I wrote the bible - access below:

[email protected] or DM me through this page.

NDIS partial cover but no medicare rebates.


Pricing set up: I do a free assessment and quote and design and tailor made package for you. work with children includes a parent assessment.

Access: Home Visits or Telehealth or a combination of both. If you are over 30 kms from me additional charges will apply.

Qualifcations - Masters in Counselling - Swinburne University
Associate Degree in Design Arts - LCI Melbourne.

Killing the Perfectionist Within: A Self-Help Guide for Women Suffering from Perfectionism, Anxiety, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Killing the Perfectionist Within: A Self-Help Guide for Women Suffering from Perfectionism, Anxiety, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


You are the star of your own movie ❤️

THE ENERGETICS OF MONEY FOR THE DIVINE FEMININE I will give you an intr 23/05/2024

I am committed to helping women form really healthy relationships with their finances, if you would like to learn more about how to improve your financial situation, you can watch my free masterclass below



The ego sees everything as a competition.

It craves pleasure and avoids pain.

It gets offended very easily by the things other people say and do.

It doesn't understand the laws of nature.

Things are not happening for the reasons the ego thinks they are.

Things are always happening for your highest good.

But the ego believes it is a victim and will cry about it.

It is very immature

Like a toddler it even throws tantrums

It believes money is bad and evil but still craves it and fears not having it and gets jealous when others have more.

same with s*x.

And, It doesnt' understand love at all.

It is always just trying to get something, it always tries to control, it always had an agenda,

it doesn't know how to just be and be happy.

This is what you are working with on your personal development journey,

to start to loosen the grip she has on you, on your mind, your heart and your thoughts.

It is not easy,

but you can make it fun, by playing a game with her

by trying to outsmart her tricks

and you will get to a point where you will see that life has a wicked sense of Humor

when you stop taking it all so f;ing seriously

Thats when it all gets better.

THE ENERGETICS OF MONEY FOR THE DIVINE FEMININE I will give you an intr 22/05/2024

i have been studying and experimenting with the energetics of money for the last 6 years.

I have made an introductory video on what attracts and repels the energy of money.

Ideal for entreprenuers or for women who find exchanging time for money and full time work exhausting.

Click here for free short masterclass



There will be a time on your personal development journey where you feel like you are getting worse.

you aren't.

its just all your unconscious repressed stuff coming to the surface to be cleared out.

psychological and spiritual detox.

don't worry, you'll feel so much better when it;s out.

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Our Story

I believe helping people with their psychology is the key to bringing peace to the world and healing the feminine is my favourite way to deliver this because I'm intimately aware of struggles and challenges of the feminine, being a female myself who woks on her own psychology

The purpose of my job is to serve female customers to increase their well- being and quality of life and reduce mental health issues through group and individual counselling programs. My one on one program are invididually tailored to your uniquely needs.
What makes my practice awesome?

I'm Young, fresh, friendly, energetic, accessible, fun, I offer different things – books, newsletters, blogs, videos, groups
Its about the feminine – cultivating feminine power

Why should some one see me vs some one down the street?
Yes I can offer strategies but it’s the root cause of the problem I will help you with so you can have lasting change, not just a quick fix.

With my unique background how can I help people in an utterly unique way?
I’ve been through depression, anxiety and fatigue myself as well as perfectionism, motherhood, bullying, family and relationship issues, grief and loss and a whole host of other issues that I’ve worked through and come out the other side so not only do I know firsthand that healing is possible but also I have bucket loads of empathy. If I can go through all that and be an inspired person at the other side then there’s hope for others too.
I am CONSTANTLY working on myself and my own problems to learn better strategies to help you, I use myself as a guinea pig first!!
What combination of skills do I possess that will enable me to stand apart from the crowd and demonstrate my expertise?
Passion!!! love to see women step into their power and claim the lives they want!!

Ability to run therapeutic women’s groups with knowledge of the true feminine nature and how to empower it- we are wild and passionate creatures and this needs an outlet, we also need support from each other
I walk my talk, everything I offer to you I use myself in my own life.
I offer a deep understanding of where your problems stem, I can empathize as I have been through much of it myself and I’ve worked out how to shift out of these ruts. I can help you with –moving out of a rut talking outlet, empathy, deep understanding, positive thinking and stress management strategies. I can move you from pain and negativity to joy and inspiration.
I have both the formal training and the person experiences which is a powerful combination.

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Neurotypical girl Convo vs neurodiverse girl Convo #neurodivergent #neurodivergentgirl
Welcome to Honor Newman psychology and life coaching.



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