Benny Button

Enhancing employee wellbeing, engagement, and performance by integrating wellbeing into work and life


Educating leaders about sustainable wellbeing and performance in work and life.


Day 22: Be present ✨

Reflecting on these wellbeing tips, may you enter the holiday season with heightened energy and self-awareness. While the festive season and bringing in a new year can often promise joy and a new start, for many it can also bring challenges when it comes to connecting with others, reflecting on what has changed or been lost, or navigating financial pressures (to name a few). So, amid the distraction of busyness and diversions into social media, strive to be present and appreciate the many simple everyday moments that are real and help you to get back on the ground in your present - whatever that looks like.

Resist the allure of comparisons and embrace mindfulness by practicing a few key steps: breathe fully and slowly, engage your senses as a pathway to the present, and resist the urge to be tethered to your phone. Foster genuine connections through mindful listening, truly savour exchanges and appreciate the simple privilege of living and taking steps forward. As we sign off for Christmas, we wish you a fulfilling and restful festive season, and look forward to welcoming 2024 refreshed and energised.


Day 21: Choose your rest 😴

Fatigue can manifest for various reasons, and it's helpful to gauge the specific types of exhaustion you're experiencing. This way you can tailor your rest and rejuvenation to address the particular types of rest you need which can more precisely refresh and reset your wellbeing. Consider the following insights:

1. Cognitive Fatigue: If you've been experiencing high cognitive load because you’ve been immersed in tasks requiring intense attention and detail, high levels of problem-solving or decision making, then your brain needs a break. Engage in activities that allow your mind to unwind, such as reading a light book, taking a leisurely walk, or practicing mindfulness.

2. Physical Exhaustion: For those who have exerted themselves physically, providing your body with adequate rest and recovery is paramount. Ensure you get sufficient sleep, consider gentle exercises like yoga, or indulge in a soothing bath to relax your muscles.

3. Sensory Overload: Exposure to constant stimuli from technology, sound, and light can be draining. Give yourself sensory rest by spending time in a quiet, dimly lit space. Consider activities like meditation or simply disconnecting from electronic devices. Better yet, get out in nature to counteract artificial stimulus overload.

4. Social Fatigue: If social engagements have left you feeling drained rather than energised, it's important to carve out time for yourself. Recharge by engaging in solo activities that bring you joy and allow you to reconnect with your own thoughts.

5. Emotional Drain: Dealing with the emotions of others or managing your own emotional responses in social or professional contexts can be taxing. Incorporate diverse mood-restoring and emotionally energising practices - from dancing, singing or humour to journaling and deep breathing exercises - engage in activities that bring you emotional comfort.

Recognising the specific nature of your fatigue type or profile enables you to apply targeted strategies for rejuvenation. Listening to your body and mind and responding with the appropriate restorative practices will contribute to a more balanced and energised state during this busy time.


Day 20: Quality over quantity 🥂

Navigating social occasions, especially during the festive season, often involves the presence of alcoholic beverages. With numerous events on the horizon, it's essential to be mindful of alcohol consumption to ensure a healthier and more enjoyable experience. Here are some quick tips to help you avoid overindulging during these holidays:

1. Alcohol Swaps: Instead of automatically reaching for an alcoholic drink, consider keeping alternative cold options in the fridge. Opt for refreshing choices like mineral or soda water, kombucha, or coconut water as substitutes for soft drinks and variants high in refined sugars.

2. Water Breaks: Intersperse your alcoholic drinks with glasses of water. This not only slows down your drinking pace, it also keeps you aware of any actual level of thirst you’re quenching. Plus, staying hydrated is a valuable goal when it comes to overall wellbeing.

3. Quality Over Quantity: Choose to savour the experience by prioritising quality over quantity. If you have a special bottle you've been saving, now might be the perfect time to bring it out. Take the time to mindfully appreciate the complexity and thoughtfulness that went into crafting that particular beverage.

Remember, these tips are not about depriving yourself but rather finding a balance that aligns with your wellbeing goals and savouring the experiences you have. Enjoying social occasions can be highly fulfilling without overindulging in alcohol. By making conscious choices, you can contribute to a healthier and more enjoyable holiday season.


Day 19: Self-compassion 💛

It's that time of year when our focus is so often turned towards giving to others, but it's equally important we extend generosity ourselves. Being caring, kind, and compassionate towards ourselves is not a luxury nor is it something to feel guilty about; it's a vital skill of our overall wellbeing.

Take a moment to prioritise self-care, addressing your mental and emotional wellbeing needs, not just physical health. Sure, ensure you're getting enough rest, nourishing your body with nutritious meals, and engaging in regular exercise. These foundational elements play a crucial role in supporting your overall wellbeing. But also be kind to your mind and mood - swapping criticism for care.

Create space in your schedule for activities that bring you fulfilment, relaxation, and peace of mind. Whether it's losing yourself in a good book, getting out into nature, or experimenting with breath work or the challenge of an ice bath - these moments - though very different have shown amazing evidence when it comes to boosting mental and emotional health.

Remember to treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would readily offer to a friend facing challenges. Self-compassion is a powerful tool in navigating the ups and downs of life. As Jack Kornfield said, “If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”


Day 18: Breathe more consciously 🪷

On average we take 23,060 breaths a day. We take most of them unconsciously.

Use your diaphragm muscles (think just under your ribs) to gently and slowly belly breathe. This both fuels us with energy, as well as, clearing and calming the mind and body. Breathing this way for a couple of minutes per day as a regular part of your routine is like a pre-season training exercise for coming back to work after the holidays fresh and focused.

Breathing this way will also help you to navigate stress more effectively over this busy period. In fact, research shows us that breathing in this way has a hugely beneficial impact on balancing the activation and relaxation cycles of our nervous system.

So let’s turn any end of year chaos into holiday cheer. If you are looking for a specific breathing technique, give box breathing a try. It seems fitting given many will be wrapping gift boxes at this time of year - perhaps with some stress involved. So, what better breath practice to undertake than ‘Box Breathing’. Simply repeat these 4 steps: 1) inhale to a four count, 2) hold to pause breathing for a four count, 3) exhale to a four count, and 4) hold to pause breathing for a four count. Also known as square breathing, it's a simple and effective breathwork practice to manage stress and promote calmness anywhere, anytime.


Day 17: Monotasking 🧠

Amidst last-minute shopping, year-end tasks, and social plans, it's crucial to recognise that multitasking costs us about 40% of productive time, leading to inefficiency, errors, stress, and exhaustion. The brain's love for novelty often drives incessant task switching, releasing endogenous opioids. And just like that kid in the candy store, our brains are soaking up the empty calories of task switching, leading us to want more and more to release more dopamine.

So to enhance focus, achieve more, and boost overall wellbeing, adopt the power of - sustaining focused attention on one task at a time.

In our tech-driven world, combat distractions with low-tech lists (paper and pen), turn off notifications, schedule email time blocks, and set clear boundaries. Protect your time, attention, and energy by blocking out your calendar. Create distance when needed - take a walk or clear your mind. Lastly, practice self-compassion; Most importantly, have some compassion, notice your distractions, and focus on doing one thing well at a time.

You can read more on this subject here -


Day 16: Embrace the imperfect 🫠

As we dive into the holiday season, this is a gentle reminder to savour the beauty in imperfect moments.

Perfection is an elusive goal, and the pursuit of it adds unnecessary stress. So, let's collectively release the pressure to meet unrealistic expectations and instead find joy in being present in each moment. Let’s realise the exciting kick in spontaneity, and cherish the realness that makes each of us and our experiences extraordinary. Wishing everyone a season filled with warmth, connection, and the simple perfection of being present.


Day 15: Stretch to thrive 🧘🏽‍♀️

Incorporating stretching into your daily routine offers a multitude of benefits for both physical and mental wellbeing. Having a stretchy, flexible, and supple body helps us reduce the risk of injury and deterioration so we can live well across our lifespan.

Amidst prolonged periods of desk work, where hunching is common, regular stretching becomes crucial. This practice helps address muscle imbalances, alleviates muscle tightness, and promotes proper alignment, thereby contributing to better posture.

An excellent way to embrace daily stretching is through yoga. Beyond its physical benefits, yoga serves as a holistic practice that stretches both the body and the mind. Some people assume yoga isn’t for them because they’re not flexible. However, it’s the very practice that helps build flexibility - so no excuses. Start where you’re at, stretch yourself from there and build greater flexibility over time.


Day 14: Avoid the snackcident 🍩

We can’t avoid the busyness atm, but we can set ourselves up to better handle it. And what’s one of the first things that goes out the window when we get busy - eating well!

Skipping breakfast and relying on energy kicks from high-calorie, low-nutrient snacks throughout the day not only contributes to weight gain but also compromises our overall health by depriving our bodies of essential nutrients crucial for proper functioning.

The consequences of consuming sugary, processed snacks include rapid blood sugar spikes and subsequent crashes, affecting both energy levels, mood and performance. To navigate this challenge with limited time, consider these quick tips and you’ll steer clear of a snackcident:

1. ✏️ Plan Your Snacks: Prepare healthy snacks in advance to sidestep less nutritious options when hunger strikes.
2. 🥜 Include Protein: Enhance satiety by incorporating protein-rich choices like Greek yogurt, lean meats, and nuts.
3. 💧 Stay Hydrated: Address potential dehydration by staying mindful of water intake throughout the day.
4. 🥑 Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods: Opt for snacks abundant in nutrients, such as whole fruits and vegetables, and going for nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Mindful choices are key. Despite a hectic schedule, snacking can play a positive role in a healthy diet when approached mindfully, prioritising nutrient-rich options and having them readily available.


Day 13: Laugh out loud 🤣

Embracing the power of laughter goes beyond merely lifting your mood - it can have tangible benefits for your overall wellbeing. We get that there are numerous stresses and pressures - both local and global - that are no laughing matter. But perhaps that’s actually why it’s so important to create opportunities for a good laugh. Heading into the holiday season we think this is a wellbeing practice to deliberately invite into your day.

Recent research has illuminated the physiological impact of spontaneous laughter, revealing a remarkable 31.9% reduction in cortisol levels. Cortisol is an important hormone that plays a pivotal role in the body's response to stress, as well as other metabolic and bodily functions including the immune response. When levels become too high, especially over a prolonged period, there are a range of adverse physical and psychological effects.

By incorporating laughter into your daily routine, you not only uplift your mood but also potentially mitigate the harmful wear and tear effects of stress on your body. This newfound understanding positions laughter as more than just an enjoyable experience; but a legitimate tool for enhancing overall health and wellbeing.


Day 12: Reconnect with the present 👁

Incorporate a daily phone time-out into your schedule. Direct your focus towards meaningful relationships, high-priority tasks, or just taking a moment to simply be… be…cause phones often serve as a distraction or escape from the present!

Social media and many apps are geared to captivate your attention and foster habits that become hard to break. Counteract this by setting aside a specific time each day to put away your phone and be fully present. Whether it's during dinner with family or while winding down before bed, breaking the habit may be challenging at first, but gentle persistence yields positive results over time.


Day 11: Cold shower ❄️

Dive into the world of cold showers for a variety of health benefits!

Need an energy kick? Cold showers open the floodgates to greater alertness, mental clarity, and motivation. Neurotransmitters including dopamine flow for hours after that help you power through your day.

Plus, they help you wave stress goodbye as they build resilience via processes associated with the lesser known hormetic stress process.

Beyond the initial shock response, they boost blood circulation, supporting cardiovascular health, and are a go-to for reducing inflammation and boosting immune system functioning.

As with any wellbeing practice, individual results may vary based on your unique circumstances but the breadth of the benefits make it well worth your while (unless you have specific health concerns, in which case you should consult a healthcare professional first).


Day 10: Chill-out with PMR ✌🏻

When you systematically tense and relax muscle groups in your body, you're engaging in a science-backed stress regulation technique known as Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) that helps you complete the stress cycle and turn chaos into calm.

A typical PMR session covers major muscle groups from the lower to upper body, or in reverse. Duration tends to range from a quick reset over 5 minutes up to a rejuvenating 30 minutes. The practice is great for everyone because it involves two super simple phases: (1) Tensing muscles, and (2) Relaxing muscles.

Tensing phase: Tense the muscle group for 5-7 seconds, ensuring meaningful tension without overdoing it to the point of discomfort. Focus on sensations of your tensed muscles during this phase.

Relaxation Phase: Relax the muscle group for 15-20 seconds, noticing the contrast with the tensed stat

To learn more about PMR, check out our article here -


Day 9: Time in nature 🌱

Immersing yourself in nature offers a myriad of benefits, ranging from stress reduction and mood improvement to increased creativity and enhanced concentration.

Exposure to natural settings not only promotes physical wellbeing through activities like walking or hiking but also positively impacts mental health by lowering symptoms of anxiety and depression.

The restorative power of nature is further evidenced in its ability to boost cognitive function, foster mindfulness, and provide a respite from the demands of urban life.

Beyond individual wellbeing, spending time outdoors encourages social interactions, strengthening connections and contributing to an overall sense of community.

Nature, with its calming influence and diverse advantages, becomes a source of rejuvenation for the mind, body, and spirit. And the beauty of it is, that you don’t need to go far; perhaps it’s just a morning workout at a park instead of a gym, integrating the natural world seamlessly into your daily routine.


Day 8: Positive social interactions 💛

During the holiday season, social obligations can become overwhelming, and not every interaction may be energy-creating. Yet, in spite of the busyness, being mindful to engage in small day-to-day moments can make a significant difference, not only to your own wellbeing but also to others.

When we have positive social interactions it tells our nervous system we are safe and cared for, which makes it easier to access and capitalise on the relaxation response that aids our stress recovery and restoration.

A quick chat, whether it’s sharing a morning coffee or connecting with someone who brings positivity into your life, can be surprisingly restorative. These simple acts of connection have the power to uplift spirits and create a ripple effect of positivity during this busy time of the year.


Day 7: Prepare breakfast daily 🥑

Proper nutrition ensures we have the energy to face the day - and at this time of year, we need all the energy we can get!

The food we consume is directly linked to our cognitive function, emotional state, and physical health. It’s important we take the time to enjoy and appreciate how we are fuelling our bodies.

Smoothies, with their quick preparation, are an excellent choice for this time of year.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

Be curious: Blending hides some flavours, so experiment!
Be innovative: Your perfect smoothie may take a few tries.
Be mindful: Stick to the rule of 3 vegetables and 2 fruits when designing your smoothie recipe. A common mistake is ‘too much’ fruit. This can be an issue for your belly and blood sugar levels. Also, make sure to include protein. It is crucial for muscle building, tissue repair, and hormone production.

If you would like to learn more you can check out our free ‘Mastering Smoothies’ course here.


Day 6: The right to disconnect 📱

Set or reset some boundaries between work and life. Customise notifications on your devices to prevent after-hours distractions and being drawn back in to those work emails! Consider time-blocking your day to silence alerts during critical work periods, helping you to focus on those highly cognitive tasks. Recognise the need, especially during this time, to step away from work to rest, recharge, and reset!


Day 5: Practice gratitude 🌱

Practice gratitude daily to see the positives and cultivate fulfilment. Whether through a gratitude journal or a moment of reflection each evening, foster an attitude of appreciation. Extend this practice to the dinner table, setting an example of gratitude and encouraging your family, especially during the holiday rush, to pause and embrace the good things that happen along the way.


Day 4: 2 before 2 💧
Ensuring two litres of water intake before 2pm daily optimises hydration, enhancing work performance and productivity, particularly crucial during the busy end-of-year rush.

Given that over fifty percent of our body weight is water, this habit becomes even more essential. Neglecting hydration due to the hustle, especially with air-conditioning and heating, can lead to fatigue and afternoon cravings.

Remember, water is vital for various bodily functions, including biochemical reactions, cell health, digestion, nutrient absorption, waste elimination, and temperature regulation.

If you struggle to remember, set a timer for every 30 minutes to drink a glass of water - don't worry about more bathroom breaks; it's just your body adjusting.
Maintaining this daily habit is crucial for overall wellbeing, even amid the year-end chaos.

For further insights on this topic, feel free to explore the details in our blog at


Day 3: Practice Deep Breathing 🫁

Amidst the stress of December, with work intensifying and extra holiday events, take a moment to focus on slow, deep belly breaths – a useful technique you can employ anywhere. This intentional breathing directly counters the stress cycle, activates the parasympathetic nervous system, and invites relaxation, facilitating your body's natural ability to recover and recharge.


Day 2: Exercise to complete the stress cycle 🏃‍♂️
Engaging in physical activity is a powerful way to address built-up stress and initiate the recovery and relaxation process. Exercising mimics the physiological activity associated with the body's natural stress response.

Picture it like your run, gym workout, HIIT session or yoga practice — invoking a fight-or-flight response (as if you're outrunning a predator), then when activity is completed (you're safe from predators), stress is resolved as relaxation and restoration kick into gear. This process floods your system with blissful chemicals including endorphins (natural mood elevators and pain killers). Practices like mindfulness during exercise can enhance the stress-relieving effects.

Another bonus of exercise is that we become more prosocial (kinder to others) following exercise. Engaging in physical activity can help bring attention to the body and away from stressors.

For a Christmassy cherry on top - consider outdoor activities like walking, jogging, or hiking to enjoy fresh air and the extra stress-reducing benefits that come from being in nature!


In light of recent workplace legislation changes addressing psychosocial hazards, it’s crucial for workplaces to monitor and establish working conditions that protect and promote employee mental health and wellbeing.

With $904.9 million annually paid for work-related mental health conditions, compliance is essential AND promoting psychosocial wellbeing in working conditions and culture will become the new north star.

Join our workshop to navigate new legal requirements, making your organisation a trailblazer in employee wellbeing. Protect your team from psychosocial hazards, ensuring a safer, healthier, and more productive work environment.

If you’re not familiar with Professor Arnold Bakker, he’s a globally recognised authority in employee burnout, wellbeing, mental health promotion, engagement, psychosocial hazards, and more. Thomson Reuters has consistently acknowledged him among “The world’s most influential scientific minds” since 2013. As the co-creator of the Job Demands-Resources Theory, a widely cited management science theory, his impact is profound!

✨✨✨ EarlyBird Offer ends today! Use code EARLYBIRD20 at checkout.
Don’t miss your chance to join us on the 21st of February 2024 in Sydney.
For more information and to buy tickets, head to -


The lead-up to Christmas can be hectic, to say the least, prioritising your wellbeing can often be the last thing on your list. This is why we have decided to launch a ‘Wellbeing Advent Calendar’ to help you stay healthy and energised in the lead-up to Christmas.

Each day, we’ll share a wellbeing action suggestion, complete with the science behind its benefits. This week is all about the fundamentals, and what better way to start than with the cornerstone of wellbeing - sleep!

Day 1: Greet the Sun ☀️ By now, we have heard of numerous different ways to create good sleep hygiene. Exposure to morning sunlight triggers physiological responses, including melatonin suppression, cortisol release, serotonin production, and vitamin D synthesis. These reactions help regulate your circadian rhythms, ensuring a healthy sleep-wake cycle and improved overall wellbeing.

So open those curtains first thing, enjoy your coffee outside, take off those sunnies, and go for some exercise when the sun is coming up and the UV is low. Your body will thank you for it when it comes to bedtime.

It’s important to note that individual responses to sunlight may vary, and factors such as duration of exposure, time of day, and personal health can influence these chemical reactions.


Exciting News! We’re thrilled to announce that Professor Arnold Bakker is returning to Sydney for a one-off, exclusive workshop supported by Benny Button!

Designed for those committed to strengthening psychosocial wellbeing and addressing workplace hazards, this transformative experience goes beyond learning. Combat stress, overload, and uncertainty with strategic insights to reduce burnout rates and elevate employee engagement.

🌟 Timely Legal Insights!
With recent changes in workplace legislation emphasising the importance of psychosocial risks and wellbeing, this workshop is a must. Learn to navigate new legal requirements, ensuring your organisation is not only compliant but also a trailblazer in employee wellbeing.

🔥 Early Bird Offer for 1 Week Only! Use code EARLYBIRD20 at checkout to receive 20% off the ticket price.

Don't miss your chance to join us on the 21st of February, 2024 in Sydney.

For more information and to buy tickets, head to -

Photos from Benny Button's post 23/11/2023

🔍 2023 Wellbeing Insights: Powered by our 'Wellbeing Checkpoint' app.

Noteworthy Stats:

✨ 30% of people are reporting high levels of wellbeing.
✅ Check-ins increased by 61%, reflecting a growing interest in personal wellbeing.
⚠️ 47% of people are at a wellbeing risk - this speaks for itself.
📌 The average wellbeing and performance score is 69 out of 100.
💪🏼 80% of people with high wellbeing ALSO have high performance – talk about a dynamic duo!
🎯 'Stress Mastery' takes the spotlight as the top focus area.

You can download our Wellbeing Checkpoint app for free in app stores, for personal use - see link in bio. For workplace rollout and leadership dashboard features, reach out to us at [email protected].

Mastering Stress in a Dynamic World: Activation Zones and Optimal Restoration Practices 22/11/2023

In the dynamic landscape of the modern world, our stress activation and restoration patterns are undergoing a shift. Factors like escalating work and life demands, heightened uncertainties, and blurred lines between professional and personal spheres contribute to this evolving scenario. In this latest article, we delve into the intricacies of our 'activation zones' and decipher the optimal time needed in the restoration zones to effectively counterbalance stress.

Read our latest article here 👉🏼

✨✨✨ Also, don't forget to enter the competition to win a free online course for your team! Simply LIKE, COMMENT, or SHARE this post to enter. ✨✨✨

To view our online courses head here 👉🏼

Mastering Stress in a Dynamic World: Activation Zones and Optimal Restoration Practices In the dynamic landscape of the modern world, our stress activation and restoration patterns are undergoing a shift. Factors like escalating work and life demands, heightened uncertainties, and blurred lines between professional and personal spheres contribute to this evolving scenario. In this late

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Checkpoint by Benny Button



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