Energy Medicine Institute

Walk the Path of a Modern-Day Shaman with Lou Reed ONLINE TRAINING | START NOW


✨ How Can We Move Into Coherence?

✨ "By opening our hearts with elevated emotions and bringing our mind, body, soul into coherence. All of the answers to the great mysteries can be found within us.

We are required to step out of our current belief system, of our current self, and to create a new belief system, a new self. As our mind is structured to evolve and form our experiences based on what we command, our mind is not our master.

We are the masters of our mind. The mind is a tool for us to use, to create reality and nothing more and yet this concept can be challenge to comprehend, so often it can feel as though our mind is in the driver seat."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🙏🌹


✨ How Can We Strengthen Our Immune System?

"Until recently, the idea of people having energy meridians was broadly considered to be some sort of superstitious, Eastern woo woo, until a few brave scientists came along and started doing experiments. They proved that energy meridians really do exist and can affect our wellbeing.

What they have discovered so far is that it is the body’s innate electrical current that governs our nervous system. It governs how our body responds to injury, including triggering tissue repair and regeneration. It regulates our consciousness and governs and influences a number of processes from growth to defence, our immune system to the overall functioning of the human organism.

When Western scientists started to experiment with the traditional acupuncture meridians, by Traditional Chinese Medicine, they discovered low resistance pathways for the flow of electricity around the body. To put it another way, they discovered that energy meridians are in fact, real, and that they do move the ‘flow’ of energy around the body."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🙏🌹


✨What Is An Energy Center?

"Our twelve energy centers are collections of energy where events can emerge. They hold memory, identity, and vital programming for our destiny blueprint. They also correspond to an energetic level of our subtle bodies, our meridians, and our DNA strands.

These twelve energy centers must be accessed from within, where we can feel the data relating to our experiences.

They translate other experiences within the context of our destiny blueprint. We have an experience, our energy centers process the experience and then release the resources that we require to move through each experience in flow.

When our energy centers are block they stop releasing our resources and we can feel overwhelmed by life, we can feel stuck in life. It is important to have a daily practice to clear our energy centers so that we can move through life in flow."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🙏🌹


✨ What Is Our Causal Body?

"Our seventh layer is our cathartic or causal body. Associated with our divine or universal consciousness, and is related to our seventh crown energy center. Our causal body contains our life plan or soul contract and reflects all experiences and events that our soul has ever experienced.

It is the layer directly related to our current incarnation. A cathartic body is the purest form and link to the divine within each of us. It extends up to three a half feet in an oval shape around our physical.

Our eighth layer is the time layer associated with interfaces from past comic records, present and future comic memories or existences, and is related to our eighth memory or time continuum energy center. This layer is also known as the white side. It is connected with the crown of our head and extends upward around three feet above our physical."

✨By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🙏🌹


✨ Can Trauma Effect Our Physical

"I put my personal experiences of being kidnapped in a box and threw away the key. That is a common way to deal with trauma, but not an effective way.

The experience wasn’t living in my conscious mind, but it was still in my energy system, so the energy or the frequency that was feeding my organs had been changed to that of my wounded story. The organ that was particularly affected was my ovaries, I had a challenge with cancer in the ovaries.

When I went to the doctor he said to me, “You have a positive test for cancer,” I refused to believe that.

I worked with the energy of clearing anything that’s blocking me from optimal health. I just kept doing the energy work, I kept holding the energy, or that frequency of what I wanted to create, which was really challenging, because when you’re in fear, particularly fear for your life, it can be challenging to hold a high frequency. I was sensible.

There were certain western medical things that I did do. I went for the appointments. I went for all the tests that were suggested. I showed up fully in all areas. It took three years and 10 operations, then they finally said to me, “You’re cancer free.”"

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🌹🙏


✨ Activating Our Golden Spiral

"Activating our golden spiral energy is our sacred work. As we awaken, we activate and unite our energy field; our twelve subtle bodies, our twelve energy centers, our twelve meridians, and our twelve DNA strands, creating a golden spiral of energy.

This spinning energy will attrach new energies to us that will intermingle and move through our beings, activating and awakening the many different aspects of ourselves, moving us into coherence.

This triggers new versions of self, new understandings, and meanings to all the events in our lives and in our world.

This is a powerful tool to transform old wounded stories, to clear our energy centers allowing our energy centers to be available to release the resource for our life experiences so that we can move through life in flow."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🌹🙏


✨ We Have An Energy Body And A Physical Body

"Subtle bodies are the first part of the energy system that the energy from the divine flows through. Our subtle bodies are like a cosmic vehicle that’s us.

We’re so much more than our physical, we’re actually an energy body with a physical body inside of it. Our energy body goes out about 20 feet from our physical.

If someone stands too close to you, you’ll take a step back, even though they don’t physically touch you. You may feel like someone’s invading your space.

You can walk into a room, and you can feel if someone looking at you, even if you can’t see them. You just know it. It’s like they’ve intruded into your energy system.

That’s our subtle body."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🌹🙏


✨ Does Your Mind Run Constantly

"Slowing down was really challenging for me. I would push myself to the absolute limit. And I didn’t have an off switch.

I had to get to a place where I could sustain my energy. And I didn’t understand that if I had energy it was okay to rest. If I had energy it was okay to sleep. It took me a long time to work that out because I had never had that story.

Today I understand that there is a BIG difference between nervous energy - that feeling of your head running constantly - and not being able to switch it off.

The kind of energy that feels like it is pulling you out of your physical, and divine energy is more grounded and pulls you back into your physical.

Now when I sleep with the divine energy, I have a deep sustainable sleep. I wake up feeling rested. I no longer wake up feeling like I have been hit by a bus.

Then when ideas start to come in, I am able to actually create a system, I ask myself, “Is this for me? Is this for me now?” And then I start working with the ideas to shape them and pull them into reality."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🌹🙏


✨ A Revolutionary New Healing Modality

"I’m so excited to be able to share these teachings with you. Over the past two decades I’ve seen so many people transform their own lives, live through their pure potential, manifest a business and life they love, then guide their beloveds to do the same.

For me, I had an accident a number of years ago, I was housebound and the medical fraternity had literally said that I would spend the rest of my life medicated in a chair in a psychiatric hospital.

That really inspired me to find another way. It was through these tools and techniques that I’ll share with you in this training, that I was able to take what I had learnt from decades of healing experience and create this revolutionary healing training.

I had it accredited and it quickly became a global online business. It’s time to unlearn so that we can relearn."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🌹🙏


✨ Gall Bladder Meridian & Our Vision

"Our gallbladder meridian is yang energy and runs to our liver meridian, which is yin energy. Our gallbladder when coherent, is the meridian of judgment and vision. It allows us to see our future to have flexibility and hope.

If it is incoherent, we become rigid in our attitudes. This energy comes from our gallbladder. With no vision for the future, it feels as though we have no hope.

Our liver meridian when coherent, is the meridian of planning and action. It is like the general of the army. It plans what needs to be done and moves forward and gets it done. When it's incoherent, it can show not getting things done or procrastination, not being able to make decisions."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman🌹🙏


✨ How Selfless Service Can Transform Our Lives

"The best thing that I ever did was I found a woman who had an experience around cancer, and she had what I wanted to create. She taught me that being of service is a way to raise our frequency. I had to check myself into hospital, as I was too sick to care for myself.

I’d start whining and whinging to this woman about my problems. And she’d say, “See that person over there? They just checked in, go and be of service, go and see how you can help them.” I said, “Did you not hear what I just said? Like .. I was dying, blah, blah, blah.” She said, “Go and help that person and come back and then tell me all about it”.

And at some point, she’d say, “Now what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” And I’d say, “what are you talking about?”. I had completely forgotten.” I’d completely forget about my problems, I was in the energy of selfless service.

When I’m being of selfless service it’s a higher frequency. I’m up here, instead of down there, which had a positive impact in my subtle body. It started to clear the stuff that I had put in there. It slowly gained momentum. And it was clearing my energy field. I really believe that saved my life."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🌹🙏


✨Albert Einstein & Energy Medicine

"Energy & Albert Einstein. In my research I found that there were three main world views on energy systems that supported my healing, Ancient Wisdom, Psychology and Science.

I explored ancient wisdom because western medicine gave me no answers. Their medications would fix one thing and then two other things would break. It was only a band-aid.

Ancient Wisdom saw the body as a whole entity, and all their healing methods were grounded in coming back to center. I explored psychology and science. And I fell in love with Carl Jung through psychology and his work with archetypes. I also fell in love with Albert Einstein, and his teachings in science.

Albert Einstein told us that “everything is energy”; that “a human being is a part of the whole called by us [the] Universe”. And what I then learnt was, all energy is a frequency. Frequency is simply light or absence of light. When I started to understand that, I could see the truth in all three definitions of energy systems."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman🌹🙏


✨ Did You Know That Our Genes Hold Memories?

"At the same time, these genes hold memories, which have created blocks to our path to oneness, and inherited our deep-rooted feelings of separation. Separation from our true essence and from our Creator.

This memory of separation has forced us to create experiences and situations where we are given the opportunity to kill ourselves, our world, and our separations.

As a soul, we carefully choose our parents and our bloodlines in order to facilitate experiences and situations that will enable us to heal ourselves. We also have handpicked our own DNA structures, and the possible opportunities to activate an awakened further strands of DNA"

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation I invite you to check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow our page EnergyMedicineInstitute to get notified when it has been posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🙏🌹


✨ Do Our Thoughts Live In Our Mind

"Do our thoughts live in our mind? Science has now told us that our memories, our thoughts, and emotions, they don't live in our mind.

They actually live in our subtle bodies, or the subtle energy around our physical, our energy field. When we don’t clear it, it can show up as feeling heavy like we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. Feeling overwhelmed. There’s just too much information for us to hold.

In actual fact, there is too much going on, and it’s not all in our external world, it’s all of your wounded stories and our energetic cords of attachments, that are in or connected to our subtle bodies, that are crowding you out.

Subtle bodies are that first part of the energy system that the divine energy flows into, and generally, that’s where all the toxic energy sits.

I had a beloved that came in, who had cancer in his physical and had it reoccur three times, that is simply because western medicine is pushing it out of his physical into his energy field. As soon as his immune system is compromised, it simply comes straight back.

It’s really important that we do our energy work and learn how to clear our subtle bodies for energetic health."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation you should check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow this page to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🙏🌹


✨ "Slowing down was really challenging for me. I would push myself to the absolute limit. I didn’t have an off switch. I had to get to a place where I could sustain my energy, and I didn’t understand that if I had the energy it was okay to rest. If I had the energy it was okay to sleep. It took me a long time to work that out because I had never had that story.

Today I understand that there is a BIG difference between nervous energy - that feeling of your head running constantly - and not being able to switch it off. The kind of energy that feels like it is pulling you out of your physical and divine energy is more grounded and pulls you back into your physical.

Now when I sleep with the divine energy, I have a deep sustainable sleep. I wake up feeling rested. I no longer wake up feeling like I have been hit by a bus. Then when ideas start to come in, I am able to actually create a system, I ask myself, “Is this for me? Is this for me now?” And then I start working with the ideas to shape them and pull them into reality."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation you should check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow this page to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🙏🌹


✨ Energy Centers & Our Full Potential

"Tuning in to the frequency of each energy center invites us to discover and embody the full potential of who we are and who we are becoming. Similar to the waves in the ocean, they ebb and flow endlessly. Our life force is constantly being recharged. As we become conscious of the functioning of our energy centers, we have the opportunity to meet ourselves from different perspectives.

We have the chance to discover our core in stillness, as our energy ebbs and flows and forms, dissolving and reappearing. By developing energy center coherence, we can stimulate cellular intelligence, promote deeper relaxation, and reduce stress.

Intuitive responses become organic. Creative expression and playfulness fills our lives. Balanced, all coherent energy centers, support healing at a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. When our energy center system is harmonious and coherent, our lives unfold in magical ways. It is like listening to beautiful music and dancing to its pace."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation you should check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow this page to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman🙏🌹


✨ What Is Our Archetypal Aura?

"Our archetypical aura contains the map of our destiny. It's like a blueprint, things that we must do in this lifetime. We are given as many experiences as we need to learn them. It can be one or a hundred. It is all the same to our destiny blueprint. It's like going home. We can go many different ways and we can have many different experiences along the way, but we still get home. And therefore we satisfy our blueprint.

As lifelong learners, our destiny is synonymous with our soul's curriculum. We come into this physical life with an internal archetypal lesson plan. I invite you to get curious around what is your archetypal lesson plan."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation you should check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow this page to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman🙏🌹


✨Words Can Change Our Lives.

"I found that working with consciousness was the key to transformation. That the way to raise our frequency or raise our light quotient was through our energy system, our energy flowing through our body.

The quality of the energy that comes into our energy system is pure. The challenge was what was happening once the energy entered our energy system. Our thoughts, words, and actions all have a frequency and our wounded stories were changing the frequency of the pure universal energy to the frequency of our wounded stories.

Then I realised the way to step back into optimal health, or our original energy blueprint, was to reconnect and live through the pure universal energy. As we move through life and make choices from our wounded story, we’re making choices that are at a frequency of the wound. We’re making choices from the frequency of fear, hate and anger. When we clear that energy, or that frequency, we tap into the pure universal energy."

✨By the way, if you’re serious about transformation you should check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow this page to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🙏🌹


✨ Can We Recalibrate Our Energy System?

Our energy system is the container that we work with in EMI. The tools and process that we learn in the training are around how to clear our energy system and recalibrate it to our original blueprint, our pure potential so that you can manifest a business and life that you love form that place.

All illness pain and disease even trauma impacts the flow of energy through our energy system creating energy blocks. To transform our energy blocks or to brinig our energy system back into alignment with our original blueprint, first we must understand what is an energy system.

In my research I found that there were three main world views of the energy system that support my healing process, ancient wisdom, modern science and psychology.

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation you should check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow this page to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🙏🌹


✨ Does Your Life Feel Like Ground Hog Day?

"When our energy system is not optimal, we can experience low-frequency emotions like anxiety, anger, depression, deprivation, and fear. The opposite state to bliss. The state that we are born in. When we are in the low-frequency emotions, we make low-frequency choices, we make low-frequency actions.

This only perpetuates the low-frequency energy. Whatever frequency we put out into the world, that’s the frequency that we attract back. At some point we need a pattern interrupt to block that old way of being and make a change. Which can show up as a chronic illness.

It can show up as Groundhog Day, the feeling of repeating the same events over and over, attracting the same kind of partners, friendships, or the same kind of experiences in life. We vibrate at a frequency, we continue to loop into that frequency and keep reattaching those experiences, the experiences that we actually hate."

✨ By the way, if you’re serious about transformation you should check out our FREE Energy Healing each Friday. Simply like and follow this page to get notified when it is posted.

See you on the path
Blessed Be
Lou Reed, Shaman 🙏🌹


Woman UNLEASHED Online Retreat

Imagine going on a retreat just for you…
Without having to jump on an airplane,
Get a sitter for your kids, or pets,
Without needing to take time off work or have a discussion with your partner.

As women, it is easy to lose ourselves
Taking care of others,
Trying to get “it” right,
Fitting in.

Growing up we have been taught or told how to be, what to say, how to dress, what is acceptable to say and what is not.

We were told we were too much, or not enough.
Too loud, too big, too bright,
Not creative enough, spiritual enough, doing enough,
And so we put aside parts of ourselves to fit in.

But what if you could find you again?
What if you unleashed, untamed, uncensored, unfiltered you?

I am inviting you to join me at the Woman Unleashed Online Solstice Retreat.

Each year for the past decade during the solstice time thousands of women have gathered at an at home online retreat led by facilitators and guides from around the world. This year, I’m leading a retreat session on How To Powerfully Complete 2023.

We have sessions on everything from energy, collage, watercolor, meditation, dance, yoga, breathwork, painting, and mini workshops on everything from detoxification to feng shui.

The retreat begins on the solstice and runs through the first week of the year so you have plenty of time to create a personalized retreat around your schedule.

This retreat is totally free.
This is our holy day gift to you.

You can register here: 11/12/2023


Join my soul siStar Elayni in this powerful 3 day event

3 days full of powerful teachings, trainings, insights, tools, tricks, methods, and practices that will support you to live a more balance, holistic life.

Learn how to regulate stress, avoid burnout and achieve calm and ease this festive season, or any season of your life.

With 8 expert speakers who are coaches, healers, doctors, facilitators and specialists, this summit is jampacked with
support and guidance.

Register before the 17th of December, as it starts on the 18th of December 2023 and ends on the 20th.

Click here to register A three day online summit that offers conversations, tools, techniques and transformations to help you navigate a more holistic approach to your life during peak periods and busy seasons. Connect with teachers, trainers and facilitators who can help you heal and harmonize your mind, your body and yo...


Calling all women who are ready to embrace their authentic selves and cultivate a deep sense of self-love and acceptance! The EveryWoman Gathering is back, and tickets are now available. Indulge in delicious meals, engage in transformative activities, and build lasting connections. Get your early bird tickets now at WWW.WOMENSWELLBEING.ORG


Women's Dream Enlightenment Podcast
Dear Ones,

I invite you to listen to a deep discussion I recently had on the Women's Dream Enlightenment Podcast with Megan Mary of Women's Dream Analysis. 😇

You can also watch the full episode on YouTube:

See you on the path
Blessed Be Lou Reed, Shaman 🙏

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Videos (show all)

🌹 How Can We Move Into Coherence?
🌹 How Can We Strengthen Our Immune System?
🌹 What Is An Energy Center?
🌹 What Is Our Causal Body?
🌹 Can Trauma Effect Our Physical
🌹 Activating Our Golden Spiral
🌹 We Have An Energy Body And A Physical Body
🌹 Does Your Mind Run Constantly
🌹 A Revolutionary New Healing Modality
🌹 Gall Bladder Meridian & Our Vision
🌹 How Selfless Service Can Transform Our Lives
🌹 Albert Einstein & Energy Medicine


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