
At Uniting NSW.ACT, we believe in taking real steps to make the world a better place. We work to inspire people, enliven communities and confront injustice.

Call us on: 1800 864 846 Uniting NSW.ACT contributes to the work of the Uniting Church in NSW and the ACT, through social justice advocacy, community services and spiritual care. We provide services for people through all ages and stages of life, and drive solutions to systemic issues so people experiencing disadvantage can live their best lives. Our purpose is to inspire people, enliven communities and confront injustice. We value diversity and always welcome everyone exactly as they are.


What do you love about your unique family?

Uniting celebrates the rich diversity of all the families in our teams and our services.

We're sharing the Uniting Families Report for great actionable insights on Australian Families raising children.


This week we brought many of our friends, peers and leaders across the human services sectors, NSW government and the academic community together to discuss the importance of understanding and recognising family diversity. 🙌

The event launched the Uniting Families Report and was a valuable opportunity to connect and open the conversation on how we can, together, improve policy and service delivery to better support all families.


"We can't remove climate change as a factor, but we can change how we support our clients through it."

Lauren works for Uniting's home and community care team, supporting ageing clients with some of the most complex needs across Northern Sydney. She says that changes to the climate is already affecting them in unexpected ways.

🤲 Uniting's clients rely on our care, especially during extreme weather, and we have a duty to support them through these challenges.

We must take action action for those who can't. Let's care for our communities and our planet together. 🤝


We continue to welcomed new faces to our Uniting volunteers family. 🤗

So who better to tell us why you should try it than our incredible volunteers. 👏

If you know someone who has just an hour free a week and would enjoy connecting with others or a cause, tell them about volunteering with Uniting. 👊


Team Uniting have shared their inspirational stories of growth and success during our first-ever Uniting Chronicles event.

Experts were on hand to provide learning and development opportunities, as well as different pathways to careers in management, clinical care, catering and hospitality and administration.

One of our speakers - Mark Sanchez - shared how 10 years ago he immigrated from the Philippines to start work as a kitchenhand at Uniting. 😮

With dedication and determination, Mark trained to become a Registered Nurse and is now the Service Manager at Uniting Illowra in Waverley.

Mark was just one of many stories demonstrating the unlimited options available to staff at Uniting who want to advance their careers in aged care.


"In the serene halls of Uniting Marima Caroona aged care facility in Goonellabah, where the echoes of laughter and gentle conversations mingle with the soft hum of daily routines, there lies a sacred tapestry woven with threads of kindness, compassion, and devotion," says Uniting Pastoral Practitioner, Kellie Tancred.

"These threads, bright and resilient, are the lifeblood of this community, binding together residents and caregivers in a mutual embrace of love and respect."

Kellie shares her reflections on the devotion and care she witnesses in the daily lives of our Uniting team. 💜

Thank you Kellie 🙌


Olympic fever continues across Uniting. 🥇🥈🥉

This time it's residents from Uniting Nareen Terrace and Nareen Gardens setting PBs across the track and field.

From hurdles to cycling, and even pool noodle javelin - the Uniting team have encouraged health and movement exercises to replicate events at The Games.

And the results have been inspirational.

Well done to all our future athletes. 👏

Next stop: USA 2028 🤩


Congratulations to the Uniting Connect team on the success of their Central Coast Homelessness Connect Day Health & Wellbeing event. 👏

The event provided free services to local people sleeping rough, including haircuts, food, clothes, connection to health services and much more.

Thant you to the 9 News crew for supporting the event and helping to raise awareness. 🙌


This Homelessness Week, we want to shine a light on the team at Sydney's Foyer Central - who support young people with lived experience of out-of-home care. 🙌

Since Feb 2021, they have provided residence with a safe place to access opportunities for their personal development, health and wellbeing, education and employment.
Youth Development Coaches, like Amba, provide mentoring and life skills to help them transition from out-of-home care to independence.⁣⁣
“Amba has been my Youth Development Coach for 2 years and she has seen my change and has always help me – even when I was ready to give up,” says Foyer Central resident, Korrine.⁣⁣
“She has always been there to encourage me, and I want to thank Amba for always being consistent and for other aspects outside of my education, like my house and living skills – which help to further my skills so I can live independently.” ⁣⁣
She has never made me feel ashamed and has always listened, and then guided me when I needed advice.” 👏⁣⁣
A big thank you to the Foyer Central Team.🙌 ⁣⁣
*Foyer Central is a partnership with Uniting, SGCH, Social Ventures Australia and NSW Government. ⁣⁣Foyer Foundation


Today we recognise our Uniting aged care team.🥇

From the cleaning staff to the hairdressers - like Kay - who care for our loved ones and bring them so much joy.

"We share lots of stories and laughter," says Kay.

"It's not a job when you have so much happiness in your life from day to day. It makes my heart so full."

Thank you, and happy Aged Care Employee Day. 👏👏


PSA - No cases have been reported in NSW and ACT, although our teams in other states have identified fraud attempts utilising the Uniting name.

This interstate case is being dealt with as a matter of urgency with the relevant government authorities.

Please stay safe. 🙏


"I cannot thank you enough for the work you do, the dedication and for going above and beyond." 😂

Uniting Illowra Service Manager, Mark Sanchez, shares a special message for the Uniting family on Aged Care Employee Day.

We couldn't have said it any better, Mark.🙌

Happy Aged Care Day to our incredible team, who care for over 24,000 vulnerable Australians. 💜


😔 2 years on from the devastating floods in Northern NSW, 1200 people still remain in emergency accommodation.

Trish Bowie has no family to turn to and continues to live in uncertainty after losing her rental property during the floods.

A resident at the Brunswick Heads Community Village Bayside, Trish is supported by the Uniting Recovery Support Service (RSS) team, who help her access the services she desperately needs.⁣

"They make me feel special, which is really lovely because I know as you get older you feel invisible," says Trish.

But this accommodation is only a temporary solution.

"I'm safe now but I've heard local members begging for acommodation for me and being told there's no answer for me."

On any given night in Australia, more than 122,000 people experience homelessness. Being an older woman with a mental health condition makes up a big part of this demographic.

✊ Homelessness Week is a time to raise awareness of the impact of homelessness and advocate for change for people like Trish.


Uniting Elanora residents in Shellharbour have fallen in love with their new feathered friends. 🐣

During the 2-week hatching program, residents welcomed 7 chicks and 3 ducks.

They were assigned different roles and assisted with feeding and watering and cleaning the cage.

"I love watching our residents get excited to race down every morning to see if there was more babies or how they have grown," said Uniting Elanora Quality Coordinator, Logan Stoker.

There was even a competition created for the first person to spot a newly hatched chick.

The prize? The chance to name them. 🙌

Some of the names chosen were: Quackers, Milk, Clucky and Cherper Chick.

"We heard stories from those who grew up on farms and others who raised animals. Some of our residents would spent a lot of time sitting in front of the cage watching the babies do their thing," said Ms Stoker.

Great job, everyone 👏


Let the Games begin.🥇

Olympics-fever has taken over Uniting The Marion, with residents competing in their own version of the Games.

Events such as the egg and spoon race, floor darts, electric car racing and balloon tennis were set up by Uniting Leisure and Wellness Coordinator - Robyn Dunne - and the team.

Gold, silver and bronze medals were handed out to the best competitors and everyone competing got to enjoy treats of green and gold jellybeans.

To add to the excitement, Mike Dalton from 9 News and a film crew from Channel 7 captured the residents in action.

Congratulations to all the winners, and to Robyn and Team Uniting for organising such a wonderful event. 👏


Chaplain Rev. Minh Towne shares her heartfelt reflections after many years supporting residents and their loved ones during their most vulnerable times.😭

Photos from Uniting's post 26/07/2024

The lovely ladies from Uniting Springwood were courtside to give some much-needed ‘Girl Power’ support to their local team St Finbar’s Netball Club.🙌🏐

“Some residents told me how they played netball when they were younger, so we made a plan to go watch a game,” said Uniting Springwood Leisure and Wellness Coordinator, Virginia Ellis.

Supporters were 'rugged-up' and cheered from the sidelines while enjoying hot coffee and pies.

“It was really special to see how much the community value the residents being part of the netball community,” said Ms Ellis.

“I also enjoyed seeing how engaged the residents were, cheering and getting excited with the goals and keeping score.

“One of our residents – Betty - spoke to the netball captain and gave her some tips.”

Ms Ellis said the residents enjoyed it so much that they have made plans to go again soon. 😍


A special thank you to all the caregivers, who bring joy and love to so many hearts. 💖


The Anchor is a FREE resource to support kids whose parents are divorced or separated.

Tools include:

✅ Tip sheets for kids, adolescents and parents
✅ Helpful information and videos
✅ Links to other resources to download
✅ Support groups for kids in the same boat
✅ Programs to help parents support kids better
✅ Resources for professionals

It's your Anchor in the storm of separation.


At Uniting Nareen Gardens Bateau Bay there is a group of ladies who meet every Monday morning to help refugees in Ukrainian. 😍

They pour themselves a cuppa and then get straight to work knitting beanies with matching scarves and beautiful big rugs for the refugees this winter. 🧶

“We were told that the majority of the refugees were Ukrainian, and the ladies were delighted to support these families in this way,” said Uniting Nareen Gardens Pastoral Practitioner, Lynette Westbury.

“These women chose to spend their retirement years helping others, and what joy they bring to many! Giving in this way also brings them happiness.”

Ms Westbury said one of the group members is legally blind and wanted to help so much that she decided to crochet a rug in light colours from memory.

“The result was she crocheted a couple of rugs, beanies and scarves!”

Every piece of clothing will be donated to the Gosford Refugee Group.

Thank you ladies – what an amazing job. 👏👏


Cherish today's small victories! 🎉 Every step forward is a triumph, no matter how tiny. 🌟💪


The team at Uniting St Matthews Early Learning recently welcomed the original Yellow Wiggle Greg Page - who officially handed over an automated external defibrillator (AED) as part of his Heart of the Nation charity. 🟡🤩

Heart of the Nation is committed to increasing Australia's cardiac arrest survival rates through education, access to AEDs, and fostering a community where every individual is empowered to act in an emergency.

A big thank you to Greg and the Heart of the Nation team. 👏


Happy NAIDOC Week celebrations across the weekend, from everyone at Uniting.🖤💛❤️


Local Area Coordinator Leanne shares her personal and powerful connection to NAIDOC Week. ⚫🟡🔴


Opened in Feb 2021, Sydney's Foyer Central provides young people with lived experience of out-of-home care a safe place to access opportunities for their personal development, health and wellbeing, education and employment.😍⁣

Youth Development Coaches, like Amba, provide mentoring and life skills to help them transition from out-of-home care to independence.⁣

“Amba has been my Youth Development Coach for 2 years and she has seen my change and has always help me – even when I was ready to give up,” says Foyer Central resident, Korrine.⁣

“She has always been there to encourage me, and I want to thank Amba for always being consistent and for other aspects outside of my education, like my house and living skills – which help to further my skills so I can live independently.” ⁣

She has never made me feel ashamed and has always listened, and then guided me when I needed advice.” 👏⁣

A big thank you to Amba and all our Foyer Central Youth Development Coaches.🙌 ⁣

Foyer Central is a partnership with , Social Ventures Australia and NSW Government. ⁣


We’re For 👉YOU 👈

Uniting Local Area Coordination is thrilled to announce the launch of our LAC Customer Care Team!

We’ve made it easier than ever for you to reach us and receive support and assistance regarding the NDIS and your NDIS plan.

Now, there’s only one centralised number to call for all your Local Area Coordination queries. The LAC Customer Care Team is ready to answer your questions, assist you, and ensure you receive the highest level of service.

How to contact our Uniting LAC Customer Care Team:

🔴 Call 1300 453 303 between 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday to Friday.
Email [email protected]


Treat yourself with the kindness you give to others, today. 🤗

Photos from Uniting's post 01/07/2024

🎥 Lights, camera, ACTION! 🤩

Uniting’s world-first successful trial using Augmented Reality Smart Glasses to treat residents is going global.

Video crews from software company Team Viewer in Germany and Singapore came to Uniting Westmead and Crookwell to capture the team using the technology in action. 👓

Uniting’s Clinical Lead, Hayley Ryan was filmed doing consults remotely by guiding our nurses wearing the “smart glasses” at the resident’s bedside.

This innovative technology is helping to improve clinical outcomes, reduce hospitalisations, and prevent amputations.

It's also alleviating the burden on the healthcare system by providing earlier interventions and reducing the need for staff to travel to remote locations.

The successful pilot also saw Uniting become Excellence in Technology winners at the Aged Care Industry IT Council Awards, as well as a Finalist Innovation of the Year in the Smart Care Technology award. 🏆


Uniting Chief Executive, Tracey Burton, says the answers to how we make sure ALL older Australians live out their years in dignity lies in policy, systems and structures.

During her presentation at the 5th Annual Aged Care Week Conference, Ms Burton said recommendations put forward in the Aged Care Task Force Report will play a cruicial part.

"Of course, we now know that the introduction of the Act has been delayed until July next year. And before this happens, we want to see changes made to the legislation – we made over 150 recommendations to change the draft Act.

The Government and the Opposition have heard us, they listened, and now we wait with bated breath to see which recommendations they’ll back in and what the implications will be for all of us. We remain hopeful and optimistic." 👏

Photos from Uniting's post 26/06/2024

Uniting Director of Property and Housing, Simon Furness, said winning the Excellence in Sustainability Award at the Sydney Business Awards 2024 is a recognition of our work on "reducing our impact".

“Environmental sustainability is one of Uniting’s highest priorities," said Mr Furness.

"For decades, the Uniting Church has spoken out on the need to protect our environment.

This award is a fantastic recognition of the work we have done to date in reducing our impact on the environment and the ongoing work that will see us achieve net zero emissions by 2040.”

Our win in the Sydney Business Awards means we will now go into the finals for Business NSW.

Well done, Team Uniting 👏

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

About Uniting NSW.ACT

At Uniting NSW.ACT, we believe in taking real steps to make the world a better place. We work to inspire people, enliven communities and confront injustice.

Our services are in the areas of aged care and disability, community services, and chaplaincy and we get involved in social justice and advocacy issues that impact the people we serve.

As an organisation we celebrate our diversity and welcome all people regardless of ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation, intersex variation or gender identity.

Videos (show all)

What do you love about your unique family? Uniting celebrates the rich diversity of all the families in our teams and ou...
This week we brought many of our friends, peers and leaders across the human services sectors, NSW government and the ac...
Climate Change and Aged Care - Lauren's Story
We continue to welcomed new faces to our Uniting volunteers family. 🤗So who better to tell us why you should try it than...
Team Uniting have shared their inspirational stories of growth and success during our first-ever Uniting Chronicles even...
Olympic fever continues across Uniting. 🥇🥈🥉This time it's residents from Uniting Nareen Terrace and Nareen Gardens setti...
Congratulations to the Uniting Connect team on the success of their Central Coast Homelessness Connect Day Health & Well...
This Homelessness Week, we want to shine a light on the team at Sydney's Foyer Central -  who support young people with ...
Today we recognise our Uniting aged care team.🥇From the cleaning staff to the hairdressers - like Kay - who care for our...
😔 2 years on from the devastating floods in Northern NSW, 1200 people still remain in emergency accommodation.Trish Bowi...
Uniting Elanora residents in Shellharbour have fallen in love with their new feathered friends. 🐣During the 2-week hatch...
Let the Games begin.🥇Olympics-fever has taken over Uniting The Marion, with residents competing in their own version of ...


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