
Dr in Clinical Psychology, Peak Performance Psychologist specialising in cognitive health, relationships and peak performance coaching.

Confidential sessions available please contact me for more information or to discuss how I can help you.


🎭 Imposter syndrome can indeed be a persistent and unwelcome companion, especially when venturing into new, uncharted territories like motherhood. The experience of motherhood is deeply personal, and because it doesn’t come with a set of instructions, it's easy to feel like you’re not doing it "right" or that others somehow have it all figured out.

⁉️ This feeling is amplified by our constant comparisons, often fuelled by social media or well-meaning advice from others. These comparisons can create an unrealistic standard of what motherhood should look like. But the truth is, no one has all the answers, and every mother’s journey is unique.

🙋‍♀️ Acknowledging that you’re doing your best, that it's okay to ask for help, and that making mistakes is part of the process can help counteract these feelings of inadequacy. It's important to remember that imposter syndrome often rears its head when you care deeply about something - like being a good mother. This means that the very fact you're worried shows just how much you value your role, which is something to be proud of.

Here are some tips that help get through the tough Momposter days:

😮‍💨 Pause and breathe: Take a moment to step back and focus on your breath. A minute of deep breathing can help you detach from the negative thoughts swirling in your mind.

📞 Reach out to someone you trust: Whether it’s family, friends, colleagues, or other moms, talking openly and honestly with someone who makes you feel safe can significantly ease anxiety and guilt.

📱 Take a social media break: Avoid the comparison trap, which only feeds negativity. Instead, try reading a book, flipping through a magazine, or spending some time outdoors if possible.

🤗 Be kind to yourself: Remember, “You’re doing a great job,” because you truly are.

If you are struggling with “momposter syndrome,” I’d love to connect and hear about it!

Stay human,

Dr Kim ✨


🤔 Have you ever wondered what happens when you ignore your imposter feelings?

😷 You might try so hard to mask your thoughts and feelings, due to fear and self-doubt.

🤔 Or maybe you try even harder at work to hide your insecurities, hoping no one will notice your skill level.

🕛 You may also try and be perfect, working endlessly to make everything correct to disguise your doubts.

🕵 You might even try to creatively shift the attention onto someone else, using distraction techniques in the hope to cover up your lack of confidence.

😩Whatever strategy you use to manage chronic imposter feelings, this constant effort and exertion will eventually lead to mental and physical exhaustion, then ultimately to feeling burnt out.

🎭To address your burnout the only long-term strategy is to overcome your imposter syndrome.

📚 If you would like to read more about “what is imposter syndrome and how to overcome it forever”, check out my new book in my bio above ⬆. Also available on Amazon.

Stay human,

Dr Kim ✨


Do you know how to quickly eliminate your imposter feelings?

🤔 Vague feedback can leave you confused and unsure about what to change or improve.

⏳ Timely feedback, delivered soon after the occurrence, ensures that you can recall the situation clearly and understand the context.

⚖ A balanced perspective acknowledges strengths and identifies areas for improvement, fostering both motivation and development.

🙉 Valuing external feedback is a key step in reshaping how you see yourself and overcoming imposter syndrome.

👀 By closing the gap between self-perception and how others see you, you can build a more accurate and empowering self-view.

🙏 Thank you for downloading and reading my book and especially those who have written a lovely review on Amazon for me.

🎁 Your feedback is a gift to me and has helped me to overcome my own imposter syndrome. I have also had some wonderful suggestions on how to keep making these books super interesting and useful!

Stay human,

𝒟𝓇 𝒦𝒾𝓂 ✨

P.S. If you would like to leave a review, here is a step-by-step guide on how to leave your valuable feedback below:

Click on the link, then click on the Kindle icon. This will take you to the Amazon page in your country.

From there, you can download the free ebook and scroll down near the bottom of the page on the left to leave a Customer Review.

Alternatively, if you have purchased the book, simply click on “Returns & Orders” in the top right of your Amazon page and you’ll see a list of all your purchases, with a link to “Write a Product Review” available to the right of the book.

Photos from drkimgranland's post 05/08/2024

📕For the next 48 hours I am giving away a FREE ebook copy of my new book “What is Imposter Syndrome & How to Overcome it Forever”!

🙏 Thank you everyone for all your wonderful feedback and encouragement so far. It has been such a delight to hear how helpful this book is, including the practical tools you are now using to overcome your imposter syndrome.

🚀 Please don’t delay getting this free ebook and pass on the link to anyone who might also find this book helpful.

🔗 Strictly limited to only the next 48 hours, grab your free copy here:


😊 In return, please give me a review on Amazon, this helps get the book in front of more people so we can overcome imposter syndrome altogether!

🎁 Remember, feedback is a gift.

Stay human,

𝒟𝓇 𝒦𝒾𝓂 ✨

P.S. Need a step-by-step on how to download and review?
Click on the link, then click on the Kindle icon. This will take you to the Amazon page in your country.

From there, you can download the free ebook and scroll down near the bottom of the page on the left to leave a Customer Review.

Alternatively, if you have purchased the book, simply click on “Returns & Orders” in the top right of your Amazon page and you’ll see a list of all your purchases, with a link to “Write a Product Review” available to the right of the book.


Did you know that imposter feelings come in all different forms?

Here are the main imposter syndrome types that I have experienced in my practice:

🌟 The Perfectionist
🌟 The Superwoman/Man
🌟 The Natural Genius
🌟 The Soloist
🌟 The Expert

Which imposter do you identify with?

Would love to hear your thoughts.

If you want to understand the different imposter archetypes please check out my new book "What is Imposter Syndrome and how to Overcome it Forever"



Most of us will experience imposter syndrome in our life so it is helpful to understand what it feels like so we can recognise it.

Here are some questions that may resonate with you when you experience this phenomenon.

1. Do you attribute your successes to luck or chance, rather than your own abilities and hard work.

2. Do you feel like a fraud in your job or industry even though you have the qualifications and experience.

3. Do you constantly seek validation from others, even though you know deep down that you are capable.

4. Do you fear being exposed as a fraud or being found out that you are not as competent as others think you are.

5. Do you downplay your achievements, often dismissing them as not a big deal.

If you have answered yes to any of these questions it is likely that you have experienced imposter syndrome. Please remember this is a natural experience to feel when you are trying to do something new and be in your growth zone.

Can you think of other ways you can identify with imposter syndrome?

Stay human,

𝒟𝓇 𝒦𝒾𝓂 𝓍


I have been seeing even more clients describing their experience of imposter syndrome in my practice recently. It has made me wonder what the real statistics are for this very normal human experience. So here are some statistics which surprised me and might make you wonder too.

✔ Of those to have experienced imposter syndrome, 72% feel it has held them back at work; and 43% have experienced it at least once a week.

✔ The more educated you are, the more likely you will experience imposter syndrome. People with PhDs have a 62% chance of experiencing it.

✔ People with jobs in science and pharmaceuticals record the highest levels of imposter syndrome (78%), while those working in property and construction have the lowest (29%).

The irony is that people with imposter syndrome are often highly accomplished, impressive individuals. They often mask their symptoms well, in isolation, working even harder to hide the way they truly feel.

If you ever feel like an imposter, I want you to know that you are not alone. It’s a wonderful sign that you are growing and moving outside your comfort zone.

Stay human,
𝒟𝓇 𝒦𝒾𝓂 ✨

Photos from Mark Hyman, MD's post 12/04/2023

I have always admired Mark Hyman, MD for his brilliant science based information and now he has fantastic photos too!

What are you doing today for your brain health?


My rockstar friend Tory is an amazing soul and a super connector, please come along and witness the magic in her events, I can’t wait for her dinner in February!

I am so excited to confirm our first event for 2023 which will have all of my TORSTAR creativity ready for you to ring in the new year with style and substance.

Limited to 50 women only this exculsive event presents you with an opportunity to glam up and have your photo taken in a Vanity Fair Style photo shoot and be part of the the powerful community of like-minded women we are creating.

I am collaborating with Alex Fevola, Creator of the Runway Room and Fashion Alta Moda, style suite to the stars so that you look and feel extra special on the night.

Pre-styling for the event can be arranged via Tanya on this email where you can ask for our VIP rate (examples of her stylist outfits for hire in this email). Alex will have a hair and make-up suite available for you to book appointments throughout the day (details to be advised closer to the date).

This event has been curated so that you walk into 2023 in your power surrounded by the right women who want to see your star shine bright.

Join us Monday 6 February at the Kimpton Margot Sydney where you have the opportunity to meet some of the high profile media and influencers in my little black book. Drinks and canapes on arrival, a two course meal and many more exciting parts of the night will be revealed closer to the date.

I hope to see you there!

Timeline photos 04/07/2021

✨ Addiction of any digital device can cause great distress for not only the person but for their close friends and family members. We all know someone that seems surgically attached to their phones. But how do you know when excessive smartphone use turns into a full addiction?

Every time you spend time on your phone you are signalling to all the people around you that what is on your device is more important than they are. Extreme smartphone use can have a terrible impact on your own life and on that of those around you. Find out if your phone habits are cause for concern.

🤔 Signs of smartphone addiction:

📱 Feeling very anxious when your battery is flat or you can’t get service.

📱 Using your phone up until the minute you go to bed and the minute you wake up. Constantly checking your phone during the night.

📱 Sleeping with your phone on your bed.

📱 Reaching for your phone when you are anxious or depressed.

📱 Mindlessly passing away time looking at your phone.

🌟 If you are concerned about your phone use or if your excessive phone use is interfering with your well-being or daily functioning it is good to seek advice from your local mental health professional. This week I will be addressing how to tackle smartphone addiction and improving your digital health. .

🙏 A special thank you to for raising my awareness and highlighting all aspects of digital health.

It is such an important issue for us all to educate ourselves in this very busy and demanding digital age.


My dog cracks me up!!

Timeline photos 27/05/2021

✨ I was recently chatting to a lovely colleague Maria and it definitely feels like we are all experiencing a tiredness, annoyance or just a feeling of being feed up when using social media. This sensation is what we refer to as social media fatigue.

Social media can be extremely helpful as a tool to distract you from our daily lives and even teach us about our emotional wellbeing. However, you can have too much of a good thing.

🌟 How do you know if you have social media fatigue? Well the simple way is to reflect on how the social media makes you feel whilst you are using it and also how do you feel after? If social media makes you feel horrible about yourself or stressed or in any way negative then it is not good for you!

💡 Top tip for any social media you are following if it does not spark joy in you or make you feel good about yourself then it is not helping.

🦋 Best strategy is to be picky and stop following or watching any social media that is not helping you. Be really careful about social media that is feeding into any of your anxiety or worries right now, this will only make you feel worse.

🙏 Please be careful who you are following and what they are doing or saying. There are a lot of “experts” in social media who are not trained in mental health and they may mean well but they are actually not giving you correct information. Remember anyone can call themselves a specialist or partitioner or coach and it doesn’t mean they are fully trained or experienced. Check out their credentials. Just because a person has thousands of followers doesn’t mean they are an expert it does mean though they are very influential and there is an important difference.

🙏 When suffering from any mental health symptoms we can be very vulnerable to suggestion and so please be careful and picky about how you use social media.

🦋 Please DM me if you need to ask any specific questions or would like a consultation regarding any mental health concerns.

Timeline photos 15/05/2021

🌟 Mindfulness is being present in the moment and aware of all your senses and feelings without interpretations or judgement. ⁠

🌟 I encourage all my clients to embark on the journey to practice mindfulness as a tool to help themselves through challenging life stages and uncomfortable emotions. Using positive imagery from a photo or a memory can be very useful to encourage relaxation, still your mind and focus your attention on the moment.⁠

🌟 If you are beginning your practice of mindfulness try to start on days when you are already feeling less stressed as this helps you to associate the new mindfulness technique with relaxation. Then when you are confident, gradually try mindfulness in places or situations that cause you some stress. ⁠

🌟 Remember, mindfulness is a journey not a destination and be kind to yourself always. Start slowly and practice with 2 minutes each day and build up your mindfulness stamina. As little as 8 minutes a day can have a wonderful positive effect on your emotional well-being. ⁠

🧘‍♂️ Sometimes going away to a retreat can help you practice a new technique like mindfulness. I recently went on a lovely yoga retreat with to relax and connect with such lovely souls. 🙏⁠

Timeline photos 13/05/2021

✨ Do you sometimes feel something and then use this emotion to make sense of the world around you?⁠

🌟 Then you are not alone and right now we are all prone to feeling something and then believing it is a fact.⁠

🤔 So the next time you feel anxious, worried or sad remember it is just that, a feeling, not a statement or a fact. Feelings are transient and reflect that moment in time.⁠

🌼 Be mindful of how you feel then try and look objectively around you at the real facts. You may be feeling overwhelmed but after a moment to relax or take a break from your situation you may feel more calm and able to cope.⁠

🧠 In Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) we call this concept emotional reasoning and it's helpful to remind yourself daily that your feelings are not facts. ⁠

🙏 If you are struggling with your feelings then please reach out via DM to book a discovery call with me to discuss how I can help. ✨

Timeline photos 11/05/2021

✨ The concept of acceptance is crucial to the type of therapy I practice with my clients. It is often overlooked in life as some people believe it is a way of giving up and accepting defeat. However, it’s really the opposite and once you practice acceptance it often opens up all possibilities of personal growth and change.⁠

🤔 Why is acceptance so important? Often the struggle and the energy we expel trying to cope with overwhelming emotions is worse than the original unwanted feelings. Accepting the challenging emotions we experience helps us to let go of this daily struggle. ⁠

🌟 Tips to accepting uncomfortable feelings: ⁠

🌼 Firstly, it seems so obvious but you need to recognise the emotions you struggle with. Getting insight into negative emotions like fear, anxiety or overwhelming sadness helps to bring them out and makes them easier to accept. ⁠

🌟 Next, recognise the pain caused by avoiding these uncomfortable emotions. Many clients find their struggle to avoid anxious situations exhausting and this causes them even more stress than the original anxiety. ⁠

🌼 The final piece is to truly begin your journey to accept these uncomfortable emotions and your reactions to them whilst staying present in the moment. ⁠

🙏 Letting go of your struggle over negative emotions will help you accept they are part of your life and it will liberate you to make different choices when you are ready. ⁠

✨ Good luck on this journey but please remember acceptance takes time, daily practice and a lot of kindness to yourself. 🙏 ⁠

Timeline photos 28/04/2021

✨ During this pandemic most of us have had to depend more on our digital devices to work and connect with others. If you feel that you are starting to form a dependency on your social media or digital devices then here are some tricks that can be helpful for you to moderate your behaviour.⁠

🌟 5 tips to reduce digital dependency:⁠

⌚️Set a time limit and stick to it. All apps now have inbuilt functions to alert you of your daily use which makes monitoring our time easier. Also you can simply set a timer for 10 minutes to do a task like checking your social media.⁠

💻 Make the task have intention and purpose. For example set a task of sorting through your daily emails.⁠

🖥 Be mindful when doing the task, try and avoid mindless scrolling or clicking of the screen.⁠

📀 Make the task enriching in some way for your mind and your emotional wellbeing. If the task is not doing you any good then stop doing it.⁠

🕹 Be selective with who you follow and don’t be afraid to mute or unfollow people who do not make you feel good or have a positive impact on you.⁠

🤔 It’s not easy to change any habits or unlearn old habits so remember this will take time and patience. Start small and set an objective you are 100% committed to achieving. Be kind to yourself if you slip up then just try again.⁠

👍 A big thank you to and his amazing book Brain Wash which introduced me to his wonderful method of TIME (time, intention, mindful, enriching) which I have adapted for this post and used effectively with my own life and my clients. Chelsea from introduced me to this book on her wonderful Recharge Your Mental Health podcast and it has been a game changer for myself and my practice 🙏⁠

🙏 If you feel you might have a more serious digital addiction then please seek professional help from a trained psychologist who is experienced and can help you. ✨⁠

Timeline photos 27/04/2021

✨ Self-care is simply the time you spend nourishing yourself emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually to strive for your best self.⁠

🙏 Self-care is linked closely with self-worth and often people struggle to spend time helping themselves instead devoting their time and energy into supporting others.⁠

🤷‍♀️ It sounds simple doesn’t it? Then why don’t people do it enough?

🌟 It’s important to understand what obstacles you may have to devoting time for yourself. Is it guilt? Is it too little time in the day? Explore this and you will be on the journey to loving yourself and treating yourself with kindness, compassion and respect.⁠

🧘‍♂️ Tip for self-care is to treat yourself like you actually care, like you would with someone you love. Then you are role modelling to others, like your family or your friends, how you deserve to be treated.

Take small steps each day and over time you will see wonderful positive results 🙌

Timeline photos 26/04/2021

One of the biggest problems my clients have is sleep - either struggling to get to sleep at night, restless sleep waking often or early morning wakefulness.

🌟Here are 5 Tips for better sleep:

(1) Create a routine and ritual that you follow each night as we are all creatures of habit and conditioning ourselves to sleep well starts with a set routine and set daily sleep times. Some people enjoy the ritual of a chamomile tea and lighting an aromatherapy candle each night.

2) Limit screen time to at least 30 minutes before bed. Screens stimulate the brain and we need to help our brains to unwind. Try reading a book instead.

(3) Limit alcohol to 2 units before bedtime, science shows that more than this can affect our ability to have enough REM deep sleep which makes you wake up groggy, feeling more exhausted.

(4) Limit or avoid caffeine in the afternoon especially after 4pm. Everyone has a different tolerance for caffeine so experiment and find out how much caffeine you can tolerate.

(5) Have a bath or shower before bed which increases your body’s core temperature. Also sleep in a cool room to trick your brain that it’s time for sleep.

🙏 A special thank you to Chelsea Pottenger for highlighting some of these points about sleep. EQ MINDS is a space for busy minds, seeking out simple tools, to reset, recharge and navigate the challenges of every day life. If you would like to explore further, head over to www.eqminds.com

🙏 Thanks also to helping me with wonderful insights into our digital well-being.

Timeline photos 26/09/2020

🙏 this is for whoever needs to read this today to help them with gaining a new perspective. So many people are struggling in their relationships right now and it’s ok to not be ok. Spend time on giving yourself self-compassion.

😔 Divorcing is a process of grief so please be kind to yourself and seek professional support if you are struggling to cope with the loss. Even reaching out to friends and family can help with the grieving process as so many people suffer in silence.

Timeline photos 10/09/2020

🙏 Answering this important question is never easy but if you are struggling to really know how you are feeling then think about how your daily life may have changed lately.
💤 Have you had changes in your sleeping patterns whether a drastic increase or decrease in the amount or quality of your sleep?
🏏 Have you reduced or stopped activities you used to enjoy doing like playing or watching sport?
🧠 Have you had more difficulty focusing or paying attention at work or at home?
🤷‍♂️ Has your motivation or drive reduced lately?
🍎 Has your appetite or ability to enjoy food changed recently?
🏃🏽‍♂️ Do you find you have changed your daily exercise patterns?
👭Have you decreased socialising or are you unmotivated to see your friends and family?
🙏 If you have noticed any of the above parts of your life changing or if you have been told by others that they have noticed these things about you then you might actually not be doing OK. Sometimes mental health difficulties are not obvious or related to how you feel.
🙏 Please reach out to a friend, family member, lifeline or a mental health professional to talk about these things. We are all here for you and we all care.

Timeline photos 25/08/2020

🙏 Thank you to everyone who has followed my social media journey to help empower us all to raise awareness about mental health. You have all been so incredibly supportive and encouraging and I couldn’t have done it without you all.
✨ I opened this account during COVID-19 to help anyone who was struggling and a big thank you for so many wonderful people who believed in me. It’s been a privilege to help and I am extremely blessed to have a platform that is supportive and encouraging for people all over the world. I started this in the hope of helping just one person, encouraging them to reach out for support and now I have over 1000 wonderful souls who are on this journey with me! ✨

👏Thank you all so much especially .aileen all of you rock!! 🙏

Timeline photos 13/08/2020

✨Living in the moment takes practice and dedication but people who live more in the moment are generally happier and more content with their lives. When our thoughts are focused or worried about the future we are likely to be more anxious. When our thoughts and mind lingers or ruminates about our past this is often linked to sadness and depression.

☀️ The good news is that there are simple and easy ways you can train your brain to live more in the moment.
🧘‍♀️ Try practicing mindfulness or meditation daily for even as little as 1 minute and build up your mind muscle to gain confidence and skill. Learning anything new is hard work so take small steps. Try using apps like Calm or meditations provided for free. I recommend mediations from which are very useful. I also encourage my clients to be more present by teaching them mindfulness techniques. If you are new to these ideas then see my previous posts on this topic.
🙏 Slow breathing techniques like simply breathing out for one count longer than you breath in tells your brain that everything is OK and to relax. It takes only 20 slow breaths to induce a relaxed state and with practice you can control your mind encouraging it to be in the moment.
🎈Flow is a psychological term for the state we enter when we are emerged and engrossed in an enjoyable activity so much that we lose track of time. Think of a time as a child when you were playing and completely lost track of time, this is flow. Having more moments of flow in your life has been linked to increased happiness. Try to find flow through pleasurable activities that spark joy for you.
🙏 Try these tips today and please ask me any questions or if you need any more information on these points.
🤔 Are there any other ways that help you stay more in the moment and allow you to feel happiness? ✨

Timeline photos 03/08/2020

✨ The number one thing you can do to help with your mental health is to focus on improving the quantity and quality of your sleep.
🙏 This week is sleep awareness week so try these 5 sleep tips to help restore calmness and reduce stress.
🧘‍♀️ Set a nightly routine and stick to it, this helps create your own natural sleep cycle which signals to the brain it’s time for sleep. The best routine is to have a nightly hot shower or bath and then after in a cool room your core temperature goes down which signals to your brain that it’s time to sleep.
🍷 Limit yourself time 2 alcoholic drinks as any more has a negative impact on your ability to have REM deep sleep which makes you wake up with a foggy head the next day.
☕️ Limit your caffeine intake and especially for morning use only. We all absorb caffeine differently but as a quick rule the coffee you have at 4pm is still half in your system at midnight so best to replace your drinks with other zero caffeine drinks link a chamomile tea.
💻 No screens 2 hours before bed, the blue light tricks your brain to stay awake and more importantly you could be doing something relaxing like reading a book or meditating 🧘‍♀️.
✍️ If you have a lot of worries or anxious thoughts write them down in a journal and keep it next to your bed. This helps train your brain to know that we will action these concerns the next day.
🤔 As with any behaviour change think about why you are making these changes and focus on that every night to help you unlearn old habits and relearn new ones. I often suggest writing the purpose of your motivation up somewhere you can see every night to remind you. Take small steps each day and be kind to yourself if you ever slip up and just start again the next day 🙏

Timeline photos 28/07/2020

thank you for the nomination 🙏

👏 What an amazing idea to acknowledge all the inspirational woman in my life who are my tribe and I adore. Supporting each other is such a wonderful gift and I am so blessed to share this journey with so many talented and creative females ✨

Timeline photos 14/07/2020

✨ During this pandemic most of us have had to depend more on our digital devices to work and connect with others. If you feel that you are starting to form a dependency on your social media or digital devices then here are some tricks that can be helpful for you to moderate your behaviour.
🌟 5 tips to reduce digital dependency:
⌚️Set a time limit and stick to it. All apps now have inbuilt functions to alert you of your daily use which makes monitoring our time easier. Also you can simply set a timer for 10 minutes to do a task like checking your social media.

💻 Make the task have intention and purpose. For example set a task of sorting through your daily emails.
🖥 Be mindful when doing the task, try and avoid mindless scrolling or clicking of the screen.
📀 Make the task enriching in some way for your mind and your emotional wellbeing. If the task is not doing you any good then stop doing it.
🕹 Be selective with who you follow and don’t be afraid to mute or unfollow people who do not make you feel good or have a positive impact on you.
🤔 It’s not easy to change any habits or unlearn old habits so remember this will take time and patience. Start small and set an objective you are 100% committed to achieving. Be kind to yourself if you slip up then just try again.
🙏 If you feel you might have a more serious digital addiction then please seek professional help from a trained psychologist who is experienced and can help you.

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Do you know what can happen if you don’t address imposter feelings? I am going to introduce some interesting facts about...
📙My new book arrived today! I’m on a mission to help everyone eliminate imposter syndrome! Please check it out, link 🔗 i...
My dog cracks me up!!




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