JVIA Nutrition

Accredited Sports Nutritionist specialising in performance, transformations, weight loss.

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 29/08/2024

Rest days can be difficult for some people to navigate due to various different things.

I’m here to hopefully help out with that!
The most common things I hear from new clients about rest days.
- if I’m not training , I don’t need to eat as much as I’m not burning as much
- I feel lazy if I don’t do any exercise during the day
- I’m going out with friend on the weekend so I can’t rest that day.

✨ You do not need to change the amount you eat just because you’re having A rest day✨ if anything you want to have the calories to repair and recover!!

During rest the muscles start to heal and grow, as they repair they get stronger and stronger 💪🏼

Not only are there physical benefits to having a rest day, but mental benefits too 💜
Another positive with including rest days into your schedule means adequate recovery time and potential reduction in injury.

Rest is going to look different for everyone dependent on their schedules. So do not compare your rest day to another person. Much like nutrition , it is very individual!

If you need help with your exercise programming and nutrition send me a DM or book in through our website

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 20/08/2024

Directly after a hard session or competition it can sometimes be hard to have an appetite.

We want to opt for easily digestible simple carbs and protein post session to start the recovery process and replenish energy stores.

Here are a few simple easy to digest protein options that contain 20-30g of protein per serve listed.

An example could be:

⚡️ A protein shake with a banana
⚡️ A Rokeby smoothie with a slice of dried mango
⚡️ 2 Yo pro with berries and grapes

What is your go to post session ??👇🏼

I love a banana and protein shake, as I’m being hydrated at the same time 👌🏼👏🏼

For more evidence based info, head to www.jvia.com.au and check out our blogs!

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 14/08/2024

Do you understand calorie density/ Calorie awareness ? 🤔

How to eat and get the best bang for your buck? E.g in a fat loss phase (deficit) it is recommended to eat in VOLUME! - this doesn’t mean just eating more food…. this often means being lower calorie, high volume food.

So you get to eat “more” food , feel fuller for longer and satiated whilst still hitting your body re-composition goals!

And in reverse, if you’re in a surplus and find that your appetite is just not there… choosing a calorie dense option can help get the required cals in, without having to eat large volumes of food.

✨✨Also the understanding of what is going into your meals , and how that impacts how you feel and perform day to day
If you feel like you’re eating heaps of food (volume) but feel fatigued and tired… you could be UNDER-fuelling! And need to consume more calories (which is when having dense calorie options may come in handy!) ✨✨

Everything has its time and place - you just need to understand how to best utilise these foods for your body comp and performance goals ⛽️🤝🏼

That’s where I can help 📲

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 12/08/2024

With the amount of clients competing in long duration events recently, we thought to re-visit the … ✨Benefits of Beetroot Juice ✨

If I were to tell you that one of the best supplements for your strength and endurance training could be beetroot juice.. What would you say??

💪🏼How does it work ?
Beetroot juice contains nitrates. Nitrates increase Nitric Oxide, a process that is responsible in aiding Vasodilation (the widening of blood cells, to allow better blood flow and oxygen delivery) Nitrates have been shown to enhance power output, assist with the time to exhaustion and perform longer in endurances events.


Beetroots are naturally rich in iron, antioxidants, vitamins and fibre. This supplementation has shown to increase performance in strength and high intensity training.

Athletes training for endurance or strength would benefit greatly from this supplementation

💪🏼How can you supplement ?
Depending on the timing of your event you can Load or use pre competition,

For loading you would consume 140ml concentrated beetroot juice per day (twice per day) for a week leading up to event.

Competition day, you would consume 70ml concentrated juice 2-3 hours prior to event

As with any supplementation, a practice run is ideal, along with working with a .

💪🏼Potential Side Effects

There may be a colour change in your urine, if consuming beetroot in larger doses.

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 02/08/2024

Off the back of the “do you know what’s in your sports drink” story.

A little breakdown of sports drinks and electrolytes and when I typically would recommend consuming these.

A lot of my clients have had amazing success when we have looked into their sweat rate, and replacement of electrolytes!

If you want to know more , let me know and I’ll put together a free blog ⛽️

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 29/07/2024

Some misconceptions about Low energy availability.

Being in a state of LEA for a long period of time can be very damaging. It is important to recognise signs and symptoms of LEA.

Also, just because something is common does not make it normal. I have had a few instances where someone has been told “it’s normal for high level female athletes to lose their periods” …. It’s not. Let’s fix that narrative.

The key thing is to focus on the mismatch between ENERGY INTAKE and ENERGY EXPENDITURE ⛽️

Take a look through some of the misconceptions about LEA, what LEA create issues with and how we can start in the right direction to avoid LEA.

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 23/07/2024

It’s 2024 and I still see demonisation of carbs online 🤯🤯

Let’s look at why carbohydrates and good for us ESPECIALLY if we have performance goals 🏆⛽️

Let’s change the narrative and fuel & nourish our bodies !!

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 18/07/2024

Increase your protein intake without changing your meals.. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 this is how.

Many people often struggle to hit their protein requirements or goals, a few of these simple swaps may help you hit those goals without feeling like much has to change at all.
You can still eat the foods you love and make them higher in protein.

Try out these Simple swaps to help you increase your protein intake and not affect the taste too much.

Would love to hear your go to , to increase protein 👇🏼👇🏼

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 16/07/2024

There is a lot of information out there for fuelling pre-workout but fuelling post workout is just as important.

💪🏼 The aim of post work out fuelling is to replenish depleted glycogen stores with carbohydrates and kick start recovery process with protein source.

We have created a little cheat sheet with some options you could try post workout..


Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 12/07/2024

🥶🥶 It’s winter, it’s cold and the last thing on your mind is an ice cold beverage. This is a bit of a theme I am seeing at the moment.. so, how can we increase fluid and keep hydrated ?

What are some ways to increase your hydration during these colder months.

✅ Add something to your water to make it more palatable so you want to drink it
-sugar free cordials
- flavour drops
- tea bags
- fruit
- flavoured mineral water
- hydralytes

✅ Add in foods you enjoy that have higher water content
- jelly
- fruits
- milk
- Milo or flavoured milk

✅ Set a reminder for yourself
- have an alarm on your phone that goes off so tou can check how much water you have consumed

- the bottles with the mls displayed with target ranges for you to drink by a certain time.

🥶🥶 it’s cold, but we still need to stay hydrated !!!
Small steps lead to big outcomes 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 02/07/2024

People often think of a sports drink when someone says electrolytes.. this is a great option and bonus a lot of the sports drinks offer simple carbs too.

But a lot of our whole foods contain electrolytes too !
Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and more.

As we sweat we lose electrolytes, and need to adequately replace these.

Swipe through and take a look at some food first approaches.


Let’s talk electrolytes and sodium..

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 22/06/2024

You asked for the takeaway option switches, and here is part 1 of this series.
🐔 Dirty bird, finger lick n’ good, KFC!

Firstly, we’re not saying go and eat KFC every day 👀 however you can still eat out, enjoy, and keep at your goals.

Hopefully some of these switches provide useful for you!!

If you’d like help for other alternatives please send through a message 📧

🐓 🍗 🍟

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 14/06/2024

Plant based athletes 🥗🍝🥙

Navigating optimal performance nutrition whilst plant based can be tricky to start with but it’s not unachieveable!! Some of our world class athletes are plant based!

Things we think are great points to focus on are:
🥗 Quality protein consumption
🥗 Consuming adequate amount of fats
🥗 Monitoring fibre, especially around exercise and competition times (to avoid gut discomfort)
🥗 Where possible, try to avoid highly processed foods
🥗Just because something is labeled “clean” or “vegan” or “raw” doesn’t mean it is healthy / aligns with your health goals.

If you’re looking to level up your plant based nutrition knowledge get in touch ❤️

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 04/06/2024

Lots of people say they want to lose weight, when in actual fact they want to lose body fat mass.

So what’s the difference between weight loss and fat loss ? And why is it important ??
Take a look through and see 👀

Getting our body fat percentage to a healthy range decreases the risks of developing chronic illness and disease. 👏🏼

If you’re wanting to keep lean muscle mass, and lose body fat to get into that healthy range - book in a free consult via our website www.jvia.com.au


You may know Michelle , through her national/international umpiring netball journey but did you know… she is now a legend of Hyrox!!

Michelle has been selected to compete Hyrox, representing Australia 🇦🇺
She will fly to Nice, France 🇫🇷 with the rest of the team in June to battle it out for the title 🏆

Michelle and I will have a final check in Wednesday to ensure she is ready to go!! 💪🏼 ⛽️

Michelle is an absolute weapon and I am so proud to stand in her corner, she is one of the most humble people you will ever meet - so please drop a comment of support to her below and show her just how awesome she is 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🏆🏆🏆

If you would like to be apart of my Hyrox Performance Nutrition Group, to maximise your performance and recovery strategies please drop a 🔥 in the comments or shoot me a message!! 📧


Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 21/05/2024

One of the questions I get most… what protein powder should I pick?

Here are some things to consider when choosing your protein powders
Swipe through!

Any questions shoot me a DM 👏🏼❤️

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 19/05/2024

✨ A moment for Taya ✨

The glowing, confidence and positive energy is what I noticed most in this photo, besides the transformation.

I’ll always remember check in day, Taya beaming ear to ear that she had bought new clothes that were matching her weight loss goal!

This is why I love my job. Seeing the positive impact I can have, helping people change habits that truely impact their lives , being a part of this journey with them. This is why I do what I do. 🥰

Swipe across to see what Taya had to say about the 12 week process❤️

🚨 P.S Taya has signed up for her first Hyrox and spartan (which she “never would have imagined doing before this journey” 💪🏼🏋🏼‍♀️)

If you want to transform your body and mindset, send me a message or book in a free consultation via our website.

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 12/05/2024

Let’s re-visit this one, I’ve had a few more clients for menopause related fat loss phases, so thought, let’s spread awareness again! ❤️

MENOPAUSE - It usually occurs in women between 45-55 years of age (but can also be either side of this range) and is when ovulation ceases and the production of estrogen and progesterone stops.

You can however be ‘menopausal’ for 4-8 years….Oh joy!

Menopausal symptoms can be characterised by any of the below:
- Night sweats
- Hot Flushes
- Forgetfulness
- Skin and Hair changes
- Loss of libido
- Irritability
- Joint and muscle pain
- Sleeplessness… and more!
The good news is 60% of women have recorded mild symptoms.

Another common symptom is stubborn fat. Due to the changes and fluctuations in hormones, the body often starts to store adipose tissue around the abdomen and hips.
Often women who have not ever had ‘to worry’ about their weight find they are starting to see weight gain.

There is no magic cure… however there are some things you can put in place to aid in this change.
- Follow a structured dietary plan individual to you.
- Eating largely unprocessed foods, limiting sugar and alcohol intake.
- As you age another factor to consider is protein intake.
- Resistance training to combat sarcopenia and osteoporosis.

Please reach out via DM or our Contact Us page on the website to discuss further!

* Col NF, Guthrie JR, Politi M, Dennerstein L. Menopause 2009;16(3):453-457

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 10/05/2024

Colder weather calls for soups 🍲

This is a great one to batch prepare, and freeze for those slower days !

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 02/05/2024

Off the back of the ‘Women in Sport’ seminar held @ .au , we popped together some slides to summarise REDS. There is a lot more depth to this topic but we hope this summary helps a little.

If you have any questions about RED, LEA or just general nutrition advice, shoot a message or book in a free consultation via the website. : www.jvia.com.au ❤️


Thanks The Manly Daily for the article !

This is not only a client of mine 😉 this is one of my sons 🥰🥰 such a massive achievement!

So incredibly proud !!!!!!!

Luke Higgs is one of many up and coming swimmers that could carry the Dolphins to Los Angeles 2028 and the Brisbane 2032 games.

From Warringah, the 15-year-old won five gold medals in the Age titles, including the 200m, 400m, 800m and 1500m freestyle, plus the 400m medley.

See Australia’s next generation of Olympic swimming hopes: bit.ly/3JCwb4Q

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 17/04/2024


If you are constantly in a calorie deficit your body will eventually adapt and you will hit a plateau.

This is were a reverse diet can come in,

if you’re feeling like this DM me for help and we can get you back on track, hitting your body goals in a healthy and SUSTAINABLE way! 👏🏼👏🏼🥰

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 08/04/2024


✨A Deficit ✨

There is so much out there for what to do for fat loss from waist trainers🙄, to cutting out foods from diets, 🙄 magic pills and shakes + more. 🙄

When really what you need is a ✨Deficit✨

The three important things I say to my clients when starting fat loss phases.

🤝🏼 Stop comparing! (This is a big one for my teen athletes, where they may be eating much more than their friends or even team mates) but remember: energy expenditure is INDIVIDUAL!!

🤝🏼 Scale weight - scale weight can fluctuate for so many different reasons! This is why we take a collaborative approach to measuring loss (scales, pinches, clothes fitting, scans etc.)

🤝🏼 Not everything you eat needs to be low calorie. Let’s be honest they don’t ALL taste amazing.. and some of these items have a lot of added extras which can sometimes cause gut upset.
Whole food is the way to go 👏🏼👏🏼 (obviously depending on some circumstances lower carb options will be needed if you don’t have the ‘calories to spend’
But where possible - ENJOY your food, eat nutrient dense whole foods👏🏼

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 02/04/2024

Whenever we have a teen athletes join our nutrition coaching we analyse their current vs optimal energy availability. We assess the energy needs across the full sporting season and periodise nutrition protocols accordingly to ensure the athlete trains, recovers and performs at their best ✅

As a youth athlete competing, there is a chance that you’re not fuelling correctly or optimally for performance. Thats where I come in..

I help with:
✔️ Nutrition timing
✔️ types of foods and when to consume them
✔️ peak week and post competition nutrition
✔️ event day nutrition
✔️ hydration strategies and sweat rate analysis
✔️energy availability
✔️ recovery protocols
✔️ and where applicable, supplementation advice.

If you’re wanting to assess your teens nutrition, or wanting to gain knowledge for fuelling for performance, book in our free 15 min consult 📞 where we can discuss and get you on the track to success.

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 25/03/2024

We know our body performs at its best when fuelled… but what if you struggle to eat before training or competitions ??

🤩Try these tips. 🤩

✅Night before. - balanced meal with carb.

✅Liquid fuel - if you struggle to get food in, try liquid calories.

✅Easy to digest - we don’t want to upset the stomach close to working out, so consuming simple carbs that are not harsh on the stomach will be your best option
30-60 mins prior to event.

🚨Don’t panic if you are someone that really struggles to stomach food before a training session. It is optimal for performance to fuel prior to training, however is is not detrimental if you don’t..
Start little by little with what you can stomach! And work your way up!

Stay tuned for our blog on “training low” where we discuss what training looks like for those that cannot stomach food prior - sign up to the free email blogs at www.jvia.com.au

If you need help figuring out what your optimal fueling looks like, let’s chat 📧📲📞

Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 19/03/2024

All you need to know about Ashwagandha


This supplement is great for anyone struggling to switch off or wind down! 😴

It aids with reducing anxiety and stress and promotes restful sleep.

I purchase my TriGandha supps from ❤️


Introducing JVIA teen athlete Nic Mcgill

Nic competed at the NSW State Championships on the weekend and became the NSW state champion in 2 events !

🥇U17 3000m race (massive 13 sec PB)
🥇U17 2000m steeplechase ( 9 sec PB )

He also smashed his 1500m run with another huge PB of 11 seconds !

As one of JVIAs teen athletes we have been working together this season to peak for nationals with NSW state along the way. It’s fair to say he’s on track :)

During the season we have analysed :
- Caloric intake
- Workload energy demands
- Energy availability (daily / weekly )
- Nutrient timing
- Food selection
- Recovery Nutrition
- Supplementation
- Hydration strategies and sweat rate
- Reaching and maintaining optimal body weight for performance
- Peak week and race day nutrition

💫 🏆 A key factor is not to try anything new for target race days so we have tried and tested throughout the season to find the winning formula which we successfully implemented last weekend !

Now time to recover and then focus on nationals ! 💪🏼

We couldn’t be more proud of your focus, determination and commitment to your goals Nic!


Photos from JVIA Nutrition 's post 12/03/2024

Gut Health? What is it !!?

Our gut microbiome plays an important role in general health and well being , but also can impact our performance.

Swipe through to see our basics on the gut…. And for more in depth info, head over to our blog to learn all things GUT related.


Thanks to:

For their educational seminars on this topic ❤️

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127B Old Pittwater Road Brookvale
Sydney, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm

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